Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Crisis on Cato Neimoidia | ATTN: Jedi


Engaging: Iris Arani Iris Arani

The air roared around her as she plummeted from her spider cruiser. Already Silver Jedi forces were engaging the Maw and the sky was rife with laser cannon fire and explosions as the descending Maw vessels were shot down. Splaying her legs and arms out in front of her in anticipation she grinned behind her helmet. Drawing on the Force she slowed her descent, landing in a tuck and roll against the sturdy hull of the grav train with a thud. Tempest wasn't alone on the train though. She saw the lightsabers first though and for a moment the warning from her co-pilot echoed in her mind;

"Don't get in over your head Thal."

She acted without thought, activating her electroripper and charging into battle with a roar. Her upward swing was at the nearest enemy, the energy ribbon cutting through the durasteel hull and sending a shower of sparks into the young Jedi's face as the blade came up to meet her.
The shuttle that carried the Silver Jedi plunged towards the world below - speed clearly was the priority over the comfort. Inside the ship's hold, Travot attempted to do some last minute research on his datapad after Jax Thio Jax Thio had informed him about who the holo was about. In some ways, it was a familiar routine for him - he'd run off to some remote part of the galaxy to do some good or become involved in some protracted but local conflict. Once the job was done, he'd return to find almost entirely different galaxy or threat to face. At least they seem to be some sort of variation of the new entirely biology or caste system to learn about. His eyes briefly scanned the hold for moment, catching glimpses of Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek , Madison Starr, and Lanyria in the flickering light. I wonder how the padawans will fare against these sith....The shuttle rocked hard for a moment, and Travot wondered if it was simple turbulence or if some weapons fire had come too close. With a starfighter screen protecting them, the jedi felt like they had a good chance of at least making an unimpeded landing.

The floor groaned beneath their feet and the hull shuddered as the shuttle made an abrupt, none too light landing. Gas hissed around the exit ramp, and instinctively, the large man rushed out - he didn't like being a sitting duck inside a shuttle - once outside, he'd have more freedom to move and react. Smoke and the cries of civilians immediately welcomed the group of jedi. Even barely wading into the currents of the Force, Travot could feel the fear and anger that so often accompanied conflict in urban settings. A gust of cold air burst upon his face, bringing with the smell of burnt flesh and ozone. This is the perfect milieu of death for a sith. He drew his lightsaber and tapped its activation stud, causing a blue blade to spring to life.

An Avril Besh Transport hovered overhead before it dozens of ropes rolled down from it. Armored shock troops wearing power armor and wielding slugthrower weapons began to descend from the craft en masse. He shuddered as he felt their thoughts. If nothing else, they can keep the enemy off our backs while we find the bombs.... He turned back to the others of the jedi group.

"Where do we start?"
The ride in on the shuttle was anything but smooth. If he wasn’t strapped in or a Jedi, he would’ve ended up in Madison Starr ’s lap no doubt about it. Between this and The Chance and that whole chit with the pirates he was starting to think this flying chit was for the kriffing birds.

And this whole chit about Sith? What the kark was that about? He heard Jax Thio Jax Thio give encouragement and support to his Padawan and looked over to Travot Ravenna Travot Ravenna and his and realized he was on his own. His hand went to the borrowed saber on his belt. If he was going to survive this, it would be because he was looking out for hisself. No doubt the others were there and would do what they could but it was also clear they would have other priorities than him.

The shuttle touched down and Dagos followed the burly Jedi master out into the chaos that was Cato Neimodia. That hanger on The Simplicity’s Sake had been chaotic and Korpil G62 had been a special brand of carnage but the flood of noise and stink and blurring violence here on the planet’s surface was something the young Jedi was not prepared for. So much pain, so much hate, so much fear to levels he had never known flooded his system through the force. So much so he had to push back the urge to get back on the shuttle.

Someone near him said something. He could not tell who as he tried to recalibrate from the sensory overload.

“What?!” He shouted in response.




Hearts beating faster.
Every time it was the same, this permeating miasma wherever they went; fear. There were the righteous among them, the fearless and the brave, but the overwhelming fog of confusion and uncertainty was the first to reach her eyes. So many of the Jedi gathered in one place, many of them entirely unaware of the misdirection they'd been given until it was already too late, and yet there were fewer of them, the Sith, still. She stepped out from the entrance to the Castle Dod with her apprentice Darth Daiara Darth Daiara in tow, her head bowed low, hair hanging down around her face, as if she couldn't bear to look at the city that laid out before her. Her hand, her left, held tightly onto the shoulder of the younger woman, whom she seemed to almost drag outside.

"What do you see out there?"

The question, as many tended to be between the two of them in moments like this, was more philosophical than not. "I see the weak, the damned, and I see the perverse, the strong." Vesta said, answering for her. She seemed bothered, angry even, though it didn't seem to be related to the girl at her side, whose shoulder she let go of after she spoke last. "The Jedi think that the good are best fit to lead because they are righteous, the Sith believe they inherit their power by virtue of force, taking what they desire being both the means and the justification for whatever it is they do." She explained as she lifted her head, hair parting down the middle as gravity pulled it back. Her eyes were framed by dark circles, bags weighing heavy under her eyes, as if she hadn't slept in days.

"The truth is somewhere in the middle, in that it doesn't matter."

She had started walking midway through offering her thoughts on the matter, lightsaber in hand.

"The only thing that matters in this life, Aradia, is what matters to us - and right now it is killing them so they cannot keep it from us any longer."

Madison Starr


At-Lao East Coupling Station
Cato Nemoidia
Part 4 - Obj 2
Jax Thio Jax Thio , Travot Ravenna Travot Ravenna , Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek , Madison Starr, and Padawan Lanyria land at a city station. Nearby are ten giant chains connecting the city to the mountains. Their shuttle manically dodging a missile attack by Lord Letifer Lord Letifer , they dismount into a chaotic situation. They are looking for bombs planted near the giant chains holding up the city. Meanwhile, Darth Saevius Darth Saevius interrogates a Jedi captive deeper in the city.​

Madison remembered the sudden jerk their shuttle had made to avoid the Mag-pulse missiles headed their way. They flew right through an open city balcony. A lavish open-air feast was still sitting there on the tables, amid brilliant gold refinery, and royal Nemoidian carpets. Their shuttle had blasted right between the pillars. Sending food flying out into the expanse. The missiles however. They had blown the whole balcony into pieces.

Madison immediately noted how their pilot just smiled to himself and kept flying. What a mother-karking badass.

Their shuttle dismounted quickly at At-Lao's eastern most Coupling Station. A security checkpoint and maintenance zone for the giant chains connecting the city to the oceanic mountains nearby. It was utilitarian by design. But you'd almost couldn't guess by all the gold leaf and red carpets everywhere. As if blue-collar city workers cared for all the glamour.

The place was a chaotic mess too.

Bando Gora controlled the zone's exits and the monorail sub-stations. (Of which there were two. One on both sides. North and south train stations.) Currently labelled as 'No Trains Running' on the digital signs.

Fighting was distant but the smell of death was close by. A transport of Thunderhead Battalion troops was dismounting above them into a frantic crowd of lost civilians. The local Nemoidian people had come here hoping for safety. What they had found was dead police, smiling cultists at the check points, and all the exits locked and closed. They were trapped and frantic for somewhere to escape to.

A royally garbed local approached Travot and Dagos,

"Please! You must help us! These maniacs have taken over the whole Coupling Station and closed all the exits! Including the parking garage and the monorails stations!"

Another glamorously over-dressed Nemoidian woman pressed against them,

"Please! Please! We've been stuck out here for hours without any news. And everyone who approaches the exits is shot and killed, or worse! Taken!"

Another duke-like local ran up to them, almost shouting with his hands,

"Everyone in the Police Station is dead. The men with red laser swords killed all the guards and all the truck drivers too!"

It was chaos.

Madison looked to Jax for leadership. She herself feeling overwhelmed in the noise and desperate people. Luckily, Thunderhead Battalion felt no such hesitation. The allied soldiers moved straight for the zone's main entrance. Anxious to engage the largest enemy force and clear the field.

Madison pointed to the monorail stations on the north and south borders of the zone,

"There! The monorail stations!" She shouted over the din, "If we can shut them down or divert the tracks! They can't deliver any more bombs to this sector!"
Then she turned and looked at the giant chains hanging above them. Ten of the most colossal metal structures she had ever seen. Almost invulnerable to the chilly skies and acidic seas of the planet. They seemed unbreakable.

A royally garbed Nemoidian followed her gaze,

"You can't break those ma'dam!" He defended, "Many empires have tried for thousands and thousands of years to do so. Those chains can't be broken by less than a turbolaser bombardment. We would know."

"What about bombs!" Madison shouted. Standing a mere foot away from the alien.

"No! No!" He protested. "We've tried huge sonic mining bombs on those chains! It's easier to destroy the whole mountainside than it is to damage those things. Even all ten of them. ...Besides! Nobody has approached the chains since this whole mess began. They seem content to just trap us here and keep us away from the exits. Like a sheep's pen!"

Madison nodded. Almost relieved.

She turned back to Jax and Travot,

"I say monorail stations! We've got to keep more bombs and bad guys from arriving!"

Slug-thrower fire could now be heard from one of the main buildings. Windows exploded and allied soldiers could be seen throwing cultists off the second story. Over the side of the zone and into the acid oceans below. Nice. Good work boys. Thunderhead had found their fight.

Madison nodded to Jax,

"Two stations. North and south. Thunderhead is fighting at the main entrance. ..So? .What's the plan Master?"

One of the locals protested the idea,

"What about the parking garage! If you guys can get those blast doors open again? We can all get to our Air Speeders and leave town!"

Another local cut him off,

"And go where! Whole's cities lost. Besides... Some of us didn't fly here! We need air buses to get everybody out or..."

Madison cut them both off,

"Monorails first guys! Then we'll get those Air Speeders free and shuttles down from orbit. Okay! Okay!"

She clapped her hands and withdrew her Lightsaber hilt.

Okay. Secure the north and south sub-stations, and stop the trains from arriving. No sweat. It was party time.

. . .
Location: Pelta Class Medical Frigate "Radis"

The Diathim Master stared at the planet, the source of so much worry, and there was so little she could do. She was called in as last minute support for those on the ground, escorted by a wing of fighters at her command. "Pilot, transmit to whoever's in charge of this operation."

"Aye aye General, your on." He spoke.

"This is Jedi Master Reyla Litre, Im here with medical support and a wing of fighters, including bombers and transports. Contact me with coordinates in need of our aid." She spoke confidently, hoping there was something she could do.

Tags: Takui Takui
Location: A deep, dark place, then Takui’s location

A haggard grunting could be heard as the visage of the Jedi Knight - bound and held fast as securely now as he was nearly an hour previous - struggled against an unseen attack against his psyche. Saevius’ hand stretched out before him, pulses of dark energy drifting from his palm and into the Jedi’s lurching form. The Jedi’s veins could be seen in stark relief along his neckline and forehead, while the Sith’s own appearance remained coyly resolute. Visibly, it appeared as though the Jedi were struggling against a relentless force, or as if he were straining under a weight too heavy for his form to bear.

Eventually, the Jedi’s voice erupted in a shrill, almost inhuman scream as Saevius’ invisible onslaught burst through his mental defenses. He shuddered and writhed against his restraints, and after several moments - fell still, his body hanging limp against his bonds. The Dark Lord lowered his hand slowly, and inclined his head slightly to the side as he regarded the still form before him. He still felt life within his captive, with said life bursting forth violently as the Jedi came back to consciousness. Yet, the Jedi would be different. The defiant fire in his eyes was replaced with a hollow, almost lifeless chill. The normally chestnut brown quality of his irises adopted a muted slate color instead. And his skin was pale - paler than it was only a few minutes prior. A wolfish, satisfied smile streaked across the Inquisitor’s face as he strode over to the ‘Jedi’ and undid his bonds.

The ragged form of the former guardian fell to the floor, and paused a moment on all fours as he seemingly regained himself. But then, he arose in one fluid motion, and stood at a near-perfectly straight posture. An eerie calm settled within the cavern, broken only after a moment’s pause by Saevius’ voice:
”You are no longer a Jedi, you are my servant.”

The human’s voice responded monotonously: ”Yes Master.”

”You will be known as Breida, and your first quest on my behalf will be to find the children who are to be given over to the Dark Voice. Use your past self as a guise to find them, do whatever you need to do to bring them to me.” The former Jedi merely nodded, and wordlessly left the cavern to do as he was bidden. To those who observed him, he would appear as the same version of himself he always had been. Only a true master of the force would have any inkling that anything was amiss, and even then - the high tension of events escalating on Cato Neimoidia would likely mask any real quirks that would normally appear to be a dead giveaway.

It was a pity, that the Jedi cared so little for their own, that they did not answer the former Jedi’s panic-laden calls for aid. It merely confirmed the simple fact Saevius knew to be true - the Jedi were weak, and spineless. Their order was long overdue to be consigned to the burnpile of history, and Saevius had no qualms about being their executioner.

’Patience.’ He thought to himself. Good things came to those who waited.

As if on cue, the comm unit on his belt burst with static. Saevius turned a dial increasing the volume so he could hear what was being relayed. Maw forces near him had pinned down a handful of Jedi who had arrived via insertion pods, exchanging fire in an attempt to keep them pinned down in the hopes New Sith Order representatives could arrive soon to take charge of the situation in a more... finite manner.

Saevius smirked at the prospect that his lure was perhaps not entirely for naught, but refrained from basking in the idea for any real length of time as he drew his hood over his head and proceeded out of the ruined cavern near the heart of the city. He moved like a shadow through the city, carnage erupting around him as if a harbinger for his arrival.

In due course, he would arrive on the scene of the action erupting around Takui Takui , observing several moments as fusillades of blaster fire peppered the battered pods. Silver Jedi forces were quick to return fire in an effort to alleviate the sheer weight of fire being thrown their way, with a proverbial no-mans-land developing in the center.

Saevius closed his eyes as he basked in the maelstrom of emotions for a few moments, but soon thereafter reached out with the force. His will tugged upon the frame of a burned out speeder chassis, hefting it slowly, then violently casting it into the SJC soldiers' position.

He wasted little time as he reached out to gather several more, throwing them with purpose to form a sort of 'ring' around Takui Takui 's position. The sudden flurry of actions threw many of the combatants off, allowing Saevius a precious few seconds to launch himself through the air, landing within the 'ring' he had just made for both himself and his newfound quarry.

As he landed, his lightsaber quickly snapped into his hands, its crimson blade belching forth from both ends with a flourish. His cloak fell off of his shoulders into a heap at his feet, and the Sith Lord affixed the Jedi with a feral, thinly menacing smile.



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Objective II: End of an Era

Ambience I.



The masked Sith Lord stared solemnly out the reinforced window of the railcrawler conveyex transport. The train tore through the permafog of Cato Neimoidia at breakneck speeds, with only the icy sounds of screeching metal filling the atmosphere in its wake. The sulfuric smell of the acidic oceans below bled into the durasteel coffins in which the Master and the Apprentice waited in silent understanding of what is to be done.

"We'll have company soon, Orlov. Ready yourself."

Perhaps only the antediluvian terror that was Ptolemis' master Dimitri Voltura knew his original name anymore – a surreal reminder of his former self that now felt more like a forsaken alterego than a painful truth. A cool pause followed his master's words. The deep breath drawn in by the long-corrupted Fondorian was given an eerie timbre by the mask that had lent him a morbidly inhuman image. This frightening appearance of his reeked of the years-long dark knowledge he had immersed himself in; an abyssal peat bog that had long swallowed him whole. The rest of his physical features hidden behind pitch-black overlong fabrics, Darth Ptolemis was the manifestation of the fear of the unknown. – I am ready, master. – The apprentice replied finally, his deep, filtered voice strangely resonating through the cart. He took a couple of steps away from the windows, coming to a halt in the middle of the elongated wagon, with his back turned to his master, thereby halving the confined space for maximum tactical advantage.

"It's time."

A gloved arm appeared from the dark folds of Ptolemis' occultish robe. The empty palm twitched once, upon which the light-consuming blackness of a durite hilt had emerged from the Dark Lord's waistbelt, dragged through the Force and into his predatory clutches. The hilt's muffled impact with the Fondorian's palm a nonverbal acknowledgement of his master's warning. The dark figure lowered his arms and stood tall, shadows like spectral limbs branching ever outward from the dread-pair's position.
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Issue #13 w/ Zaka Zaka Halketh Halketh Jem Fossk Jem Fossk Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis


Like a Dog Chasing Cars
:: Master, I- :: static burst through the line as a loud explosion took his attention. The broadcast had exposed his worst scenarios and memories to life. Staring at the transmission where the figure of the cult leader decayed into the all too familiar form of the Dark Lord of the Sith Halketh Halketh , his eyes recalled the dread, the anger, and helplessness of the Sacking of Coruscant.

:: Arthur, can you reach her? ::

:: No, Sir, I'm unable to penetrate through the jamming. ::


His feet itched to turn back.

Two streets behind. Can't be far.

:: Give me a sitrep on the situation. ::

:: Allied forces are finally moving in towards the locations you advised and are taking precautionary measures to secure the city from plunging to the abyss, Sir but the New Sith have emerged. ::

Always on the damn backfoot.

:: The trains? ::

:: En-route still but the Jedi forces seem to have engaged them. ::

Always entrapped.

Like mice.

:: Put your efforts into finding all the bombs and transmitting their locations to Admiral Gir Quee Gir Quee . ::

Times had to change.

:: And you, Sir? ::

I have to change.

:: I'm going to the palace. ::

He moved up onto the roof's railing, his eyes giving one final gaze behind. Somewhere there was his apprentice.

I have to start trusting.

I have to start believing.

Believe in her.

Believe that she could fly.

Fists and hands clenched in unison before he willed himself to move forward. Leap through the cityscape towards the Palace up ahead.

:: Zaka, you hear me? ::

:: Get to Caelitus as soon as you can, I will cover your rear! ::

Believe in the generation that comes after me.

:: Don't wait on me. ::

Believe that we can turn this around.

Not alone but...

"Together next time. We're stronger that way. You taught me that, remember?"



Where Valery Noble Valery Noble acted as a flurry of strikes from a quick footed fencer, Kahlil was the other hand, a stoic shield to take the blows. His hand reached out, gripping the dagger wielding cultist to pull him back and away. Right towards the larger man still in the doorway. He stepped forward, bringing his blade around in a single, simple cut. The cultist fell to the ground, smoking from a wound that'd prove debilitating, but not deadly.

<“You have been deceived.”>

"Kahlil... he's coming."

The Jedi took a breath, closing his eyes. It wasn't just through their bond that he could feel Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren 's hate. All of the Sith's pawns, all their hate flourishing at once. He could feel it all. How many Jedi were in danger now? A trap, for sure. Did they need to flee? Fight? His eyes opened, glancing to the pair they'd saved from the cultists. Man, he really disliked how smart the Sith were about this.

"C'mon. We move quick, quiet. We're being hunted, so we can't protect you for long. Until then, we'll keep you safe." Acting as their protectors would only work for so long, especially with one of these hatreds so keen on getting Valery. He nodded to his Fiance before slipping back out onto the street. Back the way they came was the only hope for the civilians at least.


See what's going on. See if they need help. It's what had Iris lagging behind the others, watching the sky for the dark spot that was soaring for them. But it wasn't fear that darkened the colors around the falling person. She squinted, trying to see through the mass of other colors to figure it out. Only for her eyes to widen as panic gripped her heart. Thalia Senn Thalia Senn hit the ground running. Domxite was the first to act, igniting themselves in the Padawan's grasp as danger and lethal intent darkened the colors further.

Her free hand came up, covering her eyes as sparks showered over her face. Skin burned as the robe was pretty swiftly ruined, but at least it didn't catch fire. The Rainbow Gem that acted as her lightsaber guided her hand, not so much catching the strike as pushing to the side so Iris could turn away. Her blade lowered then, held in a firm enough grip. One hand. Makashi. She made no move to strike. Instead, she just looked confused.

"You're not a Sith."

Engaging: Iris Arani Iris Arani
Location: Roof of a Railcrawler
Tempest tilted her head in confusion. Sith? A heavily modulated chuckle came from the helmeted warrior as she flourished her weapon and held it to the side. The fog that seemed to part before the railcrawler began to swirl around Tempest as she pulled it in with the Force. The speed at which they moved made it difficult to keep the fog in place but she tied it as best she could to their train car before making her move.

"Very astute for a Padawan," she said. She remembered the words of Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis on Jakku. "Never be afraid of who you are." She still wasn't sure who she was, she had to be more than this anger and pain, but until then she knew she could never be Sith. Drawing on the Force, Tempest sought to close the distance between her and the Padawan. Exploding from the mist she brought down her blade in a heavy strike. She wouldn't give the Padawan a chance to speak again. She should be able to finish this quickly if she focused.


Thick, unnatural fog blocked her sight. Iris frowned. Was it something from the train? From Thalia Senn Thalia Senn ? .. No, it had to be from her. The colors of the Force bent and twisted with the swirl of the fog. Iris never needed her eyes to see the world around her, and the fog itself wouldn't hinder her sight. But what Tempest was doing, how she was bending the Force, that's what blinded her. Too dark to see the other clearly.

Another darker shade. Iris flicked up her saber just as Thalia burst from the mist. The Force nudged her forward, so she took the step, brought up her blade. The Force didn't lead her wrong. A powerful blow from above, but Iris was already stepping into the other's guard. Where she kept her saber up to deflect the strike, she turned. Bringing a leg around to sweep Thalia's out from under her.



Location: Cato Nemoidia
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Madison Starr, Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek , Travot Ravenna Travot Ravenna

As much as Jax loved flying, it was easy to forget he was riding what's essentially a flying tinderbox. Alarms blared as a barrage of missiles fired by Darth Saevius Darth Saevius were launched directly towards the Medical Frigate. Thankfully the pilot managed to pull some evasive maneuvers that would impress even BB-12 and wormed their way to the surface of the planet. Jax had been to Cat Nemoidia a couple of times often investigating alleged acts of corruption by its businessmen. It was easy to forget under the beautiful planet lay some true slimeballs looking to make quick credits.

But right now, they were in danger and even though Jax doesn't have the best opinion on the planet, he will do what he can to save them. As they got closer to the planet's surface, it was already swarming with Brotherhood troopers opening fire upon the medical frigate. After the group landed, a noble ran up to them begging the Jedi for help. "The Sith are trying to take hostages," Jax said as the entire area was under fire. He could sense Madison's fear trying to look to him for guidance. The Jedi Master placed a hand on her shoulder sending calming waves of the Force throughout her body. "Stay focused," he said using telepathy on his Padawan. "The battlefield but you must not be crippled by fear, remember what I taught you Madison. Accept the fear and let it pass through you, replace that void with the Force."

The locals began arguing with each other about how will they escape, Jax was about to speak but Madison cut them off saying that the moonrails is what they'll need to secure first in order to provide safe transport for the airspeeder. "Good call my young Padawan," Jax smirked. "We also need to make sure to take out any Anti Air guns as well as RPGs. The Brotherhood is trying to make sure no one enters or leaves the planet judging by that-"

"HELP US!" A group of people were being gunned down by Brotherhood troopers: Men women and children alike. There were about 20 of them armed with an assortment of melee and ranged weapons. "Damn!" Jax activated his Lightsaber. "We got company! Protect the civilians!"

Jax deflected a couple of blaster bolts before leaping on to a soldier and slashing him across the chest.

We all fall in parallel
Terror and confusion ripped through them as the initial message spread. They were aware of the situation surrounding the city's precarious position due to an assessment by Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze , but having it confirmed in a more chilling and less structured manner by another Jedi- or at least, they assumed that was what he was- served to deconstruct the certainty and confidence that the former had instilled.

There was a time for confidence, however.

By giving them peace of mind, the Jedi sought to respond efficiently and with as few mistakes as possible. That was an excellent method- when you were fully certain of your enemy's intentions, and you could reasonably respond to threats.

What Taku saw glimpsed a danger that went beyond bloodshed and contempt. A measured response would not reach far enough. For a Jedi, the cost of even a single life was too great a price to pay. The framework of limitations was what Sith always sought to undermine and exploit.

Before they could establish a sustained suppressive line of fire however, something came barreling through the line. Men had their feet taken from under them, and the collective blasts from both sides scorched durasteel as the speeder careened off the bridge and ignited.

The subsequent blast sent Bando Gora, Sith, and Silver Jedi soldiers alike staggering, stumbling, and falling over the edge. Taku rooted himself in place and let the web of mental fortifications he'd woven expand, preserving his equilibrium and dulling the blast that otherwise might have blown out his eardrums.

Even more prominent than the first time he'd sensed it, that primal fear gripped the world around him now. A sensation like revelry, a nihilistic glee substantiated from it. Whatever the presence was supped on that malignant aether and built upon itself. He could see the two things interwoven in the Force, as if one and the other had seemingly existed both independent of each other in one moment, and then codependent in the next.

A Sith Lord.

He didn't need to see the beast to understand its nature. He didn't need to think in order to react. The shrill scream that resounded in the Force came in the moments that preceded the flinging of debris-

But not a danger to him.

No. This was purposeful. Everything, everyone around him was a target. Collateral damage. Deliberately chosen to pluck at heartstrings.

Taku was not immune to their deaths. Every flame of life snuffed, every man that fell to his death or found himself crushed beneath a speeder, every time someone lost consciousness at the edge of oblivion...

He found himself surrounded. On all sides, a veritable ring of scraps, a conglomeration of metal and flame designed not only to keep others out, but him within. It all fit together.


His ruby gaze flickered toward the monster that stood at the center of it all. The telltale blood colored blade, the unmistakable presence, and a twisted smile. His own lips parted as he gave the softest of sighs.

Then, Taku smiled too. Sadly.

"I'm sorry."

His blade snapped to life.

Darth Saevius Darth Saevius


The Unchained

Tor’r Tal’Verda, Kralmus Orr, Raus Garrat, Bernard Bernard

Loadout: Mandalore's Lament, Regret, beskar'gam


O Death

In the shadows of the crowded streets lurked a great darkness, awaiting to strike upon every corner. The Jedi had come in droves to save the inhabitants of this world, ever the foolish heroes. Khamul would have laughed at their pathetic need to help those that couldn't help themselves, but instead, he felt disgust. These Jedi had such great power, yet refused to tap into it. Not unlike his own people, in that way. In some ways, Khamul viewed Solipsis as a man of a similar mind, though perhaps the other side of the coin. They both wished to bring the galaxy to its knees through a trial by fire. Those that proved themselves worthy would have a place in the new world, and they would have to fight to get it. As for those that were found wanting, well... there was no room for empathy in this new world.

Death's Hand had been slowly filtering themselves planetside for days now, taking care to not make too much noise. Several had mentioned a certain distaste for attacking from the shadows, claiming that it was not the way of a true warrior. Khamul agreed with the sentiment, but this wasn't about simply proving one's worth on the field of battle. This was about the long game, and their people's eventual rise to power... and Khamul would do whatever was needed to make that happen. The doubters could either get out of his way, or catch the receiving end of his wrath. Most opted for the former, as those that chose the latter tended to find themselves dead shortly after.

Khamul saw the masked visage of Halketh Halketh appear on the large screen, and he felt his hatred for the man searing within his soul. There was no short of rivalry within the ranks of the New Sith Order, but Khamul had a special sense of distaste for the former Imperial warlord. Khamul couldn't quite discern the man's agenda, nor did he trust him. Not that it would matter, in the end. Eventually, Khamul would be forced to confront the man. Always two, there are. No more... no less...

As the signal was given, several cries could be hear throughout the city. Crimson plasma began to erupt as the Sith revealed themselves, cutting down all in their path. The time was finally upon them.

Khamul stepped out from the shadows, his mask shining in golden and crimson hues as he drew Mandalore's Lament.


The blade roared to life in a torrent of black and crimson as the Demon Mandalore called out to the faithful.


Jetpacks began to ignite from the shadows, and the killers of Death's Hand began to join the assault. Today would be a glorious slaughter. Today, the halls of death would be satiated once more...



Travot turned back to Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek and yelled louder at the padawan , "I said, where do we start?"

It quickly proved to be a fruitless exchange as their appearance drew people towards them, and with the people came problems. Madison Starr seemed almost immediately set upon by a handful of civilians, either by simple proximity or perhaps because she looked the most approachable of the group. No sooner had the woman started to answer some of the many questions when Travot felt a sense of aggression encroaching upon them. Seconds afterward, Jax Thio Jax Thio shouted and pointed out the Brotherhood troopers.

Well, at least this part of problem solving will be a bit more cut and dry...

He turned to his padawan, "Stay close to me Lanyria. Don't get separated."

The knight turned to Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek , "You can stay us to us as well, if you want there. There is strength in numbers..."

He wanted to talk more, but practicality intervened as the blaster bolts started flying. He sloppily swiped one errant blaster bolt away, swatting into the ground in front of him as he started to immerse himself into the currents of the Force. Training and experience helped transition him into that meditative state - leading him forward in a series of defensive Form III stances that he had practiced tirelessly since being a padawan. He whipped his blade around him in tight arcs in tight arcs as he advanced upon the enemy soldiers. Blaster bolts seemed to pass around him, while he deflected a few luckier bolts into the ground in front of him. He felt a focused hate from one of the soldiers who kept firing a steady stream of blasterfire at him - he brought his blade up in an almost vertical guard that reflected the bolts right back at the soldier - the first few were near misses but a pair of bolts that followed created smoking craters in the man's chest. He dropped to the ground. Behind him and to his left, Lanyria gingerly maneuver in her master's shadow, aping his Form III movements as she focused on deflecting bolts and not getting in the way of those around her.

Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir, Mikhail Grayson, Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze , Aegon of Vitria Aegon of Vitria


The ship rocked from the shockwave of the explosion as the group looked upon the falling structure. These filth were here for nothing more than pure destruction, and they would have to be stopped at all costs. His hand quickly moved for the commlink, only to find that he couldn't get a message through.

"Are we being jammed? What in Ashla's name..."

Heinrich turned toward Eina for a moment.

"The Bando Gora are holding this city hostage. We don't have much more time. We need to find the rest of those explosives, or we need to get as many people out as we can. The city is locked down, though. We'll need to-"

His voice was silenced by an incoming transmission, heralding the coming onslaught against the Jedi. Heinrich didn't know that leader of the Bando Gora, but something felt off about the transmission. It reeked of the Bogan, and left the Blade of Ession feeling unsettled. It wasn't until the corpse of the Bando Gora leader fell to the floor, he knew what they had walked into.

"Feth, it is a trap. Mikhail, get us to-"


Another explosion, this time beneath the ship. Alarms began to fire as Heinrich attempted to maintain control of the ship. It was no use... the left engine was completely shot, sending them spiraling toward the city below.

"Mikhail, see if you can get us stabilized! Eina, we're gonna be coming in hot, I suggest you strap in or get off of the ship, now!"

Smoke obscured much of their vision as they spun downward, flames jutting from the side of the craft as the ship tumbled to its inevitable crash landing. The alarms continued to blare in their ears, as if the ship itself were screaming in agony. It looked like they were going to the city after all... Heinrich only hoped they would have better luck on the ground below.



Location: The Set
Equipment: Weighted Training Robes, Comm-link, Bag of spare medical supplies, Concealed Sling Bag, Concealed Device, Double Bladed Lightsaber
Tags: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Romi Jade Romi Jade Vizion Trozky Vizion Trozky | Dimitri Voltura Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis

Listening to Romi speak, there was a blend of confusion, relief, and compounding anxiety in the message. When she had signed up, or rather volunteered for Briana's excursion to the distress call she hadn't exactly figured they would be going in to combat. She sighed, realizing the time to back out was a bit late for that. It didn't help that she got the distinct feeling she was partly to blame for the anxiety.

Her eyes shifted from the vibrant pink to the a deep rose red as the pheromones were drawn inward and kept in check.

Lackluster control of her natural abilities wouldn't serve them here as she took a deep breath and tried to clear her mind. We are helping people today. We are trying to stop bad things from happening. We are going to get some hands on training-

She blinked at the thought as Briana stepped over to the hatch and opened it. The rush of air into the cabin sucking the breath from her lungs as she struggled for a moment. A couple of hacking coughs with her mind racing now at the sight, she struggled for her bag briefly wide eyed and alarmed.

We are jumping onto the train. We are jumping out of a perfectly good ship and onto a high speed train. We are jumping onto a train that might have bombs on it. There are gonna be people on there that want to stop and maybe hurt us. Probably want to hurt us

She pulled an inhaler from the hidden bag, still hacking as she turned her back to the group around her and pressed it in to her mouth and squeezed. The coughing and hacking stopped finally, replacing it into her bag before turning and figuring out how to breath in the vacuum around her face from the wind.

This is insane

She watched Briana gather herself before leaping from the ship and out. Blinking and waiting for the others to move out as she brought up the rear of their group. She patted herself down as a stalling tactic, making sure everything was still clipped on or at least safely out of her range of motion.
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Issue #4 - Crisis on Cato Neimodia
Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Halketh Halketh

Stood before the looming Palace, Zaka could not deny the sickening feel of the Dark Side pervading the area. It was an unfortunately familiar feeling, hailing back to a day of repeated personal failures at Jedha, even if the day had been won. Looking around him, he could not deny that the Jedi had failed again. The Undead roamed, feasting on those that were not turned. More than likely twisted and transformed on planet than transported to this place.

Wrong or right, it made no difference.

"Come now, heroes, drown yourselves in my madness."

The New Jedi Padawan was already springing forth, violet blades a whirling fury of energy as he cut a path through the hooded figures.

The rancid smell was made even worse as the plasmatic blades carved burning gashes through decayed and dead flesh. Ebony sleeves and fabric collapsed and flew through the air where it was parted from their figures. Frayed edges alight with the passage of his sabers' beams as he cut a straight path to the front door. Springing forwards and dodging through bodies as he entered the Keep.

Inside, he could feel it even more.

The way it twisted the stomach, it was nigh unbearable. The Dark exacerbated the feeling, draining life, light, the very soul of the decor out from it until there was nothing but black. His eyes were open, but he could not see.

But he could sense. Feel the source of it through the turmoil of the Force's currents.

I am the stone in the storm. The rock that the waves crash upon.

:: Zaka, you hear me? ::
:: Get to Caelitus as soon as you can, I will cover your rear! ::

The Knight's voice brought him back to himself, refocusing him. Steeled, he spared a glance to the open doorway behind him and then stepped further into the Palace, his Senses blossoming around him to plot a path through the Dark, to its Source.

Forging a path, an upraised hand brought light to his surroundings. The violet blade cast away the darkness for a few metres, coating the dark-skinned Jedi in its warmth. He heard a step and turned to face it. The Dark ensured that he could not see it, but the Force granted him Sight. Allowing him to see the disheveled, warped and pockmarked paleness. Telltale signs of death, and the weaving of the Sith Magickz. His stance shifted, lowering as he prepared to spring forward. The Perished Jedi ignited their hilt, and the sapphire blade burst forth as they charged.

Lopsided and unnatural was the movement. Zaka leapt forwards, tucking into a dive as her somersaulted to quickly close the distance, stabbing forwards with one saber. The Perished Jedi leapt up and over, retaining some form of its previous life's agility as its own blade came toward his back. But Zaka was twisting already, two digits lifting off from a hilt to shove the Perished Jedi into the ceiling. The crisp snap of bones cracked louder than the hum of the blades, and he pivoted mid-slash, carving through the haphazardly swinging wrist of the Undead with one beam before bisecting them with the other as they tumbled back to the ground.

Split at the waist, N'Jazaka's lip curled upwards in disgust at the sight of the corpse before the sharp, critical features softened.

Reaching out towards him was the hand still connected to the torso, attempting to drag itself closer to get a grasp of his ankle.

"Your life has already been spent, Jedi," he quietly muttered, striking down at the back of the corpse's neck and snapping out the side to decapitate it, ceasing its movements. From its hands, he collected their saber, hanging it on his belt. It'd be returned to Prosperity, he internally swore.

Looking up and around, he knew the Dark Lord had him where they wanted. Could see, hear, probably even anticipate his next move.

"Cowards... Perverting death," he muttered, shaking his head. "Face me Caelitus!" His voice echoed against the walls, and he started off again through the warped structure, this time at a light jog. The adrenaline raced through him, his very body on edge, at the ready. "Your drones will not stop me!"

He could feel himself getting closer.

It was the same feeling when he had faced Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis in the Jedha Temple. A perverted, freakish world around them, manipulated and twisted in a way that didn't fit its surrounding environment. But instead invaded and reconstructed in the view of its Sorcerer. It felt heavy, like it was the weight of the galaxy on his shoulders.

He couldn't let himself fail again.

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