Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Skirmish Falling to the Earth like Black Snow [Jedi & Sith]

Allies: Sith
Enemies: Jedi
Directly Engaging: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor
Nearby: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Jorus Q. Merrill Jorus Q. Merrill Xeykard Xeykard Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar Mother Askani Mother Askani Vulpesen Vulpesen

Drako watched the two Jedi Masters before him as his comrade-in-arms Xeykard stood near his Uvak, the two of them presenting an obstacle towards the Jedi and Darth Carnifex. The Sith Knight's yellow eyes gleamed from within the darkened helm, the ominous gaze followed Kahlil as he lept towards his father. Drako's free left hand extended with purpose, the Force raced towards Kahlil with the motion, as he used Force Push. Drako's plan was to divert Kahlil's path off into the square near to Jorus.

"Such arrogance." Drako spoke in a spiteful tone as he clearly took great offense that the Jedi Master thought he could simply bypass both Sith before him to strike at the Darth.

Wether or not his plan came to fruition he had to become airborne again in order to gain more of an advantage. Drako's left hand grabbed the short reigns of the Uvak and gave them a firm tug. Hask's wings extended as his head tossed with a raspy roar, with three mighty strokes of his wings the Uvak had taken to the air. The pair spiraled upwards in a wide arc, all the while Drako's attention focused towards Caltin Vanagor. Together with Xeyard it was possible that they could fell the Jedi. Drako had no doubts that the vaunted Darth Carnifex could handle his wayward son.

Location: Prisoner holding
Objective: Manage prisoners
Tags: Mother Askani Mother Askani Jorus Q. Merrill Jorus Q. Merrill
Indirect: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield Drako Drako Xeykard Xeykard
Wearing: this


"I wouldn't do that!", Annika demanded of Jorus Q. Merrill Jorus Q. Merrill as he scambled with the beaten Jedi. The teen drew her saber and it hummed into existence with its glowing purple blade. She scowled at the man, he was older than her grandfather. She had no idea of his abilities, for all she knew, he was much more capable than her, but while they were on the floor, she was standing, and she had been taught that confidence in one's ability was as important as truly having the ability. She held the blade with it shimmering towards the elderly hero and raised her eyebrow. "Did you hear me old man? Leave the pretty girl to herself and return to where you came from." she laced her words with the force, hoping to encourage the old man to retreat.

The darkness from the death all around them and from the unleashed power nearby was causing something strange to happen to Annika. Strange wisps of deep purple flame fluttered then vanished about get person and her blade seemed gently smoke with the same. She bathed in this power while she awaited the response.


Jonyna pervade the town through a pair of holobinoculars. If the rescue was going to go well- "We need to get closer. Dice, do me a favor and unload the Cheetahs."

The top of the Reaper opened up, two Repulsorlift Craft slowly floating out of it, toward the ground. Jonyna was quick to climb onto one, " Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl "Climb on, we're gonna go in fast and hope we can catch them off guard. The sith aren't gonna expect new GA tech here. 'Ain't the jedi way'. I'ma show them the power of Si Tech."

The rev of the ion engines purred through the air, as Jonyna blasted off, going from 0 to 200 in only a few seconds as she rode for the village...

Allies: Jedi
Enemies: Sith.
Tag: Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr


Allies: Sith
Enemies: Jedi
Tags: Open

"Let's be real here. This world, the people on it, they're all already captured and rounded up. You stragglers are being hunted, with the intent to kill on sight any that put up any kind of resistance."

The voice echoed heavy around them. A small group of Jedi, those who had gotten away, and their charges. Civilians. Civilians that only served to slow them down, but they couldn't just leave them behind. The voice continued around the little alcove they'd chosen to hide in, seemingly from nowhere and yet everywhere.

"You've already tried to put up resistance. It's why they're hurt. Why you're unable to escape. So I'll make you a deal. Just walk away, Jedi. Leave the locals to me to bring back, and you'll be free to run away. Live to fight another day, that sort of thing, right?"

They didn't respond verbally. Instead the four ignited their sabers to light up the darkness around them. Light up the few civilians they were protecting. It was an answer, and a harsh one at that.

"Okay. Got it."

Between them, among the civilians, the black hooded figure appeared. The first scream of surprise was cut short as the Sith ignited his own saber and smiled.

"Hard way it is."
Things had gone from bad to worse, as the wookie was enduring the onslaught of blaster fire that he could not contend with solely with the one he had acquired, but also now a sith with a lightsaber. Through both his own peripheral, as well as an expanded awareness gifted through the force, Targraanak could see that most of the prisoners were quickly being shot down. There was simply no way for him to stop any of it from occurring, though in that moment he realized that his saber was sitting along the utility belt of the sith. He didn't know if he could, but he had to, and so he reached out with the force.

A brown, furry extremity chased through the air before him, thick digits curling as he reached out with the force. As the Sith Lord covered the distance at a speed that Targraanak could barely follow purely with his perception, he hoped his ability of telekinesis would afford him to wield his saber. If in fact that was accomplished, it would be activated immediately to him gripping its metalloid structure. And so, vibrant blue blistered from the hilt of the saber - extending to it's full length - just in time for him to intercept the first blow of the sith lord.

"I will bring you the peace you could never find in this life, sith.." (In Shyriiwook)

He intended to exude confidence that was truly vacant within. His voice was as strong as the muscles that were the catalyst to the force behind his saber. As the two came into contact, a brilliant light projected from the connection point. The two would bat off one another and Targraanak would trust in his training and perform a counterstrike. It was a powerful swing, bringing his hands overhead as he attempted to bare down upon the sith lord with swings that were imbued with the physical prowess of his species.

"Surrender now and make amends!" (in Shyriiwook)

The sith lord was faster, and perhaps in a way stronger - the wookie knew this. As he spoke the words, he knew that they held no wait and it was simply a matter of time before he was sliced through, and within his awareness, he took in the visage of a young jedi approaching - undoubtedly a padawan. As he made his final decision, he had to both be able to do it and come to terms with it in his mind. His bid to live quickly deteriorated into a will to save lives. He sought peace and trust within the force.

"Save the others and get out of here!" (In Shyriiwook)

With that said, he attempted to gain some distance between the two so that he could use the force and reach outwardly. They were in the middle of a spaceport, surrounded by ships and supplies for ships. He had spotted a highly flammable fuel container. If he was able to, he'd summon the power in the force to bring it into a rapid animation toward both of them. As it came within contact, even at the risk of leaving himself open, he would carve through it with his lightsaber.


The result would be a powerful explosion that would ignite in the area they both encompassed. It would also affect many of the sith-loyal soldiers who were fighting on the helpless prisoners who were by then running away and at a safe distance. As for Targraanak though, he would be completely enveloped in the fiery explosion. It would be a last-bid effort against a sith who completely outclassed him.

(Again I'm pretty new and if there are any issues please PM me so I can make corrections. Most of the second half is based on if he's allowed to retrieve his saber so its at Strosius' discretion for that.)

Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Location: Main Square
Allies nearby: @Kahill Noble Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor
Enemies nearby: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex @Xeycard
Direct tags: Annika Starfire Annika Starfire Jorus Merrill Jorus Merrill Mother Askani Mother Askani

So much happened at once, the cuffs came off, Leilah was seized, Jedi arrived, along with another sith mounted on an Uvak. Lina rolled away from Kaine, eyes tracking Jorus as he snatched her saber and freed Leilah.

The blackguard that had taken her saber to Kaine realised what was happening before Kaine did, and brought his blaster round to fire on the twi'lek whose face was wide with panic. Lina seized her in the force and yanked her out of the way, she slid several feet back towards the hostage line.

The soldier wheeled on her. "My Lord-" his sentence was cut off as one of the shard of rock he'd been slicing away from the fountain embedded itself in his throat. Lina rose slowly as he toppled, finger desperately trying to stem the flow of blood.

Kaine's back was to her, it could have been so easy to strike at him, but she was without a weapon and Leilah's safety had to take priority. The Uvak took flight again, taking its rider with it, giving them a vantage point. Other sharp chunks of fountain rose at her command, launching at the creature, seeking to shred the fine skin of its wings and bring Drako Drako 's mount down. A small contribution to what looked to big a large fight.

Her priority had to be Leilah. She ran for her, scooping the twi'lek off the ground and breaking the binders. "Lina, I-"

"Not now." Lina replied, searching for Jorus in the escalating violence. She needed her saber back. She spotted him, helping or at least trying to help another hostage. Accosted by another sith. With Leilah's hand in hers she moved towards them. Her rage had reached its peak, swirling about her.

Lina was done talking, done playing games. Kaine had threatened Leilah and she wanted to kill him for it, but she couldn't do that with her here, while she was unsafe but this lowly apprentice that dared to challenge Jorus?

Invisible fingers sought Annika's throat, seeking to lift her from the ground. She released Leilah's hand as they approached, extending to Jorus, for her saber.

Ironside reached out his hand towards the rescued hostages, beckoning them as he sheathed his combat knife. There was initial hesitation, of course, even fear, but with the realisation that they could not afford to waste time, they relented, cautiously stepping around the dead. Just as the girl passed one of the corpses it suddenly sprung to life, gasping horribly for air. Thirdas pulled out his side-arm and fired two rounds into the skull of the dying Blackblade, delivering the coup-de-grace.

"You want me to come with you, or no?"

The soldier nodded sharply.

"My men have set up a safe house just up ahead. You will be safe there until extraction," he explained as they moved out, leaving the dead to rot in the street. He fished a small gadget out of his pocket and clicked it twice, aiming at the roof of the building down the block. It was immediately followed by a tiny green light blinking in the distance, returning the signal.

"You may switch off your lightsaber, Master Jedi. It'll draw attention. If I wanted you dead, you'd be dead."

Once inside the building, they were greeted by another pair of soldiers, each as unique-looking as the next. Shutting the door behind them, the pressure seal on their leader's visor hissed open as segments slid back and folded in on themselves, revealing his face. "Cain, Mira, give these people water and rations." Blankets were produced to wrap around the civilians as they were led up the stairs, leaving Thirdas with the Jedi.

"My men call me Ironside. You may call me Thirdas, Son of Caltin." He now removed his helmet entirely, revealing a single long thick braid of golden hair framed by tattoos on either side of his shaved head. "Once, our fathers swore eternal kinship on my homeworld. I am honoured to finally meet my blood brother." He held out his cybernetic right hand, wishing to clasp arms with him.

"I regret it is under such dire circumstances, but such is the complicated tapestry of the Weavers of Fate."

"Chief! Jedi are assaulting the square," shouted Creed by way of sticking his head down the stairs. "Do we engage?"

Thirdas turned to Connel, offering a sly smirk. "What ask you of Ironside's Irregulars, Master Jedi?"
"Splendid. A Pragmatist." Nathan remarked as he hopped into the other bike, activated it's systems and then sped off, staying behind her as he piloted very aggressively towards the village, activating the weapons.

"Choo-Choo, Cha- Boogie..." He muttered under his breath as his targeting systems spotted a pair of Hostile Soldiers who had noticed them and were taking aim. Nathan practically vaporized them with a burst of the frontal cannons as he rode by them.

He soon reached the village with Jonyna Si Jonyna Si , and his targeting systems spotted another group of enemy soldiers ahead, firing on a Jedi who was on his last legs deflecting their blaster fire, and got their attention with a burst from the cannons, which rapidly turned who the bolts hit into chunky Salsa.

He scowled as he spotted a Sith Trooper on a rooftop aiming a rocket launcher at him. A salvo of rockets on the enemy position ended that threat.

"Rocket Users on roofs. Watch out, Master Si." he warned.
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink
I learned from my mother and father, but I am not them!

[Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation]
Cerea Farmlands
MISSION: Rescue Hostages
TAGS: Allies:
Kahlil Noble / Jorus Q. Merrill / Targraanak / Cortana Jade / Jonyna Si Jonyna Si / Lossa Darcuhl / Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield
Foes: Darth Carnifex / Darth Strosius / Malum of House Marr / OPEN

”A Blood Brother” this was an interesting twist. Connel knew of the Heavenshield line, even of the Lion King himself, knowing all of the stories as to what happened on Tython. When the arm Connel eagerly went in for the handshake… only to realize when it happened that they were clasping arms. This was cool, the smile could not be hidden from his face.

Good to finally meet. I thank you for the honor as you can call me ‘Connel’. Then when Creed shouted down the stairs about the assault, Connel cursed his father’s luck. He was probably found out before he was ready to be. They would have to move up the timetable. Father can handle himself, though Connel would run to him at the drop of a hat, but yeah, they had work to do.

If Jedi were found in the square, then that is where my father is. He was there to draw attention so that others could rescue the hostages. So I am going to make haste and ensure that his desires are not wasted. If you and your men are willing, I could use the backup, Savvy? There was a glint in his eye, not for a fight, but the chance to do something meaningful. This is what it meant to be a Jedi, he finally felt like more than his father’s son.

Staging to Rescue hostages

Allies: Sith
Enemies: Jedi
Interacting: Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield | Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor

"Now this explains where all the dead bodies came from. Not the locals, we're the ones killing them. But our own? I didn't think anyone here had that kind of military training. Now, well, it makes sense."

He idly looked over one of the lightsabers he'd taken up. Intricate in design. Well cared for. The Jedi who used it had been quite the duelist. A shame they put protecting the others over protecting themselves. The Defel appeared, just on the roof close by the pair of 'blood brothers'. Or at least what appeared to be him.

Illusion and trickery were as much his weapons as his own lightsaber tucked safely away in his cloak.

"You what's left of the original group? Or just making problems on your own? I don't like problems myself." Vazz stood on the edge of the roof then, his red eyes glaring down towards the group. He rolled his shoulders before a grin spread over. Flashing his fangs.

"At least not unless I'm involved."


"Arrogance is unbecoming of a Jedi Master."

So much happened so quickly, the square erupting into chaos as a thousand different actions took place simultaneously. The Dark Lord parceled them all in His mind, disregarding those that had little to do with Him and prioritizing those that did. Right now, that meant focusing on His son. The daughter of Anaya Fen and Jorus Merrill could be dealt with at a later time, if they were foolish enough to stick around. His soldiers would do what they were trained to die, fight and die in His name.

They were exceptionally trained, flash-drilled with programs meticulously crafted to convey an understanding of how the Jedi fought and how they thought during battle. But, even the most rigorously trained soldier could fall. That was a lesson He learned a very, very long time ago. Losses were certain to accumulate, but whatever the Dark Lord spent would be quickly replenished. His armies were infinite, unending; He had made it so. There were few things in existence that He could not replace.

Carnifex watched as His son threw himself at Him, that emerald blade crackling with righteousness. The Dark Lord raised Tosochkashai in response, as though He were to meet blade with blade. But, at the last moment, the Dark Side sidestepped with preternatural reaction and instead swung His blade upwards as though to gut the Jedi Master in one strike. He doubted such a move would be enough, if there was anything about Kahlil that was beyond a shadow of a doubt; he was the Dark Lord's son. And a son of the Dark Lord was stronger than that.

The duo moved fast, blades striking in quick succession. Sparks flew each time, and a chorus of echoing screams filled the air. The spirits newly trapped within the blade yowled with every strike, howling from their prison as they writhed in invisible agony. Some were Jedi, even fewer were Sith, but the vast majority were innocents and soldiers swallowed whole by the blade's dark hunger. Carnifex swung His blade, a curving arc of energy exuding from the fractured blade, scything through the fountain, two Blackblades, and several of the prisoners in a single sweep. Bright blue fire leapt up from where the energy had passed through, giving off no heat but devouring anything around it just the same.

Carnifex patiently observed His son, slowly circling like a hungry predator. The light from the flames illuminated their faces, casting wicked shadows across their bodies. The last time they had faced was deep in the Wellspring of the Force, and the Sword and Shield had just managed to force Him from the divine realm before His power could fully manifest. Many years had passed since then, and the Dark Lord was a different man from the one they fought.

"Very good, my son, very good. I can see you've kept up with your teachings. Although, your skills are wasted on the Alliance, they do not realize your importance; what you could do for the galaxy. Imagine what you could accomplish if it were your decisions that dictated them, not the other way around."

Be careful what you wish for.

The last thing that evil wants...

Location: Cerea

"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, HK-88 (NC-1000 X-wing (Jedi Variant) in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Kahlil Noble / Jorus Q. Merrill / Targraanak / Cortana Jade / Jonyna Si Jonyna Si
Foes: Darth Carnifex / Darth Strosius / Malum of House Marr / Xeykard Xeykard

A hero is—as though one should say—a man of high achievement, who performs famous exploits; who does things that are heroical, and in all his actions and demeanor is a hero indeed.“ - Henry Brooke

The Dragon Master wanted to take away the actions of The Sword. No. That wasn’t going to fly. But Drako was…

… and not in the way he was planning to.

Centering the Force in his free hand and making a fist, he slammed it into the ground, the impending shockwave, if the effects worked the way Caltin wanted them to, would throw Drako, his dragon, and Xeyard off balance. Caltin did not need to leap at his opponents, he simply made more of the spectacle walking towards them. All to draw attention, that was what this was about, not to win a fight, they could win this another day, no, they needed to give those hostages the easiest exit and path out of here.

Now who’s “arrogant’?

Each step he took, the look on the big man’s face would become more intense. With each short stride, his intensity would grow, and the ground around the Inquisitors would quake until chunks would start to tear from the ground itself. The dragon and Beastmaster were in the air, the huge monster was in front of him. He was not alone, Vulpesen Vulpesen could make his choice. However there was one thing that the big man had to do.

Stop that dragon.

Using a technique he learned almost a millenia ago, Caltin pulled the moisture out of the air via The Force and manipulated the air flows at different levels of the heavens. In short, he was creating a weather event that should drive Drako to land. He had no issue with the dragon in the air, or the Beastmaster, even fighting Xeyard at the same time, but there were too many variables in too close vicinity for him to do battle on their terms; he and Vulpesen had to dictate it.

Once the storm was strong enough up there to continue without his manipulation, Caltin took his focus away from it and prepared for the impending attack. The only question was…

… would it be from the air, or the ground?

... is my undivided attention.



The Force sent it's warning. Or more chastised him more than either of the Sith had as he found his leap sent off kilter. Perhaps he should've expected the Sith to strike out against him as they'd made claim they wouldn't let his father be bothered. But, well, it did keep more eyes on them. He caught himself, twisting in the air to stop his initial charge and keep himself from being blasted too far from Darth Carnifex.

Perhaps, in a way, the interruption of his jump was more a boon than he thought. As Carnifex stepped to the side of his initial charge, Kahlil moved with him. Ducked under the strike before turning to again face the Dark Lord. His focus remained solely on him now as their blades met again and again. Runes flashed along Kahlil's arms, torso. His whole body had been etched with the runes he'd created.

His body without the Force would never be able to keep up with his father. So he made his own way to reach that height. A sequence burned brighter as the broken blade swung, crafting with it a barrier of light to protect Kahlil and those behind him, whether they were friend or foe. Carnifex cared not for the lives around them, but Kahlil would at least do what he could to keep as many alive.

Especially since he was certain the blade would only devour their souls.

"The Alliance like all things has it's flaws. But I know better than most what happens when only one thinks they're the only one to lead. Do you know how many you left to the stars after the destruction of Panatha, your majesty?" Millions. Not his faithful, but his people none the less. "Do you know how many the World Eater had within him?"

Kahlil lifted his blade once more before stepping forward. The runes along his legs flared as he closed in, bringing with it speed and strength as their blades clashed once more. He could keep up, if only for the moment. The runes wouldn't last long, it's why he hadn't used them right away. His blade dipped and sparked, scything through the floor they stood on between each clash. It was elaborate and perhaps unneeded, until he brought his blade up as if to strike, then let the runes he'd been carving between the clashes of their blades flair to life.

The chains from the Wellspring erupted around them, soaring for the Dark Lord. But not him directly. As he learned from his final clash with Kyrel, the souls captured were not bound forever. The chains reached not for the physical, but the spiritual to tie down the rune blade that had feasted on so many.

Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex
Syd's Flames engulfed a Blackblade Soldier, drawing more aggro to her to try and literally keep the heat off her allies, having killed a number of incredibly well trained troops. They were indeed very familiar with how Jedi fought. And had she fought them purely as a classic Jedi would have, they might have stood more than a fair shot.

But deadly, mentally ill, shapeshifting element sorceresses LARP-ing as Jedi were an entirely different matter.

A whispered curse from her sent forth a flock of spectral birds wreathed in purple flames harassed a squad firing on her from a roof as she Force Phased into the building. Then through that buildings ceiling while floating up.

She caught the first soldier in range in a one handed choke, flames erupting from her arm and traveling through every gap in the Soldier's armor as he ignited. She hurled his burning body as he flayed about into his squadmates, rushing them with the martial arts of the Sorceress that had been grafted onto her, a mix of Stava, K'thiri, and Broken Gate, all enhanced by flames hot enough that they threatened to melt through the Soldier's armor everytime her gold covered hands and legs made contact. One was disarmed of his weapon and she leaped back and shot the rest that hadn't been killed in the initial melee.

Syd doubled over, coughing as memories of Laertia, Maple, all from the perspectives of multiple personalities overwhelmed her momentarily, clutching her head and screaming. She shouldn't be here. Even after all these months of training to steady her mind, she was still a mess.

But she kept going, forcing herself to get up. Forcing herself to float back to the ground. She wanted to throw up. She sensed the distress of nearby civilians and got her head back in the game.

We are on a STRICT schedule, Phyre. I have no time for your weakness. Nathan's cold voice hissed in her mind through their bond. If you cannot keep your head in the game then feth off and leave.

Syd's eye twitched at his heartless rebuke. But she didn't retaliate with an insult.

Proceeding with objective. she spoke back.

Your confirmation isn't required. Just do it. he replied icily before cutting telepathic contact.

Syd hurried to where she sensed the stressed civilians. They had been lined up against the wall and were seconds away from being shot.

A long stream of red flames erupted from her throat like she was some sort of humanoid Dragon and the squad flayed about, screaming as the flames melted through them.

Syd quickly approached the frightened captives, undoing their restraints.

"Go. Now." She ordered them. "Follow the trail of burned bodies to the South. Relatively safe route..."

Not wanting to argue with a fire breathing lady they all split in seconds.

The flash of darkness from Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex as battle erupted convinced Syd to hurry to where he was. She flew quickly, no longer caring about Stealth, floating form racing past buildings.

Eventually, Syd found herself in the center of the whole atrocity taking place.

Nathan was convinced Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble was walking into his death. Syd had never understood these plans normal Jedi come up with. These all-or-nothing moves that automatically assume (even if they would NEVER admit to such assumptions out loud) that the Force was going to automatically decide in their favor.

Sometimes the bad guys win simply because they had a much better plan.

She saw Kahlil fighting, and for a second a sliver of a time where she had once known Kahlil floated to her consciousness. But it was so fleeting she could never hold onto it. Which made, her remaining, horribly fragmented memories of her time training Starlin Rand Starlin Rand all the more precious.

Kahlil's situation eerily reminded her of the one Nathan found himself in with his own Daughter. Except his situation was the inverse...

She had no intention of letting Kahlil die. So she pointed at his body as he dueled his own father, even as Kahlil's power over the light tried to save others. The spell she whispered at him was an ancient, primordial thing, designed to enhance his strength, his speed. His very connection to the Force itself for a short while.

She didn't want to fail Kahlil. Not like she had failed so many others. Zabka. The Silver Jedi. Starlin. Laertia.


She hoped Kahlil wouldn't panic and instinctively reject the spell. If that happened...

Syd was forced to turn her attention away from him to start trying to rescue others, more than trying to kill the enemy at this point.

Syd knocked out a nearby soldier from behind, once more drawing aggro from the other soldiers, and potentially any Sith in the area... Her orange blades were out deflecting blaster fire soon after back on their sources. Hopefully nearby Jedi could take advantage...

Xeykard Xeykard

Jorus Q. Merrill Jorus Q. Merrill

Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield


His son was good, more than a match for any Sith Lord. But the Dark Lord was not that, He was ascended. He moved with purpose, no action squandered or superfluous; a honed machine tempered by nearly a century of conflict and strife. His body worked faster than His mind, virtually reacting to everything autonomously. His limbs moved before His mind could even formulate the command, the battle mantra of His people repeating in the deepest recesses of His thoughts. Kahlil was a skilled and seasoned warrior as well, but His father was of a different breed entirely.

But then anger, unexpected and white hot, knifed through the Dark Lord. His brow knit, His lips peeled back in a snarl. Unbidden anger was not accustomed of the Dark Lord, it would be unlike anything Kahlil had ever witnessed from his father in all his years. And there was only one thing in the whole universe that could beckon such vitriol. "How dare you." Teeth grit so hard they couldn't bitten through bone. "Do you not think that I know this? They rejected my call, they turned away from our people. I know them for what they are, the wasted scions of withered houses who lived in naught but bitterness when I cast them out from power. They sat in their crumbling halls, wringing their hands and dreaming ill-gotten dreams of the day they could finally reverse their meager fortunes."

Their blades clashed again, sparks raining on the both of them. Indignation burned bright in His eyes, eclipsing all other emotions. "Seszil-Bsaakik. Don't make me laugh. What lies they must have fed you to believe their poison." Kahlil's blade dipped, slicing through the ground, and the two readjusted their stances. The Dark Lord only saw the runes cut into the very earth itself only a second too late, as chains of pure, splendid light leapt forth to entangle His dark blade in their ironclad embrace.

He remembered this well, from the Wellspring. His brow again knit, but this time in determination. "We are not in the Wellspring, boy, you'll find no hallowed ground here." He reached out, darkest shadows wreathing His hand, and grabbed one of the chains as though it were a physical object. There was a new power which coursed from within the Dark Lord, one not unlike that of the Wellspring itself, but twisted into something darker and more insidious. It had existed within Him since that fateful day, and He'd only begun to truly understand it's potential. Light itself began to drain away, drawn into the epicenter that was Darth Carnifex; an event horizon.

"When we return to our sacred land, they will be forever cast out."



"It wasn't just the Seszil who ended up devoured. Only the Ilam were indiscriminately spared. A King who only keeps the company of those who worship the ground he walks on is a woefully ignorant one." Emotion. Kahlil couldn't remember a time where he knew his father could feel emotion more than a passing glance. Like a shade that called on the memory, not the actual feeling.

It was surprising, but the surprise quickly faded. Instead he narrowed his eyes as he watched the Dark Lord take hold of the ethereal chains. He had stolen something from the Wellspring. Or perhaps, added something to it. The chain he grabbed shattered in an instant. Withered, more accurately, as if a flower drained of life.

So Kahlil wrenched his hand back. No sooner did he that he felt it. Power. The Light. Another was here. He fought back a chuckle. A Jedi never truly fought alone, after all, so he welcomed it. Let it strengthen the chains he'd formed, and pulled. "The Wellspring is the font of the Force, father. It is not hollowed ground."

He wouldn't be able to grab them all, but he wouldn't let Carnifex use them for his power. The chains that wrapped around the blade receded, and with them, the souls he could grab came with.

"And it wants the souls you've stolen to return."

Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

Another Jedi landed; he and the Uvak-rider were rapidly losing any advantage they had. He drew himself together as the fighting began, focusing only on the essentials. Noble launched forward and engaged the Dark Lord. Drako took flight. Vanagor's strength rolled before him -- in response, the Inquisitor stabilized himself, expanding his presence to the ground below. As the earth was torn up, only Xeykard remained unmoved.

He spared only a moment's focus back to the remaining Blackblades, snarling out a harsh order as they struggled against the chaos surrounding them: "Kill them all."

In truth, he was unsure if they'd even listen to him -- loyalty to the Dark Lord did not necessarily extend to him, particularly in the case of his personal army. But they'd act as they would; he just wanted the Jedi's focus split.

Heroic as they were, they'd of course only shown themselves here in order to rescue the weak. Xeykard found himself indifferent to their plight. In the moment, they were tokens to be leveraged.

Xeykard advanced, moving first under the Uvak, then rushing Vanagor. As he moved his presence flared, exploding with a deadly bloodlust. Die, it screamed. Face me and die. He didn't intend to draw just Vanagor but their other opponent as well -- of course, the former needed to be engaged first.

His saber ignited mid swing; at first it seemed a short cut, but the true length of the lightclub was revealed only at the end of his swing, as he slashed across Vanagor's torso in an attempt to end the fight early.
Allies: Jedi ( Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor , Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble )
Enemies: Sith ( Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , Darth Strosius Darth Strosius , Xeykard Xeykard )
Equipment: Varos Cloak, Fennec pistol, lightsaber, raven wing pack, pairs of frags, smokes, and EMP grenades

Decades ago, Vulpesen had fought Kaine Zambrano on the fields of Ossus. That battle, if you could even call it that, had ended with him leaping headlong into a collapsing library to escape the emperor's torrent of lightning. He had been lightyears out of his league. But that green sabered kid with ideals and ambition had been lifetimes ago. Now, he was literally a breed apart. A ruler in his own right and a force to be reckoned with, Vulpesen wanted nothing more than to show the king of the sith, the nightmare of his youth, just how much he had grown in almost a century. But with age came wisdom and the knowledge that some things weren't meant to be. Whatever his purpose to bring the pain to Zambrano, he'd be a fool to get between whatever master Noble had going on with his father. Some dances where meant to be a duet.

The air around him seemed charged with power, something he recognized as Caltin Vanagor's doing. It wasn't the first time he had worked in tandem with a jedi, the memory bringing about a smile. Back then, another sith emperor had suffered for his meddling. If Krag was still alive, was the esteemed Darth Vulcanus able to breathe right, even now with that hole Vulpesen had placed in his lungs? "Lovely weather we're having. The wilds always do provide," he said with a grin and a grateful nod to the jedi master at his side.

Vulpesen's abilities with the elements were often more direct, stemming from his own body. But with a bit of aid, the wilds were always willing to heed the call of an arch-wilder. Tapping into the power of the growing storm above, Vulpesen added fuel to the maelstrom and pointed his saberstaff at the flying drake. "Lets stay sociable. Come on down, we're having barbecued reptile." Thunder boomed and lightning cracked as an arc of energy lanced out from the sky, plummeting towards the middle of the dragon's back, aimed for its rider. Then as quickly as the first, Vulpesen brought down another bolt from the heavens, aimed at the feet of Xeykard, the charging lizard so that he might rush headlong into the deadly amperage. A wilder in a storm. To say that Vulpesen was in his element would be an understatement.


"Yeah-I" she glanced up at the older man hovering above her, "I-got out of them already?" she was still perplexed, but her headache had subsided for the moment. "I can walk. Thanks." she rushed to her feet. She wanted to but, but but didn't know what direction to go in and then --

"I wouldn't do that!",

But before then they had already caught opposition. She froze. Then came the wave of dark energy that clenched the air around them, she flinched. His name was Jorus? She'd heard it tossed around this during this whole chaotic encounter. "You're public enemy number one right now grandpa Jorus."

In her peripheral she saw a rifle point for them both, in her desperation to knock Jorus clear of it's trajectory, but her hand and forearm went right through him -- she wasn't quick enough either. The bolt went through them both; it phased right through them.

She thought she anticipated that better, guess her Force sense was off? She still couldn't make sense of what the feth was going on. "I-I don't know what's going on..."

She looked backed at the hostages, "What do we do?"


Thirdas smiled fully now, arm still clasping that of Connel. For he whose culture believed that family was all-important, to be able to stand in the presence of one he could earnestly call 'brother' restored in him something he'd been missing these last few years. He felt the warmth of kinship pierce that cold and ragged hide he'd wrapped himself in, having closed his heart to those essential aspects of all Valkyri:

Home and hearth. Family. When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives. They were stronger together.

Then, a sense of dread pricked at his skull like needles. His latent Force abilities were issuing a warning.

"You what's left of the original group? Or just making problems on your own? I don't like problems myself. At least not unless I'm involved."

Thirdas pulled his side-arm and immediately started blasting away at the stranger appearing above them, pulling Connel aside to protect his little brother. Never mind that Connel was a trained Jedi Knight - he was the elder brother, and it was his job to keep him safe.

"We've been compromised! Code Red-11," he shouted, alerting his team of the situation, who all acted accordingly. Dropping whatever they were doing, helmets came on as smoke grenades were detonated on their position, shrouding the entire building in a thick cloud. The rescued civilians were swiftly provided gas masks and escorted via the nearest exit. The members of Ironside's Irregulars vanished, using their tactical cloaks to great effect in the smoke. It was as if they were never there, to begin with.

Thirdas did not join them, however. He would stand with his brother against the servant of darkness, preventing him from pursuing the others. His helmet came on in the blink of an eye as the smoke of his grenade filled the room, its pressure seal shutting out any contaminants. His hand outstretched, he summoned his trusty Battleaxe and prepared for a fight.

"Unto the Anvil of War," he cried out, hearkening back to that most pivotal last stand of the Bryn War.
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