Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Atrisia II: Electric Boogaloo.

We all knew it was only a matter of time. We awaited his return.
- Akio Shinto. Monk of the Order of the White Dragon.


Fleet: TSE & EE Joint Operation Taskforce "Magnus Crusade"
Flagship: Magnus Class Battlecruiser X1
Angrammar Class Cathedral Ships X5
Preventer Class Battecruisers 2X
Retribution Class Heavy Missle Corvette X5
Planet Cracker 2X

A small in ship number but incredibly powerful fleet popped out of hyperspace above the planet of Atrisia. The government of the planet was informed before hand, the Regent Lord Sor-Jan Xantha Sor-Jan Xantha himself was informed by the Molok Legion personally.

The king would return, his power and will would be cast over the planet once again. Before his merchant fleet arrived he would secure the Free World alone, with his own fleet collected from the Sith Empire, The Eternal Empire, The Ancient eye as well as his own personal company and shadow ports than had been creating Star Destroyers in preparation for this day.

What he saw greatly disappointed the Sith Lord, the planet was for the most part just as he left it. Barren, economically struggling, its systems in unimpressive infrastructure projects. He was aware of many of these problems but he was surprised at what he perceived as rebel resistance.

He smiled in the cockpit of the Magnus Battlecruiser, the Flagship of the Magnus Crusade Taskforce. Some of his children had forgotten who he was, like any father who loves his children he needed to discipline them, love them as he did, they needed to learn their place.

"Engage the resistance. Limit casualties. Post up a five million credit bounty on the Guild for any of the Rebel leaders."

Mythos spoke and the ships began to open fire. The sheer size and power of the ships he brought was so overwhelming that the black, scrap filled space around Atrisia became a light show. They would clear a path for the Planet Crackers, Atrisia and the galaxy would once again know what a single Sith Lord was truly capable of. Alone he planned his invasion, alone if he had to he would conquer the world once again and alone he would bring every Atrisian knee to bend before its rightful king. Planet by Planet the system would fall.

"For too long has the Galaxy forgotten who I am, once I arrive back into Jar'Kai. They will understand."
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It was the planet where his mother was born, not him. Still it remained the closest thing to a home he had ever known. When he returned from his errant life to Atrisia, the boy grieved his losses and honored his mother in the tradition of their ancestors.

For a time, he remained in isolation. The young man saw to look over his transgressions and find himself. All the broken pieces that fit together lay scattered across a lifetime of sins that he grew to loathe himself for.

At last, he found a measure of peace.

It was not the sort of peace everlasting promised by Republics and Empires, or vouched for and protected by Jedi. It was an understanding, an acceptance of who he was and how he came to be such.

He took the name "Arashi," a word from the language of his Ancestral home. Turbulence, violence, and horrific beauty had shaped him like a tumbled stone in troubled waters. Thus, he was a storm.

And while dormant, his thoughts raged.

Until the day that they came.

The Sith arrived in force, high above Atrisia. Massive warships decanted into realspace en masse. Firepower that dwarfed anything the world could muster on its own battered the planetary shields. The populace descended into madness.

And Arashi broke his sabbatical to face the enemy he had sworn to slay.
Xiwangmu Temple Complex
Mission: Evacuate

Pilgrims, refugees, Yovshin swordsmen, Matukai monks, Jedi: the Xiwangmu Temple complex drew many with the promise of rest. More than once that promise had turned out to be false. Just in the last two decades this place had come under siege three times, if Quill recalled correctly. Last time they'd held off the One Sith and been slaughtered.

Oeana Tching woke him in vision. Him, and every other Force-sensitive in the complex. The vision's simple message: no building is worth more than your lives. Today the Pretender returns. You must leave.

A handful of little ships, Quill's old Y-Wing included, had already left the system before Mythos' fleet arrived. Padawans and younglings packed those ships. That left Quill and the other adults stranded here in the Atrisian mountains without interstellar transportation.

Right now, those kids in their rickety boats would be reaching the hidden Jedi station called Peace, and telling Master Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga that the Atrisian enclave really, really needed a lift.
Location: Outer Space
GA Jedi-Class Heavy Starfighter
Objective: Kill Mythos Mythos
Allies: Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill , Arashi Hagane Arashi Hagane

Zanza’s Jedi-Class Heavy Starfighter ripped from hyperspace. As the black void of real space bleed back into the surroundings, Atrisia, her homeworld ballooned into view. It had changed. Scarred and traumatized from years of Sith subjugation it had constructed defenses over its blue pearl world. A planetary shield gate enclosed the planet while a dyson sphere ring created a metal rib casing that would bar any ship with its defenses. The beautiful world had become a hurt maiden encased in armor.

But, as her starfighter drifted closer, something else appeared. The fleet of a Sith armada. Zanza’s heart dropped and her mouth slid open in horror.

“No,” she whispered.

She had been there before, there when the Sith besieged her world, there when it annexed it and there when only a Jedi Knight she faced the force storm that had took her arm and massacred the Jar’kai Shishi – the rebel band that was her family.

The shock sank into a dark rage, a deep one, that reopened old scars on her soul. She tightened her grip on the controls and Force boiled.

“No,” she said again, this time with a growling anger.


Zanza pushed on her controls and forced the starfighter into a deep nosedive. She would fly far below the advancing armada, beyond their immediate field of battlefield vector advance and detection. The BB-8 droid docked in the retrofitted astromech port, updated from the old R-Series droids, whistled to her master.

“You’re karking right I’m attacking it,” Zanza snapped back.

“Chiharu, listen, I want you to send out a distress beacon. An old one. Galactic Alliance Jedi Order Warning Protocol 22567
( Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser ).”

Chiharu bleeped back.

“Yes, they’ll remember. The order may be broken but, it’s masters are still around. Send it out. Max encryption. Now!” Zanza yelled.

Zanza then opened her sensor array and started to scan naval identification signals. She would seek out the commanding vessel, as it would have its command communications open.

“The dyson sphere and planetary shielding will buy us some time. But, until then, I have a ship to down.”
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Handsome blindfolded hyper-religious whackjob
More conflict caused by a sad old man who refused to let the natural course of the world continue on.

Aaran did not hate Mythos Mythos . He instead pitied the Sith Lord. What could have driven such a creature to defy death and desperately cling to life. To have such a fragile sense of themselves that they required the abject worship of others in order to feel content. Something had wounded him so long ago in the past. Something horrible that caused the man to think that the only way he could live his life was through the domination of others.

And what had it brought him? In the end, nothing. It was sad honestly. Even know his actions and dark thoughts led him to bombard his own home. His former people. Beating them back into submission so his ego could be fed. What Aaran felt was not true anger towards the Sith. He pitied him too much to hate him. But there was an intense animosity. For such a creature would never be statisfied unless others were brought low.

But such musings were not needed right now. Right now he needed to make sure that these refugees were kept safe. Welcoming them into Peace with open arms. Letting them know that they would be safe within in the Hallowed halls. For now, he was wait. Wait for the order to be given by Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga for the Jedi to act in full. Unified against the Sith threat once more.

Let Mythos be the crucible the new order would be tested upon. They would stand against it or fall.
Jubilation, fear and tension. There was a shield but Mythos drove on with his capital ship leading the way. Time couldn't and wouldn't pass for too long before he returned, before the rightful order of things were restored.

There was only one thing that would bring out those responsible for the death of his son, for the slaughter of his people: His return to his throne. Atrisia finally had its protector.

"Command station, Orbital command and shield protection commander. This is your King, Mythos. Destination, The Imperial Palace of Jar'Kai. I'm coming through"

The Magnus class Battlecruiser approached the shield with no fear, all power to thrusters as it did. The encrypted messege would arrive to the military of the orbit and right before collision the shield parted for the return of its king. His fleet stayed behind and to their surprise one starfighter came nipping at the heels of the colossal Battlecruiser. Mythos didint even notice Zanza Hijikata Zanza Hijikata , such as a man doesn't notice the ant but his command center did.

At the head of one of his Cathedral ships Anok-eh responded to his commander.
"Want us to deal with the fly? It most definetly has spirit."

Mythos firmly beyond the shield and on his way to the capital of Jar'Kai on board the colossal ship smiled and nodded. He puffed away at the Sith Root in his cigar grown right here in Atrisian soil, pondered over the possibility if a civil war but for the war that coming here, the future that he had seen with The Ancient Eye... he needed to get to Jar'Kai.
"No. Only fire on the Jedi if the Jedi fire upon you. Do not engage Silver Jedi, good relations I have built with them over a decade and dont let some idiot with a starfighter cause a civil war. Send the commenori Marinos and subdue the jedi. They like the challenge"

Atrisia would be treated to the sight of the Magnus flying above its many cities, over and over again at the jubilation of many and the uncertainty of many more. He was a divisive figure after the second war, but his son was branded a hero after he was presumed dead.

Kay-Larr Kay-Larr probably didint like the ship but there were worst thing in the galaxy. He decided to take his rout as usual beginning in the Mukashi Cante and ending down in the heart of the Dead Scar, the place known as Jar'Kai.

Before he went to see Sor-Jan Xantha Sor-Jan Xantha He firstly needed to arrive at the gates of Jar'Kai and break open the Longoku wall. From there it would be miles and miles until he arrived at the ruins of the castle.

Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay had been travelling with Mythos Mythos for just a short while. He had plucked her from Altiria and decided to take her to where they first met; Atrisia.

Back in her earlier days of being a Senator for the Galactic Republic, Kay was sent to try to convince the people of Atrisia to join the Republic instead of the One Sith. Both her and Mythos stood at opposite ends of the Atrisian court, each of them laying out their case as to which governing body was better for Atrisia to ally itself with. It was a battle of words and Mythos had won.

That victory and her denial of his advances had sparked a flame within him that turned the Sith Lord and God King into what he was now.

Kay approached Mythos' side, but she didn't look to him. Instead she looked at the display of firepower from his fleet. And it didn't make her happy. "This is the wrong approach. Why are you firing on them? Have you forgotten how you won them over the last time?"
He shook his head in response, away from the fire and into the green grass below.

"They're only rebels and you saw how the Alliance is. They don't care about life, freedom or choice. They will kill anything and everything they deem evil, they killed my son and they will kill you too. Lock you in a prison in Abregado for years like they did to Serena. "

They moved farther and father away from the combat, if it would be called that for the pitiful defence the rebels prepared couldn't hope to stand against a single one of his mighty vessels.

"And you must remember that the Jedi and their ilk are not my people. My people opened the shield, my people will be there when we land. You will see that just as much as things have changed, they have stayed the same."

The Battlecruiser continued its descent further and further into the Mukashe Cante that was a massive ravine miles away from the capital. The ship prepared to make landing, exactly as he did all those years ago. No doubt here is when assassination attempts would happen or anything of the kind, already the crowd that awaited his return for so many years began to pool right underneath the cante.

"Stay with the ship for now, The Ancient Eye has already told me what will occur. I must arrive in Jar'Kai before nightfall so I can dispatch the fleet of Jedi with a storm like the one Cyril taught me to do"

He smiled, kissed her on the lips and motioned her to sit in his command chair. It would be a while but she was best safe here.

It was time for his arrival. Kay-Larr Kay-Larr
Location: Inside Magnus Battlecruiser
Craft: GA Jedi-Class Heavy Starfighter
Objective: Kill Mythos Mythos
Allies: Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill , Arashi Hagane Arashi Hagane , Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo

Zanza had been mirroring the armada as it advanced on Atrisia. Low and out of engagement range. In that time Chiharu bleeped an identification code to her forward monitor screen. The code read out the Magnus Class Battlecruiser that was the command ship. Zanza smirked.

“Then here we go,” she said.

“This is where the fun begins.”

“Chiharu full power, everything, shields, back up power, I don’t care. Full power to thrusters and all Vernier support. I’m blasting in.”

Chiharu let out a few scarred beeps, Zanza said nothing. The honor of a Yovshin and Jedi Master, and as an Atrisian warrior, forbade her to do nothing but, her upmost. That was what was demanded of her in this hour. And she would not allow this vainglorious show of deluded ego and destructive vanity scar her homeworld another time.

Death to the false king, long live the Emperor.

Chiharu forwarded all power to the starfighter, with a flick of a switch and a brutal push on the controls the Starfighter exploded into a blue comet of fire and momentum. The g-forces crushed Zanza back into her seat and it took the Force flowing through her body to resist.

As the starfighter streaked in a blinding bolt, Zanza took stock of the Magnus. In typical Sith fashion it was focused on forward firing power and its rear was barely guarded with any point defense anti-fighter power. It also seemed the ship did not have a substantial hangar for a fighter squadron. She threw out her hand and used the Force to latch to the ship, anywhere, on anything. And like a tractor beam assist her advance.

When she came close enough, just as the ship was passing through the shielding, she spotted a rear viewing port. A wide panoramic transparasteel window. That would be her entry. The Force she had whipped out to latch onto the ship then turned into a claw that crushed the window open and bent the metal around it into a crumpled mess.

“Hold on Chiharu!” Zanza screamed.

The starfighter punched into the hole she had created with all the Force in her. Like an arrowhead. It slide through, the canopy was snapped right off and the fighter nearly shredded apart, but, the Force guided her. Zanza had let go of the controls, and let momentum take her in. With her hands free she created a force bubble around her and Chiharu. The rest of starfighter had splintered except the core that she had Force insulated. Inside and bruised, Zanza rushed to another room with the BB-8 droid and closed the blast doors. Catching her breath, she kneeled down to Chiharu and patted its ball.

“You good?” Zanza asked.

Chiharu cursed back.

“Good,” Zanza sighed, “Now go find a port, I want to find the read out of this ship.”

Escorting Chiharu through a corridor, they entered an antechamber behind the rammed viewing port where Chiharu docked into a computer port and scanned the ship’s schematics. It whistled, confirming she had found the ships hyperdrive core.

“Good. Let’s go,” said Zanza.
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Dorian Sevanar

Location : Atrisia
Objective : Help Mythos secure the throne of Atrisia
Enemies : Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill | Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo | Zanza Hijikata Zanza Hijikata | Arashi Hagane Arashi Hagane
Allies : Mythos Mythos | Kay-Larr Kay-Larr | Josiah Miller

Adam Versili’s Fleet jumped out of hyperspace in orbit of Atrisia. Following the Battle over Kuat , Maracel Yorkell had decided that it was time for the Directorate to move forward and expand its influence in the Core Worlds and Atrisia was the first target. Having met Mythos on Coruscant a year ago , Maracel Yorkell had sent Adam Versili with a Fleet to support the Sith Lord's claim on Atrisia as a means to make a deal with the Sith Lord to allow the Directorate to directly rule one of the 5 planets within the Atrisian System.

Atrisia was the home to a Jedi Enclave and already the Directorate was at odds with the Jedi following James Cerensp's incursion on Dxun within Silver Jedi space and a planned Raid on Yurb also within Silver Jedi Space. For Maracel the Jedi posed the number one threat to his long-term plans and now the Directorate had begun slowly shifting it's focus in curbing Jedi influence in the Core Worlds given that the Jedi were the biggest obstacle they would face.

As Adam Versili’s Fleet jumped out of hyperspace they approached Lord Mythos Fleet with Versili sending a transmission to the Sith Lord. “Lord Mythos , this is Admiral Adam Versili of the Directorate. On the behalf of Maracel Yorkell we are here to assist you”. Already Mythos had bypassed the shields and the planetary defenses where under his control. Soon the Directorate Fleet moved towards the Dyson Sphere and took position near it with Adam Versili expecting potential Jedi Reinforcements to aid the Atrisian Rebels opposed to the return of the rightful Emperor. Soon a Platoon of Directorate Supercommandos with their armor painted with Atrisian colors and patterns were deployed on board shuttles to reinforce the forces of Mythos on the surface below place under the command of DIB Operative Josiah Miller.

Looking out at the empty void in front of him , Adam Versili awaited the arrival of potential Jedi reinforcements smirking as he prepared to Duke it out with the Jedi and their Allies.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay knew well enough of the attacks that the Jedi had made on Atrisia. She heard of it from both Mythos Mythos and her late husband Veiere. He had fought alongside the Sith to save Atrisia from slaughter.

"I just don't want another slaughter...the planet looks bad enough already." There would be much to do to fix up the place. But she knew that Mythos could do it. He had done so before.

The fact that he asked her to stay on board was surprising. But if it was what the Ancient Eye had seen...

Kay returned the kiss and sat down on the command chair as instructed. "Try to show some restraint...Win their hearts and minds." She saw herself as his moral compass. Yet he was keeping her back. That in itself didn't give Kay a good feeling. Hopefully it'd all work out in the end.
When surrounded by war, one must eventually choose a side.

2nd Fleet / Jedi Strike Forces West
SJS Thurion's Hammer | Valiant-class Supercarrier [ flagship ]
Guardian-class Star Defender x2
Mentor-class Battlecruisers x5
Sentinel-class Heavy Explorers x2
Ashla-class Medical Frigates x1
It wasn't enough.

The moment that the fleet emerged from out of hyperspace, the young Anzat was presented by the sight of gargantuan Sith Imperial vessels that dwarfed anything that the Silver Navy Second Fleet had to offer this conflict.

At least Mythos Mythos was arrogant enough that he had given forewarning of his pending invasion to the Atrisian authorities. That the former One Sith overlord had returned was likely no surprise. Atrisian political history was replete with the stories of the self-styled Atrisian Emperor's return. And, to be certain, there were likely elements of the Imperial remnant's of Atrisia's many storied past that welcomed it, but Atrisia had a government of its own. And those sentiments were not shared by Princess Junko Ike Junko Ike and the Atrisian Parliament.

The fact that Mythos had four thousand meter battlecruisers at his disposal only confirmed the suspicion that extraplanetary governments were trying to interfere with social, political, and economic developments here in the Core. Another thing that wasn't a surprise. For that reason, the boy had reached out to Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter as soon as he'd word of the pending invasion from Junko. For better or for worse, Scherezade's Agents of Chaos were committed to liberating planets from these kinds of destructive influences. Violently committed, but in this particular instance that violence might well be what helped to turn the tide.

For now, Sor-Jan was looking like the underdog in a UFC Championship fight.

Oh well, not something he hadn't done before. Hopping into the command seat, the boy toggled the comlink. "All ships, all stations, this is General Xantha. Shields up, red alert. You have freedom to maneuver. Engage the enemy if necessary, but our priority is supporting the evacuation of the Jedi Enclave here."

Glancing up at the board, the boy continued, "All ships will coordinate maneuvers through Thurion's Hammer. Commander Zenduu, all starfighter wings are at your command."

With that, the boy settled in for what was sure to be a long day. "May the Force be with us. Xantha out."

"Helm, take us in."

As the flotilla of Jedi ships began to advance on the planet, the boy toggled the comlink for an area broadcast. "This is General Sor-Jan Xantha of the Silver Jedi. This planet is under control of the Atrisian Commonwealth. Withdraw your ships and we will be glad to assist in arranging negotiations with the Atrisian government. Otherwise, we are prepared to support Atrisia's independence with force if necessary."

The walk into the Dead Scar.

While some might have wanted to interfere, some had their own reasons for being here, The Ancient Eye had already spoken, the future was set in the stone around his neck. He left the ship without noticing the presence of Zanza Hijikata Zanza Hijikata within it, focusing all his efforts on the people of Atrisia who would come to see his return.

What Kay said was true, he spoke no words to her and instead tried his best to do what was right. All ships and fleets were to not fire unless fired upon and Mythos again, had to pause while making his way down and relaying to the child what was to happen. Someone needed to.

Mythos not only broadcasted his response to the Regent Lord and general Sor-Jan Xantha Sor-Jan Xantha but to the entire Atrisian chain of command using all proper Atrisian channels in perfect native Atrisian.

"You're not a commonwealth anymore General, You are an Empire. And you have quite the bravery to stand up to me but were quite content to let the First Order burn one of our cities. We shall speak soon enough child. I will personally set you and our people in the right path soon enough."

Mythos stepped down the ramp of the glorious Battecruiser and into the crowd that had come, ten times the size of any crowd that had ever come to see him. There was more than just jubilation, there was hope once again in the mountains of the Cante.

The next broadcast was a full holovid of his arrival, the town was of no note and importance other than it was one of his most staunch loyalist cities in the entire system. Here lived many of his own veterans and their families as well as many of the government officers and admirals that had served him during the wars.

"I march to the wall, if any of you still got one last ruck march left in you, you can come with me!"

The King moved with his people. The trail was long. Over twelve miles through the road to get to the wall and then another twenty four miles to arrive in the Capital of Jar'Kai.

Kay-Larr Kay-Larr would get a messege from the Anubian Anok Eh, his eyes and intelligence siding her in her unknown predicament. In the cockpit of the massive Battlecruiser his voice rung out.

"You have a stowaway rouge queen"
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The message that had been sent was strange... then the reports that something had gotten through the network that kept Ao'tuin in the system had been breached. Early warning was important the the massive mobile naval academy had given more then enough that forces on the Anshin would be able to activate the twin shield gates. Restoration efforts started by Shoma and going on for the past year had ushered in the Jishi era coined by Zanza Hijikata Zanza Hijikata and her clan. industrialization had been moved off the planet, massive shipyards had been constructed to rebuild their defensive fleet and colonies on the moons were being worked on and terraformed for the future.

Junko looked at the display from the holo map in the room of the white pearl. Its sectional shield activated for additonal protection like at the palace. Eternity was next to her and towered over the small Atrisian jedi as reports from Chitei came in. The ancient atrisians had mobilized their undergroud soldiers and were coming to the surface. There was reports from the Wukong who had been sent to Vael Aser. The island of Horai where refugees from attacks had come seeking aid and stood in defense of their homes. Relations with them had only strengthened when she met with them. There was even more as her handmaidens father sent confirmation that Ezogashima and Ukiyo were mobilizing.

The southern most continent was a surprise but she had worked with the leader of it and negotiated a colony... as the primal and more brutal beings didn't have a formal army it was just berzerkers who would be sent to attack if ground forces had managed to get down. A surprise that she knew... would likely happen. Bypassing defenses seemed to be a specialty. The strangest thing though was from the mountains as energy signatures over the Keisei village and surrounding mountain towns was detected. "Now that in interesting." She wasn't certain but it looked like another planetary shield like the kind they had for capitals. With a shrug she tapped a display as Jubei came through in a full hologram. "Lady Junko."

She turned her head to look at her and raised an eyebrow. She was with the others. The three Atrisian Generals and Unaga. "Mother." She said it and the tall woman was the investigator of people, places and events that was in charge of keeping track of some of the more dangerous or strange aspects of Atrisia. There was the Onna, exiled Yovshin who were considered corrupted and without honor that were near the ancient fortress of the dawn. They controlled that area of the planet and while small were also dangerous. There were smaller pockets and if she knew her mother she would have told the gangs that had moved up to the Anshin that their profits would be ruined should an enemy force take over. They made more being able to be ignored on areas of the mega structure then trying to spread out.

"I take it you have seen, we have moved the emperor into the lower palace and the empress of Chitei sent rhough tunnels some of her finest.." She said it looking off to the side. Junko knew what she likely saw, heavily adorned armor that was covered in crystals that had been mined deep in the planet itself. "Warriors. They look like yovshin but their armor is crystasteel." She said it and Junko snickered to herself. "I have seen them fight mother... they might look lavish but they had trained since birth... Chitei had a strict caste system so its warriors work to prefect the art of war and others handle the more culturally needed aspect." She said it and had spent a good time during the construction of the Anshin and much else traveling around and winning the hearts and minds of the people to get them to change over.

"We have also moved the Dragons Fang into position with the defensive fleet on the interior sections of the Anshin where they can have tractors and turbolaser support." Junko nodded her head to that... the head of the navy Beifong was smart and had set up the shipyards to start producing some more ships but they were partially built. Defensive ships from Corellian digital and Sasori were possible. There had been once upon a time Firemane interests on the planet and if they wanted to use it they didn't find reason to turn them down. The transmission cut out after all information was confirmed and Junko put her hands behind her back.

"Lady Junko we have other jedi in the Xiwangmu Temple Complex preparing to evacuate in the case of attack." She nodded, it was always possible... no more then likely the entirety of everything that had been built up would be bypassed. She was planning it and spoke as one of the drones moved forward showing a smaller holo image of herself to Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill who seemed to be overseeing it. Junko stood in her jedi kimono as she bowed and had her smokestone hair beads over one eye. The curved hilt of her saber on her hip and behind her two of her handmaidens were standing in cloaked kimonos. She had picked them up and gotten them as part of securing alliances across the planet.

"Thank you for the forethought master jedi, we are going to transfer for you the secure commands." Afterall if codes were old and compromised why would you keep them in circulation... that would be convenient to suddenly just have. Part of the restoration had been just that restoring everything and making it new so old codes wouldn't function on Atrisian systems. "While I would love to have pride and say it is not needed, it seems ships are able to phase and teleport through the defenses of the planet and bypass the ships and soldiers. So protecting the people is important. If you can handle it I shall send the location of Xian and Horai two islands that house refugees from the last attacks and other worlds we took in."

She bowed again and was looking at talks about Sor-Jan Xantha Sor-Jan Xantha being this important figure on the world... she was deeply confused and trying to understand it as the jedi master spoke into the comlink bringin up what she could. "Master Xantha." I am hoping ou can enlighten me to some of this, we have spent a long time working to recover and it seems we didn't factor in some celestial technology to getting through shields and communications systems." She said it and motioned with one hand as parts of the world were being brought up for them to see with a nod of her head. "Make sure all forces are prepared and contact who we can."
Location: arriving into system

Allies: Clan Togashi, Atrisia

Enemies: those who seek to impose their will by force

Task Force Unicorn:


He sat in the command chair, slumped slightly, as the viewscreen flashed by. Blue eyes watched the bridge crew work quietly. Despite the song filtering through the internal speakers he could feel the tension that lay heavy upon them all. They were hurtling through space to fight a war not their own, for a planet that wasn't home, and for a people they didn't know. Once again.

Blood would flow, fire would consume, and death would visit some of them this day. And for what? The man saw the questioning looks between his people. He saw the confusion. And yet when they looked at him he saw the focus and determination upon their features. They believed in him, the Mad Master. For he had yet to fail them.

And so the men and women under his command, those employed by his Corporation, the followers of the Path of Aegis, the ones beneath the umbrella of his House, the ones who called him Alor, the ones who called him friend, and the ones who called him family would follow him to the gates of the Netherworld and beyond. They would die for him, because he would do so for them.

Captain Hrakness, his long time friend and compatriot, was given the command of Muad's favorite ship, Charlie the Unicorn, a present from Aedan Miles Aedan Miles upon their first battle together. Today the Mad Master led the command from the A.F. Banzai, one of the first ships built specifically for the Federation. She wasn't the last.

One of the officers called out sixty seconds to reversion. Muad leaned forward now I expectation as the Captain of the Banzai, an older twi'lek woman a sickly shade of pink, paced slowly with arms crossed over her torso. He grinned, remembering his first combat in space.

"Calm Captain. We are just taking the Banzai out for a test drive. We won't even scratch the paint job. Hopefully."

He offered a grin upon the altar of her discomfort that was quickly sacrificed to the gods that he had spoken truly. The final few seconds ticked by and suddenly they were in real space, their fleet escaping hyperspace alongside them to the stark reality that things had already gotten complicated.

"Open the fleet channel. Shields up and weapons hot. Wedge formation. Banzai at the fore with Luck and Charlie on either side. You smaller ships stay in our shadows. Gambler's Fate, hang back in our rear. Capital ships, scramble your fighters and set up screens. Out."

Rising from his seat he moved to where the hologram of the system and fleets hovered in tje air. He stepped into the middle while frowning slightly.

"Captain, Ping the Silver Jedi fleet as friendly. Send our transponders. Verify identity with Bei Fong of Atrisia. Lieutenant hand out targeting assignments and distribute amongst the fleet. Captain when you finish, send Derek a hypercomm message and tell him to sit tight with the 7th. Ping them every sixty seconds. If we fail to check in then he performs the catcher mitt maneuver. Lieutenant, when you forward our information to Fong relay we have assets on the ground."

Stepping out of the Holo he nodded as the transmission from Thurion's Hammer rang out. Smirking slightly he shook his head. Yeah, this was going to get interesting, and fast. He nodded a single time for the Lieutenant to broadcast upon an open frequency.

"This is Muad Dib. If anyone fires on Atrisia or her people, we will respond in kind. If anyone fires on my ships or people and I will make it my personal mission to burn to the ground not only you, but your entire family. Not even your pet porgs or ewoks will escape my wrath."

A nod and transmission was cut.

"Tight beam transmission to Clan Togashi. Tell Tobias and Hannibal to get ready."

He frowned slightly as the pieces began to be maneuvered on the board.

Mythos Mythos Junko Ike Junko Ike Sor-Jan Xantha Sor-Jan Xantha Kay-Larr Kay-Larr Adam Versili Xian Xiao Xian Xiao Zanza Hijikata Zanza Hijikata Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill
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The haori was more comfortable to move in now than when he first donned it. Everything about this world had a precise set of reasons and a time honored tradition attached to it. There was beauty and elegance in the way his garb seemed to flow as he raced out of the quaint home he had occupied and into the freshly panicked streets. It offset the horror that jarred the world around him.

Arashi had watched planets burn. This level of chaos drove men mad and pit brothers against each other, clawing and scraping in a frantic attempt to be free of what followed. No one wanted life to change.

Even with his rudimentary knowledge of the Force, he could feel the mounting tension.

His fingers traced the tsuka of Raigeki anxiously. A small-scale war had begun in space, and already there were elements of confusion, jubilation, and horror in the streets of the Capital City. The warrior took the weapon tight in hand and breathed out his reticence. He would not need it now.

Bar them entry, at any cost.

Make them bleed until they hate the idea of war.

Make them regret the darkness before they die.
She was not to get involved in the events unfolding on Atrisia, her Master had been very strict about that particular command. The planet had long been a lightning rod for unfortunate events, chief among them the Galactic Alliance's attempt to take the planet, and it seemed a repeat performance had begun. Lord Mythos Mythos had decided to retake his seat of power, bringing along his battle fleet to subjugate the world once more if force was required. The planet's government had made drastic changes since he had departed, becoming much more in line with the Light since.

It was this aspect that had intrigued her Master and had seen her dispatch Eldaah in a small cloaked ship to observe events. There was no doubt that some Jedi would come to oppose Mythos's attempts or to evacuate the rumored enclave on world if it existed. Whispers had begun of the Jedi starting to attempt another unification, that they had found something... some sort of rallying place secret from the galaxy. The whereabouts of this place where unknown, nor was it known which Jedi had been at this rumored meeting.

Her Master wanted this place discovered.

Contained in the cargo hold of her ship were a few Stringer Mynocks, creatures bred to be innocuous pests and overlooked as they transmitted the location of whatever ship they were feeding from. They could sense the light side and would hunt down ships of that affiliation to latch onto. Hopefully, Mythos would cause enough noise that her cargo could track down the Jedi's new base.

Just one operation of many to find it no doubt.
Contained in the cargo hold of her ship were a few Stringer Mynocks, creatures bred to be innocuous pests and overlooked as they transmitted the location of whatever ship they were feeding from. They could sense the light side and would hunt down ships of that affiliation to latch onto. Hopefully, Mythos would cause enough noise that her cargo could track down the Jedi's new base.

Although the enclave's few ships had already departed the system before the chaos began, no doubt any further Jedi ships - including the Silver Jedi fleet - would get the alchemized mynock trackers' attention. The Sith might well achieve their aim of finding the hidden station called Peace.


"Lady Junko we have other jedi in the Xiwangmu Temple Complex preparing to evacuate in the case of attack." She nodded, it was always possible... no more then likely the entirety of everything that had been built up would be bypassed. She was planning it and spoke as one of the drones moved forward showing a smaller holo image of herself to Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill who seemed to be overseeing it..."Thank you for the forethought master jedi, we are going to transfer for you the secure commands." Afterall if codes were old and compromised why would you keep them in circulation... that would be convenient to suddenly just have. Part of the restoration had been just that restoring everything and making it new so old codes wouldn't function on Atrisian systems. "While I would love to have pride and say it is not needed, it seems ships are able to phase and teleport through the defenses of the planet and bypass the ships and soldiers. So protecting the people is important. If you can handle it I shall send the location of Xian and Horai two islands that house refugees from the last attacks and other worlds we took in."

Quill was in conference with a handful of senior locals - Matukai monks, Yovshin, other Jedi - when a droid projected an image of an Atrisian woman in formal dress, with two handmaidens. He and the others returned her bow; as they headed off to continue preparing the evacuation, Quill took a seat on the base of a stone statue.

"You're Jedi Master Junko Ike, aren't you. Thank you for reaching out, Master Ike - there's a good deal of anxiety here at Xiwangmu, even though we've already sent the younglings and Padawans offworld." He'd been staying here a couple of weeks, maybe enough to learn to pronounce the name right. "I'll take whatever help you can offer, with gratitude. Thank you for the islands' coordinates. I'm worried that Mythos may find them - worse, we might draw him there and put the refugees at risk. I've called for Jedi ships to evacuate us but haven't heard back yet. If you have anything hypercapable that can get the older monks offworld safely, we'd appreciate it. Offworld, or just to join up with the Silver Jedi fleet."
Location: Lóngkou, near the gates
Wearing: Armatura | The Forgemaster's Ring | Ring of Stasis | The Sofitor
Wielding: 8 Nozhi Blades | 1 Czerka knive | 2 Nastirci Combat Knives | Clarion | Copero's Wail | Fire and Smoke | Combat Gauntlets | 2 TOTT-001 Arc Light Blaster | 2 Dissuader KD-30 Pistols with Glitter Bullets
Tags: Mythos Mythos Salem Norongachi Salem Norongachi
More Tags: Arashi Hagane Arashi Hagane Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill Zanza Hijikata Zanza Hijikata Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo Kay-Larr Kay-Larr Sor-Jan Xantha Sor-Jan Xantha Junko Ike Junko Ike

Atrisia. Now here was a planet she never thought she would actually see. Somehow in between all the politicking around the galaxy, all the fighting, and all the civilian corpses yeeted in every possible direction, not once had she considered that perhaps one day, her foot would step on this soil. But oh, how wonderfully had it.

A certain someone had let the planet's leadership know in advance that they were coming. Scherezade wasn't completely sure about it since she lacked experience in the department, but she was quite certain you didn't announce your intent to come and be a ruler after having failed several times and expect to be received with open arms. Apparently the man didn't either, since he'd brought an entire fleet with him.

It was his pompous announcement though, that had enabled the locals to contact the Agents of Chaos. It was through Sor-Jan Xantha Sor-Jan Xantha that the call had come directly to the Blood Hound, and she wasted preciously little time in gathering people together and making it for the planet that lay at the edge of the Core. They had come slightly before time, access granted to them just before all the shields snapped back into place to keep the unwanted invading forces out.

It was a strange sensation, Scherezade reflected, to not be the unwanted force, for a change.

But no. Unlike the thoughts that ran through the former emperor's mind, Agents of Chaos was not a resistance group. They were an annihilation group. And they had been asked to keep the old Sith from reclaiming a throne that had never truly been his in the first place.

Yet she could not deny that she was surprised. In the time it had taken to gather some people and arrive as quickly as possible, she'd had very little time to actually read up on the plcae they would be arriving at, their culture, their history, the meanings of multiple things that were happening. And there would be no time for proper lessons. However, she'd understood that the planet typically disliked the Sith. Yet, Sor-Jan had asked her to come, fully knowing that a Sith was what she was, and the methods she employed while being one. She supposed though, that the invitation would grant some grace from the locals.

"Remember," she said, looking at those that had gathered, "No massacring the locals this time. We're here on invitation. Someone actually wanted us. So fill the rivers red with the blood of the enemy, and the blood of the enemy alone."

A shiver ran through her as she said that. Few existed who enjoyed collateral damage more than the Sithling did. Yet now, that her sister was finally returned to her, she had promised to display a touch more patience. But only a small touch.

They stood there, by the wall, its effects masking their presence. Of the man they would be fighting, and whatever forces he would bring, Scherezade also knew little. She knew her aunt Asteria deWinter Asteria deWinter had introduced her to him two years prior, but she recalled nothing of the man, and it had been before her Blood Hound powers had kicked in, giving her no memory of what his abilities or existence smelled like.

And now, all they had to do… Was wait.

Shira Varanin

The Battlecruiser continued its descent further and further into the Mukashe Cante that was a massive ravine miles away from the capital. The ship prepared to make landing, exactly as he did all those years ago. No doubt here is when assassination attempts would happen or anything of the kind, already the crowd that awaited his return for so many years began to pool right underneath the cante.

ABOARD: Kay-Larr Kay-Larr Zanza Hijikata Zanza Hijikata

Some would call Shira Varanin a hothead. Others, by contrast, would call her a hothead.

A decent-sized but not exactly yuge crowd had gathered beneath the landed battlecruiser. Shira slunk through them with relative ease and a pro-Mythos insignia painted on her cheek. The battlecruiser's immense and complex hull had extremities galore, plenty of good places to avoid prying eyes. A basic repulsor pack slid Shira up one of the titanic landing struts and in between the bonelike vanes. One quad laser cannon, one out of hundreds, got a bead on her but she was moving too quickly, too close, for accurate fire. Her lightstaff carved through the weapon's canopy, then the Sith trooper inside.

The cannon's control chamber offered access to the ship's interior. Ignited weapon in hand, Shira headed up.

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