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Populate What the Future Holds | Aftermath | EE Populate of Manpha (SGHW)




2-3 weeks after the Panatha incident.

Panatha was a tragedy; when the Maw arrived through the hypergate and the Mandalorian planet into Eternal Imperial space, no one thought they had such plans. No one prepared for this, no one expected it. Thanks to Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren 's actions, the planet was already dead before the Eternal Empire even used their own superweapon. It had to be used to save the entire Unknown Region. That effort was successful, the region was saved.

But it came at a huge price…

Not only did everyone on the planet die, almost an entire nation disappeared after Kyrel Ren's action, but the Eternal Empire and the Allies also lost heroes and leaders. The Mandalorians in the Eternal Empire lost one of their leaders, Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud , and the Empire lost its empress, Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim . Although the empress is still alive, there may not be a chance to free her.

Because of this, the woman's daughter, Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , took the title of Empress Regent to lead the Eternal Empire until her mother, the Empress, returned home.

However, today is about remembrance, mourning, and how the Eternal Empire should continue into the future, and what the next surprises will be, since the Maw is still a threat, and the Sith have shown up again in the southeast...



Objective 1: Remembrance
The event takes place in Wulfngard, the government citadel, in the Imperial Assembly building. A quiet commemoration and political debate about what the Empire should do next, as it had done before, after Tython. Previously, the monument was inaugurated in front of the building in memory of those who died on Panatha, there was a wreath-laying ceremony and the Empress Regent also presented the medals, but now the theme is the future and remembrance.

Objective 2: Returning
Although Panatha is destroyed, not much is left, the planet keeps falling apart, there are still several parts of it that are still quite large, but they are just rocks. However, there are still damaged ships in the system, or less protected ships that try to collect damaged or destroyed ships so that the empire can use them. However, they are under constant attack by scavengers and pirates. The task is to support these ships, search for survivors in the newly formed asteroid field, or fight with pirates and alien invaders.

Objective 3: Expanding
Life does not stop after the events in Panatha, but continues. And the next pick of the Eternal Empire is none other than the low-developed planet Manpha, where there are mainly mining colonies and settlements with a low population. The place is held in terror by former warlords or pirates, it's time for the empire to bring peace and security to this planet.


Relevant links:

Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The Light of Ashla

Champion and Avatar of Ashla || Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire
Objective: Try to survive as an Empress Regent
Location: Wulfngard, Kalidan
Equipment: Military Attire || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Tags: Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim | Open
[ Valkyrjan ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina was not at all happy about having to take over the duties of Empress Regent. She was not a politician; she was not a ruler. Back home in the Netherworld as a spirit leader, a Matriarch, leading the Valkyrja and the Children of Ashla was one thing. There was no politics, no factional fights, the goal and the task were simple. To protect souls, give them safety and fight demons. There, she was also a warlord feared by demons. But Realspace? It wasn't a place she understood, or where she wanted any sort of assignment.

But she had to be here now. It was all so strange, she gave a long memorial speech at the newly inaugurated memorial. It was strange because Eina's voice was exactly the same as her mother's. For that reason alone, she felt the whole thing was somewhat disrespectful. For her bravery, her mother also received a medal from STRATCOM, she couldn't give that one, only the rest. She said that her mother was still alive and she hoped that one day they would be able to bring her home. She talked about everyone's self-sacrifice and how everyone made huge sacrifices and they will never be forgotten.

She personally presented the honours to the following individuals, though she was unaware that Rath had also secretly received a promotion from the Wardens of the Shroud. As for Adenn's award, Mig also received it, and she asked him to take this medal to his clan:

After the commemoration, the day continued in the Imperial Assembly building. It also felt strange, because for Eina, death is an everyday thing and not sad. She didn't understand mortals. And she didn't know what to say to the political participants, or to the adopted sister Felmorante.

As the woman's husband, Geiseric Geiseric , used to say, everything is simpler on the battlefield. Eina used to add to that, everything is simpler in the Netherworld too...


Silhana Cadera
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid
Alor'ad (Captain), member of the Clan Cadera; Bounty Hunter, Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Bounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: Protect the planet
Location: Mining Colony, Manpha
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Beskad | Besar'gam | Mandalorian vambrace || Njósnari Probe Droid || OPBC-01m
Tags: Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

By now I'm starting to feel quite well, almost all the injuries I got at Panatha are nearly gone. I was lucky that Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr decided he was hurt enough to run away. Probably, if we kept fighting, we both would have died there. I was still in pain, but one could tell I was fine. A few days ago I was also there on Kalidan, when the commemoration was held and I received the award for what I achieved in that place. I didn't expect to get something like that and I don't think I deserved it.

Let's say it's partly because I was already conscious when the ritual took place and I only saw what happened there from recordings. I didn't want to go back, I didn't want to see what had become of that place. And I only heard about the losses after one of my role models died there, Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud . One of the greatest heroes, at least I thought so. I regretted that I didn't have the opportunity to get to know him better and learn from him. Now it won't be. Life was often unfair.

I came to this planet after the remembrance because there was a task here. I was not a politician, I had no right to say anything about what the Eternal Empire should be done in the future. The treaty was still alive between my people and them, so if there is a fight, I will be there and fight for them, for my people. But I didn't need more politics than that. I assured them that my bounty hunter house and clan would continue to support them. I left after that.

Now I was here on the planet Manpha to do what I really knew how to do. Catch some bad guys and protect the innocent. I checked, there was even a bounty in this place on pirates and those attacking the planet. So this was a perfect place for me. I hoped there would be others from the Eternal Empire, it was always good to make new acquaintances. After my arrival to the planet, I arrived and landed at one of the mining colonies.

I didn't want to waste time, so it was time to talk to the leaders of the place to get a fresher and more accurate picture of what's going on here at the moment.





Equipment: Aspara Armor over Viper Mk. I Skinsuit, Dark Purple pair of Wrist Dazzlers, 4 Whimsy Knives, 3 Terminus Shivs, 4 Explosive Knives, 1 Scherezade Blade, 2 Sticky Glitter Grenades, 2 Giggle Grenades, 2 Pink Vapor Grenades, 4 Microdetonators
Ship and Ship Accessories: Teeny, Screaming Mimi
Companions: 1 Wolf Boi - Shiny Paws III

Objective: I - Remembrance
Location: Wulfngard, Kalidan
Tag: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir

"Find out more. Formulate and execute." Words in her mind hissed as she strode forward under her own power now.

"Shut up." She snapped to herself, knowing it was ineffectual at actually making the voices halt in their suggestions. Her armor was fixed properly, the wholes in either leg mended as she walked forward to that familiar feeling.

Eina was nearby, and the two had something of importance to speak about.

She couldn't be angry with Eina. Or with anyone in particular at the moment since she herself had not been present to help their mother. But her anger was at a low boil already with the lack of immediate action on the topic.

"Eina!" Felmorante howled, taking the helmet off. She was in her own war gear even for ceremony. Her ship prepared for even the tiniest lead on where she could find the one who had adopted her and bring her home.

The odds were not in her favor even from the start given the ones who had taken Ingrid had made their getaway.

But that wasn't the point. That wasn't going to be the point. Ingrid had taken time and energy to find her when she had gone missing. It wasn't fair to be sitting on the sidelines while her mother was missing. Or worse.

Already she had berated herself for not being present at the fight. And continued to do so, only stoking the anger she felt and riling her presence in the darkside further.


Overseer for Imperial Scientific Development

Dr. Trinity Harris DXenbo DAnthro
Overseer for the Comittee for Scientific Development


Location: Wulfngard, Kalidan
Objective: Discuss Panatha
Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim

Weapon: HH38 Geysa Hybrid Pistol
Riding: Phantom
Accompanied by: Plushee Companion Droid
Hersir Imperial Uniform
Ship: Carrack Class Science Vessel
ENS Mihaly

Overseer Harris attended the memorial amongst the other members of STRATCOM and dabbed at her eye dry as the litanies were read out. She then attended the commendation ceremony, clapping the names of those being awarded medals until hers came up, smiling and thanking the new Regent as duty demanded, but then it was time to head to the council chamber to discuss matters more formally.

Trinity removed the medal from her breast and rolled the item around in her fingers examining it, "Eternal Legion Shield" that is what it was called, a medal for bravery? Its highly polished surface shone back at her in the light from the speeder. Trinity gently shook her head, she briefly considered tossing the bauble from the speeder but thought better of it and slipped it in her pocket.

After the speeder arrived at the assembly building, Trinity gathered her datapads and walked in in front of her bodyguards into the chamber, she had a lot to discuss, information from all parts of the STRATCOM, gathered quickly at her request, there was little good news, but she was glad it had not been as bad as the worst case scenarios that had been wargamed repeatedly. She took her prominent seat in the assembly and waited her turn to speak. No doubt there would be a long introduction and yet more back slapping by different politicos and military commanders, but, she was thankful for the the usual efficiency and dignity of this chamber that would hopefully hold it in check on such a mournful day.

Wearing: Imperial Chitin

Equipped with:

Armed With: Synthetic Crystal Lightsaber


Two to Three weeks.

That's how long it had been since her wife went missing. Presumed dead. Max the modified B1 that had brought back her gear was still in repairs, the damage he had sustained requiring extremely delicate repairs that simply couldn't be rushed.

Xiphos, rather than collapse and cry and shake in grief, had instead embarked on a Frank Castle-esque murder-spree of Maw and Final Dawn assets. Their supply vessels kept getting seized, patrol craft kept getting pursued and intercepted, and the crew aboard taken prisoner, tortured and slaughtered. Xiphos had commanded the Cult, in her deep rage, to find some way to torture Mawites or Mawite aligned Sith so badly they would renounce their faith, and to torture final dawn so horribly they would do the same. She had more success with the latter than the former, who were immediately killed slowly as soon as they renounced their faith in The Final Dawn.

Anybody even suspected of working for them was investigated. If evidence, even circumstantial evidence turned up, they were hunted ruthlessly. Authorities found suspected Maw spies flayed beyond recognition. Final Dawn Officers were blown up in their shuttles, or found dismembered in their lavatories.

Xiphos had not forgotten to multitask however, in her unremitting fury. Every effort was being made by her spies to track down Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , not just because Xiphos didn't trust an Eternal Empire not run by Ingrid, but because Ingrid was the one who had let House Io stay and operate in their space, and while House Io had more than lived up to their end, providing Advanced weapons and ships in exchange, the one acting as Regent was a do-gooder, some kind of entity that wasn't even from this plain of existence. Ingrid's daughter. She had battled the Bryn'adul in the Netherworld once with her future wife to defend a territory controlled by Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir 's people.

Xiphos wasn't holding her breath that in any way that act would be endearing to the Regent. Going here was a matter of necessity. She had enough problems with out some Puritan Daughter deciding to stick a knife in her factions back for the sake of her Goddess or the approval of factions that worshipped her Goddess to the point of insanity.

Xiphos had been shut in her quarters on The Colossus of Shadows since Panatha, coordinating intel operations. The House's numbers had swelled somewhat in evacuating Thousands of Epicanthix, only too happy to avoid ending up under the Watchful Eyes of the Government Ingrid had run. Epicanthix were warriors, so it had been a natural fit. They were screening for potential spies in the new wave of refugees that had come from Panatha, albeit discretely.

Isolated mostly in her tank, coordinating operations and research from a desk, without even the twisted companionship of her homicidal spouse, Xiphos had begun to come unglued from the stress.

The moments she was free of the tank, her walk was stiff, hesitant. Growing stiffer. She had broken her own body on Tython teleporting those nukes to the Avatar's reactor section.

Those moments she was free of the tanks, free of the slime of Bacta, she spent it trotting around her apartment aimlessly, trying to remember what it was like to be happy. She found herself staring at the shrine The Battalion had worshipped The Brain Demon from, saw it's half melted purple wax candles. Xiphos had listened to her pray to the abomination nightly. Sometimes she had been nearer to the shrine, and heard The Brain Demon's whispers.

Tython had forced a reassessment of the monstrosity. It had intervened directly on the ground and in space, given time for her forces to properly withdraw, or else they would have taken more casualties. They might have lost both battlegroups. They might have lost the entire ground invasion force.

Could it tell her where to find her beloved Elaine? Or not?

Xiphos was torn over what to do. Part of her coming here, to this day of remembrance, was as much to get her away from the temptation of going to the shrine as it was to assess and observe Eina. If possible, approach.

House Io was not listed anywhere amongst the fallen in memoriam. She had showed up in disguise, the armor doing its work in suppressing pain. She couldn't be here for long. She would try not to be here for long.

She wore an old alternative armor no one living would recognize, concealing her features, a built in vocabulator altering her voice, her deep dark blue, Synthetic Crystal Lightsaber hanging from her belt. She went by the name "Lady Crownwraithe" in this disguise, an EE mercenary.

She noticed Eina at last. She looked uncomfortable, though she made a magnificent show of burying it under cold reality. It got the heretic thinking maybe she wasn't all that enthusiastic about her position.

Xiphos, being Xiphos, decided to be bold, and walked up to her, keeping a respectable distance as she came to a stop in front of her bodyguards.

"Empress-Regent." Xiphos said quietly with a slight bow, knowing it was highly unlikely Eina would not have at least some inkling of who was actually speaking to's not like she could hide such a bloodstained aura anyway. Not with her current gear.

"My apologies for not being able to evacuate more of the Eternal Empire's citizens at Panatha. But we were badly outnumbered. It was all we could do just to keep the defensive perimeters up. But I assure you, every effort was made to ensure those evac ships were as crammed as possible." Xiphos said in slightly vague language that obscured just where and from whom the ships had come.

"All efforts are being made by concerned parties on my end to locate Empress L'lerim. As soon as we know something, you will." Xiphos added just as quietly. There was none of her usual liveliness or swagger. Just an exhausted, burned out woman in a suit.

Trinity Harris Trinity Harris

Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim
Last edited:
Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The Light of Ashla

Champion and Avatar of Ashla || Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire
Objective: Try to survive as an Empress Regent
Location: Wulfngard, Kalidan
Equipment: Military Attire || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Tags: Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim | Trinity Harris Trinity Harris | Laertia Io Laertia Io | Open
[ Valkyrjan ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina was able to see both in the Force and in reality, so she saw the corrupted aura approaching her. Xiphos wasn't the only one who felt the Dark side today. Eina knew her stepsister was approaching when Felmorante wasn't even around. She still couldn't understand why so much importance was attached to someone dying. Eina never really lived, she was born from two dead souls with the help of a Netherworld entity, Ashla. For her, death was not a sad thing, as a new life awaited everyone in the Netherworld. It was just a new beginning.

<"I don't understand why you need to apologise. Not a single soul was captured by the Avatars and not destroyed by Kyrel Ren. Everyone has made it to the Netherworld and is safe. There is no need to feel sorry for the dead, since death is just a new beginning."> she told her in High Nelvaanian.

The next time she smiled and just shook her head. The Empress Regent knew exactly where she was. How could she not know? After all, she was born from Ingrid's soul, there was a Force bond between them, which is common between mother and daughter. It wasn't too difficult for her to locate her, and she always knew where Adrian was. Adrian as her brother and not the shards of her father's soul.

<"Thank you for the effort, but it was unnecessary. I know exactly where she is. Still aboard the Devourer. I feel for her because of the bond between us."> she replied.

She paused for a few moments as she looked at Trinity as well.

<"The real question is what STRATCOM and the military and fleet want. The last time my mother was a prisoner of war on Coruscant for over a year, she had a strong request that we not attempt to free her in any way. Now, however, it wasn't prepared with anything like that… it won't be my decision whether we try to save her or not. Although I want to give her her position back, I will not force anyone to do anything. If the Empire wants to free her, then that will be their decision and I respect that."> she explained.

She wanted to continue, but then Felmorante arrived after two shouts from Eina. The woman turned towards her sister. She didn't know what to say…

<"She is alive, she is not dead."> maybe this, because the woman couldn't say more than that, in any case, her former Valkyrja came closer to the girl and, if Felmorante let her, then hugged her.





Equipment: Aspara Armor over Viper Mk. I Skinsuit, Dark Purple pair of Wrist Dazzlers, 4 Whimsy Knives, 3 Terminus Shivs, 4 Explosive Knives, 1 Scherezade Blade, 2 Sticky Glitter Grenades, 2 Giggle Grenades, 2 Pink Vapor Grenades, 4 Microdetonators
Ship and Ship Accessories: Teeny, Screaming Mimi
Companions: 1 Wolf Boi - Shiny Paws III

Objective: I - Remembrance
Location: Wulfngard, Kalidan
Tag: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Trinity Harris Trinity Harris Laertia Io Laertia Io

"They don't care. Act without them." She didn't address the voice in her ear as she listened to Eina speak. Didn't listen to anyone else save for Eina speak.

All superfluous details and questions.

"Yes she's alive. Woman is harder than sin to kill. And-" She wanted to keep a hold of the anger she felt. Wanted to move and act. Wanted to at least so something in the moment to alleviate her own guilt.

But the hug sapped the anger.

She didn't hug back at first, clenching the helmet before finally returning the kind gesture. Even if Eina felt gross to hug because of her light sided nature, it still was pleasant to be seen.

She should have been there at Panatha. Should have gone even with her legs finally healing to be usable once more. Instead she had remained behind to test their functionality and limits.

"I want her back." Felmorante spoke quietly.

Silhana Cadera
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid
Alor'ad (Captain), member of the Clan Cadera; Bounty Hunter, Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Bounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: Protect the planet
Location: Mining Colony, Manpha
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Beskad | Besar'gam | Mandalorian vambrace || Njósnari Probe Droid || OPBC-01m
Tags: Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

To tell the truth, there wasn't much movement in this area, so it wasn't difficult to find the exit from the otherwise not very large spaceport either. While I was walking through this place, MANIAC connected to the system and retrieved the coordinates I needed. So I already knew where to go. It was only five or six minutes away even on foot. The entire colony consisted of roughly one main road, with the spaceport at one end and the "government" building at the other. At the moment, this meant that the shops were here, and the head of the settlement also worked here. And the place was surrounded by an energy fence to protect it from external influences, and there was even a shield here.

The total population was perhaps two to three hundred people. And needless to say, everyone was looking at me as I walked down the high street. I didn't like everyone staring at me. It can be so uncomfortable. Especially when I hear them talking about the colour of my armour. I loved the pink and it matched my skin tone. Was I ashamed to be in such armour? No! Even Clan Tal's colours are like this and Alor Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan wears similar coloured armour. Maybe not that pink, but I liked it. And let's face it, it can be even scarier if someone catches criminals in this colour of armour.

So I was perfectly happy with that. But returning to the present and the settlement where I was.

It was clear that the locals were scared, very scared, and relieved to see me here. Can some pirates or warlords really cause such a big nuisance? I don't know how much force it can have, but if the locals don't really use weapons, it's possible. I was hoping that others had applied for the job. And soon I arrived at the building, where no one hindered me, but just directed me straight to the appropriate office.

It was a "tower" that could be described as a few-floor house, but it still towered over the other buildings. It mainly contained only basic shops and service premises, as well as offices and the weapons depot. This may have been the central place in the settlement. And even the cantina was in it. I soon reached the third floor and walked along the corridor. When I got to the door, I took off my helmet and entered the office.

"Hello, I am Silhana Cadera, I have come to the call and bounty." I told him.


Xiphos, being Xiphos, let her mind run wild at her words.

Well, HELL, that makes me feel a WHOLE TON BETTER when I kill people. I'm just giving them a new beginning too... she thought to herself in deep, deep sarcasm.

Still, to know none of the souls there had been taken by the three Avatars...that was some comfort...

...unlike, of course, all those souls sent to the Brain Demon.

She had done her best to mitigate the damage ---the Cult had made a deal when they would only harvest innocents from enemy nations, such as ones they were directly at war with. Or just plain enemies in of themselves...the cult wasn't really all that picky about who they hurt, as long as they hurt them. They'd been delighted when she told them to go crazy on anyone aligned to Maw or Final Dawn especially if they were Civilians.

At the words that she would not force her own military to rescue their boss, Xiphos was aghast under her red and black helm. What the hell kinda of show was the Empress-Regent running? She knew for a fact Ingrid was on that warship that had ghosted the space port at Panatha, yet she wasn't even telling her own military to go do anything?

Where was the familial loyalty? It angered her, that answer, but she hid it deep in herself. Perhaps they were worried of a hostage situation developing. that she stopped and thought about it, that was probably EXACTLY what the military was afraid of. The Maw seemed to have them in a rock and a hard place. To negotiate would make the Empire look weak.

Now they were blowing planets up just to halt the bastards.

"Regardless, should you or the Military come to the conclusion your Mother is in need of rescue, then my Lightsaber shall be ready to assist..." Xiphos replied tactfully. "If it is not prying, Empress-Regent...I have been to the Nether Realm, where your kind live...I am told by certain parties that the dark gods the Maw worship are very real. Do you know of any limitations they possess? Any...weakness?" Xiphos asked.

"I just keep thinking...if you really want to hurt the Maw, you have to attack where they draw their strength from...It is likely impossible, I concede, but if there is any limitation they have at all, anything about them that can be exploited and used against their followers...should we not try?"

Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir

Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim
Last edited:
Overseer for Imperial Scientific Development

Dr. Trinity Harris DXenbo DAnthro
Overseer for the Comittee for Scientific Development


Location: Wulfngard, Kalidan
Objective: Discuss Panatha
Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim Laertia Io Laertia Io

Weapon: HH38 Geysa Hybrid Pistol
Riding: Phantom
Accompanied by: Plushee Companion Droid
Hersir Imperial Uniform
Ship: Carrack Class Science Vessel
ENS Mihaly

Trinity listened to a brief back and forth between Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir and the woman she had briefly met on a trade exposition a while ago Laertia Io Laertia Io .Talking about a counter offensive to Assail the Mawites avatars and homeworlds was fine words, but striking at the heart of a clearly powerful enemy would be extremely costly in terms of man power and resources.

The real question is what STRATCOM and the military and fleet want

"Thank you, Empress-Regent. The situation regarding the Empress is much more clear cut than it was during her previous captivity, my understanding is that she was reluctant to cause political fallout. The Office for Science and Development has already deployed its most advanced ships to search for The Devourer in Mawite space and monitor its status. The Overseer for the Military is straining at the reins to launch an recovery attack. That is our status on the matter, the final order falls to yourself my Lord." immediately after Panatha, the Overseer had despatched three of her Carracks ENS Serendipity, Surveyor and Opportunity, in pursuit of the damaged mawite battlecruiser and they were attempting to track it, but had to remain cloaked and hidden in enemy space. She would publicly say they were still looking for it, but those with eyes on her classified briefings would know the search was fairly narrow. It was hard for a vessel that large and that badly damaged to travel undetected.

"More locally, there is other issues that must be addressed, the Empire has just destroyed one of its own worlds, people are scared, the public statements over its destruction will only convince so many, some are now wrongly suggesting that further worlds may be targeted in a new way of Imperial control.

The local sector around Panatha is the most badly affected with our forces reporting high levels of public unrest which will need to be brought under control.

There is also the question of the refugees, we have congratulated those that rescued a large proportion of the civilian population of Panatha, and that is commendable. But we now have a very sizable refugee problem, and many of these refugees are understandbly extremely angry at the loss of their homeworld."
she sighed, an angry Epicanthrix was never a good thing, and these ones had been subjected to decades of brainwashing and pro-sith propaganda so were hard to convince of the official Imperial explanation.

She hoped that Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir was ready for the challenges ahead. Historically an empire destroying one of its own loyal worlds was soon followed by the collapse of said empire. Trinity was well aware of the reasons for this particular destruction, but whether people believed it was true was very open to debate.

Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The Light of Ashla

Champion and Avatar of Ashla || Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire
Objective: Try to survive as an Empress Regent
Location: Wulfngard, Kalidan
Equipment: Military Attire || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Tags: Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim | Trinity Harris Trinity Harris | Laertia Io Laertia Io | Open
[ Valkyrjan ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina smiled for a moment, yes she couldn't argue with that their mother was damn hard to kill. She didn't answer yet, just nodded. She stroked the other girl's back tenderly and softly as Felmorante returned her embrace. The tighter hug didn't bother her, and she only answered her sister when, after Felmorante spoke again.

<"Even if STRATCOM says no, Terraris Command and House L'lerim won't give up and we'll free her."> she promised. <"And probably her allies and friends won't let her remain a prisoner either.">

She didn't know her mother's friends, but she was pretty sure Terraris Command and the rest of the family would help. After that, Eina let go of Fel and turned her attention back to the strange woman. Eina was also considered naive, but so was this woman. If she had actually been to Valkyrja's territory and Sanctuary, did she really think that Valkyrja and the Children of Ashla would not have defeated the Dark Three if they had been able to? This could have been quite offensive to anyone else, luckily Eina didn't feel that way.

<"First of all, thank you! Second, it is a known fact in the Netherworld that War, Death and Rebirth are existent entities. I know them very well, and I and my people have been fighting them for centuries. We attack them from time to time to steal the souls sent to them. Weakness? Yes, prevent anyone from believing in them, prevent the Maw from sending any souls to them. If they don't get more souls, they will certainly weaken over many centuries or millennia. They are cosmic Force Entities, cosmic horrors and are incredibly powerful. We've been trying to do something about them for centuries. The most we can do is save souls from them."> Eina was very sorry that this was all they could do, but there was nothing else.

Even Eina fought them, alone against the three, right before Panatha. After that, she looked towards Trinity, who spoke. She nodded to the Overseer, it seemed that the Empire had made a decision and wanted to free the Empress.

<"Looks like we have the answer and the Eternal Empire is freeing her. The rebellions… they've been going on since the Ashlan Crusade, since my mother banished and exiled Darth Carnifex and Darth Prazutis."> she told them. <"As for the refugees… they don't want to move to the current Eternal Empire planets. They don't want to go to former CIS territory and they don't want to live in former First Order territory either. To the north is the Maw, east and south are not acceptable. We don't know the western regions yet. If the Scientific Overseer agrees, we could launch expeditions into those truly unknown regions."> she suggested.


Silhana Cadera
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid
Alor'ad (Captain), member of the Clan Cadera; Bounty Hunter, Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Bounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: Protect the planet
Location: Mining Colony, Manpha
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Beskad | Besar'gam | Mandalorian vambrace || Njósnari Probe Droid || OPBC-01m
Tags: Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

The governor, or head of the colony, was a man. I'm the only one here who just arrived at this job, at least apparently. Since I was alone, I won't bore anyone with the boring details, but rather I'll just summarise what was discussed. I don't like to write reports, although MANIAC remembers everything and I could write them with him, but it's not like I would either. So I will be as detailed as I will be in the report. Nobody is interested in the conversation anyway.

The leader said that it was a single company of pirates, who weren't really pirates because they didn't come from space, but were probably local or had already established a base here, since they always attack from the ground and not from the air. It is true that the fact that the locals do not really leave the surface of the planet has also contributed to this, it is usually done by visitors. So it was a group of about a dozen people with four bikers, not very good armour and not very good firearms.

It was a good intuition, the locals had no weapons, so they were an excellent target for the last band of robbers. Only the shields protected them. And the gang used to take metals, medicine and food from them. I thought that food and medicine could be taken for themselves, the metal would be sold. Although medicine also had a chance for this. In any case, there was a valley about two hundred kilometres away, which was a pretty good hiding place, they hid there.

I didn't want to travel such a long distance with a jetpack or my spaceship, so I had to ask for a biker or an animal. In fact, I almost got a taun-taun to go with it. Fortunately, one of the merchants who was concerned about getting the ores they mined off the planet by her, gave me her own personal biker. It didn't have a weapon, but at least it was fast enough to get me close to the place in about a quarter of an hour and twenty minutes. And from there I can go further with a jetpack.

I walked with the woman to the biker, I waited for a moment to see if someone would show up, but if not, I'll leave alone.



Lichix Taroq

Enforcer, Fixer, eventually Warlord


Location: Wulfngard, Kalidan
Objective: Offer Rattatak as place for Epicanthix refugees
Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir | Trinity Harris Trinity Harris | Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim | Laertia Io Laertia Io |OPEN
Equipment: Hidden Vibrodagger x 2


It was a somber event. Most present were high ranking members of the Eternal Empire. Political veterans probably. At least that was what Lichix thought when she entered the Imperial fortress. The Empress Regent didn’t seem like a political veteran as she led the ceremony. Though Lichix was versed enough in these things to notice hesitance and discomfort, she also knew that Eina L'lerim-Vandiir did a much better job than she would have done in her place. As she watched the ceremony the Rattataki warrior wondered exactly what her place would be here. She had a very tenuous agreement for some aid in taking control of Rattatak from her father with the Empress. Now the Empress was unable to perform her duties. Had she shared the plans for Rattatak with others?

After informing an inquiring security person who she was Lichix was led to where some of the leaders were discussing next steps. The Empress Regent and the Overseer for the Committee for Scientific Development as well as a couple others that Lichix was not familiar with. The Rattataki vaguely overheard the talk of rescuing the Empress, who it seemed was still aboard the Mawite Battlecruiser, as well as mention of what should happen with refugees.

“Your pardon Empress Regent,” Lichix offered with a reverent bow of her head. “I’m Lichix Taroq. Exiled heir of Rattatak. I had begun talks with your mother on bringing the Rattataki people into the fold of the Eternal Empire instead of busying themselves with petty local wars. If STRATCOM sees benefit with a small force I believe that I would be able to take control of the planet from my father,” Lichix grinned at the thought of her blades slicing through the flesh of the man who had raised her and tossed her away. A man she grew up adoring and now hated with a burning passion.

“Rattataki are not used to galactic tactics and would fall quickly to even a small force,” Lichix theorized. It had been a while since she had been home, but she doubted that much had changed amongst her people. “Once control is established Rattatak can be used as a waypoint for Panatha’s refugees. I doubt they would wish to stay long, but as you say, there is no good current destination to house them.”

Silhana Cadera
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid
Alor'ad (Captain), member of the Clan Cadera; Bounty Hunter, Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Bounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: Protect the planet
Location: Mining Colony, Manpha
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Beskad | Besar'gam | Mandalorian vambrace || Njósnari Probe Droid || OPBC-01m
Tags: Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Alone then, it seemed that there really would be no one else. I shrugged, but only in my mind. Part of it is good because I get the reward on my own and I don't have to share the reputation. The money, well I got to the point where money no longer motivated me at all. Rather, it is to have as few evil and murderers in the galaxy as possible. So that as few people as possible suffer. I think that's a much better goal than anything else. After all, I no longer needed money. I had a clan, a bounty hunter guild and I also ran the Bounty Hunters' Guild, even if I left BHG there I would never have a problem with money in my life.

The trip was as I thought it would be. I was exceptionally lucky, I didn't want to believe that either. Although I was a little worried, because when I was lucky, I always did very badly later on in those cases. In any case, no one attacked me on the quarter-hour or so drive as long as I was heading in the right direction. Fortunately, there were a few satellites above the planet, so I had the opportunity to ask MANIAC to connect to it and use the weather satellite's cameras to take pictures of where I have to go.

It was a good thing to prepare in advance, because even though I had sent the droids in advance, they were not faster than me. So it was much more expedient. However, something happened that I did not expect. The base was there, but the whole place was destroyed. Based on the pictures, it was as if someone had shot the place out of the air, or rather from space. And there was hardly anything left of the place. Based on the data, there was nothing in space, maybe a cloaked ship, but the place was already dead and the fire was extinguished.

I could say I don't care and leave it at that, but that wouldn't have been me. I wanted to find out what happened and who took and did my job. So I went quite close to the place, I didn't stop as far as I originally wanted. I already walked the last roughly two hundred metres.

It seems that they weren't just some local gang, no one would have treated them like that...


So they need souls like the Brain Demon does... Xiphos mused. Souls with faith...

"It is unfortunate no methods seem able to destroy such beings..." Xiphos remarked.

Yet I would have lost at Tython without the aid of one she thought, unable to bear the idea even as she acknowledged it as irrefutable fact.

Why am I still fighting the obvious?

Xiphos questioned herself again, all her missing wife's admonishments about placing her faith in something, about how this was a war between different faiths began to hit home.

She knew the next step she must take. The full conversion to Force Spawn. The final surrender of her humanity. Possibly her soul.

But how could she continue in this state? She was a wreck.

She could barely get away with killing a squad of Mandalorians in her present state. And her body broke down a little more now after each heavy engagement.

Sooner or later, even her command of the Force, brutish as it now was, wouldn't be enough.

She had to evolve. As all Sith must.

She had to shed herself of weakness...but how to do it without getting rid of valuable qualities?

The more she thought...the more tempting her wife's shrine became.

"In that case, since a rescue effort will be underway, I stand by ready to assist." Xiphos assured. " also in the process of developing new ships. New Weaponry..."

Xiphos pulled out a datapad containing a schematic for a Cryo Disruptor, handing it to a nearby aide.

She listened as Lichix Taroq Lichix Taroq expressed a desire for reinforcements so she could take the throne in her planet.

Seeing opportunity, Xiphos made a note to approach her later. House Io had many ways of infiltration of a stronghold...and she was happy to rent out her forces in exchange for favors down the road.

She also made note of how she hugged Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim .

So there's something human in you after all... she thought to herself...

"Empress Regent...if I may ask...I was not in the Netherrealm long. Hence my ignorance of it. But where exactly in this other region do the Avatars make their stronghold? Or is it more complex than that?"

Always know where, exactly, your enemy can be located... she mused. It was something Batty said to her once.

A lance of pain at the Battalion's absence, which hurt worse than any Lightsaber Wound she could have gotten, lanced through her heart, and the unpreparedness of it, she embarrassingly dropped to one knee for a moment, getting control of her emotions and broken body as best she was able...

She stood straight, hating that her body and mind had failed her at just the wrong moment, and communicated weakness...

Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
Silhana Cadera
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid
Alor'ad (Captain), member of the Clan Cadera; Bounty Hunter, Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Bounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: Protect the planet
Location: Mining Colony, Manpha
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Beskad | Besar'gam | Mandalorian vambrace || Njósnari Probe Droid || OPBC-01m
Tags: Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

This place was really not far from here, but I arrived at the place where the area started to glass. My heat sensor also didn't show any data that the area was even hotter than the rest of the area that wasn't attacked. There was quite a large crater in this place, it destroyed everything that was here. I've been on the battlefield long enough to recognize for myself that it ended here days ago, or earlier. Everything had time to "recover", cool and die.

The only thing that was certain was that those who were here did not feel anything, but became nothing in an instant. Many people may not agree with this, especially when someone has done a lot of evil, but I think it is still more humane than many other solutions. There were no signs of buildings either, and I thought it impossible to find any human remains in this place. The crater was also at least ten metres deep, the sandy ground turned into glass. As far as we were in a desolate place, it was definitely a deliberate action and not an accidental shot.

Sensors and MANIAC data confirmed that it all happened days ago and that he can't detect anything nearby. In the past, I would have been very annoyed now that my total salary would jump because I had nothing to do. But now this feeling was more like relief, I don't know why. Anyway, I think I had no more work to do here because I was done with everything. Although I was worried about the locals; whoever did this can do the same to them.

Although, if the Eternal Empire arrives, they might would be under more protection, but I don't know what will happen in the current situation. I quickly circled and flew around the place, but there was really nothing here. I was about to leave and bring the good news to the leader that they are no longer in danger and to tell him what happened here...

... but at this moment MANIAC signalled something. Several people approached this place.


I said I'm never lucky.


Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The Light of Ashla

Champion and Avatar of Ashla || Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire
Objective: Try to survive as an Empress Regent
Location: Wulfngard, Kalidan
Equipment: Military Attire || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Tags: Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim | Trinity Harris Trinity Harris | Laertia Io Laertia Io | Lichix Taroq Lichix Taroq |Open
[ Valkyrjan ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

While Eina was waiting for an answer from the others, another woman approached her. The woman looked at the Rattataki woman with some surprise. The Avatar didn't know much about what her mother was doing; no one expected that one day she would actually end up in this position. At least not before Eyjolf reaches the right age. Eina also knew who her mother really wanted as an heir, Eina was just a precautionary measure to give Ejyolf a more peaceful life. A few more years and he would really be the heir to the throne he was meant to be. After all, Eina wasn't good at it and didn't want to deal with it.

The Realspace stuff didn't mean anything to her, just as much as it did to Geiseric Geiseric , but now she was getting less and less interested. They provided what Ashla wanted, but their duties and life were mostly tied to the Netherworld. Especially since they both became Avatars.

"Welcome!" she told her.

She didn't know anything about what she told her. Fortunately, the woman's mother did not make the mistake that Tacitus made, and there were records of everything. So she just had to ask MANIAC for them, who immediately filled her mind, projected the information to her retina, with what she now knew. Rattatak; this was in quite a delicate place, as it was very close to Panatha. To the former Panatha. She knew exactly how important wars and battles were to the Eternal Empire and that they were in a very delicate situation right now and could easily be rumoured to have destroyed a planet. Which wasn't true. Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren did.

"This might be a good idea, but it really depends on the refugees. We can't force them to go where they don't want to go. Of course, we will let them know that your planet will accept and welcome them as long as they want to be there. If that suits you too." she holds her again. "And I agree that diplomacy may be more useful than fighting in the current situation."

After that, the former Valkyrja looked at the other woman Laertia Io Laertia Io to answer her as well. However, she thought for a few moments before answering.

"We still don't know if this will be a full offensive or more of a black ops mission. Anyway, any help is appreciated."

It was more complicated than that to put it mildly. It was difficult for those who hadn't seen it or experienced it yet to understand.

"Unfortunately, it's much more complicated than that, they have their own domain as well, their own dimension in the Netherworld, it's common there. But without someone seeing it, it's hard to understand. And I don't know how a mortal would be able to endure or understand this with a healthy mind. I'm sorry." she told her. "For me, this is everyday and average, but for those living in Realspace, it is not and is difficult to understand. But the fact is that some people won't be able to kill them or hinder them."


Silhana Cadera
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid
Alor'ad (Captain), member of the Clan Cadera; Bounty Hunter, Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Bounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: Protect the planet
Location: Mining Colony, Manpha
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Beskad | Besar'gam | Mandalorian vambrace || Njósnari Probe Droid || OPBC-01m
Tags: Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

I didn't have to wait that long after MANIAC indicated that others were approaching me. I turned in their direction and saw the single-person vehicles approaching in the air. I immediately recognized the symbol on it. It was the Eternal Empire. Since I had no conflict with them and I also worked for them, I stopped waiting for them. I will not recall the conversation after arrival verbatim either, I think a short summary is more appropriate here as well. After all, this report is for myself and no one else.

After the Eternal Imperial forces arrived, of course I was immediately authenticated, so it turned out that we were all working for the same State. They actually arrived a few days before I did. They weren't specifically here for the few attacks like I was, but they ended up destroying the place. One of their ships patrolling nearby was attacked by someone here and they followed that person. After a scan and data retrieval, they were convinced that this place was home to criminals, so they weren't too subtle.

Anyway, my job was done by them. When it turned out that we were here for the same reason, the officer offered to tell them that I did everything, in order to get paid for it. I rejected this. After all, I really didn't need this money, it suited me perfectly that the locals were already safe and the Eternal Empire would soon arrive here. I couldn't have wished for more. I promised that I would tell the locals that the problem was solved. The officer was happy about this, because they didn't really want to talk to the locals without diplomats.

So I returned to town with this news and informed the local leader, who was immensely relieved that the case was over. He wanted to pay me for trying, but I refused that too. So he asked me to give the reward to the soldiers of the Eternal Empire. Although I wasn't a soldier, I worked with them enough to know that they couldn't accept this payment. So after I was informed and done with everything, I could leave the planet. Rarely have I had a job that I could finish in less than two hours with complete success.

I can go home now, I have to continue my recovery.

Last post.​


Objective: Expanding: Gathering Intelligence

Location: Manpha

Equipment: KC-77N Hybrid Pistol | Lucius-pattern Bayonet | Sk-UL Mk3 Armor | PA-1N Enhanced Interrogation Device | Slinger Infini MK I "Raider" Intercepter | Lightsaber

Tag: Open


Manpha, a swamp planet. Despondently undeveloped and run by pirates. Last stop on the Spine before meeting the Way. Chivalrous speechmaking might suggest bringing peace and security. The truth is surely that the planet is just a stepping stone, a refueling point, maybe untapped potential; at best, undesirable outcasts would no longer find easy refuge there. The pirates might just clear out at the first sign of the Empire's procession, but the majority of pirates aren't that smart.

An ugly interceptor, the bottom nano-sprayed to match the sky with top matching the planet, slides into atmo. Thankfully, it is nearly invisibly by all standards. The craft had been requisitioned for this purpose, and it's ability to traverse a planet swiftly. The area it alights is nearly indistinguishable from the rest of the murky globe.

The occupant climbing out, to splash muck with a disturbing squelch, is clad strangely in black armor with a hazmat lean and glowing eyes. Yet in this environment, the garb is appropriate if little more than adequate. To be viewed as Psi Corp agent or demon, either will suit this one's purposes.

The intelligence agent's first goal is to capture a Shawda Ubb, wretched toady creatures. Perhaps one can serve as guide to both swamplands and pirate hideouts. The slog is eased by subtle persuasions from the force. Brief flashes of ghostly green with firefly cinders mark its passage through undergrowth.



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