Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Crisis on Cato Neimoidia | ATTN: Jedi

Madison Starr

At-Lao East Coupling Station
Cato Nemoidia
Part 8 - Obj 2
Jax Thio Jax Thio and Madison Starr mount a train to disable an Anti-Aircraft Cannon and coordinate their withdrawal with the Fleet.​
"Roger! Up we go!"

Madison withdrew her comm as she jumped to follow Jax through the hatch. Then she comm'd the Fleet for assistance.

"Captain. This is Jedi Starr. You still there?"

~ "Roger Jedi. We hear you." ~

"Patch me through to Thunderhead. We're almost ready for a combat extraction."

~ "I'm connecting you to a Handler onboard the Emerald Undertow now. They'll coordinate for you. Bellaguise out." ~

"Roger. Thanks Bellaguise."

Madison followed Jax as they approached the AA gun. They used Force enhanced speed to cover great distances quickly, find cover, and to avoid enemy fire. It made making a quick phone call all the more difficult.

~ "Padawan Starr. This is Lieutenant Bren with Silver Command. What can I do for you?" ~

"Bren. This is Starr. Sorry about the connection. Kinda in the middle of something right now."

Zap Zap Zap

She fired off a few more shots as she took the call.

"...Anyway. I've got Jedi and civilians down here at the East Coupling Station ready for extraction. What can you get me?"

~ "Padawan Starr. What is your position?" ~

"East Coupling Station. Edge of the city. By the giant chains."

~ "Roger Padawan Starr. How many people are for pick up?" ~

"About a hundred. Probably."

~ "Roger Padawan Starr. I'm passing your request along to Command now. We'll coordinate and get back to you. Was there anything else?" ~


Zap zap zap

~ "Roger Padawan. And I can now confirm. The Fleet has received and acknowledged your request. Shuttle and fighter support will be inbound to your location within minutes. I repeat. Shuttle and fighter support will be inbound to your location within minutes." ~

"Great! Thanks!"

~ "Roger Padawan. Command out." ~

Madison hung up her phone and smiled. Guess their ride was on the way. Yes!

"Jax! Our ride is incoming! Five minutes out!"

Zap zap zap

She continued to engage the enemy even as she shouted.

"Let's hit that AA gun and be done with this! Yeah!"

The weapon had just come into sight. Now all Jax had to do was just smash it and they could go home. Thunderhead and the Fleet would handle the beachheading of the zone later.

. . .


So that's what it was. Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren 's son was dead. Kahlil grimaced some, but it was the only betrayal of emotion on the Jedi's face. He was a center of calm here, weathering the storm of the Ren's unbridled rage as best he could. Grant it, the plan of surviving until Kyrel tired out seemed to be going no where. The unnatural stamina of the risen dead. Of course. He should've thought about that sooner.


His blade lowered for just a moment, just enough to take a break only for him to feel a fist slam into his face. Any other might've been broken by such a blow, but all he did was stumble back a step. Bare hands, huh? He brought his blade around, but not for Kyrel himself. As he went to try and snatch the man by his throat, he jumped backwards. Away from the Ren, and over Valery. His blade cut through the air, carving through the spikes meant for her as he took over handling the Crimson Hand. The Dyad between the Jedi made it easy for them to predict one another's moves.

Time to switch targets.

Location: Cato Neimoidia
Objective: Head of the Snake
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren | Closed
Valery continued taking down the brutes of the Crimson Dawn as the battle raged on between the two Jedi and their beast-like opponents. But as she began to move back to join Kahlil in the fight against Kyrel, she felt his intent through the dyad between them, and he would understand what she was about to do.
With flawless coordination and great speed, he jumped back and over her, while she ducked low at the exact same time, passing underneath to intercept Kyrel, who had gone on quite the rampage after the comments regarding his son. During the switch of targets, Valery had felt the danger coming from behind too — the rusty hooks that were thrown her way had not escaped her.
But at no point was she worried, as Kahlil cut through them cleanly with his lightsaber. With him positioned behind her, she no longer needed to worry about the Crimson Dawn beasts, and instead focused all her attention on the man who had been wanting to fight her from the start.
She had felt his blade disengage during the clash with her fiancé, and decided to strike at him before he could hopefully prepare his defenses — a stark contrast to the way Kahlil had been fighting him. Where he was a defensive shield, she was the sword to lead the charge head-on.
So as she came up-close with Kyrel, one hand shot forward to unleash a powerful telekinetic surge, meant to blast back even the biggest of tanks. Whether it had the intended effect or not, she immediately exploded after him and launched her violet blade into a rapid three-strike flurry towards his body, hoping to cut away at the Wrath of the Maw.
You wanted me — here I am.

Crisis on Cato Neimodia....


She stood upright, and stepped completely through the threshold. "Ah so here's the bomb, and we've got a little surprise with it." She heard the the door slid shut behind her, and it felt as if the echo of the mechanical click rung forever.

A beat.

Dimitri said:
"Do I need to caution you not to set them off?"

"I think so, yeah. Better to air on the side of caution--both of us." She took a few steps forward, "Before we start there's something I've gotta run you through. Given the situation I know you won't but it's kinda my job so here it is--Disarm the bomb, surrender, and no one has to get hurt. We can end this right now."

They never surrender, in fact given the circumstances why would he? They've lured several Jedi here and sprung a trap. It would seem the upper hand rested in their court...for now.

"You guys are clever, I'll give you that. Always just a step or so ahead. But anyway--time is precious. Let's not delay."

Romi's autopilot started to boot up and she started to rest in her own power, silent and focused. There was nothing worth saying anyway. She actually loathed parlaying before things hit off. Amateurs gave speeches; professionals got on with the job.

Dimitri Voltura

"Chit. We're gonna be late."

Ain't that the truth? A smile slowly creased Travot's face as he watched Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek leap onboard the train. The knight quickly followed suit, attempting to somersault his way onboard. Acrobatics had been something that many jedi, guardians like himself especially, practiced tirelessly over the years - it became rote motion after all. Today was no different. While his form was not perfect, it was good enough that it did the job - he felt pressure move across his body as the train's floor made contact with his plate the oddly comforting music that flowed through the train's speakers. He briefly wondered if he had managed to transport himself to a Core World mind and body retreat for a moment as he stumbled up into a rough combat ready stance.

A door in front of him slid open to reveal a pair of brotherhood soldiers. Instinctively, the knight fired his lanvorak - causing a trio of spinning metal discs to jump out of his left gauntlet before slicing into the armor and weapons in front of him - the discs weren't powerful enough to killed the men in front of him, but they did briefly stem an immediate offensive response. One threw down his now-destroyed weapon in front of him while the other attempted to remove the razor sharp disc from his chest. Travot threw a punch at the first soldier, which connected with the man's face. He stumbled backward and into his companion. He whipped up a Force push that propelled them further back into the car, the two collapsed into a tangled mess. Travot gave a few short, but powerful kicks into the pair, subduing them into unconsciousness, and providing the two jedi with the necessary foothold to explore more of the train.

"Now to find the bombs," muttered Travot.
Dag just watched as Travot Ravenna Travot Ravenna smacked the chit out of two unlucky brotherhood troops. "Now to find the bombs," muttered Travot.

Dag followed behind the knight as they stepped over the very hurt but still alive troopers.

They traveled through two more empty cars before Dagos put a hand on Travot’s shoulder as they came to another set of doors signaling for him to wait.

“Yo, I’m sure you can feel it too but there are like six dudes on the other side of that door and them motha karkers seem nervous as chit and I don’t mean like soldiers in a warzone-this comes-with-the-job kind of nervous. I mean nervous like six dudes with blaster rifles crammed in a train car with a wildy unsafe level of explosives.”

He waited a second for his words to sink in before continuing.

“Now chit, if you wanna just pop that thing open and have a go with them dudes…I’m down but I’m just saying if we do pop that sucka open, them dudes gone shoot at us. You got your saber and I got mine, so I ain’t worried about that chit, but I dunno bout you but I’m kriffing tired.”

He hoped he didn’t have to explain further. On any other day he would be all for just kicking that door open and deflecting blaster bolts back in their faces but he wasn’t sure he could focus on The Force enough to be comfortable sending superheated plasma flying in a box car full of enough explosives to supposedly take out a city block.

He, the fifteen year old padawan, hoped Travot had some kind of idea.
Travot carefully considered Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek 's words . There was wisdom in them. While he felt like he could probably simply fight his way through them between his simple saber skill and his battle armor, there was no guarantee that Dagos could, impressed though Travot was of the padawan. Perhaps just importantly if not more so, there was no guarantee that the soldiers inside wouldn't do something stupid and accidentally blow up the bomb in a fire fight. If only I were better at the more telepathetic skills...He blinked. Well, it's not as if I can't do any...

"How good are you at the classic jedi mind trick?"
"How good are you at the classic jedi mind trick?"

Pretty kriffing good. Probably. That wasn’t was skill he had been able to test out in real life. Simulation, yeah sure, he kilt it. This situation was entirely not a simulation. His connection to The Force was being pushed to its limit already and trying to influence the mind of six…or more likely three battle hardened soldiers who fought for The Sith? Chit sounded like a recipe for an even bigger mess than they were already looking at.

“Chit, I’unno. I’m down though. Sabers out just in case. I got the ones on the left.”

Dagos focused himself and nodded for Travot Ravenna Travot Ravenna to hit the door switch.

It opened with a woosh and Dagos was staring down the barrel of six blaster rifles held by men clad in black, faces hidden behind masks. That woulda been a barrel of fun by itself but he could not stop looking at the massive crate that sat in the center of the floor with wires haphazardly coming out of random places connecting to a control panel on the top.

He didn’t stop staring even as he said “You want to put your guns down and slide them over here.” with as much conviction as The Force would allow him to have. The soldiers stared at him, the young boy with the shining green lightsaber and whether it was because The Force told them too or they were just as sick of the chit as he was, they slid their rifles to him.

All that was left was to see if Travot’s lot would do the same and then it would be time to disable the bomb.

On top of a train on Cato Neimoidia
Two Lightsabers
Jedi Robes
Medium Armour

Lossa did well on the descent, all things considered, as far as he could tell. He had spent relatively little focus on their rate of descent, and more on trajectory and positioning - the first of these would be more of a concern if they they had been jumping from further up, so 'hitting the brakes' closer to the terminus of their downward acceleration was a reasonable choice. For him, at any rate.

"You all are nuts!"

"If you think that's nuts..." he began, while quickly stowing the tethers, only to shake his head at the words on the tip of his tongue; this wasn't the time for stories, "...all I can say is it gets easier."

There was lots of other things he could say too, but the dark and encroaching presence stilled thoughts on the matter and drew his attention to a fine point; he spared one final glance at the pink-hued lookalike, "Now stop worrying and try to keep up!" he urged before turning away and surging forward to join the girl that featured in so many of his memories, while her advisory about their visitor rang out amongst the general chaos, as the writhing darkness came closer, still.

“I like my odds.”

The words, carrying a tone he was well familiar with, caused the briefest of smirks as he slipped into place alongside her though the expression faded and gave way to something much more impassive and vaguely severe as he eyed the masked threat.

"Your odds have just improved," he replied to her flippant, confident declaration; lifting his right arm, one of the two hilts on his belt flew into his hand as if drawn there by a powerful magnet, and Vizion thumbed the switch, bringing the golden blade to life and setting the scene softly awash in its glow. He levelled the blade at the apparent specter, singling it out, "Can't say the same for you, Sith."
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Travot hadn't expected Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek to so straightforwardly move into the car in front of them. Bold and unexpected, to both him and the soldiers apparently. He quickly darted in behind the other man and activated his own lightsaber, casting a pale blue light across the cabin that joined with the green from the padawan's blade. The men started to thrown down their blasters, either because of his effective use of the mind trick, or the sheer rationality of facing down two lightsaber wielding opponents in such close quarters was almost certainly a death sentence. One of the soldiers in front of Travot hesitated to drop his weapon, seemingly to tremble in indecision.

Not today...

Travot stretched out his left hand and focused on the Force to rip the weapon out of the soldier's hands. The rifle flew through the air to clatter on the ground at the jedi's feet. He loudly cleared his throat.

"Everyone move to the back of the car, face the wall, and sit down. I guarantee no harm will come to you if you do not need cause us trouble. I will also testify on any of your behalves if you can tell us how to deactivate the bomb sitting there."

He spared a knowing glance at Dagos to connect with telepathy. I'm not a bomb disposal expert, and I doubt you are. If they can't deactivate this, we might have to call in some specialist or see if we can toss it off the train somewhere safe...


Location: Cato Neimodia
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Madison Starr, Travot Ravenna Travot Ravenna , Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek


On his radio Jax overheard Madison calling in the SJC medical frigates for assistance. As they leapt off the train and onto the bridge, more Mawites blocked the firing AA gun and began to unload an array of blaster bolts onto them. Jax deflected the shots with ease redirecting the bolts back at the shooters. As relentless as a Hunter Droid, Jedi Master continued to advance at a hurried pace. He was allowing the Force to dictate his actions, allowing the blade to weave into a yellow blur. Each bolt batted away just as they were about to pierce Jax's skin, Jax leapt onto a hapless Mawite slicing him in half before bulldozing the squad with quick strikes. Jax ducked, a vertical strike by a Mawite wielding a Vibro Ax before countering with a large sweeping motion taking out at least 5 enemies.

"Got it!" Jax said when Madison said that their ride was coming in five minutes. "Command be advised we are approaching the AA gun, just give us a moments to disable the gun before making your decent over."

Jax and Madison carved a path towards the AA gun. The Jedi Master quickly to the cover piece with a wave of Jax's hand the cover was torn off leaving the inside open. "Madison!" Jax said to his Padawan. "I sense reinforcements on the way! Hold them off until I can get this AA gun offline! It's controlled by a combat AI which will explode causing catastrophic damage to this place if we try to do this the conventional way!"

It was now or never; those ships were coming and Jax needed to hurry.

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Tags: Takui Takui
Location: Takui’s location, Insertion Pod Location

It would appear the Jedi would not be so easy of a mark. As the Sith pulled on the Jedi with the force, it would appear the Jedi set about bringing a massive hauler-hulk with him. The Sith did not have much time to react, calling upon the force to bolster his reflexes as he threw his body to the left side, the hauler narrowly missing him as it barrelled through the space he once stood and crashed into a set of barricades a few yards past. Stray blaster fire pinged around his new position, causing the Sith to grit his teeth as he recomposed himself. The Sith found his feet quick enough (although not as deftly as his opponent), quickly positioning himself back behind the confines of the ‘arena’ he had formed, and said the words he had intended to a few moments prior. Then came the Jedi’s response.

”You first.”

Saevius was not, by any stretch of the imagination, a Jedi. He had no qualms about allowing anger or rage to flow through his veins. Yet, he still prided himself in being in full control of his emotions, and being their master rather than the other way around. The gall this Jedi had, though - threatened to allow Saevius’ underlying rage to burst forth like a flowing river of lava beneath a thin layer of shale. His eyes narrowed, and a faint quiver could be seen upon the Sith’s brow. The Sith regarded the Jedi for several moments, then slowly began to approach Takui. For now, his anger remained in check, tightly focused - yet the more he dealt with this... this weakling; the more he wanted to let go.

His slow, deliberate walk eventually evolved into a jog, then soon in turn into a run as he closed the distance. He began his assault with a feint to the Jedi’s front side, but soon utilized his well practiced footwork as he slipped into Makashi. He moved with a dancer’s grace as he spun around, bringing the opposing side of his lightsaber into a tight attack directed to the Jedi’s side. He did not wait to see if his attack gained purchase, as he brought his off-foot up to try and catch Takui off balance - as if to entangle his foot as it eased off his body weight into a new position so as to unexpectedly catch his opponent’s ankle, and therefore redirect him off balance.



Kyrel’s own intent was savage and without mercy. Just as he was about to lay even more pain into the Jedi man he was facing. Coming head to head with the woman he sought after there was nothing except for bloodlust and hunger. He watched as the man started to trade places, his sight focusing on the bond between them, his eyes widened slowly as he watched the two work in perfect unison. The man withdrawing for the one he was truly after to go on the offensive. Slowly it dawned on him that it could have been a dyad in the force…

Rumors collected within the archives of the First Order, a dyad being the unique bond bridged by the Force itself. Something of which if Kyrel desired he could perhaps use that energy to restore his body. Upon the realization of such a great truth watching the movements of the duo, he slowly prepared to go on the offensive only to be taken aback by the use of a powerful telekinetic blast. Quickly his hand reached to hover above the ground digging his boots in. With the Force he was able to stand his ground, gritting his teeth at such a powerful blast the woman gave off.

It was then that she quickly emerged on the attack, her violet blades filled his gaze as she tried to strike him. First strike there was nothing but a shower of sparks, his armor resistant against a few saber strikes. The second strike yet came another flurry of sparks, as the monster started to loom over her. Just as she was about to launch a third strike he began to speak. “You can’t kill me Valery….” He paused as another strike came, this time it already hit through his armor, her blade cauterized through the Necrochasis, and this time impaling the dead man. For a moment there was a brief pause with Kyrel registering it as not agonizing pain but only an annoyance. He continued to speak as the black goo that made him started to trickle out. “I’m already dead…” He said in such a vile tone his eyes fully on hers with her blade still lodged in him, she would quickly find his fists going to meet her face.

What happened next was an attempted sequence of brutality. His fists going from strikes against her face, down to her gut. All the while one big blow would attempt to send her crashing against the wall her saber still inside him. Meanwhile his own troops started to dwindle against the Jedi man even using the most ferocious attacks against him all in an attempt to slow him down while Kyrel was busy mopping up the woman he sought after for so long.

Valery Noble Valery Noble
Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble
We all fall in parallel
The problem with Force Enhanced movement and compensation on the body was that, inevitably, the body was still limited where the Force was not. While it could be stimulated to move at breakneck speed or react to things it should not be capable of, all power came at a price. When he did make it to his feet, the jarring shift of the bridge beneath his feet as the bulky hauler drove into it and slid conspired with his already jilted equilibrium to stagger him.

Fortunately, the Sith was preoccupied with the obstacle just enough that his world stopped spinning. It didn't make the head rush any more bearable, though. He kept the immaterial energies woven around himself as best he could, but did not continually draw them inward.

The Force was there if he needed it, but he could not rely on power outside of his own.

When the freighter collided with one of the speeders, it sparked wildly, and the tibanna cell that fueled the smaller vehicle ignited. In the Force, it was like a constellation. Invisible lines began to form between one point and another, weaving a latticework of pure cosmic energy...

The blaster fire that sprayed around both men caught the hemorrhaging, highly volatile gas that spewed from a rupture in the haulers tank, split open by the speeder's fate. One after another, the machinery began to give way to the chain reaction, creating a wall of fire and a quake that set the bridge that held them aloft to shuddering. The massive cracks in its foundation had gone from imperceptible to fully manifested.

It would not hold even them for much longer.

As the Sith closed the distance between them, embers, ashes, and molten slag fell like raindrops around them. The other man moved slowly at first, then gradually increased his pace. Takui couldn't help but admire the grit that went into charging headlong into a brutal battle. There was a time when he couldn't even have imagined the courage it took to stand firm in one's own convictions.

His blade spun deftly into the feint, ricocheting off the first attack as he turned a one-eighty to bring the lightsaber curving into the second. Their bodies spun in parallel, back to back, so when the man's attack came at him, their stances ended squared. Rather than advancing to gain a clear advantage, he opted for a more conservative defense, recalling the man's first attempt to bait and switch him with the saberstaff.

He let the weapon follow through in a complete arc, bringing it out in front of him with his feet staggered. The heat and dryness of the air made his breathing ragged and labored, and he was caked with sweat. He was anything but an immaculate, monastic poster child for the Jedi Order.

There was a difference between him and the Sith, one Taku could see in the way that they fought. He could feel it brimming in the Force around the man, the same hatred he once felt for anyone seduced by the darkness, for the thing that stole his father away from their family.

The smile on his face was sadder than before.

Darth Saevius Darth Saevius
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Location: Cato Neimoidia
Objective: Head of the Snake
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren | Closed
After the telekinetic attack she used to stop him in his tracks, Valery had shifted the momentum of the fight. She was on the offensive now and with a flurry of fast attacks, she was gradually weakening his armor as the hot violet plasma burned away more and more material. After two consecutive hits, she had finally broken through and with a precise thrust, her blade exploded through his body. It was over.
Or so she thought.
Hearing the dead man speak, she quickly tried to move out of the way but was unable to do so in time. One of his large fists struck her just above the right eyebrow, causing her to stumble and a second punch to her gut knocked the breath out of her lungs. But even with pain and whilst stunned, she was in control of herself through the Force. With a sudden, explosive jump, Valery moved away before he could unleash his full barrage against her, and narrowed her gaze as she settled back onto the ground.
From above her brow, a small stream of blood was running down her face but it hardly affected her, as she prepared to engage again. "Whatever binds you can be purged." she retorted before she began to move, and through the dyad with Kahlil, her intentions became instantly clear between just them.
With great speed, she began to move back towards Kyrel but this time, with the knowledge that Kahlil was going to try and stun him in place. Right before he would, she jumped up and over Kyrel, trying to get behind the Knight of Ren before unleashing a powerful blast of pure Force Light towards him. Unlike her earlier attack, she channeled far more energy into it, hoping to strike him at his corrupted core.


At first it was a sea of chaos. The transition between Valery and Kahlil's position was only surprising for so long. The blood lust that had been focused on Valery Noble Valery Noble now targeted him. Bloodied hooks, solid blades, blaster fire, they all tried to swarm the Knight. But no matter how much the seas raged, he was calm. He weaved through the strikes, perfectly centered in the eye of the storm. His body tilted and moved, weaving through blaster fire and strikes with as little effort as he could. Conserving his energy, especially after the beating Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren had given him.

Wasn't the worst beating he'd gotten and been made to fight through, though.

Then Valery's intentions became clear. He weaved under another strike, his blade biting through armor as he cut down another of the Crimson Hounds. His head tilted to the side as a blaster shot flew by. He stepped to avoid a hook for his ankle. Then everything froze. Through their bond he pulled on the Force, on the people around him. Weight. His hands came up as a sudden still overtook the battle around them. Midstrike they froze around him. Unable to pull their triggers, unable to swing their weapons. Even the chain of another hook that had been launched froze.

His hands lowered, and they dropped with them. As if gravity itself increased they dropped, unable to fight against the weight on their beings. A weight he spread to the Master of Ren himself. Crushing, immobilizing weight. It took all his focus to keep them from striking or moving, but that was the point. Valery still could.


Ambience III.

Objective II: End of an Era

Allies: Dimitri Voltura & ALL SITH.
Enemies: ALL JEDI.
Engaging: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Vizion Trozky Vizion Trozky Justice Lesan Justice Lesan Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus
Equipment: In bio.


Wind and engine roared as the train tore through the picturesque cliffs of Cato Neimoidia. The masked Sith stood motionless, his robes still being repeatedly whipped into tension by the turbulent air rushing past them. The dark figure as its origin, a seemingly innocuous miasma of shadow slithered along the roof of the railcar despite diffuse sunlight coating the environment in a tone of dim grey and green. However, three contrastive colors broke through the monotony of the surrounding area's bleak color palette; first, the deep-azure blade of a tall, lithe Jedi with stern eyes and a stance that professed extensive training.

“I like my odds.”

The eerie masked gaze jumped to the one wielding the second accentuated color; the brilliant golden glimmer was pointed at him by her assured compatriot.

"Your odds have just improved," he replied "Can't say the same for you, Sith."

The third and final blade was a foreboding crimson, lowered and held lightly by Darth Ptolemis. He listened to their confident remarks without a reaction as his tortured lightsaber's pool of shadow expanded with each passing second. It ached for conflict, and so did the corrupted heart of the ominous Sith Lord.

– So sure, are you? – His cool voice is heard, its echoes escaping abruptly into the deep valleys flashing by. – Jedi... Deceived once again by Sith, reduced to place faith in mere odds. – Even in lightsaber combat, he emphasized attacks that targeted the mind. Gradual erosion of will. The Dun Möch technique is a cruel method of delivery for such tactics. Strange, distant whispers begin to proliferate within their immediate surroundings as the masked Sith starts walking toward the center of the railcar. As he begins to move, he violently flicks his free arm at the golden Jedi, tearing off the emergency hatch of the car they are standing on with the power of the Force and simultaneously flinging it at the young man. His gaze immediately snaps at the cerulean beauty and with the same arm swipes right in the air, attempting to push her off the speeding vehicle with a furious, sideways shockwave.
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Attacks of the mind were often employed by those who often lacked the skill to face their opponent in physical combat. The words and psychological tactics which the Sith apprentice employed brought a smile to the young Lesan's face. His mind was well guarded because of the time spent with his uncle. A shadow, one of the best Justice knew, had taught him to guard his thoughts and feelings when in the presence of darkness. This would be his test, but the padawan was certain he would pass it.

His orange blade lifted to his face, taking the stance of the third form. Justice would begin the fight in a defensive position. The recent discovery of his calling as a Jedi had allowed whatever had been getting in the way of his training to fall off. Perhaps having to adjust to the cybernetic right arm had also forced the boy to develop a confidence he had lacked before. Regardless of what it was, Justice did not allow the Sith to dissuade him.

Being a Lesan and an archeologist, there was a skill Justice had been learning which would give his friends an advantage that not even the odds could guarantee. It was time break his silence, now that his presence was known.

"That would be the Corellian in her. They always like their odds... until they don't."

Justice stepped forward as he slowly began to release the light which was within him. If the sith was going to use the force to fight them, then Justice would attack his weapon at the source of its connection. While he was not strong with the skill yet, the boy knew one thing.

A small spark was enough to permeate the darkest night.

Tag: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren | Vizion Trozky Vizion Trozky | Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis

Madison Starr


At-Lao East Coupling Station
Cato Nemoidia
Part 9 - Obj 2

Jax Thio Jax Thio disarms an AA gun aboard a monorail train. Meanwhile, friendly skies abound. Hope returns to At-Lao's Bridge Station.​
Now or never.

"Roger!" She aimed her blaster.

A horde of enemies approached the monorail from below.


Meanwhile, Jax was busy inside the giant Anti-Aircraft gun. Disabling it's volatile A.I. program.

"Gonna have to improvise. Use the Force. ...Focus Madison. Use. The Force."

She laid down on the cold steel surface and aimed her blaster again. A horde of gunfire blistered above her head.

"Use. The Force."

She aimed just a bit down and left. That cargo crate. An, explosive, cargo crate.


Zap zap zap!

~ "Die Jedi! ArgghHHH!" ~


The whole cargo platform went up in flames. A terrible explosion.

"Whoa! Holy sh..."

A blast wave swept over them. Blowing her hair, arms, and even shifting the train. Ka'boom, was right.


When the smoke cleared and the terrible storm was over. Jax poked his head out of the AA gun once again. What he saw was impossible.

"I um..." Madison began to stand. Smoke hurdling over them. "...I think I got em'. Heh."

Indeed. The entire horde of enemies was dispatched in molten flame. Likewise, so was the nearby cargo platform. A smoldering wreck of broken metal and charred remains. The Mawites were completely obliterated.

Madison turned swiftly to note the incoming skyline. A familiar roar among the clouds. Yes!

"X-Wings!" Madison smiled.

A flight of X-Wings soared overhead. Clearing the way for the evac transports just behind them. Their exit was on the way.


Madison turned quickly,

"Friendly skies inbound! Yeehaa!"

The enemy AA gun lurched for a quick moment. Then lowered it's gaze. It's twin guns falling to slowly rest against the ground. It was disabled. And just in time.

"Yes! Haha!!"

Hope was on the wind today.

These people were getting out of here.

The beachhead at At-Lao East Coupling Station would be secure.​
Heroes had make sure of it.​
"Everyone move to the back of the car, face the wall, and sit down. I guarantee no harm will come to you if you do not need cause us trouble. I will also testify on any of your behalves if you can tell us how to deactivate the bomb sitting there." Travot Ravenna Travot Ravenna ordered the soldiers to the back of the car and they complied. Weaponless and facing two Jedi they were left very little choice really. When he asked if any of them could disarm the bomb they stayed silent for a concerning number of seconds before one of them responded with an even more concerning laugh.

“You think they even made a way to disarm it?” a vaguely human voice asked from behind a mask. “We are all willing to die to see the Jedi humbled.” He added unhelpfully

“What was the point of dropping the guns then?” Dag asked before turning to Travot. “Time for that specialist I think.”

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