Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tricks of the Trade

Well-Known Member
Hey, I hope you're still active here. Looking to pick up some weapons!

The Kusak heavy blaster

The pinprick needler

The Veshet repeater pistol

The Vornskr revolver

And finally, a skeleton key

Talohn is a fairly successful merc, and is good for the credits. If you don't deal in credits then tell me what I can do. Sorta new to marketplace stuff!
There's more than one way to be enslaved
Well met.
I would like to purchase one pinprick needler along with a last whisper pistol, a terminus shiv, and lastly razzmatazz holosperes.

Now, I've heard that Tricks of the Trade is a reliable company. If I had heard of a thankfully nonexistent device known as the sneaktheif, I would had come to you to request something similar. Had I requested this, the device would look something like this

Name/Alias of Client: Anakin
Type of Item Requested: I'm unsure as to what such an item would be classified as. Perhaps some sort of of infiltration device?
Special Features Requested: Unlike the nonexistent sneaktheif, this item wouldn't have the required tech to camouflage a being but instead just the item itself. Additionally, is would have contained a scanner, one specifically for locating and finding devices under the skin such as slave bombs. It would require both a physical and fusion division lock pick along with, if possible, a scalpel for on the go, emergency incisions. Most importantly, it would require a short range scrambler to stop the transmission of aforementioned slave bombs and prevent their remote detonation. Lastly, but not necessarily required is a small EMP e miter to deactivate any small electric devices. Of course, this would require such a submission to made
Delivery Instructions: had such a device been designed, then it would be requested to be delivered to Nar Kaaga.

Unfortunately, such a device could never be commissioned as the inspiration for it has never existed in the first place. Had a device such as the sneaktheif existed, I would have purchased one of those too.

Dash Kessler Dash Kessler
Anakin Stormrunner Anakin Stormrunner

Order approved, pateesa.

Unfortunately, I'm currently not accepting orders at present due to a backlog in other areas requiring attention. Presumably (if it existed) the sneakthief could handle most of those required tasks, save for the scanning functionality.

I would perhaps look towards the Lookout Probe Droid series as an imperfect, but cheap and easy alternative there. I've added a crate of them to the order with my compliments.

Who knows, if you look hard enough, you might even find a sneakthief in there, too. If one existed.

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