Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Master San Tekka gazed out upon Ilum's frozen wilderness. An arctic gale tousled his mane but the grim old Jedi paid the elements no mind. Zark's eyes were fixed on Prosperity looming above in low orbit. Its beacon was active which meant more would be arriving and soon. Not just their order, the summons meant for Jedi across the galaxy. He wondered how many others would come. Their bonds of fellowship had frayed after long years of war and strife. Perhaps too late now to set old differences aside. Hope yet kindled in his heart.

"These are dark times," he turned back at last to face the other members of the Circle, "Only together can we rise to meet them."

They were each in their own way the most respected Jedi in their order. This new breed scorned authority so it was only respect which allowed Zark and the others a measure of control over the New Jedi Order's ultimate fate. After attacks on Jakku, Coruscant and Jedha their next steps could tip the galaxy's destiny toward the light or toward darkness. Once more the Jedi religion faced an existential threat.

Zark and the others strode out into the Ilum Temple's vast main chamber where already teams of Jedi were beginning to unload equipment and other essential supplies. He wore ancient guardian armor underneath a simple white cloak. His aurodium arm gleamed with frost. Metal fingers flexed yet Master San Tekka could still feel the phantom pain of his missing hand. Had it been months since Coruscant or years? He almost couldn't remember. His eyes shined like cold steel.

"Much work remains before the Ilum redoubt can stand on her own. If we are to survive in the shadow of our enemy’s stronghold, the New Jedi Order needs all the help it can get."
  • The New Jedi Order has deployed in force to the Unknown Regions. Transmissions have been sent on all Jedi frequencies requesting assistance building a new training ground and defensive bulwark against the Maw threat. Renew bonds of fellowship with your comrades and explore the NJO's new temporary home. Escort supplies from the Prosperity in orbit or help set up essential equipment.
  • While Jedi are actively offering their assistance at the Temple, Master Valery Noble has also requested for a group to accompany her on a patrol of the surrounding area. Join the Watchman of Ilum and help ensure the Temple remains a place safe for all Jedi!

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Location: Ilum | Patrol Rally Point
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Open
Valery took a deep breath as her fiery gaze shifted over the icy planes of Ilum. With very little to block her view, her eyes were far more easily able to track animals moving around through their heat signatures, but she saw none currently. This close to the Temple, it was to be expected but the plan for today was to go further beyond — to ensure the Temple truly was a safe place for Jedi to be.
Turning around, Valery looked over at her fiancé and smiled at him. He had offered to join her on this patrol, and she expected more Jedi to be coming along as well. The more they had, the better they’d be able to secure the area.
“I don’t see anything yet,” she said as she hopped down from the icy rock she had been standing on.
“I believe the others will be here soon — I marked this point as the rendezvous coordinates and the departure time is in a few minutes,” Valery said before she went through everything again in her head, making sure she hadn’t forgotten about anything.
“You got everything ready, too?” She then asked as she moved over to Kahlil.
“This might become an interesting patrol. I haven’t gone this far out yet.”


Ah, damn. Ilum was cold. Really, really cold. Kahlil often bundled up in all sorts of layers as it was, but here? He was even more bundled up. An extra coat, a scarf, a hat. Mittens. He wasn't the best at keeping himself warm, not through the Force. Even before his bond had been severed. And, while somewhat healed, it wasn't completely back yet. Still, Valery Noble Valery Noble asked for his help and he'd be hard pressed not to help his Fiance.

Teeth chattering or not.

"Ah, yeah. When do we find heat again?" He cracked a smile, though it was hidden behind the scarf covering his face.

"I'm ready to go."


Issue #1

It was the first time he couldn't shunt unease through sweat escaping his skin. Through work; whether busting his head against the wall to solve a case or crashing into a lair of scum. Every other time he would be moving in the equipment inside the temple along with the rest. Keep his feet moving and his mind running on a task, no matter how mundane.

But this time... this time his padawan had run off to join her father.

None other than Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis .

Questions flooded his mind, questions that left him sleepless every night since Cato Neimoidia.

Questions with no answers.


No answer.

Dagon Kaze paced back and forth within the main chamber, mind plagued by a riddle that's only answer recalled his failure as a master. As a Jedi. He had to find his composure again, his center. Most of all - find the lost flame of hope.


And among his fellow Jedi.

Gone were the rowdy days as a padawan, defying Asmundr every step of the way. He was put on the New Jedi's circle, he had to be someone the Jedi looked up to. Someone they sought to be better than, with his aid all along the way.

A new generation better than his.

"Much work remains before the Ilum redoubt can stand on her own. If we are to survive in the shadow of our enemy’s stronghold, the New Jedi Order needs all the help it can get."

"We do." he echoed Master San Tekka's sentiments. Lonesome, the New Jedi had barely managed to overcome the adversity of the Sith Empire but with the New Sith... only the strength in unity could help them prevail. "The galaxy depends on it." he added hoarsely, his thoughts still distant, still focused on the fate of Jem Fossk Jem Fossk .

Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka @ALL THE JEDI BAES
There were calls that no matter what one was doing, they had to attend. That was what this was. With the loss of Csillia, the Unknown Regions were becoming something of a hot bed. The arrival of a Cipactli-class Cruiser was not a common appearance, most of this limited run of ships had cloaking devices and the Alakai Hoku, or guiding star, a name appropriate for what it represents for many Jedi, arrived, fully visible, and not giving away the fact that it was designed for more covert operations. Her predecessor as Coren Starchaser's flagship the Spear of the Alliance was being retrofitted as the Spear of the Force.

The Prosperity was a beacon that Coren could recognize anywhere, and as his ship entered the system, smaller vessels were descending and making their way towards Ilum's surface. The goal was to meet with the leaders and those heading inside. The Tachyon Rising was unloading, lead by a few Jedi from Ossus and Kattada while Coren arrived to where Zark was.

The Wayseeker was one who would constantly support the New Jedi Order, as much as he supported the Silvers, and the Ossus Initiative. Striding up with a pair of Jedi at his back, one Sullustan and another human, the Master nodded to his long time friend. "I don't know what our ancestors saw in these worlds." The Corellian was used to more tropical or at least temperate locales. Ilum had its history.

It was important.

"I've brought a few deliveries from the ExplorCorps, and Ossus, though I think Jade may be bringing more."
Coren was here to piece through the temple.

Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka


Geiseric heard his footsteps crunch with every dive into the deep snow. The untamable wet wind of Ilum clodded his visor with sleet as a troop of crusaders marched through the nightly snow storm that began at dusk. The region was one of the most desolate in the galaxy, a perfect hiding place for a rumor.

The crystal caves of Ilum were one thing every Jedi knew, the place where the Padawan matured from the Youngling, where the Khyber in every Jedi's sacred weapon was harvested from. But few aside from the crusaders knew of another ancient duty the planet held, before the knowledge was lost at the end of the New Sith Wars. Beneath the snow... there was an archive, where the Jedi used to keep their records of the most powerful varieties of Khyber crystals from around the galaxy, and where they grew.

In the wake of the Battle of Coruscant the Crusaders had done little for the New Jedi Order. There was little they could do, as not even their mighty state could challenge the growing horde of darkness. But now there was way they might stand a chance and pay back their bereaved brothers in arms. One that had nothing to do with the bickering politics of nations. Geiseric was glad it had turned out this way. The Jedi saw past the bickering politics and to the New Sith Order. The Jedi saw the true danger of Kaigann Fossk, not as the treacherous senator of Epoch but as the Sith'ari. Geiseric questioned if there was ever a Fossk. The Bogan corrupted so: that even if he was once a man, he was only a monster now.

Ilum's vault of records is said to contain the names and locations of many of the crystal wielded by the Jedi Lords, made my their legendary sabersmiths. Most if not all of these legendary blades were vaporized by the Thought Bomb at the Battle of Ruusan, but there were rumors that crystal veins bearing the same powerful crystals exist. One crystal in particular interested Geiseric: The Dawn, a Khyber wielded by Lord Hoth, leader of the Army of Light.

On the flat, icy plain the Force was silent, sleeping, estranged from the crystals that did not grow in the region, whose song the angry clouds above could not hear. Geiseric supposed the universe itself created frozen worlds as the perfect defense, an impregnable fortress of inhospitable wastes. They saw nothing for an hours march, then two, then three, as they got further away from the landing zone. In the 4th hour a darkness appeared in the distance of their hazy view, like a short hill across blurred skyline. It grew ever closer, piquing the curiosity and awareness of the crusaders, but they never feared. This could be where they were meant to go.

When the reached the distance, and far was near, their dazed and hungry eyes found relief and astonishment. The land before them split up into a jutting angular mountain, and open, a gargantuan crevasse reached under the mountain, a cavern mouth the size of the senate building. The tectonic marvel beckoned them downwards into the folds of the planet. No welcome or promise was given other than the sweet reprieve from wind. Somehow they felt this was it, however:

The vault...
All too often did her mother speak of the Sapphire Star, a planet so steeped in myth and legend that it was known to all Songwings. And yet just as mysterious as the centre of the galaxy. It wasn't until her Master brought her here as a Padawan that she truly understood its significance not only to the Jedi but for her people also.

Perching upon one of the thousands of minerals, she stared out into the perpetual storms, trying to imagine what it was like for that lone Jedi scout that discovered this world. Did she realise its significance? How would it shape the Jedi Order and its history in the millennia to come? Perhaps, one day she may find out for herself but today was not that day.

She was a seeker, one of the few in the Order. If her knowledge of the stars, histories, or artefacts didn't come into play then she would be here to support them in the fight and record their actions to inspire future generations of Jedi.

Her focus was lost when she heard the light crunch of ice below her. Master Valery Noble, if her eyes did not deceive her and a stranger. Silently she glided down using the Force to shelter her from the worst of the wind.

"If I were bigger, I'd offer my plumage as some measure of warmth." She trilled playfully. Her feathers offered adequate protection against the cold, trapping the warmth of her body like a blanket. "Master Valery," she added, bowing respectfully to the pair, a wing out in front of her. "Erimentha at your service."

She made a habit of keeping track of the Masters, but she was not sure how Valery or her companion would react to the Songwings arrival.

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Others
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Shimrra Rin

Objective 1: Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze

When Shimrra had received word that the Prosperity was coming to Ilum she had been ecstatic. It had been so long since she'd seen members of the Jedi Order. While being at home with family was great and the Kyber caves were the perfect place to meditate, and the temple an amazing place to heal, she felt she had been squandering her time defending this place. But as she began to see more droids than people moving supplies she began to realize that the attack on Coruscant had been more devastating than she'd thought.

And not just Coruscant, she learned, but Jedah and Jakku had been attacked, with the enclave on Jakku all but destroyed. She and her mothers stood in their cloaks as the first ships began to arrive. The Circle was here, which meant Bernard. It had been a long time since that night with the assassins. As far as she could tell though he was busy elsewhere.

Two of her brothers strode forward and began to help unload boxes of equipment, most technology that the temple here had been without for years either due to tradition or just due to recent raids destroying or stealing it. Either way, it would be good to have a stable connection to the holonet for the first time in what felt like decades. Maybe she'd even take a hot shower instead of a lukewarm sanisteam.

"Master San Tekka, Dagon, Master Starchaser, its good to see you all. I trust you made it here without much trouble?" She and her mothers both bowed, her parents closer to a 90 degree angle than Shimrra's own bowed head.

"The Extolled have waited and tried our best to keep this place free of dangers to the Great Jedi," said one of the Vong women, her voice gravely and thickly accented.
Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Objective: Explore the Vault
Location: Surface, Ilum
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Tags:: Geiseric Geiseric | Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
[ Dawn ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Sometimes there was an advantage to a being not necessarily having a physical form. Eina stepped on top of the snow, leaving no trace behind. It was now present in a semi-immaterial form, but in a visible form. She accompanied the crusaders like this. She could be halfway through between the physical and immaterial form, perhaps the most accurate and she was semi-transparent. She was always at home in a snowy landscape, so the Valkyrja got used to how to make the trip more comfortable. It wasn’t a problem for someone to pay attention to their surroundings and not just how hard it was to walk and push forward in the snow.

Eina had never been to this planet before, she hadn't heard much about it. But when she looked up at the sky where there was almost no cloud but the stars, the dark, almost black sky. She found it beautiful and stunning. At home, she is used to the fact that different lights always play in the sky and chase each other, which is why star-like things don’t even look very visible, the Northern Lights were too strong. Or just a thick cloud covering the sky. There wasn’t a single cloud here, yet thanks to the wind she always felt like the snow was falling.

She admired the scenery almost all the way through the trip. It was a snowy, icy place, yet it didn’t feel like it was home. This place was quite different. Eina had heard before from the Crusaders what role this place played in the life of the Jedi that many apprentices obtained the first lightsaber crystals here. Also, many other historical events can be linked to the place. She knew that such ritualistic behaviour was important to them. Not just to the followers of Ashla, but to every Jedi.

When they arrived at the mouth of the gigantic-sized cave, she regained its full physical shape. She sank knee-deep into the snow almost immediately, though she had very light weight in physical form. Because of the wind and the draft, the snow swirled around them. As a result, she had to shake her wings to get the snow out of it. It’s one thing that’s hard to get used to, that snow gets between the feathers.

Already at home she used almost this form, since Gei was almost always there with her. In part, this was also the reason why many Valkyrja started to choose a winged figure for themselves. All species evolve. A strange feeling overwhelmed her, which made her a little restless. Eina looked questioningly at Gei and Heinrich. The girl in this place was not attracted to the crystals or anything, she had been paying attention to the vibrations and signs of the planet until now. She felt something else here. There were many restless souls on the planet, death attracted her more, after all she was a Valkyrja.

"I feel something inside. A little restlessness, I’m not sure what might cause it." she said.

The restless feelings spread a little too in her, she stepped closer to Gei for a few moments, instinctively. As long as they were home in the Sanctuary and she was healing, she let the man take care of her, like she had never let anyone before. She put her life in the man's hands. But in front of others, when their relationship came up, she was embarrassed all the time. She was able to hug Heinrich anytime now, thanks to their brotherly-sisterly relationship, but Geiseric was different mostly because of Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana and her words at Ession; because of the Eina and Gei's wedding and the having children topic. This still makes her sad and makes her embarrassed. Mostly because of these she always blushed and was embarrassed at times, especially when others had seen them. So, she blushing a little as she stepped back to where she was, a little confused.

She finally took a few steps forward toward the entrance of the cave as she took the spear off her back and the grip of the weapon slid apart and reached her normal size. Eina began to concentrate a little and the top of the spear began to glow faintly with golden Force light to illuminate the place. As always, she wanted to face her fears and worries. Eina glanced back at Ashla's warriors who were here with her, then walked slowly into the vault.

She could not show any worry or fear, sometimes it had the disadvantage of one looking at the Valkyrja as the saint of Ashla, she had to set an example…



“Heroes are made by the paths they choose, not the powers they are graced with.”
Ro-Tahn Mashayekhi, Knight Warden

Lightsaber / Winter Ring of the Snow Moon

Location: Ilum
Objective: Temple Expedition
Tags: Open


Through the outstretched lands of the frozen tundra, just on the cusp of the horizon I saw the Jedi Temple, standing like a beacon of hope. I once had that hope inside me, but something changed, and I lost my way. The Jedi way. The Jedi Code. The Jedi Philosophy. The meaning of the term Jedi. All vanished in a blink, leaving me to question everything presented before my eyes since I departed the Jedi Order so long ago. And now, here I stood on Ilum; on the verge of answering this call. I glanced down at the small device in the palm of my hand, that signal that activated late one night; retrieving me from my slumber. I sat in my bed, staring at the little thing wondering why I kept it all these years. Why had I not simply cast it away on the day I left? But the truth, rooted deep within my heart, I knew the answer.

I drew my cloak around me as I began moving forward, not because of the coldness surrounding the planet, for I enjoyed the comforts of ice, snow, and wintery winds, but out of respect for the holy temple itself, for even now I questioned if I was worthy to step inside that building. There is a history, an ancient history, infused in every crook of that wonderful structure, and I felt a bit ignorant in my betraying of the Jedi Order. My betrayal wasn't I fell to the Dark Side, my betrayal was I allowed myself to be seduced by something I wholly believed to be far worse; the questioning of one's own self. When you begin questioning yourself, it's in that moment your world begins to crumble piece by piece, until you are left with nothing but confusion and misunderstandings of your own creation. I've heard wisemen preach the phrase, "You Are Your Own Worst Critic", and I found those words to ring true with me. No matter how far I fell, I never gave into my darker emotions; never straying from the Light.

And even now, as I leave a trail of snow prints in my wake and my eyes transfixed on that temple; two questions have taken residence in my mind. Do I truly deserve to be here, to enter the Temple? And secondly, are all my inner-self fractures fixed that I may once again serve the Jedi Order? Regardless, I need answers. I need to know.

Afterall, the Will of the Force managed to prevent me from discarding that tiny device.

Obj. 1: Temple Expedition
Tags: Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Shimrra Rin

There were a couple of speeches for the gathered Jedi, and then they were supposed to break up and get to work prepping the new Temple for habitation, or go out and join Master Noble in patrolling the perimeter. A few masters were clustered together, plotting and planning like generals surrounding a map, pooling their resources and taking stock of their forces.

Dag was pacing. Kai watched him go back and forth, his eyes following the Knight. The Doppelganger was so pale and withdrawn in his little corner of the chamber, he almost blended in with the wall of ice behind him.

It had been a long time since he'd seen him, let alone spoken to the Knight. Though for a time they had shared a face, they'd never really been particularly close. But it didn't take a close friend or even an acquaintance to figure out that Dag had a lot on his mind. He was pacing like a caged animal.

<Hey Dag,> Kai greeted him. <Something up?>

Probably should’ve gone for just a how are you instead, but too late now. There was a chance Dag didn't want to be bothered, in which case Kai would simply leave and go unload some boxes, or something. But if he didn't mind... well, talking was more interesting than unloading boxes.
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Jorah zos Darnus



[ post theme ]
Ilum. It was a sacred place to the Jai. While the Nightbrother knew little of their histories, he could feel the power in this place. The walls of this temple were storied, its foundation laid in mystery, with wonders to delight the imagination... and terrors waiting to be discovered.

Master Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor had shown him both, when the Silver Jai had ventured here. It was there that the Nightbrother had learned about how the Jedi fashion their lightsabers, starting with the quest for the core of the weapon -- a fashion that the youth had respected and tried to understand in kind. Though his crystal reflected his identity as one of the Witches of Dathomir, a union of kyber and magick. Though it was strange to return to such a pilgrimage, now bearing the labors of a Jai; a lightsaber crafted for a Nightbrother.

As impression as Ilum was, the Talay native found the weather quite inhospitable. A totem forged in a pact with a fire spirit was tucked inside the heavy coat that the gangly youth wore, its magick warming him much as the Jai did with the spell that they called tapas -- though with considerable more effort or preparation. The boy remained in awe of how the Jedi could simply warm themselves with a whim like they did.

These were not the Silver Jai, however. The excursion that had brought the Jai on their frozen pilgrimage were the New Jedi Order, a sect of the Jai that the Nightbrother had fought alongside at Byss. A struggle that seemed another lifetime ago. Before Chalacta had fallen to the Bryn'adul.

Now it seemed all around them were the wastes left barren from yesteryear's wars.

In the face of such devastation, it was hard to know just where to begin. The destruction of Chiss, the vast swath of Scar Worlds, it was all so much larger than Witch or Jedi.

The boy rode down with a freighter from Prosperity, delivering food and equipment for the Jai as they braced themselves for what might come. Would it make a difference tomorrow? He didn't know. But, this was today. And this was something he could do right now. That was enough for him, for now.

As another ship flew overhead, the boy wondered if Jerek Zenduu Jerek Zenduu would have answered the call. The Jedi seemed to be in need of pilots. There were certain to be quite a few among this effort.
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Issue #5 - Ilum Patrol
Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Tieuvelli Renlas Tieuvelli Renlas
Zaka tugged the heated coat tighter around himself, pulling the edges of his hood closer around his face as he shivered. Silently cursing as he walked through the snow, he shot a look behind him at the Temple through the particles of snow before continuing up a snow bluff to the rendezvous point.

The entire Senate could be here and I bet the Brotherhood wouldn't attack.

Of the mass gatherings the Jedi convened out, by Zaka's count they were two for three, where something went wrong. While combat was the way of his people, he couldn't help but wonder how effective he'd be with frozen limbs.

"Master Noble," he called out as he closed in on the trio, wrapping his arms around himself, calling upon every ounce of his discipline to not visibly shiver. "Nice to see you again," the Padawan said, lightly bobbing his head up and down. He'd seen her on Tython, heard her words, had even heard she had become a Councilor. But they'd not shared words since Ponemah.

To the others of their group, he'd nod also. "Padawan N'Jazaka," he'd introduce, watching as his exhaled breath practically crystallized before his very eyes before blowing away. "Is this one of the better days?"

Madison Starr


Temple Archives aboard The Prosperity
Low Orbit over Ilum
Madison Starr, Jedi Padawan to Master Jax Thio, explores the history of the temple ship Prosperity while exploring it's archives.​

She wore soft Cinnagarian Jedi Robes and sat in the chair with her combat boots up on the table. In her rough blue-collar hands was a data pad full of technical information about Molecular Forges and advanced Jedi craftsmanship. Meanwhile, on the long table next to her sat a glowing blue Jedi Holocron, a Songsteel Jedi Axe from some weird planet called Midvinter, and a half eaten veggie burrito she'd gotten from the kitchens downstairs. Strewn about. Amidst many other papers and half written notes too. The poor woman seemed to be studying. Or something.

"Okay. So. Tell me again?" She mumbled through the pen at her lips, "How does it work?"

The hologram of Jedi Master Arcanus Sunstrider smiled and sat down in the chair across from her. Mimicking her irreverent posture with his dark blue glow.

"It's a Fabricator. You put in the Molecular Designs on the computer and it spits out what you wanted about an hour later. Easy stuff."

She seemed blown away. What an amazing technology. "Huh! Fascinating." She mused. They had smaller Fabs back home on Belarouge. But like. Small-small. Almost pet-like in size. You couldn't even make a single synth-leather glove with those old things. So she was blown away how many this Temple had. Just, like, lying around downstairs.

"Why? You thinking about making another Lightsaber? It can do that, ya know. Just, whoop. Bang. Done. Crazy easy." The hologram inquired proudly. Almost showing off.

"Nah. Yoga pants. I'm thinking Yoga pants." Madison smiled over her pen.

"Oh please." The hologram scoffed sadly. "Really? Really?"

"What? Oh come on now. I didn't see a sign anywhere that said you couldn't craft a new pair of pants on the workbenches. Don't be so picky dead man." She mused playfully.

"It's a Temple Forge, Padawan. One does not make, 'Yoga pants', on a sacred piece of Jedi technology. It's for important things. Okay."

She scoffed and waved him away, "Oh please. Like you even care. Go unplug yourself or something."

The hologram leaned back and took in a deep sigh. Then touched his wrist as if to use a physical comm-link.

"Ahem. Ship's log. Security update. Padawan Starr of Coruscant is NOT to go anywhere near this flagship's Molecular Forges or Fabricators. Security Clearance A.I. Arcanus Sunstrider. End update."

A fake announcement. But the Artificial Intelligence had a point. He was kinda the door man around here.

"Hey!" Madison almost jumped out of her chair. "Uh! Rude!"

"What! You forced my hand. There was nothing I could. Ha. It's in my programming." The hologram shot back playfully. Slightly unnerved. Then he disappeared and reappeared standing behind her. Pretending to read a physical book. Pacing back and forth without a sound.

"Ya know Padawan. This ship isn't just a toy for your amusement. There are plenty of things around here I could show you if you promised to behave yourself. The galaxy could always use more informed Jedi Knights, ya know."

Madison just rolled her eyes and went back to chewing on her pen. Pulling her datapad away so she couldn't see his reflection behind her in the wide screen.

"Oh. Screw off. I'm reading here. If I need directions to the nearest Ladies Room. I'll let you know. Hmph."

The hologram smiled and quickly disappeared. Suddenly reappearing in the chair next to her with his boots up on the table, likewise.

"Fair enough. Fair enough. I relent. You are a guest of the Temple. I should behave myself accordingly. As such. I'll leave you to your exploring."

He disappeared again. Then quickly reappeared leaning over her shoulder smugly,

"And. Do let me know if you need anything. ...Padawan."

"Hmph." She waved his glowing smug face away with naught but a gesture and a grunt, "...Dead man."

A moment passed in silence and she sighed, and turned to look around the room. He was gone for good this time. She was alone.

"Uh. Fricking ship's A.I. This whole floating diamond palace is nuts. A Temple Ship? Crazy man, crazy."

She tossed her datapad up onto the table and reached back for her burrito. Almost overwhelmed by all the new technology and ancient history that surrounded her. Engulfed her, in this place. Pfft. It reminded her of Tython. Sensory overload and stuff.

"This ship. Is cray."

She smiled happily.

Yeah. She'd easily spend another four or five hours in this ship's giant Archives. Just reading. Telling herself: yeah. Screw the mission objectives on this sacred frozen rock of Ilum. Pfft. Please. Madison Starr was busy just trying to get caught up with all the history, technology, allied factions, and starship designs that had shown up today right outside that window today, man. Sheesh.

Omph. She felt really, really, new to all this 'Jedi' crap. Where was R1 when she needed him.

. . .
This place again. When Aeris had been here she had followed Auteme in an attempt to translate some of the murals in this place, and that thought alone was one that gave her cause to step back for a moment. Ilum was an icon like Jedha of the Jedi faith's past, and perhaps the notion was all too iconoclastic of her, but there were other places in which lightsaber crystals could be gathered. This was just a place, and a place that had suffered immensely simply for what others attributed to it.

There was credit to be had for knowing your past, but just as much as one can know it, one can also cling to it. This place was a target because of the Jedi, and anyone who tried to deny that was a fool. The fact that they were even here to set up yet another small enclave that would be wiped out in a decade at best was a laughable notion and a waste of lives. Ilum had served its purpose. It should have been about time they let it rest, but such was not the case.

"I already said it several times on the way here, but I will say it again. This is a waste of our time." Aeris frowned as she leaned over the maps and plans. "Ilum is in danger whether or not we are actually here simply because of what it means to the Jedi. Solipsis or even Emperor Fel couldn't care less if we are actually here once he decides to attack, and when he does we will have wasted the lives of good people for no other sake than to play guardians of our own foolish pride."

"Our focus should be on establishing a presence and contacts on worlds of greater strategic importance. Anaxes, Kuat, Fondor, places that could actually safeguard us in the event of an attack."
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Objective: Crystal Trial
Tags: Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina

Hiding away couldn't last forever. That's what she learned. Iris, wrapped up in all manner of layers to combat the cold, stood outside the Ilum.. Crystal chamber? She wasn't sure what the room was called, but Padawans throughout the ages went through here, waiting for the sun to melt through the ice wall and open a path to where Kyber Crystals waited for their Jedi. She'd already gotten her lightsaber, before.

But they had been taken. Domxite, the Rainbow Gem that acted both as her partner and her lightsaber, had been taken away. The scars of the events still lingered. The lower left half of her face was gnarled and twisted, scarred from where she'd fallen. Even now it still stung. But if she was to get Domxite back, she'd need a new saber. But the way wasn't safe. Not like it had been. Unknown horrors lurked in the darkness.

Alone, she wouldn't be able to handle them. So she waited for the other sent to escort her. She needed to be ready to try again.
Cold eyes softened when the young Jedi Knight answered. Master San Tekka nodded solemnly at Dagon, agreeing with his sentiment. Despite their frigid surroundings the veteran battlemaster seemed unaffected by the climate. In fact, he somehow radiated an inner warmth which eased the chill air for any who drew near.

"I've brought a few deliveries from the ExplorCorps, and Ossus, though I think Jade may be bringing more." Coren was here to piece through the temple.

"Master Starchaser," a rare smiled graced Zark's features, "I look forward to thanking Romi in person. Ossus is a new beginning for the Outer Rim."

They clasped arms and embraced like the two old comrades they were. He placed a metal hand on Dagon's shoulder by way of introduction.

"This one reminds me of a certain Green Knight. Always finding trouble."

"Master San Tekka, Dagon, Master Starchaser, its good to see you all. I trust you made it here without much trouble?" She and her mothers both bowed, her parents closer to a 90 degree angle than Shimrra's own bowed head.

"The Force was with us," Zark inclined his head in a slight bow, "Our Order is in eternal debt for your efforts to preserve this sacred place."

In truth he knew little of the enigmatic Vong cult beyond their role as caretakers. They were an often misunderstood and mistrusted race but the Jedi had learned many cultures understood the Force in their own unique ways. Few would consider service on Ilum a blessing yet the Extolled had diligently maintained their watch without complaint. Selflessness like that was to be admired.

"If you'll excuse me for one moment, I sense a minor disturbance in the Force."

Master San Tekka followed the sound of shifting parchment and heavy sighs until he found their resident lorekeeper. She had reservations about this expedition of course. Of all his peers in the Circle he valued Master Laschiec's willingness to speak uncomfortable truths perhaps the most. Trained in a different era, his comparatively glacial emotional range often frustrated the others who mistook detached logic for apathy.

"Our focus should be on establishing a presence and contacts on worlds of greater strategic importance. Anaxes, Kuat, Fondor, places that could actually safeguard us in the event of an attack."

"This isn't just about Ilum or our pride," he straightened a few loose star charts, "Maw raiders and their Sith masters terrorize entire worlds in the Outer Reaches. Out here on the frontier is where people need us most. We're not the Crusade, but if the Order fortifies on some Core World we'll be consigning countless innocents to unimaginable suffering."

With his aurodium hand the Jedi Master pointed at Ilum on the map.

"You think we're overextending ourselves," he noticed the look on her face made that clear enough, "We can spare a few Jedi to investigate potential fallback points. Kuat is too unstable, perhaps the others. Tython as well. The Sith have concentrated their largest attacks on holy worlds. Not a pattern we can rely on, still one it would be foolish to ignore."
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Issue #1

<Later, Kai.> his thoughts echoed back to Kai through the mental link. <I'll tell you later.> will he? Dagon had finally come to trust others in taking the weight of his shoulders, only for the trust in Jem to be for naught. Corrupted by her father, lost to the Dark Side.

Much like his brother's fate.

The thought made him clench his fists tight before the arrival of Master Starchaser and the Extolled diverted his attention. Zark offered gratitude for their help and Dagon nodded a silent thanks as well. His mind was nowhere other than honed in on the New Sith.

"This one reminds me of a certain Green Knight. Always finding trouble."

The raven-haired Knight wasn't sure who that Green Knight was but a thin smile curved his lips at the latter remark. He wondered whether he always found trouble or trouble always found him.

Then Aeris chimed in, her stance on the matter at hand was known to all.

"...Not a pattern we can rely on, still one it would be foolish to ignore."

"It's reliable enough." Dagon added sourly, eyes shifting to the holographic projections of maps before them. "Solipsis personally made that claim to me. Like every evil we've ever faced, the Sith are also superstitious. He wants to erase every single mention of the Jedi from the galaxy. Create a new whole new reality for the galaxy, one without the Jedi ever existing."

A long-drawn sigh escaped his lips as he ran a hand through his raven locks before continuing, "Both of you have a point - fortifying our presence on Jedi worlds still does hardly anything against a full-blown-out assault by the Sith with their cultist puppets. The numbers don't match. Then if we strengthen our positions in strategic worlds like the ones you mentioned, we're signing the death sentence for countless innocents. To better the odds, perhaps we could try asking the Alliance to focus on fortifying the Jedi worlds..."

His eyes narrowed in on the Unknown Regions, "...but I'm also done thinking defensively. Being always one step behind the Sith - we'll eventually run out of steps. It's time to go on the offensive. Put them on the backfoot for once. They hide in uncharted space but... Zark, you have contacts among explorers that can help with that, right? The Chiss, too, this space was their home."

He glanced at each of the Jedi, sourcing for ideas.

Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Shimrra Rin
Be careful what you wish for.
“We should be too big to take offense, and too noble to give it.” - Abraham Lincoln


He was just leaving the amazing new Ancilla station set up by Master Ike. It was not the best of experiences, but it was one that was needed. Vanagor learned much about himself and his “new” abilities, his exponentially enhanced natural strength, speed, reflexes, and his new mastery of the environment, specifically lightning. His connection to the Force is, and will always be “different” now but it seemed to be settling into some level of normalcy, so the big man could get back what he did best without concern. Now he could be the man he was before all of this happened.

Man, not “Jedi”.

His opinion had not changed, not since his time spent on Hoth, not since the trip to the Ancilla, no. Today’s “Jedi”, for the most part, had no respect for authority, no respect for tradition, no respect for anything but themselves and their own twisted view of the galaxy. Maybe it was not their fault, the “old ways” were just that “old” and the way of the galaxy was long changed. Padawans were thrown into a fight after fight, they had to learn in the middle of parrying lightsaber slashes and fighting their way out of chokes. Maybe it was just the passage of time. It did not matter at this point. There was still something to be said for them and while forging your own path is respectable, turning away those who did the same was distasteful.

Many of the “New Guard” want respect, yet they have no intention of giving it.

This was a thought that would have to be tabled though as he was receiving an open holo call. That usually meant that someone was in trouble. Walking over to the terminal to check it out, the shimmering blue light slowly morphed into the visage of Jedi Master Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka , Heh, he was one of the “old guard”, and would not be making a call like this unless there was something serious going down. It looked like ” The Prosperity” was on its way to Ilum to repopulate the Jedi Temple and were looking for help to secure it.

” I could do that.”

Walking into the cockpit area, Vanagor entered the coordinates into the Nav computer and told “Music” his pilot droid for ” The Starlight Sentinel” to set course.


Communicating with the technical staff aboard “The Prosperity”, basically telling them that he was not an enemy and was going down to offer assistance, he was informed of what they were doing. Setting course for the planet itself, the big man took over controls for the time being and flew in low enough to get a lay of the land. He knew this planet like the back of his own hand so directions were not an issue, it was a matter of sightseeing and learning what might have changed since the last time he was here with a group of Padawans.

Once Music was returned control of the ship, he got up, put on his thermal gear, took both of his lightsabers, and waited for the ship to hover low enough to jump off.

INTERJECTION: Master. Might I suggest that you take my counterpart and me with you on your excursion to the planet?”

It was one of the two Guardian Class Droids that he had picked up when on the Ancilla. They were amazing in their capabilities, if not impersonal. So, taking some inspiration from Lore of the old Republic, the massive Wanderer reprogrammed their personality circuitry. Now they were not “Hunter Killers” like the inspiration he took them from, but “Aces” and “Eights” were incredible protectors as well as being incredibly versatile. They were also now hilarious to talk to.

I was actually planning on doing that. We’ll need your sensor capabilities.

EXCITEMENT: I will let my counterpart know and we will procure our blasters.”

If droids could skip “Eights” would be right now as it went off towards the cargo bay. Roller, hearing this came up and asked why if it was also being considered to go down to the planet. Caltin shook his head apologetically as he waited for the protest he was expecting.

I need you here because they are not able to work the ship and her sensors like you can. I might need an “eye in the sky”. That is the only reason.

It was not the best answer that he could give, but it was honest, and droid or not, “Roller” was a friend. It would be a little bit before they were low enough to set off, so Vanagor sent a message to Master Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka , offering his assistance and letting him know that he would be out on patrol as it was a more useful way to help out. So when the ship was low enough for them to set off, Caltin got up and the two droids with him and made for the loading ramp. Once it was open, they each jumped off and the “Sentinel” lifted up into the atmosphere. Of course, he knew that the “patrol group” was here. Looking at Noble, he respected her station, but not her morals. No, Caltin did not care that she had a child or anything like that. He did not respect that she seemed to ignore her own history and education.

An argument for another time though.

Don’t look so surprised that I’m here… and don’t mind the droids, their sensor suites can be a big help out here.

[spoiler= Tags] Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Geiseric Geiseric Madison Starr @Teuvelli Renlas @Shimrra Rinn Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir @Ro-Tahn Mashayekhi Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri Jorah zos Darnus Zaka Zaka Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec Iris Arani Iris Arani [/spoiler]


Clearing Out Memories....

The hatch popped its mechanical circuitry, and revealed a feminine-esque silhouette as it lowered. She took a moment to adjust to the initial arctic gust, tightening her fist as her body adjusted; She began her decline. Sauntering mostly, to the cadence of her boots clicking with each step -- her SureGrip soles were having a harder time than usual sticking to the metallic surface. Somewhere, just some few steps in, she stopped and took in the sights waiting to feel the space of the hover-cart well up behind her before she started moving again.

Starchaser..or Starguy, as she'd christened him soo long ago, had helped bring the bulk of what the Prax had in terms of resources; she brought the rest.

"Just ahead," she motioned with her hand, sliding back to make room for them to pass. From a few feet behind, "I think they've gathered somewhere in the main chamber, we'll unload there."

Crossing through the threshold, she could see the gathered, and the starts of the operation.

She came up on the tailwind of...

They hide in uncharted space but... Zark, you have contacts among explorers that can help with that, right? The Chiss, too, this space was their home."

He glanced at each of the Jedi, sourcing for ideas.

"I brought more supplies, anything we could spare from Ossus--hope I'm not interrupting, just checking in here. How goes things?"


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