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"Well if droids could think there'd be none of us here, would there?"
-Obi Wan Kenobi
"Information is power - and that's something that will never change. The holonet is great, it has categories for its categories, and a jumble of third-party matrix systems that all route through sanctioned...
"When humans design machines with quasi-personalities, they never realize how very much that implies."
-Obi Wan Kenobi
"Ever wonder about that astromech as it beeps and whistles while dulling out repairs to your fighter? Have you ever considered the fluttering shutters of your tutor droid's...
Never use your pet's name as a password. Lord Vader.
-Unidentified Slicer
"So, while these missives may not exactly see the light of bright bright day, I'm hoping at least someone comes along to scrape up the data packets I'm leaving behind. Why you ask? Well...currently I'm trying to outwit a...
"You don't realize how important a datapad is until you're stranded on Raxus Prime with nothing but your boots and a blaster."
-Han Solo
"Four things are necessary in life; and while compromises can be made to make do with what you have, the lack of snacks on this rotating HoloNet Substation is...
Data Matrix
A dozen data matrix uniform codes were used to facilitate the puzzle
of the amalgam that has become the building blocks of the processing power
that will be featured in the artificial brain code. The stacked matrix
is part of a multi-layered system that can clone and copy data...
Reactionary Interface
Feminine personality 'borrowed' from a luxury line cruiser, wherein the virtual
entertainment theater hosted an exotic and well spoken holographic simulate. The
base code of this system will be used to construct the first layers of a system
that would take the base and...
Location of Master Control
To facilitate requests from any corner of the Galaxy, the necessity of signal
required a direct up-link to one of the backbones of the holonet for the best
processing power available. For this reason, the wandering moon of Jamoura
was chosen as the premier spot in...
The Brains of the Operation
Not just a looker, but a thinker. The Nano-composite centralized brain is a hallmark
to ingenuity. The actual size of the brain is much smaller than that of
your average organic. Using nano-technology, I've been able to map out a
extreme multi-core processing...
"I can hardly believe it…where did the time go?"
"Where time always goes. There's a giant black hole in the center of the galaxy, and it just sucks it right up."
―Bria Tharen and Lando Calrissian
The digital feed sprung to life, reducing the pixelated image nanosecond by nanosecond until...
All the Time in the Galaxy
To solve the issue with having the A.I. system evolve over hundreds, or
potentially thousands of years - a time nudge was instituted. Over the course
of a Galactic Standard Week, the system's internal processing clock would
be nudged forward to run at a highly rapid...
"There is an encryption module aboard this Separatist dreadnaught. This device is scrambling all Separatist communication in the region."
"There is an encryption module aboard this Separatist dreadnaught. This device is scrambling all Separatist communication in the region."
-Mace Windu
Encrypted Fail-Safe
​Stemming from a need to ensure that any outside tampering with the AI
would be counteracted efficiently, a modified Encrypted Module was put into
place to thwart those attempts should they occur. With the already impressive
redundancy system build into the nano brain...
Director: Ridley Scott Production Co: Twentieth Century Fox Post Production: FuelVFX
Intent: To fashion a tech-riddled up-link with custom trans-coding software for D.A.R.C.I to act as a mobile unit for constant communication and companionship for the slicer on the move...