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Dominion Silence Over the Stone | EE Dominion of Isis (SGWH)




The occupation of Hoth and Mataou brought only half success to the Eternal Empire in obtaining what it wanted. On the planet Mataou, Pralva the Hutt successfully escaped from the Mandalorians seeking his death/capture due to the simple fact that he was never really on the planet - utilising a mere facsimile to simulate his presence. Thus, the Hutt still retained his own power and influence rather than meeting his own demise. Now, it is not only the Mandalorians who hunt him for always wearing their fabled beskar’gam as well as for avenging the deaths of those whom he had killed; but his death is also in the interests of the Empire.

The intelligence gathered on Hoth made clear the connection between Pralva with the Sith on Panatha, but further clues led Imperial Intelligence to the planet Mustafar. While investigation and surveillance is under way upon the far-flung backwater world, connections between the aforementioned Pralva/Sith Involvement, as well as potential operations upon Mustafar were able to be drawn upon a much closer world to the Empire’s borders - the planet of Isis. And here, too, events took place that the Empire could not ignore. Openly conducted Sith rituals & the widespread enslavement of the planetary populace ran rampant - heavily aided and abetted by Pralva himself.

Isis is a mining and crystalline planet that could be strategically important to the Empire. And a lot has happened on the planet recently due to the influence of Pralva and Sith as previously mentioned, not to mention the proximity of Mustafar. Most of the planet is sparsely populated with scattered villages and settlements based around the regional mining operations.

There is a larger settlement on the planet that is more accurately characterised as a fortress. It is located at the foot of one of the mountains, in a well-protected and easily defensible series of foothills and craggy outcroppings feeding into an upraised valley. It is with intense focus upon this fortification that the Empire’s operations will be carried out for the ultimate liberation of the planet and its populace; as well as to further their efforts of ending Sith influence within the region.




Objective 1: Capture the Flag
This is a joint mission for the ground forces, the Black Sun / Contractor's guild, and the Mandalorians. Ground warfare, warposting. The task and goal is to occupy this fortress, settlement. The place is in the hands of the mercenaries of the Sith and Pralva, the Hutt, so it is a very well protected place. The city has a defence system against ground and air warfare, as well as a strong shield system, walkers, droids and a live army. So the imperials can expect quite a lot of resistance here.

Objective 2: Behead the Hydra
It is also a joint action, while fighting is taking place in the city, until then, the agents, Wardens of the Shroud members, spies, assassins and everyone with similar occupation, has been tasked to infiltrate into the base in the "middle" of the city. The base is inside the mountain, the task is to get information and kill military commanders. One was a Sith woman, Mana Pavond. And the leader of the Hutt's men is a snow-white-furred wookiee warlord, Chanharr. Last but not least, it was expedient to neutralise the shield generators around the city from here so that the Eternal Imperials could also receive air support.

Objective 3: Those Who in Need
There are countless slaves and prisoners of war in the city, not only soldiers but also civilians. Merchants, locals, or just people who were in the wrong place at the wrong time and captured them. Pralva treats slaves extremely badly and the Sith don’t necessarily care if they survive. And the attack on the ground is perhaps a perfect distraction, so whoever aims to free the slaves is the perfect timing for them.

Objective 4: Not so Fast
The Sith and Pralva's men seemed prepared for the Eternal Empire to arrive because they wanted to evacuate the fort with their smaller fleet when the Empire arrived, so the evacuation was interrupted and the fleet tried to escape. According to intelligence, there may be countless coordinates on the ships of the planets where Panatha's Sith connections may be hidden, not least Pralva; maybe coordinates about their bases. That’s why it would be vital to stop and intercept cruisers before they can jump into hyperspace.

Objective 5: Bring Your Own Objective (BYOO)
There could be countless other tasks/narratives on the planet and in hex. Exploring and examination of the crystals, exploring ancient ruins, possibly searching for old rebel facilities, contacting the locals and all that could be listed. The point is to make everyone have fun.

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Location: Approaching Mountain Base - Isis
Objective: Behead the Hydra - Kill Chanharr
Dialogue Legend: <"High Nelvaanian"> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tags: Myri Dara Myri Dara │ Closed

<“We’re almost there. It’s just up ahead.”>

The two Agents had been behind enemy lines for well over an hour, sneaking past patrols, convoys, autoturrets, and yet more as they made their way to the central mountain base. For Ivixa, the entire infiltration had been an exercise in restraint, since the demands of the mission necessitated that she bypass, rather than kill enemy soldiers, until she reached the base itself. For a sniper with such a bloodthirsty reputation, it went without saying that she detested that directive, but Ivixa had followed it, up until she arrived at the base.

Now, she could let loose.

<“Let’s not waste any time.”> The Asa’nyx said as she pulled her rifle from its place on her back, before taking position on the rocky outcropping overlooking the outer garage area. <Probe is going out to search for targets. It’ll relay their positions to our HUDs. We’ll make this fast and clean.”> She added as the tiny drone sped off into the garage.

While this was their first time working together in the field, the tentative strategy was for Myri to engage targets in close-quarters while Ivixa took them out from a distance, a plan that might complement both of the women’s respective skill sets.

<“Two foot mobiles, bearing 22 mark 17.”> Ivixa said. <“I’ll take the Trandoshan, you take the Aqualish. Ready on my mark.”> The Asa’nyx finished, as she lined her crosshairs up with the skull of the hulking Trandoshan, before waiting for Myri to confirm that she was in position for the kill.


Then, with a wide, focused glint in her golden eyes, she squeezed the trigger.

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Overseer for Imperial Scientific Development


Dr. Trinity Harris DXenbo DAnthro
Overseer for the Comittee for Scientific Development


Location: In orbit aboard ENS Mihaly
Objective: Partake in blockade and conduct experiment
Tags: OPEN

Weapon: HH38 Geysa Hybrid Pistol
Riding: Phantom
Accompanied by: Plushee Companion Droid
Hersir Imperial Uniform
Guardema Bio-suit
Ship: Carrack Class Science Vessel ENS Mihaly Accompanied by two other ships of the same class, ENS Prosperity and ENS Discovery

High above the planet, three Imperial science vessels dropped out of Hyperspace together, the lead ship ENS Mihaly commanded by Imeprial Overseer Trinity Harris. Her objective here was firstly to prevent the escape of enemy vessels from the planet, that was the stated military objective and she would be a part of that. Secondarily though she was here on a technological test, she looked over at the chief designer, a talented man from from Cattamascar, and one of the first major new technology projects she had approved funding for. Since taking office there had been a wave of funding requests of varying worthiness, each scientist trying to find where the new overseer's boundaries were, several of them resubmitting proposals that had previously been denied by her predecessor, the joys of a new office. She smiled to herself, she was loving it.

The newly designed and built Tachyon Doppler Arrays had performed very well during in house testing against known targets, but this was the first test against an opponent that did not with to be detected. There was no garuantee that the hutts or their allies would even deploy cloaked vessels, but given the proliferation of cloaking devices it was highly likely. Her ships would create a formation between the planet and the wider Imperial fleet, with the intention that her ships could detect cloaked blockade runners first, before they entered the range of the main fleet using more established methods. She had ensured to coordinate with Naval assets to ensure that a failure of her test would not result in a costly escape and a failure of the mission.

"Dr. Ssi'tash, are you ready to begin the test?" Trinity enquired after receiving the signal that the three ships were in position the man looked at his readouts. "Yes Overseer, came back his raspy voice "all emitters are in position and awaiting activation codes" Trinity smiled at the other doctor and nodded, "This is your show, give the order whenever you are ready."

The other scientist spoke a command in Ssi'ruuki into the radio to his two Phd students, each responsible for overseeing one of the other emitters. There was no fanfare as the high speed practically undetectable tachyon particles started flooding the space around their ships, the only sign of anything happening was a new colour appeareing as spheres around each of the Carrack vessels. Dr. Harris sat down, now there was nothing to do but sit and wait for the opponent to make a move, and also ponder wedding dress choices.
Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The Light of Ashla

Champion and Avatar of Ashla
Objective: Try to teach Force and try to help on Cartri.
Location: Surface, Isis
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll | Open
[ Daughter of the Sea ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

After the events in Tython, Eina didn't really leave Ession or the Netherworld. Her new condition was still a little strange. Actually, not even her own, but the fact that she has a little girl with Gei. And of course, her husband was the same as her. There wasn’t that much change for Eina, not much change compared to her old self. Her old abilities remained, she got quite a few new ones and became part of Ashla. Perhaps most importantly, it was no longer neutral, but really Lightsider, the incarnation of Light. She didn't need her husband to walk in the light, she still reflects his devotion too, this remained intact, but without even this, she was a Lightsider.

Perhaps the biggest change is that she has become a mother; even if not in a biological sense, since her little daughter was born like her. That is, from the fusion or merging of two souls. But the fact they were really a family; it is made her feel much fuller.

However, she felt even further away from the world of the living, from the Realspace. She thought about what she was doing on Tython; where she reached into the cycle of life at a level like never before. That is, in the case of Geiseric Geiseric , she did so earlier when she saved her later husband’s life. But here, she created a life, two lives. She gave the girl at least nine months of life, a meaning of life so as not to throw it away, as her husband wanted her so much to live. Sure, she may not choose life, but Eina tried.

But it was the past, Eina was now here on the planet Isis as she asked her mother to meet a young man who needed guidance on the Force. Eina arrived from Netherworld at the agreed location near the capital, near a larger crystal formation.

She looked down from the ledge at the beautiful view; the pleasantly warm wind playing with her hair and the feathers of her wings. Eina took a deep breath and then sat down on the floor in a meditation pose with her back to the city. She closed her eyes, she would feel anyway when the young man arrived. She just had to wait…


E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Capture the Flag
Location: Near to the city, surface, Isis
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud | Open
[ Valley of Death ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

A lot has happened on Tython; quite a few events the Eternal Empress also had to think about even for now. It’s not necessarily what Zachariel did, much more that she became a grandmother. Tubrok rejoiced at the little girl; the woman was not surprised, her husband always wanted a big family. And the man didn't care that Adrian and Eina weren't his children, he loved them the same way as his own children. Ingrid knew she couldn't have wanted a better husband than Tubrok. Sure, she still missed Adrian, but she knew she could never have gotten these from him.

Most Force users would probably have been dealing with meditation while travelling to the planet Isis; Ingrid was different, she was still dealing with state affairs. She had even read through the reports about Tython, but her main focus was now on Isis. The red-haired woman watched the satellite imagery and the data collected by the agents. And it looks like they can get more help. For Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud and his men would be here too.


The man and his clan have always been a great help. For their own - the Empire's - sake, it was very good to get the support of the Mandalorians living in the region. And they could almost always be counted on against the Sith. That is, the idiot Hutt made this job even easier. They had to reach Mustafar. The clues led there; there and to Panatha. But first the resources had to be cut, Panatha had to be starved. They could come after it, too.

When they arrived at Isis, Ingrid went to the hangar, now in armour, ready to fight. Today they are facing another war. At least she doesn’t have to take care of her lover, Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood , today. The dropship arrived on the planet in order; the Empress's dropship landed next to the other teams near the city.

<"Let's start the operation!"> issued the order.

The war has begun.



Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
Links: Beskad Elite | Beskad Warriors | AT-AD | Rest in Sig​

The hutt had escaped, or rather, he hadn't even been there. That had been frustrating to realize, that the time spent and ammo used was essentially wasted. And now they were left to follow his trail, ultimately leading to another planet. But to get there, they had to burn his mercenaries lest they have various dens of snakes ready and waiting to strike them in the back. It reminded Adenn of the wars he had fought many years ago, against the myriad factions that had sought the downfall of his people. However, those wars were for survival, where every inch of ground had meaning. This, this was simply to hunt down and kill a hutt. They shouldn't waste time on rabble like the ones found in this little 'fortress.'

Yet, here he stood, on the surface of Isis, rather than in orbit. For whatever reason, they were sieging the base, rather than simply bombarding it into pieces. A siege, something Clan Mortui excelled at, and knew the bloody price for all too well. They wouldn't lose any warriors to this little battle, that Adenn would make sure of. Only two dozen or so actual Mandalorians from Clan Mortui came to the world with Adenn. Each was a Beskad Warrior, with a few Beskad Elite to lead them. The rest of Clan Mortui's forces were AT-ADs, or various vehicles that Clan Mortui specialized in.

They were already on planet when Ingrid finally arrived, already arrayed in a rough formation. The AT-ADs stood in a rough line, acting as mobile shields for the true Mandalorians. As for them, they stood across the line as well, uncaring of any fire focused towards them, but still watching the fortress. Adenn on the other hand was looking towards Ingrid as she arrived, flanked on either side by a pair of Beskad Elite, along with Gunner. Adenn said nothing as Ingrid gave her decree, instead he stepped closer and spoke up.

"Ma'am, I still believe we should bombard this base from orbit."

It was a simple statement of facts coming from the Alor, coming from one who knew sieges well. It would be simpler and faster to simply bombard the place into dust, rather than siege it in this manner. So he gave her his opinion on the matter once more. Perhaps she would listen now, hopefully she would. If not, well, Clan Mortui would still break this fortress down, it would simply take longer. But, they may be able to capture it then, and put it to good use for the Mando'ade.


Location: Approaching Mountain Base - Isis
Objective: Behead the Hydra - Kill Chanharr
Tag: Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas | Closed


Myri nodded as they approached their destination. Working with Ivixa had turned out to be just as exciting as the young Thyrsian had hoped it would be. Her first training agent had been talented and probably would have made Myri into a passable Blackwatch agent. Agent Nera'kas was a different kind of agent, under her tutelage Myri was certain she was going to become a legend. All in the name of the Empire.

Unlike her new mentor, for Myri the first part of their assignment was almost enjoyable, stealth was something that was hard to simulate in training. Knowing that she had the talent to get past all these enemies was a test she was quite glad to pass. Even if she did rely on the advise of the senior agent for the best ways, Myri was still the one to execute. Aside from the test, the trip into the mountains to the enemy base was a time to center herself for the mission at hand.

Like Agent Nera’kas, Myri was quite pleased when their directive was reached. And the true mission could begin. The plan was simple. Ivixa does what she does best, pick off enemies from a distance, Myri did what she did best put fists and hands through enemies unfortunate enough to come in her path. She nodded to Ivixa before starting forward to see the plan into action.

Myri krept silently and slowly into position. She wore her most comfortable attire for the mission; if her sister, Brinna Dara Brinna Dara , had seen her she would think she was just going to the corner market to pick up groceries, but what looked like simple cloth was augmented to be much more protective. According to the plan Myri couldn’t be encumbered by armor. She needed to be fast, agile and silent to pull of her part. The only thing on her body that gave away she might have ill intent were the twin KC-77N Hybrid Pistols on either hip. Her HUD instructions would come through an earpiece and lightweight goggles that she wore.

The targets were marked. Myri had the Aqualish. She was too close now to do anything more than click her confirmation of the orders into the comm. The Thyrsian agent quickly got into her fighting stance, visualized her opponent and the moment she heard the blaster shot in her ear she was rushing forward. Aqualish has a reputation as being a nasty folk, but Myri didn’t give this one time to rear its famous temper against her. She led with a Charging Wampa and followed that with a quick Gronda stomp right between the eyes ending the Aqualish before it even knew that Myri was there. She looked up to the sniper’s position held by Agent Nera’kas and nodded before seeking cover and word from Probe that they had a new target.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Capture the Flag
Location: Near to the city, surface, Isis
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud | Open
[ Valley of Death ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

"In any other case, I would agree with you, Alor, and that would have been my order." she told him.

But Ingrid was much more sophisticated than that, not least, there were quite a few things inside the base and the city that the Eternal Empire needed. If it had been just about destroying it, the boats up there would have already bombed the area. And probably a group of Ultranauts would have come down to bestow the area with salt so that no one would settle here for sure in the near future. But it was about something different now. She thought for a moment about how much to tell the man.

But in the end, there was no reason to not tell the whole truth.

"But the situation is different here. We also need infrastructure, if possible. Mostly we need the computer systems' data from the main base. The agents of the Empire are still inside at the moment. Not only are they trying to kill the two warlords here, but they're hopefully getting the data. Otherwise, I have to go in. Information on further contacts with the Sith or Pralva. We need to know where the additional bases are. I suppose both you and your people want to know what else they stole from the Mandalorians. Or just to kill everything and everyone who helped him harm your people." Ingrid told him.

These were the woman's main arguments. The information meant a lot to her. Especially in such a case. If they wanted to destroy all the bases, all the fortifications and they wanted to disband their connections, that was necessary.

"With the attack, we gain time for the agents and those who free the slaves. If we have all this and we withdraw, you and your clan do whatever you want with the city." she promised him.


Location: Approaching Mountain Base - Isis
Objective: Behead the Hydra - Kill Chanharr
Dialogue Legend: <"High Nelvaanian"> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tags: Myri Dara Myri Dara │ Closed

The high-powered, magnetically-accelerated slug ripped through the Trandoshan’s skull in an explosion of viscera and green blood as Ivixa’s partner took down the Aqualish with her bare hands, likely delivering powerful strikes that were equivalent to the energy output of a blaster pistol! It went without saying that both kills were very much messy, but they were fast and coordinated with ruthless precision, enough that the other mercenaries in the area had not been set on alert.

<”Good kill, Operative.”> Ivixa said, as more data began to feed into her HUD, revealing the locations of other soldiers as her probe droid continued to sweep across the outer garage area. From there, the sniper continued to scan across the garage, before setting her crosshairs over the chest of a lone guard, a grizzled Nikto mercenary with a brutal-looking vibro-axe strapped to his back.

Ivixa didn’t hesitate.

The magnetically-accelerated slug ripped through the Nikto’s neck, severing his head from his frame in a spray of blood. And yet, the body stood erect for a few anxious, stunned seconds before collapsing to the ground with meaty thunk.

<”The probe has identified five enemy foot mobiles in quadrant 4-A of the garage. All are armed. Try to keep it quiet if you can, but I want you to eliminate them and any other enemy units you find in that sector.”> Immediately, Ivixa transmitted the position data to her partner, before sighting in on another target, this time a hulking Krex wielding a heavy blaster cannon. <”I will be engaging targets in quadrant 4-B, but if you need covering fire, let me know.”>

Now that they were free to let loose, Ivixa didn’t intend to waste the opportunity to do things her way. However, the sniper also wanted to see how Myri would work, left to her own devices. It went without saying that Ivixa was all too eager to see the destruction and blood the Thyrisian Operative might leave in her wake.

<”Let’s not keep Chanharr waiting.”>

Location: Capital City - Isis
Call Sign: Mermaid Two - “Queen”
Unit Support: FAE/AV-02 “Loralora” Interceptor Swoop Craft (8)
Dialogue Legend: <"High Nelvaanian"> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud

<"Let's start the operation!">

As soon as the order rang out over comms, the jet swoops of Mermaid Squadron took off from their positions on top of various skyscrapers and towers across the city, ion jet drives unleashing ancient, mechanized howls as the pilots set off towards their assigned quadrants. For her part, Eleena set off from the top of the bank building, before kicking her bike’s ion afterburners to life in order to build up speed and to reach her sector that much faster. However, the speed also served to pull her focus back to the mission, away from lingering thoughts of wedding dresses, caterers, guest lists, photographers, and all the other annoying logistics of planning a wedding!

Couldn’t a girl just ride?!

Fortunately, the voices of her squadmates over the channel brought her thoughts back to the present. The enemy didn’t have air superiority, but the usual hazards would be present, in the form of dedicated anti-air weapons and autoturrets. Nevertheless, the Twi’lek needed only to triangulate their positions and firing lines to avoid them.

<”This is Mermaid Two, air support is on station and ready for tasking.”> Eleena transmitted to the ground units in her sector, including the Mortui Mandalorians under the command of Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud and the Crimson Empress herself.


Adenn held himself back from sighing, of course she wouldn't choose to make it easy. Thankfully enough, her reasoning for it made sense. So, he simply nodded his head before turning towards the fortress. It was big for a bunch of mercenaries, but he sincerely doubted they would be able to properly defend it now that true siege masters were here.
"Very well your highness, we'll break it open and put it to good use."

With a wordless signal sent over private comms, Clan Mortui opened fire on the city. Then, the droid lines began to march. There were only a few hundred of the AT-ADs present, but such small numbers were more than made up for by their size and bulk. Standing head and shoulders over all present, they hefted massive repeating guns and rocket launchers on each of their 'heads.' With these weapons, they opened fire as they marched towards the fortress.

Behind them lingered the Beskad Elite and their Warriors, standing about behind the ranks of the AT-ADs. They would work in tandem with whatever other forces were present, but for now the droids would take the brunt of the enemy fire. Despite their holding back, the elite of Clan Mortui still opened fire as well. Holding back, they shot with any number of weapons towards the fortress in the distance, and otherwise waiting for the next phase.

Adenn and his entourage held back as well, wishing to see just what they would be facing in this siege. That would determine what they would do next and how they would break into the mercenary camp. He also took note of what forces were available to him, noting the services of Mermaid Squadron. Should the Empress not put them to use, Adenn was sure he could find something for them to hit. For now though, he watched and waited.


TAGS: Kessia Miran Kessia Miran
GEAR: In bio | unit equipment


After the mess on Tython, and a stint through the Nether that left the Pureblood still reeling from the confusing situation on how he ended up there in the first place, Jas was back in action alongside his men in another warzone. Their clients were the Eternal Empire for this round, though he couldn't help but wonder what kind of wild ride he got roped up with this mission.

It was painfully simple.

The main forces of Ultranauts and accompanying troops would storm the city while special forces snuck in to eliminate high profile targets... and another detachment would help to free the citizens imprisoned inside the borders of the fortress city ahead of them. His attention turned to one of the commanding officers talking to none other than the Empress of the Eternal Empire. The Pureblood had to admit that such an overt action demanded respect. To put one's life in the same danger as their soldiers was not something he was used to during his days in the Sith Empire. It felt like a lifetime ago.

"Ma'am, I still believe we should bombard this base from orbit."

"I'm not surprised that a Mandalorian would struggle to comprehend specialized attacks. Your people have a record of a lack of subtlety." He commented as he marched past in full Hellion armour, his helmet cradled beneath his arm just for an extra bit of salt on the wounds. The war between Sith and Mandalorians mattered little to him... but riling either party up never failed to entertain the mercenaries or the former Sith Knight.

:: Overlord, this is Retail. Ready to move in, operations standing by. If the client tells you to jump, you do it. ::

:: Copy that, Retail, awaiting orders from client. ::

The Hellions took a knock on Tython, but most of the vanguard forces managed to survive and recover quickly after their fight for the mountains. The artillery stood ready, the tanks were braced to charge, all waiting for the Empress to give the orders with a discipline that almost rivalled that of the fabled Ultranauts.

Jas, however, had a different job waiting for him. He drew the short straw, saving the prisoners in the city. Granted, releasing a couple hundred or thousand and arming them all could prove rather beneficial... the only problem was getting to them in the face of a criminal army, shields, and a bunch of winding secret paths. Luckily he wouldn't be alone.

"Chameleon, right? Commander Katis of the Hellion private military." He introduced himself in the nearby tent. The girl was a curiosity to say the least, but hopefully a great asset on the mission. "Let's move out." Whether she outranked him or not didn't exactly matter. Not for the annoyed Pureblood. What felt like weeks, or even months, turned out to only be a few days after going through the Nether. The feeling was oddly similar to "jet-lag" as some called it. It didn't help that he landed on a completely different planet from Tython without much rest.

At least the company didn't seem to be that bad. The Pureblood lit a cigarette as he marched to a few nearby speeders waiting for the two operators.

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Capture the Flag
Location: Near to the city, surface, Isis
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud | Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa | Open
[ Valley of Death ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Ingrid, of course, studied strategy and military analysis during her years at Frost and Shadow Company, but that wasn’t her main profile. She was still an intelligence agent or/and an assassin. If she had to, she would have been a member of a commando group or striking team rather than an actual warlord. It wasn’t that she had no practice in this because she had. But the Empress did this work rather as a military analyst.

The person who stood at the holographic table and watched the movements and made suggestions. It’s not far from the traditional strategist who is acting on the battlefield, but even the Empress admitted that she can’t be perfect in everything and that’s why she has her proper men to every task.

<< Prepare the Ergjandi Air Support Units. Once the shields have collapsed, head to the city area. On the way out of all the cities, I want an Ultranut unit to block the way any units want to escape. Or hold back those who are trying to break out of there. And defend the siege vehicles. >> she said on the radio.

She did not want to entrust the entire operation to the Mandalorians alone. It would have made it look and feel like they were just cannon fodders. And that was not true. Ingrid really treated them as equals. And she told them that when they met for the first time. That's why they joined them. The redhead woman never thought to betray that trust. Last but not least, it was good for their own soldiers to stay in practice too.

For the time being, these soldiers stood farther away and took on a defensive formation there to defend themselves, if necessary, behind the siege vehicles. Their role comes when the shields have collapsed. Until then, they were on standby.

The woman also sent a message to Eleena:

<< Mermaid Two, this is the Red Witch! You coordinate your movement with the Alor's teams. Try to smash and scatter the enemy from within and above. Disrupt team movements, cut off supplies from major teams. >> she told her.



Location: Approaching Mountain Base - Isis
Objective: Behead the Hydra - Kill Chanharr
Dialogue Legend: <"High Nelvaanian"> │ “Galactic Basic”
Equipment: KC-77N Hybrid Pistols x2 | HUD goggles | Communication earpiece | Protective outfit
Tag: Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas | Closed


Myri found some cover after confirming her kill. She waited for instructions on their next coordinated kills, smiling as praise filled her ear. Eyes darted around the field, not giving complete trust to the HUD to find all enemies. The information on the HUD goggles was quite valuable and Probe would use that interface to inform Myri of new targets, but a fresh agent who gets caught off her guard in the field is bound for some long desk duty. That was unacceptable to Myri.

New targets came in: 4-A and 4-B. How were they going to get to one group without alerting the other? The answer came before Myri could process. They were going to split up. Myri took a deep breath and nodded to herself. This is what she had been training for. This is what she needed to do for the glory of the Empire. To keep it the bastion of right in the galaxy and forward its mission.

<”It’ll be as silent as possible,”> the young Thyrsian responded and moved out towards quadrant 4-A. She didn’t notice she was grinding her teeth, but that went away when she sighted the first enemy.

Myri was about to rush the human who first came into view when she heard another enemy approaching. The newcomer appeared to start up some idle chit-chat. A smile widened on Myri’s lips. Water cooler talk was about to be cut short.

Cracking her knuckles, Myri was quickly in motion. A Leaping Veermok caught the human off his guard and put him down in an instant. The second enemy was a large Weequay. Tough sons of bitches, but that didn’t do anything to slow Myri’s actions with second thoughts. A Rancor Rising and Gorax Smash were delivered to the Weequay before it could get the rifle off its shoulder. A quick throat strike ended the Weequay. Myri strode over to where the human lay motionless but alive. She knelt down and twisted the being’s neck ending his life just like his partner

Two down. Three to go. Tapping the side of her goggles she got the last positions Probe reported of her foes. She moved in quickly. The next victim was not exactly where Probe had marked it, but hadn’t wandered far. She hoped the same was true of the other two. Stalking them one at a time would take a little longer, but would be much easier to keep quiet.

Another human was the next target. He looked to be in some sort of lazy patrol. Myri shook her head. Her thoughts went in two differing directions. On one side she hoped things would stay so easy, a flawless first mission with Agent Nera’kas would look good on her record. The other side hoped things would get a little more interesting.

Myri krept in close behind the human. She smiled as she tapped him on the shoulder, playing with her food some might say. The man turned and a strong punch to the middle of the chest put him down for good. The only sound was the cracking of ribs and his last hoarse breath escaping a collapsed lung.

“Over there,” Myri heard from her right. The direction of the other two targets.

“Frack!” she muttered to herself before springing into action. The last two were also human, and were either deployed as a team or decided the boring job would be better as a duo. Either way it appeared that she’d been sighted. Now she needed to strike fast before they radioed in the insurgence.

The Spitting Rawl move put the first human down quickly. The other had his hand to his ear. Comm! Myri thought to herself. No time for stealth and she quickly pulled her pistol from her hip and shot the last of her targets. “Frack!” she cursed herself again. Anyone close would have heard the shot.

The young agent sighed as she holstered the pistol. <”Five targets down. No enemy comm traffic. Not as quiet as I would have liked though.”>
Kessia Miran / Agent Chameleon
Knight Warden of the Wardens of the Shroud, Agent of Blackwatch, sithspawn, L’lerim’s right hand, Agent of Nite, Member of the Hellhounds
Objective: Work together with the Private Merc. Group
Location: Outside the city-base, Isis
Equipment: Væringi MK. I Assassin Armour | 2x Sunfury Pistol | 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | 2x Red blade lightsaber shoto | Cloaking Device | Amuler of Many | 5x ASBF Probe Droid || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tag: Jas Katis Jas Katis | Open
[ Rise of the Empire ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

For Kessia, it was rare for a mission to be present at the same time as the Empress and she is not her bodyguard. It is usually in the vicinity and follows her as a shadow. When they are in one place otherwise, she just replaces the woman, the Empress. Because of these it was very rare when Chameleon had a different job. Especially that civilians had to be rescued, or even prisoners of war. When the woman enjoyed being able to kill others. But she had no choice. The command was the command. And she had to obey.

She couldn't do anything else, her conditioning and brainwashing didn't allow her. Those were the same, which made her not remember her past. She was in armour, now leaving her cloak behind, in such a crystalline, semi-desert place there was no need to be in a Sith-like cloak. Not just because the woman was not a Sith. Anyway, these thoughts weren't important at the moment.

The woman received the information about who she should meet and also where. So after landing, she went straight to that place. Disguised so that the enemy will surely not find her, do not notice her presence. The woman had no problem fighting on the side of a Sith Pureblood, she had seen the Sith Jedi before, so...

She just shrugged when she saw this. Now she was waiting in her own appearance at the agreed place, not changing her form this time. That is, black hair with a bluish hue, ice blue eyes, white skin. And it was paired with black armour because she took off her helmet after she arrived, so it was in her hand.

"Special Agent Chameleon!" she corrected the man and then reached out her hand. "Welcome!"

Kessia followed the man to the speeders while she picked up her helmet and even had a question.

"For me, the marketplace close to the central building was primarily designated as the main target. That there will probably be a lot of slaves there because of the trade centre. Is that your main task too? Anyway, the commander is you, so if you've another target, that's fine too." she said to clarify ranks and shrugged.

She jumped on the speeder and then pointed her hand toward downtown.

"Gentlemen first!!" she told him, it was clear from the movement and the tone of her voice that the woman was grinning under the helmet.


Location: Approaching Mountain Base - Isis
Objective: Behead the Hydra - Kill Chanharr
Dialogue Legend: <"High Nelvaanian"> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tags: Myri Dara Myri Dara │ Closed

The hulking Krex fell to the ground with a dense thud as his head was blown open by the large-caliber slug, viscera and brain matter coating the ground as Ivixa scanned the immediate area surrounding her kill for any signs of activity, before shifting her focus deeper inside the garage. Her rifle’s auditory report was dead quiet, not only due to the nature of the weapon itself, but also because of the anti-sonic silencer integrated into her armor, a device which generated a high-capacity sonic dampening field upon registering Ivixa’s intention to shoot. Nevertheless, the sound of a thick skull being cracked open couldn’t be completely suppressed, hence the caution.

Quickly honing in on another target—a human wielding a blaster rifle—Ivixa punched a round into the man’s chest, sending him sprawling against a nearby vehicle, before collapsing in a pile of his own gore. Her ears only just picked up the stunned gasp of a guard close by at seeing his squadmate killed before his eyes, before Ivixa snapped her crosshairs over his head and delivered a slug into the soldier’s skull.

With that, Ivixa dropped down from the outcropping and moved into the garage itself. Approaching a guard from behind, the diminutive assassin jumped up onto the man’s shoulders and punched her left gauntlet vibroblade through his skull, before riding his body back down to the ground. Then, after wiping the blood away on the soldier’s pants, Ivixa continued her progress through the garage. Catching sight of her last target in the quadrant, Ivixa closed in to dispatch him via melee, but suddenly…

Her ears twitched. The distinct report of a blaster pistol not far away.

Kicking into a sprint, Ivixa fired her CryoBan Projector at the guard, freezing him in place before kicking off the ground in an acrobatic leap and slashing her gauntlet vibroblade through the soldier’s neck, taking off his head in the process.

<”Five targets down. No enemy comm traffic. Not as quiet as I would have liked though.”>

<”A kill is a kill, Operative. Good work.”> Ivixa answered, as she wiped the blood off of her blade. <”Let’s rendezvous at the maintenance bay. The entrance there will take us into the mess hall, then we’ll move for the security center.”> She finished.

<”After that, we’ll take down Chanharr.”>


Location: Approaching Mountain Base - Isis
Objective: Behead the Hydra - Kill Chanharr
Dialogue Legend: <"High Nelvaanian"> │ “Galactic Basic”
Equipment: KC-77N Hybrid Pistols x2 | HUD goggles | Communication earpiece | Protective outfit
Tag: Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas | Closed


Myri wondered how much, if any, of her assault her superior agent had heard. She was quite sure that Ivixia had her own enemies to deal with, but she was a highly decorated agent, a sniper, and to be honest Myri didn’t know what advantages being an Asa’nyx gave. Ivixia’s ears were larger in proportion to her head than Myri's, perhaps just that physiological fact made her hearing better. Perhaps it didn’t. Whatever Ivixia had heard she did not scold Myri for messing up, so the Thyrsian agent assumed her work was good.

Another reason to think that, was the fact that her HUD wasn’t lighting up with a bunch more targets who heard the blaster and were now alerted to her position. Kneeling against the cover of a half-wall and listening to the instructions of her meet up with Agent Nera’kas, Myri gave a silent nod to herself.

She raised her hand to the side of her HUD goggles, hoping that she had set it up correctly to get the layout of the garage from what Probe had witnessed on its pass through marking targets. A smile formed on Myri’s face as a 3D map of the garage appeared in her goggles. <”Maintenance Bay,”> Myri repeated into her comm. <”Got it. Be there in nothing flat. Hope someone tries to get in my way.”>

Myri gave a quick look around before leaving cover. She had eliminated all threats reported by Probe, but things changed quickly in the field. At least that was what everyone drilled into Myri’s head since the day she arrived at Blackwatch academy. Now sure there was no one who could visibly detect her movements, Myri rose from her crouch and quickly and silently rushed off to meet Ivixia at the maintenance bay.
Location: Capital City - Isis
Call Sign: Mermaid Two - “Queen”
Unit Support: FAE/AV-02 “Loralora” Interceptor Swoop Craft (8)
Dialogue Legend: <"High Nelvaanian"> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud

<< Mermaid Two, this is the Red Witch! You coordinate your movement with the Alor's teams. Try to smash and scatter the enemy from within and above. Disrupt team movements, cut off supplies from major teams. >>

<”Yes, my Lord!”> Eleena answered snappily. The assignment was straightforward enough—isolate the defenders from any outside support, shatter their mobility, and finally, destroy them. Immediately, Eleena shifted her heading, casting a wide berth around the fortress itself to avoid any AA defenses, then maintaining her course for some time in order to create a buffer. Then, she pulled on the vanes to whip her machine into a sudden, G-inducing snap turn, throwing her body across the bike as she did, before accelerating into an attack run.

There wasn’t any glory in it, but Eleena decided that her most logical course of action would be to fire on any roads leading into the fortress. While it would only serve as a minor hindrance for the enemy’s repulsorcraft, any wheeled vehicles would be forced to divert and potentially, be rendered unable to deliver any supplies or equipment they might be carrying.

Lowering her altitude, Eleena willed her machine to fire canisters of nagnol gas ahead of her in order to cover her approach. Then, spotting her first target, the Twi’lek tapped the brakes, before squeezing the triggers on her vanes, casting forth a pair of hot magenta particle beams that raked across the road, kicking up asphalt and dirt in the process. In the same run, she fired on another road a block across from her initial target.

Repeating the process twice more, by the time she was finished, most of the roads leading into the palace were damaged at multiple points. She had also managed to bring down two of the magnetic guiding lines leading into the city.

She likely wouldn’t earn any medals for it, but Eleena had to admit that it was fun causing so much damage to public property!

Location: Maintenance Bay, Mountain Base - Isis
Objective: Behead the Hydra - Kill Chanharr
Dialogue Legend: <"High Nelvaanian"> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tags: Myri Dara Myri Dara │ Closed

Ivixa reached the maintenance bay not long after her partner, after pulling a few corpses out of immediate view and checking over her gear. Nevertheless, the sniper had to prioritize speed above all else, so if any of the bodies were too difficult to move, she simply left them in their place. They would only have one shot at killing Chanharr, so Ivixa didn’t intend to waste any more time than necessary

<”We’ll try to make this quiet, but at some point…the guards are going to be put on alert. We need to be close to the security center by then, so we can lock the fortress down.”> The Asa’nyx said, as soon as she arrived. Fortunately, they had the benefit of support from the jet swoops that were strafing the area, ensuring that escape would be rendered difficult, even if there were some gaps for the enemy to exploit.

<”Probe droid is registering eight foot mobiles, all armed.”> She continued. <”I want you to get through their lines and cut off their entrances into the fortress. I’ll pin them from the other side. We’ll create a kill box.”> The Asa’nyx finished.



Location: Approaching Mountain Base - Isis
Objective: Behead the Hydra - Kill Chanharr
Dialogue Legend: <"High Nelvaanian"> │ “Galactic Basic”
Equipment: KC-77N Hybrid Pistols x2 | HUD goggles | Communication earpiece | Protective outfit


Myri arrived at the destination just ahead of Ivixia. The Asa’nyx called out the plan as soon as she arrived. Myri went over it in her head. She wasn’t in a position to question it. Even if the Thyrsian agent thought Ivixia would take input, which she wasn’t sure of yet, she would trust the veteran agent’s assessment over her own on this her first real field mission. Unless something just seemed totally wrong of course. She wasn’t willing to commit suicide to go along with a plan.

The plan seemed simple enough. Myri goes in first, cuts off the entrance/exit and then works back to meet Ivixia in the middle. Eight guards didn’t seem like a big deal. If Myri could succeed in cutting them off from any reinforcements. Scenarios ran through Myri’s mind and when Agent Nera’kas asked if she was ready there was a single question she felt she could ask.

<”When you say ‘get through their line’, are you thinking Dancing Dragonsnake around their flanks all sneaky like?”> that would probably be the best way to keep things quiet. <”Or Rising Rancor right through the middle and keep going to cut off the entrance before circling back?”> this would be Myri’s choice. Not as much finesse, but she put faith in the strength and speed of her strikes to get her through to the other side.

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