Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction A Place To Call Home (Epican Chronicles, Ch. 1) - The Family

Lead after lead she had tracked down, chased across the galaxy, and booked passage back and forth to chase even more leads.

Most had been dead ends left with little more than the grace of living.

Her existence wiped from their mind after an extensive and taxing ritual to mess with memories. Something she was both grateful for and deeply loathed being taught. She rubbed the eyepatch at the memory of the process, closing the hidden eye behind the numerous pin holes.

Thankfully the material mitigated the more active things that lingered in the altered flesh beneath it.

The transport had stopped in at the landing pad early in the day, a slow process of gathering her belongings before security had flagged her.

For suspicious tags on her travel log.

At least that was the excuse they had used to detain her for a majority of the day. Being held in the back offices while two credit security workers tried to grill her had been amusing. Especially when she had them both rubbing their faces trying to untangle the reason for her visit.

She was looking for someone.

Simple as that.

One held up the songsteel blade, and waved a hand to the plethora of knives she had in her luggage as well. Her explanation obviously not believed. Being a chef wielding such a blade seemed entirely too far fetched for their liking, but she shrugged at the rebuke of her story.

But there was little to counter with given the lack of any criminal record.

They finally processed her through, making it clear she could retrieve her luggage after she was either leaving, or had proper reason to need it. Her soft scowl did little more than solidify their reason to hold onto the items as they turned her out to roam.

The noise of voices and numbers caught her attention after a bit of wandering through the main halls.

Sidelong glances and nervous muttering behind hands directed her way did little to dissuade her from walking in to those gathered being presented with items to waste credits on.

"Oh to be rich and stupid." She frowned at the items presented, watching silently from the sidelines for the time being.

Objective 3

"Copy that," she answered Star. Fine-tuning the settings on her rifle and binocs; for a brief moment, she hung tight to her post. Streaks of movement caught her attention, jerking her visor downward. A scattered burst of Family goons, charging on ahead, rather recklessly in her opinion. Whether they were part of the plan or not, lucky for her, she wasn't being flicked off as total fodder today, having gotten off on a better foot with her leaders than expected.

An explosion or two shortly reached her ears, followed by a frantic buzz over the comms she strained to make sense of. Traps? Detonators? Ambush? Contact. She needn't hear any more, shutting the flood channel off. If she was to execute surveillance and a sure, clear shot, she needed to get closer, not taking any risks with the range of her scope, or lack of covering fire, if she was to complete this suicide mission alone.

For now, the trees were her ally. Better than wading through the minefield below. The firefight offered diversion from her shadowy figure darting across the canopy, behind the Family's main line. She prayed for distractions, lots of them, as she prepared to skirt around, branching away from the central conflict. A frontal assault would help occupy the camp while Others circled around to tighten the noose, though she wouldn't put it past the enemy not to anticipate such a move.

forest green camouflage · black-tinted visor (full-face helmet) · modulated voice

Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Jade Solus Skirae Jade Solus Skirae Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred

Jay looked at Star, nodding as he twirled a revolver in his hand. Yes, he was still worried about being found out (poor soul), but he couldn't help but be pretty excited here Stardust's pre-battle speech. He looked around, quickly running along with the others. He kept up pretty easily, and quickly noticed a pair running up towards him. Two vs. one? Well that wasn't fair for them. He took aim, and quickly fired off two particle shots. Only took winging them with that kinda of ammo. He looked up to the trees for a moment, watching Raven taking aim before hearing a shot. He quickly turned to let his back face the sound, and his cloak take the hit. Jay grunted in pain before looking at the charred blaster mark, and sent another bolt flying their way.

Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae R RAV Jade Solus Skirae Jade Solus Skirae
  • OMG
Reactions: RAV
Change of Ownership
Objective 1​

"I wonder who that gentleman was I was bidding against? Looked like a priest of some kind, this place is Ashlan faith if I recall?"

"Likely..." Ivory whispered, flashing a glance across the room - finding the table-in-question still occupied. "Yes. They have a small detachment of troops here, and they operate a large local church here in the city." Out of the periphery of her vision, she considered the well-dressed, handsome gentleman dressed in the red-gold robes of the Ashlan Papacy, and wondered at his affiliation.

The small auction had come to an end, and the small crowd it had drawn had already begun to filter out into the halls of the Auction House. The Donna & her companions waited a few minutes, with Ivory watching the small crowd forming by the doors.

"Well", she said, flashing a smile toward Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus & Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora , "I think that was a good start." She stood, handing her empty glass toward Rohr, the grey-haired, handsome member of Marcella's Veteran soldiers - then smoothing the front of her dress. "Ladies, I believe we have a few minutes before the main auction starts... what say you make our way over there, and find ourselves some decent seats?"

Marcella seemed preoccupied, tilting her head down in a similar fashion to The Donna when she preferred to hide her face beneath the protection of her hat - but all the same, the Caporegime nodded - offering her own glass to Stephen Rhor before extracting her cigarra case from her clutch purse. "Fine by me." was all she said in response. "Röhr, a few whiskey's if you would. " she directed toward their bodyguard, who nodded an affirmative.

The Donna made a note of her friend's body language but said nothing; simply reaching out to extract one of Marcella's cigarras from the case as Marcella did the same. Such an action might have earned The Donna a look of surprise, as she rarely made such a bold move... but if Marcella paid her any mind, Ivory would merely make eye-contact and flash her a knowing grin.

The trio of beautiful women stood and made their way out of the seats & into the aisle, making their way toward the large double-doors they'd entered earlier. The crowd had thinned, and the room was barely occupied by now; the buzz of conversation shifting outside into the grand hallways of the Hydians Auction House. The Donna led the way, trailed by her Caporegime and the beautiful Mairead; flanked on either side by their suited bodyguards. The small group bypassed a handful of groups chatting amongst themselves; beautifully dressed women, handsome men in Epican-style suits or tuxedos, and a number of other beings of different races intermingling through the crowd. Most seemed to ignore the companions, though Ivory caught a few glances directed their way.

They crossed the grand hall and the reception desk, with Rhor splitting from them & walking toward the large open bar in one corner to appropriate their drinks. The Donna watched him go, watched him be greeted by one of the ornately-dressed porters who accepted their empty glasses, and then they were in the hallway beyond...

As they approached another set of double-doors, the volume of noise began to increase significantly; signalling a much larger & more animated crowd within the room they were searching for. The Donna paused at the entry and glanced inside, noting the size of this particular auction room was more-than double the one they'd just left, and that seating was organized "stadium-style" with multiple tiers of seats getting progressively lower, with a point of focus on a stage at the very back of the room. The lights in this room were bright and inviting, and even though she'd assumed they were arriving early, many of the seats were already taken. "It appears everyone else had the same idea..." She muttered under her breath, then ushered Marcella & Mairead into the room to find seats.

They managed to acquire three toward the bottom with a decent view of the stage, and The Donna took the outside seat for herself. As they were settling in, there was a sudden ding which rose from Ivory's left wrist - indicating a new message through her communicator's secure comms. She glanced at her wrist as a small purple light shimmered into being in-front of her, allowing her to read:

"Hey, mind getting me land. Something not to big, nice amount of nature around and a lake. If it's close to where you are gonna get for the Family that is even better. Just thought it would be nice to have somewhere a little private for the holidays or little get togethers with us capo's. Lemmi know high how you have to bid and I will shoot the creds for it."

Ivory smiled to herself as she read the message, then replied:

<<"Your timing is impeccable. I'm certain there''ll be something here. We only just sat down at the large auction. I'll let you know <3.">>

Then, sent it.

"It appears DeData is in-need of a home, as well." The Donna informed Marcella & Mairead.
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Business, Espionage & Faith

M A R C E L L A⠀ F I O R A

'La Llorona'

She had a lot on her mind; the Ashlan priest, Antonio, who she endeavoured to be unrecognisable to, and the amount of credits that were about to be spent on this night. Their objective was a large, historical villa currently in ruins~ a castle-like structure which could be renovated into a large villa with around 7,100 acres of vineyard, a property that would effectively serve as an effective safehouse for the entirety of Kosa Nostra and a business investment to begin producing unique, Epica-based wines.

Truly, it's not a problem, Mai'," retorted Marcy' in response to her comment about the Capo purchasing the location for Mai', "a
business investment is all it is,
" she grinned, as if to try and put her at ease, even though the purchase felt personal.

Marcella seemed preoccupied, tilting her head down in a similar fashion to The Donna when she preferred to hide her face beneath the protection of her hat - but all the same, the Caporegime nodded - offering her own glass to Stephen Rhor before extracting her cigarra case from her clutch purse. "Fine by me." was all she said in response. "Röhr, a few whiskey's if you would. " she directed toward their bodyguard, who nodded an affirmative.

It appeared that the Donna had noticed her preoccupation and she was slightly shocked and surprised at Ivory's bold move of acquiring a cigarra from her, though she realised why and returned with a polite smile. Eventually, the trio waded through swathes of their fellow wealthy individuals and made their way into the much larger auction hall, "there's no ceiling on our bid for this estate~ it's a business investment as well," she pointed out once they had managed to find seats.

Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud , Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus


Objective 2: Manifest Destination

EW-031 EW-031 Niki Priddy Niki Priddy

Playing God Unplugged
Dominik watched as Crewmates, all droids but meant to look like people, came out began arranging the inside of the cargo bay. Dominik didn't want bodies on this job, but that was the Wookie's fault, really. It wasn't like their theft would go completely unnoticed anyhow in the aftermath, now there would just be more evidence. He'd have to take the body out or report it before he was done.

In the meantime, Dominik would go back to his job, looking over his datapad and finding the crates he needed, and bringing them aboard the ship.


Well, this is quite exciting!

EW watched carefully as the guard seemed to.... Ok he wasn't he sharpest sword in the armory. He didn't even Notice her... or turn on the lights. As he walked to the closet though, the droid got an idea. She'd quietly float over, waiting for the guard to open it, then WHAM! Into the closet with him. Was it mean... and a bit fear inducing.... Wait were droids supposed to fear? Not important right now. Either way, she'd wait for just the right moment.

Niki Priddy Niki Priddy Dominik Borra Dominik Borra Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree
Caporegime - Cyber-Intelligence Division

Niki Priddy Niki Priddy EW-031 EW-031 Dominik Borra Dominik Borra


Dedata now kept her tabs on the little being as he pondered off. It was safe to say that every now and then there was someone that proved her wrong and cared about their job. Still she could multitask well enough. All fingers tapped furiously at the plugged in datapad working diligently and searching for both cargo manifests and a list of all ships that had landed in this spaceport. It took a moment sifting through files but finally she had found the logs. Immediately she began to download all that data knowing it would take a moment.

Her eyes flicked up to the screen checking the passageways that lead to the security room seeing it was still all clear and that the little guy had not thought twice. Of course the droid escort tailed him and would return to the working floor shortly after. She bought her attention back as she swiped past a few programs till reaching Deda-net. The whole display of the Datapad changed.

With no hesitation she began to upload Deda-net to the system creating a private back door access. This was about more than information but rather Dedata ensuring that this facility would never turn away a member of the Family and the possibility of hindering competition. Even she knew a new name coming to the block will surely stir things up.

As such it is instinct for those who think they have power to make a move. No doubt some will want to try to get close where others will see the family as a threat. In time the ten families will be dancing in the palms of our hands.

As Dedata waited she put aside her datapad to do what it needed she pulled out the Vape and the straw from out the helmet and began to fill the room with vapour. She'd look over to the guards and her mind delv to a dark place of hypotheticals in the boredom. Fingers trailed over the hilt of the blade thinking of how easy it would be to take their lives. To trail the blade across their skin or force the spear between the ribs. Dedata knew that one day she would have to take a life directly. No matter how much she wanted to avoid it.

Everyone around her makes the act seem so easy almost effortless with no repercussion. It was not as if she had not killed, though one could argue that. She had pushed circumstances in the past to have people disappear. But killing beyond a screen and with ones on hands was different. There was no dissociating from the act in person.

A bleep pulled the woman back to the moment.
"Files downloaded. Dee, start compiling the data and highlight patterns. We can sift through them full later for anything that does not seem to line up. After all the rich rule this world, safe to say non of them are saints."

"Very well Dedata, by the way I would like to recomend you wipe the security footage."

"Already plannin on it Dee, We'll be taking the short way back to the Shadow once we are done. I hope to meet the others later and see what gem Ivory gets me."



On their brief journey through the Auction House, The Donna carefully watched the faces of those they passed - recognizing that the people roaming the halls were as much hiding the truth from others as her Family was from them. As the trio, trailed by their small circle of bodyguards, passed, they received only the briefest of curious glances from the majority of the Hydians’ patrons…

But one.

A woman, pretty, with silver hair and clothed in white with black pants, sported an eye-patch which covered her right eye. Predators had a way of recognizing other predators by sight alone, and Ivory immediately recognized whomever this stranger was, she did not belong amongst Epica’s Elite…

Something about this silver-haired woman screamed a threat of violence, but Ivory’s eye for detail caught no distinct imprint of weaponry on her person. She struck the Donna as the type of killer to prefer more up-close, personal methods.

And she was watching Mairead all-too-closely for comfort.

Ivory shifted to one side as they walked through the hall, walking closer to the young woman; doing something else conveniently out-of-character, and linking arms with Mairead, falling into step with her. If their bodyguards noticed the woman with the eye-patch, they failed to call attention to it. If Mairead said anything in-response to Ivory’s sudden approach & linking-of-arms, Ivory would merely smile at her and comment on the woman’s beauty.

There was no sense in needlessly raising an alarm.


Ivory settled into her seat, smoothing her dress and reclining slightly. The chairs in this large room were substantially more comfortable; the decor notably more plush. It was clear, even to cursory examination, that these larger rooms were reserved for only the most exclusive auctions. Satisfied, she crossed one leg over the other and accepted a fresh glass of wine from Stephen Rohr, who joined the trio a few moments later. "Thank you." She said quietly, bringing the glass to her lips and taking a sip.

"there's no ceiling on our bid for this estate~ it's a business investment as well," she pointed out once they had managed to find seats.

The Donna nodded in agreement, licking her lips. "Indeed. An investment for our future." She seemed far away; preoccupied, but whether it was the auction or for other reasons, neither of her companions could know for certain.

Behind them, bodies continued to stream into the room. The Donna watched, subtly paying attention to the crowd while also keeping an eye on the front of the room - awaiting signs that the auction was about to begin. She checked her wrist-chron, noting the time…

The Auction began with quiet music, piped in through hidden speakers. The lights dimmed, and the crowd found their seats as a tall humanoid with an elongated forehead stepped out onto the stage. He was dressed in a dark-colored tuxedo in the familiar Epican-style fashion. Conversation dwindled & died as the tall, lanky being stood silently - waiting for stillness to fall upon the crowd. The Donna watched curiously, soothed by the gentle notes floating through the air…
"Ladies and gentle-beings, the Hydians Auction House is pleased to welcome you all to our Grand Exhibit for the evening.” The Cerean’s voice, enhanced by a small microphone likely clipped to his lape, was pleasant to the ears. “Please settle in and enjoy your refreshments. We will begin in five minutes. Please have your numbers handy.”

Objective 1
Change of Ownership

Location: Hydians Auction house
Objective: Research and bidding
Tags: Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora Viz Harridan Viz Harridan Malcoma Hesse Malcoma Hesse Jenzid Channsalj Jenzid Channsalj

The bidding on the first lots over, Mairéad would be relegated to a spectator in the next room as her material wealth was not yet what would be needed to compete, that would take time. But it was fun nonetheless, she was fascinated by what "No ceiling" truly meant from Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora , she knew the woman was fabulously wealth after all.

As the trio moved from their seats, she spotted a face in the room whose eyes seemed to.follow her, she had spotted her before, she feltike being watched. She didn't know Jenzid Channsalj Jenzid Channsalj at all. Ivory linked arms with her as they walked and her body language seemed out of character for what she knew, had she spotted something as well. Mairéad knew what she had to do.

As they sat and Stephen brought more wine, she placed hers down on the table and spoke to the bosses. "That auction was fun, would you mind if I borrow one of the boys to hold my bag while I freshen up, want to look my best for our adoring public" she smiled, her face said 'vogue' but her demeanor said 'I'll see what she wants'.

"By all means" came the reply from Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud and one of the men quickly motioned to follow Mairéad. She looked at Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora , she was unsure if Marcy was aware of the attention that had been focused on them. "Enjoy, I'll be right back."

Mairéad walked across the room confidently, with the man in tow and spoke to mildly, as if there was nothing afoot before handing him her purse and disappearing into the ladies room to allow fate to take its course. She pulled out a deep maroon lipstick that went well with her outfit and started reapplying it in the mirror. She smiled as she admired the mafioso she that she had become as her reflection looked back at her.


Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus

(<<Communicator/Radio>> | 【Telepathy】| {{Dathomiri}} | <"Huttese"> | "Common" unless specified )​

Her target began to leave the hall, flanked by several others. Two of which topically seemed harmless. The other part of their group actively but well capable of hiding their intent glances at potential trouble.

Whoever this group she was a part of, had excellent abilities.

Given the observation thus far, even in her peripherals, the leader of the trio moved to block any direct move on her part. Jen realized she had become complacent, or just hadn't cared in the moment. She'd followed the ice witch this far and hunted down the smallest leads with something close to hope.

Or unyielding irritation.

The look between Ivory and Jen was simple to outsiders, a look between ladies in a gathering hall. On a deeper level the pair were highly aware of each other. Excitement flooded her mind, a rare treat given her line of work. A smile appeared as the women passed, and the bodyguards trailed behind them.

A powerful group indeed.

Had it been another time, before the death of the one who had previously held her reins, she might have thrown herself against the ones Maidréad associated with. Now though.

Now she would lose her mark if she lingered any longer ruminating.

Pushing against her post, she followed with a comfortable stride. Her eye fixating more on the trio rather than Maidréad only.

There had been nothing about those around the ice witch. And that was a concerning detail. An off hand mention of some being in armor with green skin, but that had been between the murmurs of unfathomable power and drunken skepticism.

They moved into another hall, and Maidréad excused herself as a guard escorted her to the bathroom. Her silvery gaze trailed between the now split group, and she knew with certainty they were aware of her presence.

This would have been the time to leave. To reevaluate her approach. To reflect on this new information. But she was tired of chasing leads. Tired of wishing to stumble upon the ice witch. This was her chance, and she was loathe to pass it up.

She entered the room, slowly headed for the same bathroom as she gave the guard an amicable smile.

Nerves didn't make her hand shake on the handle. Nerves didn't make the small step inside to see Maidréad waiting for her feel as though the world was closing in around her.

Knowing if she were to mistep now would bring more trouble than she wanted made her tense beyond measure.

She gave a lazy glance to the stalls, no feet or shadows to be seen as she stood beside the mirror Maidréad was using.

"Lovely event they are hosting. Enjoying the Hutt lifestyle now?" She broke the ice first, the irony not lost on her for who she was dealing with.

The two of them were entirely dangerous even unarmed, but even Jen wasn't sure she could be effective enough to deal with Maidréad on a favorable day.

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Objective 1
Change of Ownership

Location: Hydians Auction house
Objective: Research and bidding
Tags: Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora Viz Harridan Viz Harridan Malcoma Hesse Malcoma Hesse Jenzid Channsalj Jenzid Channsalj

As Jenzid Channsalj Jenzid Channsalj walked in behind her, Mairéad was pleased, this line of work could easily make you paranoid, it was a relief to know this wasnt one of those cases.

Mai watched in the mirror as the silver haired woman crossed the room towards her, taking note of her her appearance, pretty, a striking face and graceful. The woman spoke first while Mairéad still applied her lipstick.

"Lovely event they are hosting. Enjoying the Hutt lifestyle now?"

Mairéad was quite taken aback by this statement, she might not have any idea who Mairéad was and just be comparing the lavish lifestyle to the Hutts, but it felt pointed.

"It really is a lovely evening isnt it, so elegant. A word of caution though, be careful who you compare to those foul creatures, some people might choose to act quite rashly to such an offence."

She raised and eyebrow and a smile curled from the side of her lips as she made that very thinly veiled threat. Mairéad hated the hutts, but she wouldn't act on this comment, just on the off chance it was an innocent jest, how unprofessional would it be to murder someone at a fancy gala over a simple joke.

She turned and leaned her backside on the edge of the sink and looked back at the stranger, sizing her up.

"So lets cut quickly through the foreplay, you have been watching me and my friends since we arrived, and now I find you in the bathroom with me. I'm fairly certain we would all be easier to kill from a distance, so either you want to make a terrible mess of this bathroom with me, or, you have something you would like to say?

Either way, I believe the polite term is your move"

Mairéad was keen to see what this was and get this over with, she had confidence enough in both her mandalorian training and her own force powers to be able to hold her own even if she presented her assailant with the opportunity to make the first move. It was a calculated risk, but everything in her life now was, and she would not be the person to act and escalate this into a situation it didn't need to be, likely bringing attention not only to herself, but to the Family as they made their first steps on Epica.

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Objective: 2 - Manifest Destination
Weapon: 'Revy', "The Klaive" - PDW
Equipment: PCA/EA, Priddy Plates, x2 Hutt Cartel Kidnap Jabber Rings-One on either hand, Force Warning Necklace Pendant, Paralyzing Lipstick, ENVC-370 Bodyglove, Tinfoil Hat Band, Earsculpt Comlink, Magno-grip Formal shoes
Augmentation: PGEM-SAP "Amber Eyes"
Ship: The Tourist

Niki and the Rodian slowly made their way down the hall, the crimson haired woman rambling about gun toting asteroids and cosmic dragons as the Rodian kept nodding.

"And then the one just...jumped into its mouth!" Niki nodded along with her story. Not a tall tale by any means, but being presented by someone seeming all too eager for interaction, and talking about detonating a bomb in a space dragons belly.

Well, it was plain the Rodian was becoming more anxious to return the wayward guest to their room.

"That's really neat Ma'am. Do you remember your room number?"

"Room number? They have numbers!?" She threw her gaze upward to see if the number was there on the door frame. Rather than the obvious place upon the door itself.

The defeated buzz from the Rodian was like sweet music to Niki's ears as they tried a different approach.

"Do you have a room card, Ma'am?"

"No. I have a whole room. Who puts a room on a card?" She explained as they drew closer to her actual room. The soft prick of her nails across the bare arm of her captive audience hiding the small jab of the needle inside her ring.

Gerardo stared at the closet door with glee. He heard the droid moving. Or floating. Could they float? Some had to. Or at least he guessed they could.

He'd caught this one red handed. Or maybe chrome handed. He visibly paused and stood upright to think about what a Droid might be made of before remembering he was here to find the wayward Droid.

He flung open the closest door, waving the flashlight wildly to try and disorient the droid inside. Unaware the sound was coming from behind as he tugged at the clothes hanging inside.

The wookie dealt with, the cargo area slowly came to life as the Crewmembers helped with moving things inside. One even bothering to check on Dominik before freezing in place.

The commlink on the wookie buzzed for a moment, the frozen synth-crew mate watching to see if the wookie moved.

The body remained still as the crew mate approached Dominik, and even with a question in its cycle, shared no emotions.

"Do you require assistance with the remains?"

The Tynnan in fact had toddled his way to the supervisors desk, and despite finding it empty, remained their with a stubbornness to see the task through. The incident of sabatouers could be isolated, but perhaps it wasn't just them.

Were there others involved?

He'd forgotten to get the traitors names. A fact that finally pried him away from the desk to make the long trip back to the tech that had come to help them secure their systems.


Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus

(<<Communicator/Radio>> | 【Telepathy】| {{Dathomiri}} | <"Huttese"> | "Common" unless specified )​

Her comment had the desired effect. Or at least had made a pointed greeting given the cool reply to the matter. She dabbed at the corner of her visible eye, then adjusted the eyepatch a bit better as the woman turned to address her completely.

If nothing else, the rumors of her violent tendencies were either horrendously overplayed.

Or the Ice Witch had learned control.

The latter was commendable. The lifestyle of violence had a tendency to polarize a being to extremes. Jen was thankful it was to the thinly veiled threats behind hospitality side of the line.

She switched to Huttese for clarity as she turned to face Mairéad.

<"Very polite. Long and short then. You killed a certain Hutt and work dried up. You seem to be in good company for work."> She smiled, perhaps the wrong social cue, but the situations were life was on the line had a certain excitement to them.

<"I would appreciate an introduction to your current boss. The floppy hat I mean."> She tilted her head slightly, visibly thinking before speaking again. <"Now or later.">


Objective 2: Manifest Destination

EW-031 EW-031 Niki Priddy Niki Priddy Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree

Playing God Unplugged
The wookie dealt with, the cargo area slowly came to life as the Crewmembers helped with moving things inside. One even bothering to check on Dominik before freezing in place.

The commlink on the wookie buzzed for a moment, the frozen synth-crew mate watching to see if the wookie moved.

The body remained still as the crew mate approached Dominik, and even with a question in its cycle, shared no emotions.

"Do you require assistance with the remains?"

Dominik wasn't sure how to answer that one as he looked to the dead wookie. Poor guy was just doing his job. But so was he, and there weren't many peaceful solutions to a wookie ready to tear your arms off. "If you could help me put him in a crate that will be found later, that would be appreciated." He said. "Really, we need to find a crate big enough to even fit him..."

Objective 1
Change of Ownership

Location: Hydians Auction house
Objective: Research and bidding
Tags: Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora Viz Harridan Viz Harridan Malcoma Hesse Malcoma Hesse Jenzid Channsalj Jenzid Channsalj

Mairéad's eyes widened and a grin appeared on her lips as she remembered Rookal and the fear in his face as she froze his heart. She had done some dark things in her life that she regretted, that was not one of them. "You worked for Rookal? Tough break on that" Mairéad didn't like the sound of Huttese or the taste of it in her mouth but she would switch to huttese to make things clear "Kayta rimasaq imapas sut'i kananpaq mana nisaqchu llakisqa kani ruwasqaymanta, sichus chayta suyashanki Chayqa rantiwarqan hinaspa suyawarqan esposan kanaypaq Sichus ruwasqaykuna sasachakuykunata apamurqanki ichaqa"

Mairéad took a sip from her drink as if subconsciously washing her mouth out. Before switching back to galactic basic. "As for an introduction to my employer, if that is what you want, it can be arranged, but not here, not now." she pulled out a pen from her bag and reached for one of the small napkins, looking the woman in the eye as she wrote.

"This is my comm, and I'm giving this to you on the understanding that this introduction, makes us square for the Rookal nonsense? After we are done at the auction, contact me, and I will have my employer contact you, if she chooses to that is. But I have a feeling she will be interested in talking to someone capable of tracking me down and also with the confidence to confront me when you know what I capable of." she held out the napkin to the woman to allow her to take it. She suspected Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud would be very interested in this one. Unless Jenzid Channsalj Jenzid Channsalj had other business or otherwise wanted to escalate or interrupt things, Mairéad put her items back away and clipped her purse back up ready to leave the facilities. She would take one last check of her makeup before she did and dissapointedly look at her empty glass.

"I need another drink. You?"


Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus

(<<Communicator/Radio>> | 【Telepathy】| {{Dathomiri}} | <"Huttese"> | "Common" unless specified )​

The comment about Rookal made her shrug. Working for and with scum had its own perils. You could be the chopping block, or be on the chopping block within the same galactic standard hour. Sometimes even minutes.

Just depended on the quality of your work she figured.

<"I am not angry. Nor do I want you to apologize. That world is as unforgiving as it is cruel. You did what you needed to. As I am doing. Just how that world works."> She spoke clearly, making sure to hold her hands up placatingly.

There were no ill feelings aside from the lack of credits. A problem that would hopefully be solved soon enough as the business of an introduction was squared away.

<"Sincerly appreciate it."> Pocketing the paper before watching the Ice Witch prepare to leave, her comment making her smile. The switch to galactic basic noted as she followed suit.

"Not spoil your evening, but drink would be nice. To be...friendly." Her eye seemed to squint at the last word, seemingly confused as to what to say.

Jen would follow the lead Mairéad gave.

Caporegime - Cyber-Intelligence Division

Niki Priddy Niki Priddy EW-031 EW-031 Dominik Borra Dominik Borra


Dedata worked fast, as the download and upload was running smooth. In the spare few moments she had falsified evidence of the two security plotting a heist of the port. It was nothing more than lazily hiding a chat chain using the logged in account. Moving back over towards the camera's the woman noticed that the small Tyrnnan was heading back her way again. The woman could not help but have a gut feeling the little guy was heading back her way. However she had no intention of harming a person trying to go above an beyond for a business that seemed to undervalue its people.

She was glad that the Tyrnnan had small legs and it would take him a hot moment to walk all the way down the long hallways. Dedata began to wipe away the recorded data from an hour before she arrived and then switched off the recording setting. By the time anyone noticed she would be gone, like a leaf in the wind that is how she plans it. After all she had made plans to be elsewhere shortly.

Her eyes kept flicking between the datapad and the camera's knowing things would be very close. Sliding programs she sent the remaining droids orders to distract the little guy heading back. With a satisfying ping everything she needed was done. Dedata quickly unplugged as the chair slid back clashing into the knee of one of the gagged and tied security guards causing a muffled grunt of pain. Before having a chance to see the helmet she used the blunt end of the short spear and knocked the man hard on the top of his head. It admittedly took two thwaks before his head fell limp again.

Making sure before leaving she checked if the man was still alive with the overlays. If anything he'd need stitches and a good spray of bacta. Dedata moved to the door hearing a loud crash of something down the hall the way the droids went. She went the opposite direction running at near full speed. The motion sensors and lifeform scanner ensured that her path was clear of sight. The spear was still in hand as droplets of blood occasionally dripped from the blunt end. Nearing a window, she threw the spear at it shattering the glass as the woman dived out and prepared to roll on landing. The glass crunched under her body as she rolled and used momentum to get back to her feet.

Taking a few alleys the woman had finally made it to Dullahan and was ready to head out to make the end of the auction.

End post


Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree Jade Solus Skirae Jade Solus Skirae Dominik Borra Dominik Borra Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred Niki Priddy Niki Priddy EW-031 EW-031 Jenzid Channsalj Jenzid Channsalj

Unified beneath the boughs of the Black Oak, The Coruscanti Mafia had come to Epica with grand designs. Members of their Paramilitary Force, led by Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae , landed in the idyllic Epican Countryside & engaged in close-combat with a significant number of heavily-armed killers known as "The Primakovs". After a thunderous battle, The Family's highly-skilled warriors emerged victorious - eliminating a number of the Primakovs and chasing the rest from the area. In-doing-so, they completed their objective: To find & eliminate the "trespassers" from their newly-acquired land. The Emerald Dragon succeeded in her mission, and those under her command would be well-compensated... The spoils, which included a handful of weapons & armored vehicles left behind in the aftermath of the rout, would be theirs for the taking.

Another team, led by Niki Priddy Niki Priddy & Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree , had been tasked with infiltrating the immense Intergalactic Spaceport located in Epica City. Their objective: to acquire information on shipping routes & illicit trade through the Epica System, as-well as identifying & potentially hijacking shipments of goods which The Family could use to their benefit in the future. Dominik Borra Dominik Borra , relying upon his skills in Social Engineering, was able to accomplish the latter - while The Family's gifted Slicers were able to acquire the former; all while avoiding raising an alarm.

And finally, a third team consisting of The Donna herself, Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora , and Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus would attend a grand gala at the Hydians Auction House in Epica City with the intention of purchasing land & resources. The trio - accompanied by a contingent of armed bodyguards - were successful in their mission; purchasing a number of properties for both personal & professional use. Millions of credits were spent which ensured a foothold for the future. Among the properties acquired were a former Brewery (slated to become the latest location for Reveries Epica), a watchmaker's shop (curiously purchased on a whim by The Donna herself), and a great swath of land overlooking an immense & ancient fortress in the Epican Wilderness - the very same land which Stardust Solus & her team had successfully liberated from the control of the Zygerrian Gangsters.

Their objectives complete, The Family would retire from the planet & return to Coruscant a few days later - bringing with them a potential new recruit ( Jenzid Channsalj Jenzid Channsalj ) as well as a fresh excitement for the future growth of the powerful Underworld Syndicate. The Donna would, upon their return, reward everyone with a duty-free weekend... while she, herself, began preparations for the next phase of her Epican Chronicle.

~ End ~

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