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Approved Tech BT-EE-2 'Mendacious' Bartending Outfit

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  • Manufacturer: Samuel Exel Samuel Exel
  • Affiliation: Ela Exel Ela Exel
  • Model: BT-SG-1 'Mendacious' Pattern
  • Modularity: YES,
    • Supplemental Plating, Exchangeability between them.
    • Lengthier Design for concealable weaponry under the sleeves
    • Energy Shield Mounting Points
    • Various Misc. Equipment could be incorporated, such as the SV-5 "Phanes" Class Survival Kit for longer missions.
    • Gloves, Boots, Underlays.
    • Practically anything that's equipment is optional. Equipment can be swapped, and tweaks to the combat harness if Ela actually decided to wear it.
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Norris Root Dye, Micronized Duranium Armorweave, Reflec, FM-001 & FM-002 Laminate, Duraplast-E + Phrik-A Composite Plates, Enviroweave
  • Classification: Multipurpose Work Attire
  • Weight: Light
  • Resistances:
    • Energy - Very High
    • Lightsabers - Very High
    • Kinetic - Very High
    • Other:
      • EMP/Ion - High
      • Acid - High
      • Radiation - Average
      • Electricity - High
      • Temperature Extremes - High
      • Sonic - Very High
      • Vacuum - None
      • Biological - None
      • The Force - None
  • Built To Last: A testament to Samuel's methods, the suit itself is streamlined and robust. While it may not look it, its plates are equivalent to a good handful of military-grade armors, and is durable against a variety of attacks and situations, sticking to his usual preferred 'Jack-of-all-Trades' style. There are a variety of durable plate carriers spread throughout the body, though the suit mostly obscures that.
  • Discrete: An assassin's dream, this lightweight suit has practically no indication it is anything asides from standard formal attire that a bartender would wear to work, even to scanners (Granted, rather fancy attire compared to slum-like areas, and the belt is visible). So long as you aren't carrying anything excessively bulky, it'd be difficult to tell this dapper-looking suit is meant for combat in the slightest.
  • (Still) Missed a Spot: In the end of the day, a suit cannot quite match the all-encompassing protection of a suit of armor. Not every place is going to be protected by a concealed plate, leaving noticeably less-defended openings where an opponent would instead have to contend with the base armorweave and any underlays. Additionally, despite using Force-Dead materials, they were applied in such a way that maximizes protection against elements, and less so the force.
  • Material Survives, You Won't: A handful of different weaponry, the materials themselves would fair decently well against, but doesn't do so well at shielding the wearer from their effects. Hence, its best to pair this with an underlay that rectifies these weaknesses. That is, if you were gearing up for a fight.
  • Civilian-Grade: As per Ela's request, and to some of Samuel's dismay, there are less plate carriers and defenses compared to Samuel's suit. Ela is, after all, a civilian - though he could convince her with the right turn of events to wear protection more akin to his.

After Ela's first suit was unceremoniously ruined for a while, Samuel had already prepared a matching pair which had come to evolve over time, as with how he usually operates. Ela protested something so formal-looking, but he insisted she have it regardless.

Wanting to get as much protection and utility as possible, while still remaining presentable in the event he had formal events the pair were occasionally hired for, or more high-end bars to bartend down the line, he opted for a micronized mesh of Duranium - simple, and able to comfortably deal with most threats. He later added Norris Root Dye, giving the suits their iconic crimson appearance. While this was a great basis, he knew it would never be enough to just keep it to that - he's encountered too many individuals with slugthrowers, lightsabers, and other such weaponry in his work to be satisfied with the armorweave. Thus, he crafted vests that visually appear to be standard formal vests, but in reality are durable plate carriers -- laid out in similar manners to most armor sets. The full set of carriers tries to cover as much surface area of his body as it can without inhibiting mobility, or sticking out too much from his suit. This necessitated the use of incredibly strong, yet light materials that were flexible enough for his liking - hence the use of Phrik-A and Duraplast-E composite plates.

Unlike Samuel's vest, Ela's typically forgoes much of the equipment he has. She doesn't have much training, nor experience like he does, so it ultimately doesn't make too much sense to be carrying around the arsenal he does constantly. Still, he gets a bit nervous with her having a fair bit less plate carriers than him, though he doesn't openly protest the decision. Instead he just fitted in a few extra ones where he could. You'd be surprised how many people aim at the bartender, which is more than enough reason for him to worry.

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