Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Olen Halcorr

Commander Olen Halcorr


NAME: Halcorr, Olen

Galactic Alliance

RANK: Wing Commander

BRANCH OF SERVICE: GA Starfighter Corps

PAST UNITS: Blue Squadron, Gold Squadron, Twin Suns Squadrons,
Phantom Squadron

Rogue Squadron


AGE: 26

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5'9"

WEIGHT: 161 lbs

EYES: Stormy Grey

HAIR: Sandy Blonde

Complexion: Pale



Ace Pilot - Rising through the ranks of the Galactic Alliance Military fairly quickly, Olen is a triple ace with more than a few kills under his belt. He has an affinity with most craft, though he prefers starfighters.

Natural Leadership - As a child, Olen was always the leader in the friend group and often helped others out. He's shown time and time again that he has the leadership skills of caring for those under his command.

Creativity - He's always been unorthodox and that often translates to his abilities and tactics in the cockpit. He is able to come up with plans that some might not be able to think of under pressure.

Self Critical - It's fair to say that he can be quite critical of himself, especially when he loses someone under his own watch.

Impatient - A trait that he's carried over from his Academy days, he's often impatient and can't wait to get flying, a trait he most probably inherited from his father. He also doesn't like being beaten in something and is always impatient to push himself.

Too forward - He is extremely determined and has always kept going, sometimes he doesn't know when to stop pushing and that can often serve as a weakness that puts him in trouble.


Olen is a human male with a pale complexion and sandy blonde hair. He isn't very tall at 5'9" but this is normal among starfighter pilots. His hair is mostly swept to the side as he doesn't want it getting in the way. He has stormy grey eyes, not too unlike his father. He usually wears his orange GA flight suit with life support box and gloves. He also wears a white flight helmet with red accents and the GA symbol.

Born on the Wild Space planet of Lysatra in 833 ABY, Olen Halcorr was the son of Lorn Halcorr, a doctor who had helped study and defeat the Gulag Virus. His mother was a Cartographer and pilot, and taught the young Olen how to fly. From the age of ten, he would fly across the plains in his airspeeder which he'd built himself.

His mother was soon out of the picture when she disappeared mysteriously at age eleven. Her leaving would affect him for the rest of his life. He'd often feel the call of the stars and could never quite get it out of his head. Every night before bed, he'd look up to the night sky and dream.

When he was 16, he expressed a wish to join the Galactic Alliance in the wake of the devastating Netherworld Crisis. His father permitted and he travelled to Anaxes in 850 ABY at age 17, the permissible age for a starfighter pilot. He applied to join the Pols Anaxes Naval War College and passed as one of their younger recruits. He trained as a starfighter pilot with Y-Wings at first before being fast tracked to an X-Wing, he found his time there challenging but rewarding, as prior, he'd had no formal training. He scored 69% in his first simulation but persevered and scored 92% on his final simulation examination.

After graduating, he was placed in Blue Squadron and flew an X-Wing as 'Blue Nine'. A few months after his graduation, Blue Squadron participated in the Galactic Alliance -First Order War. He participated in the Second Battle of Hoth when he was promoted to Lieutenant for conduct above the call of duty when he protected a small outpost. He also fought during the Mustafar Campaign where he distinguished himself as an excellent combat pilot.

Most of Blue Squadron was decimated at Mustafar so he was brevetted the rank of Captain and given command of Gold Squadron, a brand new X-Wing unit. The following Great Galactic War would be devastating and he would find himself constantly fighting. He even found himself on his homeworld of Lysatra, though he childhood home was destroyed by hostile forces, a hate brewing inside of him for the forces of evil had attacked the place where he'd grown up.

He continued to fight, scoring some key victories with Gold Squadron, becoming known to the Galactic Alliance Command which was crumbling at the seams. After the war's end, he was made out as a hero, given a shiny medal and promoted to Commander when the Alliance was reformed.

He has been given command of the new elite starfighter unit, Twin Suns Squadron and is on the hunt for capable recruits. He's started to grow and learn more and become a potent and effective commander. After the Battle of Brentaal when they were decimated, he was given command of the hybrid commando-starfighter unit, Phantom Group.

SS01 X-Wing Starfighter









CHAPTER I - Fight of a Lifetime
[Tales from the Front, Myto's Arrow Hyperlane] Olen and Twin Suns Squadron are posted alongside New Imperial Forces to harass the Sith at Myto's Arrow.
[Downtime] Olen tries to get some rest and contemplates on his life.
[Grass and Glass: Chandrila Blues] Olen and part of Twin Suns Squadron are assigned to protect the grain collected from the Harvest on the seemingly peaceful planet of Chandrila. But things don't seem so peaceful after a while..
[Operation Quagmire] Olen has been sent with Resistance Jedi, Laira Darkhold on a covert mission deep behind enemy lines.
[Invasion of Jaemus and Dubrillion] Twin Suns Squadron joins Saber Squadron and New Imperial Order Fighter Forces in invading the planets of Jaemus and Dubrillion as part of their operations in the Myto's Arrow Hyperlane. Twin Suns Squadron gained one casualty but were able to destroy two Sith-Imperial corvettes.
[Defense of Brentaal] Twin Suns Squadron join an Alliance Navy taskforce and the Jedi to defeat an ancient enemy who wants to take over the galaxy. They venture into hell itself to defeat 'Abaddon' and save the galaxy. These enemies aren't conventional and they are more bloodthirsty than any other enemy they've faced so far. The casualty rate keeps jumping as they battle not only for their own lives..

CHAPTER II - Requiem for a Flyboy
[X-Wing: Flight of the Phantoms]- Inspired by his experiences at Brentaal, Olen Halcorr has created a new hybrid unit, a squadron made of not only pilots, but commandos who can undertake black ops missions.
[Battle of Bastion] - With Phantom Squadron, temporarily renamed Red Squadron, he joins the New Imperials and the Galactic Alliance in an effort to strike a hard blow at the Sith heartland of Bastion. He reclaimed the ancient callsign of Red Leader and heads into the fray.
[Catch Me if You Can] - The Phantoms are reformed, ready and waiting to strike fear into the hearts of those who oppose freedom and liberty. They are assigned to begin their campaign against the Tofar Pirates who have been causing trouble in the wake of the Battle of Bastion.
[New Beginnings] - Olen speaks to Allyson Locke, offering her a proposition he hopes she cannot resist.
[Battle of the N'zoth Shipyards] - The Phantoms fight against the terror of the Yevetha, hoping to strike a critical blow on the N'zoth Shipyards
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