Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Remebrance and Healing | AC dominion of Mirial


Issue #2 w/
Valery Noble Valery Noble

"I'm going to join the New Jedi Order in the conflict against the Maw, wherever it will take me. Let's be an obstacle this Darth Solipsis will not overcome, hm?"

A smirk curved his lips as he looked at her. Valery's encouraging tone cleared the solemn shadows draped over his face and stoked the flickering flame into a bustling fire. Having her as a Jedi he could count on felt reassuring even as the darkness of the Sith cast a long and thick shadow over the galaxy.

Setting the glass of champagne - as full as he had first taken it - back on the tray of a passing server, he nodded, "Let's."

"I'm glad to hear that, Val. It's not only the experience you bring but... this hope-- feel like we need it now more than ever before."

"Why do you believe that you must be the one to stop him?" she asked, wondering if there was some history between the Jedi and Sith that she was unaware of.

"It's like you said, we're in this together. You don't have to face him alone."

Weeks of sleepless nights he had spent thinking over just that. Weeks of restless nights he had spent to find the answer to that question in the vivid memories of his fallen friends and comrades.

Dag's expression hardened, full of both determination and... acceptance, "If I stop him - I win for the whole galaxy, Val, but if I'm defeated... I've only got myself to lose." the statement was harsh but so was the truth. He could bear no more friends falling to the machinations of the Dark Lord.

The vault was cold and utterly dark. Geiseric stood motionless for fear of walking into something without seeing it. A few moments after the door had completely seal, a soft light blue glow bathed the room, emanating from a cubic holocron seated atop a waist high stone pedestal. The room was smaller then he expected, and completely empty aside from himself and the holocron.

Gei stepped forward and plucked the holocron from its resting place. He held it in the palm of his hand, placing the other hand on top and closing his eyes. Through the Force, he connected himself to the device and opened it. The panels of the holocron gently unfolded and began to float from his hands, back to the pedestal. The pieces of the holocron swirled in mid air around its core, bobbing ever so slightly up and down above the spot where it had been laying before. The light from within expanded, enveloping the holocron and its pedestal in a life sized hologram of an elderly man clad in Jedi robes. The figure introduced himself as a grandmaster of the Jedi Order some decades after the formation of the Galactic Triumvirate. Geiseric didn’t recognize the grandmaster of centuries past, nor was the image of a former grandmaster uncommon to an erudite Jedi as Geiseric had been in his youth. Yet, the fact that this holocron had been created by one give him some assurance that his quest was on the right path.

The contents of the holocron were indeed what the crusader needed. It’s databank recorded the locations of many artifscts powerful in the Force, hidden or housed all across the galaxy. Geiseric expect many would have been moved in the turmoil of the last few centuries, but it was undoubtedly a place to begin.

The item that caught his eye first was a kyber crystal. He had heard of powerful crystals before, but none so strong they required official registration in a holocron such as this. This kyber crystal was more than noteworthy for a reason: it was near mythical. Geiseric listened attentively as the holocron’s recorded gatekeeper began to tell the story of the crystal.

“The called it: The Dawn. A kyber crystal infused with the light of a dozen Jedi Lords. It was said to have been created in the closing days of the New Sith Wars as means to ensure the defeat of Skere Kaan and the permanent destruction of the Dark Side. Such events did not come to pass, for when the Sith Lord detonated his legendary Thought Bomb, the crystal’s wielder along with everyone else in the Valley of the Jedi was killed. The crystal was said to have been found in the aftermath, though what the Jedi Council did with such an item is unknown. Excavation of tombs in the Valley of the Jedi have shown no signs of it, and its current whereabouts if it indeed exists are entirely unknown.”

A kyber crystal of that magnitude, made from the very power of the ancient Army of Light themselves, would restore Lord Grayson, he thought. Perhaps his comrades would think him crazy for his interest in the apocryphal artifact, but something inside him stirred. A feeling that this was the right path, an opportunity that couldn’t be squandered. If it were out there… it could be enough power not only to save Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson but to defeat Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis .

Geiseric knew what he had to do.
Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Location: Sacred Pillar Memorial Hospital
Objective I.: Building thee Facility
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (weapons) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags:: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana (interaction) | Aridius 'TK-1575' Aridius 'TK-1575' | Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
[ Never Meant To Belong ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

It was not easy to guess who Eina was thinking about, because she had direct connection and friendship with many people within the AC; with both men and women. It’s another matter that she didn’t feel the same towards them what she felt towards Geiseric. And that's why she didn't want to get him in trouble. The Valkyrja was discreet anyway and didn’t talk about her private life. And here she didn't even understand what was going on around her. This made it even harder to say anything about the situation.

"Leave my side, yes." she nodded.

Eina listened wordlessly to the rest as she looked at the ground beneath them. When Isla said she couldn’t see things clearly because of her feelings, she shook her head. Her feelings did not affect her. She just didn't understand why.

"I see things clearly… I just don't understand the mortals' behaviour!" she said.

She wanted to say that Gei told her they are friends that she was the light in the dark and this must remain so. That he loves her and then moments later that he can only feel this in Ashla's direction. That Eina knew that friends would not leave their partners, but he left… but was unable to utter these.

"I do not understand… They said I did nothing wrong, that I am innocent, in many ways. Then why?"

She shuddered as Isla reached for her arm. She tried to stay still, but Eina was tense and now it was uncomfortable for her.



Location: Mirial
Valery: Appearance
Ship: Factory link
Tag: Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze
Noticing that her words had lifted the mood a little made her smile as well. Even if it was faint or temporary, she felt it was needed after the difficult times many Jedi had been going through. Walking past the server, Valery wouldn't put her glass away and instead raised it up to her lips to take a sip.
"No matter what happens, we have to always maintain hope. It's the underlying strength for the majority of people. If we lose that completely.." she didn't finish her sentence - the answer was obvious.
But when the topic of Darth Solipsis came up, she noticed a change in his exterior. While she knew this Sith was behind the recent conflict, she personally had not encountered him. But Dagon had been with all these Jedi for much longer, so she understood the difficulty of having to face this darkness.
Dag's expression hardened, full of both determination and... acceptance, "If I stop him - I win for the whole galaxy, Val, but if I'm defeated... I've only got myself to lose." the statement was harsh but so was the truth. He could bear no more friends falling to the machinations of the Dark Lord.

Valery frowned lightly in response and remained quiet for a moment. There was truth to his statement that she wasn't going to deny or challenge, but she hoped he had looked at this from an outsider's perspective as well. She had a feeling he did, and it made the truth only seem harsher.
"That may be so, but others look at you for strength and hope as well. To potentially sacrifice yourself when your allies and friends are willing to stand there with you leaves them with a feeling of emptiness and guilt if you were to fall."
She held her glass in her hands and remained quiet for a moment again.
"It's ultimately your decision to make, and one those close to you will support in the end. But it's not an easy decision to accept."


Objective 3
Tag: Shai Maji Shai Maji

Cass flinched as she felt the attack coming, her force enhanced reflexes guiding her. She moved quickly but not quite quickly enough to dodge the blast from the repulsor. It was a cheap shot but absolutely justified. It blast into her shoulder and she spun through the air, rolling with the energy of the hit. As she spun she pulled her own pistol out, letting off a couple of blasts with the Calypso's Thunder, whilst she held her black bladed saber in her other hand. She kept the pistol set to stun when not in use and felt no need to change it right now. Her objective was escape, and this bounty hunter seemed like the sort to deserve to survive.

She caught her breath then activated her grav pack, there was no was the mandalorian wouldn't be able to follow it, but screw it, better make the chase fun "come catch me if you can gorgeous, come plant a little kiss on Cass." She winked and her Icarus pack flared, lifting her into the air. With a kick she spun off the wall and lept over it.

On the other side was a wide open space that had been cleared of traffic and civilians. There were barriers erected across the roads for the Farthier race, the perfect place for a little gunfight, provided no racers showed up that is. Cass landed and took cover behind a barrier.

You never know, the mandalorian might give up at the first hurdle and leave her too it. She took a moment for a little chuckle to herself.


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Location: Out in the Desert
Objective: Meditation... of a sort.
Tags: Gorthalon Gorthalon

Hearing the distant whine and grumble of an approaching speeder, Vyr's field of vision snapped to the source; he peered, making out the furred figure cutting through airborne grains and gust as the distance closed, and he shifted off the saddle, rolling his shoulders, the canteen hanging from two fingers by its cap loop when he began to be able to make out the figure in greater detail, his muscles tensing in the slightest manner, betraying nothing. His free hand shielded his eyes from the wind, and Vyrien flipped through his mental catalogue of the host of the Ashlan Crusade, coming to the conclusion that this one wasn't one of their own as the other speeder came to a stop alongside him.

While the Yuzzem introduced himself, the pale, silver-pupiled man took in the particulars of the other, his gaze unwavering, and packed away his frustrations within. It was often a risk to not be wholly present, "Only that... save for temples and other occasional signs of intelligent life, this place appears to be little more than the desolate sands that stretch out before us, endlessly," he unscrewed the cap of the canteen and took another swig, his gaze remaining parked on Gorthalon, "but the Mirialans survive it. There is more here than the sands alone can say."

Even, supposedly, an ancient underground city somewhere in the cooled, grainy expanse, which seemed a more reasonable option for living than the surface... and yet, here they were.

"I am Vyrien Paskal," he gave after a scant few moments, "you must be from the Alliance, I would gather?"


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Tags: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir


"I would be lying if I said that there wasn't a part of me that wanted power. The fact that my influence has grown as much as it has, is in itself, a rather strange feeling at times. After all, with greater power, it has become easier to see Ashla's will done."

Pietro had always been accustomed to the finer things in life. He was raised as a noble on Serenno, and had only forgone that life in favor of religious servitude. Nevertheless, Ashla had seen fit to bring him back to a position of greater even greater influence. Destiny was funny like that.

"It is my belief that all wish for power, in some form or another. The ability to acknowledge that desire is one of our greatest tools against greed. Once we accept that a desire for more is an integral part of the self, we are able to assess that desire and keep it in check."

Pietro's eyes stayed on the race as he carefully listened to Isla's words about Panatha, allowing the comments to marinate for a minute before continuing.

"Regrettably, that person is not the only one that thinks that of our cause. Many see me as problematic at best, and evil at worst. As for my thoughts, well... the truth is that the Jedi have simply been lacking the faith to truly see this to the end. Far too many of them walk on eggshells to try to protect themselves from their own faults, and yet, many of them still fall. I am not against allowing the lost to find redemption. In truth, that would be a much preferable route."

His hand clutched his rosary again.

"Unfortunately, there are many that are simply too far gone. If we are to truly eradicate the Bogan's influence, then we must remain diligent until the bitter end. There are those that likely believe this to be out of hatred for the Sith, but the truth is that death is a mercy to those that can't be saved. The Bogan twists an individual, even on a physical level. It is a disease, both of the body and the soul. Should they not be able to be cured, then we must grant them the mercy of death."

Pietro chuckled at Isla's final comments.

"Ah yes, legacy. I have given it much thought myself, as of late. Legacy can entail so many things, whether it be ones deeds, or a family. In the end, I trust that you will know the answer when the time comes."

He turned to her, offering her another reassuring smile.

"You are one of the few I truly trust, and I have faith that you will see the path Ashla has laid out for you. I know it can be hard to separate obligation and the self. It is certainly something we all face from time to time, but if it's any consolation, you have done incredible work. No matter what happens in the future, your name will be remembered for years to come."


Visibly unaffected by Gorthalon's random arrival, with a confident disposition, the ashen-haired stranger answered. "Only that... save for temples and other occasional signs of intelligent life, this place appears to be little more than the desolate sands that stretch out before us, endlessly..." Raising, then lowering his eyebrows and giving the slightest of nods, the Yuzzem politely listened to the eloquent words of the person in front of him. Without shifting his gaze, the stranger proceeded to take a sip from his drink. Gorthalon's eyes however wandered off for a moment; first towards the direction the wind blew in, then calmly turning his head against it, squinting as he returned his gaze to the man sitting on his bike to continue listening to his answer. This was the first time he wondered why this man was here. "...but the Mirialans survive it. There is more here than the sands alone can say."

The Yuzzem was exceptionally good at picking up tells, yet the unflinching and mysterious nature of this man proved to be a challenge to read. A Yuzzem's snout is also an excellent tool for gathering information of the other, as it can detect even the slightest of changes in body odor, but the heavy winds masked any olfactory information to be gained at this moment. The man simply appeared as cool as the wind. - Mm-hmm, yes. - Is all he could say in response to the obscure, yet intriguing answer.

"I am Vyrien Paskal..." he said, after noticing the Yuzzem's momentary hesitance. " must be from the Alliance, I would gather?"

With unconcealed surprise in his tone, Gorthalon remarked. - That is exactly right, Vyrien Paskal! - Another nod and an open palm hand gesture, and returning to his normal, deep-pitched voice. - Nice to meet you. I must say I am surprised you recognized my affiliation this quickly, but I suppose Yuzzem are few and far between in the galactic community, let alone around these parts. - Gorthalon hunched down and took his key card out of the speeder, slid it in his back pocket and stepped out of the roofless speeder. - I am not as astute as you it seems, but since you are not Mirialan either, I wouldn't be surprised if you also had some official business around here. Am I correct? - Or maybe he's from the Hospital? No, he would have recognized him then.

Dusting off some sand from his shoulder with his left hand, he continued.
- If there is indeed folklore to be found among the sands, a cantina seems to be the best place to start investigating. - He raised his right arm for a handshake in the howling winds. - And I also want the strongest drink they have. Want to join me, Vyrien?
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Location: Out in the Desert
Objective: Clarification
Tags: Gorthalon Gorthalon

That was the Arkanian influence on his life: regardless of the fact that it was only a half of his genetic makeup, he had spent his formative years on Arkania and had been educated there, rather than on Eshan, the homeworld of his mother, and it came through in his speech, right down to the accent; however, enough years away in what his family would call 'questionable' if not 'unworthy' company had its effects, and this fact usually only showed in his manner of speech and comportment with very, very few individuals... and those who strayed enough to deserve it.

"You didn't look Imperial," was all the explanation he gave. Mirial wasn't a tourist destination, per se, and by deduction... well, there it was. "And no, no business. I came out into the cold desert to meditate alone," he screwed the cap back on the canteen and tossed it in the back of the speeder, "don't worry, I had given up by the time you arrived," he clarified in an aside, if a touch dismissively, "at any rate, the cold is a familiar environment. Ideal for bringing clarity to my thoughts."

It was as simple as that.

"But I will take you up on that drink, Gorthalon," he said, accepting the invitation, while raking a hand through the ashen strands that emanated from his scalp, "What better way to get to know one's allies?"

Short of engaging them in the tradition of Echani combat, that is.


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Issue #2 w/
Valery Noble Valery Noble

"It isn't, no." he nodded grimly. Dag had contemplated over the decision ever since Coruscant and the rumination still tore at him to this very day. Most times in his life he had been decisive, certain in the choices he made but lately... lately every choice he'd made had been for the worse. Was it true that others looked up to him for strength and hope, as Valery said? Frankly, he'd never thought of that before. For all the detective work he'd done, Dag was missing something that would've seemed so obvious.

Silence settled between the two as they shuffled through the crowd, eventually ending up at a more secluded area of the stands - a terrace that overlooked the races but from a terrible angle so there was no one around. The raven-haired Jedi exhaled a long held breath of air, welcoming the fact he could drop the celebrity act and moving in to lean over the railing. Maxwell Irani seemed all but forgotten at this point.

An involuntary scoff escaped his lips, "They'll be fine without me, Val - they've got a four thousand year old Jedi Master to look up to." he grinned. Humor as always had been the go-to coping mechanism when things looked really bad.



Objective 1
Tag Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir

Seeing Eina tense at the physical contact she removed her hand from her friend's arm.
"Leave my side, yes." she nodded
"Then no, I won't leave your side, I value your friendship and whilst it will likely be shared across galactic distances due to the realities of life, I promise you my friendship for as long as you want it, you can even have a hug if you ever feel comfortable with that"

She listened intently to what Eina said, she didn't say very much. Isla got the feeling that she was reluctant to say who had left her, but for someone to tell her she was innocent and then leave her, it sounded like they were trying to protect her from something. It was hard to get across without specific details, but Isla felt it would be unwise to pressure her.

"I am going to speak in quite general terms, but if the person that has left you has emphasised your innocence, they may be trying to protect you." She decided to take a chance on guessing the situation "if I may be bold, and tell me to stop of I am way off the mark, but this sounds like someone has broken your heart? I wish I knew who, so I could help more. But it sounds like in their mind they were trying to protect you from something"

She drained her coffee and sighed thinking of her own love life.

"When I was studying, I must have been 20 or so, there was this guy and we loved each other a lot, and then one day he just ghosted me. I was an absolute mess for months after, it hurt so much." She smiled thoughtfully thinking happily of her memories with him, despite the heartache. "I found out a few years later that he did it because he had some trouble with the law and didn't want to mess all this.." she made a open gesture to their current surrounding "..up for me. It wasn't his decision to make and the pain burned at the time, but he promised me he did it because he loved me"

The thought about him, he settled down not far from Bosph and started a family, did a little time in prison but was doing alright now.
Objective 2
Tag: Pietro Demici Pietro Demici

"OK, so just a little desire for power then," and she smirked. "I suppose it it much easier to achieve your goals with power than without, I doubt many would listen to my words so keenly if it wasn't for the billion ton warships at my disposal."

She thought for a moment of legacy and his suggestion that it could take many forms. He was right, after all, that the architects of the Ashlan society would be remembered, and as much as she had a particular craving right now, she knew the reason it had been put off was due to proritsing the greater future. They were carving out a swathe of the galaxy where their future offspring could be safe and prosperous, it wasn't so long since the Ashlans were clinging to the edge of Sith space in the tingel arm, now they were doing massive civil works on Mirial, a significant cultural world.

"I suppose I should be happy for now with being a mother of our nation? There will be time for more selfish goals later."

She paused and smiled "Thank you Pietro, this has been very helpful to me, I think sometimes when we are playing 'heroes of the light' we forget we are still people with our own personal stresses."


Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Location: Sacred Pillar Memorial Hospital
Objective I.: Building thee Facility
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (weapons) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags:: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana (interaction) | Aridius 'TK-1575' Aridius 'TK-1575' | Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
[ Never Meant To Belong ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

"It is my duty to protect others, I do not need to be protected!" she said a little defiantly.

No one ever took care of Eina, it was her who always took care of others. She didn’t need protection, that was her duty. For her, it was natural to take care of others, even at the cost of her life as well. She didn't know how to say this to Isla or how she should talk about it so she wouldn't say too much. Eina finally shook her head, Gei mentioned love, as did the woman now, but Valkyrja didn't understand that.

"I don’t know what love is or "break someone's heart". I don't have a heart, so it couldn't have happened." she said.

Eina looked at the ground in confusion, really not knowing how to talk about it. She didn't want to get Gei in trouble.

"As they spoke, it was like they were saying goodbye, they said we have to remain friends, because or but... they feel love and lust in my direction but they can only love Ashla... because, there are feelings a Jedi must never indulge... such is what they feel for me because it leads to Bogan's way. But we’re friends… I don't understand what is love or lust or why they said that, nor why it hurts so much…" she said with difficulty and confusion.

It hurt her to talk about it, she looked up confused, wounded; fear and incomprehension was in her eyes. She was afraid Isla would leave too.

"I don’t understand what I did wrong…" she said bitterly.



Location: Mirial
Valery: Appearance
Ship: Factory link
Tag: Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze
Valery remained quiet as the two walked towards the terrace. He likely had a great deal on his mind, so she wanted to give him the time and space if he needed it. When they finally made it up to the railing, she let go of his arm and just stood beside him, her orange eyes scanning over the area ahead of them while a cool, gentle breeze began to blow through her long hair.
These moments were always a peculiar thing. There was a peaceful silence and the two Jedi appeared calm, but both knew that all of it was going to change very soon. They would be out on the front, wherever that would take them, and if Dagon were to face off against the Sith alone, nothing would be certain about the future.
When he finally spoke, her gaze would return to him.
"That may be so, but I can't replace the friend you have been to them," she said with a soft tone of voice, not a lecturing kind. She knew his choice was hard enough as is and didn't want him to feel guilty about it. Tough decisions just meant accepting difficult consequences.
A brief pause followed.
"There are times when we feel that the Force is guiding us down a difficult path, one that may come with the ultimate sacrifice. While we consider those around us - our friends, allies.. - we sometimes have to make a choice for the betterment of more than just our own circle. This is never easy but a Padawan of mine once said being a Jedi 'is never simple'. I can't say I disagree with him."
Her expression then turned into a warm, comforting smile. She had been in his position before - one of such situations lead to her time in stasis, and thus her awakening in this time. So she understood the way he felt. The Force was a mysterious thing, and following its will often resulted in hard decisions.



Objective 1
Tag Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir

"It is my duty to protect others, I do not need to be protected!" she said a little defiantly.
"The people that want to protect us, don't always ask our permission to do so."

Eina's next comment caught her off guard, Isla had always thought of love as such a universal feeling, she hadn't even considered the fact that some entities, such as Eina might not understand it. This was massive, she wasn't sure whether she had it in her to explain it correctly, but she owed her friend to try.

"love is a complicated thing, it's a connection to someone which is greater than a simple acquaintance or friendship, I wouldn't know how to explain it other than how it feels when it is taken away. Breaking a heart is an expression used, it isn't a breaking of you physical heart, but a pain that seems to tear you from within, of loss and emptiness. If you truly love someone and they are taken from you it can be devastating, it can be a friend, a family member or a partner, some people love their pets in a similar way."

Isla was feeling slightly out of her depth right now, maybe coffee was the wrong option she thought, this is a conversation for a large glass of win. She felt more comfortable when Einas comments turned to more specific thoughts, involving jedi rules

"A jedi?" She asked with with raised eyebrow, curious of who in the order may have stolen this amazing woman's heart.

"So, this actually does make some sense from their dogma. I am obviously not a Jedi, but have spent enough time around them to pick up a few things." Isla paused and took a breath, digging deep to make sure she got this right. "My understanding is that feelings of love puts them at risk distraction, or more dangerously fear of loss, and that fear of loss can make them take actions leading toward the Bogan."

Isla wondered how much Eina would know about mortal history, she could remember a few stories of wars fought over love and of Jedi fallen because of their love.

She looked in the eyes of the poor woman in front of her, she wished she could just put her arms round her and take the sadness away, but she was now getting a clearer picture and she knew only time could really heal her.

"I don't think you did anything wrong, I think the Jedi in question is simply hiding from of their own feelings."



Dust continued to dig into his mane. The Yuzzem waited. "You didn't look Imperial."

- Well, I ... -
He grumbled, but decided not to raise his voice to take over the conversation.

"...And no, no business. I came out into the cold desert to meditate alone," just as Gorthalon opened his mouth, his new acquaintance continued swiftly. "... Don't worry, I had given up by the time you arrived." Came the curt, but somewhat relieving answer. The Yuzzem finally lowered his extended arm slowly; he was not at all familiar with the customs of other cultures and assumed it might be rude to point out the unreciprocated handshake. "At any rate, the cold is a familiar environment. Ideal for bringing clarity to my thoughts."

An interesting approach, Gorthalon thought. He scratched his right arm that was now beginning to turn a shade lighter as a result of all the accumulated sand in his fur. "... But I will take you up on that drink, Gorthalon. What better way to get to know one's allies?"

Allies? At this point, it hit him. - Ah! - He murmured. - So you are one of the famed Crusaders. I suppose I should thank you then, your faction's medical complex is one of the few places in the galaxy where they know how to treat my kind. - Curiosity painted his tone now, more than before. He had never met a Crusader before, and barely knew anything about Ashlan. A great opportunity to learn and listen presented itself. Even though he had set out to learn about Mirialan culture, he was more than glad to have met an ally, of all things, in this cold expanse. The Yuzzem knew equally little about the Ashlan Crusade.

The beast turned and pointed at the speeder.
- This is just a rental. We could meet at the bike shop near the city gates and hunt for trouble from there? - He turned back and for the first time, smiled. - I won't be hard to find.

He took his key card out of his back pocket and stepped back onto the speeder. After ignition, he nodded again, as a temporary farewell, and rotated the wheel sharply, making a short turn and slowly accelerating, so as not to kick up too much sand with the vehicle's propulsion forces.

He headed straight for the rental shop.

Unfortunately, no partial refunds were offered by the old Mirialan shopkeep, but the Yuzzem didn't mind. He calmly stepped out of the shop and onto the bustling sidewalk. He took a step sideways, then leaned his back against the wall so he wouldn't take up too much space. He turned his head towards the city gates, while trying to dust himself off as best he could.
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Tags: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini
Equipment: In bio | Standard loadout

Her repulsor scored a hit on the girl, though it didn't have the full effect she was hoping for. Shai ducked out of the way to avoid the stun bolt, though it still caught her narrowly. Luckily her armour held up against the first one and her jetpack's deflector shield absorbed the rest, but she still felt the throbbing in her head like a hangover hit her out of nowhere.

They both took a moment to recover from the initial attacks, though it seemed they were both in good condition to still keep going with this little dance of theirs. Shai's jetpack flared to life along with her repulsor boots as Cass charged up a surprise of her own. A grin formed behind Shai's visor as she followed closely after Cass through the air. "Get your ass over here, then!" She cackled as she drew both of her pistols, switching them to particle mode when she saw Cass hide behind a barrier.

She fired several shots at the barrier to break it down and surprise the snickering Cass before switching to stun mode. With her left vambrace she fired her grappling line at the woman in hopes of ensnaring her before she could bounce away again like a cartoon character with her curious piece of tech. If she managed to subdue her, she was definitely going to study that gadget. Simultaneously, she fired two stun bolts at Cass as well, hoping that her skill with a blaster wouldn't let her down. If Cass managed to get out of this one, Shai was going to return right to that bar...


Objective 3
Tag: Shai Maji Shai Maji

Cass felt the barrier blasted apart as then mandalorian emptied round after round into it, she checked herself, cool, still alive, before standing up to face her attacker.

The whipcord flew towards her and she lashed out with her lightsaber, catching the tip of it in a flash of sparks and a metallic clashing noise. The whipcord was succefully deflected but the first and second sun bolts caught her. Her skin suit was fairly efficient deflecting energy but the second round hitting nearly the same spot overwhelmed it and she briefly saw stars as her muscles tightened, it wasn't enough to knock her down, but it staggered her and made her nauseous.

She buckled as the hunter watched her and then she felt it, her force enhanced senses picking it up first, a presence, lots of presences, lots of big, hairy presences coming right this way.

It took her a lot with her nerves still reeling, but she lept upwards and backwards just as the first Farthier passed them, landing on its back, just behind its furious rider. "Sorry sweetheart, I just needed a ride" and she planted a kiss on the rider's cheek. The sudden extra weight and distraction of the rider made the lead farthier drop slightly back into the pack, but this was perfect for Cass. The mass of moving bodies and the dust cloud generated as they ran would make it harder for any would be pursuers to just shoot her off her mount from afar.

She looked up and saw the large projection screens around the track, now showing zoomed images of a woman in red and black clinging on to the rear of the Farthier.

Well this was much more high profile than Cass had originally planned.


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Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Location: Sacred Pillar Memorial Hospital
Objective I.: Building thee Facility
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (weapons) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags:: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana (interaction) | Aridius 'TK-1575' Aridius 'TK-1575' | Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
[ Never Meant To Belong ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

"Greater than a simple acquaintance or friendship? Like a family bond?" she asked confused.

She knew nothing but this. And she also felt a family attachment towards Adrian for the time being, which is probably not surprising since she raised her younger brother. Eina couldn’t have imagined anything else at all because she had no experience. Last but not least, the Valkyrja has never watched any holofilms before. So she didn’t see or read any romantic stories. As incredible as it was, it was really unknown to her. She had never been in a relationship with anyone before, or in a position to feel that way.

"I knew the Jedi were looking for the perfect balance. If they refuse something because they are afraid of the consequences, isn’t this Bogan’s will? Because they’re afraid they can’t keep their balance?" she asked, hoping to avoid the other questions.

Last but not least, she didn’t understand why someone was trying to hide from their feelings. She always faced what she feared and tried to overcome. And so keep the balance on her own. But the mortals were still strange. She shook her head at the end.

"I think I should go home." she said hesitantly.



Tags: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini
Equipment: In bio | Standard loadout

It seemed that both of them were going to have a hangover the next morning. Shai's shots scored while her grappling line retracted back into her vambrace. She was about to fire a few more at her to finish the job, when the motion sensor fired off on her right in her helmet. Turning her gaze, her eyes widened at the sight of the group of Fathiers closing in on Cass.

Angling down, she tried to reach Cass in time to tackle her out of the way, though the force user seemed to literally be on top of the situation. Shai dropped back and flew overhead with the group as she kept her sights on Cass... a task not too difficult, seeing as the camera crew were doing an excellent job of that as well. Shai cackled overhead from the shocked expression on Cass' royally magnified face on the enormous projector screen. "Smile, sis!" She called out to her as she tried to find a clear shot on her. The other jockeys were making a fine mess of her hunt at the moment...

"Kark it."

Her head, and what was left of her body, was aching more with each passing second, this was getting dragged out. Accelerating with her jetpack, she closed in on the group until she was almost on top of Cass. Her pistols fired away at her with alternating shots. One after the other, she kept firing at her in hopes of either hitting her, the jockey or the karking Fathier. A stun bolt wasn't lethal as long as they didn't fall in a weird angle. She was putting herself in a very dangerous position, flying so close to the dangerous force user... she could only hope that volley upon volley of stun bolts would do something against her before she could pull another trick out of nowhere...


Objective 3
Tag: Shai Maji Shai Maji

Cass bounded along behind the furious jockey as he did his very best to control his shocked mount around the course. He shouted something in a language the Cass did not understand but she replied anyway "Thank you, I do try to keep myself in shape, you are very handsome yourself!" She had to shout over the noise of the thunderous hooves, and now the blaster bolts coming in from above, karking mandos.

She swung her saber left and right blocking the shots when a stray shot hit her on the back of her hand, the pain was intense and it caused her hand to open, dropping her light saber, the hilt spun away from her as the black blade flickered out "KARK KARK KARK!" She shouted as she fumbled on her belt for her other lightsaber.

The next barrage she was unable to defend herself from and both her and the Farthier were struck squarely, Cass and the rider were thrown of the mount and Cass landed in a heap on the floor, her force powers allowing her to fare better than the poor rider who lay nearby with his head at an unusual angle to his body. The rider less Farthier had run off an was now eating some plants that lined the raceway.

Cass felt the wash of the jetpack as her assailant landed nearby her and she looked up to see the armoured face of the mandolrian bounty hunter looking over her with her guns still drawn.

"Alive please," Cass requested as she spat small trickle of blood that had run from her eyebrow into her mouth.



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