Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tags: Geiseric Geiseric , Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir


The crusaders encircled the wounded and dead, lightsabers at the ready. Those with shields provided extra cover from the creatures as they began to descend on the party. Heinrich found himself forced to quickly duck under the swiping arm of one of the beasts, barely missing decapitation. One of the crusaders next to him manage to block the blow with the shield, giving Heinrich a moment to strike. His lightsaber lashed out with an upward thrust to the underside of the beast's arm, follow by a slice cutting up the middle toward the creature's shoulder. The creature roared in pain for a moment, only to be healed shortly after. Geiseric had been in a similar situation, prompting him to tell the others to alter their strategy.

Heinrich's feet began to move, and as he bolted for the creature he had just cut, he ducked under another aggressive swing. His body lowered, and he slid toward the beast along the icy ground. His destination was at the base of the creature's leg, where he promptly cleaved through at the knee, or at least, what resembled a knee. As the creature was thrown off balance, Heinrich threw forth his free hand, pushing it to the ground with the Force. It wasn't long after that the Blade of Ession was upon the beast once again, climbing onto its fallen body and hacking away at its torso.

"I hope you're right about this, Geiseric! These things are tough!"

As soon as he spoke, two others began to approach, prompting Heinrich to almost instinctively throw his emerald lightning in their direction. With any luck, he would be able to take down all three for good. They weren't sure how many of these things resided within this frozen place, so they would have to move quickly. Heinrich just hoped there weren't more lurking deeper within the cave.


"I hope you're right about this, Geiseric! These things are tough!"

"It isn't enough. They still fall before our blades."

Geiseric twirled gracefully between the monsters, using the Force to focus intensely on their weak points and drown out any other feeling. Slowly but surely the horde thinned, and once they put down the apparent last of them, no more emerged from the ice.

"Wha... what were those things?" one of the knights panted.

"Manifestations of the Force perhaps? This world is strange, even to the Jedi. I don't think we should stay here any longer." the knights parted for Geiseric as he made his way towards Eina and the fallen.

"Whoever can walk needs to come quickly. The rest... you know..." he said sullenly. He didn't want to leave them if it could be helped, but this far below the surface it couldn't. He just hoped whatever lay at the end of their quest could justify the lives they gave.

The troop continued to move through the caves with haste and purpose. No more creatures beset them, but the cold began to take its toll even through their insulated armor. Whether the cold was natural or some other freak effect of the Force was indiscernible, even to the three masters at the head of the group.

After what seemed liked many hours of marching through the caves, all but frozen silent except for the echo of the encroaching Jedi, the group came upon their target. It had to be. Geiseric looked up at the massive stone doors before them, barring their advancement. Each door was a masterfully crafted bas-relief of a hooded Jedi, head bowed towards the blade of a lightsaber that ran up the center of the door.

The aura they had felt from the surface, and all the while they approached. This was it, beyond doubt. The Force sealed this door shut tight. If there truly was the knowledge within that he believed there was, nothing could stop them from entering. Attaining it was too dire of a mission to fail.

"By Ashla. It's not just a myth, my friends." Geiseric placed a hand gently on the door, feeling the ward imbued into its creation. A lock, per se. So what was the key? he wondered.

"Do you feel that to? The Force itself bars this door."

He turned to Eina, no doubt the most powerful among them, "Any ideas, my dear?"
Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Objective: Explore the Vault
Location: Surface, Ilum
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Tags:: Geiseric Geiseric | Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
[ Dawn ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

By the time the knights were done killing the ice creatures, Eina was also done healing the wounded knight. Luckily, she was the only one injured who needed to be healed very quickly. Everyone else suffered less severe injuries. And of course, the dead man was there. This knight would have died if he had not received prompt care. So, they had only one dead man, thankfully. This attack hit them unexpectedly, but the soul was already safe.

"Demons, remnants of souls who were trapped here in this world and died a violent death but did not make it to the Netherworld. They may not have been servants of the Bogan in the past, but they were corrupted by the world and inaction and took on this shape and they turned into insane demons." she explained to the knight, she was also panting a little.

Eina was still on her knees when the knights stepped out of the way and Gei arrived to her, the wounded and the dead. She nodded quietly to her beloved crusader's words as she looked up at the man.

"He's fine now, I need a few more moments." she replied.

The wounded knight rose from the ground, still in a little disbelief that he was already healed. The man probably hasn’t seen such drastically fast healing many times. It took about a minute for Eina to be able to get up and not have her legs tremble. Each time, she vows to take better care of herself, but she couldn’t say no if someone needed help.

In the following times, as they progressed, she watched the area throughout the Force, but she did not detect any more demons, nor was there any attack. However, she could feel the door from afar, getting better and better. As if calling her, she heard a soft whisper, from the doorway, but no evil or harmful intent. Eina smiled at how glad and happy Gei was to find this place. She was glad that her beloved crusader was happy and enthusiastic. After all, Eina always wanted to see him happy. For her, it meant more than anything.

"I don't know yet." she said after Gei's question. "Give me a minute, please." she asked.

Eina also stepped closer to the door and touched it with her hand. Suddenly a strange feeling came over her; it was still neither evil nor bad. The Force imbued the door very strong, but it was different from the Force itself only. It’s more like someone’s consciousness, spirit, has remained there. She reached into the Force to explore the place. As she did so, the Valkyrja felt something or someone reaching for her mind.

~ What would you do for them and for their success? ~ she heard a deep sound as a strong wind blew through the hall.

"Anything! I would do anything to ensure that they succeed and their mission will be successful against Bogan." she replied.

~ Prove it! Show altruism and self-sacrifice and they can get in. ~

Eina stepped closer to the door, taking off her gloves that fell into the snow. She took out one of her swords and cut her entire forearm. The golden ichor spilled from the wound, Eina propped her injured arm on the door as soon as the ichor reached the door, it disappeared, the material of the door absorbed it. Altruism, self-sacrifice.

~Not enough… ~ said the voice.

The Valkyrja's hand fell beside herself, the golden ichor dripping from the wound to the ground. She looked back at her adopted brother and her beloved crusader. She smiled kindly at them.

"Everything will be fine. Ashla is with us, always!" she said softly.

She turned back to the door, then cut her throat with the next move, the golden ichor squirting to the door and Eina fell lifelessly into the snow…

The next moment the pictures disappeared and Eina stood at the door, stepping back in confusion and taking her hand away from the door. The previous vision was probably seen by Gei and Heinrich, as were the other knights, because the knights were confused and did not understand what had happened. As soon as this was done, the wind was felt again, and then the voice heard in the vision was audible this time and not just in the minds.

"You have proved that you are self-sacrificing, caring, worthy and pure, you all can enter." said the deep, strict male voice.

The vault door began to open…



Shimrra Rin

Shimrra didn't remember the tunnels being this tight. When she was a little girl she'd ran through these tunnels day and night and it had driven both of her mothers mad. As she squeezed her way through the tunnels after the pair she wondered why she felt such profound sadness and determination coming from the Padawan. Well, she was supposed to be here to help guide them, right?

She closed her eyes and opened herself up to the Force. Typically Kyber crystals imprinted on their Jedi, much like a chick imprinting on the first thing it sees. But there were ways to touch a crystal in the Force, ways used by Kyber Sculpting masters, that brought out the rainbow of colors in the crystal without need of imprinting on a crystal. The Force was guiding the pair into a deep chamber of the cave, not one most went. A little light would go a long way. With a wave of her hands the icey stairway the Padawan had once seemed unsure of lit up with a kaleidoscope of color, shards and full crystals of kyber illuminating the way down.

Tags: Geiseric Geiseric , Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir


Lightsabers slashed to and fro, causing the cavern to come alive in a rapturous glow. Heinrich himself brought down two more of the creatures, barely saving one of his comrades as the beasts were about to do a killing blow. The other crusaders had managed to eliminate the rest, finally providing the party with a moment of rest. Once those that could be healed were taken care of, Heinrich said a quick prayer for those that weren't as lucky. The only reprieve they would have was meeting their goddess in the next world.

"Strange to see such beasts on Ilum. Perhaps they'll be at peace now..."

He followed the others, keeping an eye out in case any more of those creatures showed up. This expedition was proving to be more treacherous than even they had anticipated, so Heinrich would keep his mind sharp. Fortunately, it wasn't much longer until they reached the door. It was a work of art; a testament to the many great Jedi that walked these same steps all of those years ago... truly an awe-inspiring sight. Heinrich placed a hand on his heart, thanking Ashla for their good fortune, despite the loss.

"Yes, the Force is strong here... it must be some sort of test."

As Eina stepped toward the door, Heinrich remained silent. Even as she cut her forearm, the crusader held his tongue, hoping that her act would be enough. It wasn't, for the voice asked more of her. It asked for the ultimate sacrifice. It wasn't until Eina reached for her throat that Heinrich began to speak.

"Eina, what are yo-"

As the words left his mouth, the Valkyrja cut her own throat, falling to the floor as the golden ichor spilled from her body. Heinrich fell silent, unsure of how to even respond to such a thing. Before his brain could fully process what had just happened, Eina appeared to them once again, whole and unharmed. A large sigh of relief from Heinrich followed as he understood that his friend was alright. As the doors began to open, the Blade of Ession found himself excited to see what was inside. Perhaps this journey would yield even greater results than they had thought...


(Post Soundtrack: "Nowhere Land" by Valgeir Sigurðsson)

"This is one of your sacred places. I would not want my being in your temple to offend one of the Jai from a different tribe."

The man nodded to the boy, casting his eyes back to the cavern entrance. He could not see much simply be peering inside, but a deeper sense in his body told him that the young Dathomiri spoke truth. This was a sacred place to the Jedi. As sacred as Tython or Ossus.

It was also one of the few left unmolested by the Sith.

"I can understand your reluctance to enter unaccompanied." Jerek was familiar with some sects of lightsiders, who viewed the Dathomiri all as darksiders. Not to mention more than a few that even called themselves Jedi but scorned anyone who refused to take the same label. Intolerance was sin best reserved for the Sith, not that his ward, Micah, wouldn't lecture his ear of for suggesting that. "Perhaps, after the work is done, I can show you some jinhiz."

He grinned at Jorah, but the boy had already turned back to the crate. Jorah mentioned something odd, reminding him that even the Jedi weren't alone in clinging to old biases. The young knight let it go, arguing with Jorah would be as easy as giving Micah a bath, and mildly he wondered how the Force kept throwing philosophes at him.

Back to the task at hand.

Following the hands of his Dathomiri companion, Jerek scanned the cargo area. Plenty of crates had already been pulled down from the starships, a few already unpacked, and more were waiting to be assigned priority. As he took a tour around the crates, the man laughed at Jorah's remark. "Our electronics have a tendency to get cold just like we do. Then they freeze up and need a cup of Hoth chocolate."

He gave a nearby crate a light kick with his foot, dislodging some of the snow that had already settled on top of it. Crouching down, Jerek could read the label —COLD WEATHER PERIMETER SENSORS— and turned back to Jorah with a grin the boy was sure to catch this time. "Let's try these ones, they're built to handle the cold. We can start setting the perimeter, give the base forewarning against storms and invasions."

<There might be undiscovered systems out there—but with the Maw laying claim to all this space, their first taste of the wider galaxy could be the Sith.>

"Then we must bring them the light of the Jedi," he smiled at the young student, "I will not abandon these people to the darkside. Every world ravaged by the Maw means more raw material and fodder for their slave armies."

Master San Tekka allowed Dagon his chance to speak. He was used to command yet the Circle had tempered his willful nature with the counsel of equals. Knight Kaze was far more analytical, no doubt a useful skill in his investigations. Still Zark could sense passions barely under control. It troubled him. He needed to trust more in the Force's will.

"Master Noble will no doubt watch over Ilum. Senator Auteme Auteme might be able to help me convince High Command to support our efforts with a strike group from Outlander Station. Aeris is right, we're vulnerable out here without the kind of infrastructure we've grown accustomed to relying upon. Ilum might fall when the Maw come in great numbers no matter what we do."

He reached down and pressed a few buttons. Now they were looking at a map of the Ilum Temple and its surroundings.

"This world isn't as lifeless as it appears," Zark told the others, "Nor do we have sole claim on its fate. That is why I have spoken to Shimrra Rin and she has agreed to help us make contact with the Talz."

Jorah zos Darnus



tag: Jerek Zenduu Jerek Zenduu
[ post theme ]

"Let's try these ones."

Curious, the young Dathomiri inclined his head as he stepped toward the crate which now held the Jai's attention. The objects within held no meaning to the black-and-red skinned teen, seemingly little more than a smooth bulb atop a stick or rod of metal, with varying bits of metal or insulated wire running the length of it.

"They're built to handle the cold," Jerek explained. Jorah started to ask what purpose such a device would have, when the older Jedi added, "We can start setting the perimeter, give the base forewarning against storms and invasions."

So these were wards? A protective totem of some kind?

"Jai are so strange," the Nightbrother uttered softly, as he bent down to peer closer at the sen-sor. Glancing back at the older boy, the youth remarked, "You wield such powerful magicks, but then you trust the security of your village to bits of wire and glass?"

Jedi did not use totems, that much Jorah knew. Did they not use scrying or wards either? Did they really put so much faith in their technological idols?

No, that didn't matter. With a slight shake of his head, the Dathomiri reminded himself that his place was not to judge. Merely to observe. And to learn, so that his Clan might better understand.

These strange wards would need to be dispersed around the Jedi Temple. In this climate, that would be difficult. "But, we will need to ride out if we are to place these... electronic totems of yours," the witch-boy mused aloud. Glancing over to one of the cleared fields, a number of snow speeders were still being prepared to serve the garrison.

Yet more soulless metal on the altar of technology. Not a comforting thought, traveling the icy wastes in a spirit-less cocoon as that. And, in these frigid conditions, Jorah could not transform into his bat form. Not for long anyway. Certainly not flying on currents with wind chills below freezing.

There had been livestock, as well, had there not? Some form of two-legged beast of burden, suitable for the cold. That would better suit a Nightbrother.

"Ama het'res tȃdefa pu taildanȃt pacran..." the boy uttered aloud, closing his eyes a moment as he whispered softly in Paecian. The youth's word seem to linger and echo on the breeze. "...pu taildanȃt pacran."

As the boy weaved the spell into the air, he turned to face the direction where the livestock had been stabled inside a shelter. A pair of tauntauns were emerging from their pens, trotting up to the pair as the boy gave a bow toward the animals and offered, "Chu shu fahde kosta bibah, fahde su'ku shuree."

The tauntauns gave a warbling neigh, followed by what seemed a bow of their heads in reply.

Resting on hand on the neck of the tauntaun nearest him, the young Nightbrother turned back toward the Jedi and said, "They have agreed to bear us on this quest."
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Zaka Zaka was quick to refuse her offer for respite, respectfully she bowed her head concealing her disappointment. Uttering a small prayer in her native tongue, she prayed to the Slipstream for favourable winds.

She could take solace in that, the Slipstream was her everything. If the Force connected the living and dead, the Slipstream was the tapestry upon which those bonds were threaded. Neither good nor evil. At the best of times, it was your companion, guiding you through the threads of fate. But none could direct it, not like the Force.

"Be careful not to get lost, pick a side left or right and stick to it. When you're ready to leave, follow the opposite." She tweeted, flapping her wings to catch howling winds and carry her back to a perch nearer Valery.

Feathers rustled, her head moving in a circular motion. Inspecting the whitewash ahead of them, "I do not suppose we will find any undiscovered holocrons out here or Je'daii architecture for study?" She whistled hopefully, wondering what they might find in the canyon ahead.

Once Valery indicated she was ready, Tieuvelli spread her wings wider, flight feathers stretching into action as she thrust herself to ever greater heights. It was tiring at first, Songwings weren't built for powered flight preferring instead to glide and conserve energy.

Once at altitude, she relaxed, letting Ilum's wind guide her into the canyon's depths. All the while ensuring she stayed within Valery's sight and earshot. For a moment everything was as Tieuvelli expected on Ilum. Planetary records indicated no significant forms of life, small rodents perhaps, but nothing worthy of her attention unless she was hungry. What did those rodents taste like?

She heard it first.

The slow and purposeful crack of ice. In a sharp sudden motion, her flying became momentarily erratic as her head locked into position. Songwings may not have been apex predators, but on Kashyyyk, their senses were second to none. She could accurately predict the location of prey beneath heavy layers of snow, but the canyon's natural acoustics made it difficult. Confusing even.

"Hang on. Something's here. I think." She hooted back down towards her companions. Hoping at least to alert them to the potential danger.

She would look one direction to see nothing but cracking ice, then another to witness shifting mounds of powder in the boreal winds. It made her uncomfortable, and then she finally saw it.

A bulbous white mass, camouflaged against the primordial gales climbed against the canyon walls towards Valery's location… or hers. Suddenly, the skies felt perilous and she began turning to retreat. Perhaps, it failed to notice, or more concerningly was stalking its prey. Whatever the case, at least in her mind, it didn't fit and that was alarming enough to prepare herself and warm the others.

"Master Valery, a creature stalking the canyon walls." She shrieked, trying to retreat before it could reach her.



Iris Arani Iris Arani | Shimrra Rin

Ah, go down the stairs. The less thrilling option. Ishida felt herself frown in response — uncertain if that was a character reveal or not, for either of them or some unintentional overthinking she was doing to justify Iris’ choice in her mind. With a sidelong glance, she looked over at the abyss they wouldn’t be leaping over, and toward the short-haired Padawan that was shimmying carefully down the first few steps.

They were covered in ice.

Suddenly, this got a bit more thrilling.

With her back pressed to the wall, Ishida mimicked Iris’ side-stepping in the darkness.

“Not sure this is the lesser of two evils.” Ishida admitted, to both herself and Iris. It was so silent in the caves that even their breath was heard, so there was no such thing as inaudible whispering beneath her breath.

Her foot slipped on some of the frozen sheens after about five stairs, and with vice-like grip she pinned herself to the wall, drawing in a shocked, sharp breath. It wasn’t until she was sure she was totally upright that she exhaled. And it wasn’t until the danger klaxons of her mind calmed down that she was able to appreciate the gentle glow that glittered from the tips of the crystals, like a technicolour, beautiful runway.

“Are you seeing this too?” Ishida asked, her voice thick with pleasant awe despite the distant pull of danger at the base of the stairway that looked everlasting. Beyond the prettiness though, Ishida sensed something else. Danger? She wasn’t sure yet. "All these colours?"



"I'm following the colors." No sooner did she say that than the stairs lit up, much to her surprise. Did her talking about the colors of the Force she saw manifest them in the crystals around? No, there was something else happening. The flow of colors around her, these manifested colors. Someone else was here. She paused her decent, peering around the room curiously.

"I always see the colors. .. Do you feel the other person?"

Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina | Shimrra Rin



Iris Arani Iris Arani | Shimrra Rin

"I always see the colors. ..

Ishida's brows knit. The subtle movements of her expression were lit by the shimmering glow of the crystals, lighting the girls in cool tones that made the stairway feel less like a descent into a foreboding hell and more like a euphoric sort of pathway.

"You see The Force in colours?"

The idea that Iris witnessed The Force's expression in technicolour blended to the idea of a spectrum, not just light or dark. Were there variances of saturation, as well?

Curiosity got the better of her, for once, and a selfish wondering overtook her tongue without hesitation: "Am I a colour?"

Do you feel the other person?"

Ah! So that distant feeling hadn't just been her.

"Yes." She answered, and looked beyond their stopped silhouettes, across the small ocean of light. There seemed to be no malice to greet her as she probed, searching for more information through the Force's network.

"Keep going." Ishida encouraged, and took a step to demonstrate that they should continue. Her voice raised out, beyond the range meant to be shared with just the other Padawan: "We can feel you out there." Her voice bounced from hanging crystals in the ceiling, to some protruding out from the walls. They shuddered vaguely, and Ishida's follow-up was a decibel quieter: "Show yourself."

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"Always." She didn't elaborate on it any further. Most people got confused or wanted to see it. Sure, she could show them it, but that involved more than just letting someone see through her eyes. Right now, no.

"Am I a colour?"

"Bright.. There's no word for it. Light, I guess. Some blues. Reds, greens. They change based on emotion, usually." She continued down the stairs, careful with each icy step just as Ishida said for her to. Conversations weren't her strong suit. Well, maybe they were now? .. No, don't think about it. Keep heading down. Follow the colors reaching out, that's what she was here for.

Shimrra Rin



Themes: XoXo
Tag: Zaka Zaka , Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Her gaze froze on the partially illuminated worm, feeling a tremor that reached to the marrow of her bones as its thunderous movements drew near, its massive body vibrating the ground and filling the cave, which all too suddenly made her feel caged in. A position she did not like to be in. These trenches were its layer, and they had intruded.

Her shoulders rose to her ears, boots sliding back on instinct while her thumb trembled above her activation switch, hesitant.

Zaka had already sprung into action, and Briana’s head whipped around in time to watch him scoot down one of the paths, urging them to do the same - and would have done the same, preparing to hurdle her way down another path while wishing that she’d been better prepared - when Kahlil stepped into the chaos.

Her heart was thumping wildly in her ears, half wondering if he was crazy as her eyes settled on row after row of razor sharp teeth.

“That’s absurd,” the desire to run for her life was still strong, adrenaline pumping through her veins.

The worm continued to slowly slither forward, as if it could sense her fear, its pinkish-grey body twisting with a horrific ease. The azure color of her blade sprung to life, her resolve to keep a cool head slowly slipping into oblivion the closer it came. “How do you expect us to convince it that we're not dinner?!”

Last edited:

Location: Ilum | Patrol Rally Point
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
"I do not suppose we will find any undiscovered holocrons out here or Je'daii architecture for study?"
Valery looked at her feathered friend and chuckled, "I'm afraid not within this canyon — outside the Temple and a few other ancient structures in other locations, there is very little out here in general. Just some wildlife." she said, as she watched Kahlil and the two Padawans move into the cave to explore and hopefully map them. This close to the Temple, Valery wanted to be aware of exactly what was out there.
Looking back, she smiled as Tieuvelli spread her wings and moved up into the windy skies of Ilum to get a better look into the canyon. It left Valery alone but she didn't mind the silence very much, and focused on her senses while she stepped forward through the ice and snow. But after a few moments, she felt something happening in the caves.
Not sure what was going on, she tapped her communications device on her wrist and began to speak.
"Cave team, what's happening over there?"
She kept it brief and simple in case they had their hands full, but also because the shriek of her friend in the sky came down to meet her moments later. Hearing the voice echo through the canyon, Valery looked around until she spotted Tieuvelli coming down rapidly.
"Master Valery, a creature stalking the canyon walls."
Valery blinked and began to quickly scan the canyon walls. She sensed the sudden danger of something approaching, and finally she spotted it, camouflaged because of its white fur. A massive Gorgodon was climbing its way down, and made the jump towards the lone Jedi Master. As quickly as she could, Valery jumped aside to avoid being crushed, and rolled through the snow until she was back up to her feet. The beast immediately charged her, looking to grab her so it could suffocate or crush her in an embrace.
"Got trouble in the cany-"
Her message was cut short as the beast slammed its large arms down towards her, which she dodged by jumping aside again. For now, she was on the defensive, trying to avoid it while Tieuvelli Renlas Tieuvelli Renlas was coming down to hopefully assist her.

Shimrra Rin


"eep!" She'd been had! Shimrra cleared her throat and stood from behind the ice wall she'd been hiding behind and dusted off her crimson cloak.

"Good use of your senses padawan!" She tried her best too stand tall and look dignified but the cramped confines of the cave system made that nearly imposible.

"These caves can be dangerous, especially without a lightsaber." She gave a withering glance at Iris. "I will accompany you further."

Geiseric's eyes remained unmoved from the door despite Eina's apparent sacrifice. He knew the others would recoil in shock, but he had known her intention before she did anything. He knew she would be back.

At the touch of her ichor to the stone, the doors began to open autonomously, the heavy stone grinding on the floor as it slowly dragged. Inside was a deceptively small room, seemingly alone behind the massive doors. Its high vaulted ceiling rested atop walls that bore more intricate carvings, as well as databanks embedded within. The room was no wider or deeper than a few men standing shoulder to shoulder, and across the far end was a console that stood as the only object in the vault.

"This must be it. Built for practicality, it seems."

Geiseric strode up to the console. A quick flick on his gauntlet revealed the end of a code cylinder that ejected from his wrist. He removed the cylinder and attempted to place in into the console. Whether the machinery was frozen or simply too old, the cylinder did not fit.

"SAINT, we're having some trouble with this. Is there anything you can do?"

"Yes, Master. Though it's physical data ports are not functioning, the vault is still emitting a wireless signal that I can tap into. The encryption is weak. This place has not been accessed since 1000 BBY."

Hushed murmurs spread through the troop.

"What have you found?"

"One moment please...


There. I have recovered all that is possible. Much of the data here is corrupted beyond salvage, master, but you have found what you came for."

Geiseric's HUD notified him that SAINT had uploaded the data from the vault into a secure drive within his armour.

"What are we going to do with this, sir?" one of their Lieutenants spoke up from behind, no doubt speaking for all of the eager crusaders standing behind him.

Geiseric turned and looked at Heinrich. He was certain the Grandmaster would agree with his assumptions.

"Nothing, yet. This list contains locations where rare kyber crystals grow all across the galaxy. The Jedi need this, but if the Brotherhood were to get a hold of it they could push us back even further. I propose we take this information to Ession and inform the Kaiser and his Cardinal before anything else."
Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Objective: Explore the Vault
Location: Surface, Ilum
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Tags:: Geiseric Geiseric | Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
[ Dawn ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina looked at Heinrich after the events. She didn't know if the others had heard any of what she had heard. She felt Gei calm all along. However, she felt and saw that the knights were uneasy about what she was doing. The Valkyrja thought they probably didn't see that it was an illusion. And the place sensed the intention. Eina knew and felt that if her intention hadn't been real, she would have done it just because it needed to overcome the illusion, it wouldn't have been useful. It took real intention.

"The entity or guard who is guarding the place only allowed us in after a rehearsal. He wanted to know what sacrifice I would make to make Ashlan Crusade a success in his missions. My "blood" wasn't enough, he wanted to know what I would actually do, if necessary. I think everyone saw the answer." she said gently, smiling.

The Valkyrja did not do it to honour or endow her with any religious things, but self-sacrifice was an everyday thing for her. After all, at the Netherworld, Eina risked her own life for others, every day. And if she could have protected others, helped them by her own death, she would have done it, without hesitation. Her life didn’t matter to her, just that she could help. As Gei went to the terminal, Eina searched the location through the Force because she could still feel the call.

"Oh, so you're hiding here!" she said aloud.

Some of the knights looked at her strangely, and the girl went to the part that was to the right of Gei. She walked to the wall, placed her bare hand on the ice wall, and began to channel Force into it. Eina's hand glowed in a golden glow, and the ice receded from the wall and a larger cavity was visible. Which was not empty. Eina reached in, then took out an obsidian-coloured egg-shape thing the size of an ostrich egg. In which, following her touch, a golden light began to appear. She smiled playfully.

"Got you! I felt them from the beginning. You are now safe and soon you'll be in a much more pleasant place than this frosty planet." she told the egg. "There is some kind of soul in it, this sphere keeps it alive and very weak. Requires further examination." she explained.

Gei and the knights seemed to get what they came for, and even Eina found what called her through the Force.



(Post Soundtrack: "Blasted Hearth" by Stuart Chatwood)

The witch boy was an astute judge of his surroundings, though a little heavy on the judge aspect for Jerek's tastes. Jorah had once told the man of his purpose among the Jedi, to learn all he could to help his clan. Jerek thought that would lend the witch boy to a bit more open-mindedness.

"Jai are so strange."

Apparently not.

"You know, we trust the integrity of ourselves to bits of wire and crystal, too." Jerek motioned to the lightsaber the young Dathomiri carried now, a surprising change from someone who put so much of his faith in named spirits instead of the Force. Perhaps, in time, that growth would spread to more ideas and concepts that Jorah found to be strange. "Our technology serves us where the Force may be elusive. Or difficult to rely upon; where our bodies fail our sensors might prevail."

He grinned to himself at the melodic turn of phrase. For a moment, Jerek almost sounded like one of his teaching masters. His eyes grew distant, as if taking the moment to pinpoint which one exactly. The question of transportation from the young Dathomiri brought him back to the present day. He remained silent as Jorah intoned something to himself, another Nightbrother prayer?

It gave Jerek time to consider their options. His starfighter had few options for storage, though it was possible to lash some sensors to the hull and then fly low and slow. His eyes traced over to more of the equipment already unloaded, spying several of the snowspeeders being attended by Jedi technicians. Those would be ideal for the climate, with repulsors made for snowdrifts and sensors made for whiteout conditions. He started toward the cluster of speeders, before realizing that Jorah was not behind him.

The witch boy had found an alternative solution. Jerek laughed aloud at his proposal, a pair of tauntauns he was addressing as if they could answer back. The young knight tracked back towards the boy, coming alongside just as permission had been granted. Hazel eyes scanned the horned faces of the hircine biped in front of him, startled as it snorted a stream of visible breath and lowered its head until it made contact with Jerek's chest.

"Right." As if that was the answer the creature was looking for. Muscles stiff, not from the cold, Jerek backed away, taking the gestures as his cue to return to the crate to begin loading up. As if sensing his reluctance, the snowborne creature dutifully followed, tridactyl claws spreading gingerly over newly-fallen snow better than Jerek's boots could manage. Perhaps there was something to be said after all for organics over tech, something he pondered while attaching sensors to the tauntaun's saddlepack and straps. "I've heard you can be a little smelly," he told the creature, adjusting straps before tapping his enclosed helmet. "Luckily I brought my own air supply. Just go easy on me, okay? I'm used to driving my own ride."

Once ready, Jerek mounted up after Jorah, ungainly climbing into anything that wasn't a pilot's seat. He shifted in place, and then grabbed the saddle as the tauntaun took its turn, shifting him back off-balance. He held his tongue and position, willing to be uncomfortable for a while. The tauntauns brought them quickly into a fast pace against the virgin snow, the constant falling crystals had built up a generous amount already since his landing. He had to marvel at how easily the creatures pranced through it, promising a swift ride to the edge of their base perimeter.

The bleak landscape held a glimmer of beauty as well, if Jerek looked close enough. He was used to forests and plains, dense foliage that held a world of wonders inside a single meter. Before him lay a world of sameness, whiteness that stretched beyond the horizon, punctuated by blues and greys where shadow or crevasse deepened the ground. Their mounts avoided those areas, though Jerek noticed after a time that they were as much a guide as a danger. Even on an unfamiliar world, the tauntauns knew what to expect, and if the young knight opened himself up to it, he could feel the assurance of the tauntaun in every foot it placed in the snow.

For the first time that ride, Jerek felt comfortable enough to shift back in place on the saddle, letting his surefooted mount do the work. His synchronocity was brief, the first position for sensor placement came up quickly upon them, but the man patted the tauntaun as he slid down to the ground again. "Thanks," Jerek told the creature, sidestepping its head when it snorted again. Calling over to Jorah, he said, "Get one of the sensors from your mount, I'll show you how to set it up."


Jorah zos Darnus



tag: Jerek Zenduu Jerek Zenduu
[ post theme ]

The young Dathomirian reached out a hand, his voice slipping into soft whispers in the Paecian language as he brushed the coat of the tauntaun next to him. The creature seemed to stoop low, easing the boy's transition from the ground to the beast's saddle.

"Our technology serves us where the Force may be elusive. Or difficult to rely upon; where our bodies fail our sensors might prevail."

The tauntaun reared back up, the boy adjusting his position in the saddle as he took a loose hold on the reigns. He murmured again in Paecian, reaching forward to ruffle the tuft of fur at the back of the creature's head. This was far more comfortable than a speeder. At least in his mind. At the same time, the boy's amber eyes flicked over at the Jedi, as he spoke of the fallible nature of man.

Yet, what were these bits of wiring and glass if not the work of a fallible man's hands?

"Look at the snow," the boy commented, gesturing in an invitation to take in the white world around them. To illustrate his point, he added, "It blankets the ground. It falls from the sky. It hovers on the breeze." Glancing back over at Jerek, the boy noted, "There is nothing that your sen-sor sees that the natural world does not."

With a gentle kick of his heels, the boy nudged his tauntun forward. "And long after your sen-sor has stopped working, the snow will still be here," the boy added in a teasing tone, as another kick of his heels spurred the tauntaun into motion.

The animal moved with a powerful stride, confident in its movement over the snow and ice as the Dathomirian rode out of the Jedi camp. The boy trusted in the beast's instincts, more along for the ride than a true master. Supplied with a general direction for travel, the animal's keen sense would find the path for them.

When they had gone some distance from the Jedi camp, Jerek announced that they should set up the first of the perimeter sensors.

Jorah rubbed a hand on the tauntaun's neck, a word in Paecian prompting the beast to stoop low so that the youth could dismount. When he said, the boy looked over at the two animals and gave a bow as he said something in the obscure language of his.

Then, without another thought, he stepped away without tying up the tauntaun. For there was no need. It would see to itself, then return when the boy called.

Holding a sensor in his hand, the Nightbrother glanced at Jerek as he waited for the demonstration to begin.

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