Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Wedding day! (Invite only)



Objective: Enjoy the Wedding
Weapon: "The Klaive" - PDW
Equipment: x2 Hutt Cartel Kidnap Jabber Rings-One on either hand, Force Warning Necklace Pendant, Paralyzing Lipstick, Coal Painted Stilleto Nails, Absorbelt, ENVC-370 Bodyglove, Tinfoil Hat Band, Earsculpt Comlink, Magno-grip Formal shoes
Augmentation: PGEM-SAP "Amber Eyes"
Ship: The Tourist

The seating arrangement between the pair of them did not go unnoticed as Dominik seemed agitated by the choice of placement. Her eyes catching the small tenses he subdued before he spoke.

She hadn't initially noticed the pink dragon until the heavy steps ceased having glanced sidelong at the throng of people at the strange feeling. Not finding a source, she turned fully forward and paled.

Domink went for something, pausing at the woman's words. It hadn't stopped her from clenching her hands against her thigh. The reassurance was...not entirely that given the blasted thing had ominously appeared from around a building.

"Well that's...educational." She mused quietly at the sight of the dragon. She shivered once, leaning her whole body closer toward Domink. Crossing a leg over the other and putting her hands together in her lap.

The space faring kind hadn't had the wings. And those wings made the sight all the more impressive as she pondered the meaning behind the bonded comment.

"Are...are dragons a-? Our first mando wedding. Never mind." The question faltering in her mouth as she remembered what he'd said just a moment ago.

She was going to have to do some holonet digging to figure out matrimonial ceremonies to remedy any future surprises.


Objective: Enjoy a beautiful wedding
Location: Darasuum Yaim
Tag: Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim

The Togrutan woman heard Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim behind her and both smiled and gave widened eyes as her children ran past her to see their aunt. She quickly checked that her dress was intact before turning her head. "It's lovely to see you Fel, and so good to see you upright, you're doing really well."

"I think she's got the right idea. Plus, the longer you do something, the better you'll probably get. At least with proper training."

"That's true, but do they really have to grow up so fast, Ti can already strip and clean a blaster pistol, and I can picture Little Fel as a sword master already" As much as Ana didn't want them to grow up yet, there was something special thinking about the image of the brother and sister, ferociously charging into battle together.

[Colour=cadetblue]"Are you going to sit with us on the ceremony?"[/color] Ana heard the small male voice making the request of his aunt. "Now now Ik'aad, Felmorante might have her own guests she wants to sit with. She might have even brought a date?" Anashja looked at Felmorante with teasing expression before Ti'zan chimed in as expected. "Auntie Fel! Do you have a boyfriend, can we see him too, please!"

Anashja giggled and looked at Adenn as more and more people seemed to have left the bar and entered the main hall. "It does look like the ceremony is about to begin, you are welcome to come and sit with us all. They are actually beautifully behaved when they want to be.".

She placed her drink on the side and knelt down to ensure her childrens outfits were remaining in place, before giving her husband a quick gesture for him to rejoin the group. He happily obliged and he too made a quick introduction to Aden and Fel, having met the Alor only briefly at the celebration in the Eternal Empire, but being very familiar with his wife's young friend.

Before long they made their way in and took their seats for a beautiful ceremony.


Equipment: Powered Wheelchair, Twin Full Leg Braces, Enviroweave Blanket, Aspara Armor over Viper Mk. I Skinsuit, Dark Purple pair of Wrist Dazzlers, 7 Whimsy Knives, 6 Terminus Shivs, 1 Scherezade Blade
Companions: 1 Wolf Boi
Objective: Find Anashja
Location: Darasuum Yaim
Tag: Anashja Tal Anashja Tal [/USER] | Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud | Mig Gred Mig Gred

"Getting there! I've had to rely on the braces less so I take it as a good sign. I still get the fuzzy static feeling every so often but a lot less now." She shrugged before pushing against those braces to stand up completely. The mention of proper training caught her attention from Adenn as she smiled his way.

"Done right, even childhood games are proper training. No one starts out with perfect hand eye coordination, or excellent balance. But make it fun while they are little and it becomes a personal goal to run along a plank no wider than a few fingers, or find ways up a building without a jet pack." She smirked, feeling Fel'ann beginning to crawl up her leg brace.

With a slight lean, she scooped her namesake up and shared a small chocolate cat blob with Fel'ann first before producing another for Ti'zan.

Her animated form pausing for only a fraction of a second at the mention of a date, and seeming far more alert with an expression that was anything but serious. Gingerly putting Fel'ann down, she huffed.

"I find a boyfriend, you'll hear about it after he's been background checked, screened by mom. Or Shiny, whichever finds out first. And, if they're lucky enough after those two, make it to dinner at your house." She spoke while looking over Anashja with severe interest.

And definitely stole the woman's drink for a sniff, giving it back after Ana had checked the kid's clothes. An almost predatory glimmer in her eyes as she gave the woman a chesire smile.

"Hmmm. Might have to snag some of that later." She grinned, making pleasantries with Jaron. She did in fact follow the family inside, waving for Adenn to join them before attempting to tease him.

"Come on! I can't bite through your get-up so your safe today." She cackled before the ceremony began.
The Donna nodded toward her associate as the Bothan rose from the table, then turned her attention back to Ket Van-Derveld Ket Van-Derveld . She was about to speak when they were suddenly joined by a newcomer to The Family's table:
"Hope I'm not interrupting, but there isn't really a right way to dress unless the jate'kara riduur'e (lucky spouses) have something specific in mind. I mean I'm in armor, my daughter over... there is in her trench coat, and my boys are... wait where... the two over there looking at the dragons flying around are just in comfortable stuff."

Ivory grinned, turning her head to peer from below the rim of her wide-brimmed black fedora at the Mandalorian who'd approached. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see a handful of the Family Soldiers suddenly tense up - without looking, she made a subtle motion with her left hand; a signal in The Family's secret sign-language to relax.

"That's a relief to hear. I'm afraid for my associates and I, this is our first Mandalorian Wedding." She looked Mig Gred Mig Gred up & down, offering a charismatic smile. "My name is Ivory Stroud, and this is my associate, Ket. And you are...?"

His response, if he began, would suddenly be drowned out by a soft rhythmic chime which sounded toward the front of the event, and The Donna's attention was immediately drawn to the approach of not only the bridal party, but a gargantuan pink Dragon which flew overhead & landed some distance away, to begin creeping toward the front of the party. A sudden buffeting gust of wind from the flying creature's powerful wings caused Ivory's hat to flutter, but it did not become dislodged.

A look of wonder crossed Ivory's face, and she breathed a quiet "Wow..."

As the bridal party arrived, each holding hands in unity, The Donna would stand from her seat & indicate for her associates to do the same - a gesture of respect. Following her lead, the handful of Family Goons would direct their attention likewise to the wedding ceremony, stand, and join her in a round of applause. Immediately, Ivory noticed they were in the minority - as their actions caused a few Mandalorian Guests to direct subtle looks of confusion or disapproval in their direction.

The Donna, however, didn't care.

The reassurance offered by Alor Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus helped a few of the more paranoid Mafiosos to relax.

Cynthia held her hand out towards Stardust so that she could also stand facing the woman that would be joining them in marriage. "Jade, fierce, beautiful, loyal. I am happy, and honored that you wish to join into our partnership. I hope that I remain worthy of your love and affection till the day I draw my last breath and is laid to rest." She could not help but blush a little as her eyes would gaze into those of Jade's

"Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde. We are one when together, we are one when parted, we will share all, we will raise warriors." With the words spoken clearly and loudly even going as far to translate them too, she had said her vows now it was both Jade's and Star's turn.

As the ceremony & vows began, Ivory ceased her applause and took her seat once more - indicating toward the man who'd joined them a few minutes before, Mig Gred Mig Gred , that he was welcome to take a seat at their table if he chose.

Niki Priddy Niki Priddy Dominik Borra Dominik Borra Jade Solus Skirae Jade Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus Diocletian Kahmen’’a Diocletian Kahmen’’a
He felt Niki Priddy Niki Priddy lean towards him at the sight of the dragon. It really was intimidating just standing there. Menacingly. If Cynthia and it were bonded in some way then it made sense for it, or rather her, to watch the wedding but... He was surprised that no other trigger-happy mando had started shooting yet. Maybe they figured their blasters wouldn't do much.

He could tell Niki was a bit nervous at the sight of the large dragon as well. His arm twitched, then he brought it back to go around her shoulders. If he was going to do it, now was probably the best opportunity he was going to get.

To her question, he shook his head lightly. "No, dragons are not normal to these weddings. I'm pretty sure they would have been talked about if they were." He whispered, then added. "Think your Nuisance Droids could take it?" A soft, nervous chuckle followed. He really should have looked up the customary proceedings of these things on the Holonet.

He heard the shuffling of clothes and feet, and Dom reflexively looked to the side where Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud and a bunch of other Family members stood. He wasn't sure standing was a procedure at Mandalorian weddings, and he hadn't heard anybody call for standing. Maybe this was just Ivory's thing. He turned back to face the front and the ceremony.
She took jades arm and offered a co fident smile, as the ceremony began to slowly walked with them down the carpet as she looked around the venue seeing so many people all her family, her friends, even some of the THE family including the Donna had joined them! Stardust cluldbr help but feel a electric feeling swell up in her chest as she stood a bit taller and prouder walking up to the altar

Turning to face jade she looked down at her and let a soft breath out with a soft smile

we met many years ago, seems like just a month ago, back then I saw a warrior a vicious warrior who was adept....oh how I watched you've become such a amazing woman and now here you are my golden dragon...the one I call my executioner. I am beyond honored to have you as my wife.

She took a deep breath and took her hands then one trailed to cynthia hand

I wanna take this moment to reaffirm our vows as well cynthia, Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde.
Business, Espionage & Faith

'Tango Till They're Sore'​

Mai's curiosity did not go amiss, it was important for her to learn about the close-knit culture of Kosa Nostra, yet it wasn't the place to discuss it, not yet. After taking a few steps forward, arms interlinked, she'd turn her head back and forth between her and the number of guests they weaved through. "Eh, you didn't know," she paused, as if to think, "it's easy to begin with but it gets.. quite a bit more difficult, I assume you'll start learning when we get back home."

Mm," she thought for a moment as the pair moved towards the table that was occupied by their associates, "It's all 'bout putting the work in, show you care, look after your family and bring in the credits," she paused for a moment, smiling at some passing guests until they were out of earshot, "it's all 'bout the people though, we look after ourselves and the people under our protection," grinned Marcy, eyes flickering to Mai, "that's how you get to where you wanna go, know your place and put the effort in," she concluded, aware of the fact she may have been omitting certain details of her activities~ yet Mai would find out soon enough anyway.

As Mai' made a comment about forgetting their beverages, Marcy' immediately found a solution, Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud 's passing Bothan goon. As they passed, she nonchalantly and discreetly signalled to him:


Smirking at Mai', she could help but comment, "Sorted." Yet their walk would suddenly be hastened by the starting of the ceremony, "we'd better shift it," Marcy' pointed out, picking up the pace as they eventually arrived at their table. The pair were greeted by a Twi'Lek goon who rose from his chair to seat them both, "After you," she offered Mai' as she herself took a seat at the table, directly across from Ket Van-Derveld Ket Van-Derveld .

As the pair were seated, she'd pay attention to the ceremony, sitting in awe of the gorgeous dragon that landed nearby and joining Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud in standing up for the brides; grinning the whole way through, delighted for Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae , Jade Solus Skirae Jade Solus Skirae & Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus .

Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus
The Golden Dragon/The Executioner
As the vows were spoken she decided to add a little something herself to the occasion, she motioned for Delphine to come over carrying 3 boxes each one decorated in the color of their dragon titles, Pink for the Jury Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus , Green for the Judge Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae and gold for herself the Executioner. She took the pink one first with a smile on her face as she was happy and a little excited for this event as she would hold out the ring so she can put the ring on Cynthia's finger.

After that she would do the same for Stardust before holding the gold box in her hand as if wondering how they wish to do like wise for her if they wish to do it together or have one of them do it either way she wouldn't mind, her eyes changed from a brownish color to her bright golden hue the rest of her skin following suit as she only found it proper to put up her actual coloration this time rather then let her emotions go ..everywhere and dictate for her, She nodded at Sev'rala as well respecting her presence as she was quite the magnificent beast and a fitting companion for Cynthia.

Made her wonder though if Star also had one and how she can get one but can ask that later for now was celebration and enjoyment of the very special occasion

Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Niki Priddy Niki Priddy Ket Van-Derveld Ket Van-Derveld Mig Gred Mig Gred Dominik Borra Dominik Borra Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud Azure Djitred Azure Djitred Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus Diocletian Kahmen’’a Diocletian Kahmen’’a
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Mig may not have been the best at using the mental aspects of the Force, heck outside of the above normal reflexes he had never really been taught much of peering into that side of the Force. He could, however, tell when someone didn't seem to like him, and even with a word he could tell Ket Van-Derveld Ket Van-Derveld wasn't too keen on him walking up. Why he didn't know. Couldn't be the usual not liking Mandalorians if he was here right? Either way Mig would take notice as Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud began to speak, and the move a few people made before hand. He wasn't so worried about them. He didn't look like a Force Wielder, so he had that ace up his sleeve. Still, be happy that there wasn't some dress code, and would introduce herself and her friend. Ivory Stroud and Ket? Good names. She asked his name too.

"Mig... Oh it's time. Boys, Leddie, get over here to your seats." As Mig rounded up his kids, they would soon get seated and watch the service. It was honestly nice to watch. Big dragons, vows, not getting shot at by Sith, or some monster, or slavers. Just a peaceful moment. Something he happily enjoyed more of in recent years. And watching his vod get married again was definitely among them. "You've earned this, vode" he whispered to himself, smiling at the rings that were brought out. This was just, nice.

As the ceremony ended, and people started walking around again, Illy, Souma, and Leddie went to go find some folks to talk to and have fun with, while Mig noticed Ivory again, and now she was motioning that he could join her and her group at their table. He looked, taking a slight breath as he removed his helmet and sat, revealing his mismatched eyes, one of which was cybernetic.

"Didn't get to finish introducing myself I think. Mig Gred. Alor of clan Gred."

Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus Jade Solus Skirae Jade Solus Skirae Niki Priddy Niki Priddy Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud

Location: Darasuum Yaim
Objective: Enjoy a wedding, be there for a friend
Tags: Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus Jade Solus Skirae Jade Solus Skirae Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud

Velmorite bladed lightsabers
Comm device
Blaster pistol


The woman listened closely to the advice from Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora she knew that when you were given advice from a superior for free, you made sure to remember it.

"that's how you get to where you wanna go, know your place and put the effort in,

"Thank you, The Family won't find me lacking in that regards." she smiled happily and watched Marcella make a hand gesture to one of the goons, she assumed from what she said, it was ordering drinks. She would not try to mimic this one, even if she had got a better look at it. To mimic it once out of curiosity was seemingly fine, but she wouldn't want to cause any appearance of disrespect. She took the seat as offered, allowing their arms to unlink smoothly, this was nice, Marcella was nice. The table, was very nice, she was most impressed by the spread thar had been put out and the decoration around her, and why not, she had seen more extravagance lavished on occasions much less deserving. She watched as Marcella took her seat and thanked her for the drink. "Oh, this is very nice whiskey, you must tell me your brand!" The tone was clearly in jest and her face said as much, she would have been foolish not to at least look up the name Fiora before coming here. Or spot the name on several of the fine decanters at the bar.

Mairéad would take a moment to introduce herself to the others on the table, she would only get a moment before the guests were invited to stand but she needed to make a good impression. She first turned to Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud , across the table a little "Donna, it is wonderful to finally meet you, I'm Mairéad." she knew Donna would already be aware of that, her being at the table with her, but introduced herself nonetheless. "Whenever it suits you, I would really like to make a proper introduction." she then turned to Ket Van-Derveld Ket Van-Derveld who she recognised the face but not the name. "And to you, I'm Mairéad, it will be nice getting to know a fellow associate."

As the brides came in, looking immaculate, Mai stood and politely clapped. The was a little mirth on her face as someone nearby wolf whistled, but the brides didn't react so she assumed they hadn't even heard it. Then it was on to the ceremony.

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Watching Anashja and Fel speak gave Adenn the distinct feeling they knew each other well. To him, that was good. It was always good to have connections with others, especially if said connections were good. But he didn't pry further, instead smiling and nodding to Felmorante's words. It seems the two of them agreed on such things, even Anashja did. Though Adenn could tell she wished they would remain young for awhile longer. Chuckling, he spoke once more.

"Do they have to grow up so fast? No, but they always will. Looking to follow in our footsteps, so they can join us wherever we may be." Nodding to Fel's words regarding scaling buildings, he smiles gently. "They will always go ever higher, reaching to us so they may be like us. We can't stop that, but we can make sure that we are there should they ever stumble or fall. Ready to catch them should they fall, or help them build ever higher, building on what we've done."

Leaning back once more, he takes another sip from his drink, smiling contentedly. Watching them interact, he was content to let his gaze sweep the room once more, noting those he knew. This was a grand event and he was glad to see friends and family present. Quietly musing to himself on when he'd last seen some of these people, he already knew it had been too long for them all. So he made a mental note to try and speak with them today, if at all possible.

Those musings didn't last long though, as Anashja drew his attention once more. Smiling at her, he bowed his head in thanks and acceptance. Straightening against, he finished his drink and returned the cup to the counter. Turning his head as he did so, he noted the man Anashja had called over. So, this was her husband. Pleasantries were exchanged and introductions made, before they began making their way towards the ceremony. Following after Fel as she waved him over, a look of confusion came across his face as she spoke about what he wore, confused what she meant.

Glancing down, he suddenly laughed. Looking at her, there was clear amusement written on his face.
"That doesn't stop my wife from trying though!"

Laughing more, he followed along, taking his seat along the others as the ceremony began. He watched the proceedings with a glint of amusement. Something like this was hardly normal, but that mattered little. Love had brought them together, and Adenn was simply happy that they were able to join together in this way. As they were married, Adenn had a wry grin across his face. Others applauded and Adenn simply continued smiling, knowing that there were different ways of celebrating such unions.

For himself, that meant giving the newly wed a gift, personally. Glancing down at the box with three bands held therein, he smiled before looking up at the newly weds. Eyes twinkling with joy and amusement, he glanced over at those he now sat with.
"They are beautiful, are they not?"
Before the Ceremony had begun, as Ivory & Ket Van-Derveld Ket Van-Derveld had been making the acquaintance of one Mig Gred Mig Gred , Ivory had noticed the approach of a familiar face - Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora , Capo of The Family over the planet Denon. Linked arm-in-arm with Marcella was another young woman, just as beautiful as the Fiora Executive; this one, dressed in an elegant black & red dress which complimented her figure well. Ivory studied the two of them for a moment, a small grin blossoming on her lips...


As the two women reached the table, The Donna gave the subtlest of nods toward her Caporegime - signalling with a single hand a phrase Marcella would understand: <"She's pretty. Date?">
"Donna, it is wonderful to finally meet you, I'm Mairéad." she knew Donna would already be aware of that, her being at the table with her, but introduced herself nonetheless. "Whenever it suits you, I would really like to make a proper introduction."
As the young woman introduced herself, The Donna peered up at her from below the rim of her wide-brimmed black hat, meeting Mairead's dark brown orbs with her own violet eyes. The Donna smiled, ruby lips blossoming into a genuine smile & showing perfect teeth. "Mairead." She said, repeating the name bath - wrapping her lips around its pronunciation. "It's a pleasure. I'm certain we'll have time after the ceremony." The young woman was polite, and carried herself with a certain grace... but under The Donna's careful & measured gaze, her secrets (to some measure) were laid bare.

This young woman was no stranger to violence. That much was clear.

As the celebration would begin, Ivory would take one last look around the room - noting, after a second look, the ubese Bounty Hunter Diocletian Kahmen’’a Diocletian Kahmen’’a - one of The Family's enforcers - amongst the crowd. She waited until the helmeted warrior looked her way, and waved him over.

The ceremony, though brief, was a treat to behold. Though she hid it well, Ivory could feel no small echo of pride, joy, and envy at the exchange of vows - allowing herself a moment of wonder at her own future before brushing the small voice aside. As romantic an idea as it was, The Donna was sure of her station & loved what she'd created; a Family of like-minded people, loyal & clever, who felt as she did that the best rules were ones they made themselves.

Ket Van-Derveld Ket Van-Derveld Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud Niki Priddy Niki Priddy Dominik Borra Dominik Borra Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus Jade Solus Skirae Jade Solus Skirae Anashja Tal Anashja Tal Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim
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Business, Espionage & Faith

'Que Nadie Sepa Mi Sufrir'​

As the pair took a seat, Marcy' had caught Ivory's eye and had signalled to her~ presumably curious about her new companion.


She signalled back to the Donna, offering a fun smirk at her comment, although Ivory's facial expression said more than her code-sign. Chuckling slightly at Mai's comment, Marcy' offered a response, "Heh, always a good idea t' bring your own alcohol," she grinned, " 'specially when you're unsure of the local stuff," mused Marcy' picking up on Mai's sarcasm.

Marcy' was finding Mai' to be quite a delightful date, her sense of humour was bold and the pair complemented each other nicely. As Mai' made her introductions to the Donna, her eyes flickered between the pair as she took out another cigarra from her tin while offering one to Mai', " 'wont be offended if you don't fancy one," she smiled, lighting her own cigarra and placing it on the table~ for future use.

Something irked her however, the obnoxious call of a drunken individual~ the wolf whistle, and she could tell who from. Taking a puff of her cigarra, she turned her head towards the gentleman to
stare daggers aggressively.

After a few moments and having made eye contact with the gentleman, a few of the goons took notice and would acknowledge her thoughts. However, what was most important now was the ceremony, which she'd soon return her attention to and would listen attentively in adoration for the brides. He could wait.

Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus , Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud , Jade Solus Skirae Jade Solus Skirae , Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae , Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus

There was much going on, so much so that the normally stoic and isolated Lupine felt just the slightest tinge of anxiety. It was something he'd not felt in ages now, not since... Well, let's just say since the day he met a fiery little Dathomiri witch with a bad attitude and an absolutely intoxicating grin. Truthfully, the thought of her hounded him in everything he did these nights, and it was almost as if there was no escape. It left a hole within his heart, and no amount of drink, or vice, or wanton murder could hope to fill it. To those attuned to the Force, one might feel just a shade of the discomfort he was dealing with, both mentally and emotionally. Looking toward Mig Gred Mig Gred as Ivory introduced him, he nodded curtly, as he was never in much a jovial mood around anyone except the Donna, and even then, when others were present, he still seemed a bit reserved.

As Ivory gazed upward at the dragon with a look of wonder and awe, Ket dismissed it outright. Dragons were nothing special to him, have seen them wholesale by this point. He'd even had a Krayt Dragon Pearl stashed somewhere on his ship, though with the recent refit, it was most likely lost to the clutter of his storage area. He tried to think of just about anything to keep the myriad voices within his head quiet and at bay. It was then that Ivory stood, and the rest of the low-level goons and huscle stood with her, applauding as the three women interlocked hands. Ket would stand as well, though, he made no attempt to clap, nor would he have anyhow. As the ceremony continued, he sat back down as Mig was offered a seat at the table, and Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora and Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus approached, sitting down as well, noting that Marcella seated herself directly across from him. The Capo of Denon, if he was remembering correctly. A lovely woman, to be sure.

The Old Wolf took his glass once more in hand, and took a sip of the whiskey it contained, enjoying the slight burn as the liquid made it's way down. It seemed that Ivory and Marcella were engaged in a conversation, however brief it may be. The hand signals, he remembered being told of them. Something about a date. Ahh, Mairead must be Marcella's date for the event. They made a smart pair, that much was obvious. Though, this one seemed eager to please. Perhaps, a little too eager for Ket's liking. He always remained wary of those who approached Ivory in such fashion. He and the Donna had an, understanding, let's say. She was all too alert to Ket's feelings and inklings, as he allowed her and her alone. To the rest, he was about as easy to read as a blank datapad in that regard.

As he sat there, he reached a hand into his ever-present leather coat, and produced a familiar sight; his silver cigarra case with the obsidian Wolf's Head crest inlay. From it, he produced a hand-rolled cigarra and placed it between his lips. As he shut the case and slipped it back into it's home, the tip of the cigarra began to glow dull and then bright orange as he took a drag. Wisps of greenish tinted smoke wafted before floating away int he light breeze. He nodded to Marcella, and set his drink down, offering a a simple greeting. "
Ms. Fiora. A pleasure, as always."

Ket Van-Derveld was most likely the only one in attendance not exactly having such a wonderful time. No big surprise there. After all, how does one so accustomed to death, despair, and abject horrors go about feeling any sense of joy? Especially for others? Perhaps it was best if he thought of it this way; at least they had each other now, through whatever may come. And to the Old Wolf, that was enough.

Tags: Jade Solus Skirae Jade Solus Skirae | Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae | Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus
House Solus Tags: Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Azure Djitred Azure Djitred | Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud | Skorvek Skorvek
The Family Tags: Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora | Dominik Borra Dominik Borra | Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll | Ket Van-Derveld Ket Van-Derveld | Niki Priddy Niki Priddy | Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud


Diocletian picked his way over to the Donna and her table, a few times he restrained himself from trying the local drink, not out of his usual attitude but because he didn't want to make a mess of it. Yet the lure was great and he soon picked up a tankard of it and with effort avoided the strings of people to get to the table without an empty Tankard and a foul temper.

He was interested in what cake there would be, he hated Marzipan and Coconuts. They tasted strange to him, so he avoided them. Fondue wasn't great either. He would decline a cake slice or take it back with him and give it to his brother. He can do that much.

The Ubese shook his thoughts back to the Wedding and away from cake-related thoughts. As soon as he got to the table he sat down, his drink intact. This was a good ceremony, with a lot of vows and atmosphere, something new to remember. He had no interest in marriage or finding his own Significant Other, he didn't get why people marry but so far never voiced it

Tihaar it turns out wasn't what he thought it would be. He did like it and would get some to take back with him. Weddings are places to remain on the feet and not flat on his face, mumbling some obscure Ubese rhymes.

<"It was different."> He said, finally of the wedding. He's honest even if he was blunt.

Location: Darasuum Yaim
Objective: Enjoy a wedding, be there for a friend
Tags: Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus Jade Solus Skirae Jade Solus Skirae Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud

Velmorite bladed lightsabers
Comm device
Blaster pistol


The ceremony was short but romantic and Mairéad watched it, feeling honoured to get to see it, as the women exchanged rings she found herself toying unconsciously with her own ring on another hand, a memento she had kept from her ordeal with the Hutt, her wedding would not have been like this at all. A slight chill went up her spine as she dwelled on it, Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae was teaching her to look out for the warning signs, but luckily Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora snapped her back out of it with the offer of another cigarra, could she tell something was the matter?

"Thank you," she responded, openly to the offer, silently for the interruption. She took the Cigarra, another Ivory, and began to light it, she finally got a chance to greet Mig Gred Mig Gred who had sat right before the call to silence. Mai recognised the man's face, having been learning about the different clans under the house banner. "Alor Gred, I'm Mairéad of House Solus, its good to finally meet you. One more Alor and I will collected the whole set". She laughed lightly, and raised his glass to him respectfully. It was now only the Alor of Clan Tal she hadn't met as far as she was aware.

Something had caught her eye before the ceremony, and as people began to move, it returned to her mind. The rude gentleman that had whistled the ladies of the day seemed to have bothered her date, and shortly after, he had left his seat with another man, it could be nothing, but it didn't feel like nothing. Mairéad, accustomed to talking to people discretely through her last life casually lifted her glass in front of her and leaned in to apparently better hear a joke from the pretty Capo "The whistler?" she questioned under her breath to Marcella before taking a sip from her glass. She looked across at Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud And Ket Van-Derveld Ket Van-Derveld sat beside her to look for any cues, but they appeared to be engaged in a completely different conversation. She supposed it was ultimately none of her business unless they asked it of her, but she couldn't help but be curious about what was on Marcella's mind.

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Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Mig looked around when he heard someone mention his name, turning to see Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus , who seemed to be trying to get acquainted with the Alors that fell under House Solus. He raised a glass back, chuckling a bit before speaking up.

"Always good to meet a vod, especially on a day like this. Honestly a few people I probably need to meet too. But you seem way more excited than I'd expect someone would be meeting me." Mig was use to his more direct aliit being excited. Stardust, Cynthia, his family... he wasn't sure Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan was excited or worried to see him whenever he showed up since half the time it'd been because he got hurt until the move to Taanab. Maybe he needed to get out a bit more now that setting up his clan was finally mostly done.

Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Ket Van-Derveld Ket Van-Derveld
Business, Espionage & Faith

'Que Nadie Sepa Mi Sufrir'​

As the goon moved to remove the troublesome individual from the venue, Marcy' remained unphazed by the happenings;
transfixed on the ongoing ceremony. A polite nod was handed to Mai' as she accepted her offer of a cigarra, though she remained quiet as she exchanged pleasantries with the

In response to Mai's question, Marcy' offered only a simple answer, "Mhhmmm," she affirmed, eyes fixed on the ceremony~ fully aware of Mai's curiosity regarding the individual. Figuring she'd keep the suspense, she refused to elaborate by leaving it at that.

Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus , Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud , Jade Solus Skirae Jade Solus Skirae , Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae , Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus , Mig Gred Mig Gred


Objective: Enjoy the Wedding
Weapon: "The Klaive" - PDW
Equipment: x2 Hutt Cartel Kidnap Jabber Rings-One on either hand, Force Warning Necklace Pendant, Paralyzing Lipstick, Coal Painted Stilleto Nails, Absorbelt, ENVC-370 Bodyglove, Tinfoil Hat Band, Earsculpt Comlink, Magno-grip Formal shoes
Augmentation: PGEM-SAP "Amber Eyes"
Ship: The Tourist

The explanation did little to ease her nerves as she tucked herself as close as she could to Dominik's side. At least without actually taking his jacket. The dragons here were far scarier if only because it could reach out and touch someone.

The question however spurned the creative side of her mind.

"They'd have to catch it sleeping. And possibly drunk. Or already hurt. And even then I think it would do little more than piss it off." She muttered.

There was little doubt that her droids would fail, or in the least barely make a dent.

"You have an explosive that might do the trick?" She shot back his direction.

An explosive... An explosive to kill a dragon... Well of course a big enough bomb could end one. Dominik rubbed his chin in thought.

They were still flesh and blood after all, but those scales and bones had to be extremely tough. If he got one submerged in water and then set off an explosion, the shockwave would carry better and possibly rupture the organs inside the dragon, reducing the need to actually harm it from the outside. But that was if one of these things cooperated to get into the water.

No, standard explosives wouldn't work out in the open air. Anti-Personnel mines might work though. Thousands of heavy steel ball bearings traveling fast enough to turn people into jig-saw puzzles could blow through the scales and leave a large enough dent to floor the thing. An Ion bomb could work. Those things cut through rock like nothing.

"Ion bomb... a few Anti-Personnel mines... Those might work. They'd at least put it on the ground. Trouble would be getting them to actually hit. I think these things are smarter and faster than we'd like to realize." He kept close to Niki Priddy Niki Priddy , not moving away as she scooted in close, and watched the rest of the ceremony, one eye on the dragon.
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