Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Dis the Shadowcat

  • e8VHvB9.png

    Name: Dis
    Other name(s): Various (Shadowcat)
    Ranks: N/A
    Titles: Nothing yet
    Species: The Shadows (Force Entity)
    Birth date: Unknown
    Age: Unknown

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    Faction: Independent
    Birthworld: Darth Prospero's laboratory
    Homeworld: Dromund Kaas, Netherworld
    Occupation: Explorer, Wanderer
    Allegiance: The Greystone Mercantile

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    Sex: Neuter (depends on the host)
    Height: N/A (depends on the host or chosen shadow form)
    Weight: N/A (depends on the host)
    Eye color: White (depends on the host)
    Hair color: N/A (depends on the host)
    Skin color: N/A (depends on the host)
    Voice sample: not chosen yet (depends on the host)
    Favoured Hosts: Shape-shifters, felineoid creatures (sentient and non-sentient), Loong cat
    Force Sensitive: yes

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    Known species member:
    Kal Kal

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    It is basically invisible or ghostly, shady humanoid, or cat. It is typically in the form of a cat. In addition, it depends on what host Dis uses currently.

    Dis is quite new even in the world of the living, which is why it is a very curious nature. It may seem a little naive, but that's not true, it spent a significant portion of his existence in the Netherworld, in pretty bad circumstances.

    Quite a calm and thoughtful nature, on the outside it may seem to let events drift with it, but it usually likes to plan it steps in advance. However, it likes that if those around it seem happy, perhaps that’s why Dis chooses animals as a host. However, it downright doesn’t understand why many people are weird when a cat talks.

    Dis doesn’t necessarily like to interfere in things / events, but rather observes and whispers plans in the ears of others to make them happen. It likes to refer to itself as "it," not as male or female.

    Its personality is True neutral.

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    Shadow – As a Shadow, Dis can swap bodies at its leisure, travel through the Netherworld safely, and spy away unnoticed by most.
    Observer – it abilities and species make it a great observer, but in addition to these it is able to perceive a lot of small connections and presence that help it in the world of the living.
    Quick learner – Dis is quite smart and resourceful, thanks to which it is able to learn very quickly

    Vulnerable – Dis is vulnerable to all manner of sorcerous/Force-y shenanigans without the insulation a borrowed body provides.
    Immaterial – without a host, it is quite limited in what it can do.
    Cats – Dis favourite hosts are the cats, let’s face it, it’s pretty hard to thrive in life in this way and many find talking a loong cat weird.

    Curious – very receptive to all aspects of the living world, coupled with being very curious, which can even lead to trouble.
    Intervention – Dis very rarely intervenes in events, it typically does so only when its interests require it.
    Pacifist – They seeks to avoid any conflict that may involve fighting, and seeks to encourage everyone to resolve problems peacefully.

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    Unknown / WIP.

    Languages Known:
    Galactic Basic – Native
    High Galactic – native
    ur-Kittât / Sith – fluent

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    WIP after; when the species is ready.

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    Rank: Apprentice
    Apprentice(s): –
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    WIP / Nothing yet
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    01. Two Little Shadows - [ Private | Finished ]
    02. Eyes Not Needed - [ Faction | Aborted ] - The Sith Empire
    03. Trial of Sand - [ Faction | Aborted ] - Sith Eternal
    04. We Want Dis - [ Private | Finished ]
    05. Mischief Managed - [ Private | Aborted ]
    06. The Ossus Massacre - [ Invasion | Finished ] - Sith Eternal
    07. Benevolence - [ Private | Aborted ]
    08. Search for a New Home - [ Faction | Aborted ] - Eternal Empire (ZU)
    09. From The Glare Of Stars - [ Faction | Aborted ] - Sith Eternal
    10. Only the Force Matters - [ Faction | Aborted ] - Eternal Empire
    11. Allegiance - [ Invasion | Finished ] - Bryn'adul
    12. Beasts of Babylon - [ Invasion | Finished ] - Sith Eternal
    13. And of an Era - [ Annihilation | Aborted ] - Sith Eternal / Sith Empire
    14. Mark of the Beast - [ Faction | Aborted ] - Eternal Empire
    15. Draco’s happy little Jakku Abode - [ Open | Abandoned ]
    16. Crisis Over Belsavis - [ Junction | Finished ] - Eternal Empire
    17. Murder in the Mansion - [ Populate | Ongoing ] - Eternal Empire

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    WIP / Nothing yet

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