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UK Votes To Leave the European Union

sabrina said:
[member="Raziel"] I am not overly concerned immigration, but you asked for silver lining. If immigration goes down as a result.
The supply of manpower will go down
1: This would reduce rent the young people pay, so may be less 40 years old living with there mum and dad.
2: House price would fall, as less people looking for homes

Far more likely to level off or a slight reduction. We have work for these migrants, they boost the GDP so the question should be "Why aren't we investing in more housing to curb prices?"

3: Wages will increase, as less people to fulfill the roles

Overall wages have Not decreased as a result of immigration. I can't stress this enough. Research shows that low to unskilled jobs have seen a decrease of 2% as a result of immigration. The wage gap between rich and poor and North and south has widened due TO OTHER FACTORS

4: Easier to get your kids into a good school, as they have less competition.

There are 700,000 births every year. The most we stand to reduce immigration by is 100,000 a year. This is clearly a nonsense. A baby boom is the cause and underfunding, therefore reducing migration will not have the effect you're outlining.

"The ONS projections are based on future birth rates and population growth, including a “high population variant” adding a further 300,000 children aged 5-15 from 2019 onwards. That projection includes an additional 35,000 pupils from migration and 265,000 thanks to higher fertility."

5: They may get a better starter job

Based on? There is little to no evidence that migrants are reducing the chances of locals getting jobs. Particularly above zero skill factory work and more menial jobs, so if we're talking getting a better job...

But yes, there might be more jobs in the service industry, cleaning, etc. Not a huge deal, migration as a proportion of population is very small, and non EU migration is not going to drop as a result of this

6: Also due lack of workforce over 50's won't be on scrap heap as easily.

Unemployment is at a low, I can't stress this enough. Can you point me towards some evidence that over 50s are being fired because of EU migrants?

Though if migration does drop, yes our gdp would drop a bit, as less cheap work force.

Though if we do stay in the eec, with freedom of movement, as long as we have some safe guards then no issue.

This is not what freedom of labour entails.

1: They need a job before coming over here, and can support themselves.
2: The company hiring would need to also hire an apprentice, so our youth get training.
3: Job to be advertised over here first.

EU migrants contribute to the economy and are working for the country. They work more and place less drain on the economy than British people.
" 77% of working-age EU nationals were employed, 68% of British nationals in the same age bracket could say the same."

Also we only obliged to obey for what we export to the eu

I would be happy with something like that.

Also a another silver lining
with the weakening pound port talbot, might be saved, as strong pound was one the biggest issues with the plant.
Some replies in line above.

You've cemented my opinion that many have been convinced that home grown problems are the fault of the EU.
We need to start bumping off the elderly!

Aging populating + bed blocking. Little Granny Broderick is hogging the NHS and then pointing at poor Marcine Dubniak and A'ishah Massoud over there and saying 'they did it!'



Well-Known Member
1: We can't just keep building house, as we have some best green belt in the world to protect. (One few reason I like the EU, was the wildlife protection laws)
2: Well so why have trades wages fell, and our cost of living gone up?
3: Okay but until got my current job, my wages fell year on year due to increase in competition.
I was mainly sub contractor, for housing companies repairing boilers and doing services.
I seen increased competition on building sites, when I was out of work. (hate working on building sites, it is tiring, and annoying)
4: I know of lot people who can not get decent job after they hit 50 to 60 range.
5: Yes unemployment is low, but mostly dead end jobs, due to lack of proper apprenticeships any more, even councils are not doing them anymore.
6: I agree the EU migrants contribute more than they take, as anyone who is willing to get up move country is unlikely to do it for benefits. (Though have met odd ones through work)
Though the sheer determination, does give our youth the disadvantage, as most have not got that work ethic yet.

Darth Vornskr said:
Instructions unclear.

Killed the elderly.
You would lose trying to kill our elderly, have you seen dads army?
Building has fallen because Thatcher stopped councils building and the private sector didn't pick up the slack as predicted.

2. You've noticed the recent financial crisis, followed by a government policy of austerity right? The increase in oil costs and our energy bills etc?

You've lost me on points 3-5. Politicians have been promising more apprentiships for years and consistent failed to deliver.


Well-Known Member
no they don't even train repair and maintenance part of the trades

yes I have noticed, but it was inevitable. Yes I am more aware of utility bills, I have to force fit gas meters :(

Though the financial part leaving will sort itself out quickly, as germany needs it.
Ijaat Mereel said:
[member="Spencer Varanin"] - I will train you.
[member="Ijaat Mereel"] Nein, I quite enjoy my liver functioning at its full potential. Not to mention the health risks xD. I'll keep my limits on a glass of wine here and there along with my sobriety xD


Well-Known Member
[member="Raziel"] scrap what I said earlier, I happy for free movement of people to continue, only because of recent incidents in the uk.
Which is not done in my name of my out vote, I wanted our votes to be final say in our country.

I just hope the EU, does not try push it luck too far, as we do have 68 billion pound trade deficit with them. :)
Brexit has caused chaos, a friend of mine has already suffered to the tune of £5,000

But don't worry. The EU refuse to negotiate until we trigger clause 50 and we stand to gain.....
Sovereignty? Oh No, we already had that.
Freedom from EU legislation? Nope still going to be subject to that to gain access to single market to stop our economy from collapsing.

We'll think of something that all this hardship and losing our voice in the EU will be worth. Just don't ask anyone who campaigned for Leave to come up with anything that isn't a lie.

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