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Approved Vehicle Gnat Runner

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  • Advanced Systems: Designed with several notable systems installed on the vehicle that improves its capabilities.
  • Self Repairing: Designed to repair itself over time and from damage in a fight. The severity determining if it could be from hours to days.
  • With materia body to a level not seen before. With a built in capability to disassemble and reassemble itself. Reproduce itself with its conversion bubble which will convert raw matter into energy and parts over time.
  • Size: Designed as a smaller, faster tank able to move around quickly and with built in repulsors to give it a greater agility.
  • Exotic Particles: Largely unknown and not seen in the galaxy before. It isn't invincible nor is it really strong but it reacts violently near dark and anti-matter which can disrupt and destroy it or even cause it to rupture and disintegrate.
  • Sleg: A powerful energy enhancer, the sleg absorbs and channels the excessive heat generated by the chassis of the speeder. Making them maintain a stronger level of power but also increases the chances that they could explode from the heat.
  • Built in power source: Designed with its own internal power source that is long lasting but it is largely able to power the armor and systems of the vehicle but when damaged it is highly explosive.
  • Self Repairing: Built with a protective layer to patch the vehicle in the event of damage. The time table is dependent upon the amount of damage with smaller tears being easier and faster to repair then gashes which can take hours to reform.
Designed for the ranger's and jedi to be able to use and get around quickly. As a stationary tank it is not very impressive as a number of small arms can penetrate the layers of armor to it. The thin armor allows it to remain smaller and lightweight with a compartment for the ranger or the jedi using it to climb into the back and move around. Its weapons systems are small allowing it to rely on hit and run tactics that will protect them from being smashed with a hail of slug or blaster fire. The cockpit for the driver is a tight fit when they are in full armor and requires the skills that they need to work with it. Everything is in place with a small compartment allowing them to carry some extra equipment. A modular weapon system so they can create unique load outs for a battle or situation that is needed and an advanced high performance engine booster allowing the tanks speed to match for a time that of a speeder in some cases. The anti grav letting them make jumps off of buildings and land safely even with the weight of the tanks. The weak armor also means that they have not been shielded from ion and emp weapons and the higher speeds that it is able to move require droid brain to be able to track and target with weapons at the higher speeds.
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Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Inital review
[member="Willa Isard"]

Pontite is the rarest grade of a rare crystal, and Solari crystal is of comparable rarity. Your Synthweave is mass-produced, and that ship has sailed. However, the Synthweave is specified as being intended for personal gear - armor, weapons, etc. Basically, you can't plate your mass-produced mini-tanks in ultra-rare lightsabre crystals. Please remove the Synthweave.

Willa Isard said:
an advanced high performance engine booster allowing the tanks speed to match for a time that of a speeder in some cases.
The performance booster sub uses the terms 'momentary increase' and 'small bursts of accelerated speed,' but this sub only says 'for a time,' far as I can see. Please specify that the performance booster can only be used momentarily, and give a top speed without the performance booster.

Your Sasori Coating appears to be a stealth coating for personal armor and clothing. It's not rated for use on a vehicle, and its stealth properties weren't discussed in the description; unless I've read it wrong, it's gotta go.

The Omnibreaker is a small handheld weapon. Can you expand on why you're effectively arming a tank with a knife?
[member="Jorus Merrill"]

the crystal coating is there because the original talks for it were giving it a cloak and I forgot we never got to finishing the thread. Removed it
CHanged the speed for the boosted and normal speeds
edited out the synthweave as requested
And the omnibreakers are last ditch weapons as this might be a tank but it is also meant to be small and fairly compact compared to the others. The spider droids could stomp and use their bulk in melee if things got close these have small daggers where explosives and a cannon can't reach.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Submission Name: Gnat Runner
Link to Submission: Gnat Runner
Reason for Factory Modification Request: updates

Submission Name: Sasori Biot Box
Link to Submission: Sasori Biot Box
Reason for Factory Modification Request: updates

Submission Name: Sasori Jenoshi
Link to Submission: Sasori Jenoshi
Reason for Factory Modification Request: updates

Submission Name: Sasori Joshū
Link to Submission: Sasori Joshū
Reason for Factory Modification Request: updates

Submission Name: Saotome Vatta
Link to Submission: Saotome Vatta
Reason for Factory Modification Request: updates
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