Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Halkin au Kazamir

|"No rest. No Mercy. No matter what."|

(@AlexineSkiba on twitter

NAME: Halkin au Kazamir

FACTION: Sith Order
--> Doctrine: TBD
RANK: Sith Acolyte

SPECIES: Near-Human
--> 50% Arkanian Offshoot
--> 50% Miraluka

HOMEWORLD: Alpheridies

--> Chronological Age: 24

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5'11" (1.8 meters)


--> Right eye: Light purple
--> Left eye: N/A (never developed in utero)

HAIR: White

SKIN: Pale
--> Born with a shockingly high m-count, potential permanently stunted due to prolonged exposure to Force Drain
--> Favored Techniques: Augmentation

--> Makashi/Niman

[+] "au Kazamir was a natural."
It was evident from the moment he picked up a blade that Halkin was a prodigy with a lightsaber. The flow of a fight comes naturally and instinctively to him.

[+] "It cannot be taught..."
Halkin has felt the effect of a Force Drain. The experience scarred him with the instinct and knowledge necessary to perform the technique himself

[+] "Furrows through the eternal air..."
Halkin's vision is unique, as the son of a Miraluka and an Arkanian Offshoot, he both has traditional eyesight and the force vision that the former species posesses. His natural insight into others is slightly more attuned than the average person, as he's learned to translate and synthesize information from both "eyes" over the years.

[=] "To punish and enslave."
Sold off for money by his parents as a child, Halkin was treated like an object. He spent a cumulative 2 years suspended in a science tank, preventing his body from aging while inside.

[+/-] "Faster than a falcon's wings."
Halkin has an athletic build, but doesn't possess the same physically strength as others around the same size as him. On the other hand, he tends to be quicker...

[-] "The taste of fire in my mouth and a hole in my chest..."
A life of fear and scavenging have left Halkin too ready to resort to use violence, a trait only worsened by the influence of the dark side.

[-] "Only a fool humbles himself..."
Halkin has begun to buy into his own hype. He is arrogant about his dueling abilites, convinced that he's a generational talent with the potential to become downright legendary

[-] "Die, like your brothers!"
Halkin always felt weak, insignificant, and undesired growing up. What better way to prove to himself otherwise than to impose those feelings upon others?

[-] "Flare. Flicker. Fade."
Halkin's continued exposure to force drain has permanently damaged his connection to the force. An extraordinary potential squandered by narrow minds, he likely will never reach the full potential of his midichlorian count.

Halkin is a near-human of average height with a single eye. The vestigial socket on the left side of his face is covered by an eye-patch. He does not have the hulking build of some sith, or the slimy disposition of others, but an air of confidence and spite hangs around him that's betrayed by the near perpetual smirk on his face.

Halkin's fate was decided years before he was born. His mother was born on a Miraluka colony of Alpheridies, and his mother on Arkania. His father despised toiling as a lesser member of society and managed to stow away on a cargo shipment, abandoning his family for his own freedom. The man became a smuggler and a thief, stealing from everyone he could to keep himself afloat. His travels took him to the colony on Alpheridies, where he met Halkin's mother. Out of love or search for pleasure the two had three children. The first was a girl, taking after the father, born with the white skin of Arkanian Offshoots. The second was a boy, born eyeless, like the mother. The third was Halkin, the half-breed.

As time passed, parents argued as the father's past drew ever closer. He decided to flee yet again. The mother demanded that "her" child stay, keeping the boy. The father took "his" child and Halkin. They ran away from Halkin's home, to Onderon and Harun Kal, then finally Tatooine. Yet again finding a small town to insert himself into, Halkin's father sold him in exchange for a small house on the outskirts.

First made to labor like any other slave, he spent a handful of months chained to a pickaxe and the slaves on either side of him. The dehumanization made him bitter, the unfairness of it all. Perhaps Halkin's father had tried to spare him, or maybe the fool had truely forgotten, but it was discovered that he was force sensitive after he was tested for a blood plague that had infected the slaves. His value skyrocketed, and he was quickly frozen in carbonite to preserve his health.

After almost a year of trading and haggling and calling in favors, Halkin was finally sold. To a Sith Lord no less. For the next year, Halkin would not be trained as an acolyte, he would be drained as a battery. To fuel rituals. To restore spent power. For fun. Excessive use without proper care led to damage to Halkin's connection to the force.

At one point something broke in him, something that felt like it couldn't be fixed. It was then that Halkin's eyes opened for the first time in months. He found himself on the floor of a chamber lit with red. He was wet with the mixtures contained in a stasis pod, and when he finally took in his surroundings, he saw six pods arranged in a circle, each shattered with the contents of the pods reduced to red mash. The same was not true for the woman in the center of the circle, transparisteel shards were embedded in her body, giving the impression of a poorly crafted Vulptex.

Halkin could see little future for himself now, not after years of his life had been stolen. He was bitter and full of rage. The only way forward he could see was the Sith...

SHIP: Stolen M3-A Scyk
--> LIGHTSABER: Stolen Lightsaber

(future lightsaber below)
Artstation link) Custom single blade, bladed emitter, curve to bottom hilt



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