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Dominion Ancient Secrets | EE Dominion of Terraris




One of the Jewels of the Unknown Territories, Terraris is one of the wealthiest and most advanced worlds in the region, home to a multitude of powerful corporations which function as independent corporate states, among them being HPI, Rocksolid, Spear, and yet more. These states play host to a number of diverse cultures, political systems, and traditions, though they are broadly overseen by Terraris Command, which along with House L’lerim, maintains control over the planet.

As the wealthiest of the corporate states on Terraris, HPI is home to the planet’s largest, most populous city, the HPI Metropolis. It is a wealthy, post-scarcity society where every citizen is guaranteed the necessities of life free of charge, in addition to free education and training for their chosen field. However, these robust social benefits curtain an extremely xenophobic populace and law code, in addition to a robust network of surveillance under the night-omniscient eye of MANIAC, which goes so far as to monitor citizens’ thoughts via nanotech biochips.

In spite of MANIAC’s constant surveillance, there exists a powerful underworld on Terraris, controlled by Militia, a paramilitary corporate state, and Vex, the world’s largest supplier of illicit substances. Force-sensitives on Terraris most often find home in Spear, a corporate state which specializes in training Force-users, though is controlled by a mysterious triumvirate of leaders known as Dragon, Curse, and Beast. Ultimately, as the Eternal Empire builds closer ties with Terraris, tensions are likely to take hold as the values of the Empire clash with those of HPI and its citizens, giving rise to a wealth of stories surrounding the jewel-clad world!

The planet where it almost always just happens what was authorized by the HPI / Empire, and they have no particular interest in peace on the planet. Terraris Command thus maintains control of the entire system with an iron grip.



Objective 1: The Jewel
Getting to know the planet is basically a non-combat acquaintance with HPI, as it is the safest state/empire on the planet. You can get to know the local customs, people, and art. Everything in the most modern conditions possible, in a place where everyone is rich, gets everything, you don’t even have to work. But of course, if you want to visit someone else’s place, maybe the BYOO is the best for this.

Objective 2: On the Streets
Although House L’lerim ruling the planet through Terraris Command and so does HPI, the family also has great influence in the Rocksolid area, as the Overlord of the Eternal Empire, Tubrok Ragal Tubrok Ragal , is the ruler of Rocksolid. And because HPI allows for wars, there is currently a war between Pride and Rocksolid. The front was pushed back to the Pride area, a battle taking place in a huge city of tens of millions of inhabitants. Atmospheric fighters, vehicles, walkers, tanks, droids, one can find every kind of warfares here. Pride’s view is that only the strong have the right to survive, clans on both sides have been learning to fight since childhood, so the fights are brutal.
Rocksolid stands closer to the Eternal Empire, so feel free to join the Pride side too, if anyone likes them better.

Objective 3: Mining Colony
Fyrir (Heimr I.); the first planet is also in habitable proximity, but an old asteroid impact destroyed the atmosphere and made the once prosperous planet uninhabitable. Nowadays, they mainly have mining colonies on it and archaeological excavations. Mainly the Drox has colonies in this place. And with one of the colonies lost contact not so long ago. According to one last piece of data, they asked for archaeological and scientific help because they found several hibernating animals that woke up and changed rapidly. Before the disconnection, one more picture of the creatures was sent:

Objective 4: BYOO
There are many more ways to interact with the inhabitants than are listed here. Not to mention, there is an entire hex worth of stories to be told. Have fun in any way that you please!


Links: Terraris
Credit: Most of the companies/nations/technologies and characters based on Tubrok Ragal Tubrok Ragal / Th'edar Kolbert Th'edar Kolbert 's "Fagyos Sötétség Kora" (Age of Frosty Darkness) dark militaristic sci-fi universe.

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Speak with Ivixa
Location: Shard, HPI Metropolis, Terarris
Equipment: The Soulsabers | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas
[ Just Inside my Head ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

The Empress was at home; I mean, really at home. True Ingrid was born on Nelvaan; quite precisely on a star destroyer orbiting the planet, but it was Nelvaan's. She also felt Kalidan her home, but she actually considered Terraris to be it. With the planet and the conditions on it, the hundreds of years of plans of the clans and HPI have been realized. Everything, companies, technology, everything is made to achieve this, to acquire it.

They were here now; she was at home. At last, Rocksolid also received the independence it deserved. Everything is in place. The Empire flourished, the creation of the HPI race exceeded all expectations. She knew that this place would not fully fit into the Eternal Imperial standards, it was much stricter and more rigid in many places. But Terraris was Terraris. Her home, better than Nelvaan or Kalidan.

And today she had to talk to someone, so she invited Ivixa to her own home. She didn’t usually receive strangers at home many times, but now the red-haired woman made an exception. As for Ingrid's home, the floor below the top floor of the Shard was hers. The tower was so large that it already ended in space, so this half of the planet was visible from here. The apartment is modern, mainly in black and white colours, with elegant furniture and carpets. The place was high, with huge spacious spaces, rooms and restrained, elegant luxury. Standard HPI features.

Ivixa, when she arrives on the planet, is accompanied by two high-ranking Shadow Company soldiers to Ingrid's home. They took the elevator up to the right floor, but only the agent could get out of the elevator. Not far from there, Ingrid was waiting for her in the spacious living room. Through the windows, the night part of the planet was visible on one side, and the sun was just rising on the other.

"Welcome, come in and take a seat; asking for something?. I need to talk to you about something." she started.


Curse | Darth Maledictio
The Shadow Dragon, Sith Lord, One of leaders of the Spear, Nite inner circle member, Archon of the Primyn Group
Objective: Find out what happened
Location: Mining Colony, Fyrir (Heimr I.)
Equipment: Current form || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tag: Open
[ A Voice Born of Stone and Dust ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

The planet that was once called Mavos, though not many even knew about it in this system. The man was among those who knew that, contrary to popular belief, the planet was not destroyed by an asteroid attack, the reason was quite different. Dragon, Beast, and the Horsemen of Sivary knew the truth. Not a big company. As far as man and Spear knew the planet was completely dead. That's why the Drox's colony's message was interesting.

Spear didn’t want to get involved in things and affairs here officially, which is why Curse arrived in disguise. As a researcher and doctor; as a shape-shifter, it was all simple. And he made a similar simple introduction on the space station that orbited the planet even before a shuttle brought them down.

"Welcome, dr. I'm Dash Halcyon, medical doctor!" he said and even showed his medical package.

The man, of course, hid his presence in the Force; he was not a powerful Sith Lord today, just a clumsy and annoying scientist, nothing more. And that was okay and so it was right. As the shuttle headed for the planet, Curse, i.e. the doctor, read his datapad all the way, with accessible data on what had happened here. Actually, it wasn’t all too much. They found something that woke them up and…

And it probably killed everyone down there. The man was hundreds of years old, he had no illusions that not beautiful things could happen, especially not where the Ancient Mavos and the Sivary had once been at war with each other. The finished miracle was that the planet could still be used for mining and archaeological purposes. Those creatures were not familiar to him. I mean, the man was both a sorcerer and a necromancer, having seen similar undead and demons before.

But he didn't know exactly what they might be. Hopefully this little trip will answer his questions. He felt a small shaking, followed by the familiar sound of the shuttle connecting to the colony's docking system. They're arrived.

"Based on the records, I would suggest that someone who has weapons go ahead first!" he suggested.




TAG: Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa
Kit: KC-47 Hybrid Strike Rifle, KC-95 Blaster Pistol, Lucius-pattern Bayonet, Sk-RS Mk. IV Armor, Valdr Skær-Pattern Dual-Role Droid Control Unit
Forces: 10th Ultranaut Regiment 'Oathbreakers' - Roughly three thousand members

From way up high, the city looked peaceful. Or so Corin thought as she and five other Ultranauts descended towards the surface of Terraris in a
Styx-class Assault Dropship alongside a half-dozen Sigma-class Heavy Assault Dropships. Watching through the ship's scopes via her HUD, the Major couldn't help but be a little starstruck by the bright lights that littered the frozen plateaus of the world below. She had known for a while now that Terraris was a corporate world, rich in almost every sense of the word. Rich, yes, and ripe with tribal-like factions vying for control. She had heard stories about those tribes and the places they inhabited, stories that boggled the mind.

But hearing about something and seeing it with your own eyes were two very different things indeed. It was a good thing, then, that her curiosity would soon be sated.

Dropping the feeds, Corin settled back into her seat. The dropship rattled and shook as they broke orbit. Rapid entries like this were never pleasant to experience. But High Command had deemed it necessary to get boots on the ground ASAP, and Corin found herself agreeing with them on that account. Her people worked best when they had solid ground beneath their feet, as did she. Natural gravity, after all, was much better than the artificial kind. Unlike the latter, the former was less likely to give out at a moment's notice. Which was good, since Ultranauts didn't like getting caught with their pants down.

Not many people did, come to think of it.

Closing her eyes, Corin braced as the dropship changed course, the pressure pushing her into her seat easing up fractionally as the angle became less severe. News came in over the Battle Net; Crown had begun deploying at the Rocksolid-Pride front, and Sword was hot on their heels. Scepter had still to enter atmo. All in all, things were going to plan.

"Not long now, sir." The pilot said, his voice gravelly in Corin's ear. Glancing towards the cockpit, Cor tried to make out the man sitting at the dropship's controls as he took them through a series of maneuvers that brought the ship lower, and lower. "ETA... three minutes and counting. Captains Rikil and Berenk report that the LZ's been secured. They're waiting on your arrival now."

"Then we'd best not keep them, aye, crewman?"

"Aye, sir. Taking us in."


Location: Pride City (X) - Terraris
Unit Support: Mermaid Squadron (FAE/AV-02 “Loralora” Interceptor Swoop Craft [4] | FAE/AV-03 “Kallomena” Air Superiority Swoop Craft [4]) │ 10th “Oathbreaker” Ultranaut Regiment
Call Sign: Mermaid Two - “Queen”
Objective: Support Landing Forces
Tags: Corin Autem Corin Autem

It all felt different after Trinity Harris Trinity Harris became her girlfriend.

Not once in her career, from her tenure with the Wild Hunt Speed Corps to her present service with the Ultranaut Thunder Corps and the Oathbreaker Regiment, had she ever hesitated before getting on the pillion of a jet swoop. The selfie of her and Trinity from the Harvest Festival, with Eleena bearing henna on her lekku and Trinity clad in her dark angel costume, was initially attached to her dashboard, but the Twi’lek contemplated taking it off before launching from the dropship, feeling that it might cause her to hesitate at some crucial moment. Could she take the risk of chasing a bogey through a narrow tunnel with Trinity’s enchanting brown eyes staring back at her? Would she take that hazardous strafe against a formation of heavily-armed and armored infantry? Would she risk engaging a starfighter in a contest of superiority over the skies?

Did she dare even fly again?

The swoop ace quickly decided that it was best not to think about it.

At the very last moments before launch, Eleena ripped the picture off of the dashboard, before handing it to a technician, with a request to hold onto it until she returned. The distinct howl of her swoop’s turbo ion jet drive echoed drowned out the man’s confusion as Eleena took off, diving into the jaws of hell itself, in the form of a raging battle between the disciplined tribes of Rocksolid and the savage clans of Pride. The rush of adrenaline that seized her awareness pushed any worries about Trinity to the back of her mind, but it was impossible for Eleena to simply forget her.

After all, she was her beloved.

“Mermaids, all signs report in.” Isena’s voice sounded out.

“Mermaid Two, present!” Eleena answered snappily, followed by her squadmates, one after the other in equally quick, precise fashion.

“Good to see no technical issues.” Isena began, relieved. She had been mildly anxious about the new Kallomena machines some of the pilots were flying. Their reliability was still in question, especially as the technicians continued to familiarize themselves with the Kallomena’s systems, compared to the Loralora swoops. “We’re on full duty tonight, Mermaids. We’re split between Kallomena and Loralora machines, so expect everything from fire support to air superiority. ETA, two minutes!”

The lightning-fast jet swoops of Mermaid Squadron screamed past the dropships and transports of Crown Battalion. Capable of operating at extremely high altitudes and outrunning most starfighters, they were undoubtedly the fastest units in Oathbreaker Company. Tasked with scouting out the city for the bigger birds, the swoops soared over the urban landscape with as much speed as possible, while scanning the surface for safe landing zones...


O B J E C T I V E: On the Streets
She didn't like the feel of her new armor. Yet, she had kept such thoughts to herself. Corin had arranged for her to be equipped with this after all, so when the woman asked her if the armor was okay, Lilanna wasn't about to put all her friend's work to waste.​
They...were friends of a sort. Kinda. Her lip tightened as she embarked down that road of thought, which was a pleasant distraction against the shaking of the dropship. She could sense the woman ahead, her mind seemingly reaching that combat high that so often took over. It was a common practice amoung the Ultranauts she had found, many of them had a unnerving calm that took over on the waning hours of a battles start. She took comfort in that, and ignoring the light display unfolding beneath the transports, she let herself sink into meditation, and resisting the urge to connect her mind to Corin for both their sakes.​
Fight now, talk later.​
Her hand brushed over the hilt of her saber, and sighed. They did their best work on the battlefield it seemed.​



Equipment: Powered Wheelchair, Enviroweave Blanket, Cloths, and Boots, over Viper Mk. I Skinsuit, Dark Purple pair of Wrist Dazzlers as ornamental bracelets, 3 Whimsy Knives
Accompanied By: Red-Eye
Objective: Meet and Greet
Tag: Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan Vidalu Na'an Vidalu Na'an

Red-Eye was silent with his newer chassis. The eight-hundred year old nanny droid to Felmorante during her time within the Architects den. It had followed them through the portal to a new life, even learning of the modern galaxy when the facility had been set adrift by several asteroid storms that wrecked their external communications.

The droid was only alert to the immediate dangers, following behind the young woman as she happily scooted along to a meeting place that had been delivered to her with some great care to not be seen.

Red Eye had not been pleased with the directions of the note, but Fel was quite happy to help if her skills would allow it. Her hands sat idle on the arms of the chair, the slow forward motion set by a soft lean that she had become slowly more aware of. Feeling was slowly returning to her midsection below her navel. A happy bit of news given the amount of time that had passed since being condemned to the chair.

There was a tingle every now and again in her toes, or at least she guessed her toes, given the sensation tended to quickly appear and disappear. But it was something, and it was far better than nothing in her opinion.

Until she received something of a sign that was to lead her to her next direction, she quietly wheeled along with a few stares every now and again that she met with a smile and a wave. Tended to send those staring away with a hurried walk as she heard Red Eye
Overseer for Imperial Scientific Development


Riding: Phantom
Accompanied by: Plushee Companion Droid
Wearing: Guarderma Bio-suit
Ship: Luminary class light explorer exchanging crew space for biolabs
Tags: Darth Maledictio Darth Maledictio

On route..

The whole ship juddered as flakk bursts pattered of the turtled hull of her ship. "Why are they shooting at us!" Raged Dr. Harris "turn our turbolasers on... no wait, this is a KARKING SCIENCE VESSEL!" the war going down there was some clan war and was nothing to do with her, unaligned scientific and medical vessels were registered for flight and supposed to be treated as non combatants, so why were sirens going off and flashes flaring through the window ports.

Her pilot looked even more annoyed than she did. He was talented and was doing well to evade the fire but sweat drew from his brow. "Not much further Trin," he said to her, barely looking up from the console. "Will get us landed there is another shuttle there but you're going to have to patch yourself through sorry."

"Thank you, I will stop distracting us so you can keep us alive."

She made a tight beam comm to the already docked shuttle, unknown to her owned by Darth Maledictio Darth Maledictio "unknown shuttle, this is Dr. Trinity Harris, do you require any assistance? We may be here to investigate the same thing. I can dock in the next port and we can meet inside the docking ring."

She would wait and then act accordingly.

if the reply came back welcoming...

Trinity's ship docked some 50 metres further round the ring from Maledictos ship and she approached the doors. Scans indicated that this particular section showed no movement but her Ultranaut escort were taking no chances. The six of them fanned out and like a well oiled machine, secured the docking area. Luckily the scans had proven correct. She wouldn't go far into the structure until she had convened with the other scientist and they could make a plan. The reports were that the environment here was very dangerous so rushing in without a plan was not an option.



TAG: Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa
Kit: KC-47 Hybrid Strike Rifle, KC-95 Blaster Pistol, Lucius-pattern Bayonet, Sk-RS Mk. IV Armor, Valdr Skær-Pattern Dual-Role Droid Control Unit
Forces: 10th Ultranaut Regiment 'Oathbreakers' - Roughly three thousand

Upon disembarking the dropship, Corin was unsurprised to see her two colleagues waiting for her. "Sir." They both said in unison. Returning their salute, the Major ground to a halt in front of them as the rest of her fireteam spread out in a diamond formation around her. "Report." With her hands folded behind her back, Cor listened as Captain Sion Berenk and Combat Engineer Jaina Rikil went about doing just that. Keeping it short and to the point, it wasn't long before the trio began to make their way towards the FOB's perimeter.

Located nearly two miles within Pride's territory, the FOB already showed signs of battle. Crown had been the first battalion to make planetfall. Deploying straight into battle, the veteran companies under Cor's command had made short work of the surprised defenders. Bodies littered the sides of the street down which Cor walked. No doubt they had been dragged and dumped there sometime within the last fifteen minutes, after the site had been secured and made ready for Scepter's and Sword's arrival. Efficient and brutally unaffected, the Ultranaut companies had then proceeded to fortify the landing zone, blockading streets and collapsing buildings where applicable.

Sidestepping the flaming husk of a Walker, Cor turned up her nose as the smell of burning flesh reached her. Sometimes it was a good thing no-one could see her face. Her discomfort would have made the others laugh. "I see." Corin said as Rikil ended her report by saying that Pride forces had already begun to amass the sufficient numbers needed to assault the FOB. "Have the others been informed?" There was a pause as Rikil nodded. "They have. Luca and Rigo have already started putting together a little welcoming committee for them." From the lilt of her voice, Cor could tell the woman was delighted by the prospect of the battle to come. "They won't take us by surprise, that's for damned sure."

Turning, Corin gave her friend and comrade a long, speculative look as the news sunk in. "Good. Let your brother-captains know they're not to make any moves until Scepter has deployed. I don't want any half-measures on this one." Rikil straightened as she recognized Cor's tone of voice. "Yes, sir, I'll tell them now." Nodding, Cor turned to Sion as Rikil disappeared back down the street. An explosion sounded nearby as she eyed the tall Cathar. If she had to guess, Corin would have said that was the swoops introducing themselves.

From the looks of him, Sion was thinking the same thing.

"It'll be our turn soon." Corin warned, gesturing towards the firewall nearby. Four fireteams manned it, heavy repeaters poised and ready to reap a bloody swathe through any wouldbe attackers. More fireteams flitted around them, going in and out of buildings on either side of the street with boxes of munitions. Urban warfare on this scale would be a tricky thing to wage, but wage it they would. However and whenever they could.

"Your company has been briefed on what is expected of them, I take it?"

"Yes, sir. The men have been briefed. I assume we'll have swoop- and walker support for this little foray you've planned up?" Smiling to herself, Cor said, "We will." Stopping, she turned to watch as Captains Pella and Fellian led their companies up the street behind her. A few Spider Walkers followed, with a few more armored vehicles just behind. "Once Scepter's done dragging their heels, we'll be off. For now, see to your men. Dismissed."


Curse | Darth Maledictio
The Shadow Dragon, Sith Lord, One of leaders of the Spear, Nite inner circle member, Archon of the Primyn Group
Objective: Find out what happened
Location: Mining Colony, Fyrir (Heimr I.)
Equipment: Current form || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tag: Trinity Harris Trinity Harris | Open
[ A Voice Born of Stone and Dust ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

On the shuttle that Curse arrived with, not only did he travel on it, but others, and the pilot worked for Drox. So the pilot was the one who sent back a message to Trinity's ship. And it contained the coordinates of where they would docking to the research station. They started from the space station and did not arrive into the system now. After landing on the planet, the man also set off to meet the crew of the other ship.

It all happened soon. Curse immediately guessed that it could be some more serious person if accompanied by Ultranauts and not left this to the local soldiers; however the Terraris Command's soldiers were quite good.

"Welcome, dr. I'm Dash Halcyon, medical doctor!" he said and even showed his medical package again, just like he did at the space station earlier.

~ I would like all the data from the Nite database about the lady! ~ he told MANIAC.

He was a member of the Inner Circle, with access to all information. So he expected to get the requested data projected onto his retina soon. But while he waited for that, he looked at the woman again.

"In answer to the previous question… Yes, we probably arrived for the same reason. I am a doctor and a scientist, an exobiologist. According to the recordings, they are living beings. I hope I can help. What do you specialise in?" he asked.

He seemed to have no weapons at all, only medical and research equipment. That is why he had not yet set off, but rather looked at the soldiers questioningly.

Overseer for Imperial Scientific Development


Riding: Phantom
Accompanied by: Plushee Companion Droid
Wearing: Guarderma Bio-suit
Ship: Luminary class light explorer exchanging crew space for biolabs
Tags: Darth Maledictio Darth Maledictio

Trinity saw the other scientist glancing at the soldiers around her and she gestured for them to back off a little. On closer inspection their uniforms were slightly off, where the ultranaut insignia should, there was the symbol of a private military contractor, apparently this contractor had a liking of high end Imperial soldiers and decided to model his own elites on them, even going so far as to call them Ultranaughts, two letters that he assumed would keep him out of hot water.

The Doctors request would quickly be filled, she obviously had some scientific clearances but did little highly Classified works so there was no reason for her identity to be hidden.

"I am Dr. Harris, I specialise in Xenobotabology and Anthropology. The papers I have read have also given me the impression that this is biological in nature. From a botanology perspective there are a number of plants or funghi that could be suspects, but the symptoms exhibited by the victims don't should out any one in particular."

She was happy to have another scientist on the field to bump ideas off of, her work was often lonely. "I have recently also encountered and artificially created parasite, apparently created by some Hutt, I have studied it a little, but the samples I received were long dead" the thought about the Malus Lupus Parasite, who would create something so vile, but even that, the infected tended to be purposed to do something and the creatures here seemed to have little direction about them.

The two of them would need to investigate further to find out the cause, she was glad she brought her soldiers with her, knock offs of the imperial elite, they had been highly recommended and the university had paid good money for them to keep her safe.

They started speaking speaking each other in a language that the did not recognise, then the sergeant approached her. "There is no movement here, but not far ahead we have detected moment, no way of telling yet if it is hostile or not."

Curse | Darth Maledictio
The Shadow Dragon, Sith Lord, One of leaders of the Spear, Nite inner circle member, Archon of the Primyn Group
Objective: Find out what happened
Location: Mining Colony, Fyrir (Heimr I.)
Equipment: Current form || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tag: Trinity Harris Trinity Harris | Open
[ A Voice Born of Stone and Dust ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

No, Curse really had no reason to hide his identity. The false identities were perfect, and as a shape-shifter, it wasn’t hard to really become the person he wanted to be. Oh, that was interesting when he saw that those weren't Eternal Imperial soldiers with the girl, just mercenaries. So he already found the situation much less interesting. She wasn't that interesting then either. And meanwhile, data about him also arrived through MANIAC. He already knew who he was dealing with.

"Dr. Harris, what an honour! I have already read your scientific articles. Great writings! I especially like his theory of how he wants to repopulate and terraform the planets subjugated by Bryn'adûl. I would be happy to talk to you about this once… if we are in more normal circumstances." he said at the end with a confused grin and even held out his hand to the woman, to shaking hands to introduce themselves appropriately.

He then listened with interest to the woman about the parasite. Of course, Curse had her own resources, so at first hearing the parasite, she thought she was mentioning that one, which occupied Lady Eina's body.

"Oh, that's really interesting, I'd like to hear more about that. You say it was a hutt, eh? That would also be of great interest to me, yes!" he said enthusiastically; he wasn't really bothered by dead things, if someone is proficient in necromancy, there are really no boundaries.

Meanwhile, he looked at the soldiers as one stepped closer to them. He nodded, then had a question. He knew the answer through the Force, but now he was just a scientist, so he had to ask…

"Can you tell if living things are moving or dead ones?” he asked. "You know, Blackwing virus, Melding plague… anything could happen." he shrugged.

Location: Pride City (X) - Terraris
Unit Support: Mermaid Squadron (FAE/AV-02 “Loralora” Interceptor Swoop Craft [4] | FAE/AV-03 “Kallomena” Air Superiority Swoop Craft [4]) │ 10th “Oathbreaker” Ultranaut Regiment
Call Sign: Mermaid Two - “Queen”
Objective: Defend the FOB
Tags: Corin Autem Corin Autem Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor Carth Braxis Carth Braxis

Before long, the companies of Crown Battalion made landfall within the city, close to the FOB. Gazing down the side of her swoop as she took in the scene transpiring beneath her, that of Ultranauts preparing defensive positions with various types of heavy weaponry, Eleena drove her swoop low and slow in a patrol pattern, following in the wake of Isena’s Loralora. Their swoops were machines built not only for open skies, but also tight urban corridors and streets. It put them at an advantage compared to larger, bulkier starfighters and airspeeders, allowing them to rain down precise fire no matter where the enemy thought to hide. Furthermore, Eleena had plenty of experience flying in cities, having done so on Pa’Desh and Lotho Minor, back when Traimri Bruz still commanded Mermaid squadron.

She wondered if he would ever return. What would he say when she told him about Trinity?

Shaking her head, Eleena shifted her body across her swoop to bank hard to her left, following Isena as she passed over the form of the Major and the commanding officer of the Oathbreakers, Corin Autem Corin Autem .

“Mermaid squadron is in position and on station, Major.” The Echani swoop ace transmitted to the Major. “All signs are active.” She added.

Location: Shard Tower, HPI Metropolis - Terraris
Dialogue Legend: <"High Nelvaanian"> │ "Galactic Basic"
Attire: VA-BWu | Visel Arms Ltd.
On Person: VA-24p | Visel Arms Ltd.
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

She had acquired a reputation.

Ivixa couldn’t point to when it had happened, some point, people had begun to talk about her in a certain way. Difficult. Catty. Thorny. High-Maintenance. Demanding.

Of course, no one questioned her competence as an Agent. She had multiple successful missions to her name, a long service record, and had received personal recognition from the Empress, as well. While the Empress was unquestionably the best assassin in the Unknown Regions, Ivixa was making her case for the second. However, where the Empress was known for precision and minimizing unnecessary casualties, Ivixa preferred stealth through mass death and brutally efficient disposal of enemy troops, often killing her target only after slaying large groups of their henchmen. Unfortunately, it was an approach that had gotten her in trouble, especially among her allies, who often saw her methods as wasteful and unnecessarily risky. Nevertheless, Ivixa only rarely altered her approach, for reasons that eluded her overseers…

Nevertheless, it went without saying that everyone knew that she enjoyed killing.

Her talent as an assassin-sniper had carried her from the humble slums of the Scintilla to the highest jewel of Terraris, Shard. Ivixa knew that the Empress was a busy woman, so to be called for a meeting with her meant that it was a matter of extremely high priority. The Asa’nyx wondered if it might pertain to her recent disagreements with allies, most notably on Zygerria and Lwhekk. If it was, Ivixa was mentally prepared to accept whatever judgement the Empress might administer on her, but she had no intention of changing who she was, unless the Empress herself demanded it.

Perhaps then, she might consider it.

Stepping out of the elevator, Ivixa took in the room set before her, the Empress’ home. Her nostrils flared in shock at seeing the blackness of space, rather than the lights of a city, outside of the windows. Nevertheless, the tiny Asa’nyx composed herself and stepped inside, taking a seat at the Empress’ command as she did.

<“Thank you, my Lord.”> Ivixa said as she sat down, ever-aware of how the Empress preferred to be addressed in settings such as this. <"I-I don’t think I need anything.”> She continued. <"This...this world is beautiful. I can’t believe I didn’t learn of this place earlier.”> The Asa’nyx added, her breath heavy with awe as she did. Even though she had already received more than a few unwelcome looks due to the fact that she was quite obviously not human, Ivixa could not deny that the HPI Metropolis was an extremely beautiful city, matching, if not exceeding the jewel that was Eve.

<“I-I’m sorry, my Lord.”> She said, shaking her head out of her thoughts. <"What would you like to discuss?”>
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O B J E C T I V E: On the Streets
Feeling that they were nearing the drop point, Lilanna steeled herself, her hands feeling the blades on her suit, and the saber she had concealed on her person. Her focus steeled herself for the battle to come, her mind still lingering on Corin, before withdrawing towards those that sat among her. Their drop zone had to be approaching soon, that she was certain, but something occurred that she hadn't anticipated.​
The first indication to her that something was miss, was the flair up warning from the cockpit. Her head snapped towards the placement of the pilots, and for a split second dread loomed before her. Then the shuttle violently dropped, shouts of alarm filled the confines of the ship, as it began to tumble, loud alarms blared, emergency lights flared on, and Lilanna had to activate her magboots to keep her feet from flaring about as the drop-ship began to tumble. The 'G's on her body slammed against her head, and she struggled to focus as she unclipped her belt, an intense light began to funnel out from the cockpit, and her eyes went wide as she realized a fire was consuming the ship.​
Knowing that their ship was doomed, Lilanna locked her mind down, pushing aside all distractions, and pulled the force around herself. She threw herself against the bulkhead of the doomed ship, using the force to phase her body through the flame engulfed shuttle, as she fell backwards towards the world below. Lilanna found herself falling from the sky now, her drop ship had morphed into a fireball as it soon collided with a large several story building, though the Warden had problems of her own. Still using the momentum of her initial breach, she flipped to her feet, and again pulled on the force as she watched a rooftop below her racing up to meet her. She threw out her hands, commanding her body to slow, to come to a rest on the shattered rooftop, and managed to do so.​
Her feet settling on the tiles of the roof, she let out a sigh, and turned her gaze to the fire that had been her dropship. Unfortunately, she had no idea how to get to her location on foot.​

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Speak with Ivixa
Location: Shard, HPI Metropolis, Terarris
Equipment: The Soulsabers | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas
[ Just Inside my Head ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

<"We kept its existence a secret for as long as necessary. There are very few people in this corner of the Galaxy, it seemed like an ideal place. Terraris is the culmination of a long centuries-old project that my people have wanted to accomplish for a very long time. Perhaps it would have happened earlier if Darth Tacitus had not arrived at Nelvaan. Ironically, it was the Eternal Empire that slowed down the aspirations of my people."> she said as she looked out the window as well.

Of course, Ingrid didn't say all this accusingly, she didn't bother that the Eternal Empire came to Nelvaan, it was just a strange interplay of coincidences. Moreover, the red-haired woman was actually grateful for it, because the founding of the Eternal Empire put an end to the long-running Assassin War. It was all very, very long ago. She wasn't sure, but maybe she only remembered it all because of her very good memory; and with… rather thanks to the Force. The age she now lived will be common among the inhabitants of HPI, but such as Curse, Dragon, Beast, Sivary's Horsemen, or even Tyrant. Only everyone belonged to a different species. Sometimes she thought that if others would know the reality of this place, they might would want to destroy it.

But yet, this was her home; her true home. For a moment after her answer, she forgot that she was not alone, but had company. Sometimes Ingrid was a little too sentimental when it came to her home. Most would probably have understood all of this; but the woman could not afford this luxury in any situation.

<"Oh, yes. You know how talented and great an assassin I think you are, but recent missions have revealed serious shortcomings in your abilities and practice. Among other things, I saw them under our joint action with the Mandalorians. You did not follow Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud 's orders, you answered back to him mockingly, disrespectfully, and you became independent in your actions. On that day, you exceeded your authority several times, both in words and deeds, and your wounded self-esteem and ego nearly ruined a diplomatic relationship that had lasted for several months. Not to mention you jeopardized the work of the entire team with your actions."> she said again in an ice-cold voice.

She paused for a moment.

<"What turned out that day is that you are unable to play in a team, your own interests and the fact that you can kill more and more, this is more important for you than the interests of the team. An assassin, an agent will be good if they are able to adapt immediately to any situation. You are unable to do that yet. This is why I will send you for further training… Where you will be taught to play in a team and also that it is not your personal interest first, but the last."> she said.





Tag: Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa
Kit: KC-47 Hybrid Strike Rifle, KC-95 Blaster Pistol, Lucius-pattern Bayonet, Sk-RS Mk. IV Armor, Valdr Skær-Pattern Dual-Role Droid Control Unit
Forces: 10th Ultranaut Regiment 'Oathbreakers' - Roughly 3003 members, an unknown amount of Rocksolid Corporate Soldiers

It took them a while to get settled in. An hour and thirty-nine minutes passed before Scepter and Sword finished deployment. By then, Pride forces had begun to bite back. Small skirmishes, at first. Before long, those skirmishes grew into sizable confrontations, hundreds of Ultranauts facing off against twice their number in close quarters battles. Sometimes more than that. All the while, Corin held back her mainforcers- the veteran companies of the first battalion, mostly. These were her veteran fighters. Men and women who had been with her since she'd joined the regiment almost ten years ago now.

She had climbed the ranks alongside these warriors; in turn, they had helped raise her up, and done their best to keep her humble.

And safe. Couldn't forget that.

Joining her sentries atop the firewall's fighting platform, Cor listened to the chatter coming in over the EENet as the last of her regiment arrived. It was a cluttered, garbled mess mostly, as both Rocksolid and Empire assets went about waging war on Pride. She tried to pick out the bits and pieces important to her. Elements of Sword had repelled an assault from the North; minimal casualties. Scepter was done putting together the last of the base's defenses. As for Rocksolid, well, they were doing their thing, using the confusion she had created to make a push on Pride's lines. There was more than that, but Cor let the rest go. Useless information that held no bearing on her current situation.

Casting her gaze skywards, Cor watched as a couple of swoops circled overhead. Through the red imaging of her visor, the swoops were little more than dark shapes outlined by a slightly darker sky. Her suit identified the pair as Eleena Salwa and Isena Elysi, pilots attached to the regiment not long after the events on Danuta. They were today's air support, and while Corin didn't expect to put them through the grinder, she couldn't deny the possibility of things getting a little heavy for the squadron.

All in good time.

"Copy that, Mermaid Two." Cor said, eyes still pointed skyward. "Mermaid Actual, you're clear to engage as and when you see fit. We'll do what we can from down here." Pausing, the Ultranaut let her eyes fall. "Stay safe, and good hunting!" Dropping the connection, Corin turned her back to the street beyond the firewall as a sudden wave of worry washed over her. Ignoring it as best she could, the Major raised one hand and signaled the main force to move out. The waiting companies surged forward as one. It was time.


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O B J E C T I V E: On the Streets
Taking in a breath, Lilanna looked about, trying to get a grip on her surroundings, and found little to work with. The cityscape wasn't exactly spotless given the battles that had ranged around the planet, making landmarks a bit difficult to pin down. Still, there were a large amount of craft circling the area up ahead, and she did recognize several of the craft as bearing EE symbols on the wings. Seemed she had a bit of a trek lined up before her. She reached out, feeling once more for Corin, and felt the very edge of the woman's man. There was a flicker of concern from her significant other, though Lilanna kept her presence concealed from the woman, not sure if she was in combat and not wanting to risk putting her in danger with a careless distraction. Regardless, knowing where Corin was, meant she now had an idea of where to go. So turning in the direction of which she felt the woman, Lilanna took a moment to collect herself.​
Lilanna sighed. Taking her wrist launcher, she fired off one of the ascension cables and secured it to a support on the roof, and began her trek down to the ground below. She had only gotten half way down when her danger sense flared up, and the reason soon became apparent. Several blaster shots erupted from where her feet hung, as it seemed her adversaries were concealed within the building she was currently scaling. Reactivity, Lilanna stopped her descent, and pulled herself up with a quick pull of the arm. Using the force, she pulled her feet up, flipping on her ascension cable, she placed her feet against the side of the building and activated her boots. Now standing on the side of the building, holding onto her cable for additional support, Lilanna's remaining free hand went for her saber. Taking the weapon in hand, she pushed out with her senses, and slowly lowered herself towards the still smoldering holes that her attackers had made in the walls.​
So much for an easy walk back to base.​

Location: Pride City (X) - Terraris
Unit Support: Mermaid Squadron (FAE/AV-02 “Loralora” Interceptor Swoop Craft [4] | FAE/AV-03 “Kallomena” Air Superiority Swoop Craft [4]) │ 10th “Oathbreaker” Ultranaut Regiment
Call Sign: Mermaid Two - “Queen”
Objective: Defend the FOB
Tags: Corin Autem Corin Autem Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor

Before long, they were in the thick of the fighting.

Eleena honed in on her prey from above, a squad of Pride soldiers taking cover from a friendly blaster cannon, the gunner having called in a fire mission to take down or draw out the soldiers he was unable to reach. Angling her swoop in a sharp dive, Eleena drew a deep breath, then squeezed the triggers on the vanes, unleashing a lancing salvo of pink composite beams that burned and slashed through five of the cowering soldiers like a vibroknife through paper. The remaining three could only dive as Eleena zoomed past overhead, their squad virtually decimated within naught but a moment as the swoop which seemed far away before was on top of them in one moment, then gone the next.

“Good effect on target! Thanks for the assist, Mermaid Two!”

“Copy that 2-5. I’ll be on station for additional tasking.”

Climbing out of her attack run, Eleena pulled a tight chandelle to set her course back to the Pride lines while gaining altitude for another run. So far, the combined forces of the Eternal Empire and Rocksolid had control over the skies, with the Pride soldiers forced to improvise anti-air fire from heavy repeating blasters and slugthrower machine guns, which was typically only effective as a purely defensive measure. Nevertheless, they were hazards of their own right, which could shoot down an inexperienced or reckless pilot.

So far, Eleena had kept her nose clean.

Coming back from a lateral angle relative to the Ultranaut lines, Eleena lowered her swoop into another dive, registering a formation of armed speeder bikes ridden by Pride scouts, attempting to penetrate the lines of the Sword Ultranauts with shock and awe. Seeing the bikes lined up in a near-perfect enfilade, Eleena’s nostrils flared as she squeezed down on the triggers, delivering a fresh salvo of twin plasmatic lances which struck the formation across its longest axis, one, two, three, then four bikes cut down before the Twi’lek swoop ace was forced to pull up, a heavy, satisfied breath on her lips as she did.

Not a moment later, the lock-threat indicators pinged their warnings onto her ears as a trio of small airspeeders suddenly closed in on her sector...

Gets Better With Age


Equipment: Tactical Visor, Sk-RS MK. IV Armour (Body Armor), Experimental Rifle, x5 Thermal Detonators, DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol, Combat Knife

The war rages on as it always did.

Carth watched the battle from a distance, as he walked through the corpse filled streets, Carth saw some allies fending off hostiles using sweeper bikes. At one time, Carth would've felt excited and afraid to step into a battle, it was chance to make a difference but at the same time to see so much death and horror all at once...... Adrenaline would've filled his body and his fight or flight system kicked into gear. One kill would quell the fear and two kills would replace that fear with excitement after the third and fourth kill, Carth would have forgotten the fear and horror of battle and embraced it's glorious nature. The feeling of conflict and conviction, to hear the screams of your enemies as they die before you knowing that you bested them and your face is the last thing they see before they rot in hell. To have control over somebody's life, to end it with a single blaster bolt it was..... exhilarating.

That was when Carth was a young man. Young and full of optimism, now and days to Carth, war was just routine. It was just like a regular 9 to 5 job, just get up, fight a battle and wait for the next one. All that excitement, became mundane activities watching a person die was almost like watching paint dry. Years of fighting on the battlefield had erased his luster, and now battle was just nothing more than a slog. Enemies were now just in Carth's way, he didn't feel anything when they died. It was nothing personal, Carth was just placed in by the Eternal Empire to win battles. And this was just another battle Carth had to fight in.

The war economy has just kicked in and now everyone is anyone they see. If there was one thing Carth always liked about the Eternal Empire was that they embraced war. Though there was something wrong about turning it into a business, fighting only credits and nothing more. Maybe that's why Carth no longer felt the excitement of war, all the art was sucked out for profit. He saw one of his own about to be taken down by air speeders. Carth's visor already picked the targets as he aimed his experimental rifle and fired a slew of plasma rounds. One bolt hit a rider on the head and he fell down a few feet below. The other bolt destroyed an engine causing the airspeeder to spin out of control before exploding in the air. The third narrowly missed the pilot causing Carth to growl.

He was slipping.

"This is Major Carth Braxis!" He called into the radio. "Mind if you pick me up for a ride? Looks like you all need help and right now, it's a target rich environment."

Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa , Corin Autem Corin Autem , Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor

OOC: Template made by Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt !
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