Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Eyes Not Needed (Open to acolytes & neutral students)

Dromund Kaas

"When you are all ready." Cara stood with hands clasped behind her back, her posture rigid as the few stone pillars which bore the cavern's ceiling. She addressed those who exited an industrial elevator that, honestly, only threatened to shut down once. A small ID10 Seeker droid observed the arrivals as they came closer, weaving through the group before scuttling back to the engineer's shoulder. Cara did not look to anyone in particular, eyes seeming fixed on empty space as she waited for the students to fall in and quiet down. "Welcome. Now, before we begin let me clarify that no physical weapons shall be needed for this exercise, so cast them aside or keep them fastened tight. Also, remove your footwear. Socks may stay." A smirk tugged her lips as she leaned back on her heels, her own feet dirtied with clay.

Around the students was a wide cavern sparsely lit, a subterranean expanse of packed dirt floors and glistening stalagmite spearheads. The damp smell of wet rock and the low hum of lights permeated the air, and populating the edges of the room were remnants of old mining endeavors pockmarked with rust and wear. If students got lost in one of the many smaller tunnels around them there would be little help in finding the surface, though the glowworms and florescent mushrooms could brighten their doomed souls as they wandered for an exit. As such their only safe way back to the upper levels was the elevator behind them, the one whose metal doors rattled as they came to a shaky close.

Cara slipped both hands into the pockets of her dark linen pants, her posture slacking as her demeanor relaxed. "This will be difficult to learn. I don't expect perfection from you, not yet, so do not stress yourselves. If anything, the harder you try the worse you will do. It takes time to develop this sense, longer than we have today." With the tilt of her head she "looked" to the droid near her shoulder then raised her brow in an unspoken command. It bobbed upward with glee, chittering as it bumbled off to a terminal some yards away. Cara returned her blind stare to the ground between herself and the students. "You all rely on your five senses. Sight, touch, hearing, taste, smell--and well, the sixth being the Force. In combat however there is one we place great importance on, that being our sight," she drew a hand from her pocket to point to her eyes, "but what happens when that is compromised?"

She thrust a finger toward one of the students. "What will you do when you've been blinded by an assassin's acidic spray?" She pointed toward another. "How will you react when you've been compromised by a flash grenade in the thick of battle?" She returned the hand to her pocket then took a step back. "A lazy answer is that you will rely on the Force. You must also still rely on yourself. You're blind, not crippled. Beneath your feet is the world; Read it. Movement or weight of any kind warps and ripples through the ground, an impression that can be felt when we feel it. You may also exert another ripple, similar to a sonar that will return feedback of what lies below or around you. Today we will focus on simply getting around in the dark. Use your other senses as well. Feel their steps through your feet, but also listen. Note the different scent in the air if they are close. Recognize the taste of dust kicked up from movement. Use the Force to enhance these aspects, then we shall go on to more."

She rose a hand. The droid chirped as it slammed its claw down on a button.

Lights out.


Shamira Karuto

Burn the past - Heal the future



Shamria fumed.

The witch was not one to let emotions ruin her day, or to control her. Emotions could get you into trouble, and could lead you into drawing attention to yourself. She had learned that it was better to keep eyes off her from a young age, growing up on a planet that viewed those with a connection like her own as evil and vile. Keeping to herself and keeping to the shadows meant that she got to stay alive, and emotions being bundled deep down helped with that.

But now? In this damp, stinking cave, there was very little that could quell the absolute anger that filled the firey redhead.

Cara had promised her that she would stay out of combat, that she would stay as far back from the front lines as she could. That her latest excursion that left the witch on Drummond by herself was only for research purposes. That the weeks of radio silence between the scientist and the witch she had brought by her side was only because of comm blocking or whatever they called that sort of things. That Cara was still safe.

And even from her position near the back of the cave, fists clenched into balls of fury that only matched the fire of her hair, she could see that Cara had lied to her. The bionic woman looked absolutely ragged. She hadn’t even had time to stop by the apartment the pair shared before calling Shamira to come to this place. She had figured it was just that this was some sort of hanger that Cara would be first arriving at. The excitement that filled her body knowing that Cara was finally back couldn’t be quenched…and that excitement had been swiftly turned into anger.

So as she stood near the back of the cave filled with other acolytes, she barely listened to what her sister said, the ringing of anger in her ears covering anything that Cara said. Parts of it still made it to her, such as what was about to happen or why they were here. But as the lights went out, filling the cavern with complete darkness, only one thought existed in Shamira’s mind. Only one goal and reason to get through this dark maze.

To tell Cara just how much she had hurt her.


Right in between regret, fear, and on the other side curiosity is where Sylvia found herself. Somehow, the Sith defector had been convinced that everything would be just fine returning to Sith-imperial space. This was the nation she had turned her back to, the nation she had come to develop a deep-seated hatred for. All to join a group lesson where a Force power was being taught. It absolutely wasn't worth risking her neck over, yet here she was, among Sith and more, right underneath the surface of Dromund karking Kaas. How she hadn't been shot yet, Sylvia really didn't know.

It most certainly hadn't been the spacer's own idea to come here. Her presence here was born from an off-hand comment from Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin about a seismic sense lesson she had heard about while Sylvia was on one of her many visits to Eshan. As interested as she had been, she knew she couldn't just show up on Dromund Kaas and not be arrested for treason, but the echani quickly assured her that she'd make sure nothing of the sort would happen. She had trusted her then, and now she was here. To Quinn's credit, she had been right. Sylvia had no idea how she had done it, but she supposed being a princess gave one enough pull to make things happen.

She'd be going right back to Eshan the moment the lesson was over, though. It was much more comfortable there, both physically and mentally.

Sylvia stepped out of the elevator, her bright magenta hair not particularly helping with blending into the crowd. Her teacher for today, Cara Dorniarn her name was, wasted little time getting to her introduction. Following her instruction, Sylvia took off her boots and set them aside. Her socks came off too, she was not too keen on getting those dirty.

The rest of Cara's explanation followed and had Sylvia been honest, she was fairly certain she'd be the joke of the group today. Her senses naturally honed in on the mechanical, not the natural. It was going to be difficult to adjust. She hadn't thought of that before now. Her regret only grew stronger. Not that it made much of a difference now.

The lights went out. Everything was pitch black. It didn't matter where her eyes were closed or not, but Sylvia closed them anyway.

A deep breath. Focus on the Force.

Sylvia pulled up a foot, then firmly planted it back down. She felt absolutely nothing.

This was going to be a long, long day.

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A lesson with Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn was a lesson Alina would find any excuse to attend. It was the bionic master's teachings that lead the young Sith to Matukai. That had given her a reason to be confident as a Sith. The lessons had never been easy, but they had made her strong. She arrived without her weapons, in a loose, flowing robe. Her was a weapon, after all. The burning yellow eyes watched the master, then turned to the crowd. Many were eager for this lesson, as they likely should be. None she recognized.

Save for one. A curious brow lifted as her eyes caught Sylvia Virtos Sylvia Virtos . The spacer? Small galaxy. Then the lights dimmed. Alina turned her gaze back towards where Cara was. Well, she could still see. And likely everyone could see them in turn. A natural effect of her Sangnir blood. She closed them, in spirit of the lesson to be learned. Loosing her eyesight in combat would leave her as a harsh disadvantage with her inability to sense most things in the Force. Now she could at least feel the flow, but if something was dead to the Force.

Well, all the more reason to be here.

She kicked off her shoes. Bare feet, huh? The ground was cold, though not unsettling. Dromund Kaas was her home, and it wasn't the first time she'd been underground. Not that the temperature was something to worry about. It was the creatures that might lurk in the dark. Alina took a breath as she focused on the ground, her surroundings. Enhance her senses? Matukai enhanced her body, her stamina. She knew her body, able to find poisons and expel them. So why not her senses?

Shamira Karuto Shamira Karuto
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
Being underground wasn't a new experience for Alisteri, he had spent more than enough time in a mine, but this was different. A vast cavern with who-knows-what lurking just beyond where the eye could see, now that was a new one for him. Another new factor was the damp nature of it all. Much to his chagrin, Dromund Kaas as a planet could be described solely by the word 'damp.' Were it not for the fact that it was the capital world of the Sith Empire, as well as being a sacred world of the Sith to boot, he doubted that he would've liked it all that much. Why in the world is it damp all the way down here? I thought caves were supposed to be dry... He idly winced as he pulled his boot from the damp floor beneath him, glaring at the dirt and clay that clung to the bottom as if he could get rid of it with but a look.

Unfortunately he did not believe that such a way to remove the mud was possible through any method other than a lot of scrubbing and soap. There were some things that not even the great powers of the Force could do, it would seem.

When Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn told them all to remove their shoes however, he nearly thought to run to the elevator while he still could.

And I thought it felt bad on the outside... Of all that he had suffered in his time as an Acolyte of the Sith, the damp ground seeping through his socks had already established itself in his top ten. Thankfully there were several reasons that he had to cling to to get himself through this training lesson. One in particular was a constant reminder as he could see Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru out of the corner of his eye. He would never live it down if he walked out now.

Besides, he had to test out his new Sangnir abilities somewhere. More importantly though, the lesson fascinated him. Seeing without eyes was an interesting subject in and of itself, but he had other plans for such a skill. He had a cult to look after now, and some of his congregation had been robbed of their sight at one point or another. With any luck, this lesson would give him a way to try and help them.

So he stayed, even though he had very mixed feelings about standing there.

Even with the distraction of the moist ground, Alisteri listened carefully as the lesson was explained. Sensing anything with the Force was far from his area of expertise, and even then he wasn't the most perceptive.

The perfect time to learn.

Better late than never after all.

He blinked in surprise as the lights went out, plunging the cavern into darkness. Surprisingly, well surprising for him anyway, he could still somewhat see. ...huh. Neat. While that was definitely something to test out at a later date, he couldn't use that ability now. This was all about not using your eyes after all, so he decided to keep them shut. Keeping his breathing steady, the masked acolyte tried to reach out and feel the world around him with his senses. They were improved by his new blood already of course, so surely it wouldn't be all that difficult.

However, try as he might, he got nothing substantial. Or, nothing that he recognized as substantial anyway. Chit.

Shamira Karuto Shamira Karuto
Sylvia Virtos Sylvia Virtos
Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin


Saint of the Damned
Lark held his hands harmoniously behind his back, his gaze unblinking as he observed the lesson unfolding before him. Though he had been an acolyte for many years now, he never missed an opportunity to learn something new. Every single soul within this galaxy could offer some tidbit of wisdom. Each and every instance of life was entirely unique, there was not one story that was the same as another. Yes, Lark would take advice from the most forlorn dregs and the most scholarly Lords all the same. For though the Lords might know power, they might not know the true desperation that the abandoned have felt. They pretended. Oh, Lark had seen their hypocrisies. That was fine. Their lies made them powerful, and that was worthy of respect. In truth, survival was the most worthy trait one could possess. And the outcasts of the galaxy rarely knew true power. It was a delicate balancing act. One that Lark felt confident in maintaining.

He had discarded his weapons upon request, and tossed his boots and socks to the side. The frigid, unforgiving stone felt familiar as it caressed his bare skin, as though it was a member of his family welcoming him home. His skin was once raw with blisters and nonstop chaffing, it would peel away and reveal bulbous bumps of pus and bile. But that was long ago. Now his skin was calloused and tough, the caverns and the unknown depths below could not match the wretched swamps and bogs on Myrkr.

The lights went out, and as they did Lark's infernal gaze lingered on Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn for nary more than a moment. He was familiar with the woman through proximity and word of mouth alone. Though the two had never spoken to one another directly, Lark remembered Dorniarn being a voice of reason during Sith meetings concerning what they would do to combat the ever present NIO threat. That was certainly worthy of recognition. Lark was eager to see what else he might learn from the woman.

Absolute darkness surrounded him. Lark attempted to follow the hints of the lesson to a rigorous perfection. He could hardly see, and he had a feeling he was so far below ground his eyes would not adjust to the lack of light. The Force whispered to him, but there were battles he had been apart of recently in which he relied on the Force, and yet found it unavailable. Lark needed to be able to operate without the intoxicating influence of the Force. Fortunately, he had been raised in arenas of darkness such as this. The emptiness reminded him of home, his bare feet kicked aside pebbles as though they were toy blocks littering a the bedroom floor of a child.

Lark listened to his steps, the scents of the cavern, and the rhythm it sung. The echoes of water dripping down from stalactites formed a wondrous song, and the chirps of bats was unseen and beautiful.

The darkness in front of Lark was infinite.

And he would explain it.

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru Sylvia Virtos Sylvia Virtos Shamira Karuto Shamira Karuto
Dis the Shadow(cat)
Shadowcat, explorer and wanderer; Owner of the Cat’s Paw; Member of the Greystone Mercantile
Location: Kaas City, Dromund Kaas
Equipment: N/A
Tag: Darth Strosius Darth Strosius | Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru | Sylvia Virtos Sylvia Virtos | Shamira Karuto Shamira Karuto | Lark Lark | Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn
The Shadowcat was just doing research in a cave on Dromund Kaas when it heard many others came here. Although Dis was still afraid of mortals because of bad experiences, decided to go closer and see what the organics were doing. To do this, it first became invisible again; it wanted to be sure rather that no one hurt it. First heard a female voice, followed by others. When Dis arrived at the cave, it was already dark there.

Through the Force, Dis still perceived everyone and everything inside. Thanks to the Force, it wasn't really bothered by the lack of lights. The cave wasn’t specifically a pleasant place, the Shadowcat heard stories from others that the Creator died in such a place. It was a sad fact, but it did not know the Sith Lord. Rather, watched the mortals here. The majority looked very young, that is, they perceived them as such. One of the women was older, having heard her voice before. Oh! Would that be some lesson then?

For the time being, it did not dare to speak or ask those present. ”Went” to one corner of the cave where it was still sitting invisibly, hiding itself even in the Force so they wouldn’t notice its present. Found the hacks and attempts really interesting and fun. It was a rather strange way of teaching, something the Shadowcat had never seen before. Pointed its ears enthusiastically as the shadow tail moved back and forth with excitement.

Watched the weird company for a few minutes, and since it judged it would not be harmed, the Shadowcat appeared in visible form in the dark. Dis was a lynx-sized shadowcat, its visible aura has a pale snow-white glow, as were its glowing snow-white eyes. It was clearly noticeable in the dark, sitting in one of the corners of the cave as the brightest point because of its eyes and the aura of light.

~ Oh, I'm sorry! It was not my intention to disrupt the practice! I’m so sorry! ~ sent a message telepathically to everyone, conveying a feeling like apology to those present.

Quinn wasn’t assigned to enter this class, but she waited when the lights had gone out. A slight smirk spread across her face; she could feel Sylvia inside. It had been the plan for the Spacer. Quinn had a desperation to bring the girl back into the fold - maybe that’s what she needed to remain. An anchor? A reason?
The door cracked open, hidden by everyone trying to feel their way through the Force - use some other type of vision or something. Quinn removed her shoes and placed them aside as quietly as she could. She crept up, weaving her way through the participants. Cara was a good teacher, but Quinn could care less about the lesson. Sorry, Cara.
Finding Sylvia’s force signature, she pressed against it with her own. Quinn wanted to scare her, but knowing the girl, she was bound to swing and ruin the moment. Force presence to Force presence, brushing Quinn, snaked her arms around the girl’s waist and nuzzled her delicate features into the nape of her Spacer’s magenta hair.
I knew you couldn’t stay away.” The Echani whispered softly as she hugged the girl from behind. Quinn was never a good student, she was smart and did well, but she was disruptive.
Today was no different.

Slowly, Sylvia began making out Force signatures around her as she stood stationary, hoping to not disrupt anyone else. She was going to have to take this one step at a time, and getting her bearings would be the first. As much as people liked calling the spacer a prodigy with tech and mechu deru, other things came a lot more slowly to her. It always took her a second to make out presences she wasn't intimately familiar with.

The first Force presence she ended up making out was a familiar one, somehow. At first Sylvia assumed it was someone she'd been around the academy with, until the realization hit her. She hadn't seen her before the lights went out, but Alina was here. It was all the more reason to be thankful for the cover Quinn had given her beforehand; Sylvia had outright admitted to the Sith that she was a defector. She really hoped Alina wouldn't turn this lesson into something much more awkward, or deadly.

Sylvia wasn't given much time to refocus, either. A light in the corner of her vision disrupted her weak concentration, causing her to turn her head towards it. Upon further inspection it looked like an aura of some sort, shaped like a cat. For a moment the woman thought her mind was playing tricks on her, but when the cat somehow spoke to her in her mind, she simply accepted it for what it was. She had seen stranger things already. Besides, the cat seemed friendly enough. There even was some temptation to reach back.

But then something brushed against her. Not physically, Sylvia quickly realized, but even more quick was her body's reaction to it. A sudden shock went through her system, making her jump. All of her attention was instantly trained on that presence. Her heart was beating faster now, but not out of fear. Quinn was here, and through their connection the echani could feel Sylvia's anticipation.

Nothing could ever prepare her for the moment of physical contact, though. Sylvia had fallen under Quinn's spell in mere moments. Suddenly that damp cave felt much, much warmer. The magical words that bound them together were engraved into her mind.

I am yours, you are mine. And to Quinn, Sylvia most definitely belonged.

"You know how curious I am," the magenta-haired girl whispered back as the world around her became impossible to read. Quinn's presence in the Force overpowered all while the darkness took her sight. She accepted that trying to learn today was going to be pointless now, and so she let Quinn envelop her senses. Her head leaned back slightly, bringing her lips closer to the echani's ear.

"Hello, princess. Did you miss me already?"

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