Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Storms and Shadowguards

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
"Love is no part of the Consortium. Love belongs to desire, and desire is always cruel."​

Hapes The homeworld of the Consortium and home to the queen mother had seen many change overs. Whenever one of the Queen disappeared another sought to overtake the position... usually having a gala to be appointed and then equally vanishing. Only a handful had remained as throughout the halls of K'farri's building the news broke. Something had happened... the guards were running around and the lady in charge of K'farri was supposed to be in hiding. The captain of the guards moved as she put the Battle Dragon's on high alert to move back into the system. While the massive War Dragon was brought into system to protect the princess and her own guards were at the ready. The Sibsi N Sanilër For'ta Nidan were at the ready being deployed in their Shakai Robes that were giving them a more amazonian look. Tall and muscled with their sabers on one side of their hips and the other holding a lightwhip.

"Jade." THe words came out new enough as the guard captain spoke it standing at the ready with several of the Sibsi flanking her. "Lady Harribel has gone missing and we engaged assailants in the wasteworks." The news was being kept quiet... there were fights but it was small enough it didn't look connected just another group trying to go after the lady from one of the rival houses that wanted to seize the head of K'farri. It was a powder keg in many cases always and after each part they seemed to move in so a chance to try and.... well protect one was important. Her fist pounded on the door. "Lady Jade." Her voice came through and the girl was there bound in the chambers. Silk sheets around her wrists and neck as she was suspended and the guards surged in cutting her down. The breeze from the open window showing shadows escaping and the captain was checking the princess. "Intruders, secure the room and hunt them down."

THe shouts were there as they moved, the girl was alive if barely... the others in the room, her handmaidens were not so lucky. Bound and drowned in the refresher area. THey had guards moving in to secure the room and the Sibsi who could keep up were going after the attackers. The captain finding a hair pin more like a needle that looked ornate but she could see the tip of it. The girl was small in her arms as she carried her towards the infirmary and the head of the Sibsi who was one of the chief medical members of the palace and the court. The jedi master and who acted like a bridge with the silver jedi. The girl was there and it was recommended a request for outsider aid be sent out as the Silver Concord was contacted a chance to improve relations would likely appeal to the assembly but the grandmaster would help the healer if she asked. The captain of the guards moved as she looked over the information. THey were securing what they could within the building and news that it might be the NEw way a group the queen mother had talked about was... troubling.


Objective 1: Diplomatic Relations - THe attack and disappearance of the Lady Harribel the captain of the guard asked the Sibsi to get aid and a request for outside investigators

Objective 2: Investigation - The mysterious attackers were able to infiltrate and strike while more obvious ones attacked and caused a distraction. With ornate and strange weapons like throwing needles and whips. Investigators are important.

Objective 3: Skirmishes - Rogue ships have been launching slash and run attacks against the K'farri ships.. moving in quickly and getting out before interdicitions are spun up enough to not lock the ships into a single area. SMall uprising from criminals that were used to cause distractions. The New Way are still attacking in alleys and sewers to pick at the guards.
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Be careful what you wish for.



Hapes, this was a planet he knew well, a long time ago and even recently. There was a slave woman that he helped free, she was a slave of a certain “evening entertainment” persuasion but we will not get into that, he helped her escape and form her own life. Though they could have, his oath to the Jedi (at the time) as well as his code of ethics did allow him to further pursue anything with her though she was more than willing (and he kind of wanted to as well). They remained close friends though to the point of his disappearance for eight hundred plus years and he thinks of her fondly to this day.

He has visited the Clusters and Consortium several times as well recently, Romi Jade Romi Jade is a trusted and respected friend and he attended her wedding. The big man was even invited to a recent charity gala on the planet, it was not just him, it was all Jedi, but still. Given the location, Brandyn Sal-Soren Brandyn Sal-Soren and/or his sister Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren probably had something to do with it. Caltin was never one for those as it was just groupings of people looking for unique ways to ask for money and never fully following through on their promises. He would have attended, but Chrysa Vanagor Chrysa Vanagor was busy with work and he would not go without her, so he did not.

Landing on the planet in the main starport was normal only this time, he was taking one of the “Jedi Defenders” this time was interesting. It was a good test run with an actual crew, but there was a different reason. He was here on request to investigate the killings, he’ll need more information on it when he gets there, but on the lower level, in the cargo hold were his “special guests”. The 197th Special Forces Unit “Omega Squad” was running weapons checks. This would be their way in as they were not “officially assigned”. Caltin wanted to fight, but he was asked to investigate, so they would be in his place.

Walking down off the ramp, the massive Jedi Master pressed a button on the loading ramp and the cargo ramp slowly opened.

This was going to be fun.


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (NC-1000 X-wing (Jedi Variant) in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island
Objective 3
Ships: 2x Valiant-class Arms Freighters (Valiant, Bravery), 2x Barri-class Cargo Frigates (cargo version) (Rishii Rider, The Star Duke), 2x Shield-class Escort Cruisers (Varava, Thunder), 1x Atin'la-class Heavy Cruiser (Atin'la), 2x GF-4 Stinger Multirole Fighter Squadrons, Talyc Squadron, 1x GF-2C TwinTail Guardian squadron, 2x DF-1 Scarab Swarm Fighter squadrons

Vaux looked out from the bridge of the Thunder hearing a couple of the other commanders asking questions.

"So why are they bringing the old birds? Thought ships could carry more Stingers than TwinTails. Plus the escorters in one, the the Sups in the other?" She smirked a bit and turned around, apparently surprising the other commander a bit while she looked.

"Cause it's what we know to fly. Plus the escort versions make it look like a more well protected shipment. Add the Valiants and boom. Looks like a very important shipment, at least that's how the tactical vod explained it." The other squadron commander chuckled a bit before the cruiser's captain piped up.

"We're about to revert to real space, so the both of you cut the chatter and get your squadrons in cockpits. Vaux, join the escorters and blend in. Hope the fleet cap's right and they'll just assume you're all Guardians." The commanders nodded and went down to the hanger as the fleet reverted to real space along the normal attack route. Atin'la lead the pack, clearly more geared to large ships that hadn't been reported, but the main point was looking tough. The escort cruisers and arms freighters were the main defenders. The escort cruisers defended the sides, and soon, each had launched it's squadron of TwinTails.

"Alright folks, you know the drill. Fly like we're just an escort. Stick to the outside. Keep your eyes open, and don't fly too crazy until they make the jump."

Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
Objective 2: Investigation
Allies: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Lelani Sevestra Lelani Sevestra

THe medical center was busy, attacks were not uncommon and the jeid master was not always the most friendly towards them but the patients who were here were hers to treat and care for.... that she did it while starring at them from behind a facemask to prevent her skin from boiling under the near constant light well... that was just a thing. Her eyes were just as bad as the others but there was plenty when the news reached her of the attack and they cleared a room... making space for the girl as she brought one of the Sibssi towards her and spoke. "We are going to need help, send a message to the hall of healing on kashyyyk the grandmaster of the silvers will want to be informed and we will need to welcome an investigation team."

There were nods as the woman went off and the next several hours were a mixture of treating the patient, getting what information they could and securing the hospital should anything or anyone try it again. She worked on the girl and information wasn't going to be much her throat was bruised heavily from the wrap strangling her. The news that a ship had arrived had the jedi master moving towards the port where the ship was and she stood in the darker robes, her hood up making them look like regular jedi robes but the face shield protecting her focused to rrestrict the light in her eyes and she bowed seeing the large jedi. Hapans were tall and slender but he was a large man compared build wise... she might be close a little on size compared to others. "Welcome to Hapes, apologies it is not under better circumstances."
Objective 1: Diplomatic Relations -
Hannah frowned at the news as she had been at her mother's house. Now she was at her hotel and not sure what to do. However given the serious nature of the events she would feel better with help. Who better to help than Matsu Ike Matsu Ike , the grandmaster of the order. She had requested her presence and now she only hoped that she could get here. It was one of those times where they weren't together. One she would feel safer, Second, she had a diplomatic reason to do it as she was the representive for Hapan and there was an issue here. So now she just waited in her diplomatic suite at the hotel.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Vaux Gred Vaux Gred Hanna Ike Hanna Ike

The ships were continuing as Vaux had brought several to handle rogue elements from pirates to these attackers be it the New Way or whatever else might be here. THe Crown Jewel of Hapes though was a place she was familiar with from the many parties to showcase new queen mothers and well occasionally a wedding like for Romi Jade Romi Jade or herself. No one aside from Sor-Jan within the silver concord actively knew she had a wife and even that was debatable as he had only met her once with Nef who was cool there. So the grandmaster was somewhat glad to take the burden and responsibility of meeting with the assembly rep from Hapes... to well some thanks from other assembly members who wanted to shift the job to another.

"I'll handle the talks with the Lady Vondiranach." She got nods and the shuttle was prepped to take her down to the hotel where they would be able to talk... out of the way and well not as easy to set up an ambush compared to other lavish areas like a palace or embassy.... then they knew where you were. She left the fleet with one of the commanders who would assist Vaux and ensure they were safe while being able to link up with the ships from their allies within the Consortium. "I'll return eventually." That got a look but the grandmaster went into the shuttle alone and was headed down with a biot pilot as she spoke to herself. "Well these talks might take awhile... a long while.... wonder if Hanna has some food picked out for the two of us."

Aien Mueller


You know those types you don't want to meet in a dark alley?


BLUE TEAM - Azrael, Samael, Gabriel
RED TEAM - Bartleby, Uriel, Sauriel
Azrael, Bartleby, Gabriel, Sauriel, Samael, Jeremiel, Uriel, Seraphim
[Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation]

Tag: Hapes

Let’s Move.

You heard him.

Like that, they moved down and out of the Jedi Defender Corvette and into the opposite direction. They were not here to investigate anything, or talk to anyone. They were here to fight. They were in the mood for a fight, and they had the firepower for a fight. Simple as that. Hit and run attacks were the acts of cowards, but the ships being used were short range, that meant that they had some level of an airfield that they were using. Bartleby was the only one whose weapon was slung because he was working his mobile computer (not a datapad) working to find it.

They were armed to the teeth, but geared for stealth, it was a healthy mix and given the environment, it worked for this situation. Proof in the pudding was the ambush team moving through the back alleys that they came across. The mercenaries were almost all women (able to hide in plain sight) but their walk and formation was what gave them away. They did not stand a chance. It was not a good feeling, killing a group of women, but they were not Jedi (and the women would have killed them anyway) so it was easily let go.

Gabriel needed a few moments to set a small charge to cover their tracks. It would look like this ambush team tried something that backfired. It was true, in a manner of speaking.

... yeah, we scare them.


Objective 2
Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Cathbodua Cathbodua

She hadn't imagine that she would so quickly find herself back in the Hapes Cluster. Just eight months out, and she was back. Yet she already felt that much had changed - at least her viewpoint of it. There was little doubt that the wider galaxy had opened her mind to new ways of seeing things. In some instances, she felt that the Cluster was backwards now, yet in others, warmly familiar and comforting in a way. Not that the Cluster hadn't ever had any problems - the recent attacks by the terrorists of the New Way among them. Though she hadn't heard it formally announced, she was willing to bet a couple hundred credits that some Hapan noble was financing the group to try and gain some edge over some rival. Now that was a hapan tradition she didn't miss as much, though such plots did make for good holo-dramas.


She turned her visioned helm to Brea, similarly encased in heavy power armor designed specifically for protection details. She expected Brea to say something, but before either of the women could, the hiss of escaping gas announced that their vessel had landed. She instantly knew what Brea had wanted to say - but there some things one just didn't say, especially when they were so close to the throne. Trista quickly released her hold on the shuttle's overhead strap and shuffled out of the ship along with the other members of her hapan cohort, so far and yet so close to their homes. Despite being from the cluster, she had never been to Hapes itself before - the crowning jewel of the cluster - she guessed it was from her not entirely legitimate birth and the awkward questions it might raise. Yet what she saw seemed better than what she had seen in person.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" expressed another nearby trooper.

She silently agreed as she continued forward. The sergeants were already relaying orders to their assembling squads, moving elements of the troops to guard certain sections of the castle to protect its residents and ascertain that no unwarranted intrusions occurred. She had very little doubt that the nearby palace guards were every bit as capable of already fulfilling those same functions, though she guessed it was a matter of ensuring impartiality - with all the intrigue around the court, she wouldn't be half surprised if one or more of them might be abetting the attackers through their own freewill or some coercive means. Boring duty for her troops, really, and nothing that her command abilities were really needed for - she had full trust that the lieutenants and sergeants could handle such basic tasks. She could trust them, right? She frowned at that thought before shaking her head. I better make the most of this opportunity...

She saw the large jedi master, Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor , who she had briefly fought alongside at Crispor. He seems to know what's going on...I'll just tag along with him. Silently beckoning to Brea, the two hapans moved to try and follow along in his wake.

Personal Equipment

Vaux Gred Vaux Gred

The insertion ships had been set under the guise of pirates.. moving from deep orbit and opening a small pathway for raiders. Hiring several ships but it wasn't going to be something helpful or easy... they quickly jumped in and started firing before turned and going for a jump towards the moons and the far end of the system. Before the Hapan fleet could respond as the smaller fighters were faster. The presence of ships from the concord being there added more danger to their attacks. While the ones on the planet still were looking for a way to sneak off world and away from the danger that was increasing by the hour.
Vaux Gred Vaux Gred Hanna Ike Hanna Ike

The ships were continuing as Vaux had brought several to handle rogue elements from pirates to these attackers be it the New Way or whatever else might be here. THe Crown Jewel of Hapes though was a place she was familiar with from the many parties to showcase new queen mothers and well occasionally a wedding like for Romi Jade Romi Jade or herself. No one aside from Sor-Jan within the silver concord actively knew she had a wife and even that was debatable as he had only met her once with Nef who was cool there. So the grandmaster was somewhat glad to take the burden and responsibility of meeting with the assembly rep from Hapes... to well some thanks from other assembly members who wanted to shift the job to another.

"I'll handle the talks with the Lady Vondiranach." She got nods and the shuttle was prepped to take her down to the hotel where they would be able to talk... out of the way and well not as easy to set up an ambush compared to other lavish areas like a palace or embassy.... then they knew where you were. She left the fleet with one of the commanders who would assist Vaux and ensure they were safe while being able to link up with the ships from their allies within the Consortium. "I'll return eventually." That got a look but the grandmaster went into the shuttle alone and was headed down with a biot pilot as she spoke to herself. "Well these talks might take awhile... a long while.... wonder if Hanna has some food picked out for the two of us."
Hanna of course had food picked out, and a tin of home made cookies. Never knew when they would come in handy. She was curious how the grandmaster would arrive. She had reserved this suite as an way to avoid the radar and with everything happening she was even happier that she had. The embassy and palaces and even her office was surely rather hot right now. Instead she waited at the table which had dinner under covers to keep them fresh. It was one of Matsu's favorite meals. After all one needed to make sure the grand master was well fed, Hanna knew how hangry she could get.

Hanna looked at her datapad, keeping up with the current happenings.. She generally tried to keep far away from the palace. The ever changing Queen mother position and the drama that followed was generally not worth getting near. Thank all the gods in the universe that she was never an option for that. She liked more the galactic political scene. It worked much better for her there.
Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Objective: Diplomatic Relations
Hanna Ike Hanna Ike

The swich of robes, the sound of her feet on the lush carpets.. it was all there as the jedi master was looking upon it. The hotel served a great means when she was looking at more of it. Her interest going though as she stretched out. SShe slipped from her robes the card key that would let her get through while she was waalking and shook out her hair for the moment. THen the jedi master was going inside and she could smell all of the food... her favorites and cookies... sugar was important... it served the most important paart in diplomatic talks... or was that thw whipped cream... maybe the chocolate syrup. She thought it to herself as she was looking at the Hapan woman in front of her... "Hello sweetie." Matsu said it and in a rare showing her own jedi never got to see she moved over quickly her smile appearing and warmth almost radiating off of her when she looked into those eyes. "Seeing you again never gets old."
Be careful what you wish for.



This woman, clearly a Jedi of some sort, no doubt a healer. gave him something he was not expecting. A welcome. It was not that Caltin was never privy to them, but he had never received a welcome on this planet. Not once. Not when he would come here to… visit… Shasati… not when he would come here for other reasons. Not even when he was expected and here on official business. Yet today. It’s not that he was taken aback, just not ready for it, though it was a welcomed sentiment on his part.

Indeed. Where am I needed?

He had an idea, but it was never a good thing to just assume on this planet, even in times like this. Right now what was disconcerting was all of the needs for healing coming in. The big man was not a healer by any means, he was capable, but that was it. Though Vanagor would go where he was needed the most, he knew he should not go where he was capable the least.

TAG: Cathbodua Cathbodua


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (NC-1000 X-wing (Jedi Variant) in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island
Objective 2: Investigation
Allies: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

She looked at him and there was a moment of surprise... at least he seemed to have it but she remained there with the mask on. Her hood set before she spoke. "Yes, you are needed for your skills with the order." She said it and motioned while turning to walk in the streets. "We have done cursory investigative works.. the captain of the guards was more pre-occupied with finding her lady then she was the attackers at first but neither have proven... fruitful. THe daughter Jade is still in the hospital surrounded by the Sibsi. We have sealed the area around the room but it looks like they escaped on the rooftops, not common as a means to get away."
Be careful what you wish for.



Unless that in itself was a distraction.

Looking up at the rooftops, there was something about that which did not make sense. Something a little too easy about getting away “above” everyone. Unless there was an airborne extraction, but if there was, people would have seen something. Perhaps there were other matters and chapters to this book in play.

What about the sewers? Also, where is this Captain?

He did not judge for wanting to secure someone you care about, but there was a major crime and Caltin wanted to know what they knew. Which meant he had to talk to the Captain, if not “her” lieutenant and so on.

TAG: Cathbodua Cathbodua


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (NC-1000 X-wing (Jedi Variant) in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island
Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

She gave a nod of her head while leading the way and the architecture of Hapes was rounded in many places... large windows that gave panoramic views. "She is with her ladies daughter in the hospital." She motioned and led the way towards it only being joined by a small handful of the Sibsi who were watching and making sure the area was cleared. "The sewers had some fights, the New Way have become... something recently they seem to be more involved with the Queen mother but their involvement seemed strange." She wasn't sure while entering the hospital as more guards stood there armed and ready to protect. Cathbodua was looking at the others and touched the chart bringing it up for her interface so she could review the patient. "She is still under but if." She turned to look at him and it was less hostility and more point of fact... a healer and doctor here was important enough and this was her domain... Caltin was visiting for the moment. "If you start problems I will eject you understood?" She said it but was opening the door for the other Hapans inside to see them there.
Be careful what you wish for.



There were a couple of different ways that he could take her very “direct” words. They were unnecessary, as well as uncalled for, to be sure, but they were for the right reasons and he could understand it. Caltin could also understand her position as a healer, and “doctor” in this facility. That still did not excuse the words themselves though, he had nothing to do with what had happened here, or those who were in it.

I wish to simply get a background of the potential groups that we could be dealing with.

Caltin let the words hang for a moment before he went in. When a sufficient second or two went by, he went to enter, but not before meeting her eyes with his own. There was a poignant “Don’t screw with me” feel like he gave in every situation that he took seriously into his look. No emotion to his comments either.

At the risk of coming off as “egotistical”, you obviously do not know who I am, which is fine. Allow me to elaborate. I may not be the most revered member of the Silver Jedi Concord’s Jedi Council, but I am still a member of the Council. I always act accordingly in that and every regard.

Secondly, I did not ask to come here and conduct this investigation, I was asked to, I would prefer to be out in the field following up on and acting on all of the information is collected. That does not mean though that while I am here that I will not conduct myself properly and accordingly seeing this through, exploring every possible lead and option to their absolution.

He took another step, but this time he stopped again and held up a palm.

Lastly, threats like yours, regardless of the intention, do not work with me. You want to protect your patients, that is fine, I get it, but allow a fellow Jedi Master, one who has been at this for quite awhile and just might know what they are doing a little professional courtesy. Unless you would rather I follow the leads I have already formed in my head and chase my tail for a while? Right now, I am only “checking off every box” and need to be allowed to do so. So may I do so? Or are you going to lead me around like I’ve never been on this planet before?


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (NC-1000 X-wing (Jedi Variant) in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island

Aien Mueller


You know those types you don't want to meet in a dark alley?


BLUE TEAM - Azrael, Samael, Gabriel
RED TEAM - Bartleby, Uriel, Sauriel

Azrael, Bartleby, Gabriel, Sauriel, Samael, Jeremiel, Uriel, Seraphim
[Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation]

Boss. Heavy radio chatter. Jedi and Rangers have various cells located, and Team Paladin is moving in.

Good, let’s move.

Should we provide cover for their entry?

He could tell that Sauriel was rolling his eyes, even underneath the mask he was wearing, but Azrael had to give an answer to Michael.

They’re Rangers, they’re fine. We have our own orders.

It was true and blunt. Omega Squad got most of the nasty missions, but Team Paladin got them as well, on top of that they had a Jedi with them. That made them a tough bunch of S.O.B.’s that the team did not look at like they were children with pop-guns, even Sauriel respected them and he respects no one that does not wear the Omega patch, SJC or not. They weren’t fan-boys, but Omega knew that they did not have to babysit and that Paladin was a good distraction for them.

The Raider patrols seemed to intensify, Bartleby was picking up chatter that they knew that there were Jedi on the ground. It seems that the big boulder of a Jedi was being a bit of a nuisance in the hospital. None of this affected the team as they were sticking to the backways and alleys.

Tango down.

Tango down.

The next move came simply either due to a convenient accident or due to superior training. The team came across another sweeper team, they were clearly checking buildings and looking for those who were on the planet. “They say that they have not seen any Jedi.” One of the Weequay told what looked to be the team leader, they were roughing up a group of wayward kids and their elderly caretaker.

Orders boss…


These orders bothered Samael, he did not sign on to just sit and watch innocent kids be killed. He was new and did not notice that Sauriel, the other sniper taking a shooting position. All of the originals were prepping, this leads to the newbies to do so as well one by one. Peter was all too eager to get into a sniping position at that point, he was getting the message. They had their orders and while they followed them, there were always the circumstances that played out like what was going on right in front of them.

Boss says we wait, we wait.

When the Hutt squad lined up their would-be victims execution-style and lined themselves up, Azrael just gave a nod. The only sounds that could be heard were the slugs slamming into the backs of the individuals slowly taking their lives away from them. Silently the team kept moving through another back alley.

Found it.

The demo expert, Gabriel just looked at his compatriot.

Tell me what I want to hear.

The cache. I’m detecting a zhidton of different thermobaric charges, torpedo material, proton material. This is definitely it…

Bartleby was hesitating, this was not because of any interference, Azrael knew why.

... but…

We blow it, we could take out the entire planet.

THAT much!

Sauriel just tapped the assault addition to the team.


There’s no one besides us around here for a block.

You’re annoying me, shut up.

Enough… Gabriel, can you do something about that?

As the team set a cover perimeter, Scion was actually deep in thought. This was a tough one indeed, to blow all of this material, but to do so in a way that would not cause catastrophic collateral damage was a challenge in itself. The computations going on in his head would make a physicist jealous. He was getting the chance he needed to work, but they needed to move, one way or the other and he knew that. There was no time for jokes right now and while he was considered mentally unstable by several psyche exams, he was a pro when it was time to be.

We need water, a lot of it. We need a lifter droid or two to start moving these metal crates against the walls and keep their openings out into atmo.

Gabriel started working furiously on the shaped charges as Sauriel, Uriel and Samael continued watch. Azrael and Bartleby went and grabbed hoses, and, under the direction of Scion began filling the huge metal boxes full of water. Ideal there would be sheets of metal welded against the wall and they would be filled with water, but there was a lack of materials and time and this would have to do. The canisters full of water would serve to direct the explosive energy of the explosive blasts, the added shock of the water itself would intensify the blasts and push them further. Overall with the placement of the canisters and charges, if all went correctly the explosion would go skyward and out into the middle of the ring where no innocents would be hit.


This gonna work?

Let’s get out of the blast radius and find out.

You don’t know if it will work…

Gabriel was still going over the math in his head as he looked at everyone, annoyed that his abilities were called into question, especially by those that knew him as long as they did.

This sort of thing isn’t done. I’m working on the fly here. It’ll work.

Let’s move.

They continued through the back alleys and past where the others were said to be, that was far enough for Gabriel to hit the detonator.

The eruption could be seen from space.

... yeah, we scare them.

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

She looked at the man as he spoke and maade his intentions clear... a raised eyebrow under the facemask and she didn't need to gasp or speak. He understood her position and she understood his... clear enough and opened the door letting him in as the captain of the guards sat there and looked over. Hands on her rifle. "DOctor." She said it and looked for a moment angry but stopped not from rage. "Are these the jedi?" Cathbodue nodded and spoke. "He is here, it will help as needed." She left it open as he said he could go out and search and chase his tail or they could give him some infomration... what information they had aand it could work to try and better give a picture of what has happened.... or him being here will get the attackers to either run and try to escape or try to aattack the jedi looking for the so it could draw them out. "Very well, she still hasn't woken up but I can answer what questions he might have."
Be careful what you wish for.



“That shut her up.”

It’s not that he wanted to be a jerk about the situation, he didn’t, but he could take it just fine when a member of the public would act like she did. The thing is, he could smell the Force all over her. There is no call for behavior like that, but there was also no sense dwelling on it now.

I’m not here to talk to the patient, she's been through Mustafar and needs her rest. I am here to talk to you, Captain. You can relax. I am merely looking for direction on who was, might have been or appeared to be involved.

She clearly was on edge, it was understandable, it meant that she was passionate about her work and truly cared about the safety of her people. He could use that, not deviously, but he could use it in his fact finding. It would help determine it.

Taking a seat on the couch by the window, he silently looked over the room for a moment to gauge just what he was going to ask first.

Why the wasteworks? Why there? Also could you point me in the direction of finding a list of those who have recently left the employ of the government?

There was a direction he was going with all of this.


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (NC-1000 X-wing (Jedi Variant) in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island
Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

"The easteworks is one of the faster ways to move around the cities... each building connects to it and there is access in case the laborers need to come in and out without being seen." She looked at him and continued. "It is also by that one of the better ways to get around without drawing attention to yourself... monitoring systems are down there but less physical patrols like in the streets.... but the fights there were small and mostly it seemed uncoordinated... gangs, wannabe pirates trying to test out defenses of buildings... what might be minor things normally but when they, our ladies disappearance and the attack all happen together. Three things is harder to dismiss and it was when we were off of K'farri without the bulk of security and Sibsi." She brought her hand up and there was a datapad. "Our initial investigation of the scene, we found a weapon and they went through the windows and across the roof tops."

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