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Darth Pyrrhus (Tanek Santii)


Name: Tanek Santii, aka Darth Pyrrhus
Faction: One Sith
Rank: Lord
Species: Togruta
Age: Mid-thirties
Sex: Male
Height: 1,85 m
Weight: 85 kg
Eyes: Purple
Hair: N/A
Skin: Red with white markings
Force Sensitive: Yes

Strengths and weaknesses (out of date! will be updated soon):
+ As a Togruta, he has the ability to sense the proximity and movement of physical objects around him due to his montrals, detecting space ultrasonically
+ Togruta as a whole possess a special affinity for the Force, something manifesting in particular with Tanek, who has a strong connection with the Force and an affinity for sorcery.
+ Growing up in a hunter society, most of his life has revolved around fighting. He's a trained warrior and an excellent swordsman

- Tanek's physique has him built for finesse and speed, but if cornered by someone of great physical strength, he will be overpowered
- Due to his simple background and having spent most of his life in the forest valleys of Shili, he's a poor pilot
- Tanek is prideful. As well as constantly seeking to test and increase his own strength, his pride will not allow him to shy away from a challenge. He will emerge victorious or be destroyed

Tanek is a Togruta of slightly above average height, with an athletic build. He's in great shape, which shows with his muscular and toned body. and although he doesn't pack big muscles, they're toned. Like others of his race, he's got sharp canine teeth. Typical of his race, his head is distinguished by montrals, large, curved horn-like projections from the top of his head. Typically these two montrals would lead into three head-tails, but in the case of Tanek, they separate into four. Two trail down his chest, the other two down his back.

His skin is a rusty red, with white pigmentation patterns on his face. His lips are greyish. Horizontal white stripes can be found on his chest, back, and thighs. His montrals are white, with curved, dark blue stripes shaped like an upside down V. The colour of his stripes changes the further down they go, and as the transition is made from horn to lekku, the stripes will become steadily darker until turning black. His eyes are purple in colour.

Tanek does not burden himself with armour, wearing the simple, light colour of a Togruta hunter: baggy dark pants and a simple tunic of a lighter colour. More interesting is his one accessory, a necklace made up of akul teeth. Each tooth originates from a different akul, slain by Tanek in single combat since his exile. It is highly likely that he will also be seen with his two weapons, a vibroblade attached to his belt, and an energy pike on his back. Interestingly enough, he will, unless the surroundings demand it in some way, be seen without shoes.

Life on Shili
Tanek Santii was born on the Togruta homeplanet of Shili. He was born into a community in one of the many forest valleys of the planet, nearest major city being Corvala. As was common for such communities, it had a strong hunter culture, which greatly influenced the early life and development of Tanek.

Togruta worked and hunted in groups, with a culture known for a strong sense of unity where individualism was seen as abnormal. All of this had Tanek struggling from the start. Though he was racially inclined to have a strong sense of togetherness, emphasized within the Togruta culture, this was something he never became a part of. Tanek, unable to blend in, would develop into an individualist and, even from a young age create tension between him and the rest of the community. He was tolerated, primarily due to his prowess as a hunter. He was permitted to join the hunt, at a younger age than most, and already at the age of 12, he had bested the group's finest hunter in a one-on-one duel. The Togruta as a whole had a special affinity with the Force, and it soon became evident, that Tanek had been particularly touched by it. His abilities gradually manifested more and more as he transitioned into adulthood, eventually becoming too much to ignore.

This was when Tanek truly started to be in conflict with his group, starting a trail of distrust as well as disgust, that spiralled down from here as a result of Tanek's own actions. The concept of working in groups wasn't the issue, it was the individuals that made up the group. Tanek quickly became better than even the adults. They couldn't keep up, they became collateral. This mindset had the dual effect of alienating him from the group, as well as harbour within Tanek a sense of disdain towards them.

Togruta were known for their belief that those who could not keep up should be left to fend for themselves. The steadily increasing hatred within him led Tanek to be less inclined to aid his group when endangered, in conjunction with the philosophy that those not strong enough were left behind. To him, none of them were strong enough, everyone expendable. He quickly adopted a belief that those who fell victim to the beasts of Shili had themselves to blame. It was their weakness and inadequacies as a hunter that had brought forth their demise. They were deserving of the consequences. With the way he viewed the world, and the belief he himself held that he did most of the heavy lifting, the equal distribution of food did not sit well with Tanek.

It was inevitable that the rising tensions should lead to an open conflict. The result of this was the exile of Tanek, the community leaving him behind. Despite his strength and the tradition of leaving the weak behind, it was Tanek who was abandoned, as if not deemed worthy of the pack. Tanek was furious. He had felt destined to eventually lead the group towards true strength, but lacking the popularity and support of the community, he was now on his own. He grew stronger in the face of the increased challenge of facing the threats of Shili's beasts alone, beasts that often worked together. He thrived, honing his skills at a quicker rate than he ever had before. A testament to this was his ever growing necklace of Akul teeth, from the large orange-furred carnivorous predator native to the planet Shili. Known to be the only creature the Togruta feared, they were no longer feared by Tanek. This was how he would spend his final years on Shili, and his mid teenage years. Alone and in a constant state of combat. The Togruta were tranquil and silent, and his upbringing had left him quick to hate but slow to anger. He nurtured it, stonefaced, not giving away his true emotions, keeping those locked within himself to rage a storm there, rather than on the outside, instead appearing calm, collected and analytic.

Tanek had never left Shili before, and he wouldn't until the age of 17. This came about as a result of him seeing something he shouldn't during a visit to the city of Corvala. He observed the illicit behaviour of some off-worlders, in dealings with some prominent characters in Corvala. Though the matter was of no concern to him, the off-worlders and the Corvala official didn't seem willing to take the risk of leaving any witnesses. They staged an ambush, and Tanek was framed for the crime he had witnessed. Tanek was captured, cuffed, and brought with them onto their ship, a small freighter. For the most part of the ship's journey, he was left alone in a small holding cell, save for a few occasions where members of the crew would examine him and discuss what to do with him. Tossing him out the air lock was for a long time the popular choice, but based on what Tanek overheard, they seemed to settle on the more profitable choice. The crew were to examine and pursue options to sell him, possibly as a mine worker. Naturally this did not sit well with the warrior, but in his current condition, there was little he could do about the matter but mull in his hatred, as he wished death and destruction upon the crew.

One day, as the ship drifted through space, he drifted into sleep. He dreamt of the crew visiting him once again, and he dreamt of killing them all, strangling them to death with his bare hands, watching the life ebb out of them as he ripped the life force out of them. It was an uneasy dream, his mind a haze, and it felt like he was slipping in and out of consciousness. When he came to, he found himself laying on the floor of the holding cell, though the door to it was open. Free to roam the ship, he would venture out to discover the crew members in various locations. All but the ship's protocol droid were dead, and appeared to have died in similar manner as they had in his dream. The crew of the small freighter had succumbed to him, and though unaware of it at the time, through the Force he had murdered them.

Tanek was once again free, but with no desire to return to Shili where he had been declared an outlaw. There was nothing for him there anymore. Drifting into space, his path uncertain to himself though the Force was secretly driving him towards his destiny, away from his home planet. It was the will of the Force that drew him further towards the dark, further towards the Sith.

A new beginning
On a self-imposed exile from Shili, there was no turning back for the young Togruta hunter. The ship he found himself on carried him all the way to the heart of the One Sith’s empire, Coruscant. The capital world of the Sith was completely different from anything he had ever experienced before. Gone were the jungles and wilds, replaced with a mechanised jungle of the duracrete and masses of people.

Within the world that never sleeps, he came across Sith Knight, Sage Bane. Sage became Tanek’s first encounter with the Sith. Spotting the Togruta’s potential, he sent him on the way to one Kaine Zambrano. The Epicanthix was someone Tanek would learn to know by the names “Darth Vornskr” and “Master”. First came a week in full isolation, where Tanek was left to himself within Darth Vornskr’s library, rich with Sith history. Here he gained a understanding of Sith philosophy that shaped him into the One Sith loyalist he is today. This also sparked a fascination for history, as well as the ancient Sith language.

Darth Vornskr and his new apprentice, Tanek Santii, spent the next months in intense training. Vornskr pushed Tanek’s body and mind to the very limit of his endurance, stretching his capacity to the very edge as he molded him to be the perfect apprentice. He tutored him in his ideology, and tanek was quick to adopt it as his own.

The highlights of Tanek’s time as Acolyte came with the invasion of Telti, and the subjugation of Glee Anselm. While the coquest of Glee Anselm was all in the name of the Dark Lord and the One Sith, it was Tanek who led the Sith forces. He set in motion the schemes that had the planet descend into war and chaos, making it easy pickings for the Sith. Pitting the warlike Anselmi against the Nautolans, the Sith might as well have arrived on invitation. They brought an end to the conflict. Although it was a conflict they secretly had started themselves, in the eyes of the people, the Sith were the saviours who had brought strength and stability that their own leaders had failed to grant them. This very successful campaign put Tanek on the radar of higher ranking Sith, and he found himself promoted to Knight shortly after.

The hunter who became a Knight
Tanek’s very first act after becoming Knight was to visit Korriban. It was the place of ancient legends and Sith of old that he had admired in the archives of Darth Vornskr. Educational as it was, his visit was cut short. The Sith war machine was a beast that never slept, and this time, it summoned him to Csilla. The transition from Acolyte to Knighthood became marked with a series of military campaigns.

After his recent success on Glee Anselm, in the subjugation of the planet and the following military campaign to eradicate the Anselmi, he claimed the title of Darth. Henceforth he would be known as Darth Pyrrhus. He was officially instated as the Sith’s ambassador on the ocean world, and Glee Anselm became his home. While a newly instated pro-Sith Nautolan council ruled, they took their orders from the Sith.

Pyrrhus’s position gave him access to the Nautolan military. Pyrrhus’ would take a portion of that army with him, as he followed the One Sith war machine from planet to planet. His goal was to end up with a solid force of experienced warriors, loyal to him. This started already with the campaign that saw the Anselmi lose all their territorty on Glee Anselm. The ocean pearl belonged to the Nautolans, and the Sith now. Since then, he led his Nautolan troops to victory on Fresia, Belgaroth, Ord Mirit and even the distant Ziost.

Back on Glee Anselm, he saw a hidden underwater Sith Academy erected. It became his pet project, and yet another successful endeavour of his. More than just the Force sensitives of Glee Anselm, it drew the attention from Sith across the One Sith empire. The academy also became the host location for the finals a Sith tournament.

One Sith Accomplishments
Acolyte Role-Plays
Total: 8 | Completed: 8

Don't Wake the Dreamer - Complete
Under The Sea... Sort Of - Complete

A New Beginning - Complete*

Dominion of Iridonia - Complete
Dominion of Glee Anselm - Complete

Bark at the Moon (OS Invasion of Telti) - Complete

Knives Out (OS vs GR Skirmish on Ruusan) - Complete
When the Cats Are Away... (OS vs Mandalorians) - Complete

Knight Role-Plays
Total: 30 | Completed: 30

Real vacation spot ya found here... - Complete
Last Stand of the Anselmi - Complete
Snakes on a Plain - Complete
Tea Time - Complete
Let the Sparks Fly - Complete
Hand of Kaine - Complete
The Skye Above, Is Blue As Your Blood - Complete
Birth of an Academy - Complete*
Come on in the water's fine - Complete
The Journey of the Acolyte - Complete
You Will Learn - Complete
When Diplomacy Fails... - Complete*
Flesh and Blood - Complete

Home, Sweet Home - Complete

The First Steps - Complete
As Natural As Breathing - Complete

A Game of Thrawns (OS Dominion of Csilla) - Complete
No Sacrifice, No Victory (OS Dominion of Fresia) - Complete
Heart of a Graveyard (OS Dominion of Belgaroth) - Complete
Blood and Sand (OS Dominion of N'zoth) - Complete
What's that coming over the hill? (OS Dominion of Gratos) - Complete
They Might Be Gas Giants (OS Dominion of Taloraan) - Complete
Cake and Daggers (OS Dominion of Mindabaal) - Complete
First Annual Dave Benefit Concert (One Sith Dominion of Marna) - Complete

Fly High, Die High (GR Invasion of Ord Mirit) - Complete
Z is for Ziost! (The Primeval Invasion of Silver Sanctum Ziost) - Complete

Brave The Whip And Brave The Stone (RA vs OS Skirmish on Coruscant) - Complete

Cults and Cathedrals (Primeval Dominion of Ord Janon) - Complete
Waylands Phrik Is The Best Phrik - Complete
Uneasy Lies the Head that Wears a Crown (Subjugation of Korriban) - Complete*

Lord Role-Plays
Total: 42 | Completed: 42

Thirty Days - Complete
No Light - Complete
OS Tournament: Spectator Thread - Complete
The Emperors Will for a Strong Navy - Complete
Sometimes the Sky's too Bright - Complete
My love, la, la, la, la - Complete
Past Lives - Complete
Red Hot Shili Peppers - Complete
Useful Servant, Dangerous Master - Complete
Blue Bucket of Gold - Complete
Mistakes Were Made, Concequences Will Be Had - Complete
Sith Justice - Complete
Slow Chemical - Complete
Run, Baby, Run - Complete
Rumble Down Under - Complete*
The Tall, Tall Shadow Is Your Own - Complete
From Ashes We Are Reborn - Complete
Your Treachery Makes Me Feel Blue - Complete*
Breathing Underwater - Complete
Just Mining My Own Business - Complete
Initiate - Complete
A Summons - Complete
Survival of the Fittest - Complete
The Wrong Side of Heaven - Complete
For Tactical Purposes - Complete*
Sloughing Off Atrophy - Complete
Old Friends - Complete*

Foundation of Power - Complete*

Swamp Things (OS Dominion of Obredaan) - Complete
Luxurious Aggression (OS Dominion of Vortex) - Complete*
Rare Commodities (Primeval Dominion of Muunilist) - Complete
Red Versus Blue (OS Dominion of Panatha) - Complete
Making Friends Among the Ghosts (GA Dominion of Susefvi) - Complete
Amar Mio (OS Dominion of Amar) - Complete
Destroyer of Dreams (OS Dominion of Ragoon VI) - Complete
Claim the Beast (OS Dominion of Onderon) - Complete
Where Did They Go (OS Dominion of Lialic) - Complete

Rains of Contruumere (OS vs GR Invasion of Contruum) - Complete
A Good Day to Die Hard (GR Invasion of Balmorra) - Complete
Blackout (GA Invasion of Coruscant) - Complete

Bleeding the Black Rose (War of the Roses, Anaxas) - Complete
Cloudy with a chance of Sith (GA attack on Taloraan) - Complete

Total: 25 | Completed: 25

The Companions of Ruin - Complete
Distant Early Warning - Complete
Kneel For No Man - Complete
Victory Does Not Make Us Conquerors - Complete*
Dark Wings, Dark Words - Complete
One More Drink Before the War - Complete
Crossroad - Complete
Evolution - Complete
Turpentine and Ice - Complete*
Deep Waters - Complete
Keep the Streets Empty - Complete*
Dark Beginnings - Complete
Down the Road - Complete
Thinking Clear - Complete*
Mother Theresa - Complete

False Blades and Glory (TSO/Mandalorians; Beskar Raid) - Complete
Ruin and Blood (Raid of Ryloth) - Complete
Operation Icebreaker (SO vs SJO) - Complete
The Force of Alliances (TSO) - Complete
The Circle is Complete (TSO) - Complete
The Call - Complete
A Return Home (TRE Dominion of Korriban Hex) - Complete
The Return (TRE - SJO Invasion of Dromund Kaas) - Ongoing
TSA Operation Warlords Dominion - Complete
Bashing Royalty (TRE Hex Invasion of Serenno vs Dominion) - Complete
Thread Tracker 2.0
Act One
Darth Pyrrhus returns from a lengthy absence following a voyage deep in Wild Space. Upon his return he is appointed Triumvir of Knowledge, Keeper of Lore and master of history by the Emperor. The Sith Lord is however afflicted with a terrible illness, which he seeks to mask from the outside world until a cure can be procured. After long research and through dark rituals, Pyrrhus finally rids himself of the mysterious Force disease. It very nearly became the end of him, and his recovery has been long. While biding his time and after the fall of the Sith Empire, he turned his attention to the network of Sith academies, organising and taking an active role in the education of the next generation of Sith.

Act Two

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Phasma-class Infiltrator
The Phasma-class Infiltrator is Darth Pyrrhus' go-to ship for smaller operations, or mission that require stealth. Due to cloaking device and other stealth equipment taking up a lot of space, it's not ideal for transporting troops or any group of people.

Shadow-class Reconnaissance Corvette
The Shadow-class Reconnaissance Corvette, The Revenant, was a ship Tanek acquired upon claiming the title of Darth. As his power and responsibilities grew, he felt that he needed a larger ship. While the Phasma-class Infiltrator was ideal for smaller operations and stealth missions, it lacked the ability to transport troops.

Wyyrlok-class Star Destroyer
The Wyyrlok-class Star Destroyer, The Majestic, became Darth Pyrrhus' flagship, befitting his rank as Sith Lord and Voice of the Dark Lord, later a member of the Dark Council in charge of the Sphere of Justice and Law.

Reformation-class Dreadnought
The highly capable Reformation-class Dreadnought, The Cataphract, has over time become Darth Pyrrhus' secondary command ship. It is capable of independent operations and suitable for use in smaller fleet operations. It generally draws less attention than his Wyyrlok-class Star Destroyer, and has become something of a preferred means of travel when the firepower of his full fleet and flagship is not required.

Heresiarch-class Command Battlecruiser
The Judicator, the latest and current flagship of Darth Pyrrhus. He has held many titles in his time, starting with apprentice to the Dark Lord and Emperor of the Sith, to Voice of the Dark Lord, Dark Council member, Triumvir of the Sith Empire. Truly a ship fitting his status. A shame then, how he only came into possession of it as his powers waned and he slowly started becoming crippled by an unknown illness. At least his ship could make the big pew pews.
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Allyn Funt said:
If you are looking for an apprentice to take on, I am currently in the market for a Master.
Already have an apprentice, I'm afraid. While I'm not looking to take on another at the moment, I'm always happy to help out with a training thread here and there.

[member="Dart the Amaran"]
Haha, I didn't spot that. Fixed, thanks! Clearly, this bio is in need of an update.

Coren Starchaser said:
*subs a Brick Launching Cannon and goes for a swim*
This is hilarious. Also, terrifying.

Darth Vornskr said:
The Cutie Togrutie needs a biography image.
I agree. Though I haven't found a ton of great, menacing Togruta images. If you come across any, feel free to share. :p

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