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Dominion The Reclamation War: High Tide | Mandalorian Enclave Dominion of Kamino





The Kaminoans have long been under the influence of the Enclave and as keen providers of biomedical services, the warlike Mandalorians make excellent customers. This relationship continued as the Enclave's influence on the Galactic stage overtly diminished, the Kaminoans not wishing to lose the valuable credits from a wealthy power.

Now, the Enclave is in the ascendant once again and they will be asking even more of their Kaminoan allies, be it greater field hospitals, advanced medical services such as organ regrowth or something far grander...



Aimed at medics, leadership figures, scientists and Kaminoan characters

The Kaminoan Prime minister has agreed to host a summit with representatives from the various clans at the headquarters of the Kaminoan government. It is a large platform city, much like many of the others on the planet but is better equipped to entertain important guests. This will be a time for the Kaminoans to show off their latest advances in the sciences, and a time for the Mandalorians to pose additional questions and make new deals for the Enclave or for their clans.

There has been talk of the Enclave using Kaminoan strand casts to bolster the Marine Corps, freeing up valuable Mandalorian warriors for the upcoming war against the sprawling Galactic Alliance. This obviously does not sit well with everybody and for every vod clamouring to be the genetic template, there is another expressing concern over this route.


Aimed at warriors and hunters

Secondary to the talks, as a show of faith and a sign of continued alliance, the Enclave have offered the head of a gargantuan sea creature from the murky depths as a tribute to the Kaminoans. This creature has plagued an area that the Kaminoans have tried to build in for decades, destroying the original colony there nearly fifty years ago at the expense of many precious Kaminoan lives.

The monster has been tracked to an underwater canyon around a mile below the turbulent surface, it is dark, it is cold and the pressure is crushing. Besides the beast itself, the walls of the canyon are unstable and subject to collapse and some areas of the canyon are thick with weeds and other hidden obstacles that will serve to make this a difficult fight.

The monster itself is a sixty-metre long, thick-skinned mass of grasping tentacles, its four-metre wide maw is filled with teeth like iron that will crack beskar'gam like a fresh clam should anyone give it the opportunity. It is at home in the ocean, resistant to the pressure, able to use its attuned senses to see through the murky water and capable of surprising bursts of speed. If scared it can dispense tons of thick black ink into the water that blocks both sight and infrared and will stick to you and your gear like tar.

True Mandalorian skill would be necessary to best this beast.


As always, there are plenty of other stories to tell, from Forgemasters offering the Kaminoans their technical wisdom to Mandokarla seeking out the spirits of long departed Fett clones. Bring your stories here.​


Poggle the Lesser |


The Kaminoans had long been a species to admire even during the days of the Galactic Republic, with their advanced understanding of cloning which had allowed them to supply an entire army for service against the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. Although like all species they have had their ups and downs as various factions have tried to claim dominion over them such as the Second Confederacy of Independent Systems and even the Mandalorian Enclave. The Trade Board of the Federation had sent a small delegation to Kamino in order to secure mutual exchange of ideas and technology which just so happen to coincide with the Enclave's Delegations arriving to secure support for their upcoming war with the Galactic Alliance.

The soft clicking of military issued boots could be heard along the smooth white marble floors that decorated the Kamino Government Hall as they followed the designated pathways towards the actual meeting area. General Haako otherwise known as the Little Neimoidian would emerge into the entrance way accompanied by his fellow neimoidian officials. Although even they dwarfed him in size which caused the general to be insecure and explosive at times.

Like all members of his species, the General had quite an interesting look with a white black and gold headdress, black tunic, brown pants, and a large flowing red cape which draped on the floor behind him. Secured to the side was a saber like blade.

"Ah, Mon Ami." Haako said with a heavy accent towards the Kaminoan Prime Minister.



Part I

Kamino was a world he held in high regard for their scientific progress and proficiency. It was not for nothing that he managed to convince several lead scientists to migrate to Vandemar several centuries ago, to help him uncover secrets and improve on processes. They were brilliant and dedicated. Though he would not visit Kamino for a long time and would not maintain a lot of contact to them over the years due to other more apparent matters having been in his focus. Yet the groundwork delivered was always there.

Aurelian though was not coming to Kamino this time for the local science, but for the meeting with the to-be overlords of Kamino, once again: The Mandalorians.

Over the passing time he had met many of the Mandalorians, be they Crusaders, Death Watch, Supercommandos - and any and all different versions and variants of their culture, some more respected some less. He knew that that Resol'nare was the deciding factor of the Enclave and that it very recently released its Catechisms, a tractate on the philosophy and life of the Enclave. He had studied it with great interest and in the wake of the end of the Second Great Hyperspace War, he was more than interested to get in touch again with those he at least once deemed brothers in arms over the world of Panatha.

Now was the time forge friendships once more, to find new allies and to offer a hand when the Galaxy was filled with those pointing fists at each other.

So instead of utilizing his warship, Aurelian opted for a single shuttle to transport him to Kamino and no escort. Only a droid piloting the ship would accompany him, otherwise he was alone, clad in his typical golden suit of plate armour, his trusted sword hanging in a belt at his side and that would be it. He was not afraid or worried about a conflict, and even if one happened, there would be no use for bodyguards. Aurelian came in peace and with purpose.

The Zakuulan would step down the ramp on the wind- and rainswept platform, his blue cape flying from his shoulders, as he moved towards the entrance and towards the government halls to meet with the Mandalorians.


Location: Kamino
Objective: Diplomatic discussion
Tag: Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund Ohois Qhut'eol Ohois Qhut'eol
Equipment: In bio


Alor'ad Celt Saxon of Kestri walked down the corridor toward the meeting room with the Kaminoan Prime minister. The young Captain was a well educated scientist as much as she was a warrior so she had been given the honour of representing her clan at these talks. Her bright red hair hund behind her beskar, straightened and unbraided as a sign she did not intend to need her helmet. She expected to see others of the Enclave here, and also, others. The trade federation had sent an envoy, Ohois Qhut'eol Ohois Qhut'eol . Celt didn't like Neimodians, to her they were slimy creatures who wouldn't know honour if it bit them on the faces. But they were wealthy and potentially powerful allies so it was not entirely unsurprising that they had been allowed her by the clans.

The giant from Zaakul was also here, Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund had fought along side her Alor many years ago. The allowed him the grace that his links to the Imperials were considered secondary and he too was allowed to attend. She did wonder about the wisdom of allowing aruetii to attend this meeting, but it was not her call, her duty was to follow her own orders and ensure that the mission went as planned.

Her armoured boots clicked along the white polished halls of the lab as she approached the door that almost musically swished open for her. Celt saw the prime minister finish her welcome to the neimodian delegate and walked up to them bowing her head and giving a salute. "Clan Saxon sends our regards Prime Minister, it is good to see you." The prime minister returned the gently bow with his long neck. "And it is good to see you, young Saxon, your clan speak highly of you, welcome.

As you can see, the other delegates are now arriving so we shall soon be ready to proceed."

Celt nodded again and took her seat next to and just in front of the large figure of Aurelian. She spoke to him "Welcome, Griffin, I'm Celt, I'm told you fought with my Alor Romuul" she enquired, she knew the answer but it was an appropriate greeting that acknowledgement who he was to her clan. "And to you Delegate Haako, welcome" she extended the greeting a little further to the grey skinned alien. She had no reason to trust him, but she also had no manners to sully her own honor with poor diplomatic etiquette. Yet.​
Heart Breaker and Life Taker

Current Outfit

"Don't worry D.V.A," Hilal reassured her Droid Companion while leaning back on the cockpit of her ship and taking a sip of hot chocolate. "I'll be fine this is hardly the deadliest Bounty I've been on."

DVA had been beeping his concerns to Hilal all morning about the monster her people were assigned to kill. Hilal had to admit that this creature was going to be a challenge but since when had Mandalorian warriors turned away from a hard fight. It was through conflict and perseverance that the Mandalorians became feared warriors. Large streaks of Lightning filled the dark clouds of Kamino followed by a large thunderous boom which gave Hilal's ship a small rumble. The music that Hilal was listening to briefly stopped playing while DVA gave a frightened jump nearly falling off the control panel in the process.

"Calm down silly!" Hilal giggled thankful that her hot chocolate didn't spill. "We're fine! I've set the ship to autopilot and I gave instructions for it fly low. No lightning is going to strike us, our shields are at full power."

It was said that the Lightning of Kamino was able to bring down entire Star Destroyers, though Kamino was invaded multiple times throughout its history and there was no record of ships lost due to the environment. Besides, Hilal and DVA had been flying for about 3 hours on their way to the beast's lair and they have yet to experience trouble. The Bounty Hunter heard the navicomputer starting to beep, they were almost at their destination. "Right," Hilal said to DVA while finishing her hot chocolate and getting up from her seat. "Let me get ready, hopefully other warriors were able to make it. Otherwise..... more glory for me!"

Another giggle escaped from Hilal while DVA gave aggressive beeps at her clearly not amused.



The rain pounded against the platform and bounced off of the ship. The platform lowered, and a Mandalorian descended the platform. The rain quickly covered the beskar'gam head to toe, but the Mandalorian walking towards the building appeared unphased. Over her beskar'gam, she wore a hooded, long cloak with the Clan Viszla symbol on it. She entered the building, pulling the hood down from her buy'ce as she walked deeper into the facility.

The building's harsh, white lights were far from pleasant to the woman. The building's architecture was perfectionistly simple; and the scientific, stuffy culture of the Kaminoans were detestable to her. Walking through the halls, the woman flexed her four fingered hands, fighting the dark memories that were making her limbs strangely numb. She shook her head harshly as she finally entered the Government Hall.

Politicians, business representatives, and fellow Mandalorians all clammered and chattered, yapping their gums on this and that. The Mandalorian heaved a heavy sigh and removed her buy'ce, revealing her deathly pale skin, snow colored hair, and cybernetic eyes. She was not completely human. She tucked her buy'ce under her arm as she descended deeper into the room, looking around and hoping to find something academic that was not genetics and biology. She was an engineer, after all. But she gulped as she overheard two Kamino scientists talking about some rather unethical genetic "research".

"No! Please! Stop! Dad!"

She physically recoiled and shivered. Her own father's expiraments on her were ever creeping up in her mind. The half-Arkanian felt cold, frustrated that after all these years, she had not completely recovered. Physically, she was doing the best she ever could after her father played around with her DNA and biology. Mentally, she still suffered... and it had been twenty five years since the event.

Practicing some deep breathing, Gwyneira dried her eyes and approached a group of Mandalorians. She passed a display of different poisons and toxins, and she remorsefully thought, Elise would love this... Oh, my baby girl.

She paused, several feet from the Mandalorians. Tears flooded her eyes as she reflected on her eldest daughter's choice to leave.

I'm not ready to be here, am I? I'm going through so much right now, but I thought...

She pulled her buy'ce to her chest and hugged it. Things were becoming a tangled mess in the Enclave. Gwyn was working defensively, being a Karjr marshalling old Enclave territory; but hearing of the war beyond Kestri's borders made her trust sink lower and lower. The Enclave was a mess. She felt like a mess. And as strong as she tried to be, she kept sinking deeper.

Maybe I should have offered to slug that squid instead...

She found a refreshments bar and started picking at the snacks. She had to take a moment to compose herself before trying to speak again. Karabast, I used to karabasting love parties. I'm getting too karabasting old.



Reggie Rau



TAG: Vexia Renn Vexia Renn | Zorana Zorana | Rhys Swynol Rhys Swynol | Yael Kandar Yael Kandar | Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla | Open




Well at least she was seeing the rest of the Galaxy while waging war.

The Concordian had never been to Kamino before now. For someone born on one wasteland only to move to another, Kamino had her spellbound as they all touched down on the platform.

Reggie was getting to know more and more people within the Enclave. Among them, quite the capable Mirialan Karjr - Vexia Renn Vexia Renn . All of the vode she had met and fought alongside of to date, we're what made her stay. Start spreading roots once again before her initial clan life had been ripped from her by the Jedi. It did her heart good to know she had found kindred spirits among her new brothers and sisters.

The briefing on the ship had been simple. Go and kill a bigass creature. Don't fail.

Easy enough.....right?

<Time to get wet, vode.> she said enthusiastically before her jetpack roared to life. Her visor turned to Vexia. <See ya down below.> she said before diving into the stormy sea.

She treaded water below the surface, waiting for the rest to join her, her beskar'gam and HUD already acclimatising to their surroundings. When they all did, she allowed the jetpack to propel her further into the murky deep.

<Anyone have any idea what this thing even looks like?> she asked over the comms.

All they all had, were general coordinates.


"Got any Threes?"

Vren looked at Dima across from him, both with cards in their hands as others already departed the Star Destroyer in orbit that had brought most of them here. The xeno was a handful for others, but somehow, she always managed to get Vren's mind off the things that would make you old before your time.

Ryloth had shaken him. A lot. She had been there. Out of the blue. Like twenty years of missing hadn't gotten in the way. As if it was just another Tuesday on the battlefield. No explanation, nothing.

It was as if Tawnita Wren Tawnita Wren was avoiding him.

He needed to get his mind off of it or his house on Kestri wouldn't have survived the night of arrival back there from the Twi'leks world. Or one of the Karjr would have lost a head. Broja Fett Broja Fett was already asking for it with his most recent...activities offworld.

Or his edges were just fraying.

So the Guildmaster had sought out the one Mando'ad that had always managed to make him feel twenty years younger ever since she had spun silk around his feet all those years ago when the kids had all lost their minds for two seconds.

How he got Dima to play a card game, was anyone's guess, but here they were.

The xeno, of course, mostly went by her full name now - Domina, but to the one that had seen her grow up, she would always be Dima to him. One of those birds that had always filled that one little empty spot in his heart - being a father, even figuratively. So he waded into the treacherous waters of expecting Dima to do maths as well as getting to the Kamino summit on time.


This diplomatic thing was really not for him.

It showed by him bringing Dima to a thing like that. She was more likely to remove someone's head than he was - and he wasn't far from it. Thank goodness Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida was with them now. The speaker's presence was like calming water over the storm that was Vren and the xeno Mando'ad's.

"Let's get something to eat and drink. I need the fuel before all of this." he told the two women with him before making a beeline for the bar. Perhaps he could scare up some good ten year Galidraani Whiskey. No one, not even Corellia, made smoother.

As it turned out, they had a bottle. Manda bless the Kaminoans. It was while he waited for his drink, that he noticed another women not far from him that had as much strain around the eyes that he had.

"You doing all right there, Gwyn'ika?" he asked Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla .


Poggle the Lesser |


The Little Neimoidian General had just finished speaking with the Kaminoan Prime Minister before an immense vibration shook the ground and almost caused him to fall head first onto the white marble floors that decorated the gathering hall. Adjusting the largest headdress on top of his brow to glance up towards the door way, noticing a truly monstrous armored giant in the form of Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund . There were few words to describe the man other than a warrior of the highest caliber or a insidious mutant that escaped from a czerka laboratory. General Haako was surprised that the entire platform city didn't fall into the churning oceans given the man's immense weight. Recovering from shock was easier said than done until the form of Celt Saxon Celt Saxon appeared before the pair.

"Thank you for the welcome, Member of Clan Saxon. The Trade Federation is always happy to enter discussions with the Mandalorian Clans. Although I take it you are not here simply be cloned by the Kaminoans."

Haako said with a slight smugness and a small motion with his right cloved hand, wanting to know the person's and clan's stance on cloning since the Kaminoan Government and the Enclave might be allying soon.

Last edited:



"'Gwyn'ika,' huh?"

Gwyneira scoffed. It was a warm scoff, no offense taken. She was more or less amused. "You know I'm in my forties now, right, Vren?"

Even more than that, she sounded tired. It was an aged, long suffered tiredness one could associate with old age. The wrinkles at the corners of her eyes hinted at her age, but also showed an increased exhaustion that came with age and harsh experience. She looked to Vren, a Karjr she had known since she was a Foundling, and smiled sadly.

"In honestly, I'm going through a lot. My family is going through a lot..."

She chuckled, lowering her plate to a nearby table, "Not to mention, laboratories still give me an uneasy feeling. Nothing I can't handle though."

She sighed, eyes darting towards Vren, then away again. Her daughters were even more prevalent in her mind than even her days as a lab rat. She thought for a moment, that she knew how much Kranak had worried about her now. Yet, this was not the same thing. Sure, Gwyn was an emotional brat at times, but Gwyn had never gone down either of the roads either of her kids were taking. Kranak and Gwyn were nearly always in agreement, and he never had to worry about a future where he had to fight his own child. Kranak never had to worry about Gwyn potentially becoming a monster either, a true demagolka. Gwyn had lived through the same kind of jealousy and rage Mevia felt, in her own way. So how was it that she was never able to meet her there? When she had tried so hard to...

She looked to Vren, shaking her head and trying to smile, "Don't mind me, Vren. I may be older, but I overthink the same way I always have. I'm a buir worried about her kids. Of course my mood will down. But what can I do to change things now? I already tried..."

Vren Rook Vren Rook




Passion was not a sin. Neither was zeal. Though it was hardly unkind to say that Vren could be... abrasive in diplomatic situations. Sometimes you needed that to throw off people too accustomed to being babied.

Then there was Dima or Domina. Runi appreciated the young soul struggling to find its place and how it desperately wanted to help the Mandalorian people... but she wasn't sure if her youthful exuberance would be idea for a diplomatic affair. Normally that would mean not inviting her into the chambers where talks would be held, except the Speaker knew better. If Dima were anywhere close to the talks a serious of unfortunate events might occur. She meant well, but intentions could be misleading to the one that was the victim of them.

"Please contain your enthusiasm," Runi whispered as she drew up near Vren. A bottle of Galidraani Whiskey? She knew the man had many talents, but did he need to test his mastery of drunken diplomacy? Not that the Speaker believed that was an actual calling. Perhaps if the other party weren't Kaminoan it might even work... in a very, very smaller number of diplomatic settings.

Then Runi's hazel eyes slid over to Gwyn as the woman scoffed. The Speaker knew some of what the woman alluded to with her family matters.

"Continue trying." The black-feather garbed woman stepped up to the bar and ordered a water. "Especially when hope seems lost. That is when the effort will be needed most." Not that Runi could say it would be pleasant, or how soon the other party -- her daughters -- might appreciate the effort. Sometimes it simply took time until a clarity of vision allowed them to see all the love and effort others had put into them. Once a soul could see that then they would have a choice.

Daughter of The Destroyer

Primadonna Girl, All I Ever Wanted Was The World
Can't Help That I Need It All, The Primadonna Life The Rise & Fall

You Say That I'm Kinda Difficult
But It's always Someone Else's Fault

Vren Rook Vren Rook | Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida | Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla

"Got Any Threes?" Vren asked the Xeno.

Dimas five eyes scanned over the many collection of cards in her claws. Her tongue stuck out the side of her mouth slightly as her brows furrowed and the xenos expression twisted with confusion as she looked over at X9 and then back at her hand. Struggling to figure out which number was what and pouting rather heavily.

"I uhhh...ummmn. Hmm, well, this?" She asked, pulling out a card and showing him a card.

It was a 5. The droid beside her leaned in slowly to assist.

"Thats not a three. Thats a five~" They informed, making Dimas eyes widen as she gasped and returned the card to her hand quickly. Staring at the cards a bit harder before getting fustrated and just turning her entire hand over towards Vren, letting the older Mando look at her entire hand.

"Oh man, oh no ummm. Are any of THESE a three?" She asked, the Droid bewildered by what she did and even faster to interject this time.

"Hey don't SHOW him your cards!" X9 quipped, making Dima flinch and become nervous as the droid just levitated over and pointed towards one of her cards. "HERE! That is a three, put that one down." They explained, watching as Dima nodded with a naive whimsy putting the card down confidently.

"Ohhhhh ok, it just so happens Dima DOES have a three!" She cockily told him, rather proud of herself as she now guessed a card. "Gosh Dima is so smart! Uhhhhm, do you have any...Xs?" She asked innocently.

"Numbers Dima, NUMBERS not letters!" X9 hissed from beside her.

Dima blinked many times.

"Well that doesn't sound right...a-ar-...are you sure?" She asked bashfully.

"YES I'M KARKIN SURE!" The droid barked bat.

"Oh sugarsnaps! Uhhhhh, so like...have any....threes?" She attempted to correct herself, but only by imitating what Vren had asked her originally, knowing at least that it was a number she said this time.



Needless to say.

Dima did NOT win the card game. And it showed as Vren claimed his spoils which was a few credits they had bet and prepared to leave for the summit with Runi. Her four arms crossed over her chest as she pouted and tapped her foot like some kind of rabbit.

"Let's get something to eat and drink. I need the fuel before all of this." Vren told her with his stupid face and stupid hair and old STUPID face.

As he left the table Dimas tail in a large arching swing SMASHED through the entire table sending cards flying and fluttering through the air in childish frustration as Dima tipped her head up as Vren walked by.

"FINE! That game was stupid anyway, so Dima just LET you win ya know?" She claimed audibly, trying to salvage what was left of her bruised ego. And as Runi approached the two of them and the three Mandalorians left for the summit Dima followed along quietly. Vren made a direct path from the bay their ship was docked upon to a bar in the Kimono city. When Vren ordered his drink, Dima looked over to Runi and leaned waaaaaaay in, looming over her almost and examining the woman carefully.

"This place is dreadful and wet and cold and sad. Can we go home soon?" Dima asked before noticing what Vren had ordered for his drink, her focus suddenly altering as she then loomed over Vren, staring at his cup of whisky. "This one wants some too~" She gasped, lifting a hand to the bartender. "Hey give Dima what he's having!" She called out. The bartender making a face before shrugging and grabbing a cup and bringing the bottle over to begin pouring.

The second he lifted the bottle to pour however Dima reached out and grabbed the bottle out of his hands.

"Ohhh yes!" She gleefully quipped, the bartender alarmed as she just began drinking directly from the bottle while beside Vren and Runi.

And they got to watch as the large Xeno proceeded to lift her head and just began downing half of the entire bottle.


Location: Kamino | Ocean
Equipment: Armour, pistols, rifle, vibrodaggers
Tags: Reggie Rau | Zorana Zorana | Vexia Renn Vexia Renn | Yael Kandar Yael Kandar | Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla
Hunt the big fish. Sounded easy enough and hunting was always a fun task. Killing animals for sport was not thrilling but if this beast was considered a menace then Rhys could justify it as hunting for the greater good. Especially since the more dangerous the animal, the more thrilling the fight will be. Rhys was wearing his purple and blue armour, looking down at the vast ocean from the ramp of the ship. It was great his helmet had a rebreather to not drown while they hunted this big fish.

Launching forward, Rhys elegantly dove into the water, his body perfectly piercing into the water as he felt the weight of his armour and clothing weigh him down. Mobility was not going to be good here. Hearing Reggie over the comms, Rhys realised that they still needed to find the exact location of the beast. Which was something he could attempt to do using the limited telepathic abilities that he had as a Zeltron.

"I can try reaching out and seeing if I can't hoax the beast out to us," Rhys replied to Reggie before closing his eyes and letting his mind focus on finding the creature. He could sense the others and he knew he could help embolden them if anyone was feeling unsure. That was another benefit he had with it, being able to impart emotions onto others was great.

For now, he just had to focus on this beast. "I am not getting anything right now, but if we keep moving I might get a sense on the creature," he was frustrated that he couldn't figure out where it was but the ocean was vast and he could only use his powers in a limited area. He doubted his pheromones would be much use in the ocean as well, which was unfortunate since he would be able to sedate the beast and make the job a lot easier with them.
Heart Breaker and Life Taker
Mandalorian Armor


The ship once again began to shake as Hilal got into her Mandalorian Armor. The Bounty Hunter squeaked nearly tripping inside of her armor but thankfully, her automatic mechanical arms built in her suit up station grabbed her wrists before she fell down. "Good thing I installed those things," Hilal chuckled as she placed on the rest of her armor.

There were only two types of weather in Kamino: Rainy with thunderstorms or very rainy with violent thunderstorms. She couldn't recall a time where Kamino was actually dry. It was said that the weather so bad that the Kaminoans resorted to genetic research just so they can adapt to the environment faster. It was an interesting solution though it didn't make Kaminoans strong warriors since they heavily rely on outside means to protect them. As Hilal stepped out from the armor room, she heard DVA beeping on the intercom. "There are more warriors starting to engage the beast?" Hilal said. "Awww man! I wanted to take it down all by myself!"

She giggled while DVA gave her an assortment of angered beeps and whirrs. "Seesh DVA!" Hilal said walking towards the ramp while laughing. "I really need to fix your communication filters because you have a very creative way of stringing words."

Hilal is more confident in her Bounty Hunting now that she had a year of experience. She fought the stinking Jedi, monsters, gangsters, all sorts of scum. Why is DVA so anxious about a 65-foot beast? Hilal had all the tools necessary to engage the Giant Fish, plus she did her research on it. "I'm going to be fine DVA," Hilal said opening the ramp, as the ramp opened drops of water sprayed onto her visor which was automatically wiped away thanks to her internal systems. "Inform the Mandalorians who just arrived, that I've arrived at the beast's lair and I'm scouting the area."

The Bounty Hunter jumped off the ramp and flew towards the large cave, Hilal's heart began to beat a little faster as she approached closer towards the entrance. "Scans indicate a lot of moisture," Hilal muttered on the commlink. "But so far no sign of the beast, It's likely underwater hunting. Gonna be hard to track it with regular scans."

She went inside and saw multiple chunks of metal and large bones sticking out in the lair possibly belonging to large fish that dwell in Kamino's oceans. "There's always a bigger fish," Hilal mumbled until she felt a violent shake. Before she could react, Hilal saw a giant jaw reach sprouting out from the water. "DVA!" Hilal shouted but Hilal was instantly swallowed up in the creature's jaws.


Akiya Orime Akiya Orime



"Continue trying. Especially when hope seems lost. That is when the effort will be needed most."

With Force Sense like Gwyn's, Gwyn knew that Runi was lurking around from the moment she entered the room. Gwyn looked to her with a sad smile, both a greeting and a moment of nostalgia. Runi has helped Gwyneira immensely in her younger years, fighting her post traumatic stress and giving her counseling in various places in life. Even after moving to Archais, Gwyn visited the Speaker occasionally for advice.

So of course the Mandokarla leader could read her like a book. She essentially had been her therapist for several long years. Gwyn scoffed in amusement at such fate, and she looked to the ground.

"I've tried everything with Mev'ika, Runi. Teaching her to fight with restraint and a clear mind. Giving her more opponents to fight as anger management, getting her into hobbies. Sending her off with her aunt and having Kranak train her. And here she is now, another one of those reckless youths."

She looked towards Vren, then Runi again. The exhausted, grieved mother had a look of regret on her face. "I don't want her to do things she can't take back out there. But..."

She grimaced, then shook her head. The thought of Mevia already bloodying her hands in dishonorable ways was unthinkable. What happened to that shy, sweet little girl she adopted long ago? And what of Elise? She knew no one truly knew the depths of Elise's choice. She had decided upon more than merely leaving Kestri. She leaned against the nearest wall, heaving a heavy sigh.

"Hope already feels lost. I do not condemn the Crusades, though I do disagree with some of the more... zealous, vode's actions. I encourage the Enclave's resurgence. But I already feel bitter towards it, if this is all it took to tear my family apart."

She gritted her teeth. She clenched her fist and fought the urge to Mandalorian Core sucker punch the wall behind her. Why can't I ever get what I want! Why is it always everything else before family! Shai fought her sister figure, Kranak doesn't karking care how this is affecting us because once again, duty is more important than me!

Of course, she kept such immature, childish thoughts to herself. She was angry, but she was still better than that. More rational than that. She let out a deep sigh, releasing her negative energy. She was here to have a good time, not regress into her younger, more restless self. After all, if her children were falling away, was it not her own fault for not doing better?

But where had she gone wrong?

"I dedicated everything I had to those kids. Everything. So why must they be so far from me? So similar to all my other bonds, huh? Where do I keep going wrong?"

Self loathing. She was imperfect, no matter how hard she tried. Never good enough for her mother, or Arkanian enough for her father. Her lover kept leaving her, and finally flew to the grave. Her mother figure became Mawite at a point, even if through brainwashing. And she sensed the rift growing between herself and Kranak, as the war waged on. After so long, some of her insecurities never left her. After so long, she still feared that she was never good enough. Despite those fears being disproven so many times... It was a familiar battle, that one. And it was obvious she knew it well, by the expression on her face. Even if now, her fears were outstretched towards different people.

Poor Runi was in for another therapy session. The Speaker probably was sick of it at this point.

Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida Vren Rook Vren Rook





A summit in Kamino. The war to come has raised a few logistical concerns, amongst them the need for additional manpower and medical supplies. Dad was supposed to come, representing Clan Kandar, yet he had to cancel two weeks ago, after an espionage issue was brought up to him in the Forge. In his place, he sent me to represent the clan's needs and official positions. Our main contention is the issue of clone marine. It's unethical, and frankly, a sacrilege. Manda that resides sentient bodies are an occurance of nature, a sped-up being created in the lab just for the purpose of war is against every natural law known in the galaxy. You are bound to doom people, both the creators and the soulless, pseudo-sentient abomination constructed in the process.

The summit is surprisingly attended by several aruetii. Some are reasonable, but some present themself in a less than appropriate manner, as our mortal enemies. If it were up to me, all the corporatists and imperials in the building today would be welcomed with a bullet, piercing in through the temple and out through the back of their skull. Isn't it a bit hypocritical, that we're shooting the Jedi and Alliance's ships, while also being here, wining and dining with imperial pigs and their sympathizers. As far as I remembered, they collaborated with the Sith eons ago, they subjugated our brethren in the old Mandalore world, they used our ancestral homeland for weapon testing, and they betrayed us again and again during the Second Great Hyperspace War. The blood of Mandalore should boil at their sight, may Manda help me wipe the galaxy of their kind, one day.

It is not a wise idea to go directly to the meeting room. The Prime Minister is an invertebrate wimp, a useful wimp at that. The talks of using a clone army is very concerning, but the Kaminoan are a good ally to have, their other advancements in health and genealogy are integral assets to secure for the war to come. The other two are perhaps also in the room for that. A Trade Federation envoy, Ohois Qhut'eol Ohois Qhut'eol , a rotten nei. Sleazeballs and charlatans, their kind are. Always seeking to lick the smartest or strongest butthole in the room. If the smartest is the Prime Minister, the strongest is probably the giant of a man, in an obnoxious golden armor and blue cape, sticking out like a sore thumb. That is no human, no. Dad had briefed me on this particular man, Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund of Vandemar. A profound warrior, a tenacious zealot, but most of all, a genetic abomination. You can't ever hide your hideous background, no matter how hard you work to overcome it. Just like those Force-Users in the Enclave, that man doesn't ever have the chance of being treated as an equal. He's either feared or seen in disgust, probably somewhere in-between those two. Speaking with them is the young representative of Clan Saxon, Celt Saxon Celt Saxon . If there is anyone in the Enclave that is rising as fast as I am, she is the person. Great soldier, shrewd mind, deeply entrenched connection in the Enclave's leadership. I haven't got the chance to spend time with Celt, but it's something I intend on. Keep your friends close and your enemies at a striking distance.

The other room, it is. I walked in the middle of Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla 's rant. Elise's and Mevia's mother. What I know of her is from Mevia, and it doesn't really shine a positive light on her. She's talking about how her family's fighting, as it is not her fault that both of her children didn't have a perfect, untainted Mandalorian upbringing. Shameful. I waited until she finished her rant, waving my hand at Domina Prime Domina Prime , who is drinking a bottle of God knows what, to greet her. "Uncle Vren!" I greeted the Guildmaster of Karjr, Vren Rook Vren Rook , Dad's friend, the one who rescued me from slavery, and a father figure, once upon a time. Where our relationship falls off, I couldn't really pinpoint an exact time. Perhaps it's more that something happened between dad and him, I was still a kid, after all. Or time just washes away what was there. I would never know, and I don't want to find out either. Regardless, I still have my full-respect, even if I disagree with some of the policies that he, as an extension of the Enclave, has taken the past few years. "Jorhaar'ir Runi, my pleasure as always." I shifted my attention to the Speaker of Mandokarla, Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida . Being in the same order doesn't mean that you know the person that much, considering the huge rank and generational gap. It's been years, I think, since I last talked to her outside of Mandokarla business. Or perhaps we actually never talked outside, I can't really recall.

It's going to be a very interesting meeting.



Part II

Aurelian stepped into the meeting hall with the Prime Minister and offered a bow of his head in respect to the local ruler, it has been some time since he spoke with a PM from here, several centuries to be precise but before long he would probably have to request an audience, the two worlds would be strong competitors or if common ground found, unreachable in their pursuit of genealogy and bio-engineering. The marvels of science, the secrets the universe had to be unwrapped, taken from its tight grasp. And pushed down the throat of the Jedi and Sith. His martial purpose was no secret and he was not ashamed of it, not even a bit.

"Prime Minister, good to meet you." It was a simple and brief greeting before he would turn to why he was here.

Walking to the side, apparently to the tremoring of the little Neimodian, Sigismund would be approached then by a Mandalorian and it seems like one who could actually be of help to him. A member of the Warmaster's clan Saxon. Good. He would directly meet with them, but this was a good start, especially considering the absolute disastrous meeting which last took place in Mandalorian space with the imperials. He was not part of it, luckily and happily. Despite following imperialist ideas, his were vastly different from the ones of the New Imperial Order. Nuances which could only be seen by insiders of course, rarely and barely recognised from those opposing them altogether.

"Thank you, it is an honour to be here, I know your people view those affiliated with the Iron Sun as suspicious and hostile at best, direct adversaries usual. So it is certainly a surprise but a welcome one to be allowed to walk among you." He offered a nod in understanding and overall seemed not to stick to a too formal tone or approach. "I fought with the Warmaster against the Empire of Kalidan, indeed. I believe it is why I am permitted to these talks." He smiled with raised brows, he knew it was. They would not allow some imperial to come here, even at gun point. "I am here to refresh these relations, to improve on them if possible and desired."



~The seaweed is always greener in somebody else's lake~

GEARS & EQUIPMENTS: OBJECTIVE: Take down the beast.
TAG: Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla | Reggie Rau | Rhys Swynol Rhys Swynol | Vexia Renn Vexia Renn | Zorana Zorana | Open



The atmosphere in Kestri, and amongst the Enclave in general has been a tad bit weirder this time of the year. I did leave the system for quite some time, assisting my Alor, Careena Fett Careena Fett , on a mission near the old Mandalore sector. It wasn't an easy time, fighting creatures I never thought existed, fighting for the dignity of our brethren who long ago decided against moving to Kestri and stayed put in our ancestral homeland. What the Empire did to them, it's a monstrosity. I can't even begin to comprehend the thinking process of those who decided to stay on their payroll after what happened in the past twenty years or so. Sure, the people of Mandalore are the proudest, most independent folks out there, with the capacity to think and decide for themself. Yet, the Sons of Mandalore, what a pity that they decided to aid the enemy. I might not possess the unrelenting zeal some of the younger Enclave members have, but it's not hard to set the line on groups that have violated our people and robbed us of our sacred right to self-determination.

Speaking of the zealous youth of the Enclave, the ambience within the Enclave has changed quite a bit since the last time I was in the territory. Their influence has definitely only increased drastically, seeing how the crusade has proceeded and new faces heading old and proud clans. The crusade isn't something that I support wholeheartedly. How could I? The Enclave I grew up in is one that champions the independence of thought of its members. Retaking our core territories, I can get behind. It's the hidden implication that has been voiced by some of the individuals that is quite concerning. Perhaps I'm just being too paranoid, but better be safe than sorry.

There's also the issue of 'the person that I'm seeing', who happens to be a Jedi of the New Jedi Order and the GA. As far as I know, no one, both in the Enclave and in the GA is aware of this situation that has been going on between us. A few padawans did see us together in a club in Eshan, but no one could connect me back to the Enclave, I was being extra cautious with everything. Word does travel, however, and any innocent suspicion could lead to something much larger, whether it is the truth or a distorted version of it. It's a bit sad, honestly, having to maintain a secret relationship, when all I want is to hold her hand in public and introduce her to my closest ones. Still, it's the wisest course of action at the moment.

For now, all I can do is occupy myself with work, and one that I'm taking right now is a job in Kamino. The rainy, stormy ocean planet, very out of my nature, as it is the case for most of my vode, I believe. It's been too long since I worked in a large group, with other Mandalorians I'm not really familiar with, on top of that. One of the members of the squad, a young, fiery redhead from Clan Rau, seems to be very eager to submerge herself in this vast ocean, hunting a mysterious water creature. <First time on a neck deep mission vod?> I ask her in a relaxed tone. Truth be told, this is also my first, going into the abyss and facing a freak of nature. I've taken a mission on the sea before, but it was only a couple of feet under, not a whopping mile. As for sizable beasts, the only thing I've faced are the zombies on my previous mission. The others are speculating on what the target actually is, forcing me to add what is generally known about the monster. <The local myth mentioned tentacles and sizeable maw, I take mowing room of zombies over this any given time.> The deep sea is not really my forte, I'd rather us just get over with it and hit the town after.


Location: Kamino
Objective: Diplomatic discussion
Tag: Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund Ohois Qhut'eol Ohois Qhut'eol Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida Vren Rook Vren Rook Domina Prime Domina Prime Yael Kandar Yael Kandar
Equipment: In bio


The Neimoidian greeted her back in response and made a joke about her being here to be cloned, she gently raised her eyebrows and smirked "Perhaps, maybe a million Celt Saxon's knockoffs is exactly what the galaxy needs?

But no, if the Mandalorian Enclave decides on clones, I shall not be volunteering for such a role."
She then looked at the armoured giant next to her as he confirmed the story she had been told about his past with her Alor, the war against the Eternal Empire was before she became militarily active, but she had heard many stories. "This is true, the vouching word of my elders is worth a huge amount." this wasn't the purpose of this summit but an additional powerful ally was always a reward. She wondered where some of the other clan representatives had found themselves, she knew some of them had convened at the bar and she ran her tongue along her teeth in very well maintained annoyance.

...Celt Saxon Knockoffs"

The prime minister looked curiously at this expression. "I assure you Miss Saxon that the Clones we produce are no mere knockoffs. The creatures we produce can easily match or even surpass the genetically bred capabilites of the original donor."

Celt furrowed her brow at this, there was so much more to a sapient creature than purely genetics, the heart of a mando was strong and could not ever be replicated, but she wasn't here to grow mandalorians, she was here to build the auxiliary forces of her clan and others.

"To that end we are pleased to announce a new breakthroug. Since your people were last here we have achieved an additional six percent genetic fidelity and have been able to knock a further four percent off of the growth process." the prime minister smiles at the guests as he spoke, or what could be seen as a Kaminoan smile on the very emotionally passive species. Genetic advances were small and incremental so even this tiny changes were something for their scientists to be proud of. Celt listened a little before replying to him, tapping on her pad to make notes. "Thank you prime minister, it is very good to know that you remain at the cutting edge of your science. I expect that our marines would benefit from the best of your offerings" her tone was mostly neutral but positive enough to give the indication that she was keen on the procurement plans.


Poggle the Lesser |


Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida Vren Rook Vren Rook Domina Prime Domina Prime Yael Kandar Yael Kandar

There was some silence from the Trade Federation Envoy as Haako ingested the contents of the conversation between Celt Saxon Celt Saxon and Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund , knowing well that the New Imperial Order/Empire and the Mandalorian Enclave had a falling out over the Snow Planet of Kestri. By the tone of the giant's voice it would seem that the once mighty empire was desperate enough to resume talks with the Mandalorian Clans even after being threatened during said meeting then they must truly be in a precarious position. A smart politician knows never to announce their goals at a political submit of all things, something that the warrior had forgotten. This failure would allow the Small Neimoidian General to report this information to the Board of Trade in their next meeting, which would allow the Federation to extract more payments from the Remnants of the Empire if they resumed their previous agreements.

How they loved to shackle governments into collective debt, but all of this matter little right now as there was a glance towards the Prime Minister of Kamino and their new breakthrough in cloning technology. The Mandalorians wanted marines it seemed no doubt to fight against the Galactic Alliance in battle. This was something of interest to report to the Senator of the Trade Federation who was presenting a bill to improve hyperspace route protection in the upcoming conflict.

"I commend the efforts of the Kaminoan People in restoring faith in cloning technology. However have you thought about combining cloning and the Decraniate process to create a superior specimen. The ultimate human warrior combined with the immense calculating power of a droid, more than a match I would say to even the Thyrsus Sun Guard and some Mandalorians." The Neimoidian suggested towards the Kaminoan Prime Minister wanting to see their reaction to his proposal. The Trade Federation had been recruiting test subjects for such a program. And it was not always a bad idea to stir the pot as it were with his two guest present.

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