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Character Eina L'lerim-Vandiir

  • JRyhRuk.png

    Name: The First
    Other name(s):
    • Eina L’lerim-Vandiir
    • Guardian Angel by Geiseric Geiseric
    • Small Lady by Dis Dis
    Ranks and titles:
    • Matriarch of the Valkyrja (The First)
    • Representative and Angelic mascot of the Ashlan Crusade
    • Heir of the Eternal Empire and Terraris
    • Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris
    • The Light of Ashla (Ashlan Crusade)
    • Ashla's boon (by Geiseric and the Ashlan Crusade)
    • Saint Eina, Living Saint (by Sisters of Ashla)
    • The Abomination (by the Sith in general)
    • Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire
    Species/race: Valkyrja (Force Entity)
    Birth date: ABY 864
    Age: ~ 300 years old (in the Netherworld the time passes differently than in the Realspace)

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    Faction: Ashlan Crusade | Eternal Empire | Terraris Command
    Birthworld: Netherworld
    Homeworld: Sanctuary, Netherworld
    Occupation: Matriarch of the Valkyrja, Sorcerer, warrior/warlord, Ambassador
    Allegiance: Valkyrja | House L’lerim | Ashlan Crusade | Eternal Empire | Terraris Command

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    Sex: Neuter | Chosen a female form (can change), female identity
    Height: 200 cm (can change) | 178 cm (5'84) (human form with Geiseric)
    Weight: 80 kg (can change) | 55 kg (121 lb) (human form with Geiseric)
    Eye color: ice blue (can change)
    Hair color: black (can change) | red (human form)
    Skin color: bluish (can change) | pale Caucasian (human form)
    Wing color: - | golden/red (human form)
    Voice sample: Female imperial agent from SW mmo / Ciri from Witcher 3 (Same as Ingrid’s)
    Force Sensitive: yes | Light side

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    *In a loose sense, Eina was formed/created from that energy when they exchanged their soulshards under the siege of Byss. And she consider them as her parents. I.e. she was born form their souls/soulshards.

    Close relationships outside the family:

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    She is 200 cm high, and this is accompanied by a lean physique. All of this is misleading because in physical form she endures fighting well. She has light blue skin and long black hair. Her appearance and radiance lend her a dignified, noble appearance. She often wears full body armour and a mask.

    Patient and considerate. She devotes all her time and strength to protecting the weak. Eina used to be aloof with mortals just like with the foreign. She is direct and friendly with her people, or the Shadows, for example. It has a maternal character, trying to help those who need it. Occasionally, a random trait or body language may appear on the part of L’lerim and Vandiir.

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    Standard Valkyrja abilities.

    Shape-shifting – Unlike the other Valkyrja, she has a normal shape-shifting. She inherited this from Ingrid L’lerim, she is able to do this in such a way like the other woman.
    Quick learner – She can learn things, skills faster than others thanks for her intelligence.
    Immaterial – While this doesn’t give her invulnerability, it’s harder to hurt her, the invisible state also could help this.
    Great warrior – She is an excellent and skilled warrior and Force user.

    Deja vu – It came from the energy when one piece was torn from the souls of Ingrid and Adrian to be with the other. The by-product was Eina, the first Valkyrja. That’s why her Force Signature is like someone blended Ingrid and Adrian’s souls. Any advantage does not come from this, but if one knows the couple, they may find the presence of the Matriarch in the Force very familiar.
    From you – Occasionally, a random trait or body language may appear on the part of L’lerim and Vandiir.
    Two worlds – She can exist in the Netherworld and in Realspace as well, of course not at the same time.
    Vergence – Eina is a vergence in the Force, i.e. the Force flows much better around and inside it, which is not so surprising because she is a Force entity. Thanks to this and the dyad, she is able to reflect Geiseric’s dedication, determination, devotion, faith, in Ashla and in the fight against the Bogan. Thanks to these, Eina has a constantly strong Light side aura that is easy to feel even from a great distance (very strong FUs even able to sense her from the other side of the planet), essentially glowing in the Force, with a strong golden aura. Her aura has a pleasant warm, soothing and encouraging effect on neutral and Lightsider Force users, on Darksiders can be unpleasant and painful. The downside, however, is that it can’t dim or hide this aura with anything, so it always remains an illuminated target for the enemy. In her case, even the Taozin Amulet, or Force Stealth, is useless.

    Immaterial – All of this can be very helpful, but Realspace has its drawbacks. Until she takes physical form, she can’t affect Realspace in any physical way, she can only communicate.
    Overprotective – Because she is always protective (protecting the weak, needy), many may think she is too overprotective, and Eina will not accept a negative response.
    Stubborn – In this she is no different from those from whose "fault" she was created, Eina is very stubborn.
    Behaviours – Despite her high intelligence, she does not really understand the behavior, emotions of mortals because, or she not understand the concept of the lies, these are far from the Valkyrja species, as she is accustomed to everyone at home saying or conveying those emotions towards to each other or her which they feels and thoughts, and she takes everything literally what they are told to her.

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    She has been an excellent warrior, she is well versed in melee and ranged weapons as well. Eina is an excellent alchemist and a sorcerer (necromancy), a good Force User, although she is weaker outside of the Netherworld.

    Languages Known:
    Galactic Basic – Native
    High Nelvaanian – Native
    Valkyrja's Language – Native
    Sith and ur-Kittât – Native
    Essonian – Native

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    The First was created / born under the siege of Byss when Ingrid allowed herself to be killed, that is when she tore her soul apart. She was born at exactly the moment Ingrid's soul was torn apart and at the same time a piece was torn from Adrian's soul chunk in response to the act of the Eternal Empress. It was these energies that created her from Adrian's and Ingrid's soulshards, completely involuntarily.

    Eina typically has much of Ingrid’s knowledge and at times some of her traits also reflect Adrian. memories are not inherited, rather characteristics and customs, and her Force Signature is like someone blended Ingrid and Adrian’s souls. Any advantage does not come from this, but if one knows the original couple, they may find the presence of the Matriarch in the Force very familiar.

    She had an adult consciousness by default and couldn’t do much at the beginning of her life, so she joined Greystone and worked with them. She later contacted Ingrid L’lerim when she started working on the Valkyrja project. As more and more of her race came into being, Eina helped them because she had already known the Netherworld and Realspace by now.

    Soon because of her experience and because she was the first to become the leader of her people. For a very long time she was only in the Netherworld, dealing with her own people, helping to build their homes, creating their culture, teaching them. She also built relationships with TSE valkyries. Eina gained innumerable knowledge and was also able to practice what she had inherited, so to speak.

    What she realized very soon was that she had much more power in the Netherworld, that is she could just use the Force more easily than in Realsace. And she inherited one more thing from Ingrid, and maybe from Adrian too, she also has shape-shifting abilities and this is not just as limited like the shape-shifting of the members of Valkyrja.

    In any case, if she is in Realspace, she typically does it as an observer and rarely intervenes in that world, even then she typically only helps. Eina loves to acquire new knowledge with which to serve her own people and that is mainly why she walks and travels in both worlds and continues to work with the Greystone as well.

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    • To see the pictures, click the names.
      Old signature:

    • Normal form:


      In armour:

      Her form in Realspace (after shape-shifting):
    • soMuwBq.jpg








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    Rank: Force Master
    Apprentice(s): Adrian L'lerim-Vandiir Adrian L'lerim-Vandiir (formerly)

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    WIP / Nothing yet

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    WIP / Nothing yet

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