Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Rolling in the Deep | Treasure Hunting with Darkwire

Zole stepped out of the lift, heavy blaster rifled cradled casually in her arms. Her artificial eyes were slightly more sensitive than a human's. Sensor chips immediately shifted to a greyscale picture to pick out detail in the shadows. She overruled the automatic switch, allowing her to appreciate the colors of the bioluminescent plantlife. Not that she would admit giving up some of her edge to enjoy the scenery.

Her shoulder-mounted sensor/projector whirred into life. splashing the world around them with lidar outside of the visual spectrum. Her optics overlaid a dot map of the terrain around them onto her view. This way she could enjoy the aesthetics whilst also being able to scan the shadows for movement.

She supposed movement wasn't the thing to look for. Darak spiders had been mentioned. They weren't going to move until the last moment.

Zole brought the rifle from her arms to a ready position. She looked up, trying not to imagine spiders waiting on the rocks above them. Lidar didn't pick up anything but smooth rock.

At least they would probably pounce on one of the noisy ones first.
Well, at least they weren't a small group. Small groups would probably get swallowed up by the Abyss, overwhelmed by the countless dangers that lurked beneath Denon's inhabited levels. Well, the ones with civilized inhabitants, anyway. There was certainly plenty of life crawling around those underlevels, just not life you could sit down to have a drink with. The Doc shuddered visibly when one of their guides mentioned spiders. He'd treated people of all sorts of different species and patched up some truly gruesome wounds, but there was something about arachnids that just... bothered him. He hated the way they skittered, hated their webs, hated how they fed.

He really, really hoped that this giant group could shut up and avoid their attention.

The introductions continued, and the Doc noticed that Xan had come along, sliding in toward the back. He was perfectly happy to see her, glad she was adjusting to her new body, but he could sense the tension between her and some of the other runners. As usual, he wasn't privy to the drama, so he just hoped that whatever it was wouldn't get in the way of this foolhardy treasure hunt. They didn't need the deck stacked against them even more. His attention turned to Phalsi when she spoke to him, and he smiled warmly. He didn't have the heart to tell her that the job he'd hired her for actually hadn't been their most recent encounter, at least from his perspective.

He'd tried to find her on Emberlene, to help keep her safe... but he'd failed in that.

No point in dredging that up, though, especially if she didn't know about it. "You were a tough act to follow," he joked back, "and I couldn't find any takers." It felt like a million years ago that he'd been organizing jobs for Darkwire, trying to make some small difference for the people of Seven Corners from the safety of his Baker's Row clinic. He fell silent after that, lost in thought... though he did recognize Jerec, the used starship salesman he'd once come to welcome to the neighborhood. A neighborhood in which the Doc was no longer welcome, of course, and that thought sent him spiraling into the same dark thoughts without further questioning Jerec's presence.

He said nothing when Cartri spoke. Let him get himself out of the hole he was digging with his mouth.

The elevator trundled steadily downward, and long before the Doc had time to resign himself to this fool's errand the Abyss opened up before them. Here lay the basements of the tallest cloudcutters, along with the teeming clusters of pipes and wires that fed power, water, and air to them. All around the mess of infrastructure, though, an ecosystem had developed, one like no other anywhere else in the galaxy. The Doc had to admit that it was strangely beautiful, lit up by the bioluminescent plants, which cast weird shadows across the vast space all around them. But it also set his teeth on edge. They were terribly exposed down here, and who knew what they might face?

The Doc stepped out behind Zole, drawing his blaster pistol with one hand and checking his mask with the other. So many ways he could die in the next few hours - poisoned air, hostile wildlife, a nasty fall into the yawning darkness all around them. But it was his job to worry first and foremost about the others, to keep them safe and healthy as best he could... and to drag them back to this elevator if necessary, treasure or no treasure, no matter how they might protest. The street medic kept quiet, not daring to speak, hardly daring to breathe. Visions of spider swarms danced through the back of his mind, and he checked his silencer again. He did not want to die like that.

Well, he didn't want to die at all, but he especially didn't want to die like that.

Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx Daiya Daiya Phalsi Drynchen Phalsi Drynchen Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll Zole Zole Doc Painless Doc Painless Xan Deesa Xan Deesa

Maybe fifty yards from the bottom of the lift, in a warren of iridescent mushrooms and sedimentary detritus, Jerec waved and whistled.

He'd stumbled on a borehole or maybe a sinkhole, a spiral affair full of murk without discernible bottom. Way down in there, strange things glowed weakly. He crouched and stuck his fishbowl helmet, head included, through the surface muck. That helped, minimally. He kept his head underwater for additional clarity.
While Bryn had yet to introduce herself to these people, she paid attention to their names. Someday...after today, these details might be important. Having been a Sith assassin for her former Master, she sucked them in like a sponge would and kept most of her secrets to herself. Perhaps, there could come a time when Bryn didn't feel like she needed to keep so many things to herself. Right now, was not that time.

Looking between Brie and Daiya, she learned they were close friends. A slight pang reached her stomach. She had nobody. Associates...yes. People she had worked for in the past...yes. Presently and in her history, she had nobody she could call a friend. Maybe she was slightly jealous but she would not allow it to cause her to act any differently.

As they rode the lift down, more people introduced themselves. In a way, Bryn was collecting this information as if she would be set against them sometime. A large part of her did not want that to ever happen but breaking those old chains was hard for the cyborg. And she didn't see them as chains, others might though.

Listening to the banter going on between Cartri and Daiya, the woman felt like she wanted to punch the boy. Probably because of the sexist remark he had made. A fist opened and closed at her side. Luckily, she kept control of her primal urge and her hand remained at her side.

Turning her attention back to Daiya, she did not have any probably or issues with taking suggestions from a child. At one point in her own life, she had been a teen in charge of people. So she did not question her authority here. Though, she did feel she needed to grow up a little and stop giggling so much.

Standing up from leaning against the wall, she fell into the line of people exiting the lift. At least, these guys were comfortable with each other. If only, Bryn could feel the same. It wasn't the people she was with but pretty much everybody. Keeping her distance emotionally allowed her to not have to worry about feeling any pain if somebody died.

Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx Daiya Daiya Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr Phalsi Drynchen Phalsi Drynchen Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll Doc Painless Doc Painless Xan Deesa Xan Deesa Zole Zole Darkwire Shadow Darkwire Shadow Lynch Lynch
Xan kept to herself as she listened to the others talk, a snicker escaping her with Cartri's rather feather-ruffling remark. The others might take it as offense... but she knew what he was capable of. She saw to it personally. She wasn't so sure about some of the others' capabilities, but she knew exactly how dangerous Cartri could be when needed. "I wouldn't dismiss him so easily. You choombas haven't seen him in action yet." It wasn't exactly the truth, Daiya and Doc were clued in. The rest? That was up in the air, even for her.

Her attention turned to the guide as she and her followers spoke up, warning them of the various dangers that awaited them. She subconsciously checked her protective equipment as well as the file of her personality uploaded, ready to transfer back into the holonet in the event that she got overwhelmed. This was the point of no return for them. They were now in the Abyss, the beautiful and dangerous ecology making itself known as the sketchy lift puttered along. Xan looked down at her arms for a moment before her attention turned to the Doc. :: Hey, Doc, what'll happen if I use my chrome? You think the subdermal armour and stuff will hold up against the chemicals or will I have some serious issues if I roll up my sleeves? :: She asked him over comms, wanting to keep her voice and noise low as she disembarked along with the rest.

It was bizarre to see the bowels of Denon like this. A whole other world. "It's amazing in its own way..." She muttered softly, taking in the bioluminescent plants and fungi all around them. She mentally switched off the lights in her eyes and checked her other clothing, letting the darkness engulf her as she quietly snaked along with the group. Her fists were balled and ready for anything as she looked back to the guides. At least her eyes had their own vision modes which made things easier.

Her attention was drawn to Jerec with his thrashing. She quickly walked up to Aylya and tapped her shoulder, pointing to the Ithorian.

Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll Daiya Daiya Darkwire Shadow Darkwire Shadow Doc Painless Doc Painless Phalsi Drynchen Phalsi Drynchen Bryn Celli Ddu Bryn Celli Ddu Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx Zole Zole
Secrets are protected in the darkness
The lift stopped, the doors opened. Aylya and her students exited first, scanning the area for threats. Behind her, her employers looked on in awe. The sheering was a glorious sight, lit up in shades of blue and purple and green. The heat from the many plants warped the air and already Aylya could feel herself growing warm under her many layers.

Her students stood watch as Aylya took stock of their party. They were enraptured by the view, gazes locked on glowing plants and the shapes of swooping beasts. Their reptilian forms nothing more than silhouettes against the glowing backdrop. Daiya, she noticed, had her attention elsewhere. Her eyes were pinned on a nearby flower. She stepped forward, arm outstretched towards the glowing plant.

"No!" Aylya leapt, jumping stilts propelling her over the crowd. She shoved Daiya to the side as something leapt out of the flower. The thing was all glowing marks and dripping fangs as it surged towards her face.

Her machete flew from its scabbard, batting the snake from the air with the flat of it's blade. It writhed upon the ground, twisting towards Aylya and the crowd she protected.

"Get back!" She yelled to the gawking clearlungs. She couldn't risk them getting bit.

The snake lunged and she danced backwards. A hopping, dancing circle as two predatory species faced off. This wasn't the first firefang she'd killed, but that didn't mean she could take this flippantly. Though it was only a foot long, the pencil thin snake was filled with deadly venom. Each time it hissed, each time it lunged, it's open mouth glowed the color of fire.

Metal struck against metal as her machete clipped the ground. Killing a firefang was a difficult process. It was small and lithe, with twisting centepedial markings glowing across its body and distorting its shape. If you were close enough to strike, it was close enough to kill. All it had to do was launch itself forward and clamp its poison tipped fangs around flesh.

She could hear the crowd murmuring behind her and knew some had already reached for weapons. What would happen if one of them pulled a blaster? The plasma from the bolt could alert the predatory Llchiwilia. Beasts named for their wide black wings that hunt with powerful infrared vision. She couldn't let that happen. A single Llchiwilia could destroy their party.

So when the firefang surged forward, Aylya rushed to meet it. If she missed she was dead, but she had to try. The snake leapt. Aylya swung.

Ka-thump! It's head hit the floor, the glow of its open mouth reflecting off the growing pool of blood. She watched as its body writhed beside it, caught in the death dance that overcame snakes upon their demise. Havn stood beside her, watching the dead dance. Someone tapped her on the shoulder, pulling her away from the ritual actions. That was fine. Havn was here, he could finish it.

"We've got a problem." The woman before her swung her thumb behind her, straight towards a man with his head submerged in water. "Osik!" As she watched, Sera rushed towards Jerek. The twi'lek forced the man up, pushing him away from the water. "Don't do that! Water is dangerous."

"Listen up!" This was a disaster, if she couldn't get them in order, this mission would only end in death. "Let me make something perfectly clear. When I said touch nothing, I meant nothing."

"Not plants, not animals, and definitely not water."
The headless snake stopped dancing behind her but she paid it no mind. Havn would have to deal with it. "You think I was exaggerating when I said everything down here could kill? I wasn't."

"And if you clearbreaths are too oxygen drunk to understand then you can turn your ass around and go right back up to the surface. I won't suffer any fools. Fools get people killed."
Across the room, Sera checked over the ithorian's helmet. Depending on how long he had his head under, the water could've done serious damage to its integrity.

"From now on, you do everything me and my students say. If we say run, you run. If we say freeze, you freeze. If we say jump off a cliff, you karking jump. Got it?" She didn't wait for an answer. "I'm separating you into three groups. Three people go stand by Sera." She gestured towards the twi'lek. "Three people go with Havn." Backing up, Aylya revealed Havn behind her. He'd already finished the death ritual and now held the bloody skin of the snake. It wasn't much, but the heat resistance of firefang hide was as good as any average synthetic fiber.

"The rest of you come with me. From now on, you'll stay close to one of us. If I can't trust you to act like adults and use your common sense then I'll have to watch you like children."

Daiya Daiya Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr Xan Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll Doc Painless Doc Painless Phalsi Drynchen Phalsi Drynchen Bryn Celli Ddu Bryn Celli Ddu Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx Zole Zole Lynch Lynch
Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
Whoever the yelling lady was, Jerec filed her under 'possibly justified assholes,' a broad category. The water had etched his fishbowl helmet, turned it all cloudy except for a two-inch strip near the seal. He craned his head way back in a futile attempt to peer under the chemical etching and see if her assistant, who'd yanked his head out of the water, was hot.

Twi'lek. Hooboy.

Jerec opted to stay where he was, becoming one of the three who would follow Sera, the Twi'lek. While he didn't feel any particular desire or need to obey, a kernel of grudging common sense suggested that these people really did know this environment better. Fair enough.
Brie chuckled at the ithorians encouraging comment about their similar helmets. The tall alien surely meant well, but at the same time it was unexpected and brought an added awkwardness over the situation. That was just for a moment though, before the ginger boy yet again opened his mouth after sticking his tongue out at her. This time at the other blonde girl in the team. Apparently, the two shared a closer history. One of less use down here, that was. Brie wanted to ask him if he would keep himself from trashing this mission, but she kept quiet and focused, just rolling her eyes at the boy's childish game.

"Have you ever seen anything like it, Brie? They're glowing! I've never wanted a garden more than I do right now." Daiya said and stepped up beside Brie, pointing out the beautiful flora that passed the lift as they closed in on the Abyss.

''Yeah...'' Brie said quietly while looking in wonder upon the flowers. ''I don't think it is wise to pick some and bring up to the surface, though...''

As the lift came to a halt and their guides exited first, Brie followed after Daiya. The experienced guides were less in awe of the mysterious but yet said to be treacherous place. Her feet carried her forward, but Brie could not help but to look up and around herself and less paying attention to where her feet took her.


The sudden call of panic brought her attention toward Daiya, who were inspecting a plant at a far too close range and was brusquely shoved aside by their togruta guide. A fight between her and some kind of snake that had been hiding to bite Daiya ensued, with the togruta making short work with the creature. As if that was not enough, one of the togrutas students had to pull the ithorian up from a pool of water. What a great beginning they had! Brie might have been a teen herself, but right now it seemed that she was one of the few that kept herself from asking for trouble.

Brie stepped up to Daiya and asked if she were alright, before again looking at the togruta. She thought about what their guide said and to Brie it seemed risky to split up. Furthermore, the possibility of ending up in the same small group as ginger boy was even worse.

''Uh... Is it really that wise we split up? I mean, we got the strenght in numbers.'' she asked bluntly. She hoped that the togruta would not take it as questioning of her judgement. It just came to Brie's mind and for the sake of the mission, she felt the need to speak her thoughts.

It was probably best to keep his mouth shut when Xan was here, especially all the fights they've been in recently he didn't have the right frame of mind to speak to her. Not yet anyway. That didn't stop Xan from speaking about him though, and to his surprise, it was a sarcastic comment even the android could be proud of. She called him dangerous all things considered, a word which he really wanted to differentiate himself from right now. When she included her smart comment all he did was look at her in the corner of his eye for a few seconds before looking back down to the metallic floor in a sulk. Deep down all he wanted was to run over and hug the damn hooligan, but with how things were going now wasn't the right time.

As the lift went further down an alien who had a very familiar face remarked about there being a fishbowl solidarity, a phrase that even a down in the dumps Cartri couldn't help but grin at. Although, when the lift touched down there wasn't any room for such jokes anymore. They all exited into an area you wouldn't expect in such a dark and hopeless place, in which the entire area was covered in plants rich in vibrant color. Cartri slowly stepped out and stared in amazed curiosity, the closest thing to this was his homeworld Garos IV but even that had way less color than this.

Pressing forward he slowly kept a small distance beside Daiya and her friend Brie. Who would have thought the two most annoying girls in the solar system would be friends? not even the most patient jedi master would have enough nerve to listen to them talk. Even so, he couldn't help but look back at Daiya every now and then. Since the tragic event in his apartment, the two of them distanced themselves from each other and didn't really speak for the longest time. Cartri still liked her, and there were no words that would ever sway that opinion.

Suddenly, when Cartri stopped gazing at Daiya for a few moments she decided to closely inspect one of the plants they were told not to touch under any circumstances. The guide shouted as a creature lunged at Daiya, ready to sink its teeth into whatever it could. But before it could get close the guide fiercely sent the creature's head rolling. Cartri took a deep breath and shook his head at her clumsy mistake, a cheeky smile returning to the face that had no emotion

The boy walked up behind the two girls and folded his arms, his lips releasing a slow gutting sound to show how shameful her display was "Come on Daiya, a nerf herder is smarter than that..." he teased as he looked at Brie with his cocky smirk "And more shame on you for not stopping her. Did the fishbowl mumbo jumbo your communication devices?" the boy joked again before standing beside them now. Hearing they'd need to get into group raised his interest, leading him to sarcastically point at the two of them and himself to indicate a pairing of three "Well, would you look at that. We already have a group here!" Cartri remarked while waving at the guid
e to show they were together.

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(Post Soundtrack: "At the End of the World" by VERIDIA)

A whole world lay beneath the city. The durasteel skeletons and sturdiest masonry remained around them, just mere fragments of the past. The city proper rose high above them, far out of sight to her eyes now, even aided by the electronics in her suit and facemask. Behind them, the lift was their only connection back to the surface, and it may as well have been a starship landing them on another planet entirely.

Unlike a starship ride, the lift down had thrilled the girl.

She was dazzled by the array of sights. Daiya had expected the Abyss to be more crypt-like, a dark maze of tunnels and catacombs. She had watched holo-stories about adventurers on other worlds before, real journeys into the dark of ancient ruins or deep through unexplored wilderness. This felt nothing like those heart-wrenching, claustrophobic tales where every step was a new terror. The teen was delighted to find her expectations dashed by everything she could see, and most of all that she could see.

The sheerings, that's what Aylya called them. Daiya would have called them the bloomings if anyone had asked her. They opened a new space in her mind as she watched them. Plants that grew straight from the sides of buildings, and shown with a tantalizing light. Not brilliant light, just enough that the young shadowrunner could keep her twin glowbeams unpowered, letting the light of the sheerings illuminate this alien world living underneath her own.

"Oh, I'll leave them here. It's not like I'd be any good at gardening," Daiya remarked to her friend. Still, Brie's words had planted something in her mind. She was fortunate they had disembarked from the lift on a low platform with enough remaining flooring to support all of them, but more fortunate that the walls had decayed away to the edges of the sheerings. Part of them faced inward now, drawing her eyes to them. Drawing her to them.

Surely it couldn't hurt to take just one of them with her.

Her gaze was shaken, her thoughts snapped in half when she hit the ground. The teen blinked in disbelief, watching from her prone position as their Ghost guide stepped up with a knife and an imperious roar. She had to squint to see beyond the mesmerizing glow of the plants, and then her eyes grew wide. The thing dropped to the floor and slithered towards its prey.


Daiya shrieked. Her mind came alive again, scrambling up onto a pair of hands that drove her backward. Aylya took charge in front of her, while Brie reached down beside her, helping hands guiding the teen to her feet and appraising her. "Yeah, I'm okay," she assured her friend. And then once more to reassure herself. "I'm okay."

Aylya was not. The head of the snake, it's perilous fangs still stuck open in a hunger left forever unsated, lay in a pool of ichor. Daiya hardly had time to recognize it, the Ghost wasted none of it before laying into her. The words addressed the crowd, but the girl couldn't help feeling very small as Aylya sputtered and swore and shouted commands that the young shadowrunner felt were hers to give.

"Just wait a—" Daiya's voice, even through the amplified speakers of her facemask, was no match for the Ghost's booming directives. The teen grumbled wordlessly to herself, folding her arms across her chest. This was her party, her treasure hunt!

Everything had to go right from here on out. Daiya would never live it down if the stories told from today were about how Aylya led them through the Abyss to find treasure beyond imagining. Her chance at glory, her shot to grow a reputation, it was all born of this moment. Daiya could be the little girl, following meekly in the shadows again.

Or she could be the woman who leads.

The teen stepped forward, taking advantage of the lull in conversation now. "Aylya's right, it's gonna be easy to get fethed up down here. She and her students are our lifelines down here, so if they call you out don't take it personal." It was good advice, something Daiya might need to use for herself. "Group up, it'll make it easier if we get separated or worse."

No sooner had she quieted than Cartri spoke up. Daiya turned her head toward the voice, surprised to see the ginger-haired boy had managed to stick it out so far. She was only somewhat disappointed that he had lost none of the sharpness of his tongue from above, the teen could have enjoyed seeing the combative boy brought to heel at some point. "Ohhhh good. Look, Brie, the big strong ma-a-an is here to save us from terrors in the Abyss."

Daiya winked at Havn, motioning the woman over to be the guide for their trio. Then she maneuvered around Cartri, putting a hand on each of his lean shoulders. She could feel the muscles rolling beneath her gloved fingertips, and part of her brain wondered when he had started working out. Daiya let out an exasperated breath and drove Cartri gently, but firmly, forward. "You know where we're going, right?"

Raising her voice to the rest of the group, Daiya let everyone else in on the plan. "First waypoint, some old wyrm tunnels." Just to Cartri, or anyone else in earshot, she told him. "Huge things, wyrms...big as a starship, with super sharp teeth. They eat durasteel for breakfast, I'll bet they wouldn't mind a Cartri palate cleanser."

She giggled to herself, poking the boy in the back between his ribs before stepping back to let Havn lead them properly. Daiya shared a helpless look at Brie, tossing her head towards Cartri and giggled again. Then the girl began to hum, the words coming back to her from the long-gone days as a youngling.

"Into the tunnels and through the deep,
Lost treasure's down below.
The wyrms know the way, so don't run away,
To deadly acid flo-OWS!


The words from the ginger sharply twisted the good mood she had into a warm shank, whipping around to glare at him from behind the faceplate of her mask. The descent was remarkably mundane before everyone took leave of their better senses once they touched down.

The quick display of aptitude by their guides had Phalsi standing stock still with lightsaber in hand at the quickness they had shown.

"Don't touch anything. Everything will kill you down here." Phalsi spoke quietly to herself, the mask garbling her tone a bit as she played at being the sane mind in the group without a blaster handy.

The call to make groups was made, and Phalsi stepped towards Aylya, waiting for the rest to move around them.
:: Hey, Doc, what'll happen if I use my chrome? You think the subdermal armour and stuff will hold up against the chemicals or will I have some serious issues if I roll up my sleeves? ::

"I'd like to think I do pretty good work," Doc Painless whispered back, shooting Xan a friendly smile. "It should hold up against pretty much any corrosive substance, even the the industrial runoff down here. But let's try not to put it to the test." As good as it always was to see Xan, he didn't want to have to lug her back to his clinic. His favorite kind of patients were the ones he only had to see once; getting to know the repeat offenders could lead to lasting friendships, but it was better for all involved if they stayed out of situations where they could end up needing his talents. Of course, entering the Abyss was just that kind of situation, but no one here would be dissuaded.

His good humor was immediately wiped out when their guide started shouting... and cleaving her way through whatever nasty critter had been lurking inside the flower Daiya had approached. The snake the Togruta fought was tiny, with a circumference that made the Doc think of one of his smaller scalpels, but it was shockingly nimble and clearly quite dangerous. His hand fell to his blaster, but he hesitated. He was a decent shot now, thanks to Shai, but he wasn't confident he could hit a target that small at all, let alone without hitting Aylya as she danced and spun around it. And then there was the guide's warning about blaster shots attracting trouble. He really shouldn't risk it.

Just a few steps into the Abyss, and already they were in harm's way. No surprise there, really.

Thankfully, Aylya proved up to the task of handling the creature on her own, neatly beheading it... only to run off and rescue another member of their little expedition from the peril he'd wandered into. The Doc couldn't blame the guide for chastising them after all that, even if most of them hadn't done anything. He did share Brie's concerns about splitting up, but maybe there was merit in the suggestion; smaller groups wouldn't have firepower as great as all of them together, but if they needed that kind of firepower, they were all probably dead anyway. "I see her point," he said. "We want to go undetected. If we draw too much attention, all our guns won't matter."

The Doc watched as Cartri sidled up beside Daiya and Brie, declaring himself to be in their group. Was the kid flirting, or just taking on the role of class clown? Whatever he thought he was doing, he was liable to get himself slapped before long. The street medic shook his head, but held his tongue. The gaggle of teenagers were unlikely to take his old man advice seriously, or receive it with grace. He'd let them work out their relationship drama on their own, hoping that grappling with it didn't get them hurt down here. "I can keep an eye on your systems if you stick with me," he offered Xan... then glanced sideways at Jerec, who was trying to peer out of his cloudy fishbowl.

"... and maybe we'd better keep an eye on him, too. Before he hurts himself."

It almost seemed as if the group was trying to get killed right off the bat... not that Xan blamed them. With such a stunning new world around them, she was just as eager to go off and check everything out. But the dangers were clear as well, as Daiya was quick to point out to the group. Xan's arms opened up and two blades slid out, but luckily their guide was in full control of the situation with the snake.

With the critter dead, Xan's blades slid back and her arms returned to their original state as she rolled her sleeves down again. Sparing the Doc a glance, she snickered to herself at the well-founded chastising the group received from Aylya... and then the bickering between the teenagers. Thank goodness the Doc approached her to team up. "No nee to tell me twice, Doc. Let the kids sort themselves out on this one." She quipped softly as she turned to look at Jerec.

This was not going to be fun.

Her attention turned back to their guide and her group. "So... anything specific we need to look out for?" She asked the Togruta as she scratched at her arms. Her armour and systems would hold up, though she was certain that the synth-skin would still get irritated to hell and back by the chemicals around them.

Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr Doc Painless Doc Painless Daiya Daiya Phalsi Drynchen Phalsi Drynchen Bryn Celli Ddu Bryn Celli Ddu Darkwire Shadow Darkwire Shadow Zole Zole Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx
If Xan thought she was dismissing anybody, she was very mistaken. It was pointed out, she might not have seen him in action. The cyborg didn't actually care all that much. They were here to work as a team to accomplish a goal. Come hell or high water, Bryn was going to do just that. With their combined knowledge, they seemed to make a good team and she just kept quiet...for now. The silent and imposing cyborg pretty much brought up the rear of the troop.

Listening to the oohs and ahhs of the group, she quietly sneered under her mask. Thankful to have her mouth covered, she was able to show this little bit of emotion. However, she refused to let the strange beauty around them affect her. Any thoughts or opinions she had were kept within and buried. Making mental notes though was something Bryn did.

Her hackles started to rise when she was included in the angry tirade of their guide. She personally had NOT DONE anything to deserve this wrath. Drawing in several breaths, she cooled off her temper and decided it best to remain this way. She might feel like slapping somebody but she would do her best to not need to. Somebody yelling in her general direction wasn't a cause for that. If it turned personal...then that was different.

With the command given to form groups, she silently wondered which one she was going to be put into. Not volunteering to just get into one, she waited to be assigned. Brie then pointed out that breaking them up was probably a bad idea but as per her normal reaction, she kept silent. It appeared the groups had already started forming. She didn't know who she would wind up with.

Unlike some of the others, she had not made any move to take out a weapon. Her hand did lightly rest on a pommel though...just in case. An additional warning not to touch anything caused Bryn to shrug. As the conversation happened around her, she was glad not to have a gun. While she could shoot one very well, it wasn't her preferred method of killing. Maybe she actually liked seeing the faces of her victims clearly as the life faded from their eyes. What she didn't do was go out of her way to cause much pain. She wasn't one to torture somebody just to get pleasure from it. Smacking kids around were enough to satisfy that desire.

Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr Doc Painless Doc Painless Daiya Daiya Phalsi Drynchen Phalsi Drynchen Darkwire Shadow Darkwire Shadow Zole Zole Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx Lynch Lynch
To say he didn't enjoy teasing Daiya and Brie would have been a lie, the expressions and responses they gave him always brought a smile to his face. Cartri couldn't help but do just that when Daiya replied to his taunt, her sarcastic comment mentioning that a strong man had come to save them. If he had the choice Cartri would of great pleasure in leaving them to the wretched creatures of the abyss, luckily for them he was a true gentleman who never left his teammates behind. No matter how irritating they were.

Daiya winked over to one of the guides to join them before she slowly walked behind him, putting two gloved hands on his lean shoulders. The teen nonchalantly rolled his eyes as Daiya sighed and firmly pushed him away, forcing him to walk forwards a few steps and lower his arms beside him. He turned his body to the side and glared at the girl curiously as if he was figuring out what her plan was "Yea, we're going underground from the looks of it" the teen replied back in a dry tone, a shrug soon following the more than obvious statement. Although that tough guy manner would slightly fade from the comments she said next.

Wrym tunnels!? he heard rumors of their creator's brutality and then some. The thought of facing a giant worm always sent a shiver through his spine, especially when someone around him described their impressive feats. For once, Cartri actually looked nervous, considering there was a chance of being made a starter for a slimebag the size of a starship. His eyes looked in another direction anxiously while Daiya began singing the creepy youngling hyme. The only thing that snapped him out of that tense state was a jab to the ribs by the same girl, who was surely having some pleasure in watching him squirm from the journey ahead.

Thankfully for him, he soon seemed to regain his smile after the last of the words fell from her mouth "Ha... you really think that would bother me?" he stated proudly, while at the same time stepping beside Daiya "Say, do you mind singing that again when one comes our way? I'm sure the worm will appreciate a bit of entertainment when I throw you face first into its mouth" Cartri chuckled with a soft nudge to her shoulder, before suddenly lifting up a hand to ruffle her hair "Come on you three, lets go before Daiya makes us deaf with another one of those songs" Cartri urged, allowing the guide to go in front of them in preparation, still keeping beside the girl who more than likely hated his guts.

Secrets are protected in the darkness
Aylya watched as the clearbreaths clumped up around her students.

“Don't misunderstand me, we won't be separating entirely. The groups will just allow my students and I to keep better tabs on all of you." She glanced at the fishbowl girl before scanning her eyes back across the forming groups. With the doc and Ithorian tagging along with Sera, and the three kids huddling around Havn, that left her with the three older women. One of whom was standing stock still among the crowd. Aylya stepped towards her, only to be intercepted by Xan.

"So... anything specific we need to look out for?" The normally neon woman fidgeted with her bare arms. She’d have to be careful about that, skin was easy to melt under the toxic chemical cocktail found in the abyss.

“Like Daiya said, our next stop is the wyrm tunnels. Those will be our biggest threat and when we get closer, I’ll instruct you all on how to best survive a trip through the tunnels.” Aylya glanced once more around the crowd. It appeared everyone was grouped up except for the woman in the center.

“Let’s get a move on! Everyone stay close to their guide, and you-” She motions towards Bryn, “Stick with me and my group.” Aylya led the way down the Sheering, following a narrow trail carved into the side. Marked by rails of rusted steel, with their tips painted neon orange and prayers of protection marked on the rags that waved from their ends.

The further down they went, the colder the air got, until all the heat and the light was all but gone. A tunnel loomed before them. It was a wide twisted thing. It’s melted metal edges giving way to a ten foot tall well of darkness.

“In there is wyrm territory. Before we enter, let me lay down the rules.” Here’s to hoping they actually listened to them this time.

“Wyrms are completely blind. They hunt entirely by sound and echolocation. You won’t hear a worm coming. They move silently and the only clue towards their approach is the thick smell of burning oil. If a wyrm approaches, lie flush with the ground to make yourself harder to see and pray to whatever gods that it doesn’t see us.”

Havn stepped forward. “It’s important that you follow our commands from here on out. Any wrong step can end in a massacre. Keep your voices to a low whisper, and if we say shut up, you shut up.” With that, he turned towards the cavern and began ushering them inside.

Daiya Daiya Xan Deesa Xan Deesa Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll Doc Painless Doc Painless Phalsi Drynchen Phalsi Drynchen Zole Zole Bryn Celli Ddu Bryn Celli Ddu Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx
Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
Lovely. Smell as the only warning. Jerec faced a stark choice.

Option A: Discard his clouded fishbowl helmet. He couldn't carry it or let it clank around on his belt. Discarding the fishbowl would let him smell the wyrms coming, but sacrifice real protection.

Option B: Keep the helmet, which offered protection against all kinds of things. Dig deep and rely on the Force — feel the predatory wyrms, feel shifts in others' wariness. Tough stuff, and his Force skills weren't that great, but...

He kept the helmet.

She watched the groups form up, silently taking a head count before glancing to her own guide and nodding forward. Bothering to look around, she kept her hands to herself, taking note of the small things around them, even more so taking a picture of the strange creature everyone had nearly been surprised by for later reference.

The tunnels became colder and more so alarming as the detail of what lived here emerged. She wondered how quickly they would actually see the beasts as she fiddled with the the utility belt she wore. Specifically the food capsules as a silly idea filtered into her head about sound and vibrations.

Keeping quiet for the time being wasn't difficult for her however. Other than Carti and Doc, the rest were newcomers and she didn't feel much like gabbing after the display of things trying to get a quick meal out of them. Plus she didn't want to feel like a chastised child on a field trip she might very well get bit on.
Zole had a choice to make. Her farsight ability gave her visions of the immediate future, but they were dampened by the drugs she was currently dispensing to control her fear. Her addictions and abilities had long term consequences and if she stopped dispensing those drugs now she might be able to sense one of the wyrms coming, but she was just as likely to suffer a attack of extreme paranoia.

They don't make a sound, but they use echolocation. That felt like a contradiction.

Her shoulder mounted sensor was splashing the landscape with lidar to give her a view of their surroundings despite the darkness. It wasn't the only sensors she had.

Zole had several acoustic detections sensors on her. It was usually used to hone in on blaster fire, to give her a direction on weapons fire she hadn't seen.

A quick bit of recoding was done in silence, using nothing but the internal neural interface she had.

"They're out there," she whispered. "Picking up clicks at around 150hz. They're spread out."

Not needed her foresight for now, Zole increases the cocktail that eased her nerves. She suspected that seeing those clicks grow in intensity and fire off more rapidly would send her into a panic.

She breathed a sigh of relief as they flooded her bloodstream and took the edge off.
Brie rolled her eyes in annoyance when Cartri stepped up behind her and Daiya and laid his sour comment out for the whole group to hear. They might have survived Froswythe thanks to common efforts and they didn't leave the planet as enemies, but neither as the best of friends. The young shadowrunner felt her gloved fist clenching but didn't really know why. One part of her wanted to punch the cocky ginger right between his eyes making his stuck-up gaze go away, but the more reasonable side of her told her not to. It was just not her to do such a thing. She had pushed him on Froswythe, after his clumsy comment about her parents, and she had apologised and regretted that ever since. Her fist softened, before she turned towards him. Her suit, and especially the fishbowl, as Cartri insisted on calling it, had one downside; she had to turn half her body instead of just the head if she were to directly look upon someone standing beside and slightly behind her.

''Could you keep that mouth of yours shut for once, if you haven't got anything useful to say?'' Brie told him all calm and collected, even if it felt like she really spewed it out on him. ''We are in this together, remember? There is no need for us to act out on each other.'' she added, trying to get the boy to see the seriousness of the situation and the mission they had taken on. She wondered if he had ever told Daiya that he liked her. Maybe Brie would spill the beans if he was not careful.

Brie noticed the disappointment in Daiya's voice as the togruta held her short but crystal clear speech. Ayla was their guide and they had to listen to her, even if everyone knew that it was Daiya that had gathered the information needed and had assembled them. Brie laid a hand on Daiya's shoulder to show her that she knew that.

Daiya added to the speech and picked a guide for their young but tenacious group of youngsters. All of them had been in danger before and was as prepared as they could be, to meet the dangers in the Abyss. Brie felt a bit more relaxed when Aylya explained the separation into groups in more detail.

As Daiya defended the both of them, and mocked Cartri being the big strong man and savior of them all - who he really wasn't, but apparently thought that he was - Brie chuckled and stifled a giggle. The boy got to come down on the ground some day, she thought and walked past him just shaking the head at him. She stood closer to Daiya and gave her a nod that said she was ready to follow her on another adventure.


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