Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Shadow's End | Dominion of Vlemoth Port

Business, Espionage & Faith


Like liquid, the team elegantly made their way down the stairwell, with Marcy' now leading gang with the Goon in front. With the crew following close behind, her sonic needler had been set to full-power and was covering any section of the front that was left
uncovered. As Samuel Exel Samuel Exel commented on an emergency exit, her head snapped sideways in response, "
Good call," she retorted, tapping the goon on the shoulder for acknowledgement~ he knew what to do.

While smirking at Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud 's dark humour, a message came through her earpiece from Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus explaining a nearby fire exit~ their way out of the building, "
Ta' Mai!" she responded, placing a finger on hear ear to activate the earpiece.

However, their well-coordinated was
interrupted by the impending horror of a missile en-route to intercept them; CRICK, they must've found them already. BOOM, they were cut off~ Marcy' and the goon were stopped in their tracks as the stairs crumbled before them and shrapnel violently splashed around the stairwell. Turning around immediately to check on Ela Exel Ela Exel , Samuel Exel Samuel Exel and Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud , she shouted out as a result of her eardrums ringing, "THE DOOR, GO!"

Marcy' ran back up the stairs, leaving the goon to keep his gun trained down the stairwell until they'd all left the emergency exit..

Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud , Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus , Diocletian Kahmen’’a Diocletian Kahmen’’a , Dominik Borra Dominik Borra , Samuel Exel Samuel Exel , Ela Exel Ela Exel , Ket Van-Derveld Ket Van-Derveld , Kruhlaish Kruhlaish , Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred , Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae , Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus , Jos Krayt Jos Krayt & anyone on objective 2!
ALLIES: The Family | Dylan Marsek Dylan Marsek | Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora | Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud
ENEMIES: Mandalorians | Tawnita Wren Tawnita Wren | Alora Vizsla Alora Vizsla | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad | Open
GEAR: In bio | unit equipment


Jas fired a volley at another Mandalorian flying overhead, though the warrior managed to clear out before the Pureblood could land a shot. ”Karkin’ Mandalorians. Even a damn genocide’s not good enough to get rid of ‘em. Bloody rats.” He grumbled as he ducked behind cover and sheltered from a volley of blaster bolts. ”Probably why they’re fighting so hard.” A trooper next to him quipped as he slotted a fresh magazine into his rifle. ”Can it, Mace. Get the truck started, we gotta get those thugs offworld.”

Luckily the Hellions were gaining ground through the harsh urban warfare. The company of soldiers moved with precision through the streets, checking all around them while others had repeaters spitting plasma up in the air at their enemies. But the Pureblood knew it was over. They weren’t geared for war on this mission.

:: Overlord, this is Retail! Clearance sale in progress, get the doors open! We need to get out of here! :: He called over his comms as he sprinted up a street while a transport pulled up next to him. :: Retail, this is Overlord. Acknowledged. :: Came the voice from the other end of his commlink as he and his squad jumped into the enormous vehicle. ”We underestimated how big these damn things are. Get to the Kimuur building, our boys need backup.” He looked at other Arrow speeders following behind with laser cannons at the ready. :: Convoy, secure a route back to Overlord. We’ll handle the pickup. :: He ordered. The speeders turned around and fanned out without wasting a second.

Far outside the city, Overlord made its presence known as the crew scrambled to pull off netting and other camouflage. The moment the engines hummed to life, the point defense cannons swiveled around and fired volleys at the Mandalorian droids flying overhead. :: Retail, this is Overlord. Air superiority required to launch the gunships. Otherwise you boys need to hitch a ride with the speeders. ::

:: Copy that, Overlord. :: Jas spoke up before pulling his helmet off with a deep breath. ”Karkin’ navy guys. Always too afraid to get in the thick of it. We’re gonna have to drive back to the ship, no way we’re clearing these droids out with a few blasters.”

The truck moved as fast as it could through the narrow roads of Starbase Yamarro, its roof-mounted repeater firing at anything with a hostile tag. With Basilisks howling overhead, everyone inside was clinging to whatever they could. The trucks weren’t designed to square off with these things and every single one of them knew that… but that didn’t stop the soldiers inside from firing out of windows and fire ports.


Equipment: Outfit (Unfinished), Concealed Vambraces (Equipped with Discrete Nano-Missile Launcher), G1 Omnilink, MP-042 "Skjöldr" Energy Shield
Weapon: XE-72 'Vindicator' (Unfinished)

Location: Starbase Yamarro, Lyran IV - The Lyran System
Tags: Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud , Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora , Ela Exel Ela Exel , Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus , Diocletian Kahmen’’a Diocletian Kahmen’’a , Dominik Borra Dominik Borra , Ket Van-Derveld Ket Van-Derveld , Kruhlaish Kruhlaish , Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred , Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae , Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus , Jos Krayt Jos Krayt

Samuel never really was one for teams. He could function as a part of one just fine, but never found himself ever able to fully integrate in one - in his previous profession, it was usually because they were too horrible of people to ever want to associate with. His only concern was ensuring Ela, along with the others, were kept in relative safety. He was somewhat relieved, but furthermore confused as Ivory took the suitcase and discarded it haphazardly behind them. He assumed whatever was in there was valuable, and it was odd to see it left so quickly - most employers he knew would've tried taking it with them as far as they could. As their steps descended and Ivory gave their attempt at humor, it did little to ease much of anything as he remained focused on the zone he was covering. "We can discuss bonuses after we're done." Having to bite back any irritation at a perceived insult, speaking politely and curtly.

It was then he heard the opening of a door below them, and his reaction was fast, but not quite as fast as he would've liked without his usual sensors. Damn, he missed his armor at that moment - The missile whistled through the air, and he did his best to duck back away from the explosion and debris. Though, being the one closer towards the front, he would've done better with assistance. His ears were luckily protected by the protective buds the pair usually wore as a way to deal with their own sonic equipment. Ensuring they were relatively unharmed before hearing Marcella's declaration, steps moved up the stairs once again, seeing as below them was crumbling rock. However, despite the chaotic moment, he vaguely heard the rocket of the jetpack and the crash of more windows - and, seeing as the Mandalorian who shot the wrist rocket wasn't below them anymore, it wasn't hard to figure out what was going on for him.

Should Marcella not stop before opening the door, he would've nudged her back - though perhaps she heard it as well - and his steps would've paused as he murmured just loud enough for the rest to hear. "Hold it." As he shifted to the wall, his off-hand moved to the interior of his coat now that it was free from the suitcase. "They're trying to herd us into an engagement." He hoped the noise from all the chaos was enough to stop a sound suite from picking them up. He knew how Mandalorian armor worked - he borrowed many designs from them, and still does - and knew there were precious few moments before most military-grade scanners would be able to discern their position, walls or not. "Not much time," Taking out a slim Electro-Stun Grenade from a grenade hook in his rig, and pressing the button to prime it. This was in self defense, he affirmed to himself. He wouldn't let himself and Ela be another body to the Mando's pile that they were making here. "Just get ready to keep the pressure on mark. Maybe there's another exit."

"Good afternoon!" called the Mandalorian who he could only assume was toying with them, trying to get a kick out of their victim before killing them - and it was then the door was opened just enough to toss the grenade to the other side, catching what he hoped was the waiting Mandalorian off guard, and not just a bunch of air. It only took a couple of seconds to reduce the chance of it getting kicked back, and the Grenade would explode in about a 3 to 4 meter radius, forcing an electrical discharge of notable proportion through anything caught in the radius - or just putting on a lightshow for nothing. "Mark." Pressing a button on his belt to pre-emptively prime his shield, he elbowed the door open with his main hand a moment after he heard the explosion, and fired off a similarly higher-powered, electrical Taser round from the Hand-Cannon as he moved on anything left in sight, only to follow with additional suppressive fire, hopefully in tandem with the others if they followed through with him. His reflexes would be able to snap his aim swiftly and squeeze the trigger, if only a bit slower than without all the technology he was so used to having. The rounds, should they hit, would force a similar electrical discharge through the armor - nonlethal, but he hoped the metallic Beskar would be able to conduct through the armor enough to knock them out. Not to mention the kinetic force behind the 14mm rounds, though it was a bit dampened by its payload. This was where he shined, as much as he enjoyed bartending - spearheading as a vanguard for others, ensuring their safety at a detriment to his own.

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Equipment: Outfit (Unfinished), Concealed Vambraces (Equipped with Sonic Stunner), Amulet Necklace
Weapon: BT-82 'Steward' (Unfinished)

This job was supposed to be an opportunity at a new, and better life, for the couple. It was supposed to get Ela away from the cesspool of crime and slavery that was Tatooine, but here she was, with her life on the line once again. And to a group of Mandalorians, no less. What in the galaxy even warranted such hostility towards them? She, quite frankly, had no idea, and was very much not happy that she’d been roped into this mess. She didn’t even register Ivory’s comment, too locked into fight-or-flight mode, too worried about Samuel’s safety. Ela could sense the inbound missile before it even hit the stairwell– “Get down!” She cried, grabbing Sam’s arm and yanking him back with all her might, effectively toppling them away from the target point and into the people behind them. The stairwell shook as the missile hit, completely destroying their primary means of escape. Ela shut her eyes and covered her face as shrapnel rocketed towards them, no doubt being hit by at least some of it.

Frantically, she pushed herself off the floor as Marcella yelled for them to get to the door. Even as they ran towards the emergency exit, Ela heard more shattering glass and the familiar roar of a jetpack through it. She stopped in her tracks, a new wave of fear rushing through her. Samuel stopped shortly after, blocking the others from running ahead into the exit. It was a Mandalorian, it had to be. Ela stood terrified, gun in hand, staring at the door. A muffled yell from behind it: “Good afternoon!” confirmed her fears. She’d never felt more sure that she was going to die.

Sam certainly seemed more confident than she did about the situation, giving them instructions to get ready as he pulled out one of his electric grenades, opening the door and tossing it into the exit. Ela took a step back, raising her gun and aiming at the door. Her hands shook, quite noticeably. She jolted slightly as the grenade exploded, hoping to the Force and back it would take care of the Mandalorian. She hit a button on her belt to activate her shield. “Mark.” Samuel spoke, slamming the door back open and firing off into the smoke. She shot as well, focusing her sight and senses on tracking the Mandalorian’s location. Granted, she wasn’t as good a shot as Sam, but the way she was able to hone in on a person’s presence with what seemed like nothing made up for it.

"Hey, you guys."

The Gambit slid into view from above ahead of a certain transport in a hurry to make a mess of things. More of a mess of things. Things already being a mess. "You look like you're in a hurry. Me too!" The top-mounted launcher doors popped open. Explosive ordinance rocketed out of the heavily modified VT-88 aerial transport. The cylinders of doom began to spiral around one another before they plowed into opposites sides of the road Jas Katis Jas Katis sought to use to go pick up his favorite passengers.

How had she known? Well a few reasons, really. The most obvious of which being headed in the direction of an operational theater in a hurry. And the speeders peeling off kind of helped. 'Course she'd love to meet this Overlord too, but they were a bit far off; so Overwatch and Overlord would have to share 'Imma kill yous' later.

Alora hoped to impede Jas' forward progress, or at the very least delay it until word came in the package was secured. They could do a barn swallow! A woman could dream.

I remind you that vehicle has a heavy repeater on its roof.

"And I have two turbolaser cannons pointed in his general direction, Gam. Besides, I raised the shields." Alora grinned. Her poor ship really didn't like getting into fights, but she was a Mandalorian. He'd known that from the start! Fights were kind of what they did. Start them. Participate in them. End them. They especially liked ending them.

POYO! Jas Katis Jas Katis | Tawnita Wren Tawnita Wren | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad | And Helmet Head Types
POYO? Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud | Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora | Dylan Marsek Dylan Marsek Ela Exel Ela Exel | Samuel Exel Samuel Exel | and Familial Types​

(Hyperpunk, Cyberpunk Soundtrack)

Location: Starbase Yamarro, Lyran IV - The Lyran System
Objective 2
: Delivery/Survive
Allies: Hex, Inc. Mercenaries ( Dylan Marsek Dylan Marsek , Jas Katis Jas Katis ); Clan Solus ( Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus , Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae )
Family "QRF Team": Ket Van-Derveld Ket Van-Derveld , Kruhlaish Kruhlaish , Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred , "Goons"
Enemies: The Enclave
Engaging: Jos Krayt Jos Krayt

As the team continued to make their way down flights of stairs, Ivory kept to the rear of the file - exactly as planned. The powerful suppressed pistol she clutched probed the air like the tongue a serpent sensing for prey - ready to deliver deliver silent death at a moment's notice. Every few moments, Ivory would swivel & aim upward, checking back the way they'd come to ensure nobody was aiming from the upper floors or following them. She'd also use the elevation from one floor above to secure the landing below as Marcella & Rorik were descending, providing them flanking cover as well as securing any doors on each landing while the two got into position.

Within just a few minutes, the group had managed to descend 6 floors - nearly reaching their target.
<<If you can get down to the first floor, on the left of the building there is a fire escape latter that will lead you down to street level.

It'll get you past the main foyer and out the building, but it is a little exposed.>>
she looked at the water pipes running up the wall. <<But I'm going to try something>>.

"Marcella, we're heading for a fire escape on the east side. We're on 4; two more to go!"
In-front of her, Samuel - clearly not just a bartender with how collected he seemed, offered a snarky retort regarding their bonuses; Ivory agreed, they could discuss bonuses later. She agreed with his assessment that their adversaries were attempting to herd them into a position where they'd be easy prey. She recognized in her peripheral vision the grenade the man produced & held in his opposite hand.
"Ivory," He broadcasted yet again, "The limo might be repairable, I just need to-"

Dominik's voice suddenly entered her ear, then paused. Faintly, she heard another thud of an explosion - then squealing tires, and a metallic crunch.
As the fire-team reached the 3'rd floor landing, Ivory grunted in frustration at the disappointment evident even through the telepathic communication between herself & Dom. Within minutes, they'd lost their transportation and been put on their heels. They were already losing ground.
"Third floor!" Ivory called out, her voice echoing through the open stairwell, "Take the next floor! We've-" Suddenly, she was cut off completely by an immense explosion and knocked almost entirely off her feet.

Her ears were ringing from the nearby detonation, and time slowed... but even in her disoriented state, she could hear a metallic voice cry out:
”Good afternoon!”


Ivory pulled herself up using the third-floor railing, recognizing immediately their descent to the first floor had been cut off - their exit buckled & collapsed completely. The air was hot & heavy from the pressure wave which had shattered permacrete & twisted steel; but she was sure that it had been a smaller explosive. Any larger, and they would have all been dead. Marcella was already charging back up the stairs toward her, securing the 2'nd floor landing.

Samuel, Ela, and Ivory would join her & prepare to assault the 2'nd floor hallway.

As Samuel called out his Mark, The Donna joined him; gripping his shoulder firmly as she prepared to make entry, stacking on the door in a traditional ready position, ready to breach & clear.

The moment he threw the grenade into the hallway, Ivory, Marcella, & Ela would be ready to take the hallway and press onward for the opposite end of the building.

It would be only moments before they'd reach the fire escape, and be able to exit.
Business, Espionage & Faith

'More (Prelude)'​

Charging back up the stairs, Marcy' slammed into the door frame as if to stack-up, still slightly disorientated by the previous explosion. Looking back at the team, Sam caught her attention as he prepared a stun grenade, not a bad idea. "Aight," she responded as Sam seemingly took the lead, launching his stun grenade through the door and charging in; Marcy' followed close behind with her sidearm poised for combat, their sense of urgency had just been heightened.

Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud , Jos Krayt Jos Krayt , Samuel Exel Samuel Exel , Ela Exel Ela Exel & everyone!
ALLIES: Mandalorians
ENEMIES: The Family
ENGAGING: Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud (The Donna) | Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora | Samuel Exel Samuel Exel | Ela Exel Ela Exel
GEAR: In bio


It became abundantly clear that his targets weren’t in a talking mood, much to the Kel Dor’s dismay. He instinctively jumped back and flicked his hand, using the Force to send the grenade through a window before he could be caught in the blast. They didn’t give him much time to recover as they breached the door with weapons at the ready.

Jos ducked behind a wall as shots zoomed around him, grazing against his armour. They were accurate, he had to give them that. ”I was hoping for a more amicable solution to all of this, but very well!” He called out as he pressed his barrel against the wall and fired, the powerful bolts tearing through towards the group of criminals. He soon emerged with his bone-plated pistol at the ready, flicking through the weapon’s firing modes. Several stun rounds quickly shrieked through the air towards the group as the Kel Dor weaved around the level, mere inches off the floor. However, the grenade they threw gave him an idea of his own.

Touching down behind cover again, the Mandalorian lobbed a flash grenade towards the group before he moved in on them with his pistol at the ready. Whether or not it had an effect meant little to him as his helmet adjusted to protect him from the grenade. His goal was to close distance and keep them under pressure. Get into a range that would allow for a safer way to subdue them.


Location: Starbase Yamarro, Lyran IV - The Lyran System
Objective 2
Allies: Hex, Inc. Mercenaries ( Dylan Marsek Dylan Marsek , Jas Katis Jas Katis ); Clan Solus ( Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus , Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae ) The Family ( Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud , Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora , Diocletian Kahmen’’a Diocletian Kahmen’’a , Samuel Exel Samuel Exel , Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus , Ela Exel Ela Exel )
Family "QRF Team": Ket Van-Derveld Ket Van-Derveld , Kruhlaish Kruhlaish
Enemies: The Enclave
Gear: Holdout Blaster, Heavy Blaster Pistol, A big car

[[OOC: Since this thread kinda died but we still wanted to finish it, but were busy with our own things, I took it upon myself to finish the thread. I have recieved permission from all the writer's who's characters are involved and they have already previewed and OK'ed this post.]]

Fortune Days, Glitch Mob Remix
The Mandalorians happened to choose to attack the planet and all off-worlders at the worst possible time. The evening rush hour. Also when The Family happened to be conducting business, but the rush hour was the most frustrating thing.

So even when Mai's improvised ice sculpture had helped Ivory, Marcella and others climb down and pile into the military convoy vehicle, it was still hard to get out into the road. The total occupants were a few mercenary soldiers, The Donna, Marcella, The Ubese Dio, Mai the 'padawan', Ket the Monster and the two bartenders. The girl with blue skin looked entirely rattled, the man with her had cold focused eyes. He had been through hard scrapes before, she hadn't. Dominik sat nearest the two drivers, his large and mostly empty grenade launcher still in his hands.

It turned out that when planetary genocide was taking place, of course people swarm to the spaceport to get out. But it had been set on fire not too long ago, and shutting down local communications might have been the first thing the Mandos did. People drove on the sides of the roads, down the wrong sides of hyperspace lanes, even over some people just to get there. And their hopes were all dead in the water as they saw the spaceport crawling with jetpack-wearing freaks who started shooting at everyone. The military convoy that the Family had kept them protected, they had more guns and blasters and armor than some Outer-Rim Planets afterall, but everyone else was left alone. Out there.

And it wasn't two minutes after the large convoy finally got up into the air that a particularly ambitious Mando decided that "out there" was coming "in here". With a jetpack he landed on the windshield, sliding over towards the driverside. He pulled out a blaster and began firing, but the glass was incredibly protected and the gun did nothing. The drivers laughed at him, taunted him even. And then some sort of wicked-looking wrist blade jutted out from his vambrace and stabbed straight through the armored glass and into the driver's throat. Instantly the whole craft began lurching, the injured but heavily bleeding driver trying, while panicked, to put us all back on course. Nobody is that good at driving when a man is stabbing him. And the Mando stabbed and stabbed and stabbed, protected by the very armored glass that once protected the driver. The driver tried to lean away as much as he could, but he still had to look out the front of the vehicle. Blood was pooling beneath him, and Dominik could tell that an artery had been cut, there was just way too much blood coming out just from one cut.

Then the Mando decided he had made enough holes with his blade and put the barrel of his blaster against the glass where he had stabbed, and started shooting. The co-pilot couldn't shoot back, there was every possibility it would bounce around on the inside and kill out one of us. So he got shot while he tried to throw himself to the ground. The armor protected him maybe, but he was out. And the driver went limp. And then they started to go down.

What really pissed Dominik off is that even though the other convoy vehicles started shooting at the Mando, they couldn't get a clean shot on him. They had listed drunkenly and were heading almost straight down now. And the Mando held on. He could eject at any time he wanted with his jetpack, and he pointed the blaster in at the seat, just waiting for someone to dare to take the controls. Well Kark this guy, Dominik decided.

It wasn't hard to get out of his seat. From the way the convoy was falling, he and everyone else was already out of their seats. Dominik grabbed the end of his coat in his left arm and pulled himself forward to the front seat, using the coat and his robotic arm as a shield and dragging the bleeding man from the seat and onto the floor. The Mando's blaster fired, but the coat was armored a bit for blaster fire, and his whole left arm from the shoulder down was made of durasteel. Not exactly blaster-proof, but it handled itself well enough until Dominik could press his Heavy Blaster Pistol against one of the neat holes in the glass and start firing back. Now this blaster was from the Mirrorverse, something he had gotten years and years ago now but something he still held onto. It was an incredibly powerful weapon in a compact space. And shooting through a little hole was something it could do. It even widened it. Now the Mando had Beskar armor, and the weapon couldn't pierce that. But it still kicked like a mule. Plus with Dominik taking the controls and pulling up hard, it would put a lot of pressure on that guys' fingertips. And he only had the one hand to hold with.

In a matter of moments of constant firing pushing him back and the G-force pulling him down, he fell back. Their vehicle was far out of the way of the convoy, but they were trying their best to follow. Except They were heading for a building. "Hold on!" He shouted to the back and turned a hard right. The repulsors shattered a floor's worth of windows, both with its outer physical shell as well as its repulsing energy. Luckily, it created enough drag on that side to easily steer them back on course and start heading up again.

An explosion sounded, and over the radio of the fallen driver Dominik and everyone else could hear the cries and panicked military code that translated into "We're hit, dead, going down, and there's nothing we can do about it." Dominik checked the rear cameras and watched as one of the convoy vehicles was shot out of the sky, burning and popping with new explosions as it sank to the city streets. Mandos on the building rooftops were using their rockets to shoot down anyone flying up high.

Dominik steered them back down, and he hit a portion of the shopping district. There weren't any good turn-offs or side streets, just one massive street with large buildings on both sides. These streets had been green with vegetation and gray with concrete and steel, neon with shop signs when Dominik had looked at them before. Now they were red with blood, orange with fire and black with soot and smoke. Dominik was pretty sure he even saw a pink baby carrier lying on its side of the street as they sped by, the bodies of parents crumpled beside it. His hands gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles went white.

And he didn't have to wait long before he saw more Mando visors in his windshield. Three of their jetpacks came flying by, just as fast as they were going. Granted these military vehicles weren't racers, but they could haul ass when they needed to. Dominik tried to engage the automatic cannon on top of the vehicle but as he did the whole vehicle rocked as it exploded, the ceiling caved in a little and the interior lights flickered before dying. One of them must have tossed a grenade or something into the mechanism of the cannon, it was gone now.

One of the Mandalorians flew to the front of the vehicle, quite a few meters away and facing them. And he held a Photon rocket launcher. Glancing at the rear cameras, The other two Mandos had their little targeting visors down in front of their helmets, and they were starting to tilt forward.

"Mai! Ket!" He shouted at the passengers. "Two bogies behind us! Use the Force, swat them!" And Dominik rolled down the broken window, stuck his left arm out with the Heavy blaster, gripped it tightly, and started shooting at the Mando.

"What do you mean, 'swat them'?" Mai cried. "We don't know where they are!"

"Can't you feel them in the force or something?!" Dominik shot back.

Ket scoffed loudly, and Dominik could sense he was speaking to Mai. "Little witch here needs focus and a bit of meditation. Need at least some peace to do that! And you're driving is not helping!"

With the shots from Dominik's gun hitting the Mando and a sudden downward trajectory, the Photon Rocket that the Mando shot went wide. The vehicle scraped the ground to do so, the sound of which threatened to make Dominik's ears bleed, and everyone who wasn't fastened to a seat hit the ceiling. That photon rocket missed them entirely, but soon they had two more rockets locked on and heading towards them. Maybe Ket was right about the way he was driving. Might be hard to focus.

Dominik was about to brace for a fiery impact, but then he heard the ceiling tear away as Ket simply tore the broken cannon off the vehicle with the Force and let it tumble away. With an aided jump he hopped out of the hole, grabbed onto the edge with a gloved hand to steady himself and caught one of the rockets with the Force, his other hand outstretched towards it. He simply crushed it, the payload exploding and catching the two following Mandos and the other rocket in its blast. The vehicle rocked a little, but they were fine.

Ket let out a triumphant shout and Dominik just about joined him when he spotted the Mando in front of him reloading. He could keep shooting the guy, but it wasn't doing much but make him flinch like this. And he couldn't just keep juking up and down to dodge the shots.

"Mai!" He shouted. "Do something about this guy!" He wasn't sure of the exact limits of her capabilities, but Star wouldn't have taken her in if she wasn't good with what she had. In a moment Mai was in front with him, taking the co-pilot seat. She thought furiously for a moment before she stretched out both hands, brows furrowing and muscles tensed. Dominik felt the air around him drop about twenty degrees. The Mando was aiming, probably using a tracking system of some kind, and readied to pull the trigger. Then his jetpack faltered and spat black smoke before he suddenly dropped and spun wildly. The photon cannon shot up and barely missed the nose of the craft, heading up into the sky. Dominik realized that she had targeted the fuel inside the jetpack, cooling it to such a degree to be unusable.

"Nice work!" Dominik said, patting her on the shoulder. "You see more come out, just keep doing that. Hell, freeze the water in their eyes if you can, I don't care." As he praised her he realized a bead of sweat on her forehead. A second glance later told him it was in the same place. Her own sweat had frozen to her skin. Well, it seemed like she had some more work to do with control but she was still quite good. Good enough to save their hides, at least.

He also caught Mai glancing back at Marcy, smiling before turning back to face forward. This wasn't the time to be showing off, but if it saved their lives he didn't care.

Dominik glanced at the video feed that surrounded the vehicle, and although he couldn't see Ket standing on the roof he could see the Mandalorians who started swarming out of the buildings. Ket was sending them all tumbling down with just the Force alone. He crumpled their jetpacks, he sent the Force to punch them out of the air, choked others before snapping their necks, made some shoot others, and Dominik wasn't sure if he heard shrill wind cutting through the hole or if that was Ket laughing maniacally at being able to cut loose.

"Dom!" Mai shouted, and Dominik looked forward once more. The long shopping street was ending, a large building right in front of them.

"Ket!" Dominik yelled while pulling back on the throttle to slow them down and turn, "Get inside, now!" He heard the man growl "Too late!" over their telepathic communicators before Dominik heard his body sliding and banging on the outside of the hull. A camera told him that he was still holding onto something, and hanging off the side.

"Open the side door!" Marcella called. Ket was right where the large side door opened up, but that was the problem. It opened outward before it slid over. And if Ket was hanging on to anything but the door itself, opening the door would push him off. He'd need to stop and slow down. He might have if around thirty Mandos hadn't flown out of nowhere on more jetpacks.


"Oh come on!" Dominik growled under his breath. "Mai, can you-" He was about to suggest that Mai take Ket's place up above, but Dio and his massive rifle were already climbing out. He was struggling to hold himself up while his feet dangled, and Ivory and Marcella instantly shot up to grab a leg each and stabilize him. Then with his gun, he started blasting them out of the sky, one by one while Mai continued to work her magic. Dominik didn't even need to turn on the AC the front seats were getting so chilly.

Ket, with the Force aiding him, jumped off the side of the vehicle to collide with another Mandalorian. The jetpack couldn't hold both of their weight, but after a flash of saber-light tore through his head he leaped to the next nearest Mando. One after another he jumped, grabbed, killed in some gruesome fashion, and repeated.

Mandalorians returned fire at Dio and Ket, but it was hard to hit accurately when you are getting shot at, you're flying, and the target is moving relative to you in all 3 dimensions. This low to the street Dominik had to dodge downed and burning speeders and large pieces of rubble. Dio and his big gun only missed maybe twice that whole time, which was impressive, but Dominik wasn't exactly counting his shots. He and Mai just kept an eye on the camera feeds and the road ahead of them. It wasn't long before they were clear of the immediate Mandos, and Dio came back down from the hole gasping in pain. One of the Mandos had got him in the shoulder, it seemed. Maybe a graze, maybe more solid. Ket tried to leap back onto the vehicle but the Mando's shoulders weren't that solid of ground to leap from and the wind slowed him down. He ended up grabbing the edge of the vehicle again, smiling bloody teeth into the camera. With a shudder, Dominik turned his eyes forward. For now, they were in the clear.

Buildings went by. Broken, burning, empty. So much chaos in so, so little time. Deaths and murders still happened elsewhere, all around the planet… but here, the war seemed to have been finished.

Then Dominik saw something ahead. He checked his course and maintained speed. What he had seen was a family of three, all Twi'leks, up against a wall while a duo of Mandalorians pointed their blasters at them. It was like a firing squad, an execution. They only turned their helmets the moment before the speeding, armored front of the vehicle crushed their bones inside their beskar armor to powder and sent them ragdolling across the street and slamming into a broken down speeder. Only then did Dominik hit the brakes and start swinging around. He stopped the vehicle in front of the family, opening the door. Ket was able to land safely on the ground, groaning a little in pain and flexing his forearms and fingers as he stepped inside.

"Dominik, what are you doing?" Ivory demanded. "We can't take them! We have to move!" The family hesitated at the door. Their eyes and tear streaks said how much they wanted to be safe. But everybody in there was looking at Dominik like he was crazy except Mai, the vehicle looked damaged, there were two bodies that, from all the evasive maneuvers and the driver who had bled out, had spread blood positively everywhere. Everyone was pretty much spattered in it.

Dominik looked back to Ivory. He hadn't ever defied her commands or wants in his time under her employ, not really. But now he was. He stared her dead in the eyes, cold and unmoving. He pictured the pink overturned baby carriage. "You're in charge Donna, and I respect that. But I'm the one driving and I make the rules! We are also The Family. And I say we are picking these people up and taking them with us." And without looking for permission, he turned and beckoned the family in. They came in, avoiding eye contact with anyone else while the father did his best to shield his child's eyes from the two bodies.

This quick rest stop also gave people another opportunity to strap in and secure the two injured mercenaries, and themselves. Dominik got to thinking, eyeing the two downed Mandalorians. Quickly as to not waste any more time he exited and ran to the bodies. He tore off a vambrace communicator right as a high-powered blaster bolt shot past Dominik's ear.

"Sniper!" He shouted both out loud and into the telepathic communicators and flattened himself behind the broken speeder, rolling the Mandalorian ontop of him. He heard another loud PING as a bolt glanced off the beskar. "Far rooftop, Dio, can you take that guy?" He said once more to everyone's minds.

A moment later he heard back from the Ubese. <"Lots of buildings. Didn't see where the shots came from, going to need another reference.">

Dominik shuffled around a little, hoping the movement would provoke a shot. It didn't. He reached up slowly, hands pressing against fallen metal shrapnel and debris, and slowly removed the Mandalorian's helmet. Then he slowly raised that up above the speeder, but no shot came. Guess he knew that trick, and wasn't willing to shoot a helmet belonging to his buddy.

Then Dominik thought hard. He was in the far building, and probably pulled the trigger before Dominik had rolled his friend over for cover. But it had reached him when Dominik was safe behind the armor.

"Keep your eyes peeled Dio, here's your reference." Dominik thought back and then stuck his head up. He was up for maybe a second before throwing his head back down. An angry yellow blaster bolt burned some hair on top of his head as it sailed past, blowing a small crater into the ground.

Then a loud krang! came from Dio's huge railgun rifle, the payload almost visible as it flashed through the air. A moment later Dominik could see something falling down the side of the building. <"Got him."> Dio reported.

Dominik put the Beskar helmet on his head before standing up, hands scrapped up and bleeding a little, and made it to the vehicle. He tossed Ivory and Marcella the vambrace. "Get on their comms, we gotta know what they're saying. We've got a lot of attention on us, they might try to ambush us or something." Dominik gave Dio a pat on the shoulder and a "Thanks" before sitting back in the driver's seat. He shut the large sliding door with a button and made sure his vision was clear through the helmet. Any more snipers got tricky with something armor piercing he wanted to live.

He was about to get them going again before he realized that he had no idea where in the city he was and where the extraction point with Clan Solus was in relation. He had been driving for their lives and he didn't know the place, especially after it had changed so drastically. He had seen it when it was clear, clean, and full of life. Now rubble and fire replaced the people.

Sixty seconds hadn't gone by before Marcella and Ivory were tapped into the Mandalorian comms and had contacted their extraction. They gave Dominik a destination and direction to head and he took no more time getting on the road. Though as soon as he did both Ivory and Marcy looked up at the same time.

"Watch out from-"
"Fighters! Move!"

Both the women yelled, but Dominik got the message and from a camera he saw two small forms in the sky, and they quickly got larger. Their weapons flashed as, even a mile or so away, they were firing. They weren't accurate enough to hit, but those blasts blew apart building pillars and rocked the vehicle as Dominik stepped on the gas.

<"They really don't like getting pissed off, huh?"> Dio commented, and Dominik had to agree. He wasn't sure how much abuse this thing could take or what armor it had, but he didn't want to find out. He made the first turn he could, putting them out of the incoming ship's line of sight for a moment as he headed deeper into the city.

"Where are you going?" Ivory called, "Extraction is the other way!"

"Going to try and lose them in the city! They can't fly too low unless they want to get into the streets!" Dominik responded. He knew it wasn't likely that he could actually lose them, but he doubted Clan Solus ships were already waiting for them. If they went out into the open, they'd get picked off easily. He needed to buy time until these guys were gone or Clan Solus could defend them coming into the Extraction point.

Mai pointed to a camera feed showing a Mando ship coming around the side of a tall building.

"Hold on!" Dominik shouted before pumping the brakes, turning the wheel, and slamming the accelerator again. The large vehicle did a tight turn down an alleyway that was only just big enough to fit the vehicle. Its armor-plating screeched as it ground against the outside walls, jostling back and forth until they got dumped out onto another street.

It just happened to be some Mandalorian meet & greet with a bunch of civilians. The vehicle tore out of the alleyway, sparks and smoke trailing it while eyes turned towards it. Dominik wasn't sure why the Mandos hadn't killed the civilians yet, but they hadn't. Some Mandos even had their helmets off. They shot their blasters uselessly at the fleeing armored troop transport but didn't pursue. It seemed like it wasn't complete genocide then. Just selective genocide.

Then one of the two fighter ships flew past them overhead, engines roaring and they could all hear its thrusters change pitch and tone as it was circling back around to get them. Dominik wanted to get off the streets but staying as close to the ground as possible would make it harder to hit them. Though with modern tracking and predictive targeting that might not make much of a difference but he needed every advantage he could get. He steered under a skyscraper that had toppled over into another one, creating a large arch and shadow. He pulled up to one side next to another downed speeder, he spotted a bloody limp arm from the passenger compartment, and powered down the repulsors.

"Dominik?" Ket asked, concern evident in his voice. "We gotta get going!"

Dominik simply shifted the vehicle into reverse and waited, watching the cameras and listening. There were those engines again, coming in close. His nerves were on end, and more and more of the passengers were yelling at Dom to get moving again. All except Ivory. She must have known what he was doing.

"Quite!" She ordered everyone, and they listened. "They don't know where we are. They're searching."

The ships roared overhead past them, and Dominik fired up the repulsors and gunned it backward. He had gotten used to the way it handled and with the trick you see in all the holo-films these days he was able to flip it around without breaking a sweat. Though he did break a light pole.

He got the thing moving as fast as it could, turning away from the group of Mandos so they didn't see them and report their movements to the ships. He hoped he had fooled them and they were still searching for him.

Dominik was able to make a large loop around the city and begin making his way to the extraction point. Marcy relayed that a ship was waiting for them, and Dominik went as fast as he could. He crossed a large intersection right as one of the fighters soared overhead.

Shell of What Was III
"This is the final run!" He shouted as the second fighter came up behind them. "Ket, Dio, Mai, do what you can about those speeders! Throw a building on them, shoot ice into their engines, snipe them with that-" He was mid-rambling when Ket once more got onto the roof via the large gaping hole. Then he heard laughter, the cackling of an absolute madman. Then the air was filled with sounds like Dominik had his ears against high voltage power lines and the cameras only recorded bright light flares. The starfighter promptly exploded, and Ket let out a howling call of triumph as the fireball disappeared behind them. They passed out of the large towering skyscrapers and were making their way towards the Extraction point in the middle of a field. It was a few miles away, just a couple of minutes of time.

Then the other fighter shot out from the buildings after them, gaining quickly. Mai must have seen it before Dominik did because she was already out of her seat and joining Ket on the roof. Ket was still panting from all the lightning he had thrown at the other one and was getting his breath back when Mai stepped up beside him. They could see the pilot in the cockpit and the force warned them both as the ship fired at them.

Ket took in a sharp breath and deflected the bolts just a few degrees to the side, missing the vehicle by a few inches. The pilot blinked, having only fired once to finish the job. He readied to fire more when the glass of his cockpit was covered in frost, some of his controls freezing over and the air chilling well below the freezing point.

The pilot fired in a blind panic. He wasn't aiming well but when you're that close it's hard to miss. Ket proved why he was The Family's "Monster", both arms up with coat flapping wildly in the wind, bolt after bolt being deflected. His arms pumped as he worked The Force, Mai standing still beside him as she continued to freeze everything within that cockpit. She had blinded him and was starting to affect the systems, but it wasn't enough. Ket could have smashed it inwards but he was too busy dealing with keeping them all alive. Dominik kept going forward as fast as he could, just hoping that if they blew up it would be close enough to their extraction ship for them to be recovered.

Then Dio loaded his rifle. <"Last shot. Help me make it count."> He said to Ivory and Marcella as he moved to the hole. Ivory and Marcella dropped their devices to help hoist him up once again. The family of Twi'leks also helped, unprompted but conscious of the finality of the situation.

"I- I can't…!" Ket shouted. He had deflected a couple of dozen bolts by now, he was getting worn out. And that was after everything he had done today.

<"Drop!"> Dio ordered through his Ubese helmet, and Ket was happy to do so, though the roof was now covered in icy frost. Mai grunted with effort and fell to a knee as Dio looked down his sights. Mai was spent, couldn't keep it up any longer. She had been fighting the ships auto-defroster, constantly freezing what was constantly being cleared. The ship had veered to the side a little as it shot due to the blindness and as the frost cleared, for a short moment, the pilot stopped firing and retargeted. But as the pilot could now see, Dio could see the pilot.

<"Hey you, catch!"> Dio called before he sent his last round from his railgun out the other end of the starfighter. But Dominik thought he did the smartest thing he possibly could. If he shot the pilot, any malfunction could have happened or the body could have fallen onto the "kill what's in front of me" button. That would be an embarrassing way to go. No, he shot one rear thruster engine.

With a sudden violent explosion the starfighter lurched to one side and crashed hard into the ground, exploding a moment later into fire and metal shrapnel.

Everyone, even Ket and Mai, let out hoots, hollers and shouts of praise and exhilaration as the ship billowed black firey smoke into the air.

It wasn't thirty seconds later that they reached their extraction ship. They took their gear, left the dead soldiers and booked it for the ship, only stopping once they were safely inside and the doors were shut.

It turned out that a few more starfighters were dispatched to stop them, but a few of Clan Solus' own fighters kept them busy enough for them all to reach outer space and to Solus' larger frigate. Moments later, hyperdrive was initiated and they all vanished back into the comforting void of space.
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