Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bryn Celli Ddu

NAME: Bryn Celli Ddu
SPECIES: Human Cyborg
AGE: 23
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'11"
WEIGHT: 170 lbs
EYES: One is brown, and the other is silver
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Caucasian
HOME WORLD: Bescane and Zeta 0-9

Strong- due to cybernetic enhancements
Loyal- once it is given, she would die before breaking her loyalty
Ruthless and cunning- she was trained growing up to think and use any means needed to accomplish something
Independent- this attribute was promoted by her people and family
Amoral- does not care about good or bad and does what is needed
Controls emotion- to show emotion was thought of as a weakness, so it is something she has excellent control over

At first glance, Bryn looks like a normal human. On closer inspection, one of her eyes is a cybernetic implant and is silver. This is the only external evidence that she is a cyborg.
She normally wears whatever she wants but wears dark clothes and a long-collared jacket while on missions. On her face, she wears a mask at these times to keep her identity hidden.
Her hair is brown, along with her normal eye. She keeps her hair cut short so it doesn't get bound up in her mask and outfit when she puts it on.


Bryn was born and raised on Bescane. Her parents were factory workers but loved their only child. They were considered middle class and did well enough in life. She attended primary school and learned self-defense. While attending these classes, she caught the attention of the nearby Sith.
They allowed her to graduate high school, but just after that, she was kidnapped and taken to Zeta 0-9. In this world, she was brainwashed entirely, and any memory of her past was erased. She was turned into a battle-ready cyborg in the service of Vanessa Vantai.
For the last few years, she has served the Sith and Vanessa loyally.

While on a mission, she was captured by the Jedi, and the brainwashing started to fail. Being faced with her true identity, her faith in the Sith was shaken, and her loyalty started to fail. Not returning from that mission and instead starting a life of her own.

Action IV modified to have weapons and shields
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