Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Allow Me To Introduce Myself

Ord Mantell was like one big karking junkyard. It was ugly as hell and kinda fricking cool.

Dag had always heard it was dangerous to travel on Ord Mantell if you didn’t know where you were going but Dagos didn’t feel the danger.

Well, that wasn't totally true. Dagos could feel the danger, it just didn’t bother him. No, it didn’t bother him at all. Actually, it made everything cooler. The atmosphere of this planet had Dagos all jazzed up. Not just the uneasy feeling of hostility and danger but the literal atmosphere of the world which turned the clouds a vibrant pink color. The difference between the ugly drab surface of the world and the sky was night and kriffing day.

Dagos’ eye kept drifting upward to spare a look at the atmospheric phenomenon. The thought that Dagos was some wonderstruck kid on his first vacation should be tossed to the side. Dagos was no kid, he was seventeen or he would be in like two weeks but chit, close enough right? Oh and he was a Jedi…sort of…well he was…or he had been…kinda, so Dagos had seen some stuff.

For whatever reason though he couldn’t help but look up every few minutes and marvel at the clouds through the skylight in the ceiling, while he sat in an overly luxurious booth of the very expensive restaurant he was visiting. A sharp snapping from across the table drew his eyes back down.

“Dagos, for Force sake pay attention, yeah?” Joran said.

Joran or Captain Del-Finn was an old friend of Dagos’ dad and one hell of a smuggler if half of his stories were true. He was older; in his fifties, with spots of gray in his goatee, his head was shaved bald. Sitting in the booth of one of Ord Mantells most expensive casino-restaurants, Joran didn’t look like a freight ship captain or smuggler. He wore a a suit straight from Epica that had to cost like five thousand credits at the low end.

“I am paying attention.” Dagos said, annoyed.

“What’d I say den?” Joran asked.


“Repeat. My. Words. Back. To. Me.”

Dagos kissed his teeth in frustration.

“Fuggin exactly.” Joran said, the smug prick “pay attention.”

“I don’t understand why I can’t just work with you.” Dagos said, starting a very familiar argument

“What’ju don’t understand could fill the Jedi archives.” Joran said. “Don’t look at me like that.” Joran said when he caught Dagos' glance. “I already fuggin told ju din’t I? I don’t have crew. I don’t share credits.”

“What about the droids?” Dagos asked swiftly.

“The fuggin droids? What about em? Might as well ask me ‘what about the fuggin hydrospanner or or the force damn welding torch.’ They’re tools, droids are tools. Besides, dem don’t cost me no more den what it takes for upkeep. no food, no clothes, no share of the cut. Tools. Simple. How I fuggin like it, alright.”

Dagos kissed his teeth and rolled his eyes.

“For fug sake. is’Ju finna cry and whine every time you get an answer you don’t like?”

Joran took a cigarra from a metal vase he had stashed in the inside pocket of his suit jacket. He took a second to play around with the smoke, rolling it between his fingers and taking a quick sniff before placing it between his lips and giving it a light.

“No,” Dagos said, sharply, a pout was starting to form on his face.

Wordlessly Joran held the metal case across the table offering Dagos a smoke. Dag took one at once, perking up a bit.

“You sure you’re done wiv the Jedi?” Joran asked as he leaned over and lit Dagos smoke for him. It was apparently time to rehash every argument the two had gotten into on the way to Ord Mantell from Coruscant.

“Man, fck that.” Dagos said.

“What about Jadar? He’s barely a Jedi, a wayseeker or some chit, yeah?”

“No. No way man. I’m done with that chit.”

“Yeah, alright den.”

Joran meant well. Dagos knew that. Dag had been pretty surprised when Joran offered to ask Jadar to take Dagos as an apprentice. Dag had met Jadar years before he had ever become a Jedi. Jadar had been the apprentice to a Jedi that Joran had fallen in love with and now Jadar and Joran were like brothers.

“Ju’don’t want to be a Jedi. Fine. Ju’want to be a smuggler you say. Fine. I like you Dag. I like you a lot. You’re a smart kid and tough as hell. You can be whatever you want to be and if I were your da, you sure a chit wouldn’t be 'ere.”

Dagos opened his mouth to interrupt but Joran cut him off.

“I’m not your fuggin da. Like I said you’re smart and your fuggin tough, you don’t take chit and you can be funny as hell. This line of work, if you take it serious and learn a thing or two… well hell you’re gonna be damn good at it. There’s no doubt in my fuggin mind and that’s why I let you come wiv me 'ere to this hive of scum and villainy, and it’s why I made contact wiv another captain I know who might need an extra hand”

“Thank you! Chit, Joran, thank you.”

“Don’t thank me yet. Tell me why you should be fortunate enough to join this crew if the offer is made to you.”


“Are you fuggin deaf? I’m asking you. to tell me. What fuggin value are you? What help would you be on an ongoing basis?”

“I mean…”

Joran laughed “you thought what? You were gonna get hired on cuz I fuggin asked for it?”

“We’ll sort of.”

“Fuggin hell…”

“Uh…I… can fix chit…”

“You can fix chit?”

“…Yes!…and…uh…chit, I can fight like mutha sucka…plus I can use The Force, that’s gotta be helpful right?”

“It’s a start…”

The two men. One an aging smuggler who has seen too much of the galaxy and the other a young former Jedi desperate to see more sat together casually sipping their drinks and blowing smoke while they waited for Joran’s contact.

Sorr Kortu Sorr Kortu and The Crew.

Sorr Kortu

Socially Awkward Smuggler
"Oh man I'm late!"

Sorr rushed through the streets of Ord Mantel, he had been to the planet a couple of times when he was a kid. His Dad had considerable stock in a major shipyard company, and he would attend meetings in the company annually. Sorr remembered arriving at Ord Mantel for the first time when he was six years old. The moment Sorr saw multiple freighters lifting off into space, he knew he wanted to be a pilot the best in the Galaxy. Ships represented freedom to go where one pleases and it can serve as a mobile home where it was just you and your friends on a grand adventure similar to Han Solo.

In a way Sorr was able to live that dream but not in the way he wanted to. He was broke, on the run, and often slept with his Blaster Pistol close. At least he had good friends and a girlfriend in Vletti'azan'uosus Vletti'azan'uosus . The nostalgic tour of Ord Mantell was nice but Sorr had to remind himself why he was here. He was supposed to meetup with an old ally: Joran Del-Finn Joran Del-Finn for he had a job for Sorr. The rest of the crew were off doing their own thing save for Neli Neli who claimed that she came from a date. Sorr didn't think she was the type who would be in a relationship but then again she did look good.

The Smuggler found the area and immediately entered. "Sorr we're late!" Sorr said. "We were backed by traffic! It was crazy out there!"

Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek

Things had been going pretty well for her for the most part, she'd also started a couple things. Well, literally. One was a relationship with an alliance fighter pilot. The other was trying to progress her skills in the force and combat, after some recent experiences she was convinced it might be a good idea to catch up a bit. She could really handle a lot more than most her age probably could, but she could be handling so much more if she tried. And she hadn't properly practiced in years probably.

The rogue student of the force skipped along as casually as she ever did following Sorr, chuckling at his apology, "Needed to remind yourself?" she prompted him at the use of his own name when apologizing as neither an introduction nor going with 'Sorry'. before looking up to the other with a grin playing off the latter part of his wording, "You know traffic, always being sent to the madhouse."

Sorr Kortu Sorr Kortu Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek
Metal Rebreather mask
Ancient Hutt Fusion Pistol
Satchel (lightsaber inside)

Tag: Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek Sorr Kortu Sorr Kortu Neli Neli
Location: Ord Mantell
Objective: first mission

Poor Hex hears voices in her head

Hex speech to others
Hex speech to herself

Hexes inner voices

Coloured '.....' are also words that Hex can hear , but I decided not to write them to reduce clutter



It was good to be free, even if she couldnt go home, she still hadnt thanked Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla properly for arranging her freedom, but Hex had this strange feeling she was avoiding her, maybe afraid of the conversation she knew they were going to have. The girl was confusing.

'...She's lucky shes sexy...'
"Feth yeah she is! Wooo!"

Hex spun through the air on her board as she approached the rendezvous, she had chosen to meet up with them rather than going together just so she could feel the wind in her hair, but now, after mistaking one cooling tower for another she had gotten lost and was late. Finally she skimmed to a halt and approached the others.

"Hey you guys, whats happening?

Oh Nel, you havent taken a pair of my Kelvin Kaines out of the machine have you? ...Watching you!"
she did the fingers to her eyes gesture at the other girl then laughed before looking at Dagos and waiting for instructions.

Joran Del-Finn

Smuggler by day. Snuggler by night.
“Captain Kortu!” Joran said boisterously. “Please, sit down.” Joran motioned to the booth inviting Sorr and his crew to sit down. A sharp whistle blew from Joran’s mouth to grab Dagos’ attention. Joran had Dag slide over to share the same side of the table as Joran so that the two of them would be sitting across from Sorr and his people.

“Captain Kortu, this is Dagos, he’s a friend of mine.”

Dagos tilted his head up quickly, a gesture widely known to mean ‘Sup?’

Joran allowed Sorr to make introductions of his crew and Dag.

“Alright mate, first things first,” Joran said once the introductions were out of the way. “A drink, yeah?” He asked as a server droid whirred over and set an exquisite crystal bottle on the table full of what looked like blood. “Glasses for everyone.” Joran told the droid who obeyed right away.

Joran pulled the stopped from the crystal bottle and poured a finger of thick near-black/red liquor into every glass but his which got something like four fingers.

“Orryxian Catsblood.” He explained. “Hard to find, damn expensive, and just as like to fckn choke you on the way down as get you drunk.” Joran Said wistfully, lifting his glass in a silent toast and gulping down half of the contents. Thick burning liquor crawled its way down Joran’s throat eliciting a satisfied shudder from the smuggler.

Joran looked Sorr in the eye.

“Oi, I need a favor, mate. Dagos ere is looking for work and currently I’m all full up on crew, right. I was hoping you had room for ‘im.” Joran finished his glass with another two gulps and proceeded to fill it again. “Got a job for you too., ain’t need t’other though. You want the job and not the kid? fine by me. you want the kid but not the job? I’ll owe you one, fair?”

“I ain’t offering you the easiest fckn work in the galaxy by any means but you’re fckn resourceful, ain’t ya?”
Joran pulled a holo-disk from his pocket and set it on the table. A ghostly blue image of a woman in her mid forties to early fifties floated and rotated above the disk.

She was, Joran thought, a very attractive woman even as a hologram.

“This,” he began, “is Persia Perotta. She used to work for me as a legitimate freighter captain. That was until she absconded wif me ship. A YT-2000 called The Fugitive’s Redemption.”

Joran had a ship still. His ship. The Perseverance was his home as well as how he earned his living and it had been a few years since The Redemption was stolen from him. The Fugitive’s Redemption was an old ship, well-modified but a relic nonetheless and a gift from Jedi Master Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor . Joran had little to no time for sentimentality but Joran was unable to sleep knowing there was someone out there who could boast of getting one over on him.

“I want my fckn ship!” Joran roared drawing looks from several disturbed fellow customers. “I don’t fckn care if you need to slit the btch’s throat to make it happen.” Joran took another drink. “Persia currently owns and operates a casino here on Ord Mantell. That fckn place might as well be her own personal castle but it’s your best start.”

“Thirty-thousand credits if you pull the job off and you can keep any cargo you find that she may be moving.”

“Are we in business then?”

Sorr Kortu Sorr Kortu Neli Neli Hex Hex

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