Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Location: Grjótharður, Vengard, Kalidan
Objective: Enjoy the peace of the Garden
Wearing: Link
Tags: Trinity Harris Trinity Harris

One flower caught his attention, a red and yellow one that seemed to have attracted the local Butterflies. That's three species to one area. He counts them as a hobby, he even has a small handheld pad to record them. He gently moved a single yellow Butterfly from his shoulder and put it on a flower. He had been able to indulge in calmer and far more interesting than dancing. He can dance, he danced well at the Masquerade Ball. Vee his fuzzy friend got quite a lot of pets and ear scritches. Someone even gave him the roast chicken leftovers.

As of right now Vee and the others are safe and warm back at his ship. He made sure to have plenty of toys spread around to keep them entertained and out of his sock drawer. He found his red socks in one of the cat's beds. He was more amused than upset. Cats are adorable, adorable and funny.

He had been watching bees go about their business for a while, and they took no notice of the large figures wandering the Garden, nor did they seem to care. They work hard, and they live in large colonies. Why couldn't his family branch be like that, no dysfunction, no fights and no brothers that terrify everyone else?

"Hi, the flowers are beautiful aren't they. Do you mind taking a few pictures of me in my dress please? I'm Trinity."

He then noticed he was not alone anymore. He turned around and gave Trinity a wave and nodded at that. He'll never say no to a request. So he gave a nod.

<"Sure, why not."> He replied.
Some time had passed for Rath as he found himself to be away from most of the people. The smell was always something he could not control, but now it was somehow worse. Perhaps it was due to the number of force sensitive individuals in one location. Most of the time Rath wore a mask or something that covered his face. In this case however, Rath instead found the least congested area that also held a spectacular view. In truth, the young soldier couldn't imagine a place like this would ever grace upon his presence, or if it did then it wouldn't be pleasant. He couldn't fathom what to do with all of the space since the most space he had was his own ship.

The soft breeze was a welcoming feeling on his face as his dark hair shifted with the wind. It didn't necessarily ease the dull headache that continued to throb within his head. It did give him a momentary distraction however, and after Rath ran his fingers through his hair. The young man decided to descend from the observatory to the Gardens once more. As he actually intended on getting a drink.

However he paused in mid-stride as he caught the scent again. It was the kind of scent within the Force that did not help with his headache. He wagered that going into the heart where all of the scents intertwined with each other would only make his headache worse. So there he was, in the gardens once again, only this time Rath felt something brush against his leg. As he looked down, he noticed a munchkin sized Loong-cat that apparently stumbled against his leg. There was a hint of recognition in his eyes, and while the cat was most certainly not his. The cat with it’s long body and short legs looked up with eyes wide with curiosity. Rath found himself giving a small smile before he knelt down and pet the top of its head.

"I guess you're not so bad." No sooner than the words left did the cat grab his hand with four out of many legs reaching up to wrap around Rath's wrist. Almost akin to hugging the hand that pets it. Truthfully Rath never owned a pet for he knew that with his work, Rath would've rarely been around to keep up with it. Especially considering the amount of traveling he just did, and something told Rath that it wouldn't be the last one either. But Rath caught himself thinking of getting a Loong-cat after this. Perhaps the influence of the Light was starting to rub off onto him. Even if it wasn't, it was a pleasant change.

Then the cat perks it's ears up and it snaps it's eyes onto something in the distance. Then it suddenly runs off, disappearing in the vegetation. It was slight, but Rath began to feel like his own state was beginning to conflict with each other. Fortunately this was no fight to be had, but he also knew these conflicts have spelled the error and evolution to many Force users in the past. As the young man stood up to his feet and brushed off the cat hair from his jacket.

There were still a few people out and about in the gardens. More than a few Rath could smell the Force that their presence brought. Even faint scents could be traced back into the ballroom. There was a couple, or what he assumed was a couple as there was an Ubese taking what Rath assumed to be pictures. Now, he couldn't exactly avoid everyone, and as much as Rath had no problems with not talking to anyone. He couldn't exactly turn away everything, but the question remained on how to approach them? Rath thought about it for a second before he started to approach them. At least there the scent of the Force wasn't as strong.

"I suppose the most rewarding part of photography are moments such as this event. Too many people often let moments of calm slip past their fingers these days." Rath spoke to Trinity Harris Trinity Harris and Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a . It was true that the event was to celebrate the relief most people felt after the end of Brynadul. A wave of calm and peace as unlikely allies banded together while once an ally turned their blades against the Eternal Empire. Rath could only assume it was just a matter of time before they had to deal with the Sith as well. This was perhaps the best time as any to take the time while they still could.



Wearing: [X]
Tags: Open | Fiore Fiore
For Rayna, the past few weeks had been full of firsts. Her reassignment from the Revenant program had been jarring enough, add on to that she would then have been brought before Darth Metus Darth Metus and been truly made an offer she could not refuse. Her service to the Confederacy had not gone unnoticed by the Vicelord and to that end, he had chosen her to lead Shadowfeed into the future, it was daunting but she had accepted the role and now as the Minister of Secrets, she would be the guiding hand of Shadowfeed but also the eyes and ears of the Confederacy. Shadowfeed in the past had spectacular failures, the reasons why didn't matter they were merely lessons to learn from and mistakes to avoid in the future.

Intelligence was always a messy affair, on the best day you may go home empty-handed but on the worst? You might wind up dead or starting a war. The woman subscribed to a certain philosophy to collect as broad a dataset as possible catalog it and archive it. After all, knowledge is power, which in turn meant the more you know about a subject the more able to adapt to any circumstance or situation that changed on the ground. It was a philosophy that had saved her life many times, but there was the inverse as well too much information could paralyze one from making a decision when action was necessary.

Politics is why she was here tonight, today the Eternal Empire was an ally but likely that would not always be the case. So she would attend and be a good ally and representative for the Confederacy but more importantly, she would learn. Dossiers were one thing but to see a person in the flesh, you could get a read on them, observe mannerisms and behaviors and even take in the small details, do they hold a glass with the right or left hand? Do they walk with a limp? To some these are trivial yet to Rayna they add to an ever-growing picture of those who made up the power structure of the galaxy.

The blonde walked slowly down the steps and into the ballroom, she made slow intentional movements as she walked allowing brown eyes to sweep the room several times. There were many faces some familiar most however were unknown to her. That would change, the dress she wore tonight was intentional, it was bright with a warm color to be inviting to make people feel they could approach her but most of all it fit her like a glove and by some standards was far shorter than might be socially acceptable depending on who you are. It was counter to everything about her previous life, drawing attention to one's self was as foreign to her as breathing underwater after a lifetime of undercover work, yet she was now the face of Intelligence and it demanded a presence.

Brown eyes settled on one individual across the room as recognition set in Fiore Fiore one of the newer faces in Shadowfeed. She had shown great promise already, if eye contact was made she would flash that dazzling smile of hers with a slight nod before starting off toward the bar. Rayna could already feel herself needing a drink and it was likely going to be a long night of talking.




Location: Ballroom
Wearing: [X]


The clan had not even been within Confederate space for long enough to put up permanent roots, and already Juniper found herself something to do. The others all had their ties to the royal house, and whatever else was going on there, and it had left Jun with very little to do, as it always did. So rather than sit and twiddle her thumbs, the blonde halfling did what she did best; she stuck her ear to the ground and listened for information. One thing led to another, and long story short? She got herself a job. A job doing something she was already good at, no less. People tended to confide all sorts of information to the half Zeltron, usually over booze she was serving, and that could prove most invaluable to something like Shadowfeed.

So, Jun had not turned the opportunity down.

And now she found herself at her very first event being involved with the Confederacy...and naturally it was something involving her old, and short lived home in space as well. Not that, that bothered her in the least little bit. The past was not why she was here. No, the future looming ahead of her was why she was here, and maybe it was partially the chance to get dolled up and not be surrounded by grumpy, clunky Mandalorians for a night. And so long as she could keep her cool and not end up flustered or angry? The night should remain smooth, with no pheromone induced craziness happening.

Juniper had most certainly dressed for the occasion, and had been right about dressing up feeling good for a change. She made her way into the Ruling Hall and both of her brows lofted as she gave a slow and steady sweep of the room. They certainly went all out for this thing, and while Jun was impressed, taking in the sights was also not why she was here. Being in a new place, involved with new people, she needed a larger social circle. She had been out of touch with most of her old contacts for a while now, though had reached out to them too.

But all in all, tonight was about socializing. To get her face out there, get her name to slip past a few sets of lips. So, while others were mingling and dancing, Juniper made her way deeper into the thick of the room in search of a tray of drinks, and maybe - just maybe, a conversation to insert herself into.




A soft sigh slipped from her lips as she had come to the conclusion that she would seek shelter from the loud ballroom elsewhere, even more so when she was lacking any sort of drink of her preference, or an individual that she had known well enough that could keep her there. She was a Viceroy, though there were still times that she felt she was alone in that endeavor, often shying away from her own peers - preferring to be back in some mysterious little planet discovering its secrets and joys as she had been so long ago. She had barely reached the stairs when she paused for a moment, her slender fingers just lightly touching the railing as her ears seemed to perk up slightly. Something was off, no, not off, different - no, it wasn't something, there was someone. Had it not been for the simple fact that she wasn't Force Sensitive, she may have even attributed it to feeling a presence she hadn't felt in what seemed like ages, though that wasn't it - rather, it was like a gut intuition that someone was watching her, someone familiar.

Ears still perked up, even with them now hidden beneath her long blonde hair as she brought herself away from the first step, her fingers still grasping the railing. Golden-yellow hues began to carefully scan the crowd of all those that had arrived, carefully, no, intently looking at each and every face that she could see. It was almost as if she were possessed as if some being had taken control for she may have realized just how tightly she was gripping the banister as the wood began to warp and crack ever so slightly. Then, she found her... HER. Was it really her though? Imperia hesitated for a moment as she pulled her hand free of the banister, turning fully towards the woman, even going so far as to politely shove a male out of the way that had the unfortunate timing to ask for a dance. Imperia was not interested in anything else, and it seemed like her body had already begun to act on its own as she took a step forward, followed by a second.

Before she knew it, she was right there, right in front of Fiore, the woman that she had been so enraptured with when they had first met at that waterfall. Had she an inkling of how she had moved, Imperia would have realized that she had more or less, stormed over to the woman - a sight to see for others around her even if she wanted to avoid a spectacle or drama that was about to unfold. Her fists balled up tightly, her ears burned red - though not from embarrassment, rather from anger; thankful that her hair was still keeping them hidden. Just like she had done so many times before, her cheeks seemed to puff up cutely as though she were about to throw a fit - a bad habit that even she was aware of and had spent so many years attempting to overcome. Then, she moved without realizing it, and soon enough the ballroom in which they stood resounded with a loud...


"You stupid idiot!"

She just about screamed, not meaning to make a scene, though likely causing one either way. With her hands balled up into fists again, tears started to well up in her eyes, a few slipping down over her cheek. Without anything else, without saying another word, she quickly wrapped her arms around Fiore and pulled the woman in close for a tight hug, holding her against her as she did her best to fight back the tears. Imperia was fighting off a myriad of emotions, unsure of where to begin or even where they would end. All she knew at that moment was that Fiore was back, she could see her, and now the poor thing was holding on to dear like as though she was worried she'd wake from whatever dream or nightmare this was and would lose her all over again.

"You never said goodbye..."

Imperia sobbed slightly, doing her best to keep fighting back the tears as she felt Fiore before finally realizing that she should probably let the poor thing go before too many others began to stare or continued to watch whatever it was that was unfolding. Imperia offered a soft smile, straining still as her hand came up and lightly brushed tears from her own cheeks. Anger, Sadness, and Happiness all roiled together as she took a deep breath, doing her best to push them all down - her golden-yellow hues now a vibrant, brilliant blue as they fell upon Fiore.

"You've grown."

She said with a soft choking smile, trying to laugh slightly through the tears as she stood in front of the woman. For Imperia nothing else mattered, everything else had fallen back and blended in with the backdrop of the occasion; no longer caring that others were watching or what others thought of the Viceroy losing her cool as she had. She couldn't care less, for her, all that mattered was that Fiore was back.

Fiore Fiore

Chaos NaNo 2021: 866

Objective: Socialize
Wearing: Dress
Tags: Open

At first, Vaylin had zero intent on attending the event. Not that she had anything against the Eternal Empire, she certainly didn’t. But they once had ties with the Sith Empire when they were still around. Hell, the Zabrak once upon a time had helped the Eternal Empress’ husband in his experiments with the Netherworld.

Her concern is that word would get back to the remnants of that Sith Empire, particularly Carnifex and Moirai. Vaylin had no desire to cross paths with them again, at least not until she had fully regained her connection to the Force.

For as much as Vaylin was confident in her fighting ability, she was currently hindered by a significant handicap.

But on the flipside of that, her numbed connection meant she came across as practically Force Dead to those that could Sense. You’d have to get up close and peer deep to be able to recognize the Zabrak through the Force.

It was the main reason why Vaylin ultimately decided to attend, figuring she was pretty anonymous to anyone who might’ve recognized her. A potentially foolish thought, given she was pretty recognizable visually.

But the Zabrak had made choices to lessen the chances of that. Opting out of wearing anything fancy, no flowing ball gowns. Just a simple purple dress, one of Vaylin’s favourites.

After arriving, it hadn’t taken long for the former Valkyrie to find herself at the bar. Two drinks down already, and a thought in the back of her subconscious telling her to slow down. She didn’t exactly have the means right now to bolster her tolerance. With a new drink in hand, Vaylin turned in her seat, peering out across the crowds that filled the ballroom.

Location: Grjothardur, Vengard, Kalidan
Attire: Clothes

Hefi had been a bust, her own personal goal there hadn't gone as planned and now she found herself on the complete opposite side of the Galaxy in the middle of a little soiree that was being held to foster relations between the Eternal Empire and the Confederacy. These places weren't really something that she aspired to find herself in, often preferring the dingier holes in the wall that she always found herself in by the end of the night, or start, depending on how drunk she already was. In that regard, however, she was doing her best - having managed to swipe a bottle of Blossom Wine before she slipped away from everyone else in attendance; finding a nice little corner tucked away in the Observatory to pass the night. A soft sigh slipped her lips as she finally managed to get the bottle open, the cork popping and breaking the silence for a moment before she shrunk further into her little corner to avoid any prying eyes that might have looked towards the sound.

A glass wasn't an option for her, though it likely should have been, plus she'd honestly forgotten to steal one - ahem, appropriate, one on her way past the table and up to her current location. Perhaps if she had realized that the Minister of Secrets was here she may have acted differently, though in her defense it was highly unlikely. Valera did her job to the best of her abilities, and though she answered to the director, she still had her own little goals and missions that she would set for herself from time to time. Those, however, weren't made public, nor did she feel the need to share them with anyone other than herself - such as the little trip she made to Hefi some scant days prior.

Bringing the bottle up to her lips, she paused for a moment and showed an odd bit of civility as she took a small sniff of the wine, noting the hints of blossom before she disregarded any thought of acting like a connoisseur. With that out of the way, the glass bottle pressed against her lips as she took the first of many deep, long sips - though those on the outside that may have seen would call it what it was, a swig. Bringing the bottle down, she kept to herself, making no noise as she appreciated the drink while drawing one of her legs up on the bench. Her arm carefully came to rest against her knee, her fingers lightly dancing against the air as she heard the faint notes of the music drifting up from the ballroom. It was a soft melody, a lovely tune, though it wasn't something she could ever see herself dancing to - noting that it didn't have the deeper beats that she preferred or the somber depressing tone as those bands that often graced the hole in the wall dives she called home.

With a soft smile and another swig from the bottle, she looked up at the large dome that encased the observatory, admiring the inky black void beyond as the heavens danced to their own tune in the skies above. For the moment she was safe, away from anyone that might know her or know of her, in her own little corner of the galaxy, tucked away with a drink in hand and a warm coat wrapped around her shoulders. The perfect night for the moment, though there was always the only direction she knew of that the night could turn; down...

Tags: Open

Chaos NaNo 2021: 598
Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Location: Grjótharður, Vengard, Kalidan
Objective: Try to avoid the too awkward situations.
Equipment: Current form | Elegant attire || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Kveld
Tags:: Vaylin Vaylin | Open
[ Hijo de la Luna ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina was still sitting in the garden when she felt a familiar Force aura. Very, very familiar. The Valkyrja species has had good relationships, or has done so in the past, with the Sith Empire Valkyrie group. Actually, only because of the similarity of the names, and because they performed similar tasks; but while the Sith Valkyrie are in the world of the living, the Valkyrja is mainly in the Netherworld. To Eina's best knowledge, there had been no connection between them for a very long time. Since the Sith Empire collapsed.

~ Oh! ~ she thought.

That's why it was interesting that Eina felt her here, this time. What’s even weirder is that she didn’t feel darkness from the woman’s direction. Eina patted Kveld on the head, then stood up and headed for the ballroom. She was at home, so she and Kveld were allowed by the systems to go the shorter route, on secret roads that only the locals knew and could use. Kveld did not leave the Valkyrja alone. That's how they arrived at the ballroom together. Some looked at the interesting duo strangely.

The almost horse-sized wolf and the young red-haired woman with angel wings. Eina quickly looked around the ballroom for that particular aura, signature. She soon found it. The Valkyrja knew that Darth Moira knew her mother and father as well, so the red-haired girl did not hide her presence in the Force, anyone could feel her. Anyone who knew Ingrid or Adrian's signature could have recognized her, they knew she was here. Hiding was not easy for her in this regard. But it always reminded her of who her parents were and how different she was.

"Darth Moira! I don’t know if you remember me, I’m the First, the matriarch of Valkyrja. Or others call me Eina L'lerim-Vandiir." she addressed the woman.

Even if they had met in the past, the girl was in her own original form, with blue skin and black hair, in that form her skin glowing in the faint bluish light. Her features were the same as they are now, but she was much more human now. As far as she knows Gei also preferred this look instead of her true appearance though she felt and knew that the man wasn't bothered by the original appearance either. This encounter really surprised her, as the Eternal Empire was at war with the Sith, and the Valkyrja had not heard about Darth Moira and Vaylin being two separate people, being now and not one anymore.

"I'm surprised to see you here due to the war situation …" she said carefully.


Overseer for Imperial Scientific Development


Riding: Phantom
Accompanied by: Plushee Companion Droid
Wearing: Guarderma Bio-suit
Ship: Luminary class light explorer exchanging crew space for biolabs
Tags: Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a Rath Nihro Rath Nihro

She handed her camera to the Ubese and he started taking pictures, she pulled the poses that womens magazines always liked, sliding her long well defined leg in and out of her dress and putting her hand on her hips. She then took a few more natural looking pictures of herself just with the flower. She laughed, feeling a little silly but enjoying herself nonetheless, another man approached and said something about the joy of photography "Thank you for doing those for me, can I see?" She said to Tovald then turned to Rath, "I suppose it's easier if you are naturally photogenic, but I do love taking pictures. That flower is the only one left in the galaxy of its kind."

A waiter approached them and offered them each drinks, which she took one of and sipped at it gracefully, particularly as it was that moment she spotted Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan not far away. She waved politely and greeted her "Dr Fùyuán it is lovely to see you, you look great." It was nice to see the Dr. here, from her body language though Trinity wondered whether she was feeling the same 'fish out of water' way that Trinity was trying to hide.

She turned back to her two male acquaintances and asked, "so, do you two know each other?"

Location: Grjótharður, Vengard, Kalidan
Objective: Enjoy the peace of the Garden
Wearing: Link
Tags: Trinity Harris Trinity Harris | Rath Nihro Rath Nihro | Open

Taking the camera from Trinity, he gave it a look over and set the settings to his own, autofocus was easier to gauge the clarity of the shot better. He used to take pictures in his spare time outside job obligations. Mostly on things that were unusual in shape or colour or wildlife if it was willing to cooperate. Sometimes it does, and he gets great pictures, but other days, he gets several duds. That can't be helped.

He took a few test shots of a butterfly who decided to take off just as he pressed the shutter button, so that photograph looked like a multi-coloured splat, they are rather flighty and move as soon as they sense movement, so he wasn't too bothered by it. He made sure to get the best angles and lighting, if he couldn't get the correct shot, he moved back to fit her in.

That should do it, he handed the camera back for Trinity to have a look. He then noticed Rath approach, who made a very valid observation about that, any calm was a rare thing for the galaxy, as far as he was aware, everything seemed to happen all at once without a breath to take.

<"Agreed, everyone is far too busy shooting at each other and invading to be calm and things float by without a single notice taken of it."> He replied, giving the same Loong Cat from earlier a tickle under the chin. Which made the cat purr with content, there were quite a few of them here, chasing Butterflies in the flowerbeds. He politely declined a drink from the waiter, it's still, a tad too early for drinks.

<"No, we don't, we never met until now."> He replies to Trinity, he never met anyone here, yes, he recognised a few faces but, he never knew them up close and personally.




Hair & Outfit: [X]
TAG: Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan | Open

Aselia you are an adult and you can do what you want, just know I would be disappointed if you didn't follow my example.

The words of her father Darth Metus Darth Metus rang in her ears, the tahla'ada hypocrite. Follow his example? She unconsciously huffed as she made her way into the garden. If she followed his shabla example she would be sleeping with half the damn party tonight. A low growl emanated from the young Mandalorian.

She unknowingly stomped her way into the garden intending to at least attempt to calm her temper before joining the main party. To say she was uncomfortable was a massive understatement, she felt naked and exposed wearing this dress she glanced down at herself and shook her head slightly she of course wore things other than her beskar'gam but usually in the privacy of her own home with her family never out in the open like this.

To Aselia, her beskar was best in any situation where she could be attacked even in an open area like this there a hundred different ways she could be attacked, her anger slowly began to wane as she walked among the various plants and she found a quiet spot to sit and be alone with her thoughts for a moment before sighing softly. Her thoughts turned to Allya Vi'Dreya Allya Vi'Dreya for a moment no doubt her vod would be thrilled to see her like this, she had always encouraged her to show off more and on more than one occasion told her she was too beautiful to hide in beskar all the time.

She rolled her eyes at the thoughts but a reluctant and small smile touched her lips. She hadn't seen Allya in some time but she hoped she was well. She then thought of her recent acquaintance in Jhira Mereel Jhira Mereel , they had hit off quite well also. She could use a friendly distraction for a while.

Trinity Harris Trinity Harris Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a

Rath took a drink from the waiter as it was offered, and listened to the pair. He wasn’t going to pretend like he knew much about flora aside from what could be lethal and what couldn’t.

”I see, well I suppose that is what makes it’s value so esteemed. It’s only unfortunate that it is the last however.” Rath commented before he took a sip of his drink. Tovald was in agreement with what Rath originally said, and both held more truth than they probably want to admit. It certainly was a sour subject, and Rath took Trinity’s greeting to someone named Dr. Fuyuan as the breaker from such a topic. Rath reached out with his free hand in a form of greeting towards them.

”My name is Rath Nihro.” He introduced himself. More than once Rath had talked with people and yet introductions were never made. So he continued to be nameless to many, and most people he ended up talking to Rath already knew their names. He’d be genuinely surprised if anyone recognized who he was. As Rath was in a sense a ghost to many except for a select few.

Rath would slightly shake his head in response to Trinity’s question.

”No, I’m afraid not. But I suppose that is also one of the merits of these events as well.” There was a pause on his part as Rath wagered if anything was to be said it would be right there. However if nothing was said, then Rath would follow up with a question.

”So, what do you two do for a living?” A simple get-to-know question, and most people often talk about their jobs. Whether it was ranting about a horrible boss, supervisor, or just how awful their day at work was. People loved to talk about their problems, but Rath took another sip as his yellow eyes shifted between the two.

Vaux wasn’t sure how to react to Chunhua, eying her a little as she looked at the dress.

“I mean… I guess the color does remind me of the Tal’galaar a bit, but it’s still not that comfortable. And…. Ok fine…. I’ll give you the face.” And pretty soon Vaux would be dragged along to get foo…. Wait what was that about a “don’t look at me” face?

Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan


The voice was a far cry from the one he witnessed across the meeting table so long ago. Previously, the Empress had sounded of iron. She was devoid of joy. Stone-faced. But the circumstances were far far different then. In the present day, there was much to be happy about, he supposed. "Tonight Highness, you're among friends. Please, call me Isley." came his reply.

With all the elegance and decorum that could be expected of royalty, the Eternal monarch accepted his invitation. Her hand was placed in his own and he guided them out to the dance floor. He took but a moment to truly hear the music that was playing. To find the rhythm that would order his steps. His offhand then settled upon her back and they began to move.

As they swayed, her question reached him. One that first produced a light chuckle. "I feel...relieved." came his admission. "It's good to be home - and even better to resume the efforts we've spent so much on." So much time, literal blood, sweat, and tears. "As far as a solution goes, the Maw was kind enough to provide one. Some...rather loud politicians incited paranoia throughout our systems. A 'Sith Scare' if you will. They made people believe that the fallen Sith Empire would take over everything and that we'd be slaves to Darkness."

"That I was a sleeper agent for the Empire. Ridiculous."
His words were complete with a scoff. "But, with the Maw's appearance, the people realized just how ridiculous of a claim this was. The paranoia's passed. All is finally right in the world."

He then nodded to his radiant dancing partner.

"What of you? How have you fared since last we spoke?"


The Hunter was in his element.

It was freeing to be devoid of duty, save for enjoying one's self. Sure, the dark-skinned warrior had to maintain decorum, as he did passively represent the southern systems. However, his was not a name of repute any further. He did not have to worry about the Knighthood as a whole. He did not have to fret about missions. He did not have to worry about battlefields. For the first time in quite awhile, he could just enjoy himself. Or, most importantly, he could enjoy the company on his arm.

Cordelia Malkavian Cordelia Malkavian had dressed to the nines for the occassion. From her life before, the realm of nobility and finery were not her favorite to live in. But to dabble? Absolutely. When news reached her ears of the event, she wasted no time putting a nice, fat hole in their shared account for their attire. He didn't even have a say in what he wore - not that it mattered to him. She selected a tuxedo that matched her dress completely. We're going to actually dance this time, yes? she asked as they entered the Ballroom. Rience grinned.

"Yes. Though it depends on your definition of dance." he began, fully incapable - and unwilling - of keeping his mind out of the gutter.

Her gaze met his as her tone became infinitely more serious. Yet her words only caused him to grin all the more. "There are easier ways of asking for my undivided attention." came his quip. "Such as this dress." He motioned with his chin then to the dance floor. "Come, we won't let it go to waste."


I fear I am the merest Squire, Lord Josiah.

The Echani he recognized was professional in her greeting. Her hand was extended in greeting - and Josiah was conflicted. The Knight in him said to simply return the handshake and to continue chatting. However, he questioned himself. Was that appropriate for this evening? They weren't inside of headquarters or on an active mission after all. And the holo-vids about such events said that men in tuxedos kissed the backs of women in dresses. Social events were certainly not his strength.

Regardless, Josiah settled into his knightly ways and returned the formal greeting. A light shake was offered whilst she spoke. I fear I am the merest squire, Lord Josiah. She began, a fact that caused him to smile. "Your bravery in the Temple matched that of an Obsidian Lord. You did us proud." She was humble in her correction - humility being one of the key qualities of a Knight. Between her valor and what he saw in this moment, she would certainly go far in their midst.

It is a pleasure to see you once again; your calm presence is a balm.

Josiah chuckled. He had received a few compliments in his day, but never about his calm presence. It was...nice. "Thank you for your kind words." he said. "Now, I have a bit of a confession to make."

He stepped just a touch closer, as if to share the Galaxy's most dangerous secret. "Social gatherings are not my forte. Do you mind terribly if I bother you for a while?"



v e n g a r d
Tag: Darth Metus Darth Metus | Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean | Iuuna Talon
Dressed in: Silver

The same ghostly smile that oft flickered across her features when Iuuna was about skated over chilled features in the same way a blade slid over ice. There was very little warmth in her. That wasn't to say that she didn't feel anything at all, however, she kept all of it beneath the surface. An Echani did not reveal themselves through undignified acts, nor, did they let their guard down in the stronghold of an enemy. No matter the common ground the Eternal Empire managed to find with the Confederacy—The ivory Exarch would always be on the opposite end of the spectrum.

She knew what they were. What they stood for—And whom their Empress served. They were not friends. They would never be, friends.

"Would that I could spar with you, nettë." (*Small one, pretty one.)

It would be preferred over waiting for the night to progress enough that she could excuse herself without inciting some sort of intergalactic incident. "But—This is not Eshan. There are no firedancers and combat in such polite company, even between us, could be seen as an act of aggression. That is not the impression the Vicelord wishes to provide."

Her words were specific. It was not the impression that Darth Metus Darth Metus wanted to give. It spoke nothing of how Srina Talon felt on the subject, nor, did it seem disrespectful. It was simple fact. The words about the pieces of metal she wore on her fingers drew a faint passing of air from between primrose lips, but, nothing more. "Your mother had a very active imagination. I do not concern myself with the whims of a boy in any capacity.", she intoned, lightly, but not without a certain sense of finality. Srina spent her time with whom she found worthy. None, could be called a mere "boy" and she wouldn't discredit them to do so.

"These items are useful. Beauty is hollow, without purpose. It must have meaning."

Her niece had the temperament of someone much older at times. Srina could only watch her face while her eyes narrowed and found a dull ache in the center of her chest. Everyday, she reminded her more and more of Tellu. Silver eyes stole back toward the vibrant plumage and silence pervaded for a long moment while she considered what the young woman had spoken. "Forgive me, Iuuna. A trick of the light does not refer to the Force. It is a "turn of phrase" that describes something that can appear different than it actually is. I do not know who will inherit our line…But I should be so lucky to have your grandmothers' eyes."

She could freeze the very blood within someone that had displeased her without lifting a finger. It was a dead, quiet gaze, that expressed all. It held the secrets of the cosmos but chilled the target to the bone. Through and through. Even the soul, felt cold. Genetics ensured that she would look like Aeris Talon one way or the other, but, perfecting her skills?

That could take an age.

Peace is a lie.

Tellu would have been horrified to hear her daughter speak so freely part of the Sith Code without any true knowledge of it. Was she doing such a poor job at raising the young woman? At providing experience? Slowly, the wintry woman nodded. "It is.", she agreed, though, she did not elaborate. Her reasons had been built on years of wading neck-deep in wars that made no sense. Resources, or, for petty squabbles that cost more on both sides than it gained. Eshan was no exception.

"Peace can mean many things, however, the absolute form you refer to is an impossibility when the grandness of eventuality is taken into consideration. It does not mean to be a place where there is no difficulty. No trouble, hardship, bloodshed, animosity, or hard work. It simply means to be in the midst of those things and retaining the calmness to endure it. To have focus. Without that…We become slaves to emotion. That leads to errors. Unacceptable lapses in judgment.", Srina uttered in the very same, even cadence, and without raising nor lowering her voice. It was as if the words were etched into something only she could see beneath the flower petals and droplets of evening dew. "It is a sweet notion to assume that death is the end. That all things, should meet such a fate…"

"But that isn't entirely the case. It is true that all living things, eventually, do die. They simply don't always stay dead."

Iuuna was living proof of that.

Her Master, the former Emperor of the Sith Empire, and even others beneath this very roof had died. Passed into the Nether and returned either of their own volition or outside forces. She listened while her niece tried to find reason for this gathering and she could only imagine how confusing it must be. Politics had always been a game that Srina cared not to play, no matter, her duty. She performed as an Exarch because the Vicelord required it. Not because she wanted it. "They are here to prove that they can exist in the same sphere and refrain from bleeding one another dry. No one in this building is thinking of themselves, nor, their own personal comfort. They take drastic measures to try and ensure the lives of the citizenry that depends on them. Many conflicts can be solved with a sword, but some, require a delicate approach."

"Which is why you must learn all things. Combat, politics, and yes, even dancing in a social setting. If you would prefer that I not secure a partner for your education, then, you may dance with me."

Iuuna needed, everything. She would have to learn the most difficult parts of the world they lived in without a lot of time to spare because their sameness. The close association would leave the young woman vulnerable. Open, to attack. That was unacceptable.

Location: Vengard [Ballroom]
Tag: Kyyrk Kyyrk

She glowered.

It was reflexive and completely without thought, but, when he trailed off the way he did and refused to tell her the story it couldn't be helped. "Why are you so cruel to me?", she questioned, airily, as if he was obviously treating her truly awful. That wasn't the case, of course, but she could still give as good as she got. Her eyes rolled heavenward when Kyyrk spoke of the apparent "paperwork" and "penance" he would have to do if she went missing on his watch. "I feel like you're fibbing just to keep me from trying to slip my watchdog."

As if she often tried to escape his sight. If anything, she returned to it.

Just as often as he had returned to her.

The teasing and gentle conversation seemed to take on a darker air when Kyyrk spoke of his skill in war. He hoped she wouldn't see it. Chocolate eyes averted and the topaz threads that lingered around her iris seemed to brighten in the dim light. They all had their secrets. She wasn't quite as helpless as she seemed. Most, knew of the Minister of Commerce. Her history was an open book. The fact that her alignment was as black as a starless night? Less, known. "If I could think of a way to convince you to stay away from the battlefield—I would."

It would bring him nothing but new injuries. New pain.

"But…I know that sitting on the sidelines isn't for you."

He needed the fight. Chose, the fight. One simply didn't trip into the footsteps of a Knight and carry themselves with such grace and confidence by accident. She had met hundreds, thousands, and they all had the same need to see their skills put to good use. To make a difference. For better, or worse. The song changed. It became slower still, a sweet, ephemeral tune that was neither a waltz nor traditional for a ballroom. Her posture relaxed a little bit and her left hand slid down to rest on his chest to allow her form to draw nearer to his. "Not liking to sing doesn't mean that you don't…"

"Sing for me."

The command was issued with a challenging smile that teased at the edges of crimson lips without hesitation. No matter how her thoughts tended to drift, no matter the path, he often pulled her free of it with a simple word. A glance. She swayed back and forth while a lilting laugh was lost to the white-noise of the crowd. Most, seemed to be focusing on the Empress and the Vicelord. "I'm the Mistress of Contracts. The terms are fair when I say they are—No more, no less."

Yes. Kyyrk had come home. But, he would leave again. She would worry for him again.

That was a certainty.

He alluded to his age and she was once more reminded that the information listed in his Knight dossier did not match that which left his throat. He had wizened, tempered responses, that most men her age didn't have. Alessandra tilted her head and let it rest lightly on his opposite shoulder. Careful, to keep her hair between her face and his suit. She didn't want to leave any makeup behind.

"I wish I were better at public speaking. I tend to see things one way. My way. I was abysmal with music as a youngling…So much so that my brother teased me relentlessly.", she offered the taller man, aware, that they were likely giving the gossip mill something to talk about. It had been all over the Holo-Net when her divorce had been finalized. That was the life of a Minister—No privacy. "I wish I would have paid more attention when being shown a blaster. I can shoot relatively straight, but I'm more familiar with other things."

"It would have been nice to be a better sister. A better child. I was always too willful. Well, am. Willful. I want what I want."

Oh, and she hadn't even brought up her temper. It was slow to light but once ignited; there was no escape.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective I.: Try to having fun
Location: Grjótharður, Vengard, Kalidan
Equipment: Dress / Dress || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Darth Metus Darth Metus | Open
[ Waltz ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

"For me this, the non-ice cold voice and not totally rigid behaviour is most of what I can offer you in this situation, Vicelord." she replied to the man. "My upbringing and the etiquette doesn't allow me to call you on your first name in public, others would still hear it."

Ingrid was one of those people who found it hard to relax and unwind at an event. Even then, she was always polite and cold. Although not as much as on the battlefield and at the negotiating table. Yes, it was really like iron then. It was just ice now, which melted a bit, but even so, it couldn't be completely loose. Very few people knew that side. The woman even called her husband Lord Tubrok, or Lord Ragal, in public, and they behaved with each other according to etiquette.

As she danced, the read-haired woman listened intently to Metus' response as she nodded. The man was in a similar situation to the woman. Only in the case of the Eternal Empire was it all the other way around. For them, it was not the population of the state that questioned the decision, but the external states. Internal trouble is perhaps more manageable than external. And yes, Maw was a cure for almost every situation; ironically. For Ingrid's less, for her, the Ashlan Crusade and Kainate solved that problem.

"Familiar, I’ve heard similar rumours that we’re also considered the puppet state of the Sith. No one thought just the opposite, though I said it openly several times." she chuckled a little. "Fortunately, Lord Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson understood our reasons and accepted them."

Ingrid was the one who used the TSE as a puppet to keep them alive because she wanted to use the Sith Empire and their territory to stand as a bastion against the Bryn'adül so that they would hold against the attack if they set out for the Core Worlds. That is why she wanted peace; she did not want to save and protect the TSE, but everyone else. But neither side was a threat anymore.

"In any case, I am glad that you have returned and taken the position you deserve." she said honestly.

How is she? A lot has happened since they last met. She did not find something, peace of mind and peace. More than three hundred years passed in vain for her. The Netherworld was at times tricky about time. There were places where time passed more slowly, elsewhere faster, but she still mourned her long lost love and husband.

" Maybe we will manage to convince the galaxy that we have nothing to do with the Sith anymore, and maybe they understand my reasons. We played a key role in defeating Omni, with your, the CIS's support we defeated Bryn'adûl. In fact, I can say that the Eternal Empire has entered a golden age. A contract with Ashlan Crusade is imminent. Fortunately, the differences were set aside after Panatha was attacked by them to lure out from his hiding and arrest Lord Carnifex. Because of their results, we are at war with Kainate and the remnants of the TSE. And of course we also suffered from the Maw…" she explained.

He remained silent here for a few moments, looking into the man's eyes, then she just spoke to him telepathically, not saying it out loud. She carried this burden alone, no one knew about it.

~ He is alive… ~ that's all she "told" him for now, not detailing who he was, she hoped Darth Metus would figure it out for himself.




The displeasure in her voice, the hurt in her words feigned or no, seemed to convince him. Kyyrk chuckled, looking out over the ballroom again. "Someone helped rescue me from a dark place. He was a mentor of sorts. An uncle, though we had no family ties. He told me it was time to stop pretending to be something I am not." He turned back to Alessandra, arching a brow at her. "Let's just say my family was once a rather prominent one. Years ago, anyways."

He didn't have the heart to tell her that he was the last of a dying breed. That his family had fallen into obscurity long before he was born. The only notable action was the founding of a new colony. A colony that had been entrusted to his care. But ultimately found its downfall at his hands. Not once, but twice. But the words of Vuul still echoed in his mind. We do not remember your father for his failures. Only for the success he brought our planet. So too shall it be for you.

Kyyrk smiled sympathetically as the Minister spoke of wishing he would return from the battlefield for good. "There's more to what we do than war, Minister. I am a student of the Force before I am a warrior." A student caught within a crusade to right his infinite wrongs. What would she think of him, he wondered, if she knew his role in the downfall of the Knights Obsidian? Kyyrk's attention was brought back to the minister rather abruptly as her hand moved down his arm to his chest. He realized, as its warmth seeped into his chest, that it had been a long time since anyone had been this close to him. Physically or otherwise.

Then she commanded him to sing for her. He sighed quietly, opening his mouth to object. He looked around at the mass of people on the dance floor. He couldn't. Not here. His right hand drifted down to her shoulder, and rested firmly against her shoulder blade. What happened next could only be described as ethereal. And certainly a mark that Kyyrk held a hidden prowess with the skill he did not publicly advertise. Though the words did not belong to the music that was playing, it was woven perfectly in tune. His voice was low, singing in an ancient language that Alessandra almost certainly couldn't decipher. And yet there was a quality to it as if he were not singing at all.

The sound came from everywhere, yet nowhere. The Force guided the man's voice, filling the air around them with a sorrowful ballad. It was not the first time Kyyrk had used such a technique to disguise or alter his voice. But it was the first time he'd sung with it. Though Alessandra could hear him perfectly, no one else within the room would be able to perceive the haunting melody. He continued to sing quietly as Alessandra spoke of her shortcomings. Of her desire to be a better person. Kyyrk patted her shoulder gently. A comforting gesture from one lost soul to another. Kyyrk did not speak for a while, instead letting a silence befall them, broken only by his singing.

Though the words were not in basic, one could almost get a sense of what the song spoke of. A far off land, filled with a downtrodden yet determined people. It sang of their resilience, of their determination. It sang of great leaders, of cunning warriors. It was, in a way, a love song. A people devoted to their cause. To each other. A song that children of Vylmira knew by heart. Kyyrk let the silence linger after the final note for a moment.
"One day, I'll be able to come home for good. Live the life I always wanted..."

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