Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mission [GA] Rebellion of Lohopa II


The Galactic Alliance had failed to protect its own people.

With one sudden and deliberate, attack the Mandalorian Enclave decimated several worlds along the southern border of the Alliance. The military, Jedi and even ordinary citizens all gathered to lend aid to these planets in the aftermath of the battles, but not all people responded this way. On the planet Lohopa II, a well-known mining planet also situated along the same border, violent riots have broken out. Joining the Alliance should have meant protection against these attacks, but so many planets were offered practically none, while the Mandalorians raided them in their path of conquest.

The people of Lohopa II lost their faith in this Alliance.


Objective I - Damage Control
While the Alliance and New Jedi Order will be addressing the riots and violence, its senators and political representatives are being summoned to the planet for an emergency meeting. The Senator of Lohopa II will be there as well, but after what happened, it won't be easy to change his perspective. Without a proper approach, the Alliance might lose another planet to further demoralize other worlds along the border.


Objective II - Let's start a riot
All across the planet, miners and civilians have joined violent riots that planetary law enforcement have been unable to control. Police stations have been set on fire, GA military bases and installations are under siege, and stores are being raided in the cities. In an attempt to calm things down, the New Jedi Order dispatches its Jedi to control the riots, and other Alliance personnel has been sent to calm the situation down.

But with the Alliance and Jedi blamed for what happened, none are safe to wander.


Objective III - Under Siege
While riots in the cities and around the mines are wreaking havoc on civilization, a group of extremists have stormed the GA embassy on the planet, and taken its staff hostage. The attack has been widely condemned even by other rioters, but it does little to stop the ongoing situation. The GADF has mobilized its soldiers for this very reason, and sent them into the city to retake the embassy and free the hostages.

Do you have other ideas? Feel free to write them!


top banner by Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink
I learned from my mother and father, but I am not them!

[Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation]
TAGS: Valery Noble Valery Noble / Nir Si Nir Si / Loomi Loomi

This was a disaster. The people deserved to be heard, it was their right, but something about this was wrong. They were rioting out of either outright fear, or a sense of being suppressed. The atmosphere was Chaos, not the type where people write silly stories that somehow mesh together and become great reading, but outright anarchy. That was the motivation that Connell needed to be here. Everyone had their own, this was his. He had the responsibility of carrying not only two other Jedi in Nir Si Nir Si and Loomi Loomi with him, but he was also serving as carrier to the GrandMaster and "Sword of the Jedi" herself, Valery Noble Valery Noble .

Sitting in the common room with the other two as the pilot droid took them towards the center of the staging area, Connell listened to everything the Jedi Master had to say. This was her gig and she no doubt had a plan, even if she didn't her leadership would be penultimate here. Nir Si looked aura wise to be a Padawan, but that was no knock on him. He looked to be in the right place. Loomi neither, her compassion he had personally witnessed was needed here. D1, his astromech did not normally interrupt, but getting to know the Knight it was assigned to, "he" knew Connell would want to hear this.

["Forgive my interruption, but our flightline will be taking us over an apartment skyrise that is on fire. It is no longer structurally sound."]

D1, thank you for the information, but can't this wait? We are in a debrief.

Connell did value the droid's intel and would never second guess the droid, but he needed to hear what Valery had to tell. He also knew that D1 would not interrupt without good reason. ["The building is also not completely evacuated. There are approximately twenty percent of the registered occupants still in the building."]

The look on Connell's face told the story. He did not have to hide his thoughts; he was already standing and making his way to the loading ramp. For the moment, his instincts were in, his father's training, right now his mindset had no one else other than he and D1. He knew what he was going to do. if it got him in trouble later, so be it.

T9! Get us at drop height! The pilot droid was his father's long time pilot, so it knew the altitude necessary for this. As the hiss of steam led the suction of air outward and rush of compression air inward, he looked back at Valery.

I'm sorry Master Noble. If I don't at least try and help them, I wouldn't be able to look at myself in the mirror. No more words, he just jumped out. Connell jumped early enough where he landed on the closest edge of the building. If they followed, Valery and Nir would be able to land here as well. The roof was big enough for that. Tucking and rolling, the determined young Jedi Knight began ripping chunks of the roof off and placing them in safe (no one around) areas. He needed to be able to see the floor below, as well as vent gasses out safely.

Landing in the middle of a riot.
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The only easy day was yesterday.
You know those types you don't want to meet in a dark alley?


BLUE TEAM - Michael,

Michael,Seraphim Talis(Zabrak) - assault, Cren(Human) - Heavy weapon, Speedo(Rodian) - Sniper/Overwatch


[Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation]

Landing on the outskirts of town, they were going to have to go in on foot. Otherwise they were likely to be seen on approach and the extremists could start killing hostages. This was not acceptable. The group with him were professionals, they were all geared up and in armor. The armor was for stealth purposes, the situation they were going into was a riot, not a battle. The potential targets were angry citizens, not (necessarily) professionals. So there really was not a need to go full "Special Forces" on them, but their orders were to secure and protect the hostages. So if it came down to it, they would do what they had to do.

Throwing an approving finger point and a smile at the old Colonel Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield , Bren knew him well from "back in the day" and was glad to see them all on the same side. Whether it was defending SevTok against the Bryn'adul or rescuing Nida Perl Nida Perl , he knew what the man could do and vice versa. They would need "Ole Ironsides"' drive for this. that would Bren's job a lot easier.

Seeing Alexander Hayes Alexander Hayes , he nodded towards his shuttle. The Commando would know he was welcome to grab gear if needed. There was a woman, Vitiion Daivik Vitiion Daivik not far from a Marine he had seen before, a sniper Aiden Rennek Aiden Rennek , hopefully he would remember the extra gear Bren always brought and would be able to grab some if he wanted. He had a small fire-team with him, just like before, there were a lot here and they would be moving out soon, but his orders were specific. Alright boys…

["I am sorry, but I am female…"] Speedeo replied simply. Bren sighed, took a deep breath and chuckled.

Sorry, I meant no disrespect, it is a figure of speech. Anyway, while our brothers and sisters are approaching the Embassy from the streets, we will be approaching from below. Noting the displeasure, he continued. I'm not enjoying the thought of it either, but this is what we do. We're going in and our primary responsibility is the safety of those hostages. We're not going in for a slaughter, but if it comes down to them or us and the hostages… you know what to do… OORAH?

With a collective "OORAH!" They were starting to move.

Anyone who wants to come with us is welcome, but we're not waiting.
TAG: Alexander Hayes Alexander Hayes / Aiden Rennek Aiden Rennek / Vitiion Daivik Vitiion Daivik / Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield

... yeah, I scare them.

Objective: II - Let's Start a Riot
Location: Rooftops, heading to the hospital
Tags: OPEN

Lohopa II was dark, grimy, and loud; all perfect conditions for a stealthy approach. Chief and his Ironsides had maintained surveillance along the southern borders of Alliance space ever since they'd arrived too late to assist during the Mandalorian raid, and given how hard Lohopa got struck it came as no surprise the population would eventually rebel against the government claiming to protect them. So their response time proved quick and decisive, arriving without notice and ahead of Alliance reinforcements.

From a set of rooftops, his small team of ex-Rangers gathered intelligence and ran interference wherever they could. No mere rioter stood a chance against one of his men, but this was an entire world up in arms. They had to pick their fights carefully.

Chief Ironside gazed out at the infinite cityscape and the vast mining equipment in the distance and found himself somewhat at odds with himself. The wound of abandoning the Antarian Rangers - their family of many years - still troubled him greatly. Countless secluded discussions had led to the same conclusion: the Rangers were a shadow of themselves ever since the end of the Bryn War and would never reach the same heights again. Those with the fire still burning in their hearts to make a difference would need to look elsewhere.

So, the Ironsides would go where needed, never again tethered to religious orders or governments. They were free, and their freedom had brought them to Lohopa II. In a way, it reminded him of when Nida Perl Nida Perl turned Sith and he and Kyra Perl Kyra Perl went after her. Those were... rough times, he thought while idly fiddling with the ring on his finger. He never knew when he'd see her next, and yet a feeling told him she was out there somewhere. In times of solace, he could sometimes close his eyes and see her clear as day.

"Got movement," Gaunt radioed in from the opposite rooftop. "Whole horde of 'em coming up the street, eastbound."

"What we got to the east of us," asked Creed, turning to Yarrick consulting his maps.

"Let's see... a shopping mall, a chop shop... a holo-theater..."

"Yeah, I'm sure they're all itching to go see the newest episode in the Blasto saga. What else?"

"...a hospital," Yarrick looked up at Creed, prompting both to look to their leader. He was busy looking elsewhere. Creed, having served the longest under the former Colonel, recognised that look. Without a word, the Chief was gone, having flung himself from the rooftop with seemingly a mission of his own. "Right, lads and ladies, let's pack up and head for that hospital. The Chief'll catch up."

As Thirdas lept from the rooftop a squadron of military-issue landing crafts soared overhead. The Alliance, no doubt. With cat-like grace he scaled down the side of the building, dropping from one ledge to another until his feet hit the streets far below. A high-pitched shriek came from the nearby alleyway. The voice was that of a child.

Over a body stood a machete-wielding male and his two friends, likely gang members judging by their colour-coded getup. "Are ya gonna be smart and hand over the bag, or are ya gonna be stupid like your friend, there?" The girl spat at him with tears running down both cheeks. The would-be robber wiped his chin and raised his machete. "Wrong choice!"

Before a second life could be wasted a metal fist came crashing through the wall, breaking the lead gangster's jaw. A sharp twist of his right arm snapped it out of place, forcing him to drop the machete. "G-get 'im," he shouted to his buddies. They were met by the dead stare of a glowing visor as their assailant turned towards the two thugs, one brandishing a club while the other carried a blaster.

Thirdas dodged the first shot by calmly turning his shoulder, knowing the big one would be too tempted to rush into melee. The large club swung once only to be bent against far superior phrik cybernetics as Thirdas blocked with his right arm, then flicked the machete off the ground with his foot and into his left hand before throwing it at the blaster-wielding goon, embedding it in his shoulder to disarm him. Still dumbfounded, the big one with the steel club was caught by the throat and forced down on his back by tripping, smashing the back of his head against the hard ground, knocking him out.

"Fuhget abut et," the broken-jawed one cried out as he and the other one still standing scrambled to drag the unconscious brute to safety. Once they were out of sight, Thirdas turned to the young girl looking on in horror.

"Your friend," the helmeted man spoke, voice distorted. "I can save him if you'll let me." The girl stepped back and nodded, trembling with her entire being. He knelt while producing a small first-aid spray designed to stop bleeding and administered it to the laceration across the boy's chest. "He still needs medical attention," he said, turning his head in the direction of the hospital that was brought up earlier, before picking the boy off the cold ground and laying him over his shoulder.

"Come, little one. My friends are protecting the hospital. I'll make sure you get there safely." She gingerly took him by the hand, still in shock. "W-who are you," she mustered enough courage to ask.

"Call me 'Ironside'."


Lohopa II
Senate Meeting Room, Indisclosed Location

The duty of a government was to serve it's people.

That was the guiding light of any self-respecting democracy. The Alliance did not cater to only a few- it was supposed to support the many, validate it's citizenry. Make their voices heard. Alicio had never wavered from this simple precept. Perhaps he should have realized that something so simple would not, could not reflect reality.

What was one to do, when the will of the people put the whole of the Alliance at risk?

Senator Organa stood near the center of the circular meeting room, draped in simple blacks, blue-silver calligraphy encircling his collar like lace, or perhaps a noose. The Alderaanian's hands, covered by fine black gloves, were securely behind his back, hidden within the rich folds of his cape. His aide, Orso, was sitting in a seat behind him, the sharply-dressed Chiss keeping an eye on the news.

They'd almost held this meeting in the Embassy. It was fortunate they had changed locations last minute.

He could have, perhaps should have, sat back with the rest of Alderaan's delegation. But he wouldn't have it. As soon as the discussion began, he wanted to be in the thick of it. Alicio's steeled gaze flicked to the other senators, taking measure of the room as a commander might overlook a battleground. There was a small window of opportunity to call Lohopa II back, stop a crisis before it began.

Alicio's intense eyes found the Senator from Lohopa II. There was no time to waste.

"Let us begin."
Objective I - Damage Control

Rebellion was like a wildfire. Once sparked, it was difficult to end. Corrine had been named the new Senator of Corulag, and at such a time she had to suspect that this was some kind of joke played by a cosmic entity beyond her reckoning. She had just mustered into civilian life after spending twenty years in public service to the Galactic Alliance Defense Force. Her retirement from the military was a welcome one, personally, but the time was not wasted. She learned many valuable things, and held onto those lessons firmly. Becoming a Brigadier General was no mean feat, but the one thing she wore at all times was her military greatcoat emblazoned with emblems of rank and ribbons and medals of merit. Even if the sleeves hung loose and the coat was held on her shoulders, it was a symbolic piece that showed her life's work towards the interests of the Alliance. Her service was dedicated while in the GADF, and now she was dedicated to service in the Senate.

It was fortunate that she had been chosen as Corulag's Senator. In these times of uncertainty, the limits of loyalty and focus are tested. Corrine was a vocal populist that placed the safety and importance of her world at the forefront of her service, but this was not a matter restricted to Corulag. Where she chose to go, Corulag would follow. That was what she felt made her a very important member of the Senate. A large military world like Corulag was essential to the GADF, and to lose it would risk hamstringing the military in a very desperate time.

Corrine had arrived late when there were Senators already present. It was not lack of respect to the situation at-large, but she had been on a trip back to Corulag when the crisis arose. Her personal life had to be put aside. This was a matter of security that could not be ignored. The military grandeur of her jacket gave her some gravitas, and showed that she was someone who put herself wholly into her work. That was why she was irritated with her own late arrival, but only let it show very briefly before she assumed professional decorum. She looked to the other Senators, and knew that she was the most junior of them in the room. She hoped that that would not make much difference, but she knew the nature of groups. Seniority mattered, even if that was a conceptually flawed train of thought. Time spent does not necessarily mean skill was gained, and she hoped to have the floor at least once. Corrine assumed her position with the rest of the delegation from Corulag, assistants to her office that had been summoned back that fortunately did not have to make excuses for her.

Then she heard it, "Let us begin."

If the tension in the room had not been felt, then beginning the negotiations certainly let them lay bare.
Taking a sip of water from a glass, she restrained the corners of her mouth with some difficulty. The last thing she needed right now was to slip up and smirk in front of the others.

Of course she was enjoying this, in a twisted sort of way. The Alliance was a great big bloated thing trying to juggle the wants and needs of far too many worlds. Already it had shown it couldn't even fulfill its most basic promises of protection and defense. She knew Lohopa II, for all its defiance, would be roped into it regardless. All it would take was a little bribe here and there. But she could derive some satisfaction out of knowing that this planet had some fight left in it.

She looked around the table. They all looked appropriately worried, though their concerns likely lay with their constituents. No doubt many were sweating at the thought of their own worlds deciding to rebel or secede, rendering their jobs obsolete.

"Let us begin."

"Any ideas?" Sycorax asked, setting her glass down on the table.


Makko had been through some difficult missions as a Jedi Knight. Yet this was by far the worst.

"Kriff off home!" screamed someone in the crowd.

Another bottle arced through the air towards him. He stopped it in mid air and set it down with the pipe of missiles behind him.

"I hate this," he muttered towards Colette Colette

He had been counting how many 'Young Makkos' he could spot in the crowd. He had stopped at thirty. To say that he had become disillusioned with his old Denon gang was an understatement, but Makko had grown up with the spirit of rebellion against the ruling class of Denon.

Here he was, stood in a uniform of authority in the form of his robes, beside a line of armoured law enforcement agents. He didn't like being on this side of the line. His feelings swinging between mild discomfort and downright nauseated.

He was trying to use some subtle influence in the Force to stop the crowd boiling over into a riot. Makko could feel those little connections as the group think made them bold. No one knew how much work he was doing to weave a blanket of calm over the crowd.

One of his drones was hovering high above the crowd, watching in case they surged down another road. He didn't even know what was behind him. Some government department buildings they were worried about, he thought someone had said.

A direct call over the secure Alliance network hit his neural interface. Makko picked up.

"Makko Vyres? Is your location secure?"

"It is for now but..."

"We've got a situation at the embassy. Yourself and Colette are going into the air in a Shreev in case the soldiers on the ground need support with a hostage situation."

"Understood," Makko replied. He turned to Colette. "Come on, I'll explain on the way."

A cheer went up in the crowd as he and Colette stepped back through the wall of riot shields. He tried not to let that affect him. He failed.
Makko Vyres Makko Vyres

"They have a right to be upset." Colette whispered back to Makko. It was all the communication they were really afforded between the pipes, bottles, rocks, bricks, and other debris that was thrown at them.

Makko saw himself, Colette saw a scared crowd of people who felt betrayed by a leadership that had promised them safety. The violence that was ensuing was justified. It was wrong, it was horrible, but the justification in the crowd was there. That was not to say that Colette approved, but she understood enough about 'human' nature to know that these people felt they had no other choice but to express their fear through hate.

It was a tragedy written in the blood of the officers behind her and the carelessness of the crowd.

"Hm?" Colette hummed and tilted her head towards Makko to let him know he had her attention. "Alright."

The crowd cheered and Colette let out a sigh of relief and put a hand on Makko's shoulders.

"It's not towards us, it's toward the ones that sent us here." Colette tried to reassure him as they stepped into the vehicle that was going to sweep them away from here. "They have a right to be angry and afraid, just like we have a job to make sure they don't hurt others."
Rock and Roll MotherFluffers


It was strange. Nir had spent the last few hours before they took off loading his gear onto the ship, but now that they were sat down in the ship, he didn't seem keen to load himself up with any of it. He didn't even put his saber on him, even though he wore a standard pair of jedi robes and utility belt. The belt was also only packed with the essentials.

Maybe he was just cocky.

"Master Noble, thank you for giving me this opportunity, by the way." He smiled. "I uh...didn't want to impose, but I know I'm-"

He couldn't help but pause as Connell prepped to, and then jumped out of the ship.

"....should we follow him?"

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor


Location: Lohopa II
Objective 3: Rescue the Hostages
Tags: Lt. Bren Alazar Lt. Bren Alazar | Aiden Rennek Aiden Rennek | Vitiion Daivik Vitiion Daivik

Alexander had always been a man of action, only ever really focusing on the job and objectives that were set out before him. As long as he and his fellow marines made it out the other side mostly unscathed, he could sleep well that night. But he knew war wasn’t as simple as that, that he simply played soldier on one of several different layers.

The public’s faith in the Alliance was starting to buckle under the weight of the Enclave’s relentless attacks across their southern border worlds. And it wasn’t just their own people that were watching, the galaxy as a whole were too.

Whether it be their neighbours who were anxious about being the next target, or other enemies that were lying in wait, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.

The K’paur couldn’t help shake the feeling that Lohopa II was just the first planet that had reacted violently to recent events. From people rioting on the streets, to the reason Alex and his fellow soldiers were present today, a group of extremists taking Alliance official’s hostage in their own embassy.

Another hostage situation, I wonder what Maeve would’ve thought about this…

He often wondered what the Jedi Shadow was up to these days, knowing her focus had always been on the Sith side of things, much as his had been towards the remnants of the Mawites. Now though, that focus had been shifted towards the Mandalorian Enclave.

Landing at their designated landing zone, just outside the city’s limits, Alexander disembarked from the shuttle. He immediately looked over to see a familiar fire team unloading themselves and their gear from a different one. Alexander gave the lieutenant a nod, before settling beside Aiden and watching as Bren addressed his men.

Reminds you of the old days, doesn’t it?


House Mecetti was deep in the throes of disgrace, and it was all because of Casteban's only son- Maldor Mecetti. The boy had been careless, and now all of the House's aspirations had been thrown into uncertainty. Had it been anyone else, Cas would have had them disappeared.

But this was family.

And House Mecetti did not abandon family. Not even at times like this.

Because Maldor was under investigation, he had temporarily stepped down as the Senator from Obulette. In accordance with the laws on Obulette, Casteban had been forced to appoint an interim Senator.

And there was only one person he could trust completely: Himself.

Fortunately, the galaxy had no shortage of its own troubles, and so attention was momentarily drawn away from House Mecetti's problems and towards the difficulties of war and rebellion.

"These people do not want to secede," the interim Senator said, his deep and resonating voice reaching to the far ends of the chamber, "they want to be heard.

So we must invite the local Senator to speak. We must summon every major governmental and factional leader, listen to their concerns about our inattentiveness, and make promises to them. Then make gestures to prove our intent. That will take care of genuine sentiment.

Intelligence operatives should also be disseminated into the rebellious and activist groups.

It is likely that our enemies have taken advantage of our moment of weakness, and are funding this anti-Alliance activity. They may even have their own agents within these groups to ensure the agitation is kept at a crisis level. I am positive that the planet's Senatorial representative does not want foreign agents influencing politics any more than we do.

Once our intelligence operatives identify the malefactors, evidence should be found and presented to be sure they are seen as traitors to their own factions. This will cause all illegitimate sentiment to dissolve.

As the issue at hand here seems to be security, I will offer to have one of House Mecetti's star destroyers stationed in-system for six months, as a gesture of goodwill and genuine intent."

He stopped talking then, and sat impassively, as though he had solved everything.

Sycorax Laveaux Sycorax Laveaux
Alicio Organa Alicio Organa


While Aiden usually preferred his sniper rifle, he knew that entering this embassy was going to involve a lot of close quarters combat. So, to prepare for it, he had chosen a more standard Marine set-up with a regular duty rifle, his flashbangs and even a thermal detonator or two, just in case they needed the extra firepower. He was prepared, but he still couldn't help but feel depressed over this mission.

They weren't fighting the Maw and its evil forces, or defending the Alliance against invading Mandalorians — these were Alliance citizens who had taken up arms against them. Of course, he didn't at all agree with or support them taking hostages and being so violent, but this was no time to be handling internal conflict.

The Alliance was meant to stand together against a new thread.

"A little," Aiden responded to Alexander Hayes Alexander Hayes after listening to Lt. Bren Alazar Lt. Bren Alazar address the group as a whole. "Let's hope we can get this done without more casualties. There's already enough pressure on the Alliance as is." He dipped his head to Alex, then took his rifle and stood with the rest of the group.

If they were going to enter from down below, he'd be ready. Jedi have also been dispatched to help, and were likely going to draw a bit more attention with their entry, so he felt confident it'd work out.



Lohopa II
Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Blasters | Lightsabers
Tag: BB-610 BB-610 Loomi Loomi

"Are you two ready?" Valery asked both Loomi and Bee, as their shuttle approached a rather busy residential area on Lohopa II. Much of the planet revolved around the mining operations, but people lived here with their families too. There were hospitals, cinemas, parks for kids to play at, and also school. The rather violent riots had split apart their sense of civilization, and an entire school full of young children was trapped at the center.

The people weren't harming the kids, of course, but there was no safe way for them to get out either. It was too risky, and too easy to get caught in the crossfire between rioters and law enforcement. That's why Valery had chosen the task to head to the school. She had a particular love for children, especially now that she was a mother herself.

Bringing them home was most important here, to her.

"I'm going to put us down on the roof, so we don't have to worry about people on the streets. There's no way for us to get all the kids inside one shuttle and fly them home, so we'll have to get them out some other way. Perhaps guide them home, and handle whatever trouble we face along the way."


The Alliance had suffered a few secessions over the years, but this one held a distinct weight to it. The people of Lohopa II had lost faith in the union, because the union had failed to protect them. It was one of the basic contracts of affiliation with the Galactic Alliance, and though wartime attacks were inevitable, the sheer mishandling of the Mandalorian assault had broken the circle of trust in those who already doubted.

Amani couldn't blame them for that. There were procedures in place to ensure a peaceable transition of government. What she could not abide, was the rioters and looters looking to take advantage of the chaos for nothing more than personal. It was a sensitive time, and the growing violence only aggravated existing troubles. Now innocent people were being caught in the crossfire all over again. To some of them, a Jedi like her was emblematic of the circumstance they were now in. But she would continue doing her best to protect them no matter what.

"You're wasting your time, honey," One of the looters cooed, "We can wait all night. Only a matter of time before the rest show up. Sure you can really take all of us?" He chuckled sinisterly, beckoning her with a finger, still clutching a cocktail firebomb in his other hand.

In front of the hospital entrance was a lone woman, standing unwaveringly in the way of this little troop of anarchists. They were in a standoff now, though why they hadn't simply rushed her already, Amani didn't know. Perhaps they were aware the Jedi were planetside. And the only person foolish enough to face them solo must have been one. She hoped the mere chance would scare them away, but backing down without a fight wasn't in their purview. Especially not when more of them were on their way.

She needed to set an example. Amani raised her hand, and flexed her fingers. Suddenly all of the rioters nearby were lifted forcibly into the air, and made to hover. She then nudged the Force a little further, constricting them, but not crushing. She had no intent to kill, but perhaps the implication of such a possibility would make them think twice. A few panicked more than others, wriggling against the invisible binds that kept them suspended. The ringleader tried to move his hand, but it was pushed back down to his side. The bottle he carried exploded into shards, but without being lit, its worst implications were rendered inert. Then, finally, Amani dropped them.

"I think I can," She replied coldly. The one who had threatened her was preoccupied with the glass now embedded in his palm, but he looked up to give her a vile grimace.

"F-feth you. We'll be back. Back for you, schutta," One of his lackeys helped him up, and the group scattered back into the alleys. Amani finally let herself relax, until she saw a pair of silhouettes approaching down the street.

"I hope you're not here to make trouble," She said, an annoyed edge to her voice, "Pretty sure the guy before you just used up the last of my patience."
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Denn Verdan was late.

He almost hadn't come at all.

He had been forced to wrestle with himself. To remind himself that he had a duty. His service to the Jedi- and the wider Galaxy- was not based on his personal preferences. And so, here he was.

The scene he came upon was as dismaying as he'd imagined.

Rioters run rampant.

Jedi, using the Force to stop them.

This was his second time coming into the sphere of Master Serys. She was as formidable with telekinesis as she was with healing. Clearly, there was much to learn from someone like her.

Denn held up a hand, "I'm not here for trouble," he assured her, "I'm here to help, where I can."

"I am Denn Verdan, we met briefly during relief efforts after the Enclave attack."

But Denn was not alone in the area. Others were approaching the scene, as well.

Friends, hopefully.

Please, let it be friends, he thought.

Amani Serys Amani Serys
Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield
Senator of Lohopa II

Lohopa II
It was a good thing that they hadn't met earlier.

The embassy, the usual meeting place, was overrun by extremists among the rioters, and the streets surrounding the busy city center were completely inaccessible. The meeting had therefore been shifted to a remote location, far from any trouble, but with sufficient space to allow as many Alliance senators to attend as they wished to bring. It was going to be needed if they had any hopes of repairing the damage.

But even then, convincing him was one thing. The people out in the streets were acting on emotion — on fear — and they weren't going to be easily satisfied.

Perhaps, there was no solution at all.

"Do not be so certain about that," Und'a declared when he entered the meeting room just time to hear Casteban Mecetti Casteban Mecetti speak. "Our people have historically always been incredibly strong on their own, and we can be again." During the days of the Galactic Empire, the people of Lohopa II had resisted Imperial takeover attempts several times. If they were leaving the Alliance, they would resist any aggressor again.

The Senator then looked around the room, noting the various familiar faces from the Senate, and walked over to a chair to sit down. He searched for eye-contact, and held back nothing to hide his own anger and frustration, "How? How could this happen?" he demanded to know.

"My people want answers."



Colette Colette
Aiden Rennek Aiden Rennek Alexander Hayes Alexander Hayes

Makko stepped into the back of the Sheev-class stealth ship. It barely made a sound as it lifted into the order.

The in-built droid was active, it's small optical sensors turning to watch them. However there was a pilot up front and another special ops soldier in the back waiting for them. Makko had worked with the squad before on Ukatis.

None of them used their real names.

"Orders," one of them said, handing Makko a datapad.

" we're on standby," Makko said to Colette. "The ground team might not need us but we're going to hit the roof and be prepared for extraction to the air just in case."

He passed her the datapad. It had the schematics of the embassy.

Makko opened a case on the wall that contained his Night shrike stealth armour and immediately and shamelessly discarded his robes, stripped down to his underwear and started suiting up.

"You want armour?" he asked Colette. " high do you feel comfortable jumping down from with just the Force?" he asked.

Objective II: Let's Start a Riot
Location: Lohopa II, Hospital
Tags: Amani Serys Amani Serys Denn Verdan Denn Verdan

Outpacing the throng of rioters hadn't been difficult, even with the two little ones to look after, for they were slowed down by their desire to loot and pillage anything they came into contact with along the way. Still, the girl was scared and couldn't keep up, so he stopped and knelt, telling her to climb on his back while he carried the unconscious boy in his arms the rest of the way. He ran through the desolate streets heading east towards the hospital where his Ironsides would await his arrival.

He was surprised to find not one, but two Jedi guarding the entrance, but not enough to halt his advance. Their faces were not known to him. "Alliance Jedi. You made it sooner than expected," his distorted voice crackled. Standing before the pair with the boy in his arms and the girl peeking over his shoulder, Ironside held his ground.

"Stand aside. These kids require medical attention. There's an army of rioters coming this way, likely looking to loot the place. We're going to stop them."

Thirdas looked off to the side and nodded. All at once the rest of the Ironsides came out of stealth, appearing out of thin air in a semi-circle around their commander. Two had even taken a position by the front door behind the Jedi. Weapons were kept untrained, but visible.

The raucous shouting grew louder in the distance.

"Now, if you don't mind," he gestured towards the entrance behind them, prompting his men to push the doors open. "I have a siege to prepare for. We could use those lightsabers of yours."
Makko Vyres Makko Vyres
Aiden Rennek Aiden Rennek // Alexander Hayes Alexander Hayes

Anti-grav, it was always varplesack-bundled kriffin hoar of an anti-grav no matter what ship she stepped on. It felt as if her knees were weak while her arms were as heavy as a bag of rocks. Tension broiled beneath her skin and gripped at her muscles like a plague of discomfort as it rocked her back and forth, accompanied by the remnants of the smells from the smoke that had poured into the ship before take off.

Her eyes closed to block out any and all visual stimuli but it did very little to help.

"Would be great if they were already inside." Colette groaned and let in a deep breath to calm her nerves. By the time they were open again she was given a full image of her friend's boyfriend stripped down to his so-called tighty-whities. Maybe it was the fact that he was just that, or maybe it was the fact that his skin just wasn't green enough, but the kid clearly seemed unphased by it.

"Two-story drop should probably be fine." She said and closed her eyes again to try once more to block out the discomfort of being in the air. "Don't suppose you have something that covers my shoulders?" She almost retched. "I have a…" She chuckled and opened her eyes to look at him with a grin. "I have a track record of getting shot around you."

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