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Codex Denied Imperial Palace of Bastion - Fortress Carnifex

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  • Name: Imperial Palace of Bastion - Fortress Carnifex
  • Classification: Administrative Center, Royal Residence
  • Location: Center of Ravelin, Bastion
  • Affiliation: The Sith Empire
  • Population: Crowded
    Tens of thousands of personnel inhabit the Imperial Palace at any given time, which is operational every hour of every rotational cycle without pause. Though the surface-levels are more densely populated with bureaucrats and administrators, the higher above you rise or the lower into the earth you delve the more sparse it becomes. The Palace can accommodate the entirety of the Emperor's vast family, including every child, every wife, every cousin, nephew, uncle, aunt, etc, though it is uncommon to see the entirety of the Imperial Family gathered at any one given time, except in situations of emergency called by the Emperor.
  • Demographics: The Empire's meritocratic policies ensure that those who frequent the Imperial Palace are of a diverse blend of Human, Near-Humans, and Aliens. Though Humans and Non-Humans control the majority of positions within the Palace, there is a healthy and noticeable minority of Aliens consisting of multiple species found within the Empire, including but not limited to:
  • Accessibility: Access to the Imperial Palace is highly restricted and highly monitored, with only those possessing special clearance allowed to even set foot on the premises. Because of its designation as the administrative heart of the Empire, the Pyramid of Civil Administration routinely employs thoroughly vetted and highly skilled bureaucrats and administrators to work within the Palace's lavish facilities. The high commands of the Imperial Legion and Imperial Armada are granted wider access to other facilities within the Palace, as are the overseers of other organizations within the Empire of note. The Dark Council perhaps has the highest level of access, second only to the Emperor and his family. Special access is granted on a case-by-case basis, typically awarded by the Emperor for exemplary service in one of the Empire's many fields of work.
  • Description: The Imperial Palace is a monstrous edifice of stone and steel soaring high above all the other buildings of Ravelin, and resembled something like a hybrid of a cathedral and monumental mausoleum. The Palace's frame delved deep beneath the scintillating roofs of the surrounding structures, digging deep into the planet's bedrock where the most devious chambers lay silent and hungry. The Palace originally served as a government building, and it still continued to perform this duty while simultaneously acting as the residence for most of the Empire's administrative elite and the Sith Emperor himself. Yet most of the original architecture had been wiped away or absorbed when the Sith Empire made Bastion it's capital and was designed to resemble ancient Sith fortresses and utilizing the inherent power of geometry, the Palace's twin tuning towers served as conduits for the Dark Side of the Force. The main Palace structure measured three-point-five-kilometers at its highest point from the ground, while the structure and surrounding adjacent facilities and complexes covered an area measuring two-hundred-square-kilometers across the continent-spanning city of Ravelin.
  • Outer Palace Complex
    • Investiary: The Investiary is a massive amphitheater where the titanolith statues of the Sith Lords and Ladies of galactic history, both ancient and modern, are displayed. Every prominent Sith from the progenitor of the Sith Order Ajunta Pall to Sith Emperor Darth Moridin is on full display, their likeness chiseled out of pure white marble enhanced with Sith Alchemy to be virtually indestructible. It is connected to the Imperial Palace by the Imperial Boulevard.
    • Vitiate Spaceport: Located due West of the Imperial Palace, the Vitiate Spaceport is the first of the two primary spaceports that services the Imperial Palace and it's surrounding complexes.
    • Palpatine Spaceport: Located due East of the Imperial Palace, the Palpatine Spaceport is the second of the two primary spaceports that services the Imperial Palace and it's surrounding complexes.
    • Imperial Starport/Freight Complex: The largest structure in Ravelin, the Imperial Starport/Freight Complex rises one hundred and sixty-eight kilometers into the planet's atmosphere and possesses a width of three kilometers in diameter. Tethered to orbital satellites and stabilized by repulsorlift technology, the Complex was designed to accommodate massive military build-up by the Sith Empire as well as serve as a central hub for all starship traffic in and around the capital city.
    • The Thaumaturgic Tower: A series of domed structures surrounding a half a kilometer tall tower located adjacent to the Imperial Palace complex, the Thaumaturgic Tower serves as the central hub for the Jen'Vi'kas, the Emperor's order of magicians and oracles. Far beneath the Tower is the Conduit, nexus for all intergalactic communication in the Sith Empire. Built into the bedrock foundations of the city itself, the Conduit is populated by teal-clad cybernetic infocytes that sift through the copious amount of communication that passes through the Empire's vast communication network. It is through this melding of magic and technology that the Emperor controls all information in the Empire.
    • The Petitioner's Hold: A stronghold dedicated to the administration of the hundreds of star systems controlled and influenced by the Sith Empire. Representative bureaucrats from every corner of the Empire accumulate here to discuss policy and receive orders from their superiors on the Imperial Diet, the lower legislative organization that administers the Empire on behalf of the Emperor and the Dark Council.
    • Imperial Boulevard: A several kilometer-long causeway that stretches from the Imperial Palace to the Investiary, marked every several hundred meters by marble towers topped with a gold capstone. Elongated trapezoid structures serve as waystations and shrines dedicated to the legacy of Sith, utilized by those who make pilgrimages from the Palace to the Investiary and vice versa.
  • Inner Palace Complex
    • Throne Room: The Emperor's Throne Room was an enormous chamber, resembling a bulb with a tapered stem, veiled by an opaque red curtain along the entire exterior wall behind and to the sides of the throne, which concealed a massive window that overlooked the Ravelin cityscape. The throne itself was large enough to sit the Sith Emperor and was wholly unadorned by opulent comfortability, as the Emperor believed that his seat of power should be as harsh and unyielding as he himself was. The throne was covered in a glossy black metal, control panels set into both arms of the throne that controlled various aspects of the throne room; including the curtain and holocommunications. Thresholds were set into the walls of the portion of the chamber that approached the throne could allow members of the Imperial Crownguard to enter and leave the room via encoded turbolifts.
    • Great Chamber of the Dark Council: Situated beneath the Emperor's Throne Room, the Great Chamber of the Dark Council is a large circular room where the Dark Council discussed anything related to the Sith Empire, their enemies, and their plans. The Great Chamber of the Dark Council consisted of five thrones encircling a raised platform of obsidian and gold. If one of the Council was not present, he or she appeared as a hologram to participate in the Council's discussions. None but the Emperor, Shadow Hand, or members of the Dark Council were allowed within the chamber, not even the Crownguard was privy.
    • Audience Chamber: An enormous chamber designed for public matters, the Audience Chamber was a sunken auditorium, similar to a huge crater dug into the bedrock. In the audience decks, there were flat stone benches arranged in long arcs where visitors could come to hear pronouncements from the Emperor himself. The acoustics of the room ensured that the audience could hear everything the Emperor said; likewise, the Emperor was able to hear every utterance from the gallery. The throne of the Empire was perched atop a central tower which was guarded at the base by six of the Emperor's Crownguard. The sloping dome of the audience chamber came together at a prismatic apex, allowing scrambled light from the outside to flow into the chamber. The design of the skylight ensured that the light shone directly on the Emperor, bathing him in an ethereal white light. The throne could be raised and lowered into a smaller antechamber located beneath the Audience Chamber, which was accessible only to the Emperor.
    • Sanctum of the Crownguard: Located deep within the Imperial Palace, the Sanctum of the Crownguard serves as an operational command center for the Imperial Crownguard, coordinating their security. It houses many data feeds and security systems and oversees nearly all traffic within the Inner Palace Complex. Adjacent chambers serve as armories, barracks, and training dojos for members of the Crownguard stationed in the Palace. The Sanctum was primarily manned by serfs who were sworn to serve the Crownguard for life, their mouths sewn shut as to keep the guard's secrets.
    • Emperor's Sanctum: The functional heart of the Imperial Palace, the sections designated as the Emperor's Sanctum run down the entirety of the Palace's center from the apex to the furthest sub-level.
      Imperial Dungeon: Also known as the Dark Cells, the Imperial Dungeon comprises the lowest levels of the Sanctum where the Emperor confines prisoners of special interest to himself. Most of the cells are set into the floor with a ray shield acting as the gate, which could only be opened via a control panel located in the control center of that cell's detention level. Besides ray shield controls, these highly guarded centers could electrocute cells, alter illumination, or flood the cells with a loud noise. A set number of interrogation chambers were adjacent to every detention level, outfitted with high-tech equipment designed to physically and mentally break down prisoners. The Dungeons were manned by Imperial Dungeoneers.
    • Hypaethral Gardens: Set in roofless courtyards, the Emperor possesses a multi-tiered garden structure where flora accumulated from across the galaxy are tended to by dedicated caretakers. Several respites are scattered across the gardens where members of the Imperial Family can enjoy themselves with their various activities and hobbies. A small portion of the garden is restricted to all but the Emperor and his Empress-consorts.
    • Athenaeum: A repository of hidden and forbidden knowledge, the Emperor's Athenaeum was accumulated over many decades from pilfered temples and libraries across the galaxy. Though the majority of the amassed knowledge was copied for circulation among the Sith Brotherhood, the Emperor kept the greatest secrets for himself; including the holocrons of many fabled Jedi and Sith. Specialized custodians guarded the Athenaeum, deterring any would-be intruders from partaking in the Emperor's secrets.
    • Halls of Solomon: The private abode of the Imperial Family comprises the most secluded and secure upper levels of the Palace, hundreds of rooms dedicated to housing members of the Zambrano family and their retainers. Bed chambers, refreshers, recreational areas, dojos, holo-cinemas, spa baths, workshops, hangar bays, and dozens of other specialized rooms are spread evenly across this area of the Palace. Hidden turbolifts facilitate quick travel between the Halls and other segments of the Emperor's Sanctum, including the throne room.
    • Clone Laboratory: Located above the Imperial Dungeons, the Emperor has stored portions of his advanced cloning technology and gestation creches in highly secured wings where geneticists continue to finetune the Emperor's clone bodies. Their work, derived from surviving fragments of Palpatine's own cloning prowess, ensures that the Immortal Emperor of the Sith remains exactly that, Immortal. All clone experiments are overseen by a mysterious individual known as the Constable of Homunculi.
    • Dojo: The Emperor's Dojo served as the training room for the Emperor, his apprentices, and members of his family, allowing them to hone their skills in combat as well as the Force. The Emperor's training method was fear-based, dark and abusive in nature, with mistakes often punished through isolation, torture, and mutilation.
    • Hall of Victories: The Emperor has acquired many trophies over the decades, from countless battlefields and from countless duels. All of those baubles are collected in a single wing of the Imperial Palace, known as the Hall of Victories. Everything from Mandalorian armor collected from the Battle of Junction to Jedi relics pilfered from the Jedi Temple on Coruscant resides within this Hall, immortalized as triumphs of the Immortal Emperor of the Sith.
    • Beast Menagerie: Located across multiple sub-levels, the Emperor keeps a menagerie of exotic and rare creatures from across the galaxy. Each creature had its own unique containment zone, modeled after the creature's native habitat and separated from the other cells by a powerful force field that was strong enough to repel even the most valiant attempts to break through it.
    • Saaraishash Offices: Though the Saaraishash's primary headquarters are based on the jungle moon of Yavin IV in the Gordian Reach, the organization possesses nominal space within the Emperor's Palace where representatives of the Emperor and the Lord Inquisitor can interact face-to-face. Significant among these office levels is the Lord Inquisitor's office itself, which was tailor-made to Lord Tai Fa's exact specifications and contained all of the amenities that one could expect; including various security measures to both deter intruders and eliminate them.
    • Civil Administration Sector: Considered to be the nerve-center of the Empire's entire government apparatus, the Civil Administrative Sector comprises a large chunk of the Imperial Palace from the ground-level to middle-level of the above-ground structure. It is here where the Pyramid of Civil Administration conducts nearly every aspect of its business, overseeing its various sub-organizations and carrying out the will of the Pyramid's representative on the Dark Council; Zahori Denko. Zahori's office occupies a section of the highest level, where the Sith Lady can conduct her own business and keep records of her duties.
    • Science Wing: Located adjacent to the Imperial Dungeons, the Science Wing was the headquarters for the Pyramid of Scientific Advancement on the Empire's capital. Consisting of laboratories, examination rooms, cold storages, records offices, and various medical facilities utilized by Kascalion Giedfield to progress the Empire's research regarding biological, mechanical, and mystical aspects of technology; particularly in regards to the Empire's war machine.
    • Room of the Hidden Lady: Somewhere in the Palace is a hidden door, which opens to a hidden passageway, which leads to a hidden chamber. Inside that hidden chamber is a statue of a kneeling lady, her face covered by her hands. There is little to remark about this room other than the statue, the walls are spartan and smooth, and the floor is made of tiled marble.

First built by the Imperial Remnant, the Imperial Palace of Bastion has served as the headquarters of the Remnant Empire's power in Imperial Space for decades after the fall of Palpatine's Galactic Empire. The Imperial Remnant was eventually reorganized into the Fel Empire, a hereditary state led by members of the Fel dynasty started by Emperor Jagged Fel sometime after 44 ABY, and with it, the Palace was repurposed as the home and central power for this new Empire. It remained in the hands of the Fel Emperors even after Darth Krayt usurped their power during the Second Imperial Civil War, and after the war, it continued to serve the Fels up until the galactic catastrophe known as the Gulag Virus ravaged the known galaxy and plunged it into four hundred years of regression and stagnation.
When the galaxy began to emerge from the Second Galactic Dark Age the palace was left in ruin and mostly abandoned for the first several decades of modern history, but was eventually reclaimed by the Sith Empire as it expanded out from the Stygian Caldera. Bastion itself would remain in Sith hands until the return of the Fel Dynasty to the planet, who took it for themselves and sought to establish a new Fel Empire from the fortress world to oppose the weakening Sith Empire. However, the Second Fel Empire's time was short-lived as their Emperor, Ronin Fel, was viciously assassinated by the deposed Sith Emperor Kaine Zambrano only a few months after the Sith Empire's destruction during the First Phase of the Great War.
Bastion, and by extension the palace, would change hands over the next two decades from the Mandalorians to the Primeval before again being abandoned. It wasn't until after the conclusion of the Second Phase of the Great War, and the destruction of both the Ninth Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic, that the Sith would return to the planet to again claim it for themselves. It became the capital of the short-lived Sith Ascendancy before the Ascendancy transformed into the Tenth Sith Empire with Darth Carnifex as its Dark Lord of the Sith. At his command, the palace was rebuilt in his image as a towering edifice to not only his power but to the power of the Sith Empire.
The old foundation of the palace was swept away, and the earth was excavated all the way down to bedrock where construction began to build the new supports of the three-point-five-kilometer tall Imperial Palace. By extension most of Ravelin was improved and renovated into a modern marvel of Sith-Imperial architecture and prosperity, transforming into the shining jewel of the Sith Empire and its official capital.

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