Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Grand Auction

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
So after talking with Bounce and remembering some of the good times. Was wodnering if there is anyone interested in a grand auction bazaar. Much like Cira Cira would do for the South Systems bazaar there would be the booths, storefronts and the return of the massive auctions. Companies giving a chance for some of their products to get new things... or bettter and this was half the fun the random objects people would come up with instead of just throwing credits.

And the mystery auction... that was usually the best for it. There is also an oddities for those who want to get things out and around but not have a storefront... also a chance for Roleplay opportunities.

The location of the Auction will be Yamatai a more protected station that can be used and host many.

Visitors and participants can receive their Yamatai Swag Bag from the nearest Sasori booth


Sasori Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
Corellian Digital - Sor-Jan Xantha Sor-Jan Xantha
Sasori Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
Food - Varzali Khorza Varzali Khorza
Corellia Digital - Sor-Jan Xantha Sor-Jan Xantha
Standard Coaxium - Karpel Excaan Karpel Excaan

Store Name: Name of company
Participant: Name for taglist
Location: Bazaar or Auction or both
Products: What is being sold or auctioned (there is not minimal limit but only bring a maximum of ten for the auction) with small descriptions

MYSTERY AUCTION: It could be anything

Oddities Auction: Popping up in the corner an invisible market auction for large galactic oddities and rare finds
Tathra's Axe - Collectors item donated by mysterious collector
Sakuma Class - Gift from Atrisian Commonwealth
Jar'Kai Heresy Blades - Mysterious donation
Sub-Dermal Power Implant - Charity donation
R0-LF GNK "Ronk" Power Droid - Corellia Digital
Equinox-class Science Vessel - Corellia Digital

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