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Private Extraordinary Measures [Galactic Crisis Summit]

if they're watching anyways

Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar Kiara Ayres Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan Darth Metus Darth Metus Pietro Demici Pietro Demici Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Arctus Silmar Arctus Silmar Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Srina Talon Srina Talon Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf

"Yeah, I know, Dag," she said. "Thanks."

She took a moment to review the files and reports on her datapad. Despite probably being the best informed on the Maw among those gathered (save perhaps Cedric's more personal encounters), she knew she could always be better informed. The mention of Sith influence present in the Brotherhood today might be means through which she could reveal which powers were more amenable to... those sides of the Sith beliefs.

She could offer only a nod in return to Grayson. Their relationship was tainted in much the same way as her views on the Sovereign Imperator -- she would never condemn the seeking of justice or the doing of good, but beliefs and methods through which those were achieved played a large part. Still, the meeting today would doubtless be tumultuous; she hoped some common ground could be found, enough that real change and policy could be enacted.

Her eyes wandered the leaders, and she wondered if her hope was misplaced.

Stowing her datapad for a moment, she addressed the group, summoning what oratory gravitas she could -- after all, she had never addressed a group as exclusive or as important as this. "An advisor will be permitted for each delegation to assist in the proceedings if they wish. For the more security-minded, please wait outside."

Simple, but still terrifying to even say anything.

It'd be a long meeting.

Auteme followed the Chancellor inside to the large conference room, and found a seat for herself to Adhira's right.
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Gear & equipment in possessions

More sentients arrived. Dyrn remained silent, his attention focused on recognition and assessment. He held severe reservations about the presence of the Sith, especially in the light of numerous reports that had followed in the wake of Csilla, which indicated involvement of connected or associated parties. But, until more thorough investigations could be completed, most of those reports were secondhand and needed to be verified. Still, for his part, Dyrn could remain suspicious of anyone he so wished, and he especially remained so toward the Sith that slithered through the gathering.

The Guardsman's lip curled, despite himself, beneath the helmet.

The pleasantries were just that, pleasant. The Supreme Leader was approached by Chancellor Chandra, they exchanged some kind words of greeting, as Dyrn remained near Lady Fortan's side. He didn't respond, he was wall dressing, little more to consider than one might a lamp in the corner. Security wasn't a consideration at this types of events, in truth, nor would Dyrn expect to be. In fact, if anyone other than those he protected spoke to him, it was for a specific reason. But few cared about the help, generally.

When the Eternal Empress approached, there was a slight shift in the Guardsman's helmet, as he glanced toward her. It wasn't that Dyrn expected disagreement or hostilities, but the relationship between the First Order and the Eternal Empire had been strained for a long while. Still, as one might expect, there was public niceties on display, as most smiled and greeted one another with enthusiasm - like long time friends who hadn't seen one another in years. Some were the exception, namely the Sith, who seemed to immediately aim to undermine the atmosphere of the meeting with subtle insults.

Dyrn hoped the question was raised, as to the presence of those so-aligned individuals, when they were so closely associated with the Maw.

Perhaps politics is for me, Dyrn thought to himself, as he resumed scanning the crowd. Sometimes a blunt object - or, in this case, a question - works.

Before long, the assembly was directed to enter the meeting hall. The Royal Guard moved beside Lady Fortan, to her right, however was stopped short by the intervention of a spokesperson for the Galactic Alliance. The tall sentient narrowed his eyes, as the humanoid with the short hair spoke up - Auteme, if memory served - and stated that security would not be permitted into the proceedings itself. Immediately, Dyrn looked to the Supreme Leader, his bright eyes intense under the helmet...

What? A limitation on security in the hall? Are they mad?

It was part of the Guardsman's job to assess threats. The increasing number of Force Users was blatantly obvious, his presumption being that most of them held personal weaponry, namely lightsabers, beyond the control of the Force itself. How were the delegates who were not Force Sensitive or combat-inclined able to defend themselves, should aggression breakout? The Royal Guard were the Supreme Leader's first line of defense against those kinds of threats, since Lady Fortan was a politician, not a fighter. And now the Galactic Alliance expected--... no, they couldn't be that negligent, surely.

Dyrn turned his dark lenses to face the young Jedi, his face a glare beneath the helmet.

Every part of him wanted to tell her to step out of the way, that the Supreme Leader would have her protection present... but Dyrn wouldn't overstep himself, and instead remained firmly beside Lady Fortan, until he was told otherwise - by her - and no one else. The Guardsman turned to the other individual, Cassidy, and nodded. If worse came to worst, and the Royal Guard wasn't permitted to enter, then Cassidy would - as an advisor.

<"Orders, Supreme Leader?">


Maliphant idled in his seat as the command was given to dismiss the security he had been given - and it forced the otherwise apathetic veneer of his face to break with a cocked brow. Neither of them moved - a tense few seconds before Maliphant lifted a hand and motioned them off; leading the two monster of guards to nod, wordlessly exiting the chambers without so much as a second's hesitation nor protest.

"Surely by sending our security away we can hope the Galactic Alliance and the Jedi intend to protect us themselves.", he said with a thin smile.

"It'd be a shame for us to be attacked under their diplomatic protection; especially with such extremists among us."

Maliphant's void rimmed ruby gaze glanced to meet Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson 's - but they hovered there no longer than it took to emphasize his point. It'd shift back to Chandra and the others, crossing his legs and he leaned back to get comfortable.

"Many of us, such as myself, are fragile after all. I'll trust the Chancellor, as requested."

For the briefest of moments, he would meet Srina's gaze as well - but would not hesitate with her either. He understood her diplomatic responsibilities, and there was little time to show either of their soft sides in front of so many willing to strike at it. Instead, his hand idly rubbed at his own ring - the sensation passing through the bond wordlessly; a soft, hidden reminder.

Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan // Adrian Cassidy Adrian Cassidy // Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra // Arctus Silmar Arctus Silmar // Kuben Woods Kuben Woods // Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar // Darth Metus Darth Metus // Kiara Ayres // Kascalion Giedfield Kascalion Giedfield // Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim // Srina Talon Srina Talon // Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf // Auteme Auteme // Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze // Pietro Demici Pietro Demici


The Shaper


The Iron Crown|| Whilstone of Prowess|| Whilstone of Acuity || Whilstone of Power||
Empyrean Gland
Voice Sample


As the rest of those who would be in attendance began to arrive The Shaper gave a tight, formal smile to the Chancellor's.... middling response. Evidently the pressure and stress of holding such a gathering was wearing on her and, true to form, she glided away to calmer waters with Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan at the shortest opportunity. He could not blame her, not even keeping in mind some of the other presences arriving. She was a fretful spider, after all, and such beasts must take constant care of their webs when they are threatened. Thus it was that The Shaper's eyes fell on one he was, regretfully, familiar with as Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson approached.

The Shaper could only raise an eyebrow at his..... abrupt question. A knowing smirk playing across the New Emperor's lips as he answered the man frankly, a subtle hint woven into his words. "Truly, you would be far better served searching your own shadow for his presence, than mine." The Shaper gave no indication of the knowledge or meaning hidden there, Carnifex's plans were his own after all, and it was not his place to spoil surprises. Only to give zealot something else to think on as he caught the eye of one Kiara Ayres at the very same moment the Grand Master's eyes met his own. relaxing his robed form would move like living shadow, sweeping into her presence like a streak of charcoal across stark white paper. The dark, foreboding presence of the smothering moon eclipsing the glowing sun as he gave her a warm smile and a slight inclination of his head. "Miss Ayres. A pleasure."

The arrival of Darth Metus Darth Metus , Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar and Srina Talon Srina Talon was not lost on the Emperor, but they would receive plenty of his attention in the talks to come. Nor had the purposely averted gaze of Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim been missed. As such, his next gesture was one befitting the situation as he offered the new Grandmaster his arm and glided beside her. Day and Night, Deepest Dark and Brightest Day contrasted, as his eyes cooled from glowering with amber flames, to a cool silver as he asked. "Won't you sit with me? The wisdom of your predecessors, I hope, is not misplaced and I am only too aware of the threat lurking on your borders. Of the.... trouble of swarming insects."

Gesturing with his free arm The Shaper would turn to regard Kuben Woods Kuben Woods Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf calmly. His voice lowering to a more personal level as the Chancellor began to lead them all within, "Mr. Frost. I will, in fact, have something for you to do. That... echo to your thoughts. It could prove useful in learning and perceiving.... other things. Miss Raaf, if you please?" Whether the Grandmaster had shied away from his offer or not The Shaper would enter the meeting room with unnatural grace to his step. A low hum of appreciation for the craftsmanship of the table and chairs leaving him before he approached his own chair, beside one Auteme Auteme and the Grandmaster herself. Should Kiara have accepted his offer to walk with him to the meeting area, he would do her the courtesy of pulling out her chair for her with a minimal exertion of the Force and releasing her arm gently as he sat down in tandem with her. If not, then he would forego the motions and regardless would at least content himself with the fact that, as he leaned forward ever so slightly, he fell directly within eyesight of the Eternal Empress. Giving her a small, wry smile as he inclined his head to her.



Kiara Ayres



The presence of Sith at the summit was a shocking one but aside from her initial hesitation in approaching the group, Kiara showed no such emotion in her expression, though the discomfort in her body language was more difficult to conceal. It was her job, her duty, as an envoy of the Concord to set personal matters aside when contending with diplomacy but she couldn't help her mind returning to her family who lived on Thustra, under the rule of the Sith Empire. While not a bitter person and generally forgiving, it pained her to think of her family suffering under the rule of her enemies.

The Grandmaster followed suit with a respectful bow of the head to their host Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra who faced contending with several people in conversation. Kiara did not wish to overwhelm the Chancellor so her gaze shifted to the Jedi beside her. There was a fleeting sense of relief as she was hopeful that as a fellow Jedi, Auteme Auteme , would understand Kiara's thoughts more than the others present, but since she was with the Alliance then she may have had prior knowledge of the Sith presence at the summit which could complicate matters.

There was already suspicion and distrust among the group present and you needn't be a Jedi to observe it. With the likes of the Jedi and New Imperial Order, who had both been in recent ongoing wars with the Sith, it was any wonder why their enemies attended. The state of the galaxy was in crisis but were they really that desperate? The galaxy would never be free until the Sith Empire was obsolete and here they were breaking bread with them in the name of the good of the galaxy.

Relations between the Concord and some of the other major powers present had not always been smooth and even despite their united efforts against their shared enemies, there was still roughness around the edges evident. Relations between the Concord and the likes of the Sith Empire were non-existent and they weren't alone in their feelings. Seeking assistance from the enemy of your enemy was nothing new, however it was tolerable when it came to the New Imperial Order though the same could not be said for the Sith. There was no reason the Sith would want to help anyone but themselves.

Of those present, there were none she knew well, being the newest face of the Silver Jedi Concord. However, she recognised their faces and names from recent negotiations. There had just not been any opportunity to get to know each other further than on the battlefield. Had the mood not been so sombre then she might've offered a friendly smile in greeting to those gathered but it hardly seemed like the time. The galaxy was grieving and tensions were running high.

It seemed matters would only get worse as her gaze met that of Arctus Silmar Arctus Silmar who seemed to take it as an invitation to approach her. She calmly looked up at the looming figure as he neared her and offered the same polite bow of the head that she had offered the others when addressed, hoping to avoid getting too entangled in an awkward conversation, though it seemed he had other ideas.

Her eyes shifted to the arm she was being offered and immediately she sought the gaze of anyone who might have been paying attention, as a silent plea for help with the obvious discomfort she was faced with. However, she remained calm and collected as she became trapped by the courtesy she was expected to show as one of the public faces of the Concord.

The Grandmaster wondered what the Sith's intentions were with his polite engagement with her. She expected it to be a falsehood or a way of trapping the Jedi so she thought carefully about her next move in which she politely refused his arm but didn't decline his offer of sitting together. "If you wish." She replied coolly, keeping the conversation brief in an attempt to prevent giving anyone any ammunition with which they could mock the Concord and while she was attempting to maintain her dignity. She needed to be civil but need not pass the boundary into being cordial with their historic enemies.

With no reason to excuse herself from the uncomfortable situation, she walked alongside the Emperor towards the meeting room, to set the summit underway. She accepted the seat at his request and offered a polite "Thank you," hoping that his focus would turn elsewhere so she could avoid prolonging the already awkward situation.


Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra Darth Metus Darth Metus Arctus Silmar Arctus Silmar Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Kascalion Giedfield Kascalion Giedfield Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Srina Talon Srina Talon
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Combat Harness | Lightsaber | Body

Damian had studied those as they came into view. The very first that came into view being the supposed Crusaders. His direct question, the frustration and anger that came from such a character only ensured that Damian was more than prepared should he do something stupid. His body language was clear, he wanted to fight, he wanted to attack. He was clearly less disciplined than the New Imperial dogs that Damian had the displeasure of dealing with and putting down.

Speaking of which, the voice in his head chuckled slyly as it smiled.

Tavlar's comment wasn't lost on him either. Had he been in private he'd have immediately shot back at the irreverent fool. But he was in front of many people outside of The Sith's purview. The issue being that it would have been highly unprofessional, and he knew that he had to obey orders. In it's stead he would simply look towards Empress Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim and nod slightly in acknowledgement of her greeting. He had met her during the rescue mission, and while not formally introduced he still knew her name and face. As such it was polite and respectful to do as such. The voice in his head wouldn't let up on him not telling the supposed leader of the New Imperials what he thought of them.

Ohohoho, why don't you go ahead and say what you want to? What's the point of having it and not using it?

Because I've more discipline than the joke they call a military.

Hahahahaha, it's too bad you're such a bore. I've got to get you to loosen up a bit.

Damian sighed quietly under his helmet. Next to arrive was another Sith, one that Damian didn't recognize but in all honesty he didn't care to. The only one he worried of recognition was his master. Behind him the Confederate delegation, the pair looking almost extreme opposites to one another. One an Echani, fair skinned with white hair, and a lithe build that betrayed just how graceful she and her people were in combat. The other, a dark skinned more brutish looking figure, seeming well seasoned. They certainly made a pair. And then there was the Jedi. Their arrival had been mostly uneventful, in that most Jedi were mostly uneventful. Except that these particular Jedi were the same ones that had decided massacring young teens and children was preferable than actually sticking to their code.

You know, it's funny that I'll bet more than everyone here is thinking you're the ones to worry about?

Why is that?

Because you have the barely civil wannabe crusaders in one corner, another who's idea of proper soldiers are those so caught up in torture they forget that you're supposed to kill the enemy, yet another who isn't the focus of their suspicion, and then you have the Confederates and Silvers who are arguably more middle of the road. Except of course when you look at the Silver's propensity to ditch their supposed moral high ground for an easy kill.

And why is that funny?

Don't you get it? At least The Sith don't hide that they are always trying to work something. Which makes them actually the most trustworthy people here because the rest of them pretend they won't stab each other in the back at the drop of a hat, or in his case,
the voice intoned towards the Imperial.

Get on his high horse and get everyone else to do it for him.

That was when the representative from the Alliance spoke up about allowing only advisors inside to assist with the meeting. Damian was fully intent on ignoring any such instructions as he didn't answer to her. And with all of the clearly hostile parties present, with all but one being potential threats and therefore targets to Damian. With what he had on hand, he could probably kill most of the people in the room. Certainly more than half of them. The demon in his head was keeping his imagination active as it enjoyed plotting multiple homicide. And yet, rather than be proactive about the situation and deal with the threats now he waited for his Emperor's instructions.

"Mr. Frost. I will, in fact, have something for you to do. That... echo to your thoughts. It could prove useful in learning and perceiving.... other things."​

The comment would blindside the soldier turned apprentice. He would slightly stiffen, barely noticeable in his combat harness but for any with the quickness of eye they would see the slight pause in his movement.


Of course he knows fool. What did you think you were the first person with such an issue?

How much has he heard!?!?

Hehehehehe you'll just have to ask him won't you, especially that little tidbit from the party a few weeks back.

Blast it all.

His audible response would be simple towards his master.

"As you command my Emperor," He would bow his head in respect before taking a position on the wall. His mind was abuzz with this new information. He had known this whole time?!?! He hadn't said anything though. This was all confusing. He would stop to ponder what all of this meant. Was it a warning, encouragement, or otherwise just being informative? Damian was still new to this whole thing.

Ahhhh yes my young child, you have much to learn in the ways of being Sith.

Fine then, what do you propose?

Oh? It's a proposal now? How about we have a little fun then? You tell me how you'd kill everyone here. No cheating and using anything I came up with.

Right Now

This was...a waste of time. Immediately, that reality began to settle forth with Tavlar's consciousness. Had he been aware of Chandra's ability to gather them in one place, he would've suggested instructing everyone else to stay put at home and saturation bombard this very venue instead. Never the less, here they were. Or more importantly, here he was.

Nigh all of them were content to wallow in the tension of the room. Even if- one individual sought to prod his mind, Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim - ever the persistent problem for the New Imperial Order's head of state. The blessing and the curse of the Adekon Nanogene was his inability to interact with the Force and thus- her telepathic inquiries fell on deaf ears. If she wanted his attention, she'd need to speak with breathing words to him.

"A nicety, I expect. It is the nature of democracy to appease. If these Sith were not included, they would think they were all being plotted against. It is their way."
He didn't expect one of his few ideological allies in the room being a Jedi, but in truth, the Ashla Crusade and the New Imperial Order were the same aim with vastly differing drivers to the patriotic engines that spun them. Where the New Imperial Order felt its identity, as Imperial and Empire was subverted and murdered by its Sith influence, manifesting in a narrative where only one of the two could exist. The Imperial- the manifestation of order and the Sith- the manifestation of chaos.

The Ashla felt a similar drive of existential war, only in that the spirit of the Sith was manifestation of the Bogan, darkness and evil where ever it dwelled. In application, they were not incorrect, they only looked through a lense that was far more spiritual than political or ideological.
"Our friends in the core do not yet understand the spiritual nature of the struggle we find ourselves in Tavlar, but they will very soon. I promise you that."

"I'm not sure how many more Starbirds wrapped over caskets it will require before they do, my friend." But they'd see soon enough.

The next pair to catch his notice were of course, Isley Verd or otherwise known as Darth Metus Darth Metus and his Exarch Srina Talon Srina Talon . The Confederacy. Ever the enigma to Irveric, the nation born in the purple seeming to sport high virtue with questionable execution, only occasionally sending their military to pester the New Imperial Order within their Civil War, an activity which had decreased next to nothing outside of mercenaries from Confederate space in recent conflicts. Whether that meant a change of tone in Theed- he didn't know and likely...never would.

And speaking of high virtues with questionable execution, the sight of Arctus Silmar taking the hand of the Silver Grandmaster- all seemingly cordial. Either one or both of them were stellar politicians or once more, the entire Jedi and Sith conflict seemed to be all but a trivial matter, so easily set aside time and time again, almost entirely to the detriment of the softer spirits within these supposed 'light side' governments.

He found himself a seat, flanked by none for the moment before speaking up once more.

"I'm not entirely sure what can be accomplished in the presence of those who so cordially accepted an invitation to the court of the very group who was responsible for the destruction of Csilla but nevertheless, I'm sure there is a plan in mind." Of course, referring to Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis 's attempt to gather the Sith to a feast on Mustafar, an event which was intentionally tipped off to COMPNOR by the former name all in attempt to use the New Imperials as a means to eliminate the enemies of all present.

"At least- I certainly hope there is."
He added.


Both Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson and Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar spoke with a blunt realism that was not lost on Pietro. These men knew well the treachery of those steeped in the Dark Side. Pietro had thrown his political weight behind Cedric for that very reason, and welcomed the NIO with open arms as an extension of that support. He had heard stories of this meeting between the various Sith leaders through his network of spies, but the Crusade had been lacking the forces to make a move against such a group at the time. He had only wished they were able to be there to see them all burn.

As the chancellor offered for them to follow, Pietro did so in silence. He took a seat next to Cedric and Irveric, eyeing the others that had arrived to the summit. Many were faces that he recognized, if not from personal experience, from various reports brought to him since the formation of the Crusade. It was quite the cornucopia of ideals that had gathered here. Pietro wasn't sure that things would go smoothly. After all, he could only handle so much in the presence of those tainted by the Bogan.

He leaned in to the two esteemed leaders, calmly motioning around the room.

"I hardly think that this congregation will come to any sort of viable conclusion. We know that the Sith colluded with the Maw on Csilla. Those who don't, were clearly not there."

Though he wasn't there personally, Pietro heard of Cedric's duel against the Dark Voice. The thought that any would deny the Sith presence on the planet made his blood boil. It wasn't just the fact that Cedric nearly gave his life, but that so many had died there. It was unforgivable, and judgment was indeed in need of being dealt.

And it would... in time...

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Rolling his eyes, Maliphant let out an audible sigh that reminded the envoys that Sith were still in the room - not the enigmatic evil hidden behind the shroud of their rhetoric in some far off tunnel sacrificing babies for ritual power. Purposefully avoiding their gaze, a subtle gesture of disrespect, he spoke to the others in the room;

"Was this meeting planned to have an introductory discussion on the nuances of Sith politics - or do I really have to explain to the gathered members of the committee the difference between the Deathcult of the Maw, Sith Imperialism, and the Eternals?", his brow furrowed, his voice tinged with the sharp edge of annoyance.

"If we are truly set to begin this meeting with 'Nothing shall be accomplished because two of the nine often dress the same', I fear my confidence in the Galactic Alliance's political skill was misplaced - and so too am I deeply concerned by the ignorant who sit across from me and claim they know us better than anyone else seated; yet can't even tell one apart from the other."

Finally, he would give them his own look - one Cedric no doubt knew well; testing and aggressive, pushing and prodding them.

"It wouldn't do for me to assume Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson is the puppet of Auteme Auteme , nor would it be fair for me to call Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar the same political bloc as Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan , no matter how many times you both fly an imperial logo above your military parades."

"Now, are we settled on the topic? Can we discuss the threat of the Maw, and the dangerous precedent it sets to be blowing up planest; or would we prefer to play 'paint with the widest brush possible until we cause a galactic incident'?"

Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson Pietro Demici Pietro Demici Darth Metus Darth Metus Srina Talon Srina Talon Kuben Woods Kuben WoodsKiara Ayres Arctus Silmar Arctus Silmar


There was no response he could give to Arctus Silmar Arctus Silmar 's cryptic words other than frustrated silence. He opted to remain so, keen on hearing what the others might have had to say.

That was, of course, until Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean spoke.

His old friend sought to defuse things, to play the silver-tongued politician as he ever did. The act was revolting. That they even considered to entreat the Sith's presence here was a testament to the ignorance revolving around what had happened on Csilla. He did not know the chancellor, but he had faith that she would not act in bad standing. For all his grievances with the alliance, he'd only heard good things of her, and he approved well enough of her choice in a second here. He could only conclude that the nature of the Sith's collaboration on Csilla was not known to the Alliance or its Silver allies.

"You hide behind flowered words and lies Maliphant, as you have always done. The rat cannot change its nature." Whatever private optimism Cedric might have carried about this meeting evaporated. "The entirety of the Sith are to blame for Csilla. Carnifex, Vulcanus, dozens of others claiming supposed 'neutrality' were present on Csilla, helping to bring forth the planet's destruction. The Maw's creator, Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis , is just another of your number, and the maw a tool for Sith domination as most great threats seem to be."

The exile's fingers steeped as he leaned forward in his chair. "It is little secret that elements from every Sith rump state were present on Csilla, aiding the massacre. The only reason you are here right now is because things did not go to plan. Darth Solipsis has claimed the title of Dark Lord, and none of you are keen on it. I expect you are here to play nice with those that you think you can fool, to use us as tools to undo your rival. You lack the strength to face his forces alone, because every act of debauchery you partake in feeds them."

"The fact of the matter is that the Maw is sustained from death and dark rituals. When you consort with the Dark Powers, so too do you commit an act of worship in their name, and in turn do you feed Solipsis. The Maw solely exists to fuel his power, as to why I have no idea. I suspect he believes that he might become some sort of god." The Essonian shrugged. "The end-goal is irrelevant. What is relevant is that consorting with the Sith will only worsen things. The Maw is the first to destroy a planet in some time, yes, but the Sith have been partaking in ethnic cleansings and genocides for decades now. The Maw is simply the end result of the travesties visited upon the galaxy by your kind."

He was no longer talking to any envoy from the Sith powers, but rather those that should have been wholly opposed to them.

"The Sith are here because they fear Solipsis and nothing more. They oppose him because he will not give them the power they crave. If we work alongside them to unseat him and his cohorts, they will inevitably turn on us at the moment of triumph and do more damage than a traditional war ever could." He pointed an accusatory finger Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean . "His kind and all like him are an existential threat to the free peoples of the galaxy. They are the reason the Maw exists in the first place. We must unite as one bloc to oppose any Sith power that dares to rule, to put down the Maw before its influence spreads, and to tame the expansionist tendencies of the Bryn'adul. Anything less will only preserve the status quo. Do not play the Sith's game, or we will all lose."

Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar , Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra , Auteme Auteme , Pietro Demici Pietro Demici , Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan , Dyrn Grav Dyrn Grav , Kuben Woods Kuben Woods , Darth Metus Darth Metus , Srina Talon Srina Talon , Kiara Ayres
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skin, bone, and arrogance

. . . to our credit, putting all that aside . . .


Natasi let her gaze linger on her Guard Captain, then gave a barely perceptible nod. Much was communicated in the gesture that passed between them, the slight arch of her eyebrow, the flicker of her dark eyes. I'll be fine, was the message, but if I'm not, do feel free to kick the door in and kill everyone in the room. "Not to worry," she murmured.

The delegations settled in and almost immediately the squabbling began. So as to avoid breaking the habit of a lifetime -- or rather, most of recorded history -- the disagreement was over the nature of the Force. The never-ending struggle for dominance between light side and dark had been the cause of almost every war in living memory, and now it threatened to derail the summit before it even got started.

Natasi couldn't help but agree with Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson ; the destruction of Csilla was but the natural end to the long line of atrocities inflicted by the Sith Empire for years. Genocides, ethnic cleansing, brutality on a size and scale not seen since the first Galactic Empire or even before. It would be impolitic to say so, of course, in those exact terms. And the fact that Carnifex was ostensibly no longer in control of the Sith Empire didn't mean the slate was wiped clean.

The Supreme Leader frowned and laced her fingers together before her as she followed the conversation. The First Order didn't have a lot of nexxu in this particular Geonosian coliseum until this point, but when planets started to explode, it became everyone's problem. If these Sith were willing to put their Sith ways to one side -- and the others were able to do the same for their suspicions -- to unite against the Brotherhood of the Maw, Natasi was willing to make the uncomfortable decision to share a foxhole with the Sith in this room.

As she had once told Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar , war made strange bedfellows.

She cleared her throat delicately and leaned forward. "I am surprised to see the Chiss Houses not represented here," Natasi said in a voice loud enough to carry without shouting. "Perhaps if they were they could shed some light on how helpful it is to let ideological differences preclude cooperation aiming to stop a genocide and the destruction of a planet." She swallowed and inclined her head. "I'd like to believe that we can all agree that these things are unacceptable red lines; that may be naive, but at the very least if we -- the major powers in the galaxy willing to make such a commitment -- it should act as a deterrent to those who might think to employ these means in the future, whether they are currently around this table or not."


"Perhaps you should explain the nuance in Sith politics, Maliphant. Because as far as I'm aware you all die just the same, haven't had any reasons to read up which color robe is correct when conducting your mass death rituals or whatever delusions you tell your followers to make them believe you're the rightful 'Dark Lord' and not the other mentally ill, pale, hairless freaks." Irveric stated outright.

"The Sith Eternal and the Sith Empire only fear the Maw not because they care at all about the Chiss or anyone else who died defending Csilla. They glassed New Adasta, their own damned city and I'm supposed to believe suddenly they care? No. The Sith Code teaches everything you need to know its very first tenant 'Peace is a lie', if you think for one moment any of them are serving the interests of order and stability you are sorely mistaken. The Sith haven't changed their hearts, they're merely adapting to different circumstances. We are supposed to be forgiving of the abduction of children at Velmor, at the enslavement of refugees fleeing in panic from the Bryn'adul and the scourging of Mandalore...for what?" Irveric asked to the rest of the leaders in attendence.

"As Grayson says, this is their game they want you to play into their hand. Csilla was a tragedy...and so was Mandalore, Dac, Muunilinst, Serenno. The Sith in no matter what form they come are a force of chaos and destruction, nothing more. Whatever they have you believe otherwise, learn their very code and creed and you will understand all you need to know of their modus operandum. " Tavlar concludes before standing up from his seat at the table.

"I will not march side by side with these animals only so they can stab us in the back. The New Imperial Order will do whatever it takes to achieve and sustain an orderly, stable and safe Galaxy. The Sith take no part in this equation other than their total and systematic eradication." He says before immediately moving to make his exit.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Leader of the Dawn of Hope
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Denon, Neutral space
Equipment: Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tags: Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra | Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar | Darth Metus Darth Metus | Arctus Silmar Arctus Silmar | Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean | Kiara Ayres | Kascalion Giedfield Kascalion Giedfield | Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson | Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan

For now, Ingrid sat in silence and waited, watching the others to see who was doing and doing what they were saying. She used the information she heard. Meanwhile, she couldn't help but notice that Arctus Silmar Arctus Silmar was leaning toward her and smiling at her. The woman was basically rigid and cold, it was well known about her, but now she looked at the Sith Emperor that if someone could kill with eyes or gaze, Lord Silmar would already be dead. She looked into his eyes now, but there was only coldness in them.

It definitely seemed that something was wrong with the alliance between the Sith Empire and the Eternal Empire. Although they saved the woman’s life, the woman resented being saved and freed from the captivity of GA and NIO by the Sith Empire. The Eternal Empire did not try this for a reason, she was where she was because of her own plans. The other thing that made the woman even colder than usual…

The marriage proposal of the Sith Emperor, which he told the woman three days after her rescue.

Ingrid hasn't answered the man since. For her answer would have depended heavily on what she managed to talk to Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar However, the woman felt that the man's mind was protected from telepathic influences and perhaps the Force and did not receive the message the woman had sent him. Regrettable. She listened for a while, then after Tavlar spoke for a second time, she spoke afterwards.

"Gentlemen, please! We are not here to blame each other for each other’s mistakes. We are here to find a solution. First of all, thank you, Madam Chancellor, for convening the deliberation that the Eternal Empire has been known to want to achieve since the siege of Dantooine!" She nodded at Chandra. " I think of those present we were the first to experience both the Maw and Bryn’adûl attacks. Both sides have attacked the Eternal Empire recently. That is why we want the wars in the Galaxy to end temporarily and for everyone to unite against a common enemy. The Maw, yes, destroyed a planet, which is tragic, but it must not be forgotten that in the meantime, Bryn’adül massacred more than 48 billion souls, making hundreds of planets uninhabitable. Stopping both factions is equally important, there is no difference between them. At the moment, no matter if someone is a Jedi, if someone is a Sith, we are all inhabitants of the galaxy, our survival is at stake, there can be no disagreement between us on this!"

As always, she spoke in a cold, military voice, paused for a moment, then resumed.

"Since unfortunately there is little chance that everyone will ever be able to work together, my suggestion would be as follows. Let's try to find a common way together to get Bryn’adûl and Maw to start a war and destroy each other…"



A haughty guffaw emanated from Maliphant's lips, almost throwing him back in his seat as a cruel grin took its place.

"You hide behind ignorance who's foundation is hubris and pride. As you have always done, Cedric."

"You are right that the Eternal was on Csilla, but the reasoning you have is wrong. On the contrary, I was there personally overseeing evacuation efforts - as the intelligence bureau for the Confederacy could likely attest. While I can not speak to the skill of your own, perhaps you should reconsider your reports."

Though his gaze moved to Tavlar, with a raised brow. He didn't interrupt as he spoke, rather steepling his fingers on his lap, but his expression betrayed nothing more than a passing curiosity, and rampant apathy.

"Am I being educated on Sith teachings by a man who can't even feel the force?", he said questiviely, almost not to Irveric himself. Though, he leaned forward, as though studying the Imperator;

"You know, Irveric, by your own claims you'd make a great Sith. Pride encouraging you to make a fool of yourself, genocide and murder when it suits your ends - claiming true understanding of Sith teachings, then trying to sell that hubris off to other Sith. Are you sure you're not a Dark Lord hiding behind an eyepatch?", Maliphant said with a sneer mixed greasy into a smile.

"Miss Fortan comes with sense, while Irveric and Cedric come with anger and claims of 'fear' and 'the greater good'. After condemning the Maw's genocide of the Chiss, they switch to the other side of their mouth, and speak of genociding the Sith. Perhaps the next planet to be targetted for destruction will be by one of you?"

"Would the committee be willing to toss aside alliances and ideological similarity to strike down their friends? If the answer is 'no', then perhaps the Sith were not the ones to invite to this gathering."

Though, he paused at Ingrid's proposal, and simply frowned;

"They are mindless death cults and a ravaging species of killers on the opposite side of the galaxy. They don't have the mind for economic struggles, philosophical and ideological debates, nor enough brain cells to care. Abandon folly plans built on fiction you've read, Miss L'lerim, and consider practical solutions."

Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar Darth Metus Darth Metus Arctus Silmar Arctus SilmarKiara Ayres Kascalion Giedfield Kascalion Giedfield Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim


Kiara Ayres



The Jedi Master listened as the others said their peace, weighing up her thoughts to find the best way to accurately portray not her own views but the views she believed aligned most closely with the people she represented. She found herself in a precarious situation, no less because she was sat beside the Emperor of the Sith Empire but also because of the somewhat strained relations the Concord already had with some of the powers present.

While the statement from Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan rang true, it was idealistic. The long and winding history of the Sith left them far from trustworthy. They worked for their own favour and she failed to see how she could justify working with their longest-standing enemies.

She silently agreed with Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar 's emotive statement but was surprised when the Sovereign Imperator made the move to leave. Even without the Sith present, they needed unity now more than ever but she couldn't blame him for wanting to leave.

With consideration of all that had been said before, she spoke up.

"You speak of 'mindless death' because death suits you when it serves a purpose." She addressed Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean . "Having the mind for economic struggles and philosophical debates does not give you moral superiority when the Sith have killed countless people in the name of feeding their own hunger for power."

The Jedi Master was reminded of who she sat beside but did not let it hinder her words. "Putting any amount of trust in the Sith is too much. They exist only to serve themselves and we should not play into that. People living under their influence exist to serve them or die."

She spared a thought for her own family who lived under the rule of the Sith Empire, living at the foot of the man who sat beside her, but she remained stoic, hands clasped on the table in front of her.

"They have shown that they have little respect for life so I'm not sure why there is a place for them at this summit where the others present have at least some respect for the sanctity of life."

With Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar paving the way for leaving and making his thoughts abundantly clear, she rose from her seat and bowed her head in a gesture of thanks and respect towards Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra - a formality. "Thank you for the invitation, Chancellor, but the Concord will not partake in these discussions with Sith present." She concluded, offering Auteme Auteme a look to indicate an apology of sorts, before walking towards the exit.


Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra Darth Metus Darth Metus Arctus Silmar Arctus Silmar Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Kascalion Giedfield Kascalion Giedfield Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Srina Talon Srina Talon


Pietro held his tongue for as long as he could, allowing others a chance to speak. As the words continued to spew from the Sith lord's mouth, he found himself not being able to sit idle any longer. He leaned forward, cutting a cold glare across the room, with his gaze finally falling upon Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean .

"As Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar has said, the very Sith creed decries peace as a fallacy. The idea that creating peace with those that do not believe in it is a fool's errand. And as far as 'genociding the Sith' goes, is it genocide to eliminate one of the greatest threats to peace in the galaxy? Is it not merciful to free those under the yoke of Sith cruelty? Is it not a greater mercy to free the Sith themselves from their slavery to the Bogan?"

He shot a look over the Sith emperor, and then back to Maliphant.

"You mention speaking in broad strokes. Well, let me paint a picture for everyone here. Vulcanus, Carnifex, Solipsis, the Worm... all onboard the Mercy. On the ground, elements of both the Sith Empire and the Warlords, Which killed plenty of innocent people as the Maw ravaged the planet. And as far as those that weren't there, well... I don't seem to recall any reports of Sith trying to defend the planet. And this is because the Sith did not care about the Chiss. They do not care about anyone that doesn't serve their own agenda, despite whatever flowery words might spew from their mouths."

Pietro reached into his pocket, producing a datadisc from the folds of his robe.

"I have my own intelligence reports, including a list of every Sith present at Csilla, as well as their movements during the battle. The list is rather extensive, to say the least. This information has been corroborated by multiple individuals that assisted in the defense of the planet; people that put their lives at risk to save as many souls as possible in the wake of the fury of the Bogan."

He looked back toward the rest of those within the summit.

"The only way to truly achieve peace, is to eliminate those that oppose it. The only way to save the galaxy from continued destruction, is to destroy the source. We must rip them out by root and stem. Until we do, there will be no peace."

Pietro took a moment to acknowledge those that had mentioned the very real threat of the Bryn'adul. They weren't wrong, the murderous Bryn'adul were indeed another very real threat to the galaxy, and would have to be dealt with eventually.

"The Bryn'adul are a threat, and yes, too many have suffered at their hands. Can we truly say that, when totaling up the death toll, that they have done more damage than the Sith? I don't believe we can. The Bryn'adul can not be dealt with in an effective way unless we free ourselves from the tendrils of darkness that weave their way through the galaxy."


If it causes difficulty, I can wait outside with the others.

With the words of the Chancellor came the movement of the parties inside - and the voice of his alabaster apprentice. The Vicelord simply shook his head and motioned towards the interior. "You are my second, are you not? Where I go, you go." His words were uttered by lips pulled into a warm smile. Confidence radiated in his strides as the Confederate leadership joined the others at the table. Ah, there was tension a plenty in the air - and thus, Isley settled in first to listen. Frankly, this was the first time he had seen many of these souls in person. So it would behoove him to learn more about them, even if it was a single day's venture.

Firstly his gaze did, briefly, settle upon Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean of the Sith Eternal. Though his expression remained even, what brimmed within the man's eyes was a sort of protective fire. The sort a father gave the motorbike-riding, ex-convict lover of their daughter. But that was a matter far beyond the bounds of national collaboration. Next, he looked to the new Grandmaster of the Silver Jedi - one Kiara Ayres. Her seating...arrangment...was the epitome of awkward. So he simply offered a small wave. At the very least, she had a friendly face sitting nearby.

And then the Game began.

The lines of ideology began firing at one another across the table. The Light accusing the Dark of giving birth to the Maw. Csilla's destruction was almost being held up as the largest threat to the Galaxy, when the Bryn'adul had quite literally brought genocide to hundreds of systems. Millions were displaced, even more were extinct. Yet, to compare sins was asinine; and the Vicelord would not fall into the cycle. His nation had deliberately removed itself from the conflict of Light and Dark - one that dominated the stars for millennia. From a secular view, there were two threats to the Galaxy's peace - and they had a chance to work together to destroy them.

But at the moment, the talks seemed to be falling apart. Quickly.

Thus, the Vicelord laid his eyes upon the Chancellor - for it would fall to her to steer the ship before it crashed.



Tag: Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Auteme Auteme | Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean | Arctus Silmar Arctus Silmar | Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra | Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Darth Metus Darth Metus [ | Kiara Ayres | Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan | Kuben Woods Kuben Woods | Dyrn Grav Dyrn Grav | Pietro Demici Pietro Demici


“As you wish it.”

Feathery soft words, chilled, and concise brought an immediate acquiescence to the will of the Vicelord. She had no want to make already difficult proceedings more problematic by challenging the rules imposed by their host, however, it seemed that her worries were misplaced. Security watched with sharpness but Srina felt no immediate threat to her person. Nor his. The warmth of his smile was in direct contrast to the fluctuating moods that seemed to be feeding an aura of hostility. “…This feels…”

The white-clad woman did not have the appropriate word for the tension that made the air thick as smog. Srina was acclaimed when it came to combat and tactical decisions but navigating a room full of zealots and individuals that seemed designed to loathe and distrust one another? It wasn’t exactly a skill set that was readily available in her wheelhouse. Volatile.”

Dangerous. Broken, already.

Asaraa Vaashe Asaraa Vaashe should be finished making her rounds shortly. She will keep an eye on the Magnaguard to ensure their compliance while we enter the hall.”, Srina provided lightly, though, without any further elaboration. Due to the cagey behavior of some of the more reticent individuals, the Confederacy had thoughtfully chosen their security. Droids hold no loyalty; save to those they are programmed. For organic personnel? The pale-skinned Exarch had chosen one of many Jedi that lived within the Southern Systems. Right or wrong she believed that one less practitioner of the Dark Side might ease tensions. At the very least, it couldn’t hurt.

<<Inform me when you are nearby Knight Vaashe.>>

That was the only conscious thought that she could provide to the pink-haired force-sensitive before the assembled parties began to explode with vitriol and rhetoric. This was the same breakdown that the Confederacy had experienced while trying to bring the Sith Empire and the Silver Jedi together to face the Bryn’adûl not so long ago. Both nations had suffered extreme losses, though still, religious ideals kept them at odds. There were more faces involved but it was still very much the same.

Srina knew that the sarcastic blunt edge that Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean seemed to favor would appear. It was only a matter of time. Only, she hadn’t expected it this soon. Her hand moved and brushed the golden ring on her index finger in an invisible pull. She would never influence his decisions. Could not. Even if she wanted to. He was not the Slave to the Sith Empire as he had once been—And he certainly wasn’t held in bondage by her presence. Still. This was not productive.

If the Light would turn their backs so swiftly? If the Imperials would not stay and at least listen?

What was the point?

She could feel her Master reigning in some of his thoughts in regards to the representative of the Sith Eternal and again she reached for his arm. Darth Metus never forgot they were bound—He knew she would see it. Feel the protective sphere he wished for her. “…It cannot go on like this, Isley.”

His given name was something she usually only spoke when they were alone. In confidence. In this busy meeting full of blaring, nigh howling adolescents, it would likely be missed entirely. The Confederacy had done its best to remain on peaceable terms. It wasn’t a perfect system but they had abstained from the battle between the Light and Dark long ago. The Force was a tool. Pure and simple. It should be treated as such and not some doctrine to invite madness. Hate on both sides of the spectrum was still hate.

The Exarch did not want to be breathing the same air as the Empress of the Eternal Empire but even she seemed to have more sense, though only slightly, than the rest of the room. Srina could stow her hate for the nation responsible for the death of her unborn child, and so much more, but these people, these bastions of safety, and security for their people—Couldn’t be bothered to take a breath?

Were these not supposed to be the civilized? The righteous? The pure and hardworking individuals that represented all that was GOOD in the galaxy?

Srina had expected more. For all of their claims of sense and morality, she had expected better.

For some foolish reason, that she now felt ashamed for, she had expected ALL of them to act with the responsibility and dignity that went hand in hand with the roles their people trusted them with. Perhaps as the second to her Master, it was not her place to speak. She would accept any punishment he felt worthy—But how could she sit idle?

“Enough. Do you not see yourselves baiting one another while simultaneously chasing the same hook?”

There were so many things she wished to refute—Because they were entirely untrue. The Confederacy did not tolerate slavery, period, and they sure as hell didn’t perform mass rituals for their own power base. The Vicelord was an elected official and regardless of the spread of their territory each system, unless uninhabited, was given the choice to join the nation or abstain. There was no yoke. No agenda for some unattainable Sith Throne that would undoubtedly be their undoing. Their crime, perhaps, had been to close their borders years ago in the wake of unchecked terrorism in their capital. That had changed. They were here, now.

Silver eyes fixated on the back of the Grandmaster of the Silver Jedi Concord.

Had they not recently extended a hand in friendship that had been accepted?

And yet—Placing any amount of faith in a Sith, in her open, plain words, was too much?

“You all have a choice. If the Bryn’adûl and the Maw have failed to inspire any level of concern in your hearts, perhaps, the echo of death in the Force does not ring loud enough. Perhaps you have yet to walk upon a world that has been torn asunder and terraformed so that it can no longer support human life. No nation present can claim that their hands are perfectly clean. The enemies we face will destroy us equally if given the chance. Sith, Jedi, Imperial, it matters not. There is us—And them. None in this room need to like one another. Hate, if you must. But we all arrived at the behest of the Chancellor of the Galatic Alliance for a reason.

We should
at least listen to what she has to say. When will we stop placing our morals, our ego, over the lives of billions?”

Ego. It was a harsh term, yet, from her perspective, it rang painfully true. Srina could stand before this forum and openly admit that her nation was far from perfect. She could sit plainly and point out the times that the Jedi had killed openly. She could say the same for the Sith Empire, for whom, she held little affection. Life was life.

The only option left if the Bryn’adûl and Maw were left unchecked while they fought each other was death. It might not happen today or tomorrow, but the Bryn swelled with every attack, even when they lost. The Maw were a growing threat just above the borders of the Alliance.

Was that the fate they had consigned their people to? Was this the galaxy they had reopened their borders for?

Can I just have a hug, pls.
ʜᴏɴᴏʀ ᴀɴᴅ ʟᴏʏᴀʟᴛʏ


Gear & equipment in possessions

And so that was that.

The short Jedi who had made the announcement didn't respond.

It seemed about par for the course, really. Dyrn always felt the Jedi believed themselves above it all. Most Force Users, really.

If anything happens to Lady Fortan, I'm holding that Jedi personally responsible.

The Guardsman remained outside, following the look given by the Supreme Leader, and it was everything Dyrn hated about a situation. Not only would he be unable to maintain awareness of the events inside, but he would be constrained outside should the worst occur. The next time a summit was called because of some tragedy - as he fully expected would happen again, somewhere - then the Royal Guard would make sure to wear a nice business suit that concealed all his weapons and equipment.

As it was, there were aides that went inside that Dyrn knew, for a fact, were doubled as protection. But there wasn't much to do about it, save be prepared. So, the Guardsman stood a short distance from the doors that led into the meeting chamber, far enough to avoid being hit should they swing open, but close enough to be inside within moments. As such, his electrostaff was now in hand, one end rested against the ground, as it was grasped to one side. Dyrn remained unmoving, silent, focused intently with attention to the surrounding events.

There was little he could do at present, save hurry up and wait.

Dyrn just hoped the summit was going better than he expected it would.

Location: Denon

SJC: Kiara Ayres

A room filled with the great and the good of the galaxy, the handful of individuals in whom the citizens of the galaxy had given near unlimited power. There were the men and women on who’s word, on whose whim armies would march and people would die. Or alternatively peace would reign across the galaxy, economies would boom and people would celebrate. All on the furrow of a brow, a wave of a hand or a single word.

It was honestly a terrifying amount of power for any one person to hold, the power to change the galaxy. Every Jedi, every Sith held the power to affect the reality around them, to reach out to the force and thrum the strings of reality to their tune. This was something more though, more powerful and insidious at the same time. The force was a tool, it was the energy that surrounded all things, connected them. It was mighty, there was no denying its ability but there was a…limit to it, based on how much power an individual was able to manipulate, the price they were willing to pay. A price she knew all too well.

The Jedi only still lived because of her friends, because of their stubbornness, their unwillingness to let go. She’d drawn more power from the force than she could handle, made of herself a beacon, a star burning bright for a moment before flaming out. All in the name of the defence of others, to combat the darkness…the most ironic part was despite that she’d thrown herself at a mountain, a dark storm that just shrugged off her best efforts. She’d thought her life was over, that she would fade away there but it had been a price she was willing to pay. The men and women in that room though, they wielded even more power than she had at her pinnacle, when she’d become little more than an avatar of the force.

It was a thought that disquieted the Jedi when she thought about it, especially given the way the force boiled and twisted around that room. Strong personalities, strong emotions could shape the force, twist it to their will, Asaraa was well aware of that. She’d walked into the presence of a Jedi master and immediately felt the calmness of the room, the peace they exuded. Even those who weren’t connected to the force in the same way as a Jedi were able to feel it even if they didn’t understand it. So, for the force in that room to boil and twist, well it left her feeling unsettled.

Sometimes hope and trust was all you had.

Crystal blue eyes gazed up at the conference room for a moment before the Jedi held out a hand, her commlink floating off her belt and up into her hand.

“I’m just finishing my circuit around the building and I’m heading up into the antechamber now Exarch Talon.”

There were times when you knew that hope was going to be rewarded. Asaraa could feel the dark and the light twisted into a tangle in that room but…she had left the Jedi Order to join the Confederacy for one reason. She trusted the Confederacy’s leadership to navigate through the pitfals of the galaxy, to do what was right. And they hadn’t let her down.

Trust and Faith.

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