Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Darth Ptolemis

Known as Orlov Ansonnir in another life

Species: Fondorian | Age: Unknown| Sex: Male | Height: 183 cm (6 feet)
Weight: 73 kg (160 lbs) | Eyes: Pale Grey | Skin: Pale White | Force Sensitive: Gifted



[Learner] All his life, the man behind the mask was obsessed with observing the galaxy by taking a few steps back. Equally
fascinated and repulsed by the grand mechanics of entire societies, economies and alliances, his lifelong goal is to learn cosmic truths and recognize metaphysical patterns on a greater scale; forever looking for answers to profound questions, many involving the mysteries of the universe and the emergence and manipulation of consciousness.

[Cold] Believing most inhabitants of the galaxy to be slaves to pointless systems, he is an uncaring shadow of a person; ruthlessly extinguishing any and all life that may hinder him in uncovering primordial truths.
[Dun Möch] A cerebral person, always attempting to dismantle foes through the powers of the mind, rather than brute force; his words like poison, his demeanor brooding, confident, ominous.
[Limited knowledge of ranged firearms] He was never forced to learn how to wield blasters efficiently. Although not a complete amateur, he has been taught only the most basic functions of ranged firearms. Rifles, repeaters and anything slightly more specialized is well above his skill ceiling.
[Obscure ambitions] Views most inhabitants of the galaxy as mind-slaves; fools who could not comprehend the importance of his long-term goals and ambitions. Mostly interested in knowledge and the power needed to obtain it.


Fondorians are hairless near-humans. The Blasphemer is of average height and average weight for his species. He has stern, cold eyes and linear, pronounced features. His usual attire consists of overlong black robes, cloaks and hoods, brown rough fabric gloves with hardened knuckles, dark brown military boots and a hidden combat vest with a duraplast inlay. On his right thigh there is a dagger attached to a light brown belt.

Voice sample (with mask on)
(minor Mass Effect spoilers, volume warning)


A couple of smoke grenades
Shai Maji Shai Maji 's Beskad
Tactical vest with
duraplast inlay
Ornate Dagger

The Profaned Crystal

The Nycteris
/personal recon starship painted all-black/


Born as an only son to wealthy, non-Force user starshipwright parents, the identities of whom he keeps a secret. He was afforded the highest quality of education, both academic and physical, but was neglected otherwise. His parents always on the move, he had spent most of his childhood on ships, his latent connection to the Force first manifesting in early childhood.

The man behind the mask is able to fly a limited number of fighters and light shuttles. His inherited wealth allows him access to some privileges, yet he cares not for material riches. He is disillusioned with how the galaxy operates and how it is in a constant state of pointless infighting; ultimately concluding that most people are just weak-willed, unable to see the bigger picture, therefore being expendable. Being the son of well-connected stakeholders, he witnessed the exploitation of the galaxy firsthand, even by those on the perceived right side of history. He does not kill for enjoyment, but extinguishes a life without hesitation when he deems it necessary. He is looking for the right tools to violently pry open the eyes of the galactic community to the truth that for thousands of years, they have been fighting for a decaying inheritance. The galaxy is fit to burn.


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