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Approved Planet Ahch-To (Canon)

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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

  • Gravity: Standard
  • Climate: Temperate climates with weather stations to offset some of the larger storms that move across the planet near the islands.
  • Primary Terrain: Water with scattered islands across the world.
  • Atmosphere: Type I
  • Capital City: Temple Island
  • Planetary Features: Ruined temples scattered across the planet, villages of the Lanai, submerged temples and ruins.
  • Major Locations:
    • Heart Strings: Leading off from the main temple island is a series of smaller islands forming and archipelago wit villages, temples and ruins.
    • First Jedi Temple: Ancient and mysterious the Jadeite have worked to restore much of the temple and expand upon it to house their growing numbers.
    • Jedi Repository: Secretive vaults and caves from the caretakers that are filled with countless centuries of artifacts, personal effects and everything from the temple as they reset the island after each visitor.
    • Temple of the Precept: Mysterious and deep in the mountain from before the waters came in, dating back nearly four hundred thousand years.
    • Caretaker village: One of the homes of the Landi that maintain the island alongside the force builders.
    • Jedi village: Main housing area of the jedi with huts thatthey live in and advanced shielding to protect it from weather.
    • Mirror cave: A mysterious cave with ties to the darkside of the force.
    • Tree library: Destroyed long ago but the gnarled remains are shrouded in mists near the center of the island.
    • Docks: Set in a small cove and designed to house Binky who protects the waters around Ahch-To.
    • The Cave: Located deep in the ocean away from the temples. Shrouded in mist and storm. the home island of the maiden that is a myth among the caretaking lanai.
    • Temple of Omean: A foreboding temple designed to house the jedi shadows while thhey await the councilor of first knowledge assigning them missions. A powerful lightside nexus that crushes the darksiders and those who doubt the light.
  • Force Nexus:
    • Intent: To add some detail to the vergence on temple island.
    • Nexus Name: Temple Island
    • Nexus Alignment: Neutral
    • Size: Medium
    • Strength: Moderate
    • Accessibility: Easy to access, the mirror cave and temple peaks can be reached with minimal efforts. Only doors are in the way as the Jadeite have the locations observed.
    • Effects: Provides a sense of balance and ability to connect to the force... with mental focus and meditation one can find balance in themselves and more easily sense the lightside peak and darkside mirror cave of the island. It won't buff the users who connect to it but across the island it gives a sense of calm and balance to the mind.
  • Government: Jedi Order
  • Affiliation: Jadeite Jedi
  • Wealth: Wealthy: Using their economic circle who are in charge of investing, credit accumulation and trade. The Jadeite function much more independently then other orders in that they can fund themselves. The economic circle offers its advice to enclaves, orders and groups that seek to have funding but have no way to make it grow on their own. Advisors from the jedi who manage polite reards (things given as thanks but cannot be refused for cultural problems) Trading and selling of lower end technologies developed by the tech division and small force objects through marketplaces off world.
  • Stability: High: With the jedi on the world it has remained stable... their methods of going for lower impact but having a place to exist and train. Restoring the temple and building more on the world itself.
  • Freedom & Oppression: Very structuredbut free, the Lanai welcomed the jedi comingto the world while the jedi keep the temple largely openedfor anyone to come butthey have internally their own structure. With three councils serving to look over the temples and jedi there. The service corps acting to help the Lanai and maintain the general structures of the islands... and finally the security forces serve as law and order on the world.
  • Military: Largely demilitarized with a handful of ships and jedi guardians who can act as a defensive force on the planet.
  • Technology: Simple on the surface but using the more advanced technology to rebuild and provide living accommodations to the temples. Advanced weather control and shielding for protection on the islands and ships above in space to work to protect the planet.
The early history of Ahch-To is up for debate, it is largely considered the birth place of the jedi but jedi scholars claimed that several worlds could be considered such like Jedha, Ossus and Tython. What is known is the world is much harder to find requiring a star compass attuned to the coordinates of the planet itself. Excavation efforts, exploration of the island and ofthe ocean has recovered some pieces of its early history. From submerged ruins that preserve older statues from before the jedi order. The temple of the Precepts is deep at the base of the mountain and archeological surveys have dated the ruins to the Muurshantre Extinction event.

The presence of Coremaic language on the ruins and Ophidian grotesques give more evidence to it but not much information. That statues placement on a number of worlds. The Jadeite have worked to uncover what they can and explore it from crystal caves in the larger mountains of the world to ruins from a number of force groups that existed on the world but there are no real names to them. Much like on Tython it is clear that others were there before and they were washed away. Recovery efforts of ancient ships that have been overgrown with coral or algae in the oceans have shown some other ancient space faring societies.

The Lanai though have proven one of the most beneficial and difficult in holding the history ofthe world itself... they reset for lack of a better term the island and the ruins... clearing away visitors personal effects and equipment when they pass on. Making it seem like whoever comes s the first to find it in years or centuries... this makes finding information about where they were harder but the repository where they stored for tens of thousands of years relics, personal effects and more of. THey have stored them over countless cycles of visitors to the planet but maintained the ruins that are on the world. The ruins of temple island and the prime jedi the main attraction.

In the depths of the ocean ruins of project starlight were found and explored to try and learn more while information about the different libraries that had been attempted to be created on the world.. Scrolls, tomes, datacrons, holocrons, information discs. have been assembled within it and with the Jadeite they brought new structures that could be modified and set up to house the jedi who came. instead of one or two there were several hundred scientists, artisans, crafters who came to the world seeking refuge, meditation and inspiration. Their studies showing how the world remained largely hidden except to a few thanks to jedi compasses being needed to find it.

THey found some information from the Gulag plague as the world when the problems arose saw several people land on the planet. bringing the plague while seeker refuge. Information about the island after the fall of the First and Final orders is scarce but several force users did come o the planet in thee time leaving little trace. After the plague the history is largely the same a few people came to the world but not a lot as the galaxy recovered and when it was refound by Sorel and Matsu the Lanai had cleared away much in the way of jedi who had come to the planet. Matsu returning with small teams to try and explore but it wasn't a large scale operation and order forming for anoter couple of years.

It was one of the survey droids who discovered the repository of the Lanai and helped her learn about it and what they did. Befriending them so that they accepted the jedi on the world in numbers was one thing but their secret trove was something else. They didn't seem to show it to anyone and it implied there was a technological side to them as they presented as simple villagers and they were but then the hidden chambers and vaults of the repository housed everything. The Jadeite turned a section of it into their archives with historians and lore keepers working to try and document everything that was down there if they could. Others worked to try and restore sections of the temple and explore the other islands with their ruins.

The restoration efforts of the temple let them set up and establish areas of the island temple but also on the planet. To aid in defenses they brought a shield gate to help protect the world as well as the massive exis station that Sasori had restored and the library stations to being the system. They have worked and made the planet accessible to any jedi who seeks to come to the world and bringing smaller force orders that have been lost or in danger from sith incursions. The underwater areas explored using droids and modeling above the water. Weather stations set up to protect from storms that can grow massive and beyond most control given the large surface area of the water. With the temples in place they have begun working on and trying to restore other temples in the islands around the planet.

The years have continued to help develop the temple.. the work that they have had going into the solarite stone of the temples would be able to repair itself and maintain itself over time. With more work that was being designed to teach and improve the jedi. The first jedi temple was built up and the Eternal empire and maw being around allowe dit to continue to be maintained as the stone repaired itself overtime until they left. The Lanai working with the Jadeite who were researchers and explorers of the repository itself. The jedi had more to explore and they continued as they developed the anchorpoints and their warping technologies for travel to the high plane of the jedi or the silver dawn. With Ahch-To being part of the silver strands jedi hyp;;erlanes for extragalactic travel the convoys of jedi supplies would be able to come to the planet and its stations in orbit like jadelight and exis station.
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Matsu Ike Matsu Ike

There is some good work here. I would like to point a couple things out we need to fix before getting to the secondary level.


Your link for Docks seems to be missing the link. You also seem to list Docs twice under major locations.


Under major imports you have listed personnel. Could you please explain a bit more what you mean by this. Are you referring to slaves, a labor force, droids to do labor?

Also you mention the society is wealthy, but you have no major exports. I am curious how trade happens and this society accumulates wealth if this is the case. If you would like to keep this as is, I would suggest expanding on the wealth section to explain how society with seemingly not outside trade generates wealth and revenue.



This is what you have listed for culture. It appears as though you may have meant to come back to this and forgot to finish it?

Everything else seems good to go. If you could tag me when you get some of these edits done I'll peek again.
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