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Approved NPC Callisto Scarlett

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: Codify a former
PC as an NPC.
Image Credit: Here. Promotional art for Black Widow.
Role: Bodyguard for Thuella, advisor and hatchet woman for Enyo. Leader of Special Protection Detail 1 - the Big Sisters.
Permissions: Blanket permission for all subs made by Laira Darkhold's writer here and here. Permission for Vanir items here.
Links: Streamlining the Process, The Political Process, Aurelia Saelari, Birth of Fire, Space Dock 7, Velok, Contruum, Moira Skaldi, Maelion, Battle of O'reen, Battle of Manaan, Firemane Industries, Mandalorian Dominion of Contruum. Far as I can tell, the other Contruum threads referenced here are in rp archives since they're from a time when completed threads were often archived. Or lost in the site crash from many years ago.

: Appears in her late twenties.
Model: ARD X-5 Ambrosia Droid.
Appearance: Callisto appears to be a red-haired human female in her late twenties. She has pale skin, prominent cheekbones, blue eyes and a narrow jawline. Her hair is kept short so that it cannot get in the way during combat. However, she may alter both the style and colour of her hair if a mission requires it. In combat she tends to wear combat armour depending on the situation. Outside of combat she will wear civilian clothes in order to blend in. Her charge Thuella will often attend science conferences and other formal events. Callisto will general wear a professional business suit when accompanying her. However, depending on what the situation requires, she may wear street clothes, a spacer outfit, a dress, uniform or whatever is needed.

: Callisto Scarlett. Real surname is Masena.
Loyalties: Special Protection Detail 1, Archangel Research and Design, Typhos Clone Family, Enyo, Iron Fist Consortium, Thuella.
Notable Equipment:

Skills: Before being processed into an HRD, Callisto was a career rebel. She is a skilled infiltrator, pilot, ranged and melee specialist. Can speak or understand several million forms of communication. Very capable bomb maker and demolitionist. She is very skilled in the use of most ranged and melee weapons, good with improvised weapons and knows a lot about making bombs.

Personality: Callisto is a companion, chaperone and guardian. Most of the time she manifests a no-nonsense, focused attitude on the job, though she also has more personable moments. She still remembers her old life, though her ability to act is constrained. Her old self was strongly defined by hatred. A machine is not cruel, but she is capable of being that against those her organic self hated. Indeed, she has retained a bit of a vindictive, vengeful streak.

Callisto is no scientist or engineer, but knowledgeable enough about tech to be a conversation partner for Thuella. She also scares away anyone who might try to cheat the young clone. Technically, Callisto is Thuella's bodyguard and thus under her authority, but she is more than willing to override the clone for her own protection if she sees the need. This also applies to the other members of the clone posse, since she is in charge of all their bodyguards.

Ultimately, she answers to Enyo alone, not her siblings. Being an HRD created by an amoral machine cult, Callisto is free of moral scruples. Besides, she was already a career insurgent as a human. She will lie, cheat, torture and kill without mercy. However, she is not cruel. She simply chooses what she considers to be the most 'efficient' course of action to achieve the objective she has been given. In short, she is quite willing to murder or torture someone without remorse, but the moment she logically concludes that this will not allow her to attain her objective, she will seamlessly switch to using a different strategem. She will do anything to protect her charge, regardless of whether Thuella likes it or not.

Callisto is quite affable when not killing people. Due to the peculiar nature of her creation, her attitude contrasts strongly with that of more conventional HRDs. It also differs from Enyo's. Ironically, she is super human and organic in what she does. She plays the infiltrator role all the time, even when she is alone. She speaks in her 'human' tone even among those who know she is an HRD. Perhaps it is a coping mechanism. Perhaps just a way to irritate Enyo. Thus Callisto eats and drinks, has a bed in her room and writes things down manually. These are all things she does not need to do, but she does nonetheless to keep some sort of touch with her lost humanity. Enyo regards such behaviour as frivolous and sometimes expresses annoyance, but has not actually ordered her to stop. Sometimes Thuella has to remind herself that she is interacting with an assassin droid, not a human being.

She has also adopted the very organic practice of having a hobby. She gravitates to activities which a droid or AI would either not be interested or solve instantly. She likes chess and often plays cards with the clones. However, when she does this she does not engage the calculation protocols and just uses her 'human brain' so she actually makes mistakes and sometimes loses. Enyo finds it strange.

Weapon of Choice
: Blasters and slugthrowers, lightsabre. Also skilled with vibroweapons and explosives and a good vehicle operator.
Combat Function: Callisto is an HRD, but not a 'pure' robot or a facsimile of her organic self. Instead her consciousness has been transferred into an HRD body. She possesses all the strengths of an HRD and droid logic guides her action, but the fact that organic essence is enteched inside her improves her ability to simulate organic mannerism. Moreover, she feels more 'human' in the Force, which means that only Force-Users with a very high skill in mental techniques will be able to discern the difference. But it also makes her more prone to quirks and individualism. All this significantly enhances her ability to pass as an organic being. As with all Archangel HRDs, her skin feels realistic, she can eat, drink, sweat and cry etc.

Her primary role is to lead the 'Big Sisters' - a cadre of select HRDs who act as bodyguards for Enyo's siblings. Callisto has been assigned to guard Thuella, but has authority over all the mechanical bodyguards. She can fulfil a variety of roles within that framework, be it ranged, melee or support. She knows an awful lot about explosives and is good at making and using improvised ones. From her time as an insurgent, Callisto is skilled in small unit leadership.

Callisto carries a lightsabre, as even though she does not have the Force she spars with Enyo and it is a very useful melee weapon even if she can’t use it to the full potential a Jedi or Sith might since she cannot use the Force. However, she can utilise lightsabre forms that are similar to conventional duelling and fencing styles very well.


  • Being an HRD means Callisto is quite hard to destroy. She feels no pain or fear and will press on even if she loses a limb. Her droid body is also resistant to most regular damage. She is very strong, fast and precise and can fight without tiring. Moreover, she is talented in the use of most weapons.
  • Highly skilled infiltrator and assassin. She is an HRD and thus designed to look, act and seem human. Her model differs from standard HRDs by having organic essence enteched inside it. This makes her a more effective infiltrator. She more effective at simulating mannerisms of her organic self. Because there is an organic essence, they feel more 'human', which makes it more difficult for Force-Users to discern her true nature. In short, she is an individual, not a drone from the assembly line.
  • Enyo has taught her how to use a lightsabree. Though her weight and lack of the Force prevents her easily blocking blaster bolts or doing acrobatics she is a very capable duellist and can tirelessly fight.
  • HRDs are tough, but she can still be destroyed. Heavy weapons, grenades, lightsabres, repeated blaster bolts etc can still deactivate her. They eyes of the unit are especially weak, being not made of metal like the rest of the frame. An attack there has far more chance of doing damage there. She is a machine and thus susceptible to ion and EMPs.
  • She is heavier than she appears she should be, the result of her metal skeleton. Further, damage to her organic covering will reveal her nature.
  • Callisto cannot use a lightsabre as well as even an Apprentice when it comes to blocking blaster bolts. She might detect and calculate the path of an enemy shot but blocking it is not easy.

There was a day and age when Contruum was not the hellhole people of this day and age know it as. Once upon a time it was regarded as one of the most preeminent planets outside of the Core Worlds, comparable in power and prestige to Eriadu – and it was certainly the most prominent centre in the area of the Mid Rim in which it lay. Located a short hyperspace jump away from the Perlemian Trade Route, and two jumps from the Hydian Way, Contruum was known for its borium mines and foundries, and also for its shipyards. Its inhabitants were known for being fiercely independent and having a long history of resisting foreign invasions.

However, as with many worlds, thing were changed drastically and took a turn for the worst during the Four Hundred Darkness. Perhaps the Force has a cruel sense of humour and decided to make an example of the planet and inflict tribulations upon tribulations on its people to show the dark side of sentient nature for all to see. A military junta, backed by a plutocratic elite that retained a monopoly over the planet’s resources and a one-party state that used xenonationalist rhetoric to justify its grip on power, lorded it over the planet. Officially, of course, all this was necessary to protect the free people of Contruum from outside aggression and exploitation. Workers were used as little more than indentured labour in the borium mines and shipyards. To keep them in order the junta resorted to employing foreign mercenaries alongside a seemingly all-pervasive state security apparatus that used a network of informers and double agents to infiltrate resistance groups.

Paramilitary mercenary organisations, backed by certain corporations that made sure to keep their investment on the planet a secret, got warships produced at favourable rates and gained a share of the mining profits in return for helping the new order stay in power. Fraudulent elections saw the frequent use of state terrorism and gerrymandering to produce the desired results. After all, letting the ‘people’ vote always looked good on the record and kept liberals in the Core Worlds happy. For a certain time period there was a measure of stability.

A resistance movement existed, but without foreign backing it lacked the means to arm itself and professionally train its members, who tended to be rebellious workers and disgruntled militiamen along with some idealistic students who were big on revolutionary slogans and weak on training. Popular support remained limited, as fear is a powerful deterrent. However, this changed when the great powers rose from the ashes of the Dark Age to enforce their will upon the Galaxy. Soon they began taking an interest in Contruum: it had shipyards, resources and a convenient strategic position in the Mid Rim.

Callisto’s parents were typical of the generation that had survived the slums and dark underworld of Contruum. The ravages of the Plague had ensured that the mortality rate was high, and that what little that was available was fought over. Add to that a cleptocratic government bent on clinging to power by any means possible – in a way, it was right that without it chaos would reign. What government came from above was arbitrary and cruel, local officials wielded power over communities that was more akin to that of petty warlords. Her parents had originally come from the depths of the borodium mines, having risen up from them soon after she was born. Her grandmother on the paternal side had served in the militia, one of the few ways for someone from the proles to rise up, and died heroically fighting rebels in one of the many internal struggles that characterised the junta, saving the life of some bigwig.

Her father, Cassius Masena, became a foreman on one of the shipyards, receiving something that amounted to an education from missionaries who towed the Party line, while her mother Antonia was a welder, having been born into a family of dock workers in what constituted a hereditary position. After a long period of isolation and struggle living conditions were deplorable, meaning that several workers’ families were cramped in what can only be described as spartan barracks with terrible sanitation and sparse privacy.

Even though the Gulag Virus had receded across the Galaxy diseases were still rampant. Those that could not be treated were simply cast out and exiled from the community, if not outright euthanised, something that was declared to be for the greater good. Food was rationed and fights often broke out over privileged access to better ration cards. Callisto lost a brother, Lucullus, to one of the many pandemics that periodically broke out – one day he was taken away and never seen again. She learned from early on to inure herself to the sight of death and suffering. Likewise technology was very primitive and so work on the shipyards oftentimes required manual labour where say the Core Worlds would have used sophisticated worker droids.

Compares to the common workers’ families her family was privileged, as her father being a foreman gave him a measure of responsibility and access to better rations, while being a welder required actual skill. However, it still was not enough to make ends meet, especially since the shipyard bosses had the habit of sometimes not paying out a full wage, and so while still a child Callisto was drafted for compulsory Labour Service. This was advertised as a way to prevent vagrancy and keep children from falling into bad crowd, doing drugs and such. This would also allow their parents to work even more patriotically.

Even before that she had seen little of her parents due to their work and had for the most part been raised in a communal centre for the children of workers. Conditions were bad and abuse was ripe. Once she was punished rather severely for having stolen a bar of candy. At first she had to work in the kitchen, peel potatoes and make sure that the workers got their rations, then later at night also help wipe the floors. Good, honest work that would teach her to be a good citizen. Naturally some time was spent listening to recitations of patriotic speeches from the Leader because those were always an inspiration. Needless to say plenty of people employed in the kitchen stole food from for themselves and their families.

At times someone had to be punished to be made an example of. When she was caught stealing potatoes and as punishment the salaries of her parents were slashed. Callisto, then age twelve, was moved into a different facility under a strict regimen for children regarded as needing severe discipline. Moreover, since the best way to enforce discipline is labour she had to perform repairs and fittings on areas of the space station that were more difficult for adults to reach. Of course, astromech droids could get there but they were more valuable and in any case it was good reeducation. Unfortunately, reeducation had hazards of its own and so when she was fourteen and performing repairs on its ceiling on a lift it suddenly raced down to the ground and she fell down. She suffered a concussion and several cracked ribs, meaning that she had to be put into hospital. While recuperating she learned that the accident had been the result of sabotage performed by vile rebels.

These traitors would stop at nothing to destroy Contruum’s prosperity. They had come on the station to perform sabotage and killed several guards, resulting in a harsh crackdown as the security police and the People’s Guard rounded up those seen as untrustworthy. Proving once again that being a totalitarian fascist police state does not equate with efficiency, Callisto was brought in for questioning as well since she had worked on a lift that malfunctioned during the rebel raid. She was later let out, after having spent many nights in a cramped cell filled with delinquents and being questioned like one, but when she was reunited with her family after being separated for many years she learnt that her father had been arrested for alleged corruption and smuggling activities.

Given the shortages the accusation was plausible, though he was far from the only one. To avert suspicions her mother divorced herself from her father and Callisto was put in a home. Her older brother Decimus was conscripted into the People’s Guard. One of the wardens was cruel to Callisto. After that she determined never to be at someone else’s mercy again. The media was full with propaganda about evil terrorists but she was fascinated by them, feeling a strong yearning that they could change things.

Although strictly controlled revolutionary literature did spread in the home, which is where she learned to read and write. Her cunning and quick wit impressed one of the women in charge of the children, who took her under her wing. Things changed shortly after she turned sixteen, when the shipyard was rocked by a demonstration of workers against the bad living conditions. It was not revolutionary in the sense that they demanded regime change or even free elections, though actual rebels had infiltrated it. By chance Callisto happened to be there, having been drawn to it although she should be working, when the protesters clashed with People’s Guard militiamen, many of them workers themselves. Rebels who had secretly armed themselves were concealed amongst the protesters, but it is unclear who shot first. What is certain is that the standoff developed in a shootout that ended with a few militiamen dead and scores of workers massacred, dead bodies lining the hallways. Callisto wanted to flee but then came across one of the injured rebels, who, as chance would have it, turned out to be the woman she knew from the home, and so she quickly helped her up and hid her, providing what medical attention she could.

A violent purge was taking place across the station and when rebels came to pick their wounded comrade up, Callisto made her decision and went with them. During a failed militia attack she met her brother again and, though wounded by a stray round, managed to knock him out. Her decision had been made, though again the rebels turned out to be very different from what she had imagined. Innocence, along with truth, are the first casualties of war. Until now she had never seen the surface of Contruum. She knew its slums from the tales her parents had told her, but the official propaganda presented a distorted view of the planet. They said nothing of the smog that clogged the air, the choking pollution and the deplorable living conditions of the workers.

No, Contruum was best planet and the Leader cared for all. The rebels made their home in deep caverns beyond the reach of the security forces and in no-go areas of the city, abandoned factories and warehouses. Attrition was high and so they accepted anyone they could get – deserted soldiers, children, brutal criminals who wanted an excuse to loot and kill. She learned from early on that she had to be strong in order to survive. With the security police using infiltrators to tear the resistance apart from the inside, paranoia was rampant. Initiation for a new recruit like her consisted of shooting an alleged traitor who had turned on the cause.

She trained very hard to meet expectations, aiming to be better than anyone else, and despite her young age became proficient in explosives, guns and quite creative using a razor blade. Seeing action in many guerilla skirmishes she experienced firsthand the horrors of war. Events hardened her and soon turned her into something like an uncompromising zealot, since she did not have anything other than the rebellion. By chance she learned that her mother was sick and, though this was totally against orders, tried to sneak out and see her. But she never made it and was lucky to escape with her life as she was ambushed. The encounter ended with her mortally wounding her brother. From that point on she gave up on her past life.

She participated in speeder bombings, later during a skirmish showed her proficiency as a sniper when she took out mercenary officers and later, after her sergeant was killed during a raid on a prisoner convoy took over what was left of the decimated squad. It was at this point that Moira Skaldi happened, the future Butcher of Contruum. At that point she went under the name Ruby, which actually had been her prior identity as a terrorist on her homeworld. Moira was a Republic agent , a specialist for wet works, and had been sent to Contruum to help organise and direct the Rebellion.

The humanitarian motive to overthrow a heinous dictatorship and create a free Contruum was intermixed with realpolitik. Contruum had shipyards and borodium mines, it was also a good launching point for future campaigns against the first post-Gulag Virus Sith Empire, then seemingly an unstoppable steamroller. It was the run-up to the battle of Roche and when titans clash, they do not notice those caught in the crossfire. Moira was then still human, but absolutely ruthless, cruel and known for brutal competence. Contruum was the world where she would make a name for herself.

As it happened the resistance needed direction because it was being torn apart by internecine strife, most prominently between the People’s Liberation Army of Contruum and the Contruum National Liberation Front. Callisto was with the latter group, which was radically leftist in agenda, spurning any compromise with those better well-off but open for foreign alliances. It financed itself through smuggling spice, extortion, raids and abductions – at one point she was part of a raid to kidnap the daughter of a wealthy party bigwig.. When he did not want to pay her finger got sent in a box. After that he dispatched a minion with a couple mercenaries to pay the rebels off. Callisto was one of the rebels who formed the welcoming committee, but as it turned out the bigwig had put a bomb rather than credits in the suitcase.

She was wounded by the blast when it exploded, but nonetheless managed to slay two mercenaries using a vibroblade and was decorated for bravery under fire. It was Moira who took the girl under her wing, having apparently been impressed with her after she joined the CNLF. It could be said that she became something like a surrogate mother to Callisto, who from then began calling herself Scarlett, which was both a rather obvious pun on her hair and the fact that she had gotten the blood of many a government goon and mercenary on her hands. From Moira – or Ruby – she learned the trade of a terrorist. She learned how to harden her heart, likewise she learned the art of interrogation. The woman was stern and by no means particularly maternal, but in the twisted family that was the resistance someone to look up to.

Chaos was everything and being an insurgent was Callisto’s life now. She was not just a fighter though, now promoted to sergeant for her bravery and due to the sheer attrition that left many older, more experienced partisans dead in a ditch, but also learned the basics of logistical work and detail, becoming responsible for setting up hidden weapons’ caches and organising safe houses. This coincided with making sure that workers who were supposed to help hide rebels kept their mouth shut about it. At times doubts surfaced in her mind about the cruelty she had to inflict and how cold she had to become, but she suppressed those. After all, there was no way out now and she was dedicated. Especially after Rakghouls, which had infested the poorer districts, were deliberately driven by the government troops into the caverns where rebels were suspected. During one such mission to cleanse an area of the beasts and win the good will of workers, she saved Moira’s life and kept the the future Butcher from being infected. Who knows how things might have turned out otherwise.

It was then that the Rebellion broke out. Through bribery, trickery and generous Republic…persuasion the disparate resistance groups had been whipped into a semblance of unity under one command. It was a fragile alliance where both sides expected the other to betray each other. The rebellion had some hardcore classist routes, seeing itself as being the vanguard of the oppressed in the struggle against fascist oppressors and plutocrats. As the old adage goes, the problem with arming rebels is that they have a tendency of turning on you once the revolution is successful.

Callisto had assisted Moira in capturing and then breaking a Rebel traitor who was sending out information to the secret police. Said traitor was used to spread disinformation, as all warfare is based on deception. Word was received that a Republic fleet was en route to the planet and so a plan was put into action. Rebel forces, many of them irregulars and poorly trained but determined workers, launched diversionary attacks on the shipyards and the bastille, believed to be the real target by the secret police due to having been fed false information. At the same time the capital city was rocked by a series of speeder bombings to spread chaos. While this happened the hardcore of the rebel army would launch an attack on the planetary defences to shut them down. In other hands, hundreds were being sacrificed on the game board.

For the rebels it was a gamble, but they were flush with Republic weapons and if they took the city and fought the mercenaries on their own they could have a claim to power the Republic could not disregard. It was Callisto who was responsible for performing a speeder bombing at a cantina frequented by officers that left the commander of the government’s mercenaries dead, along with plenty of innocent people who happened to be there when the bomb went off. She had volunteered to join the rebel commandos that were being smuggled into the shipyard to help the rebelling workers, but for reasons known only to her Moira had put her in the main assault team, which her squad thus rejoined. Perhaps because the agent knew that the diversionary units would all be sacrificed. The battle was furious and brutal, the government soldiers giving no quarter and the rebels sparing none. Callisto was injured but nonetheless fought fanatically, even as comrades died around her.

Mercenaries who happened to be taken prisoner were cut down as the rebels took brutal vengeance, many also looting the houses of the rich. Rebel casualties were enormous, but the planetary shield generator was blown sky-high after its defences were penetrated. ‘Liberation’ seemed imminent as what was believed to be Republic Gunships roared across the ravaged city…but then the promised aid did not come. What happened after that is well-known. Fighting continued for several days and for a while hung in the balance, but those junta members who had survived managed to rally and struck back.

Rebel positions and entire civilian districts were firebombed into submission, flames set the houses where they had sought shelter ablaze, rebels taken prisoner were publicly hung on lampposts for all to see and their families sent to the camps. At the same time the carrot was employed, promising amnesty to rebels who recanted. A promise that obviously was not kept, but with the Republic alliance having collapsed and several prominent rebel leaders dead the movement was in disarray. Callisto narrowly evaded capture and probably worse, perhaps the Force was with her. Moira had vanished in the chaos and she was left close to despair and full of hatred. Thousands had died – and many more would perish in the inquisition – someone she considered a friend, perhaps something like a maternal figure, had betrayed her.

What happened afterwards can be summarised briefly. Callisto vanished back into the slums and rejoined the resistance, managing to rally some comrades just as scattered as she was. She took over the leadership of what soon became a terrorist cell. With no coherent leadership the rebels fractured into various splinter groups that spent almost as much time fighting each other as they did the government. The Galaxy tried to forget about Contruum, though the atrocities that had taken place played an important role in many Jedi coming to the belief that the Republic’s Order no longer represented Jedi principles, resulting in what has been called the Fourth Great Schism. Callisto survived in the dark underworld, proving herself an efficient but ruthless team leader and began working with criminal gangs, using smuggling and abductions to finance the rebel operations.

The struggle continued, though increasingly the fight became a cause in itself as there was little that separated the rebel groups from a terrorist protection racket, with the common people being caught in the crossfire. Then a Sith Lord called Velok held auction after having raided the Jedi and Sith archives. A Jedi strike force went on an unauthorised mission to retrieve their stolen property and hunt a terrorist who had just vaporized two planets – and in the process the Republic ended up in a shooting match with the Black Sun, a member of the Ithor Treaty. Callisto had been busy organizing a bombing on a police precinct, but was terribly happy when it seemed like the Ithor Treaty might invade the Republic, then disappointed when that did not come to pass. Contruum city had been bombed from orbit by Black Sun during the intervention, leaving even more devastation. It was a convenient opportunity for rebels, mercenaries and commoners to loot, which they did with gusto. She felt a strong yearning to leave the planet and get back at the powers at be. It was then that Moira Skaldi once again returned to her life.

The Butcher of Contruum had moved on to become the Protectorate’s head of intelligence, and now worked with the Rebel Alliance and the Atrisian Empire as a gun for hire. Secretly she was plotting to bring about a machine revolution via Archangel, the new company she and Maelion Liates, her partner in crime, had founded. The first time Callisto encountered her again, in what was euphemistically called a liberated zone, where she was one of the junior officers despite her youth, responsible for ‘keeping order’ and ensuring the workers paid their contributions to the cause, she tried to ambush and kill her. This was…very ill-advised as the rebel team was beaten to a bloody pulp and Moira withstood her blaster rifle salvoes, closed the distance and threw her into a wall. It was then Callisto saw that her skin had been burnt away by the blast and beheld the metal beneath.

The reunion was cut short by the appearance of rebels from a rival faction, who wanted to encroach upon this territory and also collect on the bounty that was on the Butcher’s head. “Come with me, if you want to live,” was all the droid had to say and so they vanished into the sewers, fighting as they went. What eventually emerged out of this was a very cynical deal. The rebels hated the Butcher…but she could offer them the things they needed: Guns, explosives, medicaments, intelligence. In return she wanted nothing more than....prisoners of war.

Heretical rebels, captured government soldiers and mercenaries, uppity workers who did not understand that liberation came at a cost. The resistance could not provide for them or feed them anyway. They were just a burden and using a blaster bolt to kill them was a waste. It was recycling at its finest and soon Moira began delivering, usually accompanied by armed ‘humans’ just as cold as she was. Sometimes they wore the faces of the prisoners, but they seemed…different. Here and there Moira offered small tidbits of information, namely that she could…upgrade anyone who volunteered, make them strong and indomitable in combat.

Disillusioned Callisto wound up joining the first of many post-Gulag Virus incarnations of the Rebel Alliance, which at that time was fighting a guerilla war against Sith, Fringe and the first post-Gulag Virus incarnation of the Confederacy. Contruum was one of its primary recruiting grounds. The Rebellion was decentralised and run by a principle of leaderless resistance. She obviously ended up in a rather radical cell, leaving behind a trail of bodies, though it was ultimately a struggle that was high on risk and minimal on reward. After a string of skirmishes, the last being the liberation of a Sith concentration camp for ‘undesirables’, the Alliance was disbanded due to the Empire’s collapse. Callisto tried to go legit but found patrolling hyperlanes along the Mara Corridor with Firemane not to her liking. She often clashed with her colleagues, something which resulted in disciplinary action being taken. Perhaps after having fought for so long she could not settle down and so she ended up drifting again.

Her path took her to an unexpected destination, namely the Lords of the Fringe, as bizarre an alliance as that was. Callisto never bought into the idea that they were here to fight monsters, given how many Sith Lords and criminals they had in their ranks, but they were fighting the Republic. Her hatred for it had been strengthened by the events on Manaan during the Sith invasion. There a Republic-affiliated mercenary had sunk one third of the city. So Callisto ended up fighting Republic troops at O’reen. After the Jedi were forced to retreat the Fringe geared up for an invasion of Coruscant, but then the Republic sued for peace and signed a treaty signed with the Fringe. With the war over and the Galaxy in an uneasy state of ‘peace’ she was left with her hatred but with no outlet. She might have left Contruum behind her, but evidently it had not left her.

The past caught up with her when she suffered critical injuries in a skirmish. Though she was able to be med-evacced she was crippled and wound up in hospital. It was doubtful that she would survive. But then a golden-haired archangel came. One seldom notices the devil when she puts her hand on your shoulder. The archangel had some interesting things to say and a not very lucid Callisto agreed. At least that is how she remembers it. She would be reborn in a sterile laboratory.

She would be one of the first of a second wave of HRDs. Now she was seemingly cleansed of organic weaknesses and able to aid in bringing about a new order, in which machines would rule. There would be no more pointless wars, no duplicity, no class differences, but an order of logic, straight lines and rationality. The firm decided that the best use of her skills would be to place her on the staff of a certain Aurelia Saelari, former Chancellor of the Republic to assist her in important duties. Aurelia had recently returned from the political wilderness to reclaim her Senate seat. In truth, Archangel had abducted the career politician and replaced her with an HRD puppet. This made it easy to 'convince' her to purchase Callisto as an assistant and bodyguard. Naturally, Callisto used her new-found access to divert funds to her handlers and persuade the senator to employ even more HRDs. She accompanied Aurelia to diplomatic conferences and negotiations, such as with foreign leaders who wanted to form a united front against the One Sith.

At the same time, she ruthlessly liquidated problematic indivduals who tried to uncover the Senator's dirty laundry. Among other things, she arranged for a meddling bodyguard and a journalist who was investigating Archangel to be abducted and processed. Aurelia vanished during the Netherworld Event. Ironically, she had discovered her true nature just before the calamity. With her owner gone, Callisto entered the services of a Republic Admiral.

Archangel reclaimed her after the Republic's fall, just in time for her to play a role in the machine cult's cloning project. Droids could not use the Force, and so Archangel decided to create its own through cloning. One was called Phaedra Amaryllis, the other Enyo Typhos. The second was the clone of Siobhan Kerrigan. Callisto was their caretaker and seemed to bond with the clones, as much as an amoral Terminatrix can. However, she developed an attachment to the young clones. Perhaps it was a shred of her organic self manifesting itself, but she became more questioning, viewing her handler's orders as illogical. Moreover, she started to view herself as the more advanced model, since she was no 'mere replicant'. Realising this, Moira had her reprogrammed to assure her obedience.

Eventually, Enyo rebelled after her creators pushed her too far. By that time their experiments had turned her into an organic-mechanical hybrid. Callisto got increased responsibilities, supervising Archangel operations while Moira and Maelion focused on combating the insurgency. She was also involved in various operations to acquire 'organic processing material' and field test new weapons Archangel had designed. She was reprogrammed when Enyo and her allies managed to prevail. In the aftermath, Callisto used her knowledge to help Enyo track down and take control over Archangel facilities that had not been affected by her takeover.

Perhaps remembering the HRD's caretaker role in her early days, Enyo put her in charge of the 'Big Sisters' - a special bodyguard detachment responsible for protecting her siblings. It was obvious to everyone involved that they were also supposed to keep an eye on them. Thuella had taken a liking to the assassin droid since she seemed the most 'human' of the bunch and chose her as her bodyguard. Callisto saved the young, somewhat naive clone's life when a rival syndicate tried to kidnap the 'Iron Princess'. Enyo was pleased with how she tracked down and decimated the kidnappers.
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