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Approved Tech Mandalorian Knights Armor

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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
  • Classification: Other
  • Weight: Weightless
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Very High
    • Kinetic: Very High
    • Lightsabers: Very High
    • Other: Sonic: Low
    • Other: EMP/ION: Very Low
    • Other: Disruptors: Very Low
    • Other: Radiation: Low
    • Other: Fire: Average
    • Other: Cryo: Average
    • Other: Acid: Average
    • Other: Vacuum: Very Low
    • Other: Darkside: Very High
  • Force Affinity: Designed with force infused materials that imbue to the jedi wearing them a standard slew of protections and capabilities. The ability to better resist the darksides influence, ease the access to learned skills that have been practiced and feeling generally more energized and lively.
    • Force Resistance: Not pure resistance to the force but its influences specifically the darkside.
    • Force Enlightenment: A general enhancement of the specific jedi's talents in the lightside of the force. They don't know everything but using their own abilities is easier, sharper focus.
    • Revitalize: A more robust feeling mentally and physically aids in calming the mind and body to focus.
    • Force Form: Focusing and utilizing the force itself to improve the jedi's focus and mind as well as combative capabilities with the force.
    • Avar Kriss's Network: Connecting her to the jedi as a whole it follows much of what Avar did and lets her hear the song of the force.
    • Tutaminis: Advanced and formed within the robes themselves.. the material absorbs energy, heat, electrical, force, plasma and others to feed it into the jedis body and mind revitalizing their force powers.
    • Cleanse Mind: Focusing the force and clearing the mind of mental influences and those they can focus their attention on.
    • Force Binding: Designed and augmented into the robes, the pockets and robes themselves can be used to bind and contain influences when it is enclosed around a darkside object.
    • Inspire: Focused and empowered the jedi themselves as beacons within the force inspiring those around them to action and to shake off negative thoughts.
    • Controlled Descent: Focusing the force into a cushion around them the jedi are able to land from greater heights.
    • Force Familiar: Controlled and focused, the robes seek out a familiar creature and bonds with it... sadly while it connects them death of the jedi can kill the familiar.
  • Mandalorian Knights Enhancements:
    • Inspire: Designed based on the ancient battlelords... the commanders are meant to inspire with their presence in the field and within a twenty meter range normally.
    • Battle Meditation: As a leader o the field they are better able to focus their mind and expand it outwards across an entire field of battle on par with the Shans of the jedi order.
    • Many Shades of the Force: Imbued much like with je'daii robes to let the not extreme force users who still follow the light utalize the force without hampering their capabilities.
    • Force generation: Designed to improve their connection to the force when on worlds and planets teeming with life. It allows them to channel the force energies to make themselves strong and generate it.
    • Force in Balance: ENhanced to improve the combat capabilities of the Imperial knights... the ability for them to project damage done to them onto their opponents can be beneficial.
  • Kirano Interface: Standard technical interface for operations.
  • Jedi Utility Belt: For supplies
  • Cracken Survival Kit: Standard field kit
  • Sigil of Hope: A legacy piece of jediu equipment created from the dark harvesters.
  • Kojie: Underslung shoulder pack for extra equipment space.
  • Perfumed Sleeves: Defensive Measures designed for jedi robes
  • Refined Sleg Ultracapacitors: Designed to improve the power of the suits and augment the shielding for radiation and heat in space or protect them when boarding other ships.
  • Advanced Regulator System: Designed to recycle oxygen and filter poisons for the common peoples in case of attack.
  • Seeker Drone: Companion to atrisians and function as one of two organization interfaces. Can work together with an astromech.
  • Makie Class Droid: A non-combative companion droid that works with the Atrisian citizens.
  • Heavy Praestigiae's Luminous Overlaid Technological Shields: Protective shielding designed to be used with the pilot suit in the event of out of ship combat scenarios.
  • Advanced Micro Thrusters: Designed to increase movement speed of the jedi while moving around.
  • Strength/Speed Enhancement: Enhancing the body to increase the pilots natural state. In the event they are without their ships they can defend themselves.
  • Temperature control/heat reflection: Designed for additional comfort when on other worlds
  • Locator beacon: For emergencies to be retrieved with rescue ships.
  • Ablative Plating: Designed with the standard robes and armor plating itself in a combination.
  • Reflects Sensor Scans minorly
  • Beskar: Designed with several components of Mandalorian armor to benefit the trained users. Such as vambraces, a kama, pauldron and notably beskar to the armor to improve its quality and be shaped by them.
  • Built in Equipment:
  • Toolkit MK II: One of the few built in weapons of the platform a powered and robust weapon system built into the gauntlets of the armor.
  • Saotome Armor Field Kit: Standard field kit for repairing and patching armor.
  • K'uur jurkadir: Shoulder Cannon designed for the armor and able to fire different shots for situations
  • Weapons: Designed with several weapons and its own built in power source to keep it going. Using the dreamscape and molecular disruption technology to harness and Molecular disruptor technology to displace the excessive bulk in a pocket dimension. Larger pieces of equipment functions just as well.
  • Superior Protection: Designed using the Synthmesh, wintrium that as it ages continues to grow stronger and skylar which offers a form fitted compression material.
  • Force Affinity: Infused and crafted with the force, the synthmesh, skylar and inth metal used all add force abilities to the outfit.
  • Protection: The hypermembrane provides a robust degree of protection so it can be used.
  • Self Repairing: Designed with the hypermembrane for protection but also the ability to repair itself over time with small damage being a few minutes to hours and sections of the suit being days.
  • Overly Engineered: Designed to give the jedi a powerful sense of control and protection.
  • Exotic Matter: Altered at the molecular level and force enhanced to be force enhanced to be highly protective.
  • Requires Connection to the Force: For the synthweave effects to function within it the material needs to be able to feel the force energies around it. Vong tech, yalisimiri, voidstone, dampening fields are all counter to what the material can handle.
  • Self repairing: While it can repair its own micro stress fractures the capabilities can take days to hours depending on how damaged they become from use.
  • Exotic Particles: Largely unknown and not seen in the galaxy before. It isn't invincible nor is it really strong but it reacts violently near dark and anti-matter which can disrupt and destroy it or even cause it to rupture and disintegrate.
  • Exotic Matter: The tetherite and solarite metals are explosive when they come into contact with anti or dark matter.
  • Lightside beacon; The robes radiate the lightside of the force.
  • Lightside: Designed with the jedi and lightside in mind, the material can be worn andused by neutral and darksiders but it is uncomfortable.
Despite their history the Mandalorian knights were a different breed of jedi, masters and some knights who followed the mandalorian ideals and while corrupted and trying to destroy the order and Republic at the time they showed a union between the cultures. The Jadeite resurrected the idea as several mandalorians have proven and become force sensitive seeking training. ones like Basaba Willamina Basaba Willamina and her clan which proved largely force sensitive and have trained among the silver jedi for years from their hidden village. A number of others have come in believing themselves the first and unique but it is to the benefit as some came and stayed while others left quickly. The Mandalorian knights though would serve as a bulwark utilizing the latest in tech for it as well as incorporating traditional pieces for coloring and armor design. With kama and pauldrons as well as the vambraces to bring the dueling shields. Beskar is used in smaller amounts though for the armor in the forging process but the real trick is that these are meant to be noble and lightsided mandalorians which is why the armor itself is mainly forged from solarite metals.
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Submission Name: Chai La Plating
Link to Submission: Chai La Plating
Reason for Factory Modification Request: updates

Submission Name: Natsushima Robes
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Reason for Factory Modification Request: updates

Submission Name: Imperial Knight Armor
Link to Submission: Imperial Knight Armor
Reason for Factory Modification Request: updates

Submission Name: Mandalorian Knights Armor
Link to Submission: Mandalorian Knights Armor
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Submission Name: Gravitational Leveler
Link to Submission: Gravitational Leveler
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