Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Skirmish [SO/GA] Caldera Crisis

Tags: Kassogtha Cthylla Kassogtha Cthylla

Halkin blinked, caught off guard by the telekinetic control that the Jedi wielded over her lightsabers. It was not something that he had even considered possible. She battered him back relentlessly, attacking from opposing angles simultaneously, forcing him to contort his body while putting up a solid block. It was taking a toll on his stamina, he had to spend his force reserves lavishly to keep up with her speed, while also expending energy with each defensive movement to make up for her physical advantage. It was exhausting. Halkin felt, for a brief moment, that he could actually die here. But this fear only fueled him, empowering his defenses with the desperate strength of a dying man.

His own counterblow was intercepted with a telekinetic blast that lifted him off his feet and flung him backwards. He gasped for air as he rolled across the ground, kicking up a small cloud of dust. He got up slowly, trying to gather himself. He would need something to catch this jedi off guard. He reached out with the force to grab one half of the bisected chair, hurling it at her from the side.



As the searing pain coursed through her wrist, Romi's scarlet lightsaber wavered momentarily, but her determination remained unyielding. She locked eyes with the Sith warrior, his triumph radiating from his menacing visage. She stumbled back a couple of steps, pulled by the momentum of his blow, flourishing her blade as she regained her footing.

But...this was a long game.

"You know you'll only cause more destruction and pain to yourself in the end...," Romi strained, her voice laced with pull. "You, or your well-being won't matter. You'll be exploited for your power...and then what?"

The Sith warrior snarled, his crimson blade descending upon her with a renewed fury. "You know nothing of power," he spat, his voice dripping with contempt. "This is power, and I will crush you!"

Romi focused on evading his onslaught, her movements becoming more agile and elusive. She sidestepped his strikes with fluid grace, countering with swift, precise attacks of her own. But the Sith warrior was relentless, his anger giving him an unwavering edge.

"I can the sense conflict within you, you can't hide from me" Romi pressed on, her voice seemingly echoing in the recesses of his mind, parrying a particularly forceful blow. "Poor boy, you've never known anything else have you? There's more to the stars, places your power can touch and actually do some good. You've never thought of the alternative? Sad."

The Sith warrior laughed, a bitter, mocking sound. "Peace is an illusion, Jedi," he sneered. "Only through strength can true order be achieved. The dark side grants me power beyond your feeble understanding."

"Does it?" She shot back.

Their lightsabers clashed, sparks flying in a spectacular display of light and darkness. Romi's defenses strained under the Sith warrior's relentless assault, her movements growing increasingly defensive as she fought to maintain her ground.

"You're trapped in a cycle of anger and hatred, I've known it myself" Romi pressed, her voice resolute despite the strain. "But it doesn't have to be this way. On the other side of the hill is freedom from the shackles of the dark. Choose a different path..."

The Sith warrior's attacks grew more frenzied, his strikes fueled by the conviction that he would emerge victorious. Romi ducked, weaved, and parried, her movements becoming more desperate as she sought an opening to strike back.

"Your words are empty!" the Sith warrior bellowed, his voice dripping with malice. He was young, and sure of it.

With a surge of unrestrained rage, the Sith warrior launched a relentless onslaught, each strike faster and more powerful than the last. Romi found herself being pushed further and further back, her defenses crumbling under the onslaught of his assault. But even in the face of overwhelming odds, she refused to give in. She channeled the vestiges of her strength, drawing upon the unwavering light that burned within her. Her movements became fluid, precise, as she deftly evaded the Sith warrior's strikes. Still...

What was her plan...

"You can't deny the truth forever," she said. "You'll be consumed, just as they have consumed countless others. It's not too late to break free from their grasp."

The Sith warrior's eyes burned with fury, his attacks growing wilder as he sensed victory within his grasp. "You underestimate me," he snarled, launching a powerful strike aimed at her exposed flank, but in his overconfidence had overextended his blade arm. She'd been talking in into making careless mistakes, deceptively leading him to believe that he was her martial superior throughout their scuffle.

Romi twisted her body with a burst of agility, swiftly avoiding the lethal blow. She retaliated with a swift counterstrike, her lightsaber slashing through the air with a resounding crack.

The battle reached its climax, the clash of their lightsabers resounding through the battlefield. Romi's strength suddenly grew, and her resolve seemed to burn brighter than ever. She refused to let the darkness claim another soul.

"Remember who you were...before this," she pleaded, her voice filled with genuine compassion. "There is goodness in you, buried deep beneath all that rage. Embrace it, and together, you...we can forge a better future."

The Sith warrior's features twisted in a mix of fury and contemplation. For a fleeting moment, doubt flickered in his eyes, a glimmer of uncertainty. But then, with a surge of malevolence, he renewed his assault, determined to prove his superiority. Romi braced herself, her heart heavy with the weight of the duel. The fate of Elom and the countless lives at stake hung in the balance, as the clash between Jedi and Sith reached its climactic crescendo.

She broke off their clash, and in his blinding fit of rage he charged for her, however her blade whirled faster. He lunged at her, bringing he full weight of his body with him; he wanted to tear her down. She cut into the trajectory of his blade and knocked it a few minute degrees off its intended mark, betraying that she was ever truly struggling under his earlier assaults.

She stiffened her wrist and forced his blade down, there was brief beat where they locked eyes, because in the next second he could either break off awkwardly or he'd lose a limb -- either way the next move was hers. She ran her blade up and along the length of his, severing a finger causing his hand to spasm and release his blade. She cut off her lightsaber in quick succession, spinning around his frame and digging the blunt end of her hilt into his side, forcing distribution across his back muscles -- A kidney shot.


The Sith warrior gasped for breath, his anger seething through gritted teeth. Romi approached him, her own lightsaber poised, but her expression filled with compassion.

"It doesn't have to end like this," she said, her voice soft but unwavering. "You've tasted the power of the dark side, but its only brought you and everything around you ruin. Open yourself to a different path. Redemption."

The Sith warrior glared up at her, his eyes smoldering with a mixture of defiance, fatigue, and pain. "Never," he snarled, his voice laced with stubbornness.

Romi sighed, her gaze filled with genuine sorrow. "I'll tell you this, your power is not inherently evil," she countered. "It's all how you choose to wield it that'll define your destiny from here."

For a brief moment, doubt flickered in the Sith warrior's eyes, a hint of vulnerability piercing through his hardened exterior...brought on much by him being bested. Romi sensed his internal struggle and took a step closer, extending a hand toward him.

"Trust me, choose a different path," she implored, her voice a gentle plea. "Release the rage, and together, we can heal a lot more wounds."

A conflicted expression crossed the Sith warrior's face, his inner turmoil evident. He stared at Romi's outstretched hand, his fingers twitching with uncertainty. But then, with a defiant shake of his head, he mustered the remnants of his dark resolve.

"No... I will not be swayed by your words, Jedi," he growled, pushing himself up from the ground, a glint of determination in his eyes. "I will never surrender to your ideology."

Romi's heart sank, disappointment mingling with understanding. With a resolute nod, she deactivated her lightsaber and reached for a set of binders. "I had hoped for a different outcome," she admitted, her voice tinged with regret. "But I won't let you continue down this path. You leave me no choice."

As the Sith warrior prepared to fight once more, Romi swiftly maneuvered, using her skill and agility to subdue him. With deft movements, she placed the binders around his wrists, ensuring his capture. The Sith warrior struggled against his restraints, his eyes blazing with defiance.

"I will never stop fighting," he spat, his voice filled with lingering bitterness.

Romi regarded him with a mix of sadness and determination. "And I won't ever give up on you," she whispered, her words filled with a flicker of hope.

With the Sith captured and his power contained, Romi turned her attention to the chaos surrounding them—the retreating refugees, the devastated planet of Elom. She knew this was all far from over.



LOCATION: Aboard the Exonerator
Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru
Braze's brow furrowed as he listened to Aliris's words, his expression a mix of confusion and concern. He held his ground, trying to comprehend her perspective while remaining true to his own beliefs. The conviction in her voice was palpable, and he could sense the deep-rooted emotions within her. Braze released a sigh, his gaze softening as he absorbed Aliris's words processing them further. He understood her frustration, her desire to break free from the perceived restrictions of the Jedi Order. He knew firsthand the weight of their rules and regulations, how they could sometimes feel suffocating. But deep down, he also recognized the underlying purpose behind them.

She may have had the opportunity to see some telling emotions that were playing across his features, she could even feel it radiating from him for but a moment when 'Freedom' was brought into question.

Resentment. It was certainly there— Braze seemed to shift from emotion to emotion rather often as if his thoughts were always sped up and hyper-fixated in odd tangents. He was a neurotic thinker- highly self-conscious with a tendency to internalize negative stress or situations, attaching personal meaning or significance to them. He reserved his negative feelings and tried to focus on other things bouncing his attention around to keep from dwelling on or facing the reality of those darker sensations. He didn't process them and instead was shelving them for later. This might have explained why he was so much more emotionally distraught about the crystal later as opposed to when she first took it, and currently wasn't dwelling on it at this very moment- It was a safe bet he was probably very upset about it but didn't know how to address that issue presently.

"I get it, Aliris,"
Braze began, his voice tinged with empathy. "The Jedi have their strict codes and guidelines, and it can seem confining. But I believe those rules come from a place of concern for the safety and well-being of all. They are meant to prevent the misuse of power, to protect us from the seductive pull of the dark side."

He paused, moving to take up one of her hands in his, and his eyes started searching hers. "When you say you won't be made to lie to yourself and that you won't deny your emotions, what do you mean exactly? Are you suggesting that the Jedi are suppressing their emotions or denying their true selves?"

Braze's tone carried a genuine curiosity, a genuine desire to understand her perspective. He respected Aliris's individuality and the uniqueness of her experiences. While he struggled to fully grasp her viewpoint, he was open to listening and learning.

"Aliris, it's not about being free from feeling, or not feeling emotions," Braze responded, his voice tinged with sincerity. "As a Jedi, we learn to embrace our emotions and use them wisely, to channel them for the greater good. It's about finding balance and harmony within ourselves and with the Force. I want to understand you, Aliris. Help me see things from your perspective. What is it that you seek? What do you believe the Sith can offer that the Jedi cannot?" Braze asked, his voice filled with a genuine yearning for comprehension. He hoped that through their conversation, they could find common ground and perhaps even shed light on new possibilities.

He took a step closer to her, his gaze unwavering. "I don't deny that there is pain and darkness in the world, but succumbing to the dark side isn't the answer. It may offer power and control, but it comes at a great cost. It consumes you, and distorts your true self. I don't want to see you lose yourself, Aliris."

Braze paused, his tone softening. "I may not fully understand your experiences and the depth of your anger, but I care about you. I want to help you find a different path, a path that doesn't lead to more suffering. Let me be there for you, not as an enemy, but as a friend. Together, we can find a way to bring justice without losing ourselves."

As he finished speaking, Braze's voice wavered slightly, betraying the hint of vulnerability he felt. He hoped that his words would reach her, that she would see the sincerity and earnestness in his eyes. Deep down, he wished for Aliris to choose the path of light, but he also knew that the decision ultimately lay with her. Braze took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before continuing. He wanted Aliris to understand that he didn't follow the Jedi path blindly, but rather chose his own way based on his experiences and beliefs.

"Aliris, I walk my own path as a Jedi. I don't adhere to every rule and regulation imposed upon us. I question, I challenge, and I seek my own understanding of the Force. It's not about blindly following orders or suppressing emotions. It's about finding my own truth, guided by compassion and the desire to make a positive difference in the galaxy."

He looked into her eyes, his voice filled with sincerity. "I know the Jedi have their flaws, their limitations. But their teachings also offer wisdom and guidance. It's up to us to discern what is right and make our own choices, based on what resonates with our hearts."

Braze's expression softened, his gaze filled with empathy. "I see your pain, Aliris. I understand your desire for justice. But let's find a way to achieve it without losing ourselves to the darkness. Let's forge our own path, together, where we can make a difference without sacrificing who we are; Isn't that a future worth working towards?."

He gently offered the back of her hand a soft soothing touch as he rubbed the pad of his thumb over her hand trying to offer her some sort of physical comfort
Even before she knocked him off his feet, Kass could see that the Sith was growing fatigued. He didn’t have the stamina or the skill to keep up with her. What’s more, even he seemed to realize that he was in dire danger.

Still, desperation kept him going. Kass left the house behind and slithered toward him at an alarming rate. A piece of the chair she had thrown at him earlier came sailing toward her; she seized it in midair, holding it in place.

You are outmatched,” she declared. “Surrender now, and you won’t be harmed.” If he continued to fight, he stood almost no chance of survival. He had to know that. Surely even his darkest feelings could give way to reason and common sense.

After all, he wanted to live, didn’t he?

As she spoke, the piece of furniture in her grasp was splintered into sharp, jagged pieces of wood. She flung these pieces away, scattering them, and closed the distance between herself and the Sith. Her lightsabers were pointed at him, ready to finish him off if he refused.



"You talk to much, you know that?"

She reached a hand up, slipping it from his to poke his forehead. What he said, what he believed in, everything he said, she could ask the same of him. She wouldn't, though. No, not yet. He wasn't ready for that kind of question, that's what she was learning. Perhaps she didn't have the right answers, either. But she was determined for her path.

"Just as you say I'm wrong about the Jedi, you're wrong about the Sith. I said I'm leaving, and if you're not coming with me, then just don't get in my way."

Aliris turned then. She said what she wanted to. She was healed. And she had a being inside her she needed to take care of. Her expression soured as she walked away from Braze, but now she was determined. She'd become strong enough to protect herself, and when she did, he'd see he was wrong. That this path she walked wasn't one of misery, but true freedom. The kind he couldn't fathom.

Braze Braze

LOCATION: Aboard the Exonerator
Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru
Braze blinked with confusion at the gesture and moved to touch the spot she poked... It briefly seemed as if she found the off switch because he was pretty quiet for several long moments. Her resolve to leave and forge her own path was unwavering, and he knew he couldn't change her mind at this moment.

He took a step back, allowing her to walk away, but his gaze remained fixed on her retreating form. There was a mix of concern and a hint of longing for her friendship in his eyes. He wanted to reach out to her, to convince her to reconsider, but he respected her decision.

As Aliris turned away, Braze's heart sank. He knew deep down that their paths might diverge, at least for now. He couldn't help but wonder what would become of her, of that thing inside her. He was worried about what that was and what that thing's end goal meant for Aliris.

Braze whispered softly to himself, his voice barely audible, "May the Force guide and protect you, Aliris. I hope our paths will cross again, and maybe then we can understand each other a little better."

With a heavy sigh, he couldn't deny the bittersweet feeling that lingered within him, but he knew that sometimes, the best way to help someone was to let them go..



Elom, Objective 2
Tags: Mago Leomax Mago Leomax , Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad , Braze Braze


As she was placed on a medical gurney and ushered off of the battlefield, Loomi's unconscious mind began to wander...

The dripping of a leaky pipe echoed throughout a dark corridor that she very suddenly found herself in. Walking proved useless, as each step seemed to put move her backwards. Behind lay only shadow, and a terrible sensation of dread. Danger. Pain. As absurd things with little recognizable form began to claw their way out of the mass behind her, Loomi found herself beginning to run. The hallway ahead of her twisted like a vortex, all while each step dragged her deeper into the darkness just beyond the hairs of her neck.

As the Godoan was sucked in, images flashed through her mind. An operating table, a large bald figure, a smoking pistol, shattered glass, a dumpster torn in two, claw marks on yellow skin. Each new image appeared faster than the last, leaving as quickly as they came. Her body was overwhelmed by a falling sensation, dragged by her legs down into a depths of chaos and confusion. All she could do was curl up in agony, clutching her ears to keep out the sounds.

Blaster fire, glass breaking, the denting of durasteel, cloth tearing, monstrous snarling...

Silence. Loomi was on the ground, curled up in a dark void. She turned her head to face something above her. It was the large silhouette of a man, looming over her insignificant stature. A giant looking down on an insect. He raised an arm, a shock baton clutched between his shadowy fingers. Electricity began to crackle at it's end, so real that Loomi could feel sparks begin to dance along her skin.

He swung. Everything was dark again.

The girl was stable, but she was beginning to burn up. Her face was red, breath heavy, she was now beginning to sweat an alarming amount. Still, as her dreams were plagued by the nightmares hidden away behind the veil of protection she had created, her mind remained open. Unconsciously reaching out for anything to grasp onto, even if Loomi had no control of what. To whomever would be greeted by such thoughts, only fear and anguish would they find.

Loomi would not wake up that day. Such a thing would have to happen later. The Godoan would be safely evacuated in the meantime, placed on a medical transport to begin immediate treatment of her wounds.




Elom, Objective 1
Tags: Aelina Corsanis Aelina Corsanis , Firrerreo Firrerreo


"Jasper Get dow-"

Jasper was already taking action, his sword now put away in favor of his lightsaber and his Bryar pistol. The sithspawn had split off from them, and now they faced a hoard of Sith troopers. Five, but something else as well lurking in the shadows. A force barrier was erected between him and said threat, which gave him some time to pivot to a Shien reverse grip to begin parrying blaster bolts, all while he fired stun rounds back at the five troopers who had engaged them.

"There's something in the shadows," he noted. "I can't quite tell what it is. My force sensitivity is... lacking, I'm afraid."

They would need to work in tandem to deal with this threat. The longer they took, the more Sithspawn ravaged their allies. His force light would drive out whatever this being was, but he would not be able to take them out alone.

"I need you to be my eyes."

Erid offered a wry smile in Lily's direction, followed by a tip of his head. He didn't care that she insisted on this team-up being framed as she inviting him, rather than vice versa. Whatever floated her speeder.

The roar of the Wookiee though, that grabbed his attention. With a snap-hiss his father's blade shot forth from the chrome hilt in his grasp.

A small lump rose in his throat. It was not fear of the Wookiee, but rather fear of the legacy that he carried. The weight of his family name hung over him. Bastlia's call to action broke him out of his moment long pause.

"Don't let it get close to you...there is something not natural about that Wookiee..."

With Bastlia's force push as a useful distaction, Erid chose the route of protecting the fleeing locals. A few steps towards the Wookiee were followed by a jump that saw him land between the closest group of fleeing folk and the berserk Wookiee. A few of the aimless bolts from the bowcaster were redirected with his blade, though the impact of each one forced him backwards.

He dared glance toward Bastlia and Lily to check on their saftey...
Location: Lower Atmosphere - Elom
Time: Late Afternoon
Objective: I - Sith Pursuit │ Intercept Evacuation Ships
Call Sign: Dancer One
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic” │ <”ur-Kittât”>
Tag: Lao-ta Lao-ta

Gritting her teeth in frustration as the enemy pilot climbed and rolled out of the valley to evade her attack, Seela bit her tongue to stamp down her anger, before pulling on the control sticks to initiate a counter maneuver of her own. Rolling her wings to turn in the same direction as the bandit, the strand-cast pitched her starfighter’s nose down into a steep slice turn, before pulling on the control sticks to climb back up to the A-Wing’s altitude. By then, the enemy pilot had entered a spiraling climb and immediately, Seela saw her opportunity.

Having cut the corner on one of the turns in her rival’s spiraling climb, the bandit passed in front of her beam cannons, at which point Seela mentally commanded the weapons to fire as she held a pure pursuit relative to her target. Immediately, a pair of purple ion beams lanced out into the air for a half-second burn, both aimed to strike the A-Wing in its fuselage.

All the while, in extending her senses to ascertain her rival’s disposition, the enemy pilot might find that they were unreliable and perhaps, mysteriously clouded. While her ability to feel the danger of her padawan remained unimpeded, when trying to focus her senses on the Sith pilot, there might have seemed to be something obstructing them.

All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.

The white snowy cityscape, though rubbled and burning it may be, was a stark contrast to Carinfex's shadow. Movement catches the eye, and Dominik had five on the battlefield. The face recognition software in the droids recon tech found the eyes and smile immediately. Honestly the sight of such a thing grow and wiggle and then disappear into another shadow made his heart skip a beat or two. He knew a lot about the Force, more than most people, but that was... that was new.

And Carnifex took the ice Dominik had shot and turned it into cold flames. And sent a surge, a tidal wave of blue flames towards the children.

Dominik's face became a tense hated grimace inside his helmet as he flipped a switch on the Cryogun when the droids warned him of the shadow once more, right behind him. He leapt forward, wanting to duck and roll but one of it's claws struck his beskar armor. The metal screamed as the claws etched the armor to reveal the shiny silvery inside past the dark paint, the force spinning Dominik mid-air. He tumbled as he tried to regain his footing. He failed and fell on his back. With the speed of darkness it was on him, claws once again scoring the metal and crushing Dominik against the ground. The wind was knocked out of him, lungs struggling to bring in air. And those eyes, those pale orbs in the shadow, flicked to his joints. Claws ripped passed the bodysuit into his right arm, hot blood flashing forward. He felt it's claw hit the back plate of his armor, and realized it was trying to tear his arm off!

Dominik screamed breathlessly before his knees came up, slamming into the creature to dislodge the claw in his arm, feeling that cold material shadow slip out. With gritted teeth and red pain and used his right arm, squeezing the trigger on the Cryogun. From point-blank range releasing a beam on Cryogenic energy, meant to freeze multiple troops instead focused on one... whatever this was. But it's claws and body had been slowed to almost a standstill, an ice sculpture. He scurried out from underneath it, flashing it with the beam to keep it frozen. He tried to get to his feet but couldn't yet, his breath only now coming back to him. He stayed on his knees, one foot planted.

He had lost his patience, if he had had any before, and pulled out his other big gun for the evening. He kept the freezing beam on the shadow, not wanting a crack. Neither the weapon nor his arm would be able to hold this for long, but long enough. This shadow being was deadly, incredibly so, and needed to be taken out. But the kids...

He held the DC-15L in his robotic left hand, capable of hefting a heavy weapon in one arm, and used the recon droids, the weapon's HUD link, and his Eye to line up his target. "Die, you old shadow!"

All warfare. Even personal.

Dominik had the heavy Particle Beam rifle set to full-auto, pointed at Carnifex's center mass behind him resting on his shoulder and squeezed the trigger. And he didn't let go, keeping all but one of his eyes on the SIth Emporer to track his movements with machine precision if he moved.

"You want to reclaim old Sith projects? You got another one right here, Sith!"
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Senator of Cortella


Senate Rotunda
Tags: Auteme Auteme Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan Alicia Io Alicia Io Sonya Provost Sonya Provost Kel Se'Taav Kel Se'Taav et al

In a room full of people making noise for the circus, there was little opportunity for Raigryn to join the chorus. His job here was typically to add a few soundbites to increase his reputation back at home. With so many voices, the system was not set up for decision making as much as the public show - as far as Raigryn was concerned - and he treated it accordingly.

He idly wondered if health and safety required a practise run of the saber through the paperwork trick. No ma'am, it's a form 73B to declare appropriated waxed paper to avoid hazard 124.34: hot ash in a senator's eyes.

When Fortan offered to take refugees, he could not help but roll his eyes. Natural resources. Resources that could use another ten thousand pairs of hands to extract. Or perhaps they considered an abundance of spare stormtrooper armour a 'natural resource'.

Raigryn said nothing on the subject. To speak up would be to invite question on Cortella's willingness to house refugees and that was a difficult domestic topic.

For now, he did little more than add a little noise to punctuate every proposal calling for war preparations.
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<< The dark side of the Force may try to consume you, young Niynx, but even the humblest of lights can push back the deepest shadows. >>
— Jedi Master La T'vil to Padawan Niynx Ioune, Outer Rim
"Look out!" Niynx shouted, shouldering his fellow Padawan to knock her aside and clear of the Emperor's flame.​

Light on his feet, Niynx skipped towards the attack and became an emerald blur, fingertips burning with the touch of dry-ice-fire. Ysalamiri Comes to Rest. His blade caught the fire and slung it back outward, as if a painter slinging paint. Flung across the stairs in swaths and arcs, it burned on nevertheless, its icy power consuming stones and flesh alike. Niynx grunted, the muscles in his neck firing, jaw clenched. With circular, wide sweeping bouts of movement, he pressed nearer to Carnifex, descending the stairs as if walking delicately on the surface of water.

It wasn't enough. The air reeked with the smell of burning hair, his lungs heaved. Maneuvering the stairs was too unreliable for a sustained defense. Exerting himself, Niynx continued a spin into the Moon's Crescendo, removing his burning robes and tossing them aside, then ducking low to the ground and motioning a pull with his free hand. Reaching out through the Force, all of the way to the Emperor's flank, he gripped a jagged piece of shattered, transparisteel viewport and pPPpuulled. Like a hurled dagger, the shard jerked up and flew low, whistling across the ground on a vector for exposed flesh.

"Gah—!" Niynx grunted, eyes wide and mouth dry.​

Detritus and hunks of metal spewed fire and machine-guts across the palace stairs. Darth Carnifex, now shadowless below him, hurled sorcery and fire. Fire! He rolled to take cover and withdrew his blade, sliding behind the looming bulk of some victim of war. The corpse of a fallen starfighter, he pressed himself against it and crouched low. His breaths came like battering rams, a dry tongue searching for moisture in a place where non existed.

Reaching for his ELG, Niynx hesitated and winced. Hissing with pain, he glanced down to find his fingers burnt red, skin peeling along the back of his palm as if from ultraviolet radiation. It was the kind of pain to reduce one to tears, regardless of toughness or experience— the near instinctual kind of crying, the body's way of screaming help! to the senses. His technique had been imperfect, his footwork baffled by the unfamiliar terrain of elongated stairs. Niynx gritted his teeth and reached for the gun anyway.

"Die, you old shadow!"

The Force swelled and Niynx moved. A deactivated lightsaber held in his left hand, the hold-out royal pistol aimed in his right, he gritted his teeth and wheeled out from behind cover, letting loose a flurried hail of green blaster-fire upon the Emperor. Flanking the monstrous Sith and placing him between each of his assailants, Niynx slid to a halt and thumbed the activation switch of his lightsaber once more. Inhaling and guiding his breath, he reached into the Force and found calm. I am equal to the task.

tTHuUnNDDDuumm. Emerging again with a low-base crackle, his emerald blade formed a horizontal line of defense across his mid-section.
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Location: Cave - Elom
Time: Late Afternoon
Objective: I - Sith Pursuit
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic” │ <”ur-Kittât”>
Tag: Mnoi Akûti Mnoi Akûti

As the towering warrior started to cross the 22 meters of distance between him and the Sister, the tiny electromancer gave an incensed grunt as the frigid air within the cave came over her. Nevertheless, the Sister remained committed to her initial plan. She knew only a few things capable of bestowing outright immunity to electricity and she sensed that the vibrosword might overload eventually, given the extreme amounts of electrical power she had already poured into it.

Not even a split-second after her initial attacks, a sudden, violent burst of pressurized air exploded out from the Sister’s hands with enough force to potentially break bones, aimed for the charging swordsman’s chest. It was then followed immediately by a single, instantaneous blast of coruscating electricity unleashed from one of her Claws, intended to strike the same area.

In doing so, the Sister simply hoped to break the warrior’s confidence and to demonstrate the power of the dark side. In that regard, his visible Sith heritage had not escaped her notice. While she did not understand why he had chosen to serve the Ashlans, she hoped to make him repent for that decision.

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Wearing: xxx
Weapons: xxx x2
Tag: Darth Strosius Darth Strosius

The Sith were moving out of the shadows once again. Where the Maw had devastated many worlds, the Sith Order had remained hidden away for some time. Many would have seen it as cowardice, but Judah knew better. He had lived long enough to see this cycle play out several times before. It was not cowardice or fear which kept the Sith hidden. No one could even consider it a weakness. They were calculating and intentional in what they had done. In truth, they had become something different.

Judah thought it odd that they flew different banners and yet seemed to be working together. It seemed that whatever the differences in Sith philosophy which had driven them to fight amongst each other had produced something dangerous. Despite their differences they were unified. Perhaps the unity they displayed was a fragile thing, delicately bound by a common hatred. Still, it was a thread which wove them together for now, and Judah could not ignore it.

The Galactic Alliance and the New Jedi Order would need him, even if he found himself at odds with how they continued to consolidate their power and control to a certain few and clear bloodline.

Chaos reigned around him as the fight came from all sides. The skies rained down fire and debris as ships crashed and were destroyed as they attempted to land. Some still made it through the defenses, depositing Sith on the planet's surface. They had arrived to purge the remaining usurpers of their own worlds. The Jedi had come to ensure they did not succeed.

The master shadow cut down only those who dared to interfere with his rescue attempts. Just because the Sith were out for blood did not mean Judah would answer in kind. When he was younger the man would have gladly taken up arms to see as many Sith killed by his own blade as possible. Age and wisdom had shown him the error of his youthful zeal, and while many would not agree, the Jedi had mellowed significantly in his older age.

A sudden feeling of concentrated power stopped Judah in his tracks. His eyes drifted toward a ship that made its way through the onslaught meant to stop it. While more Sith spilled out of the vessel there was one whom Judah waited for. He would not be easy to cut down. There was power, a strength in the force, which called to Judah like a beacon. He would do more harm than all the others which flowed onto the battleground if he was not stopped.

Judah knew what he must do.

“Get these others to the rendezvous. I will be there soon.”

The padawan with him nodded. She knew the master would not be dissuaded from his chosen path. Both knew the Sith Lord emerging from the ship would be too strong for her, and if they both stopped the refugees would not make it off the planet alive. This was the best path forward. If Judah could not stop the Sith, or kill him, he could at least delay him. The safety of those they were rescuing was more important than his life. There other Lesans to carry on the legacy he had spent his life building if it came to it.

He stood between the Sith and those fleeing. Both of his blades were drawn. The hum of the sky colored plasma sang a song Judah was too familiar with. As much as he tried to escape the violence his life had seen, the battle between darkness and light always found a way to beckon him.

His eyes closed for a moment.

The chaos around him seemed to slow, as though nothing moved at all.

Judah fixed his gaze on the Sith Assassin as he moved into the ready position. He drew a line in the dirt just in front of his feet.

“You will not pass this line,” he said defiantly. “This world does not belong to you.”
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Mnoi Akûti had victory in his sights. All that was left was to bear the sword down on the despicable Sith woman. He knew she had an energy shield, but it likely wouldn't stand more than a few strikes before the ion pulses destroyed it. His triumph was all but assured. She even tried to Push back at the last second with the Force. It slowed him for a second, even cracked some of his bones, the pulse was so powerful, but it wouldn't stop him. He'd powered through broken bones before. He wouldn't let that stop him, not with victory so close at hand. Sword raised high, he was poised to bring the weight down up the tiny Sith.

But there was one thing he had not accounted for, something that struck him after the initial pulse. The pressurized air had brought the freezing air with it, chilling it further. Mnoi was hit by a secondary force of utterly cold air that even someone who had survived the frozen wastes of Ziost couldn't handle. His muscles seized up, freezing him in place. He couldn't help but shiver. Then suddenly, a blast of lightning followed suit, hitting him square in the chest.

First, there was sheer cold. Then, there was intense burning as the electricity surged through him. The consecutive three blasts happened in the span of only a couple of seconds, and the force sent him crashing back into the wall of the cave, his sword flying out of his hands. It impaled one of the refugees, embedding itself with the man up against the cave wall, killing him instantly, his body beginning to freeze solid. Mnoi fell to the ground after slamming into the wall. His whole body was wracked with intense pain. The fatigues he'd been wearing had been designed to take such hits, but the blast had been so powerful that it had gotten through and completely burned a hole through the front of the poncho and shirt, leaving his chest scorched.

He lay there gasping for breath, but he knew he couldn't give up. He was a survivor. It would take more than this to kill him. Shakily, he pulled his pistol again. He switched the setting to sonic bolts and began firing, aiming in the woman's general direction, not being able to see well enough to tell if he was hitting.
Tags: Kassogtha Cthylla Kassogtha Cthylla

Instead of slamming the chair into her back like he'd hoped, the large jedi caught the chair and shredded it to bits, tossing them into the wind. She wanted him to give up.

Memories flashed in front of his vision, superimposing themselves upon the slimy Jedi. Bacta and transparisteel, never again. "Surrender?" He scoffed, "And what, become your prisoner? Never." He would die before he let himself become a captive once again. He raised his blade as the Jedi approached. He would take on the twin blades for as long as he could stand, and perhaps even after that. He lashed out with his crimson saber in a wide, horizontal sweep aimed at the center of her body.
He dashed forward, his body moving faster than it normally should as he swung his Lightsaber at her. Adopting a strong, aggressive Makashi style that he had Mastered over the years. His attempts to use Dominate Mind and break this Cathar were not abandoned. He continued to push and worm his way inside. Attempting to infect her memories and bonds she held dear as painful, miserable and laden with fear. "You are not a Jedi, you are merely a child seeking dreams of grandeur of a bygone era." His voice would echo inside her mind as his attacks came swift and harsh towards her.
"And you're just a bastard, trying to play god. Throwing a tantrum when you don't get what you want. That's all the sith are. A bunch of children who can't handle their emotions." She shot back as she ducked under the saber, once again drawingLiz in an upward slash that seemed to move faster than the eye could catch. If she couldn't hit him, she'd shock him, giving him a taste of his own lightning. She followed it up with a cheeky move, something she didn't do often. A flash of flame shot from her foot, attempting to burn Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof 's leg to throw him off balance, then she'd switch out her katana's once more, drawing Sally to disable his saber. One hit. That'd all it would take.

The sound of the wind, of cathar war chants and jungle roars, only seemed to get louder. She'd overwhelm him, his senses, his hearing, his sense of balance. The wind seemed to wrap around him, shifting direction every few seconds to toss him around. IF she could get him out of her head, she'd be able to knock him on his ass.
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:: Keep them occupied. Changing position. ::

Commander Smith moved then. His longer limbs made it that much easier to slip through the shadows. Everything about his new physicality did. He slipped through the building, his unnatural sight focused on the fighting Jedi, and the five he commanded. They fought with everything they had, but he knew they wouldn't be able to defeat them. They were guards, but they'd been lax. They'd all been lazy under the command of Firrerreo.

So now they were just fodder.

He shouldered his rifle once more in a new position, aimed down the sight. Jedi could unnaturally see shots coming their way, but could they know what kind of shot? Smith regretted not bothering to pay attention more to how to fight them. Just a little. Then squeezed the trigger. The shot he fired wasn't a bullet, but a grenade. Trickery and deceit was the only way he was going to complete Firrerreo's orders.

Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el | Aelina Corsanis Aelina Corsanis
var Stolen Pride = Troops.carried(2) * _Pilot _Guard
var LAAT(alpha) = Troops.carried(5) * _Wraithwalkers [ _10 deployed] [ _retreated]
var LAAT(beta) = Troops.carried(5) * _Wraithwalkers [ _10 deployed] [ _retreated]
var(!) Lambda T-4a = Troops.carried(8) * _Wraithwalkers [ _Destroyed]
var Kom'rk-class = Troops.carried(0) * _Jumper Lizards _Kyraj [ _24 Deployed (!)Status Unknown] [retreated]

Smoke and ash billowed into spirals in the wake of Darth Caedes. Death and pain weighed heavily in the Force here. With the sweltering power of the Sith at his back, he moved almost lazily through the scene of destruction, dropping his blade to one side and reveling in the art of war. He could feel it all in the Force— the panic, the fear, and the desperate, almost maddening despair of sudden loss, mingling with the sounds of canon fire and warship engines, the quarrel and retort of blaster fire, and the shaking, dull murmur of screams and shouting. Clinging to the air, Elmindra's pheromonal bath consumed him and he drew it in, nostrils flaring and eyes glowing ever brighter as chemicals and adrenaline sharpened his mind and gave strength to his body.
"Your sorcery reeks of the light side, Jedi," Caedes whispered, ignoring the Shield's threat. The sound of his voice seemed to emanate from the shadows and the wisps of smoke about the battlefield, slithering and wet through the veils of haze and poured directly into their ears, as if he'd delivered the whisper himself, through cupped hands.​

With a gesture, Caedes reached into the Force and pulled upon malice and spite. Before him, a rune upon the ground flickered red and shone brightly, then sputtered and choked out. Math'a Bakûdo, a binding sigil for stasis. He sneered. The work of Kahlil, no doubt, bastardized from his time in the dark.
"Your confidence will be your undoing."
Without breaking the gate of his advance, Caedes called upon his mastery of the Force and sent a flood of corrupting influence to pour from him and into the field of Kahlil's glyph-work. One by one, the runes flickered and shone brightly, burning into plain visibility with a baleful red hue.
"As with the Ashlans on Korriban, your Order defiles and appropriates the greater teachings of the Sith."

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