Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction Distant Hostile | Skirmish at Firrerre | TB+Hast , EE + Firrerre


Equipment: Hersir MK. I Military Attire | KC-77N Hybrid Pistol | Lucius-pattern Bayonet
Location: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Salis Salis at Firrerre capital.
Eternal empire: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Salis Salis | Tranquility Tranquility | Kalic Daws Kalic Daws | Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun
Byrnadul: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Sethrak Sethrak Sethrak | Ostak Cl'mana | Krarolk T'manu | Osam Osam | Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari | Argaloth | Keldothera Keldothera

Opponent: Osam Osam | Open

He maybe heard my footsteps, because he turn around, but too late, I charge with close full speed and this part I am not running, more like leap bigs, and before the last leap I am ready to stab with my bayonet. I see his movement how try defend himself. He is enough fast to swing his big gun and I can hit it only, but sound wasn’t too nice when the weapons met each other. After the hit he steps back, and I leap backward create a lil distance between us.
He tried shoot me down, but his rifle gave up the fight. I don’t know to this only a momentary problem, or it broken fully.

I watch him with cold emotionless eyes, and change my grip with a quick little hand movement on my bayonet and I hold it backward. I don’t waste my time to thinking on the next movement, he start the movement, and he throw his gun to hit me, but I leap a side and let fly away the weapon.

I heard the metalic noise when he draw his blade, and this moment was soo slowly like the time slow down. He is much more stronger and bigger than me, so he can hit hard, but he need more time and brute force to stop his movement or change direction under a short period of time. Leap backward, to I get a little bigger place. I don't want try block his attack.

I tried enough time earlier in the slave arena to block much stronger opponent hit, and I broke my hands and my ribs enough time, so I learned it on the hard way to I don’t try stop these attacks. But this not mean to I stop the attack here.

The distance is close enough that I can shoot him with my pistol and I have more chances to I hit him from here, but this point I don’t want to make bigger noise. If I get other one at this point I have more chance to somebody knock me out from back when I try dodge the other hit. So I need find weak points in his movement… or… nope… I can do this like a humanoid too…

I growl a little more and my ears stay back like an angry feline, but this is only a play, my eyes tell more the cold calm what I feel, as every time when I stepped into the arena and I fought to I could live another day.

After the end of his blade go away before of me, I try jump forward, pull my bayonet before of me, and go very close distance with him and use the time to he need stop his blade and give me a wide open place on his defense what I try use it, and stab my bayonet into his side use my speed and my weight to push it through on his armor. If I am lucky enough he gets a nice wound which will slow him down. The other side of the coin, to I am very close to him, so If he get so many wounds or more like me earlier or handle better the pain as I expected, I get a first hand experience of how strong he is… So I try jump away if he hesitate enough.
Whatever was going on with Kalic Daws Kalic Daws troubled her. Lori watched as he had some peculiar moment. It was as though he was living through a vision. Some people just saw visions inside of their heads. But with Kalic, there was more to it than that.

"Come on then. Let's go." Lori led him into the Jaster's Sparrow and up into the cockpit. Already she was flicking the switches and turning it on. "You might want to buckle up." She spoke casually, as though she was preparing to do a guided tour. But they both knew that it wasn't going to be easy. After buckling herself in, she placed her hands on the controlled and fired up the engines. The Jaster's Sparrow lifted up from the landing pad, turned and started to ascend up into the atmosphere.
Kalic looked at Lori, worried before following her aboard the ship. The Miraluka wasn’t sure if it was best he come. After what he just saw.... Yet he decided to get on board.

The pilot would strap in, looking at Lori again as they took off. He wasn’t us to being the passenger. Kalic would finally sigh though, speaking up.

“Do you know anything about... seeing and feeling things with the Force? Things that haven’t happened.”
Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun
Seeing and feeling things through the Force? Usually she acted on instinct, but that tended to be at the present moment. She hadn't experienced anything else. And certainly not anything that hadn't happened yet. Unless dreams counted. But more likely than not, dreams were just things made up by her subconscious that had nothing to do with reality at all.

"I have heard of them, but never experienced it myself. I....haven't really studied the Force much. Or how it worked. I just...act and react. You might do better to ask my brother. He doesn't know as much as my Dad did, but he knows plenty more than I do." Lori looked to Kalic Daws Kalic Daws . "Why? Did you see something bad?"
Whirlwind of the Cosmic Force
Post: Three
Tags: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Galak Galak | Sethrak Sethrak | Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari | Keldothera Keldothera | Krarolk T'manu |
Enemies: TBD
Objective: Time to Leave

The Bryn'adûl's warriors had done well in holding off the enemy attack, not only had they succeeded in protecting the ship from the native and Eternal forces but they'd also held their lines well enough to safely extract, most of them. The Primarch could feel the creature grow in strength again, the Carrier was ready and the Conquesters above delivered their Gunboats to the surface.

"Sire, our forces need to be extracted - the Carrier is ready!" The massive ship would begin to slowly shift, the Quilxyn dome stretching as it moved, slowly into the air - the creature shrieking and straining to gain levitation. All across the battlefield, Gunboats would be delivered to retrieve their troops from each individual combat zone.

A hail of ballista fire from the Conquesters guarding the fallen Carrier would almost eviscerate the streets as they were slowly abandoned, however the Chieftain's position remained too combat-heavy for a safe extraction.

"Tathra, you need to retreat." The Primarch urged him, through the communication stone; stepping into the interior of the Carrier's deployment bays himself, guiding the Ashaka delivering the Quilxyn to the inside of the ship as well.
Tags: Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma | Krarolk T'manu | Keldothera Keldothera | Sethrak Sethrak
Intent to Engage: Salis Salis |
Equipment: Armour | Traid | Cleaver | Mace |

The blasts of force destruction were impressive, severely damaging one or two of the Ra'maks and causing them to fall from the sky, but it wasn't nearly enough to push back the Juggernauts. They fought hard, and just long enough to ensure that they all got a ride out.

The call of the Primarch came, and the Gunboats started to flood out in heavy numbers; firing their turrets at the enemy forces as the Conquesters delivered a brutal orbital bombardment on the enemy city as the Bryn began to pull out. But Galak would be one of the last to go, blasting down dozens with his Triad until the chaingun was nearly empty.

"Everyone, lets go! Everyone onto the boats!" Galak called out, slowly backing up to to the Gunboat as it landed behind him, his Juggernauts rushing inside and giving him covering fire.

He leapt backward, legs dangling off of the side of the deployment bay as he sat down - still firing into the rushing enemy forces. They really wanted them now.

"Scorch the earth, Artificers!" Galak called out, the molten-plasma throwers on the underside of the Gunboats would release a powerful blast of plasma, scorching the earth and giving their departure a wide birth.

"Get us back to the Carrier!"
"I...." Kalic wasn't sure what to answer to that. He was scared to say. He didn't want that one to come true. He didn't want to turn on everyone! But that's what he saw.... Everything he'd seen so far happened eventually... what made this different? Could he stop it somehow? Could he.....

"I'll be honest, I never thought you were just reacting. Always seemed like you had a handle on things. So... your brother would know about this? How would we...?" He looked down... not wanting to say what he saw, but.... "I saw... I saw myself.... I turned on everyone...." It hurt to say. It hurt to think about. He was afraid of the future now, more than he'd ever been before.

Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun
Lori returned her focus to piloting. There was much activity in the skies and she needed to keep them safe.

But that didn't mean that she wasn't listening to Kalic Daws Kalic Daws . Lori heard every word. "I'm always reacting. It's much like flying. I know where I'm going and where I've been. But as for what's going to happen in between that? I can't predict it. I can only guess." As for what Kalic said that he had seen, she nodded a little as she banked Jaster's Sparrow hard to the right. "I'm sure such things are about as specific as dreams. Take my family for example. During the Mando/Jedi war, we were in some respects, pitted against eachother. And my Dad told me not to get involved if I could help it, for he'd have no choice but to arrest me. It could be said that I had turned on part of my family. But...that isn't what really happened. It was only a part of the truth. So maybe, all that you saw was just part of the truth too."

Krarolk T'manu

LOCATION: Central courtyard, heat of the battle
ALLIES: BRYN | Osam Osam (in proximity)
ENEMIES: EE | Shani Shani (engaging)
EQUIPMENT: In Signature | Five grenade-sized Refined Dramedius Prime Ore Shells | Driller Submachine Gun | Equipment on other Zealots varies
UNITS: Zealot Elite Squad (Krarolk, Abvor, the Zealot Commander)


1: Zealot Commander (64 kills, 2 armored vehicles disabled)
2: Zealot Elite Krarolk (56 kills, 1 armored vehicle disabled)
3: Zealot Elite Abvor (53 kills, 1 small ship destroyed)

The time-passing game was nearing its conclusion.
Upon receiving the General's harsh denial to join the squad in their game, the trio had departed, advancing further towards the downed vessel. Abvor had performed a very unique destruction: he had fired an explosive bolt from his Splitter sniper rifle upwards, only for it to miss its intended target due to recoil and hit the main engine of a ship half a kilometer above, leading to a sudden explosion of steel and burnt flesh that descended upon them.

Several minutes later, the trio finally arrived at the downed Byrn'adul warship. Using its wreckage as cover, they linked up with vanguard Drone and Juggernaut units and created a somewhat secure perimeter, allowing for the withdrawal of the survivors of the crash deeper into the Byrn formation. After every survivor had been extracted, the perimeter was deliberately broken as the vanguard began its retreat.

The hulking presence of a Carrier descending upon the city along with a vast cloud of Gunboats. With the rescue operation nearing its conclusion, there was no longer a need to hold tactical positions, with only a mad scramble remaining as rear and flank units covered their kin in front of them from Eternal reinforcements. The Zealot Elite Squad was among the units maintaining the receding right flank, firing randomly at enemy formations as to delay their inevitable advance as greatly as possible. The mission had been more of a surgical strike than an invasion, and already the enemy greatly outnumbered the Draelvasier. Yet they would not get the chance to use their superior numbers to their advantage.

All around the squad, Gunboats descended to the ground and picked up dozens of units each, the vanguard shrinking steadily with each wave of Gunboat. As the formation shrunk, the difference in firepower between the two combatant parties became obvious. While the armor of the Gunboats provided security from infantry fire, those warriors who remained on the surface to guard the evacuees were hounded by greater and greater firepower with fewer units to return fire. The Elites had resorted to firing only between walls and boulders, as to not compromise their cover as dozens of bolts flew by.

Suddenly, the squad caught sight of an individual in an even more desperate spot. Resembling a Major of the Risen Sraelvun, he was engaged in single combat with a catlike creature with extraordinary agility. As they both seemed to be in reasonably good condition, Krarolk estimated that the feline would keep the Major in their current location for long enough for reinforcements to arrive and eliminate him.

As a member of the Aeravalin species, Krarolk had a natural bias against Sraelvun. In his view, Drones were the most basic of cannon fodder, relatively weak and lacking the honor of a true warrior. However, Krarolk also supported those who rose in the military hierarchy through skill and determination. From what he had seen in his years in battle, the Risen had proven themselves worthy of their title, with equal skill to the Aeravalin and Baedurin in many regards. Even if they came from a lesser subspecies, Krarolk could respect the struggles and achievements of those who rose above the stigma.

"I'll receive the Risen, keep protecting the perimeter without me." stated Krarolk, departing before his squadmates could object.

Yet they only stood and stared, surprised that their relatively antisocial comrade would perform such an action.

Krarolk leapt over a fallen pillar, weaving between areas of cover as he closed the distance between himself and the dueling pair. About ten meters away, he pulled out his Driller and fired about a dozen small explosive shells in quick succession in the general direction of the feline.

"We're evacuating, Risen!" yelled Krarolk as loud as he possibly could. "Make use of this diversion and find a Gunboat!"
Post: Five
Objective: Defend
Location: Centre courtyard [Just beyond Bryn defence line.]
Engaging: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Eskk Jannik |
Equipment: Armour | Shield | Axe |
Beast: Dreddikkast

The strike was successful, sending the sorceress careening into duracrete that came crashing down around her. All across Firrerre's capitol the battle ensued as Tathra turned to support his forces; cutting down troops as they attempted to rush past him - blocking a missile with his shield. In that pause of the battle the Carrier begun to shift toward the sky; alongside dozens of Gunboats moving to and from the Conquesters and Carrier itself.

The Primarch contacted him, urging a retreat. The Titan looked to the sky as the Dreddikkast darted from building to building, a whisper of the mind as it reconnected with him - the plan was set in motion.

"No Primarch, ensure all our other forces are returned. I have my own means of extraction." Tathra spoke through the stone crested in his gauntlet, held close to his face behind the Shield.

The Dreddikkast complied with its masters command, as the enemy fighters came for it - the beast darted low, using its many arms to propel itself from building to building before leaping away at incredible speed, the massive creature charging down the street toward the Titan as the Gunboats extracted his forces.

The Sorceress came for Tathra again, his compact shield retracting into his arm as he shifted into a two-handed grasp; blocking the Sorceress strikes with his more purposeful and wide shifts on motion, covering a greater distance with less effort as the shaft of the Axe blocked the impending blows. Tathra knew she was aiming for the visible weak spots in his armour, catching one with the upper length of the Axe, he would hook it under the lip of the Axe's blade and push it away, attempting to strike the Sorceress in the chest with an open palm with enough force to dent Beskar.

The Dreddikkast crashed into the ground metres behind him, chunks of road and dirt shooting into the air as its dozens of arms slashed at the soldiers, cutting tanks in half as Tathra leapt into the mount on its back.

"To the sky, Dreddikkast." He whispered, the Axe sliding onto his back as the miasma of black daggered wings propelled them upward - violently sending an outward shockwave as the creature blasted upward into the sky with as much strength as it could muster.

Their reconnaissance mission had not been of great success, but at the very least they had become aquatinted with the Eternals. The Dreddikkast would dock with the Carrier in transit to orbit, the three vessels jumping through hyperspace as they left low orbit.
Kalic looked at Lori, smiling a little as he thought. Maybe it was just that he didn’t have the answers yet. He looked about the cockpit, trying the wrap his head around everything.

“I hope your right Lori. If that was my future I....” He stopped talking, seeing the fighting in the distances before the clouds blocked it. “So you react like your flying? That’s one I can understand. I guess I’m glad you listened to your dad. Feel like this rebellion.... Well I don’t know if I’d have found out about it to be honest.”

Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim-Ragal
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand, Lord Commander
The Red Witch; The Night Queen, Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Firrerre Capital, Firrerre
Equipment: Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Striith vibrosword | G1 OmniLink || Shield talisman | Taozin amulet | Healing amulet | Empyrean gland | Soul
Writing with: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus

Luckily, she was even further away, so the incoming missile had no effect on her. She saw that it came from above and was a standard used in the Empire. Someone either didn’t notice she was here or someone was attacked and wanted to kill her and the Chieftain as well. If so, the assassin was out of luck because it wasn’t that easy to kill the woman.

As she set off in the direction of Titan, she could already see that the creature she had previously expelled was approaching. It was time to use the creature’s full devoured emotions. With this, she increased her own speed, the man defending himself with his huge axe and weak points that seemed like armour for the time being. Then the man was finally prepared for a final blow. She saw how the blow came, which was finally successfully avoided. She felt a blow rushing past her side, which had brutal force. Ingrid had no doubt that it would have pierced her chest, even as she was wearing an armoured suit.

The Chieftain then escaped. For a moment, it turned in the woman's head to teleport after the man and tries to cut off the Titan’s pet in the air. It would be an unpleasant surprise, for sure. But she didn’t, she had no idea why they were coming or what they were looking for here at this end of the galaxy. But their entire army seemed to be retreating. Maybe it was a test? It didn't matter. As soon as the enemy got further away she immediately issued the orders.

<”Start rescuing the injured immediately, send out recovery troops, and try to find Bryn’adûl corpses as well. And find out if these abominations have left behind any surprises for us!”>


Lori wanted to try to get away from the fighting. The last thing that she needed was for her to be discovered by the Empire's forces and risk getting captured. That wouldn't be good for either herself or Kalic Daws Kalic Daws . So she lowered the Jaster's Sparrow's altitude, allowing them to hide better among terrain below.

"I can only guess, Kalic. Nothing is ever set in stone. Not my future, or yours, nothing. There are just too many variables and everything goes to chance. Take the Empire for example; do you think that they ever counted on the Rebellion? Or someone like me? No. If they did, then they would have stopped us from the start. But we are still here....And we are still continuing to be a problem. We are a variable. We reveal their failures and weaknesses."
Objective: Engage in Melee Combat
Equipment: Same as Previous Post
Shani Shani

The feline proves itself far quicker than originally expected. The wide slash attempted by the Major meets empty air as the creature bounces backward, as if though propelled by some unseen force, the blade whistles gently as it severs apart the air, dividing the atmosphere with the same ease with which it might've divided the organic's stomach. Suddenly, the fur-covered alien pounced forward once more, driven by its powerful legs as it drew incredibly close, its own implement of war slipping through the air and striking against the Verikast at his side, piercing through one of the weaker segments and digging against his hip.

Osam flung his arm wide in an attempt at forcing the creature away from his side, blood already beginning to pool together at the point of the blade's entry, spilling out in gentle rivulets over the remaining undamaged Verikast. The armor was spectacular at dispelling blaster bolts and other energy-based instruments, but such basic and brutish tools of conflict were still capable of piercing through it and severing his flesh. The pain was present, but nothing spectacular - after having been forced to nearly sever his own leg in order to avoid a venom unlike any he'd ever seen, nothing seemed to hurt with the same intensity.

Recognizing that the alien relies primarily upon its natural agility and celerity, the Risen deems it necessary to adopt a different fighting style. Flash-trained in the ways of his kindred, it is not difficult for him to assume a position different than his previous one, relying less upon the brutish strength of their race, and more upon quick and vicious movements. Were he Baedurin, he might've simply continued to smash and lash out with impossible force, and were he Aeravalin he might've relied upon his reach to win the day... but Sraelvun were known neither for their height nor flexibility nor might.

The Draelvasier's knife lanced out against, a quick and fast blow towards the creature's left shoulder, intending to lightly stab at its joints in the process. All the while, the cunning Major's left hand, tipped in vicious claws, swung forward, grasping and clutching at the alien's fur, intending to utilize the grappling that such sharp appendages granted it to grip onto the enemies' fur and drag them along in the process.

Agility meant nothing if one could be held in place - Osam would rely on it.
Post: 5
Tags: Keldothera Keldothera
Obj: Flank the enemy for Keldothera

Sethrak's detachment had taken their positions while the main force battled on. After some waiting, the opportunity presented itself. The plan was working well, the minors had opened fire and the enemy took the bait. Meanwhile Sethrak and the grenadier now had a perfect cluster of foes to unleash chaos upon.

The first grenade landed, the blast killing several enemy troops. This onslaught continued, with bursts of gunfire between grenades. They had effectively flanked the enemy. The general could now proceed with her plans.
Kalic smiled a Lori, nodding as she explained that there were too many variables. It was good to hear.

"Your right. I guess we'll just have to see what's coming. Add as many variables as possible." The Miraluka seemed more at ease now, though the battle below still worried him. He took a breath, looking back. He rubbed his head some more, trying to get the last of the pain gone before speaking up.

"I just hope the pain part with stop sometime soon."

Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun
"There's probably hundreds of them. Maybe thousands. We can never know for sure. Just one minor action could change the course of the future."

Lori was glad that she could help Kalic Daws Kalic Daws ease his worry. They needed to get out of here while they could. There was too much that needed to be done. They couldn't afford to get stuck. She couldn't afford to get stuck. And neither could the Rebellion.

"I hope so too. Have you had this happen before? Did the pain last long?"

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