Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction MP/GA/DE Junction: Blood and Beskar (Gala/Yag'Dhul/Ithor)

A Real Motherfucking Stormtrooper

Blood and Beskar

Objective I:


The Dark Empire expands it's boarders to be threatening the peace provided by the Mandalorian Protectors, and the Galactic Alliance! In a daring and bold move, the Mandalorian Protectors have made the first move to perform a Raid upon the Imperial Capital of Carlac, as well as the Imperious Citadel of Caelitus. This action to instil a simple but singular message.

"We fight against their fear."

Warmarshal Drego Ruus devised a plan of attack. The main force of Galactic Alliance ground forces bolstered by Mandalorian Protectors assault the Capitol en Masse. The objective? Pull attention away from the Citadel of Caelitus so that Jedi Shadow Agents and Operatives from the SIA and elite Special Forces of the Mandalorian Protectors can infiltrate behind enemy lines to cause damage to military constructs, or gather any information of the Dark Empires resources, Military Strategems, and then whisk away into the night!

Objective One OOC: The objective has two fronts. Warposting at the Capitol, and Spy/PvP battles at the Citadel. The MP and the GA will be dropping planetside blitzkrieg style by whatever means necessary. This is not an entrenched position.
Objective II:

The Keera Major Orbital Array, one of the most pivotable pieces of the Galactic Alliance's Naval infrastructure is under a heavy Siege from the Naval Fleets of the Dark Empire! Their oppressive assault upon the Galactic Alliance have permitted them to control a large swath of Space just beyond the protective measures of the Galactic Alliance's own fleets. Answering this erroneous assault, the Mandalorian Protectors naval strength comes to bolster the defenses of the Array and the Alliance Fleet! Naval combat from the smallest Interceptor, to the largest Destroyer have come to tango in the sky. Thus, the Galactic Alliance, in conjunction with the Protectors, have devised a bold plan. Using the Corporate Fleet of the Array, and the help of the Protector's fleet, the Galactic Alliance plans a daring action to pincer the enemy besieging the array!

Meanwhile, The Galactic Alliance and Protectors send in a relief fleet to the Array have come to evacuate civilians, resupply defensive measures, and aid in the defense of would be "Unwanted Boarders." Fighting back against those who would see fear spread among the populace!

Objective two OOC: The Objective has two fronts. Array Side where Alliance and Mandalorians will rescue civilians, and fight off enemy combatant boarders, and the Fleeting side in which can be Dogfights, and Ship-to-ship Combat.
Objective III:

The Protectors, Galactic Alliance, and Dark Empire have many ties between them from long before the Protectors or Dark Empire existed as an entity. Do whatever you please to explore those.

Objective Three OOC: Have Fun

The sound of metal rattling within the ship was all he could focus on.

The raid had been planned, a chance to strike back at the imperials. A sucker punch to Carlac for what they had done on Teta.


As the ships exited hyperspace, having snuck through the gap in Imperial space, Drego looked to his men. The vod of Clan Ruus was still telatively a small force, but with the accompanying GADF and Jedi forces, he felt pretty confident in their chances. They weren't here to win a battle after all. Just damage as much as they could. The ice world below them he knew would be a tough nut to crack.

"THREE MINUTES TO DROP!" He called out, as the men piled into their drop pods. A gift for the operation was the GADF's new orbital pods that would act as the forward shock of the operation. Drego knew it wasn't going to be fancy. As he loaded in with the other 17 men, a mixture of GADF and Mandalorians, it almost felt nostalgic. And for a moment...

"You think we'll make it out alive?" He joked to his battle buddy.

"Fark man, we got Clan Bralor on overwatch. With the mandos on our back? Chit, we'll be fine."

All of a sudden, they were dropping, directly on the capital of this new Imperial order. This Dark Empire. Being sped at mach one toward the ground, heading into hell. The accompanying sonic boom as it broke the atmosphere was only a sign of things to come.

Suddenly, their compensators kicked on, as the underside propulsion of the pod kicked on, and brought them to the ground. Once those doors opened, it would be a chitshow. A red light went green, and suddenly the doors kicked open, Drego being the first to charge out into the open streets, immediately lobbing a thermal detonator out of his underbarrel at a nearby building.




F L A G // :
ANS Monsoon | Bippina Class Dreadnought | 5000m

ANS Mentor | MC97 Heavy Star Cruiser | 5000m
ANS Array |
MC97 Heavy Star Cruiser | 5000m
ANS Montorr | A-601 Main Battle Cruiser | 4500m
ANS Kellen | A-601 Main Battle Cruiser | 4500m
TFS Nute | Tambor Pattern Lucrehulk II | 3810m
TFS Gunray | Tambor Pattern Lucrehulk II | 3810m

RISD Barbarian | Type-107 ISD | 1850m
RISD Saxon |
Type-107 ISD | 1850m
RISD Onslaught | Type-107 ISD | 1850m
RISD Hand of Doom | Type-107 ISD | 1850m
ANS Bola One | CD170 Destroyer | 1500m
ANS Bola Two | CD170 Destroyer | 1500m
ANS Bola Three | CD170 Destroyer | 1500m
ANS Bola Four | CD170 Destroyer | 1500m

ANS Hammer One
| Hammerhead Class Cruiser | 1000m
ANS Hammer Two | Hammerhead Class Cruiser | 1000m
ANS Hammer Three | Hammerhead Class Cruiser | 1000m
ANS Hammer Four | Hammerhead Class Cruiser | 1000m
ANS Hammer Five | Hammerhead Class Cruiser | 1000m
ANS Hammer Six | Hammerhead Class Cruiser | 1000m

ANS Nebb One
.. | Nebulon L2 | 350m
ANS Nebb Two.. | Nebulon L2 | 350m
ANS Nebb Three.. | Nebulon L2 | 350m
ANS Nebb Four.. | Nebulon L2 | 350m

ANS Core One
.. | BSD Corona | 500m
ANS Core Two
.. | BSD Corona | 500m
ANS Core Three |
BSD Corona | 500m
ANS Core Four. |
BSD Corona | 500m
ANS Core Five
.. | BSD Corona | 500m
ANS Signet One.. | Gola Star Carrier | 500m
ANS Signet Two.. | Gola Star Carrier | 500m
ANS Signet Three.. | Gola Star Carrier | 500m
ANS Signet Four.. | Gola Star Carrier | 500m
ANS Signet Five.. | Gola Star Carrier | 500m

Several Squadrons | DP40 Heavy Gunship

F-29 Fortress Bomber
E-Wing Multi-Role Starfighter
LRS-B W-Wing Heavy Strike Bomber

RZ-5 Crynyd-series A-wing Interceptor
The bridge of the ANS Monsoon was enveloped in an errie silence, the only sounds that broke the stillness were the gentle clicks of fingers on monitors and the conversations of the Command Staff on board.

A fresh chapter was commencing in the continuous struggle against the New Empire, commonly referred to as the
Dark Empire. Serving as the backdrop for this chapter was the Keera Major Orbital Array, an indispensable asset of the Alliance Naval Arsenal and a crucial element in restraining the Imperial Armada.

If this stronghold were to be seized by the invaders, the Alliance would find itself at a disadvantage across the entire core.

The Alliance High Command had a thorough understanding of the imminent threat, deploying multiple fleets to bolster the Corporate Fleet guarding the shipyards in an attempt to thwart the Imperials from gaining any advantage in any planned siege of Coruscant, the once Capital and most prized possession in the Galaxy for any Galactic Government.

Despite being unaware of the full extend of the opposing forces, the Vice-Admiral Ideon remained resolute in his determination to protect the shipyards, even if it meant relying solely on a single capital ship.

For once, during this terrible war the Galactic Alliance had the advantage of a strong defensive position, near the shipyards, making the Imperial Fleet have to go on the offensive to succeed in breaking their line.

Ideon had already initiated theoretical combat simulations on the tactical display, prompting the Command Staff to review the data repeatedly in hopes of a better outcome, although it never came as each simulation depicted the Alliance sustaining significant losses and having to dock multiple battlecruisers for repairs.

This significant reduction of their forces would prove detrimental if the Dark Empire were to launch attacks on other planets.

"Enter Defensive Formation Aurak 4 around the the Orbital Array, bring up tactical screens and establish secure communication with our formation. Recycle all sheild systems and prime all batteries for a full charge, we need to push back the Imperial Armada from the Shipyards."

The Captain's chair reverberated with the commanding voice of the Vice-Admiral, As the orders were relayed down the line, the crew members sprang into action, each one aware of their role and responsibilities in carrying out the mission.

The communication's officer, with unwavering focus, ensured that every message was accurately transmitted, maintaining clear and concise communication among the various units of the fleet. The atmosphere was tense yet organized, with everyone working together seamlessly towards a common goal.

  • Alliance Fleet is holding defensive position.

Last edited:



Gala | Sea Tribe
Objective BYOO : Business, Family

His first recent visit to Gala had been to purchase the Galacian Mining Corporation with a side adventure of visiting his grandparents, four surviving uncles, and countless cousins that belonged to the Sea Tribe of Gala.

The visit with family went well. It was the business that suffered at the hands of strife on the planet, damaging one of the mines and putting a halt to operations on one portion of the planet. Things had settled down, business had resumed, repairs had been made, and hiring had resumed after his firing of most of the employees due to corruption.

Now he was back, this time to focus on coral technology that was partially developed by Brooke Waters Brooke Waters . Brooke had put the legwork in helping find the parameters in which the coral could grow and how it could be propagated. Lucky for him, the coral from Mezokara could be grown elsewhere, able to seed into other oceans. There were also seaweed and algae farms on Ithor that were now in their early stages. Plans for an aquaculture farm to expand to farming fish and various mollusks were also in the works, building off the structures for the seaweed and algae.

Yet he wasn’t back alone like last time. This time, he had brought along Ellie and the girls, intent on spending some time together before the wedding, not to mention giving Danger a break from the presence of all four of them. They had promised Rue attendance to a gravball series on Fondor, which was an easy enough skip to at the end of their time handling business on Gala and Ithor. While Persie wasn’t thrilled about the gravball games, they had brought along her friend-slash-boyfriend Iko Vel Iko Vel , after getting injured during their entanglement with pirates.

For now, it was a time in the small fishing village that contained most of the Kai family. Makai had offered to move the family several times in the past, yet always declined. Now, with the growing unrest in the area, he was extremely concerned for his grandparents, but they had doubled down on staying, and he would respect their wishes.

In front of him, his plate was piled high with whitebait fritters, the name implying exactly what were the ingredients; tiny little baitfish fried up in a batter. They were piping hot, just set down by his grandmother, kissing him on the temple and encouraging him to eat.

Fork cut into his next fritter, easily his sixth one, stuffing a massive piece in his mouth as if he was starving. He clearly was not.

“Makai, don't forget you're helping me later. Don't stuff too much down.”

A small nod, his mouth full. His grandfather was stern but caring, and right now Makai could tell the man thought his grandmother was indulging him far too much.

“I mean, I'm not going to waste what grandma just made.”

It wasn't as if he got to eat this often. He couldn't imagine bringing home tiny little baitfish to cook,no way it would pass an approved dinner test, their little eyes staring up through the batter.

Besides, a new subject was on the horizon: his impending marriage. It was a credit to the entire family; they hadn't jumped on that subject before this, and instead, they merely greeted and introduced themselves.

“So.” Talia started, looking between her grandson and Myra Elspeth Arceneau Myra Elspeth Arceneau , “How are things going? We've heard all about Myra over the years now. Makai, I know you told us last time, but this is a welcome surprise to have everyone over.”

“Probably afraid we were going to scare her off. I'd be too with this group.”

Leave it to Aunt Luisa to point out the obvious.

Objective 2 - Rescue some people!

“Alright. There’s only one major rule you need to follow. Listen to anything I say and follow it without questions. If I tell you to hide, hide. If I tell you to run, run. Don’t ask why, don’t stop to look, otherwise you'll be left behind. You got that?”

Shan turned back for a moment to make sure his words were taken in. It was his first time actually having responsibility and having to look after anyone during a mission like this and there was no way he was going to take any risks. He had no real understanding of their capabilities right now, so it was better to be safe than sorry as they were helping evacuate refugees. Alongside that, Shan was carrying a satchel filled with medical supplies to hand out to them. Whilst he’d have liked the idea of being able to stay behind and heal everyone, it would take too much time. If he had more time to have trained Zaiya in healing, then maybe he could have left her at the shuttles to help heal them…but for now, he was keeping her within his eyesight.

“Zaiya, keep your eyes open for anyone we might miss, and on the others. You’re better at sensing people than I am at least. And remember, smile. These people are scared. We need to show them they’re going to be alright. You can do this.”

Reassurance. That was also key. He could only imagine how Zaiya might be feeling from the chaos. Shan could barely believe it himself. The Mandalorians were once again working with the Alliance…Last time that had happened, Shan wasn’t even part of the Order. His main encounters with Mandalorians were during the battles with the Enclaves. The destruction of Ukatis was still fresh in his mind from all of that…but that was in the past now. He had managed to get past that view point.

Especially after meeting some great Mandalorians. Jenn Kryze and Varys. They had helped show him that the Mandalorians could be honourable. Even if their concept of fighting and honour was somewhat savage to him. Maybe that was something he should teach Zaiya about when they had a free moment. How you should be able to understand other people’s cultures and shouldn’t just assume yours was the correct belief. He was sure that wasn’t something he’d need to worry about but that wasn’t important to think about right now.

Every so often the floor would rock under Shan, sounds of screaming and yelling echoing through the metal halls. Why couldn’t they be on solid ground or something? Sure, it was technically solid ground but he wanted something on a planet. Fighting on a planet was much more secure in his mind. Plus it was easier to use the environment, it was easy to get dust or rocks from a planet. His elemental skills were going to be quite useless on the Array if he thought about it. No chance to show off but he had to remind himself that there was no need to be all showy and flashy. Get the job done and rescue those who needed their help.

With the lights flickering every so often from the battle happening out in space, Shan took his lightsaber from his belt and ignited the blade, letting the green light fill their surroundings. A beacon of light for people to run to as a guide and to make it easier for him to direct them towards the hangers. The familiar thum of the blade actually giving the new Jedi Knight some more confidence in himself. He can get people through this…He was just going to need to be careful of anyone that had already boarded the Array. The Hanger was going to be suitably defended, so he wasn’t needed there.

“...You doing alright Zaiya? How are the others? If anyone ends up needing a quick breather, just tell me."

As much as he was being strict on making sure they were still moving, he knew that there was no point pushing them too hard. Otherwise it would just make his job even more difficult...Urgh, why'd he had to get stuck with all the young ones.

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti Mahsa Mahsa Casaline Ryiah Casaline Ryiah


Objective BYOO : Business, Explorin', Getting up to no good

While Rue had to stay behind with Makky and My-rah, she and Iko got to do some exploring. He was limping slightly but not with as much pain as before, able to go further distances. That meant they could walk along the beach, take in the endless stream of fishing vessels, mess around in the tide pools.

Normal teenagers who were stuck at a family event activities. After this they were all headed to Fondor for the big gravball game series. Iko was excited, and while when she heard the news a month ago, finding out she would be watching a borin’ game, as they drew closer she was actually looking forward to it. She had even got a jersey and matching shoes, wanting to look cute no matter if it was a stupid gravball game or a high-end fashion event.

Today, she was wearing one of her Chi Chuchi creations, a blue dress perfect for the hot climate of the oceanside village.

She held Iko’s hand, reminding herself not to walk too fast. It's not like they were in a hurry, anyway. The adults were enamored with wedding talk, so they weren't leaving anytime soon. Which was fine enough, she had never been on a beach before.

“Can yous swim?”

Persie looked out at the glittering blue water.

“Cause I can’t. Ain’t never been in anything bigger than a bathtub. Not even a swimmin’ hole.”

Kind of hard to learn how to swim when there was no water where she came from. Well, there was water from the faucet, of course. She meant bodies of water. If she was being honest with herself, large bodies of water gave her the creeps.

Iko Vel Iko Vel


The Vulptex

Thief of Thieves. Ninja Master.


Tag: Open for Spy PvP
Names: Lyra, Samantha, Alex, Beatrix
The trip to Carlac was a long one. The SIA had taken the long way around, relying only on small stealth fighters to allow them to slip in undetected. The four stealth fighters exited hyperspace, just out of orbit. They could already see the massive mandalorian frigates coming in, keeping the targets occupied.

Radio silence was necessary, even if The Vixen knew they would love to banter back and forth. That could wait. As they came down, the target came in sight.

The Citadel of Carlac.

The objective was simple. Land far enough away to keep out of sight from immediate suspicion, get in, and steal as much shit as they could. Classic heist. Only complication...

They needed to capture an officer. Someone with rank who could be interrogated about coming plans.

That would be the hard part.


Landing in the snow was a new experience. With how many systems were new to the four, it wasn't a surprise it took some doing. The Magician had been the only one with flying experience, even if The Wizard claimed her time in the 'simulator' counted. It didn't.

"Short range comms check."
Sam said as she climbed out, "Keeping range to 15 meters."

"Copy Vixen. Wizard reads you."

The Vixen let out a breath. They had landed only 15 miles from the target location. Now came the trek.

The feeling of sand under his feet felt strange for Iko. The concept of sand was strange. It was rough. Coarse. Felt like it was getting stuck everywhere. But it also felt warm. It shifted under his feet easily. Honestly, it was easier for him to walk on the sand as opposed to hard ground. He felt like a typical teenager as he walked alongside Persie, taking in the sight of the beach.

“Can yous swim?”

“I can swim a bit. Not anythin’ to fancy. Just..the basics. Kickin’, splashin’. All of that. I can teach you some day. Probably not today. Don’t think it’s a good idea to learn in the ocean. Too many people around. Plus I’m still not a hundred percent. I’m gettin’ there though.”

He turned his attention over towards the blue water, watching it glitter and glimmer under the sun as he wiped at his forehead. He really should have brought his glasses or his hat with him. The heat was something he was used to when making stuff, not when he was trying to relax. Iko kicked up some of the sand into the air to let it fall down onto the ground, ignoring the looks from some of the other members of the public on the beach.

“Oh. Your…dress is lookin’ nice today by the way. You look nice as well. But…you always do. You lookin’ forward to the gravball game? I can point out all the players to you. There’s…”

With that, Iko went on a small tangent, talking about the different players, where they come from, what they were best at. Whilst he’d always argue that he wasn’t that smart, or very studious, when it came to retaining information, Iko was surprisingly effective at it. It was a needed distraction anyway. As much as he wished he wasn't aware to it, Iko could sense that something was happening in the Galaxy nearby...but it wasn't going to be his problem. Not anymore.

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell

Location: Citadel of Caelitus, Carlac
Objective: 1
Allies: DE
Enemies: GA/ME (Open for Interaction)

Kaleb had roamed the dark halls of the citadel. His mind was fractured, spent between a haze of dark fears, and a clarity that was oddly familiar. The Phobos Device as was tested for all the Dark Side Elite shown where he stood. Still, he felt as if he was stronger for it. “Shadows skittering across… Yes! I hear you Master! Always… No! No!” Kaleb would say, for he would head towards his quarters hoping to spend time with the Stygian Codex. His clarity brought by fear had allowed him to hear the whispers more clearly.

He wasn’t sure when his next task would be. The door opened and he was greeted by a bare chamber. The only thing on display was the strange sight of the Holocron. “Yes! Yes! Codex speaks! Illumination, shadows… Power of all! I hear your call my Emperor! I’m at your command. Ready to be given power! Power to crush enemies! Dark covers Light!” He would say as the door closed, hysterical laughter soon followed.

Within the darkness would Kaleb focus on the Sith Holocron as he had, hearing the whispers of the Emperor. This happened every night more since Kaleb lost his sanity, giving himself more to the darkness. He could feel his connection to the light slowly fade. “Shroud covers all! Shattered… Cannot be whole, cannot be same again. Eclipse! Must Eclipse all! I hear you Master…” More chaotic muttering as Kaleb was lost in his dark meditation.

The shadows of his insanity would whisper. The Holocron would speak Sith knowledge. Often reciting pieces of the code to Kaleb. Kaleb heard it in the form of the mocking voices of the shadows. His eyes closed as he felt himself lost to the darkness. Slowly did objects arise, the Holocron glowed with a dim light. The fear started to manifest into power. Rather than be swallowed by fear would he fall into the void of it.

“There is no peace. Peace is a delusion of the weak… Only power remains. Yes I see! I see consuming fire! The fire carries me into shadow.” Kaleb persisted with the cryptic ramblings of a shattered mind. Through the void of darkness did he feel a flicker… a spark of light that seemed familiar… revolting. Blazing, yellow eyes snapped as all the objects in the room came crashing down. Kaleb found himself hitting the floor. He felt a familiar spark that alerted his senses.

“It appears we have company…”


It had been 900 years since the Tenacity had seen combat like this. After her refit, the cathar had been itching to give the old bird a trial by fire. She was sure Zash would've been kicking her to keep the ship idle this long.

What she didn't expect was to have a crew again, having invited Ailmar and his crew to join them on this. Or to be sneaking into an orbital array with a ship stuffed not with soldiers, but with supplies.

"Coming in dark." Jonyna confirmed, D1-C3 beeping as he came out of hyperspace. The ship's stealth systems allowed them to slip in without worry of DE reprisal, especially while they were busy with the Alliance Fleet. Things were going, at least for the moment, swimmingly.

The sight of a docking bay, lit up by blaster fire within, broke that sense of ease. "Landing zone is gonna be hot. Rayia, you ready?" She paused, looking to their new friends. "And you guys?"


Alor of Clan Harert, Sith Lord, Hellwolf of Mandalore
Objective: Defend the Citadel
Location: Citadel of Caelitus, Carlac
Equipment: Beskar'gam | 2x Beskad | 2x Su'arnr be Tracyn | 1x red blade lightsaber
Tags: Domina Prime Domina Prime [ Direct ] | Open
<"Mandalorian or ur-Kittât"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


Although the attack was imminent, Dodhorn was not too excited about it. She was sitting in one of the more upmarket rooms in her armour, her helmet on the table beside her. She held a wine glass in her hand, and in it was a thick, red liquid. Blood. She watched the holographic data as the enemy approached, sipping her drink. How to feed was more her concern at the moment. Actually, the whole situation was somewhat amusing to her and depressing at the same time. The amusing part was that the enemy dared to attack the citadel, and the depressing part was that the largest Mandalorian community became the puppet and puppy of the Jedi and the Galactic Alliance.

As she had said so many times, it was pathetic how low Mandalorian culture had sunk in the present. In her time they were far more noble, glorious and powerful. It was for this reason that she joined the Maw and then the Dark Empire. As a Sith, she would have stayed away from those two groups, but as a Mandalorian, and she considered herself primarily Mandalorian, Death's Hand was the closest thing she had in the past. She still had not given up on one day bringing back the old glory to her people as they had experienced when she was a Mand'alore.

To tell the truth, Carlac was quite a long way from the place that had been her home since she woke up. But the Hellwolf was used to having to travel and be elsewhere from time to time. The members of her clan can handle the tasks at home anyway. Although Ark helped most people leave the Unknown Region, she did not give up her home there. It was her home six thousand years before, she loved that planet. Especially in its current form, since the super volcano erupted there about thirty years ago and since then the planet has been like hell. Meanwhile, as she pondered this, she took another sip of the blood.

When alarms finally sounded that the enemy was very close or that the citadel was under attack, the woman's blood red lips curled into a predatory smile. For a moment, even the woman's teeth bared; Dodhorn drank the rest of her drink and set the wine glass down on the table. The woman rose from the chair and picked up her helmet from the table, walking out as she placed the helmet on her head and hid her long snow-white hair under the armour and helmet. She headed in the direction from which the citadel's system had signalled the attack.

It was time for her to hunt, for she was thirsty for a Mandalorian blood. The current generation deserved no more...


Gala | Sea Tribe
Objective BYOO : Business, Family
Interacting with Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

Myra was seriously contemplating whether she had the stomach to eat these whitefish fritters.

The heiress didn't want to be rude; after all, it was clear that Makai's grandmother had made them with love for Makai. Several servings of it in fact. Normally, Myra wouldn't have any issue in eating what was put in front of her; part of her training in socializing across various cultures and galas meant that she had to be respectful of what food was being provided to guests. She had been taught good manners in eating what was offered to her and doing her best to school her features into a cordial, pleasant expression.

The only issue is that the fritter had several dozen tiny little fish eyes staring up at her. Whitefish were these tiny pinky, long, clear, translucent bait fish that would spawn and flood the shoreline around this time of year. Apparently, it was a great family event, with several of Gala's families from the Sea Tribe gathering around with their nets, some literally catching a handful of the tiny little wiggly critters with their hands.

Then they would be fried, baked, battered, ground -- literally, you name the style of cooking and odds were they were going to make a version out of it with the tiny little fish.

"Thank you," Myra replied with a ghost of a smile, as a platter of the fritters was set in front of her. Does one eat it with some type of sauce? Maybe if she covered it enough it would hide all the eyes...

Yet before she could ask Makai, a question from Talia drew her attention.

“So.” Talia started, looking between her grandson and Myra , “How are things going? We've heard all about Myra over the years now. Makai, I know you told us last time, but this is a welcome surprise to have everyone over.”

"Oh, going well." This was a safe topic, "Hope all the things Makai said about me were nice."



Keera Major Orbital Array
Objective Two: Rescue some People!
Interacting with: Shan Pavond Shan Pavond | Mahsa Mahsa | Casaline Ryiah Casaline Ryiah


"Okay. I'll let you know if I feel anything is amiss.. and I'll smile!" Zaiya assured Shan, attempting to show just how big her smile was. It made the apples of her cheeks puff up, but it was the pearly luminescence of her skin that made the Lovalla teen stand out. She was wearing one of the new training hanfu style robes. Braze Braze and Aris Noble Aris Noble helped her pick it out. This one was white, with a maroon and red belt, and left her shoulders bare before arm sleeves began at the middle of her bicep. Plus, it had pants! It was flowy, allowed her ease of movement, and she didn't feel as if she was sticking out like a sore thumb with the rest of the Padawans with them.

By all intents and purposes, what Shan instructed her to listen to made sense. However... Zaiya mused, her rosy golden skin already seeing a color shift of dark amber color tones in contemplation over her mottled spots and stripes over her face. She even slowly brought her hand up as if waiting to be called to ask her question. The green light of Shan's ignited lightsaber bathed him in a sphere of green light as he walked ahead, and Shan would hear Zaiya ask, "But what if you really need our help? Shouldn't we help you? Or do we really, really need to run away?"

Never mind that Zaiya didn't know much about how to defend herself save the basic principles of learning how to fall forward, backward, and on her shoulder. At least she could roll.

With the way Zaiya glowed, perhaps he didn't need to have his saber out. She was as much of a glow stick for people to notice anyway. Much like Zaiya was curiously looking at the two other girls that were with them. Providence came with Shan, asking if everyone seemed okay. Perfect time for an introduction now! With a friendly smile, Zaiya introduced herself to Mahsa Mahsa and Casaline Ryiah Casaline Ryiah .

"Hello! I'm Zaiya!" Her curious excitement made the patterns on her exposed skin on her face, neck, and arm shift in a ripple of bright orange and teal hues.

Objective 2: Search & Rescue!

"Master…?" Her voice was barely a whisper as the padawan waited by the doorway, her own essentials for the mission packed and ready at her side. Golden eyes followed the figure of the Echani as she did a last check of her own room, making sure nothing was missed or forgotten, before she’d finally turned towards the young girl.

”Ready to go, Mahsa?” The padawan gave a quiet nod in response, trying to keep a tough front despite the insecurities that plagued her. She was nervous about this mission, moreso after realizing that Hera, Ayhan Ayhan , and even her own master would be far away from her in different objectives.

”Child,” She should’ve known better than to think she could fool those silver eyes, a soft smile on the Echani’s face as her hands reached out to hold the tinier ones of her padawan. ”Everything will be fine, you’ll see.”

The physical touch brought a comfort that the Kazelrrian desperately craved, before Ioti’s hands tucked back some of the black tipped white strands of hair behind Mahsa’s ears. ”Shan is a good Jedi. He will guide you all well, but you must listen to him… alright?” Another nod, though it didn’t take long for the Kazelrrian to realize her master expected more.

"I w-will… I promise."
”Good girl, let’s head out then.”

─── ⋆ ⁺ ∘ ₊ ⊹ ☽ ⋆ ◯ ⋆ ☾ ⊹ ₊ ∘ ⁺ ⋆ ───​

”If I tell you to hide, hide. If I tell you to run, run. Don’t ask why, don’t stop to look, otherwise you'll be left behind. You got that?”

Fingers tightly gripped the satchel’s strap across her chest as Mahsa responded to the Mirialan, a few traces of auburn easily spotted amidst the mass of snow white hair atop her head. She had packed a varying amount of medicinal herbs into her own pouch, many of which the Kazelrrian was well acquainted with from a not too distant past.

She listened as the colorful one brought up a valid point however—the hues in the girl’s skin and pigments of her spots and stripes shifting along with Zaiya's words. A quiet nod was given as if to show her own support of the inquiry, the thought of simply running away and leaving the knight if he was in a really tight pickle didn’t sit well with Mahsa either.

The brows on her face pressed together as she struggled to ignore the headache that pressed against her temples, before another tremor coursed through the Array. She wasn’t sure which distraction was harder to ignore—the occasional flickering lights or the varying screams and yells that echoed down the metal halls—but the Kazelrrian pushed on regardless as she attempted to open her mind a little further.

She knew next to nothing of the other two girls that completed their four-man squad, though she was certainly intrigued by the one who seemed the most familiar with their Jedi knight. Little by little she allowed their emotions to trickle into her mind, acquainting herself with them, before space was given for those of others in the hopes that this would give them a slight edge to distinguishing friends from foes.

When Shan turned towards them to ask how they were doing Mahsa gave a polite nod, before the cheerful introduction of the Lovalla brought her attention back to her and the other girl. Zaiya… what a pretty name. She couldn’t help but smile as she watched the colorful patterns dance on Zaiya’s exposed skin, the blackened ends of her hair slowly fading as her thoughts focused on lighter things.

"I’m Mahsa—aaah!" An involuntary squeal was quickly muffled by the Kazelrrian’s hands as they were brought to her mouth, golden eyes wide as she finally realized why the girl’s name had felt so familiar. "Y-You… You’re Aris Noble Aris Noble 's friend!"

Lightsaber | Padawan Apparel | Satchel with various medical herbs, basic ointments & bandages | Survival Kit

Shan Pavond Shan Pavond | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Casaline Ryiah Casaline Ryiah
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1st Post






Tags (Friend): Aridius 'TK-1575' Aridius 'TK-1575' Kaleb Sunwalker Kaleb Sunwalker Dodhorn Harert Dodhorn Harert

Tags (Foe): Drego Ruus Drego Ruus I'dadr Gargon I'dadr Gargon The Vulptex The Vulptex




'Karseres, time to wake Farin! We're moving out!'
The last active monorail car in the district was approaching, and the Qar Hospital Substation was the last stop before the city's holding-depot, marking the closing moments to hazardous defence-conditions as the screeching underground line heralded commencement to their defensive counterattack. A high-frequency, crescendoing whine preceding the approaching weighted, shuddering metallic mass - awaiting the simple, uninvolved freight that served as the last barrier between Barran Khan and his counteroffensive operation.

By the time the freighter's last container had passed, the first fireteams would be primed to move out, more than willing to take point by then, standing readier than ever to scout for potential attacks from Asoport's lowest sub-ground levels, all trained specifically to avert the same hubris that left Cinnegar's sewer-viaducts undefended before. Easy to identify from a distance for their trenchfighting-loadout preferences, as despite being kitted out in infantry-operator array, the Cirihuts always made a point to involve,
"Tools", meant for the most-brutal of ultraviolent melee-entanglements; usually hanging claw-hammers, sharpened entrenching-tools, nailed batons and the like from their utility-belts, left in clear view as a statement of intent, blood-flecked examples of tradition defying the next century.

'Rook, you're stickin' it out wi' me this time.... If Rebirth decides to claim Her due, chain o' command passes to the attending Darkhan.'

All had previously agreed on the logic applied to the objective, as it would always be better to meet the problem at it's root in protection of a surface-level majority, a textbook precedent for containment, applicable in preservation of all that is built behind any chosen defender. It was well-known by then that the unscouted Tetan tunnels had cost the Khanate dearly, thus marking the focal preference for the next outburst of hostilities, and in seeking the deepest, lowest subterranean level as the Mandalorian Protectors had before, Barran knew his intuition would reward him greatly for trusting gut-instinct. Even Rook Darkhan understood the logic applied to the Bloodhound's new,"On their preferred ground.", doctrine, but also knew that mistaken intuition often preceded calamity, grumbling,'You had best be right about that hunch there, Brother Shriven.', in his best effort to highlight the risks for the Woad's sake.

'You get nought but scepticism until I find the Mandalorian responsible, for the orbital - and for Nail!'

Arising from his own sleeping spot, the Arkanian-born Darkhan instinctively grasped as the pommel of the Romphaia's grip rose with him, pushing it down to a level, forward-extending level as he concluded,'You know our ways, you know Marauders' blood-debts are declared loudly, and you want war as much as I do.... So let me have this vengeance - its my only demand.', walking out to drop onto the tunnel floor once and for all. The Woad would be a little more cautious, however, understanding the monorail line had every chance of retaining some of the active power-flow of the last freighter, but soon joined his old friend on the backlit, darkening approach to the tunnel ahead.

Ready to meet the Mandalorian Protectors on their preferred ground.



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Just at the right moment, Clan Awaud joined the Mandalorian Protectors to help in this operation. The Nomad Fleet normally elusive and always on the move joined in with the Mandalorian assault force to watch their back, secure the supply lines and raid Imperial ships.

In comparison with the juggernaut of the GA navy, the Nomad Fleet was small, but with dangerous and modern retrofitted Mandalorian ships of old designs at its disposal.

Clan Awaud would be a surprise for the Imperial Secret Service. Jurr Awaud had just now decided to side with this attack fleet.
At the brigde of his Keldabe class he opened a communication channel to Dreg the vod of Clan Ruus leading the first strike.

"Su cuy'gar, alor Dreg. This is alor Jurr of Clan Awaud speaking. Sorry to be too late for the briefing. Care if I protect your shebs with my fleet and send some starfighters and dropship to join in the fun?"

It was a rhetorical question. The moment the Nomad has dropped from hyperspace dangerously close to the gravity well of the target, howling fighters, bombers and Kom'kr transports descend on the surprised enemy.

The ancient song of war and comradery "Vode An" was on all open Imperial channels and broadcast, striking terror into the hearts of the enemy.

Drego Ruus Drego Ruus


House Mecetti - Mecetti House Guard Naval Forces
MHGN Penumbra - Flagship - Obscurer Class Star Destroyer 2000m 100%
MHGN Ascension - Victory Class Star Destroyer 900m 100%
MHGN Brightblade - Victory Class Star Destroyer 900m 100%
MHGN Swift - Raider Class Corvette 150m 100%
MHGN Reaver - Raider Class Corvette 150m 100%
MHGN Seeker - Raider Class Corvette 150m 100%
MHGN Wizard - Raider Class Corvette 150m 100%
9 squadrons of Tie/mg starfighters 108 Starfighters
with Optional MHGO-1 Ordinance Rings​

Seven ships of the Mecetti House Guard Naval Forces dropped out of hyperspace.

On the bridge of the MHGN Penumbra, the white-haired Senator of Obulette and Lord of the Mecetti Province stood, overlooking the operation of the ship's Captain and officers.

It had been many years since Casteban Mecetti had served in the Mecetti House Guard Navy. Most of the officers aboard hadn't yet been born when he'd completed his service. Senior nobles of the Tapani Sector often took a term of service in the military. It was a requisite prestige item, a list on a checkbox of things nobles should do if they were going to lead a province one day. Casteban had taken his service seriously, but he could not pretend to himself that he was a masterful naval commander.

Still, he'd pledged House forces to any offensive action taken against the Dark Empire. He'd also pledged to help defend Coruscant.

So he was splitting the difference.

A significant portion of the Mecetti House Guard Navy had been detached from Coruscant for this mission. Most of the fleet was comprised of ancient (but still suitably capable) Victory Class star destroyers with Raider Corvettes in protective formation.

The Obulette Shipyards had been churning out spacecraft nonstop for the past year, but the only product from those efforts on hand today was his Flagship, the Penumbra. He had intentionally dispatched his oldest ships to assignments here and on Coruscant.

There would almost certainly be losses.

The House Mecetti Naval Forces had remained mostly stagnant in composition for centuries. This was claimed to be a devotion to tradition, but had in reality been a cost-saving measure. Now that House Mecetti was flush with credits, he could afford to update the fleet. But he needed an excuse to explain why tradition was being overlooked. The current conflicts consuming the Alliance were the perfect excuse. As older ships fell in battle, he could replace them with state-of-the-art models, bringing his fleet solidly into the modern age.

He wasn't planning to lose on purpose, of course. But he knew that no fleet could escape the current conflict unscathed. Consequently, half the crew of his Star Destroyers and Corvettes today were Droids, not to mention the majority of the starfighter pilots. A minority of human officers commanded the droids and led the squadrons, providing the necessary creative input in the midst of a chaotic battlefield. But in a worse-case scenario, House Mecetti would not lose its best and brightest in the field, today.

Even Casteban himself was expendable.

Only a cocktail of medicines enabled him to endure this activity. The insidious degenerative disease that ate at his body had kept him sequestered on Obulette most days. Soon, he would be unable to leave his homeworld to attend his duties no matter the occasion.

Part of him hoped to die here, in battle. In a story worth telling.

Better than a long descent into uselessness while confined to a hospital bed. The people of his province would never know. But he did not want his wife to see him so diminished.

"Deploy the fighters, keep them close," Casteban ordered.

Officers echoed his commands, and the star destroyers began to vomit their Tie/mg squadrons into the void.

Then Casteban touched a control, "This is Senator Mecetti, Lord of the Mecetti Province, Commander of the House Mecetti Guard Naval Fleet. Hereafter Penumbra Actual. I am reaching out to the Galactic Alliance Admiral in Command.

We are prepared to deploy according to your strategies. Otherwise, we will use our best judgment. Advise."

Closing the channel, he nodded to the signals officer. "Transmit our Friend-or-Foe identifiers. We don't want our allies to shoot us accidentally."

TL;DR - The House Mecetti Fleet Drops out of Hyperspace, identifies itself, and seeks the GA Admiral's guidance for deployment.

Jurr Awaud Jurr Awaud Drego Ruus Drego Ruus The Vulptex The Vulptex Mahsa Mahsa Shan Pavond Shan Pavond | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Casaline Ryiah Casaline Ryiah | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Dagge Krudar Dagge Krudar | Drego Ruus Drego Ruus
(I tried to get everyone sharing my objective, let me know if I have tagged you inappropriately)
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Objective: Make a Lot of Noise / / Secure Evac
Allies in the Area: Drego Ruus Drego Ruus The Vulptex The Vulptex
Enemies in the Area: Kaleb Sunwalker Kaleb Sunwalker Thomas Barran Thomas Barran Dodhorn Harert Dodhorn Harert
Directly Engaging: NONE / / OPEN

Adrenaline coursed through her veins as the drop pod plummeted, the Capitol's defences firing flak that barley missed them, rattling the drop pod. The tiny view port in front of her face gave her a visual of red lasers and the odd explosion as the cannons found their mark on other pods. Mia would honour them later, they had all known what they signed up for this mission had been volunteer only for a reason.

Getting in was far easier than getting out.

Mia's team had a simple mission, push towards the port and secure as many vessels as they could for exfil and destroy whatever they couldn't.


Mia bent her knees and relaxed her body as the impact jarred through them, the pod crashing into a spray of white snow, even with the thrusters countering their descent it was enough to rattle you to the bones. Civilians scattered in all directions as the Mandalorians spilled out from their pods all across the city. A soldier to her left lifted his rifle at a retreating back and Mia's hand pushed it down as she passed, "We don't kill civilians, vod." he grunted in response. "Port is this way, lets move, it won't be long before they start throwing security at us. we've the upper hand for a very small window."

"You heard Lord Casteban! Deploy the fighters!", the young Mecetti Lady Palwa Arsec at the bridge of the MHGN Swift ordered. "Commence the attack! Attack squadron Swift Aurek, do you copy?"

The young leader of the Lorenz collective of Grindera was nervous. It was her first real space battle. She had to distinguish herself in this engagement.

The young noble and senator of Grindera regretted her own line of new Manta fighters and Tapani cruisers she had commissioned at the House Yards of Fondor were not yet ready.
She would be more confident if the pilots under her commando were not in these old, unshielded flying coffins called Tie-Fighters.

"Tsi, her is Aurek leader, all systems nominal! We engage, Tsi!" The shrill voice of a female Mrlssi pilot answered, and the corvette was overtaken by howling Tie-Fighters shrieking into the fray.

"Captain Slavny, stay close to our fighters and give them support fire!"

"Yes, Sera Arsec!" the veteran officer shouted and gave orders to his crew, and the eleven cannons of the MHGN Swift spew superheated plasma at the enemy fighters as the navies clashed.

Casteban Mecetti Casteban Mecetti
"But what if you really need our help? Shouldn't we help you? Or do we really, really need to run away?"

"You run away."

Perhaps Shan was being a bit too harsh there, but well...when he was told the same thing, he had never listened to his master. So he felt it was only best that he try to reinforce that for the group. He wanted to protect them, but he also wanted to try and protect other people. And if they stuck around, he might have to choose between them or the refugees they were trying to save.

"If we get in a fight, you're all three more people I need to try and keep my attention divided between. Someone could end up grabbing you, and Zaiya, you don't even have something to defend yourself with. Not yet at least. Can't risk anything happening to you, Aris would never forgive me."

He'd have given Zaiya his blaster if he didn't feel worried that she'd feel uncomfortable using it. Instead he had given her his healing crystal. They might not have fully finished their lesson healing, but he trusted Zaiya to be able to use what he had taught her if push came to shove. Though that reminded him...If he was going to be a good enough leader to look out for the kids, he needed to figure out what they're good at.

"...So. What are you guys good at? I know Zaiya's good at emotions. Kinda. And from the smell of it, Mahsa has some medical herbs."

Considering how mucch he wanted to heal people, it was no surprise to Shan that he'd be able to recognise the smell. He could also notice that Masha had a lightsaber. Good. Another beacon of the Jedi. Whilst Zaiya's glow helped light the place up, Shan felt like seeing lightsabers were more likely to bring people hope. A small confident grin growing across his face...Up until he heard the squeal, and swung his head back to look behind him at the others.

"Is everything okay?"

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti Mahsa Mahsa Casaline Ryiah Casaline Ryiah


Objective: 2 - Rescue People
Tags: Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti Shan Pavond Shan Pavond Mahsa Mahsa

What had Casi gotten herself into? She still did not even want to be a Jedi and yet here she was in the middle of a freaking war zone! All she wanted to do was go to Naboo and check on her parents. How had this even happened? She had been trying to make friends like her auntie asked her and so when padawans volunteered for a search and rescue she had too, figuring it would be the best way to make friends and convince her aunt that she was actually trying to fit in. But she had not expected it to be like this. There was a fleet above and scary things were happening. She was wide eyed and scared.

When the other girls introduced themselves she blinked and looked at them. “Oh.. hi… I’m Casi…”

She blinked back tears. This felt like it might be too overwhelming for the girl. The leader was saying something. She should listen to him. Something about run and hide or be left behind. Casi had never been in the middle of a war zone before. Were they all going to die?

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