Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion In The Undertow // NIO Invasion of TSE Held Jaemus and Dubrillion




T H I R D _ I M P E R I A L _ C I V I L _ W A R
A S S A U L T _ O N _ D U B R I L L I O N



Titled 'Operation Harpoon' the space battle of Dubrillion begins in media res with both sides fully engaged with the other. From the second wave of the New Imperial Order's battle group (IABG2-SCG, Second Imperial Armade Battle Group Scourge), the Debris Shoal Zone (DSZ) has formed around the planet's orbit, making for a perilous venue for the participants in this engagement but in turn, has allowed an avenue for a surface assault of the planet. At the onset of the battle below, the Third Wave and final wave of the New Imperial and Galactic Alliance vessels arrive, triggering the Battle of the Shipwrecks.

This battle will be fought at close range amidst the hazardous terrain of the wreckage.





With an opening carved out from the second wave of the New Imperial Battle Group in the orbit of Dubrillion, the avenue is made for a rapid landing onto the planet to take the Sith-Imperial strong points centered around the collection and refinery complex nestled atop fortified islands on the planet's surface. Dug in one fortified plateaus and ridges with anti-armor and anti-air emplacements, both beach heads ( codenamed BYSS and HOTH , referring to BEACH HEADS, we are NOT going to OTHER planets. ) should prove a dogged battle for both sides.

Operation Storm Surge is an amphibious assault that takes place at NIGHT.


The 501st and other Stormtrooper detachments alongside the Sons of Mandalore and errant Sith allies serve as the tip of thee spear hitting Target Island HOTH


All the while, the allies hailing from the Galactic Alliance and Jedi Order battle alongside the Imperial Knights to take Target Island BYSS

(Any NIO aligned participants wondering which Target Island they should write on feel free to shoot me a PM site side or on Discord. )

> Dubrillion [ Land + Air/Space ]
> Collection and Refinery Complex

Rebel Alliance invasion of Sith Empire Dubrillion
> Perihelion
Fel's Revenge
> Oathsworn
> Sons of Mandalore



BYSS and HOTH refer to the BEACH HEADS in the GROUND objective i SWEAR if anyone says hOw r U iNvAdInG hOtH ima LOSE it.

Want to wish the best for all participants and thank everyone for participating in this narrative. I hope everyone has a great time writing here.

The ally list should be up to date on the OOC thread, if you have any other questions, concerns etc feel free to contact me in DMs on site or on discord or voice it in the OOC thread.

Just want to thank the_boys on the NIO staff for being a huge help in planning this invasion, particularly to Marshal Zovesa who went above and beyond in the process ( and with the DRIP as per USUAL , BEST AESTHETIC ON THE BOARD )

Even if he stepped down from staff prior to the onset of this one, another huge thanks to Errant Varanin who is an ever constant help for me in running and managing the faction.

Again, hope everyone enjoys themselves and has a great time.

Banner by Marshal Zovesa
Divider by Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt
NIO Symbol by Adrial Magnus
TSE Symbol by Fiolette Raaf
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// IMPERATOR //: 501st Legion | 12th Armored Assault | Sons of Mandalore
// OBJECTIVE //: Operation Storm Surge | Target Beach HOTH
// ALLIES | NIO //:

// ENEMIES | TSE //: The Sith Empire | OPEN

Gunship | Armor [Shore/Tropic Climate Adjustments] | Rifle | Pistol | Melee | Grenades
I R V E R I C _ T A V L A R

The time had come again. They couldn't wait any longer to press this advantage, to stretch this gained ground. To stagnate at all would've been a slow and aching death for them, the Order. With it, any hope of ending the Sith Empire in its finality. Certainly, other Galactic powers could manage it but this close to the precipice of destiny, of victory they could not yield the advantage. Not now, not ever. There was a shock to the system at Borosk, they would deliver a greater reactive swing in its wake. Braving through the growing Battle of the Shipwrecks in Dubrillion orbit, the New Imperial task force set out to strike the false gods down again.

Again, here he was. About to embark into the fray, at the tip of the spear. Even as he'd shouldered the weight of this existential struggle, this rebellion, this new nation on his shoulders. The neck snapping chaos of battle was more soothing than it had ever been before. He could hear the whispers, feel the memories all clawing at his subconscious. And then the helmet slid over his gaze again and it was all drowned out into nothingness. A tranquil numbness. That overbearing weight faded into the primal need of survival. The survival of himself and the men and women who mirrored his armored gaze aboard the gunship with him.

More troopers ready to fight. Ready to die. For the briefest moment with the flicker of the crimson light in the crew cabin each of their armored visages flickered from the New Imperial Shore troopers to the One Sith Stormtroopers before them. Another flicker set them in a heat of blackened ash and bloody gore as the armor molded to the very same he'd utilized during his time as a General amidst the Sith Empire.

Superimposed unto a random trooper among the line up adjacent from him, he heard a blood curdling cry far too familiar.

"I'm sorry sir, I'm sorry...I jus- I just want to go ho- AGH! I wanna go home!"

Mandalore. Perhaps his magnum opus within his tenure as a General for the Sith Empire, his hardest fought victory on behalf of the Emperor's Legions. And by far, the greatest insult ever done unto him when in the wake of the valiance of the 12th Armored Assault and what then became the 501st reconstituted. The Sith rendered that land, that land they bled and died on to defend, they rendered it to ash.

This time in waiting was intolerable. He needed the sweat on his skin. He needed the explosions to rattle his insides and ring in his ears. He needed to hear the cracking of blaster fire. Anything to get him out of his own head. Closing his eyes didn't snuff the sensory envelopment of these hellish hallucinations. It cancelled out the sights of troopers desperately padding their fingers in their own blood and gore as they helplessly tried to save themselves in the streets of New Kalandra. But it didn't cancel out her.

Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt . He tried to speak with her again face to face before they were set for another drop. His sole confidant, his lover couldn't match his gaze unless it was siphoning that endless font of rage, that swelling pool of anger in his direction. He looked own frigidly, placidly before walking away. Fuck her, fuck everyone. In spite of his suffering, his sacrifices, doing what he only could percieve as the right and just thing, he continued to see that darkness swell in her gaze. A darkness trained on him, because of him.

He felt untethered, isolated.


Fuck her. Fuck everyone else. It was time to kill again.

<"Thirty seconds to landfall."> The pilot sounded out. A note he'd heard played too many times than he'd care to remember. It didn't even bring a shiver of anxiety through his spine in anticipation. In anticipation of the rage of battle. He'd felt it all before. All he had to do now was crank his mind back from the end of so many repeated conflicts and back to the onset. The beginning. There was thousands of bodies to wade through between now and victory.

The Gunship dropped its haul of an accompanying walker before it set down near the sandy earth to spill out its cargo of tightly packed bodies. Lurching into the fray again, the soldiers of the 501st padded into the wet sand of the beaches and clammored for the nearest stretch of cover. In what seemed like instants, the shoreline already waded the crimson ichor of the fallen in an ignorant calm bobbing of the waves back and forth against the land mass of target point Hoth. All the while, it was war again.

Squad shields were quick to be dropped to buy time in open ground as each squad tried to mount its special and heavy weapons up to grant some respite to the charging stormtroopers before moving up to the next bit of cover, the next stretch able to conceal them enough time to catch their breath from violent rip and thunder of Sith emplacements and their heavy weapons hoping to catch the tail of their blaster bolts coursing toward the target through the heavy smoke envelopment that shrouded the New Imperial movements in the night from visual scanners. before moving up again.

It was hell. Just like Irveric remembered it.

<"Hellhound-two , consolidate Gladius and set priority targets to anti-armor and anti-air emplacements. We need more ordinance on the shore if we're going to make the push."> The Sovereign Imperator, the frontline Supreme Commander to the entirety of the New Imperial war effort sounded out to Agrippa Agrippa . No better option to tie the noose than Gladius, to set the tone and let the Sith know in the flashing blindness of the night that they were here, they were coming for them.

<"Sons of Mandalore, deploy smoke, ready to jump and scale the plateau. Sow chaos and tie the noose."> Tavlar sounded out, patching through to the Mandalorian allies present on the field.

So it begins.

we shall all die willingly


Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar | Ravraa Vyshraal Ravraa Vyshraal | Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt | Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku | Salvor Thul | Spencer Varanin Spencer Varanin | Aerith Castiella
TSE //: The Sith Empire | OPEN



On a cool, clear night (typical to Southern Dubrillion) the New Imperial Order arrived seeking to breakthrough the last line of Sith-Imperial defense before an invasion of Bastion was made possible.

For all the genocidal tyranny, for all the mistreatment of soldiers and civilians, for all the lives put to the torch at the whims of maniacal Sith Lords, the Sith Empire had racked up a bill; and we were here to collect it. With their blood.

My poetic justice, even as I write this annals of the Company, was never expressed outwardly to the rest of the soldiers. Romanticizing ideals among the rest of us degenerates set you up as a prime and ripe target for extreme mockery and unforgiving jokes. Cutthroat or nothing. I think it's how the galaxy formed us, each of us with our own experienced that made us the scum we were. Don't judge through your lens of comfort and high ground when you've never crawled through the dirt with us.

We did what we must. Someone had to cross the bounds of morality. Sometimes you had to be the villain to be the hero.


I think a lot of us grizzly war veterans, most former mercenaries, thought we had seen it all. All the horrors war could offer us could no longer surprise us. You could say that and you'd be wrong. Never in my entire life had I expected to see a shock on the face of Faceless, our Force gifted brother but there you go.

It was worse than hell out here and nothing less would've triggered the reaction on stone cold Faceless. Trust me when I say, after all this time, that war can always go worse.

And if it can - it will.

No mass genocide could ever compare to what the entrenched Sith-Imperial forces set up at the plateau on top of the coast did to us in the first minutes as we disembarked from our transports. Lifes were extinguished or forever scarred in mere moments. They brought down upon us death in the most gruesome way imaginable. You talk of the terror of superweapons but there is no greater terror than that of a man's wicked heart; and wickeder than wicked were the Sith on this day.

The Imperator's orders barely rang through the cacophony of death and destruction surrounding us. We knew what we had to do, every brief was easy but when the enemy hammered you the way the Sith did I think we were all lost for words and acted on some primal muscle memory. I, somehow, heard myself issue orders to the Company: <"Krayt and Faceless, you take the vanguard. Rearguard, right behind, Hawkeye. Bingo, Hooks - hold the flanks.">

It was a repetition of something they knew very, very well. While Krayt and Faceless engaged into taking the brunt of the damage, I trusted their capabilities in forming a quick and strong cover with the portable shield generators while giving hell to the enemy fortified line atop the plateau with what heavier gear they had, cannons, vehicles and the likes. Bingo and Hooks were both smart, mobile and could do best as skirmishers, they are annoying little parasites for any enemy - fortified or not. Meanwile, Hawkeye's men were tasked with the most essential task at hand - forward observation. They would be painting targets for the 3NAGRU, the naval group of Inceptus-Class Assault Ships, that had carried us down into atmosphere and which would be providing heavy firepower at designated targets. Turbolasers were always great when they were on your side.

I found myself reciting some verses of a religious book while digging up cover with an entrenching tool I had taken from the bloodied and ripped apart corpse of a young private. I couldn't mourn, I couldn't cry, I could only dig.

And I dug. Dug as far as I could from this purgatory.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Valeria Ragal (Ingrid L’lerim)
The Red Witch; sorcerer, master spy, agent, assassin, sniper
Location: Byss Island, Dubrillion
Objective: Objective II - Storm Surge
Equipment: 2x vibroblade | Standard vibrosword with these look | 2x red blade lightsaber shoto | Tactical Turtleneck with this look | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | Stealth field generator | Holographic disguise matrix | G1 OmniLink | Actual look under the armor: link |
Allies: Open | TSE and allies
Enemies: Dorian Sicarrio Dorian Sicarrio | Mavia Mavia Mavi | NIO and allies

Background music:
Elena Siegman – Abracadavre

Ingrid had no intention of getting involved in the fights that day. All she had to meet one of her contact here to get information and pass it through. For one thing, at least, she didn’t have to have a headache today, fortunately her lover, AMCO AMCO was not here, but not even near the planet, the man avoided fighting at least today. So now at least she didn't have to take care of anything but herself to go home to her lover on the one hand and her husband on the other.

It was no small surprise for Ingrid when she last returned home to the Eternal Empire and found her husband with their mutual lover in her own bed. As a surprise they got home and her husband therefore did not speak to her for months, for he had prepared for the return of the Ragal clan. And he kept this from secret. She was happy of that, of course, but she would have been even more pleased if she had been involved in it all.

But now he was in the Sith Empire again, and successfully re-engaged in a fight. She was still trying to avoid the conflicts, but her contact was on the very island that the NIO’s members looked for themselves. It was evening or night, it made things a lot easier, she arrived on the planet not long ago, so she couldn't tell exactly. She looked at galactic standard time on arrival and also discussed this format, not local time.

Whereas she worked for TSE now, so she had no problem getting to the right island where she had to go; no one stopped her, or asked what he was looking for here. Her movement, and not to be noticed by anyone, she helped this with technology and Force as well. True at present she was not invisible – with the help of the Force – only through technology, but nevertheless she hid her presence in the Force. This has been used almost continuously since she was able to do so.

She had to in her job and had already started teaching Adrian about this ability. She still found it funny to teach each other with her lover. The fact that she is studying so much, may not have been surprising, she has not known the Force for a long time, but the fact that she teaches a Dark Councilor… if anyone told her that, either before Lanteeb or Wayland, she would have laughed at that person.

Anyway, back to the war… in a few moments she redirected her thoughts back to the present situation. She was already quite close to the meeting point; it was due near the central building on an island called Byss. But before she could get there to the right place, she already felt in the Force that the enemy was close. So, on the other hand, there was a chance that her contact would not come today or she was no longer here, but Ingrid still had plenty of time to get here.

”Force damn it!” she thought.

Maybe she will still be lucky, thus, completely silently, she set out for the place from which she felt the opponents.


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Daredevil TIE Pilot | Darkstar Squadron


Post #1
//Objective 1:// Battle of the Shipwrecks//​
//Location://Dubrillion Orbit - Just Outside the Debris Shoal Zone (DSZ)//​
//Accompaniment://81st New Imperial Fighter Group "Fel's Revenge"//​
//Unit:// Destroyers Flight, 204th New Imperial Starfighter Fighter Squadron “Darkstar”​
//NIO Pilots:// Jalter Volff Jalter Volff , Arten Jinn Arten Jinn
//Starfighter:// TIE/VX Vanguard
//Controlled Fleeter NPC:// Fleet Admiral Osiv Vularen (I am also RPing for Fleeting)​
//Controlled NPC Fleet:// Force Superiority “Dictator”, First New Imperial Crusader Fleet [First Crusader]

//NIO Fleeters:// Tyrell Paxxus Tyrell Paxxus , Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen , Del Lovruc
//Allied GA Fleeters:// Mordred B'Haran Mordred B'Haran
//Enemies:// Sith-Imperial Armada Fleeters and Pilots // Nica Dakkar
TIE Hangar Bay, NIO Defiance-Class Star Destroyer “Karak Marasiah”

39th New Imperial Battle Squadron "Empress Marasiah"
Force Superiority “Dictator”, First New Imperial Crusader fleet [First Crusader]
NIO Second Imperial Armada Battle Group “Scourge” [IABG2-SCG]

“Destroyer 1, this is HTC, copy?” a voice called into Cheapshot’s helmet comms.​

The Zeltron ex-pirate turned NIO TIE Pilot, Delilaff Wildwynd, otherwise known by her callsign Cheapshot, leaned over in her cockpit’s seat. She hunched forward over her control yoke and peered out the octagonal viewport of her TIE/VX Vanguard. The viewport looked out into the hangar bay of the Karak Marasiah. At the far end of the hangar, below the hanging deck that docked the various TIEs of the star destroyer’s TIE compliment (81st New Imperial Fighter Group), was an armored viewing balcony that jutted from the wall.​

The balcony was the bay’s Hangar Traffic Control. Cheapshot strained to make out the figures within the small slits of the control room’s windows. The figures sat around the control panels that lined the control room, keeping vigil over the hangar’s systems. She cynically waved at them, making jeering gestures that jokingly asked them to shut up and not bother her.​

“I copy,” Cheapshot eventually relented, “What’s my status?”

“Destroyer Flight is ‘Go’ for sortie,” replied HTC, continuing, “Be advised that Fly Hazard Parameters are still at max levels. And that we are now closing in on the DSZ’s first layer. There are immediate obstacles on take-off, the CIC’s SensorComm have them noted as Debris Cluster-Aurek-Two-Six-Niner on your navicomp data.”

Cheapshot snarled her lips and smacked them as she punched the buttons on her navicomp display to boot it up. Sure enough the monitor displayed a spectral plume that showed locked sensor scans of a large debris cluster drifting into the Karak Marasiah. Small stark lettering labelled it just like HTC had said - DCL (Debris Cluster) A-2-6-9, with the numbers marking its coordinates and path-vector.​

“How copy?” HTC punctuated their debrief with a read-back plea.​

“Copy, Aurek-Two-Six-Niner, will steer clear,” said Cheapshot.​

“Roger,” HTC snapped, “Maintain Comms-Squawk Two-Three-Four, stand-by.”

“Lovely,” Cheapshot growled to herself, “A waltz through space junk and hidden S-IMP Fighters.”

She retreated back into her seat and began pre-flight final checks.
She checked her sensors, her targeting computer, and the shields. She yanked the control yoke from side to side, monitoring it’s response to her motions, and checked the Ion Engine power and efflux output. The pre-flight check was like instinct, an exercise in muscle memory due to the number of times she had already practiced it before. It freed her mind to think of other things. Like the DSZ, the massive sea of debris that was the Debris Shoal Zone over Dubrillion.​

Hours before, in the TIE Pilot Ready Room next to the hangar bay, General Giaforr Ferhann had made the severity of the DSZ well known when he read out the Group’s Attack Tasking Orders (ATO). The one-eyed Durosian was NIO’s Joint Force Starfighter Component Commander (JFSCC), leading the NIO starfighters who would be teaming with the Galactic Alliance pilots during the Joint-Operation against the Sith-Imperial Armada. He’s words were law, and as such, the pilots of the 81st had come to nickname him “Big Bad Baron” or “Trip-Bee”.​

“The DSZ has gotten bigger since the second wave. Expect extreme hazardous conditions for combat operations,” said Ferhann. “It’s a mess. Spacejunk everywhere. Sensors are going to be lit up like a kaleidoscope because of all the debris, so keep them clean and stick to secondary Magno-Sweepers readings to keep track of the trash. Keep your sensors clean and your targeting comps fresh.”

For the last several hours the first two waves of NIO Second Imperial Armada Battle Group​
“Scourge” had smashed into the Sith fleets and the two had worn themselves down into a hefty ring of space junk.​

“The DSZ is not only vast in it’s extension laterally from the orbit of the planet, it’s spread vertically over the circumference as well, so just changing attack vectors to dive below or above it will leave us exposed to Sith counterattack,” Ferhann continued.​

“Sith have amassed their defenses in and around the DSZ,” Ferhann said, “there are some elements left over from the first two waves still fighting. And with the maneuverability for capitals in the DSZ limited, we are going to be doing a lot of heavy lifting to guard the fleet.”

They were going to be surrounded by debris, in all directions and vectors. Keeping formation cohesion would be difficult with all the bobbing and weaving they would have to do. And plenty of unseen vectors of attack. Who knew what was behind a chunk of space junk when you were rounding that corner. A sly smirk stretched over Cheapshot’s lips, room for some maneuvers at least. In build to Operation Harpoon, the NIO Fleet had been marching up Myto’s Arrow, and the action there was sparse. Replaced by mind numbing patrol shifts. Now there was a fight and it was going to get ugly. It reminded her of the old days, being a pirate out in a belt, stalking ships and hiding behind asteroids to mask ambushes.​

“We are going to have to be the fleet’s eyes and ears on this one, going to be a lot of cat and mouse chasing,” Ferhann’s last words echoed in her mind’s furthest corners. “We are their sword and shield.”

“Sword and shield huh,” Cheapshot parroted Ferhann as she recalled the final words of his ATO briefing.​

“Destroyer Flight full sortie in t-minus ten,” HTC chimed in with background chatter that addressed all of Cheapshot’s flight. “Flight Squawk designated at Encrypted-Comms Channel Niner-Three-Two.”

Cheapshot tapped at her controls activating the encrypted channel of communication with her flight assigned by HTC. As she patched it through she spoke to her fellow Destroyer Flight pilots.​

“Fangs Out boys and girls here we go,” Cheapshot cheered.​

“Destroyer 1, you are clear,” said HTC speaking directly to Cheapshot. “Happy hunting.”

She pressed her fingers around the control-sticks of her yoke and finally flipped the switch for Ion Engines to throttle up. She briefly drew one hand back closed it into a fist, tilted her head down to lightly touch it and whispered a prayer. Then she tapped her helmet with the fist, released her fist, and with it, sending off the prayer into the void where it would drift to whatever​
high power could be listening.​

“Roger, Ready,” said Cheapshot.​

“Rack Release in 3...2...1…,” HTC’s countdown triggered the holding clamps on the TIE Hangar Rack Deck to separate and release the TIE’s eyeball fuselage.​

The starfighter abruptly droped just as the repulsorlifts kick in and catches the craft, pulling into a bobbling suspension. Cheapshot pressed the throttle and pushed the yoke forward, tilting the entire starfighter forward. Acceleration forces pressed on her body as the starfighter exploded out of the hanger, charging out in heavy linear accelerating thrust.​

The Vanguard screamed as its Ion engines spat a cerulean glowing halo of propelling efflux. When she was clear of the vast underbelly of the Defiance-Class star destroyer, Cheapshot eased the throttle and levelled her TIE into a cruising velocity. But, almost immediately the vast debris of the DSZ had come to impede her path. DLC-A-2-6-9 had come to greet her. The cluster was a fleet of shipwreck chunks torn into a shrapnel spray. The largest chunk was rotating right onto her flight path.It was a hulking mass of carnage that once was the aft section of a battlecruiser. She couldn’t tell whether it was Sith or NIO. But, when ships exploded like that, it didn’t matter anymore who commanded it.​

Rounding the mass of debris could leave her exposed. Who knew what or who could cut her off around the corner. Inspecting the wreck, Cheapshot noticed a wide opening inside it. Judging how she could pass through, she angled her shields to the sides to protect the solar panels of her TIE’s three arms and again taxed her throttle. Her Vanguard sped through the opening passing by the blurred visages of entombed crewmen drifting like dead leaves in the wind. Exiting the wreck she quickly pushed the control yoke down, having to dive below a secondary piece of wreckage that was floating above the previous.​

Passing A-2-6-9, Cheapshot flashed a quick glance down and saw the navicomp had now brought up a new DLC to busy her. It was going to be one after another. Assisted by the Magno-Sweeper, Cheapshots sensors were bringing a dizzying input of tagged debris signatures. It was just as the Big Bad Baron, Ferrhan had said. Like a kaleidoscope. Thousands of dots, marking debris and incoming metallic signatures. Cheapshot looked back to her viewport and began making gentle weaving and swaying flying maneuvers to avoid the smaller pieces of debris. As she did so, she called out to her flight.​

“All Fighters report,” Cheapshot said.​

“Destroyer 2, reporting,” a Twi’lek voice called out.​

“Destroyer 3, copy,” replied a deep growl with a Bastion accent.​

4 replied last and then Cheapshot nodded.​

“Good,” Cheapshot confirmed, “Lots of garbage around, so I don’t want any of us sucking panel tips. Spread out. Keep to elements.”

“Fly as fragged. We cover Bombers Flight ( Jalter Volff Jalter Volff ) on their sortie and rendezvous our precious Jedi Flyboy friends. Copy?”

“Roger that,” replied her flight crew.​

“Alright, Destroyer 2, follow me,” Cheapshot said.​

She and her wingmate formed a loose echelon and moved into positions that were discussed ahead of time in the briefing. The entire flight had been separated into two elements, two groups of two. With Cheapshot and Darkstar 2 flying well below, 3 and 4. 3 and 4 were also flying further ahead, they were bait. A maneuver to lure into hungry pilots looking to pick off an element that appeared to be detached from a supporting wing. It was an old trick, Feint and Backstab.​

Cheapshot, bunch new commands for her sensors as the flights moved into their combat positions. WIth a combination of Long-Range Spectrometry Equipment and Magno-Sweeper identifying debris and distinguishing them from the metal signatures of known Sith Starfighters in the NIO combat archives, as well as, Dedicated Energy Receptor scanning for an electromagnetic signatures, Cheapshot had made sure she wasn’t blinded by the busy work of trying to traverse the DSZ.​

Now they would wait. First, she would have to link up with her Commanding Squadron XO, and his Darkstar Flight. In addition to any GA fly-boys who were flying joint with her destroyers. Or they’d hit S-IMPs first. It was hard to tell. Anything could spring out from a piece of space junk. At any time.
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Objective 1 - Battle of the Shipwrecks
Location: Debris Shoal Zone, Over Dubrillion, Myto Sector
Unit: Twin Suns Squadron

Starfighter: REC-SS01 X-Wing Space Superiority Starfighter

NIO: Jalter Volff Jalter Volff Cheapshot Cheapshot
GA: Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt


"How long we got left Dewback?" The X-Wings of Saber Squadron and Twin Suns Squadron hurtled through the mysterious realm that many people knew as hyperspace. The two units had been assigned to assist the New Imperial Forces over Dubrillion, a planet that seemed to have much strategic importance.

A system of bleeps came from the astromech socket behind the cockpit as the transcript appeared on his display. <E.T.A one minute, Commander Halcorr> Olen gave a deep breath, and took a look out of the transparisteel cockpit to see a Twin Suns X-Wing to his aft and Maynard Treicolt, also known as Saber Leader to his starboard. It was now or never.

Another bleep came and this time a transcript wasn't required. "Twin Suns Leader to Saber Leader, dropping out of lightspeed, have fun out there." He told Maynard through his helmet comms, flicking a switch which readied him to exit lightspeed. He started his preliminary checks, switching on his targeting computer, shielding and sensors. "That's three checks and a go." He mentioned through headcomms as the other pilots were doing their checks too.

The blue tunnel that they were in began to warp into streaks of light which eventually became stellar pinpoints in the black expanse of space.


"Keep it tight Twin Suns, this is it." He grabbed hold of his stick, fighting the yaw from making him sharply nosedive. The Debris Shoal Zone seemed so expansive that it seemed like he'd need to have amazing manoeuvrability to just move through it, never mind fight in it. His sensors seemed to be going wild with all the signals that the DSZ was giving off. Even his targeting computer seemed to be warning him not to proceed, he had some use for warnings but this was not one of them. He wanted to get a closer look.

Around twenty klicks to his aft, he could see New Imperial Order TIE Vengeance fighters awaiting them. "Seems like we brought some big guns to the party." Kicking in the thrusters, he plotted his course on his display. He was to move through the outskirts of the DSZ to get to the rendezvous. Even this route seemed pretty perilous to say the least.

"On me Twin Suns, watch the debris and keep a keen eye on your visual scanning." He relayed the order through his helmet comms, taking extra care to put emphasis on the visual scanning part.

"Copy, Lead, moving in." Came the reply from the X-Wings of Twin Suns Squadron.

The countless points of debris clamoured his field of vision. It was annoying but intriguing at the same time, must have had to have been a big explosion to have a debris field of this magnitude. Scarily interesting and he didn't have much time to ponder on it.

"I wonder what happened here..."

"Slag the chatter Nine, keep your visuals sharp."

Keeping a keen eye, he brought the joystick around for a long turn, coming into contact with a large metallic piece of debris, he made a sharp bank to port, there didn't seem to be a high concentration at the outskirts as there did farther into the field but there was still and imminent danger. He made a sharp nosedive, before kicking the wing up and making a ninety degree roll out of the way of another shard.

The TIEs were properly view now, around seven klicks away. He opened his S-foils letting off a blast from his cannons, blasting a piece of debris out of his way before closing them. He continued, converting eight-seven percent of power to his repulsors which gave him a little boost of speed. He jinked out of the way of two, making a steep ascent as to not nick one that was below him. He descended in a dive once more, making a snaproll as he was close enough to see their allies.

He pulled into position, taking a look behind him to see the rest of his unit coming out to join him, getting back into formation. "Destroyer One, Darkstar Leader, this is Twin Suns Leader, hope I'm not too late to the party." He announced with a chuckle.

Psyching himself up, he deduced that this was going to be a very interesting mission, one with many twists and turns, both literally and figuratively. "All Wings report in."

"Twin Suns Eight, standing by."

"Twin Suns Six, standing by."

"Twin Suns Five, standing by."

The other pilots soon called in, confirming his assumption that they were all there. Time to do what he did best.
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Location: Island Hoth
Allies: Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar Agrippa Agrippa Ravraa Vyshraal Ravraa Vyshraal Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt
Enemies: Sith Empire
Equipment: Blaster rifle, Grenades, Armor

Jun felt nervous, as he stood on the landing craft that would lead them to the front lines of pure hell in the midst of darkness. The Wookie only had what Stormtrooper could fit, an ammo belt full of grenades, his blaster rifle, and nothing but pure rage within his hands to crush his enemies if he could. His translator droid spoke up. "You know, you could say something Junda... After all what happened to.. Join the Stormies they said, fun they said it would be." Jun gave a snarl at the droid resting on the front of his chest. It was already causing a ruckus for the Stormtroopers on board, and yet they must have all found it hilarious. Even now as they ever got closer to the landing, some laughed at the back and forth between both the armored walking carpet and the likes of his droid.

Jun did nothing but roar at his droid. With the droid speaking as if irritated. "Telling me to shut up! You are the one silent as a grave all night, what happened to all that talk about wanting to rip off Sith's arms off. C'mon, you live for this crap Jun!" The droid tried to put his old friend at ease, be it when they had gotten into arguments over anything. Sometimes with Jun threatening to throw his droid's head at someone. "Least you can do is call me by my designation instead of Droid. I get it I wasn't you're only a translator but I'm all you got." He said as if the droid mixed some friendly affection into his tone. Trying to ease his tension.

Despite being a Wookie, Jun knew that he could sense fear, and doubt in these men. Knowing that most of them wouldn't all make it on to the beach with ease, even in the cover of darkness. Soon as they got off from the landing, the beach would be covered in defenses. Guns firing at them cutting them to shreds, and one had to move quickly. Jun tried to listen to his friend's words even hoping that the banter between the two would not have his thoughts dwell on death so much.

"Landfall in 20 seconds." The pilot had announced, as through the dark and reflecting water, he could see the beach head, and what looked like it was covered in all manner of defenses. Such a sight made Jun let out a low roar. As if he himself had a very bad feeling about the sight that he had just witnessed. Despite the fear in the men around him, they all shared a common oath. To bring the Sith to justice. No matter how many comrades had to fight and die to achieve freedom. They all would not rest until the Empire had fallen, or at the very least Bastion was taken from the Sith.

As the seconds passed, Jun did a final weapons check, the other Stormtroopers did the same, some even praying to gods, or even the Force to watch over them. Jun could even hear the likes of crying as they ever so reached, as they got closer. Blaster fire and artillery shot from the defenses, some of the landers erupting in ablaze. Some blaster fire being absorbed, as when the landings begun, the door's open. The Stormtroopers eager to get out of the lander were all viciously cut down in the ensuing attack. "Over the lander into the water go!" His droid said as he roared in protest. After all a wet Wookie was not a very happy one, he had no choice but to lie on his stomach as the rest of the men around him were cut down.

"You can stay here and die, or you can karking jump over the lander into the water to escape the fire," Junda replied with a roar which translated as. "Okay, Okay... Shut the kark up!!" The Wookie said as he made the desperate move, even as the enemy focused fire on him. Jumping into the water, as the other landers made the approach upon the beachhead.

Others were running to take cover behind the defenses the Sith put in place, others were cut down in a swathe of blaster fire, as explosions rained across the battlefield. Screams of pain, and cries of agony were heard all over the place. Now as the wet Wookie desperately ran to the beach in a low crouch as best as he could. Trying to find cover, waiting to push up to where the Sith were shooting. A single thought came to his mind. One that the now dead pilot had said when they disembarked. "Welcome to Hell boys."

Location: Bridge, HIMS Venality, stationed at the edge of the Dubrillion system
Objective: I - Battle of the Shipwrecks
Kit: Skystas Rieve iv Tave Daboti Dvasi | Sith-Imperial Military Uniform
Allies: Melia Siari | Nica Dakkar | TSE
Enemies: Boram Predor Boram Predor | NIO
Post: I

31st Blockade Group

Far from the high orbit of Dubrillion and the carnage it held, a collection of dagger-shaped Sith-Imperial Armada vessel hung on the outer edges of the star system. While the crew was eager to get into the fight, their commander was all too happy to sit back and watch from the safety their position afforded them.

Tithe surveyed the Blockade Group from the bridge of the HIMS Venality, a colossal Preventor II-class battlecruiser. The vessel was both the flagship of the Group and the reason for its existence - the Venality’s four powerful gravity well generators dragged any passing ships out of hyperspace against their will. The remaining vessels in the Group, ranging from massive Star Destroyers packed with fighters to small frigates designed to counter enemy fighters, would then swarm and disable the target vessel. The Group, based out of Orinackra in Tithe’s Sector Group II, had a distinguished history of bottlenecking enemy hyperspace routes and backstopping Sith-Imperial invasions. Today, they had the chance to add another honour to service record.

Or at least they would have if anyone else was their commander.

The Venality formed the central nexus of the Group, with the Arbalest and it’s overpowered anti-capital vessel cannons hanging nearby, ready to strike out at the enemy. The Pavise, with its oversized shield generators, sat between the Group and Dubrillion, ready to soak up any enemy fire directed their way. The remaining ships spread out in a loose formation, rotating slowly and randomly around the Venality to provide unpredictable targets for enemy gunners. Most of their fighters and support craft were docked safely in their hangers with the interceptor squadrons flew recon on the outer edges of the formation.

After PL-40112-CE-021105, where he had been knocked unconscious by a stray blaster bolt and taken prisoner by the Mandalorian R Reyn Australis , the Moff assumed his career with the Sith-Empire was over. His foolhardy and failed attempt to claim glory on the battlefield, complete with the expensive extraction operation to free him, was the latest in a string of… what was the word? Defeats? Failings? Poor investments? And just when he’d thought things couldn’t have gotten any worst after losing Mygeeto, a planet for which he had been the Sector Group governor.

His orders to link up with the 31st and report to Dubrillion has been succinct and unsigned. He figured if he had to ask who had sent the order, he didn’t want to know. Part of him suspected Grand Treasurer Beltis Kishar, his former boss and longtime rival. Or maybe it was Grand Moff Madelyn Lowe Madelyn Lowe exacting her punishment for Mygeeto?

Not that it mattered. Again, the highly unqualified bureaucrat found himself in an active war zone, the last place he wanted to be.

The Blockade Group - much to Tithe’s delight - had avoided any casualties during the first two waves of the New Imperial Order's naval attack against Dubrillion. The Group had held their position on the edge of the system, their interdiction fields powered up and ready to grab any NIO reinforcements looking to flank the primary Sith-Imperial Armada formation. Their colleagues in other elements of the Armada had not been so lucky - the orbit of Dubrillion was littered with hundreds of destroyed cruisers and thousands of starfighters, both Sith-Imperial and NIO alike. The death toll was unimaginable, and it was only going to get higher.

It was only a matter of time until the 31st was called upon to do their part.

Rom Komo, the Chagrian commander of the Venality who held the rank of Trierarch, nodded to the communications specialist she was speaking. She strode to Tithe’s side and planted himself firmly next to the bureaucrat. “Moff Tithe, we’ve detected enemy contacts moving toward our sector - a sizeable formation.” Tithe did his best not to gulp audibly.

“Have they… ah… have they powered weapons?”

“Not yet,”
the Armada veteran replied. “But their coarse is most certainly one of interception.”

Tithe starred out the forward viewport of the battlecruiser as if he expected to be able to see approaching enemy vessels against the background of deep space over a distance of thousands of kilometres.

“I don’t think I need to remind you that our mission here is paramount,” Tithe replied, looking for a reason to hold their current position and not be engaged by the enemy. “If the New Imperials somehow manage to get behind the Armada… the Admirallis is counting on us!”

If Trierarch Komo had eyebrows, she would likely have raised on in scepticism. Not that she needed to - her expression had doubt written all over it, a look Tithe knew all too well from dealing with the military. “As you wish.” The experienced officer gave a curt nod and stepped away to confer with another officer on the bridge.

Once she was out of earshot, Tithe allowed himself that audible gulp. Things were about to get messy.
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A r t e n _ J i n n
| Location | Dubrillion Orbit
| Objective | Blast it all to bits
| Company | Cheapshot Cheapshot / Jalter Volff Jalter Volff
Arten rolled out of his bunk as the alarms were ringing, prepping the entire crew to battlestations as they approached their destination at Dubrillion. It was another day of reckoning for the Sith Empire and their wayward followers, the war between the New Imperial Order and them only intensifying with each passing cycle. The pilot would get into his flight suit as he grabbed his helmet and made for the briefing area, having his helmet tucked under his arm as he listened attentively to the details of the operation as well as their strategy with the starfighter corps.
After the briefing had been concluded Arten slipped on his helmet, plugging in the oxygen tubes to the atmospheric unit control box on his chest. He'd make his way over to his TIE/HB Bruiser running his gloved fingers along the hull as he made his way over to the boarding ladder, climbing up to the hatch before popping it open and sliding himself inside. He'd stretch his fingers out as he began his check-ups, glancing over to make sure all systems were functional and green as he spoke to himself, " Alright old girl, let's do the Order proud and show those flying busboys over in the Sith Empire how to fly. "
A few switches flipped, buttons pressed and all systems were functional in his HUD. He'd press his foot against the throttle as the engines warmed up before waiting for the green light to disembark from the star destroyer. His comms would open up to the bomber flight lead, " This is Bomber 2, all systems green and ready to deploy. " The deployment claws would disengage as the bomber was released, Jinn stepping on the throttle as he blasted off into the void of space, awaiting the rest of the Bomber wing to deploy.

Location: Perimeter of the Debris Shoal Zone, NIV Carnivore
Command: Commodore Braxton Haask [NPC], Force Escort ‘Pride’
Objective: Operation Harpoon
Allies: Cheapshot Cheapshot | Del Lovruc | Tyrell Paxxus Tyrell Paxxus | Mordred B'Haran Mordred B'Haran | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen
Enemies: Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe | Nica Dakkar
Theme: The Axis Theme | Andreas Waldetoft [

Captain Hiram Voss leaned against the holotable as the data came flooding in. The picture of the large debris field changed from an almost impenetrable barrier of metal to steadily filtering into the mess of debris. Then came the pings. Occasional blips past the field, signalling to all that the Sith Empire or what remained of its fleet still crept beyond the wreckage. “By the force….” A voice mused. Hiram’s eyes darted across the table to see his subordinate. Lieutenant Hadrian Boars. Younger man. About three decades younger than Voss, and now watching the display of the debris field. Voss watched Boars' already pale complexion drain to a chilled white, “That’s it, that’s all that’s left of the Scourge? How in the…” Boars chew tautly on his cheap cigarette, eyes transfixed on the display.

Hiram watched the display himself. He was far less vocal in his appraisal, but his feelings were similar to that of his subordinate officer. The Sith had put the Second Imperial Armade Battle Group Scourge through the wringer. Still, Hiram prodded. “How in the what, lieutenant?” The elder officer drawled in a cool tone.

Boars swallowed as he took another drag, blowing out a wispy cloud of acrid smoke. “How in the hell are we going to break the rest of their fleet, captain?” The lieutenant tersely answered before gesturing to the wreckage. His voice betrayed an almost shrillness uncharacteristic to the calm and collected junior officer. “They managed to chew through two waves of our finest and are still out there, ready to give us hell sir. We charge through that, we’re dead men.”

Hiram’s expression was one of scorn. Pursed lip and narrowed eyes. He now knew Hadrian’s game. Fear. Boar’s brown eyes betrayed that. They radiated a sense of unadulterated terror at what lay beyond the debris. “You need to calm yourself, lieutenant.” Hiram drily replied, “This isn’t my first little tango on the battlefield,” But it would be probably be his last, not that he would ever admit that to the good lieutenant. “And I’ve faced worse.” Probably a lie. “What you’re feeling now Hadrian,” Hiram approached across the table, and raised an arm, gruffly settling it on Boar’s shoulder, “Is fear. And terror of the unknown. And that’s natural. We don’t know the enemies exact strength. What they have left and how bad this debris will effect us.” Voss could see the taller man begin to wilt.

But, what we have, is we have smarts, lieutenant. We have a capable crew, and that’s all we need.” Hiram continued, before looking out and across the command deck. While some of the crew did not visibly show it, he could sense it. Their rigid posture. The mechanical way they walked. The inhumane lack of chatter. The occasional glances, warily aimed at their commander. This was an almost universal feeling he sensed. Walking to the centre of the bridge, Hiram leaned against his command throne, and looked across his deck officers. “Ladies and gentlemen,” Voss began, his voice loud and clear. But rather rigid in tone, “For a lot of you, this will be your first taste of battle. Despite what propaganda may have told you, it’s not pretty, it will not be glorious. It’s bitter and terrifying.” The captain informed them. “But today, like it or not, we are going to have to face such a venture. Into that great unknown and take perhaps bite off more than we can chew.”

But this isn’t the first time I’ve had to do that. Nor will it be the last time.” Hiram paused, and licked his cracked lips, “Back in the First Order, there was a man. A crazy madman who ran our fleet into operations much like this.” Hiram allowed a small smile to purse his lips, “And this man, he would always say to keep the rules of war in mind. To make sure that for every one of our ships, we would scuttle ten. That we will make the enemy remember us.” He then walked forward, “That should we perish, our valiance and courage in battle would be marked into the minds of all those who opposed us. Scarring them for the rest of their short and hopefully miserable existences.”

And that is what we do,” Hiram continued, “Today.” He clicked his heels together once he reached the fore of the command bridge, the very viewport, where he then pirouetted around, and faced the crew. All eyes upon him. “Is what we will do. We will make sure that the enemy remembers us. And most importantly, remembers them.” He gestured to the vast sea of wreckage before them, “The brave men and women who gave their lives to give us a chance to crush the enemy and clear the way to their sick, disgusting cesspit of Bastion!” Voss thundered.

So today, no matter what happens, we will take the enemy on ladies and gentlemen. We will give them what for and we will make sure that for the rest of eternity, the Sith remember those brave men and women who gave their all in Armada Scourge. And should we very well join them, the mark we leave on them will haunt them to their dying breaths! That even in their dark covens and deepest rituals, the damage we the NIV Carnivore have caused them brings such pain and anguish to bear that they cannot forget us!” Hiram could sense it now. An anxious energy. Ensigns at the edge of their seats. Engineers standing to attention. Gunners with dumb grins on their faces. “And they will,” Hiram wagged a finger, “They. Will. Remember. Us!”

Hiram punctuated his speech with a salute to the crew. Who in turn, after a pause to figure if this was the end of his lecture, clapped, returned the gesture or saluted. Boars had put out his cigarette, and followed the captain to the fore. He approached with a hand outstretched which Hiram reciprocated, “Thank you, sir.” Boars mused, some life had returned to his features. “I uh, I appreciated that.” Boars teeth sunk into his lower lip, and he swallowed, before matching Hiram’s gaze. “While you were uh.... Talking. We, we received a priority transmission sir, from Commodore Haask.” Of course. Briefing. Hiram gave a curt nod and he and Hadrian returned to the holotable, his boots clicking against the deck plating. A technician keyed in the access code, and the slender figure of Braxton Haask came into view.

Captain Voss,” Haask began. Her voice colder than Hiram’s could ever hope to be. “Our commscan has ascertained that a sizeable component of hostile forces still lie within orbit.” The commodore briefed, “Although I imagine your own scanners have detected as such.” Haask coolly mused, “Given your, previous military experience, I’ve seen fit, captain to grant you commission over our Escort Forces corvette pack.” The commodore informed Hiram, who betrayed some surprise, “You are to act as a forward force and are to engage the enemy as you see fit while I organise the heavier component of our fleet with Admiral Vularen.” Haask then stood to attention, and gave a salute, “Happy hunting, captain Voss.” The transmission was cut, and Hiram was left, a little staggered. It had been so long. He physically had to clasp the edge of the holoprojection table to steady himself.

Lieutenant Boars stood next to him, eyeing the senior officer. He too was a little surprised, “What are your orders, captain?” Hiram stood tall. It had been a long time since he’d been authorised this sort of command. Now perhaps his time to be challenged. Voss took a deep breath and steadied himself, reverting to the conservative, aloof type posture he took typical pride in.

Begin coordination with the other captains and prepare for gamma-seven type formation.” Hiram barked, before a smile broke across his features, “We’re gonna make these pricks remember us. All of us.”


T A G S | Open. | NIO Allies

E | Here.
G E A R | Armor, Gloves, Scythe,
Sword, Necklace, Lightsabers, Pistol.

Nothing could be more perfect. The sky was clear, blanketed by starlight, night descends upon the earth and foul deeds were ready to be accomplished. The smell of the ocean filled her nostrils with ecstasy and nostalgia, when was the last time she was this close of salt water? In JanFathal there were no oceans and the only sea on the planet was made of sweetwater, perhaps Kaikielius was the last place she got close to one and even now, after all that time, she still remembered when her fathers, as if he was standing, invisible to all, but clear as day before her very eyes, standing at the bow of that ship, dressed in those royal robes, white as the first snow that fell on winter, giving him an air of angelic purity, as if the robes hid the nature of the dark demon in his heart. In this vision, he smiled at her, but his eyes were focused in what was ahead, that endless blue field.

“I’ve always loved this view.”, he whispered towards her and she almost expected not to hear a single word due to all the noise, but, as visions were, the outsides noises ceased to exist and all that remained to be heard was the sound of his voice. “Every city, every... monument, man's greatest achievements... have all been chased by it.”
She could not resist, and as the wind messed her silver hair from the way she tied them up, her lips moved and asked out loud.
“By what?”
Iedolas Solidor, a creature as false as to make a Sith Lord blush, genuinely smiled when he heard that question. As if the very answer amused him, but at the same she could see sadness in his deep eyes, he raised his hand and pointed to the horizon for a moment.
“That impossible line where the waves conspire... Where they return... The place maybe…” calmly he turned towards her, enough for her to face every detail of his face just as she remembered. “You and I will meet again.”

“Your Grrrace?”, a voice called behind her and Lunafreya turned slowly to see who called, leaving that vision to cease its existence just like smoke on the wind. And now she faced the dark scales of that angry reptile face of Diabolico, Lord-Commander of the Moon Watch, her personal guards. “We arrre approaching the beach.”
“Roar, O, mighty thunder.”, she muttered to herself and by her side, Diabolico made one of his famous inner growls, his mouth filled with sharp teeth opened and slammed itself once. A gesture of his anxiety and confusion, Lunafreya turned to face the horizon, avoiding to gaze upon the lizards yellow eyes. “Do excuse me, Diabolico, my mind is agitated, today of all days here I am feeling nostalgic. Best to leave those things buried. What is past is prologue.

Her commander was a quiet individual, he barely spoke his mind about what he felt or thought about matters. Silence was the thing she most enjoyed about him, but sometimes he spoke a bit more than he was accustomed and shared his mind with her.
“One of the slaves I grrrew up had a saying… 'To mourn a mischief that is past and gone Is the next way to draw new mischief on', but… Sometimes, I may agrrree… We have seen better days.”, Arranging his composure after he noticed his moment of emotions, he growled again to disguise what he had said. If she didn't knew him better, she could say that his four eyes almost watered at the memory of his past, but it was doubtful that this was true. “I will check on the men. These humans soldierrrs the Imperials gave us are lazy and slow, they don’t anything right unless you yell at them.”

‘Like most humans in this galaxy.’, she almost muttered towards him, but all she did was nod harshly to her commander. Her eyes returned to gaze the horizon, but that vision of the ocean waves was gone and to replace now there was the image of a growing beach, their destiny and their doom. ‘The board is set, the pieces are moving and thus the fates shall decide who lives and who dies.’, her long bony fingers wrapped in gauntlets grabbed her helmet, shapped like a Varactyl and with her other hand, she lined up her hair back into place to fit in her helmet back to where it belonged. To herself, she finished her poem.
‘Fell deeds awaken, now for wrath, now for ruin and for the red dawn.’, her gauntlet fingers grabbed around the handle in her golden scythe and her heart filled itself with bravery. Behind her, Diabolico roared like a dragon to the soldiers under her command.
“Sound trumpets! Sound blasters! Let our bloody colours wave! And either victory, or else a grave!”
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Nica Dakkar

Location: Smack dab in the middle of the Debris Shoal Zone (DBZ).
Objective: Rack up confirmed kills and also aid the war effort, I guess.
Equipment: Tuk'ata-class Sith-Imperial Interceptor || Flight Suit, Service Dagger, Pistol.
Writing With: [OPEN] || Cheapshot Cheapshot | Olen Halcorr Olen Halcorr | Arten Jinn Arten Jinn | Whoever else, IDK.

It was chaos out there, chaos at its most spectacular.

It was a shame about the dead Sith-Imperials, their charred and eviscerated bodies no doubt drifting through the void of space by the tens of thousands at this very moment, but Auspex Dakkar had never been one to focus on the horrors of war when there was glory to be had.

The sleek hull of her interceptor clinging to the battle-scarred remains of a New Imperial corvette, Nica had been eying a stim-shot with some interest when suddenly her comms went live, orders filtering through once more - as the anticipation of battle and more importantly the prestige that would follow filled her, the thought of chemicals were quickly forgotten in favour of good old adrenaline.

"You heard her, boys and girls - hostiles incoming, looks like they're back for another beating!"

Truth be told, her command was already, ah, somewhat reduced; for once it had less to do with her boldly innovative approach to leadership and more to do with the fervour of the combatants, however, for both their own and the New Imperial mongrels were fighting as if with their back to the wall, the desperation of prolonged warfare bleeding into every decision, sharpening or breaking the determination of combatants.

Not that she would ever break, of course - the finest pilot in the corps (unofficial, self-proclaimed) was not one to quit when things got rough.

// OUTRIDER //: Saber-1, Saber Leader | Saber Squadron | Vanguard Squadron
// ALLIES | NIO //: Cheapshot Cheapshot | Jalter Volff Jalter Volff | Arten Jinn Arten Jinn | 'Fel's Revenge'
// ALLIES | TGA //: Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt | Olen Halcorr Olen Halcorr
// ENEMIES | TSE //: Melia Siari | Nica Dakkar | OPEN
X-Wing | Flight Suit |
M A Y N A R D _ T R E I C O L T

Always that frigid silence. Breathing nothing but the stale air of the canopy as the yawning blue starstreak of hyperspace invaded his vision. Hearing nothing but the low hum of the pink ion engines blaring from the X-Wing. It was always a moment of introspection, the comms silent save for that ever faint idle static in his ears. His eyes glanced to his left outside the canopy, diverting from the lightspeed perpetual forward motion the starfighter was taking.

Saber-5. Loske. He couldn't discern her within the cockpit of the ship as the intense light of hyperspace cast a contrasting black tint over the glasteel, allowing only the faint lighting of the internal systems to show through the darkness. Reassuring a sight as it ever was, even if it was a vague resemblance of the Kiffar without any supporting context. His eyes shifted back forward as he peered to his navigation computer, eyeing the rapidly descending countdown to arrival.

<I mean...I listened during the briefing but do you have an idea what we'll be expecting?> His trust astromech socketed into the ship just behind the cockpit of the vessel sounded out to Maynard.

<"Third wave...right into the thick of it, into what the Imps call the DSZ. Seems to be they've made a mess their first few exchanges with each other. Do me a favor and keep that trash can head of yours down would you?"> Maynard said, offering a faint breath of amusement as he rolled his shoulders to shake the anxiety of another coming battle off of his form.

Reaching his right hand down he grasped ahold of the stick, feeling his forefinger along the main trigger as his thumb coursed over the castle switch to bring the combat display unto the HUD. Fifteen seconds, descending. They were almost out of the blue haze and into the fray. Grinding his teeth against one another in anticipation he screwed his eyes shut as he felt the ship emerge into real space, the micro particles from the asteroid field awash in a screen against the shielding system of the X-Wing as he peered open once more. Pressing his thumb into the stick's trim button, he regained full control of the craft again from its idle traverse.

It was difficult to assemble all the Jedi of Saber Squadron into a single venue at any given time, especially with space as the battleground. With Maynard as its Leader and CO and Loske at XO, the pair took over a parceled together squadron of X-Wings now designated 'Vanguard'.

Emerging into the DSZ demanded immediate evasive maneuvers per the course of the emerging Alliance starfighters, straining the inertial compensator of the X-Wing as it weaved between the larger chunks of broken steel and heavy metal from the shattered space hulks which coursed in a faint tether around Dubrillion in the wave of battle.

"Twin Suns Leader to Saber Leader, dropping out of lightspeed, have fun out there."

<"Same goes your way, Twin Suns."> Maynard said as he shifted his gaze to peer over the multi purpose color display to gauge the emerging Vanguard Squadron's position with the New Imperial ships, painted in white and the GA vessels set in green above the blue display of the 'map'.

<"All wings report in."> Maynard sounded out through the Squadron comms.

<"Vanguard-2, standing by."> The voice of a female Twi'lek sounded out through the comms, the pilot who was primed to take the reins of Vanguard once this mission was penciled in complete and over with.

<"Vanguard-6, locked and loaded."> A male Zabrak sounded out through the comms. The additive words weren't any suprise to Maynard. Having ties to Dathomir, he was clear to knock Sith boats out of the black. Rumors among the short tenure of Maynard's command over the recently formed squadron all but pointed to this one having a bit of an infatuation with Vanguard-2. Boy could he relate.

<"Vanguard-7, ready to go."> Was the last of the prominent voices sounding out in response to Maynard's role call. A Duros, never a sight all too rare among flyboys given their heritage among the stars. With the Squadron rattled off, it was time to regulate.

<"Lock S-Foils into attack position keep your eyes on your debris scanners and avoid the mess. We got your standard Sith distribution of Dominance and SF's but we're close to the big boats so keep your eyes out for point defense and turbo laser fire. With the beating our shields are gonna take from the debris we can't play too risky. We got our boys counting on us down below so let's sink these Sith and get back on the road to Bastion."> Maynard sounded out through the squadron comms, Vanguard-6 being quick to relay the enthusiasm.

<"Copy that, Commander! I'm ready to rock!"> Treicolt liked the spirit. Patching through to the Vizier Admiral himself, Tyrell Paxxus Tyrell Paxxus , Maynard broke the silence.

<"Vizier Admiral this is Commander Treicolt of the Galactic Alliance. My squadron is clocked in and ready to support. Just point the way and we'll do the damage."> He patched through before soon enough his sights and senses were enveloped with the flashing scream of Sith fighters.

Heres where the fun begins.

<"Not a party without the company, Vanguards pair off and regulate. Once we're tapped for our mission we'll form up. Saber-5 ( Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt ) , on me."> Maynard said, the S-foils of his X-Wing prying open with a hydraulic hiss as his sights painted red with the stark red ion of a Sith interceptor. A squeeze of the trigger on the blaster cannons sent it plummeting in a staggered screech before it snuffed short on impact with a chunk of asteroid. Surging forward into the chaos, the Galactic Alliance had arrived.

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Mavia Mavia | Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Imperial Knights | Target Island Byss
It was freezing. The knight hugged his sides as the chilly night air filtered into their transport. Dubrillion was supposed to be nice and tropical, wasn't it? A water world with lots of resorts and vacation places. He’d wanted to go there. Not like this, though, obviously.

Dorian let out a ragged breath as he tried to steady his nerves for the billionth time. His heart raced, a far cry from the calm he'd normally feel before a fight. This wasn't just a fight. This was a battle. The smaller engagements prior should've prepared him for this, but when he heard the first distant explosions and artillery fire he couldn't help but feel like that little boy under the stairs to the basement of the crumbling home, desperately praying for his mother to come back and tell him that everything was alright. It wasn’t alright. It was cold and dark and terrifying. His facade chipped away as he drew another ragged breath.

Fighting someone one-on-one was Dorian's bread and butter. Combat like this was hell. He'd barely even seen battles like this but he knew that many of the NIO soldiers wouldn't be heading back home. In the chaos, sensing the intent of an enemy was nigh impossible that even his battlesense might not be able to keep pace.

He tried to focus on something else -- anything else -- but he was surrounded by the grim, armored warriors of the New Imperial Force Corps. Most were ready to kill, to die for their cause. Dorian didn't know how they did it. When his mother had taken up her saber, she'd looked the same. Ready. Accepting whatever fate would befall her. Did anything scare them? Most had faced this before. On Muunilist he’d only seen the battle in passing; riding a speeder bike at high speeds through the capital hadn’t exactly given him time to take in the moment. This would be different. Worse. Another ragged breath.

Oddly, it was the person who was calmest in their transport that Dorian managed to find the most comfort in. The Mirialan to his right was as serene as ever; she sat with her eyes closed so she could meditate. She looked almost dead. He’d believe it if someone told her that her body would never decompose if she passed away.

Dorian hadn't noticed it when they'd first met, but she truly was a wellspring of calm and tranquility. He reached out for a moment to draw from that presence. His heart slowed, his muscles relaxed, the stress in his mind withered away. The cool night air that filtered into their transport was washed away by a warm breeze. He'd found an anchor, a shield to his spear. Someone he could rely on.

He found himself smiling at Mavia. If nothing else, he'd keep up with her -- couldn't let her run off with all the glory, right? But there was more than nothing else. He laughed and gave a thumbs up. "Watch my back, yeah?" He was sure she didn't need the reminder.

Their ride was quiet for only a few more moments when the low hum in the back of his mind grew to a deafening roar. Dorian stood and grabbed onto the crash webbing. A missile? A rocket? A turbolaser? Dorian had no idea, but he knew it'd be a bad idea to stick around and wait for whatever was coming towards them. Not like there was much he could do about it. Being in a metal box didn't exactly lend to his speed.

His gaze turned to his partner in crime, and his grip on his lance tightened. When his eyes locked onto her he realized that there was nothing to worry about. His next breath was calm and deep, filling him to his core. She was a rock; unchanging and stoic, immovable and tough as nails. As long as she didn’t change, there was nothing in the galaxy that could shake him.


"Let's go."


Stilicho Drumarch


Objective: Survive
Allies: NIO // Open
Enemies: TSE // Open
A letter to Emmalene Thul; T-minus 3 hours to Operation: Storm Surge

Hey sis,

The last few days have been rough. Nobody wants to break the silence. We know what we we're about to get into. I think the boys are a little scared they'll end up killing an old friend or something. That's the downside of being a traitor to Empire. We're about to storm a beach filled with our former brothers-in-arms. Truth be told, and I wouldn't say it to my men, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Any bastard wearing the S-Imp colors now is an enemy. Our true enemy at least.

My soldiers are good, but I'm not sure about today. I know working with the New Imperials and the Alliance is what we've been ordered to do, but deep down we , I, know that these folks were once our enemy. They know that too. We've mostly kept to ourselves the last couple of days, since it's pretty clear who we are from the armor. A couple of guys in my chapter are pretty boisterous, so I'm surprised we've gone this long without a fight of some sort.

At the moment, everyone is sitting around waiting for the all clear. It's damn tense. It's probably a good thing you aren't here though, these people are scared enough as is without an actual Sith standing over them. I imagine they'll get us marching down to the shuttle bay soon. The battle outside is crazy, and we've gotta get through that. But... I have faith. I have my doubts, of course, but my faith hasn't been misplaced yet.



T-minus 5 minutes to Operation: Storm Surge

The shuttle carrying Salvor's soldiers broke the atmosphere at a frantic speed. They descended into their own personal hell faster and faster as each second flew by. To the men and women of the 3rd Battle Chapter, it felt like hours. Their dimly-lit crimson armor was untouched by battle, save for the few dents that accompanied their training. They were all veterans of the Sith Empire, but nothing prepared them for this. They had named themselves the "Death Knell", like they would be the final sound heard upon the death of the Empire. At the moment the only sound was the blaster fire around the RDAGx they flew in on. They had only the Sith Code, drilled into their heads, to keep them going. Salvor repeated silently the opening line, over and over.

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.

He might not have been a Sith, but it was his passion that had led him here. His passion for war. His desire to see the resurgent Sith Empire that Darth Carnifex had once promised. The New Imperial Order may not have been that, but it was far better than the nation he had left behind. At least his Sith masters shared a goal with the Imperator. Despite their differences, and the NIO's choice of allies in the GA, Salvor was honored to be fighting alongside the 501st. They carried with their name a storied history that Sal respected. He was glad they were leading the charge. He didn't know where he would even begin planning such an audacious attack.

It was then that the audacious attack began as the ship came down to the right-hand side of the shore. Sal was snapped to attention as red light bathed over them, signalling that landing was imminent. He gripped his rifle tightly, standing now at the head of the pack. The door began to open before the gunship had even touched ground. Touch and Go was not even enough to describe the landing, as Sal fell a good two feet into the shallow tides below when he jumped from the craft.He stumbled as he hit the water, before falling to his hands and knees behind a charred piece of metal. He wiped his visor with his wrist, but the wet durasteel did nothing but make his visor cloudier.

He turned around and sat in the cool water in order to get a bearing on his troops. Immediately to his left a suit of red armor floated lifelessly. Poor bastard hadn't even survived the fall. He could see the other members of the 3rd fanning out into cover like he had. There was enough dead bodies and twisted debris to cover them all, but even moving a muscle meant getting torn apart by the S-Imp gun emplacements. He put his head back against the metal and closed his eyes. He exhaled deeply as the water crashed against him.

When the next dropship came, after what felt like an eternity of waiting, he gave the order to advance. The ship's guns tore through the water ahead of them. It gave them inches, but they would need miles. The ship that covered them took a hit no more than 50 yards ahead, crashing directly into the water. Sal hadn't even seen what he presumed had been a missile. The cover of night was in everybody's favor.

"Make for the drop ship!" he didn't know if the others could hear him, but they followed when he advanced. He kept as low as possible, ducking from one piece of light cover to the next. As he ran he watched helplessly as the 501st fell in front of him, identified in the dark only when their armor was lit up momentarily by the blaster bolts that struck them down, and by the screams they let loose. He couldn't bring himself to look back again at his soldiers. He knew they were facing the same hell.

He broke from cover one last time before he was finally struck. A piece of shrapnel from an explosion elsewhere rushed through the air almost invisibly, and certainly inaudibly. It struck Sal in the left leg. The pain shot up and down before his knee simply gave out. He toppled face first into the water with a splash. Murky darkness filled his view as his helmet submerged, his helmet's air filters sputtered as they filled with water. 'Was this his end' he pondered.

No. This was only the beginning...

Task: Battle for Dubrillion - Storm Surge
RP Partners: Dorn-2 PCs, Open
Faction: New Imperial Order
Narrative NPCs: Dorn-2



<"Alright ladies and gentlemen, this is it! Landfall in thirty! Check 'dose blasters, check your seals, close ranks! While we're out there, it's target free. You see someone that's not clad in NIO or our pal's getup, you drop them,"> Look at you, Ravraa, speaking to your squad as if you had the rights to. As if you were the one that they should be following into this form of breach, as if you're the one they should be trusting. <"We make them pay for every life lost, we bleed em, we burn em, make sure they knew we were here. Make sure they knew Dorn-2 was here. We get our asses up that beach, we secure that beach. Do you all understand me?"> Ravraa roared the speech as he turned to look at the crew gathered. His hand was held high, holding onto the support grips that ran through the entire roof of the gunship. Just enough to give you the confidence that you won't fall over during reentry, but not enough to keep you still should the gunship start falling from the stratosphere.

He had come to know the men and women of Dorn-2 during his service, he had come to know them as expert in their fields, and he had come to know them as friends. Battlebrothers. They had shed together, and some of them had died together, and operationally, this meant that Dorn-2 was never properly acting at full operational capacity. Instead, they were torn down to an eight man ground squad compared to the more standardized ten or twelve. Regardless of that fact, they had proven themselves in service to the Imperator, they had proven themselves in service to the NIO, and he intended to do the very same thing on this battlefield today.

Sadly, two new souls would be forced to Christen themselves to the unit during this most dreadful battle. Fraz'suz'safis, or as her file had designed her, Zsuzsa, a Chiss suprisingly. Ravraa had no... strong feelings for the Chiss one way or another, despite the incident that occurred on Krieg, that damned upstart nearly costed him his early career. But then again, Krieg was a blurred mess, and thinking on the subject for too long brought the migraines and shakes back. He was unsure what it was, the blaster being pointed at him in such an intimate setting, or perhaps this forebearing that lay over him from it. Regardless, he still found his foot tapping whenever he laid eyes on any of the blue-crew, and he was religious in his oversight of her file. All in all, she was an apt marksmen, well trained, and with a service record that no one could easily scoff at to boot. Came from Massoss, a planet with enough of a shaky history to warrent anyone looking into military service. As much as he hated to say it, he stared at her file much longer than he had wished. Was it due to some internalized hate? Maybe. Was it due to the fact that he felt this was a decisions that the Blue-Pauldroned commander should be making? Of course it was. Jeresan, bless his heart, was dead certain that Rav only accepted her to give him a run for his money. "No squad needs two marksmen, Rav!" he had said. If it drove the two of them to compete in the field? Even better.

The second new blood, Aerith Castiella, fell more in line with what the norm was for Dorn-2. She was a human, through and through. Fitting in with the general attitude of most of the humans on Dorn-2 to boot, dark and angst filled, despite how much Rav insisted it was just an act to get some better reactions out of people that might happen to be watching, they all seemed to keep it up. He wondered if it was a cultural thing. She was a much more straightforward, and easier choice to make for Ravraa, though the pining sensation of guilt when he much more quickly put her folder into the "Yes" pile compared to the Chiss still lingered with him. Reading through her file was illuminating, however, as there were large parts of it that were simply labeled as [REDACTED] when he was finally able to get his hands on it. He was curious what it could be that the higher ups were hiding about this girl from him, it couldn't have been anything too dire, could it? Besides the tattoos and cybernetics, she seemed the norm for battle hardened humans pushed into NIO service. Then again, her file never mentioned any form of proper military service, perhaps that was hidden away under the rows and rows of black marker. It was hard to say, especially for Ravraa.

<"I want the new ones with me. Thavimar, you Mellfols and Dormyle get to some point where you can rain some hell on their position. Jeresan, pick at their cloaks if there are any. Haupont? Keep them in line.">

"Choy? Chuba! What of me, lorda?" Came the complaints of G'hecran from over the radio, his voice booming in the ship.

<"You focus on not gettin' blown outta the sky, though some pepperin' of their lines while you leave would be well helpful!">

"Read you. lorda!" One could almost see the playful salute the pilot would give.

Landfall would be soon... and with it would come the next push into the dark, into the Empire.

I hope you're proud, dad, I'll see you soon.


Beachhead - Hoth
// OBJECTIVE // Take the Platuea
// ALLIES // NIO | Sons Of Mandalore | GA
// ENEMIES // TSE | TSE Allies
// THEME // Sinking Into Flames

Beneath the shuttle, there was water as far as the eye could see in every direction except for the beachhead. Crimson beams crossed through the skies towards the dropships on their approach. Some were lucky enough to avoid the worst of the blasts and continue on, others weren’t. In an instant, lives were snuffed out in a detonation of flame and gore before what remained of the vessel fell to the ocean below.

Isaiah stood in the shuttle surrounded by not only fellow Mandalorians but by stormtroopers placed under their command. It felt odd. When he’d first joined the Sons of Mandalore Isaiah saw himself fighting for his people more than for the Empire. Now it seemed like the fight went beyond just the goals of the Mandalorians, that now the fates of both the New Imperial Order and the Sons were tied together.

As the message came over the connected coms, Isaiah shook his head. Despite knowing that their fates lay linked together he would never get used to taking commands from the Imperator. The dim crimson glow of the shuttle's interior was the only light graced upon the warriors. The color of blood. One thing was for certain on this day there would be much more red to see. Whether it be Sith, Jedi, Mandalorian or just the average soldier, the debt would be paid in blood.

Ready to confirm the Imperator's command with the rest of those aboard, Isaiah felt the entire shuttle rock as a ball of fire engulfed the rear of the vessel. Nearly knocked off his feet Isaiah seized the bar overhead tighter.

“BRACE! BRAAACEEE!” The Mandalorian shouted over the coms as wind funneled into the interior of the dropship nearly drowning him out. The shuttle spun end over end, tumbling through the Dubrillion sky. The sleek outline of it stood out against the stars above, the flames of the shuttle illuminating the night like a shooting star as it came down towards the beachhead.

There were some who screamed, others who cried, and there were those who enjoyed the ride. The vessel slammed into the sand with enough force that the very ground shook. Momentum carried the dropship further forward, skipping off the surface three times before skidding to a stop in the sand, a furrow of earth dug up in its wake.

For seconds the shuttle sat there, no movement, no sound coming from it. Then came a creaking, the sound of metal tearing. Of gears forced to operate as the doors were pried apart a single figure standing in the doorway. The massive figure of Isaiah stood in the doorway, the interior of the dropship behind him dark, and from that darkness came damnation.

Spilling onto the beaches in droves Mandalorians took to the front, above the song of war there were the battle cries of the galaxy's truest warriors. This was their home. It wasn’t Mandalore, it wasn’t whatever planets the New Imperial Order graced them with. No, a Mandalorian’s true home was the field of battle.


Aerith Krayt

Task: Battle for Dubrillion - Storm Surge
RP Partners: Ravraa Vyshraal Ravraa Vyshraal Zsuzsa
Faction: New Imperial Order

This was it, actually going to be on the offensive now. She had her REC set across her lap, looking around at the faces of her squad, wondering which was going to be left when the smoke settled. Her eyes looked to Ravraa as he began going on a speech about how they weren't going to give up and go down fighting. She had heard a similar speech back on Borosk, right before her squad got taken out, and she had to dance with that sith war drone that damn near killed her. Her hand tightened around the grip of her gun, wondering if this battle would be like the last; was she going to be the last one standing again? She hoped not. Ravraa Vyshraal Ravraa Vyshraal didn't seem aware of her past, often treating her as another one of the grunts; something she appreciated, but felt that it would change soon. Combat for her was atonement, a chance to right the wrongs she had made in her past, a way to wipe a bit of the red out of her ledger. It would never be clean, but she could tidy it up before she died; whenever that was to be.

She looked to Zsuzsa across from her, wondering what the marksman had to offer, and if she would go out the same way her last partner had; decapitation seemed rather popular on the front at times. But now there were two snipers, which meant that there was no doubt going to be a shooting contest between the two. Here she was as a heavy weapons specialist who probably wasn't even going to get a shot in before everything was dead. She flexed her arms under the suit, feeling the tension in her artificial muscle fibers, and knew that she was rather nervous about this whole op. Dorn-2 was just the latest in a list of squads for her, and her gut feeling just kept telling her that she would have to be reassigned once this mission was over. She pushed the thoughts into the back of her mind, wanting to give her new squad leader an enthusiastic response. "Understood sir!" She hollared, punching her fist up in the air, with a resounding 'thud' echoing out as she punched a solid dent into the bulkhead. She realized rather quickly her error, as she awkwardly pulled her hand back down, resting it on the hand grip of her REC. Maybe that was a little too enthusiastic. She could overhear the chatter on the comms between Ravraa and G'hecran, and figured she might as well tag in; banter kept her mind off the inevitable. "Don't tell me you're scared of heights sir." She replied, "Freefalls can be fun, just have to roll with the fall is all." Of course, being mostly cybernetic, a decent fall had less risk of killing her, but she loved her dark humor; hell, she lived off it now a days.
Imperial Knight of the Force Corps


//Objective 2:// Operation Storm Surge
//Tactical Target:// Beach Byss
//Accompaniment:// Tenth Knights Company “Green Devil”, Knights Battlegroup II "Victrix", Imperial Force Corps Knights
//NIO Allies:// [RP Partner]: Dorian Sicarrio Dorian Sicarrio [Beach Byss] NIO Byss Forces
//SIth Enemies:// [RP Coordinated]: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim ; Sith-Imperial Army [OPEN Tag in OOC Thread]

‘I am one with the Force. And the Force with me…’

A deep breath.​

‘...I am one with the Force. And the Force with me,’

Another deep breath.​


No breath. Air locked behind a self imposed asphyxiating restraint. Her throat tightened, her lungs squeezed and coddled what air was sunken in her chest. Her eyes, closed, pressed their lids together and her fists, touching knuckle to knuckle in a meditative lock, grinded against one another.​

“ the Force.”

Mavia Anjuu Wymar, the Mirialan Force Knight, squire to CommanderRurik Wymar, and the young commander of the Knights Company - curiously called Green Devils, spoke no speeches, nor partook in any pre-battle banter. Only silence. Silence of the voice and mind, assisting her meditation’s exhaustive task of casting Mavia’s mind and consciousness in the Force towards a place of serene emptiness.​

In that clear place, devoid of emotional contamination and of the passing fury of a busy mind, she found ‘nothing’ and nothing is what gave her the vision to feel the Force. To feel it’s whispering winds as they blew into her thoughts, then the flesh of her mind, her muscles, and bones. Guiding and empowering her resolve to do as she has been commanded to do. The Force - the clear and sacred Force, a Force beyond the basic alignments of Light and Dark - was her anchor. Nothing else.​

She had been in this thoughtless trance since her company had been offloaded from the star destroyer, the Aegis Antares, during its aquatic landing out in the vast Dubrillion ocean. Like a literal floating fortress it had supplied long range artillery bombardment as they were loaded onto the RDAGx transport. Their flight had been a couple hours of gliding over the oceans towards the battle target, the Sith Refinery Island - and more specifically their target beach, codenamed, Byss. The entire way she sat silently, on the floor at the center of the transport between the two rows of benches that lined the interior hull.​

She sat cross legged, with her fists locked and her head fully hanging down allowing her mop of red hair to drape over her face in a curtain that covered her green skin. The only sounds that came from her was the low hum of her breathing, methodical in rhythm and nearly silent for the very faint hiss of her lips expelling air. Her fellow Knights had left her be, they had learned it was for the best. Though they found her unparalleled in her strangeness, they knew her prowess very well. Mavia took their distance as a much needed buffer between herself and them. She needed the buffer. Companionship with comradery or affectionate was foreign to her. And she had preferred it that way. She did not sense them, nor communed with the Force consciousness.​

All except for one.​

His uncertainty and nervous fluctuations in the Force even pierced her supernatural opaqueness. Knight Dorian. He was standing right beside her, watching her, she could feel it. She was in trance not blind. Hidden from all by the curtain of hair, Mavia flexed a brief smile as she sensed his unease and the quiet anxiety that had prompted him to reach to her. Mavia gave out a long sigh, her trance was ruined. It had succeeded enough, but it was now totally gone. That seren emptiness tarnished by a brief new sensation - familiarity. There were very few who would elicit her breaking from the methods she enforced on her personal conduct. But, Dorian was different. She could not answer exactly why. But, there was a magnetism to his imbalance that was - charming. Even endearing to her.​

She opened her eyes slowly, yellow-green gems in a tattooed face, blinked as her fists parted and rose to smoothly brush her hair back. Removing her hair from her sight she unwinded her legs and rose up. Dorian caught her eye and passed a quick thumbs up saying, "Watch my back, yeah?" Mavia smirked and then shook her head.​

“I shall guard it, Knight Dorian,” Mavia replied cheekily, “As I know you will mine.”

Her smirk died suddenly, it broke, snapping into a flat line. Her eyes narrowed. Dorian became alert as well. It was coming. The rolling thunder of exploding shelling from the Sith-Imperials had masked the sense of danger. Mavia lunged forward past Dorian and threw up her arms. She didn’t know what volume of the Force she could summon into telekinetic manifestation on such a short span but, she had no time to calculate. She had to try. The Force spewed from her fingertips and ballooned into a bubble of protection just as the gunship was impaled by a missile.​

The explosion tore off a wing and sheared the port hull off, bending it out like a metallic petal. She tried to save who she could. But, several Auxilia troopers attached to her Knights Company had been either burned to death or cast out of the transport at speed to be smashed into the oceans. Mavia’s arms shook. She couldn’t hold the pieces of the gunship around them in place. Her body shivered with the Force, buckling and ebbing. Mavia looked at Dorian, he was closest to her. She had braced herself over him. She jerked her head to the gaping hole in the gunship.​

“Go, now!” Mavia growled, her voice strained by the Force Bubble she was holding.​

“Rendezvous at Beach Byss,” Mavia continued. “You are in command now.”

The gunship began to break a part. Chunks of hull snapped and flew off and the pilot compartment had completely been consumed by a roaring flame. Mavia narrowed her eyes at Dorian.​

“Don’t worry. You are ready,” Mavia said.​

She flung her head back and called to the other Knights, “Dive now! Follow Knight Dorian to the Beach! I will follow! Go!”

The Knights complied and they all charged off, taking turns to dive into the depths while using the Force to control their impact with the water. All of them had taken the plunge except for Dorian. He was still there, in front of her. Mavia frowned and nudged her head to the side. She wouldn’t repeat herself.​

“Go,” she said, her voice was direct and was charged with Force.​

Dorian didn’t move. He was going to try to do something stupidly chivalrous. An explosion rocked the gunship. There was no time.​

“Now!” Mavia released the bubble and threw what Force was left on her fingertips at Dorian, catapulting him out of the gunship.​

Mavia fell backward, flung towards the end of the gunship as it rocked one last time. Mavia drew her hands to herself and summoned the Force to her. Encasing her body, as a bright flash blinded her and was followed by a final enormous ball of fire that engulfed her and the remnant wreckage of the gunship.
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// Operation Storm Surge
// Tactical Target: Hoth planet
// Accompaniment: None
NIO Allies: None
// TSE Enemies: Taun-tauns

DK-03 looked out on the barren snowy landscape of Hoth. There wasn't any other Imperials here.

It was weird.

"We're at the wrong place, you idiot," the pilot yelled, as DK-03 scanned the landscape with his goggles. He didn't offer any rebuttal, but the pilot wasn't well versed in combat. DK-03 had won countless virtual battles in his Darktrooper training, this was his battlefield. His landscape. He was an unstoppable juggernaut, and insurmountable strategist.

Surely they hadn't invaded the wrong planet.

But... in defense of the pilot, there literally wasn't anything else here.

The wind howled.

A taun-taun ran by in the distance.

"They said Hoth."

"It's a codename! I told you a thousand times, it's a codename."

"Right, but they said Hoth."

The pilot sunk in his seat, emotionally distraught.

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