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Discussion All Threads/Articles Related to Laertia Io

With the cooperation of Laertia Io Laertia Io 's writer (and IC cooperation as well so I don't have to pretend I'm not omniscient) I will either be writing a short biography of the so-called "Black Knight" or at the very least a collective account and analysis of her role in recent events. Much like my previous project, I need your help collecting materials. So far I have the following threads:

A Desert Hunt - Maple Harte and Laertia Io along with Alwine Daye Alwine Daye have an adventure on Tatooine. This is (I believe) the first thread in which Laertia was introduced.
Sawa Ike vs The Amalgam - Sawa Ike Sawa Ike and the Amalgam get into a fight on Canto Bight, killing and injuring numerous civilians in the process. Laertia Io gets involved in the latter third of the battle.
The Bloody Shade - Corellia adventure involving some Jedi, Laertia mentions having once been a Jedi Shadow, I haven't finished reading it yet.
Her Eternal Fortress - Thread involving somebody who deleted their account. >_>
Your Undoing - Invasion of Yurb and Keldooine by the Bryn’adul.
Return of the King - Laertia attempts to give Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield and Elise information on a possible Bryn plot, I think. What I remember most about reading this thread was her interactions with other Jedi and how she didn't fit in despite her eagerness to please/be helpful.
Dragons of Atrisia - Laertia meets her "grandmother" Darth Themis, who identifies as a Light Side Sith. Themis teaches Laertia how to twist the Light and sees visions of the future in which Laertia eventually becomes a Sith.
Fire Rising - Onderon campaign...?
It Will Burn - Nar Kreeta campaign.
Life Over Politics - First conference during Elder Compact arc.
Stand With Me, Stand Against Me, Or Stand Aside - Third and final conference thread.
Strange Alliances - Thurion Heavenshield and Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim meet with Laertia and co in an attempt to fashion an alliance against the Bryn involving the Eternal Empire.
No Quarter - Dantooine invasion, Laertia duels with Ryv Ryv .
Rage Awakened - Invasion of Bastion.
The Other Side of Peace - Invasion of Ziost, Laertia fights a Chiss and flees after the Dark Side wave hits the planet.
A Message to the NJO - From Laertia.
A Message to Laertia Io - From Bernard Bernard .
A Response to Laertia Io and the Jedi Code - From Kaleleon Kaleleon .
Personal Log: The Amalgam - Not public knowledge, but a personal log written by Io.
Crumbling Castle - Invasion of Generis...? Laertia fights Khefiir Khefiir , very good read.
A Message to the NIO and GA - From Laertia Io.
A Public Response to the Black Knight - From Khefiir.
Musings of the Recent Accounts of Jedi Infighting - Vora Kaar Vora Kaar (a Sith) condemns Laertia Io, saying she is no longer a Jedi.
Machines, Raging - Laertia's "mother" Moya Virtu leaves following an argument over Laertia's actions. Laertia plots to have NIO engineers who created an HRD specifically to fight her assassinated.
Heirs to the Empire - Syd and Laertia fight the NIO at Serenno.

Even a brief mention in a single post can count. I want everything, your IC opinion pieces, complaints, praise, jokes, commentary, etc.
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Factory Judge
I did want to say since I had a couple people asking me on discord about the little blog.

Yes, the intent was to show that actions of a Jedi can attract Sith intelligence/Media and that there would be a couple that might see this as a potential to sway Jedi into falling to the Dark side, while others would point out how similar situations ended with a falling out.

I also typed it up in like ten minutes after getting the idea and it just flowed how it did. So there might be grammatical errors in it. While I could have linked many Jedi, the story of Anakin is just well documented more than others, and would make a bigger impact.

Just the idea of a Sith being like. "This is some weird shit." Would make it so then it's not just the Jedi being all "You ain't a real Jedi." Adds more depth.

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