Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Corbin made his way through the midtown, following occasional wisp of a light that only he seemed to be able to see. They had only started occuring recently, and it didn't seem to matter where he was. It was like the Force - the Manda - was trying to guide him. And this time, it seemed to be guiding him to the Speaker for the Mandokarla Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida and her other Shamans. He could see Tytos Saxon Tytos Saxon and Tomaj Eldar Tomaj Eldar there as well, along with some other Chaaj and Y'ivra.

"Harbu'uba be runi at gar," he said in greeting, saluting each in traditional Mandalorian fashion. "Speaker, I know it is a little late in coming, but I wish to continue my training as a Shaman. I have a feeling that the Manda will guide me away from here before too long. I will need these teachings, so that I may help our brethren who do not reside on Kestri or within the Enclave. Some here may not agree with that notion, but Mando'ade are still Mando'ade, and they still desrve guidance, if they so choose to accept it. But first, I need to complete my training. As much as can, anyway. It is honestly way overdue."

Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla

Embers reflected in Korso's visor. Purifying flames bought him some space. He kicked up from his back, bracing for another counterattack. She maintained her distance. They had each other's measure now. Like a dejarik game strategies began to form. His opponent was both faster and stronger, but their ancestors had once tamed the great mythosaur with courage alone.

Gwyn drew her blaster and he charged.

Her first shot splashed off the rim of his energy shield. Half a stun charge made every nerve in his body scream but Korso gritted his teeth and kept coming. He threw a vibroknife at her blaster hand then aimed his vambrace at the fallen mythosaur axe behind her and activated a whipcord launcher.

Firing the thrusters on his jetpack, Korso turned and pulled with a roar of exertion. He hoped to wield the fallen weapon against Gwyneira like an improvised flail.


Tag: Yuri Maji

"I lose my neck, you lose your head, Siv." He muttered with a snicker, nodding down to his opponent's legs.

Knife still held firmly against Yuri's throat, he looked down towards where the Shistavenan indicated. Sure enough, Yuri had his own blade dangerously close to Siv's groin, free to cut into Siv should he choose. They were at an impasse. A draw. Siv breathed heavily for a moment, considering his options. "You're not wrong," he admitted between heavy breaths. He could continue pressing until Yuri conceded, try to change their position, and win an advantage, but the flow of the duel had already been interrupted. They both knew it was over.

"So, how's about payin' that bail money back?" He quipped with a laugh. "Or should we just keep beatin' the snot out of each other?" He rested back against his jetpack to relax as he held the vibroblade in place.

"Still not going to pay your bail," he replied dryly. Siv switched off his vibroblade and stood up, sheathing the knife before offering a conciliatory hand to help up the fallen Mandalorian. "I'll buy you a drink, though."



Tag: Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida | Yael Kandar Yael Kandar | Senar Ahn-Dross | Tomaj Eldar Tomaj Eldar | Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher

"What of these traditions speaks to you most, Shaman of Clan Saxon?"

Tytos smiled and contemplated the speaker's question. Which tradition did speak most to him? It was a simple question enough, but one that provoked deep thought. "I think the togetherness of the festivities," Tytos decided after a moment. "Our loyalty to each other, our familial bonds -- they set us apart from others. They make us more than just warriors, than just crusaders. It is why our people have endured despite so much hardship."

Another Mandalorian that Tytos did not know came up to the gathering of shamans, introducing himself and grabbing the speaker's attention. The spotlight that had shown ever so briefly on Tytos shifted once more away from him. But that was well. Tytos did not demand the spotlight. He felt no resentment towards it. Let this other Mandalorian prove himself, and he would be much better for it. The shaman contemplated that thought before smiling to himself, bowing slightly -- to no one in particular -- and proceeded to melt back into the crowd of his fellow vod.

Mandalorians were stronger together. He would strive to always be there when his people needed him the most.
Daughter of The Destroyer

I'm living for the thrill of the kill, Yes It Excites Me!
Just might be the closest representation to god you might see

Pay honors like your mamma young sonna and take a right knee~

Romul Saxon Romul Saxon | Tempo Tempo | Zel Sharratt Zel Sharratt

"Uh-oh~" Dima quipped quickly when romul suddenly decided to drop his beskad, utilizing what little leverage he had to grapple with the young mandalorian as Dima tllted her head, all five eyes staring in focus as Romul proceeded to manage to hoist Dima up into the air. "NOT GOOD!" She blurted out as Romul brought her down with an incredible force and slamming her down into the earth.

Daylights danced across her vision for a moment, and as Romul tried to separate himself all her senses flared to life. That would not be happening if the xeno could help it. Taking the brunt of the attack Dima groaned and chittered in agitation, her core having been shook rather painfully before every limb on her body quickly went to work. The moment he had lifted her into the air Dima twisted and bent herself awkwardly. And after hitting the ground took her chance to bind Romul into place. Her long, incredibly powerful legs swung upward and hooked onto his arm in what could be described as an arm bar. However, her other arms reached down to snatch his legs, pulling them closer to her and latching onto them while her massive tail proceeded to curl around Romuls neck. Yanking his upper body backwards and preventing him from stopping her as Dima proceeded to laugh.

"Dimas turn~" She hissed before TWISTING and ROLLING her body violently in an attempt to take Romul on a roll through the arena. Bouncing flailing and twisting through the dirt as Dima preformed what could only be described as a 'death roll' on the other Mandalorian warrior. The Warmaster wanted to play the grapple game with the four armed multi limbed xeno? Well then he had entered her realm of combat, and now got to experience having his limbs folded, twisted and yanked every which way as she would attempt to roll him onto his legs, ankles and head as many times as she could without letting him pull free.

Romul Bodyslam Successful
Retreat Denied
Dima Locks Romuls limbs. Arms, legs, neck

Preforms A crocodile-like Rolling Death Cradle
Attempts to roll Romul around the ground till something breaks~


902 ABY

Another waves of cheers and crowd noises heightened as the other half of the duel made his way to the arena. Well, not his. Her. It wasn't Fenn Stag standing right across of me. It's not a black Beskar'gam and an artificial arm and an artificial soul. Instead, a fiery red Beskar'gam that hides a fiery auburn hair and a heart burning for a holy cause. Regina Rau, the Scion of Rau, a zealous compatriot, who I fought side-by-side in Rodia. A last minute switch, apparently. Another test on my resolve.

"Sister! It's a surprise to see you here."

Without waiting for any response, I took the first move and soared up the sky with my jetpack, blasting through the sky. Flashes of Rodia rushes through my mind. Reggie is a very capable warrior, as she displayed in her fight against a Jedi Knight. But I am no Jedi, I can fly and shoot and lead and take it all. There's no stopping until I get the whole world in my hand. I released three consecutive stun shots from my MI Hybrid Pistol, gliding through the sky and trying to establish aerial dominance.

TLDR: Pew-pew through the sky (three of ‘em)



Runi regarded the Shaman of Saxon ( Tytos Saxon Tytos Saxon ) and nodded in the wake of his thoughtfulness. "Above all things this is true." She reached out to clasp the man's arm. "May it be forever with you and yours." The hazel eyes of the Speaker regarded the man even as Corbin drew nearer. They would meet again in this life or the next -- the future was always uncertain -- and Runi would look forward to that day.

After she released Tytos' arm, Runi turned her head to listen to Corbin. For a moment she glanced to the side to catch the other Shaman departing. He would do well, she thought.

Polite laughter bubbled forth from the Speaker. "The Enclave is neither the beginning nor the end of Mandalorians. It is wise to reach out to all that would follow our ways. Even those that have yet to don beskar'gam. Though you may find this road more difficult than you think." Runi stepped in a little closer. "A Shaman -- or Pathfinder -- of the Mandokarla must also weigh the hearts of those most considered hopeless. If it is your desire to be taught in this fashion, to be judged worthy of these responsibilities, then it shall be done." Other Mandalorians could shun Dar'manda, but not those of the Mandokarla. Not so long as Runi was there. Of course, such wayward souls would need to accept the offered hand to return to the fold -- the decision was always theirs and not always taken.

Hopefully, in time, the Manda would see fit for Corbin to find his way back. By the Manda, Runi hoped that return would not be under... less pleasant circumstances. The whispers between the stars spoke of turbulent times ahead. Well, the Mandokarla did not believe in Mandalorian fighting Mandalorian (self-defense being the exception, obviously), so in the worst of cases Corbin could always rely on the Mandokarla as a means of communication, sanctuary, and for the resolution of disputes.

"Let us begin after this gathering." There was much to teach.




"Ah, good to see you again, Brother Tytos. Such a rare event. I'm sure you'll be off again to some unknown part of the Galaxy before too long, but I do enjoy your occasional visits." As Speaker Runi asked after Tytos's views on the festival, Tomaj had to nod his head in agreement. "Most definitely. And Manda willing, it will eventually lead to a united Mando'ade this side of Oyar'agr."

Another young member of the Mandokarla walked up to converse with the Speaker. The young man asked about Shaman training, but the odd thing was that he showed no special presence in the Manda. Ah, Tomaj though, this must be Corbin Vasher. Tomaj had heard of the one who could hide his abilities, coming across as one who had no connection to the Manda, even to those with strong Sense like himself.

Tomaj noticed Tytos bow out and start to leave. The large Leonid Shaman reached out and placed his left hand on Tytos's shoulder. He gave the man a salute, right fist over his iron heart. "Farewell, Brother Tytos. I look forward to seeing you again in the future. We can sit and chat about what new things you have discovered." He gave his fellow A'srucayr a respectful bow in farewell and watched the man fade away into the crowd.

By the time he turned back, Speaker Runi was responding to the boy - young man; Tomaj had the habit of thinking of anyone he had not known for at least half a century as a child. His since of age was messed up, with him not even being able to remember his own age. Corbin bowed in acknowledgement and left. "That one's future is even more uncertain than ours. Still, I sense a great potential for leadership. It will be good to have someone out there to offer guidance to our brethren who do not embrace the Enclave. Now, speaking of brethren, I hear we have quite the unusual foundling, a young Duinuogwuin. I met one, long ago. Never thought one would become a foundling."




Elise opted for the plain tihaar, focusing on her new companion's words as sat up in a very relaxed yet aware manner. She had a casual acuteness about her, which was rested and alert all at the same time. Back straight, she tilted her head a bit as she listened, impressed to Darius' account. The tihaar was slid in front of her, but all her focus was on him.

An Alor? Elise was colored impressed. She always carried a sense of reverence and respect towards the leaders of clans. She dipped her head slightly in respects to this Heir.

"How many are left in your clan? Do they consider your claim worthy? With how hard you've fought through life, I'd think you deserve their respect."

Elise felt that she was a strange opposite the Darius. She had spent her entire life training nonstop, in multiple areas. She mostly trained, but only had a small amount of experience with helping Mandalorian rebels of the Empire Of The Lost. She was fortunate enough to grow up in a relatively safe home, despite her father's passing, and received endless support from her mother. But Darius, he grew up from the bottom of the pit. Darius had to claw and scrape his way out, and built up from there. He had so much experience, and he had little family to back him up. Despite it all, however, he managed to obtain the title of Alor.

He was likely far better than she was.

For the moment, Elise felt a wave of insecurity wash over her. She looked down at her food and grimaced. Then, she gulped and looked back to him, hiding her timidness once again. She was not used to feeling like an ant, but here she was. She felt the hourglass lowered down on her, and the sun baking her alive. She... did not like that feeling.

Despite it all, she maintained a pleasant disposition. Sitting upright, she listened closely as Darius Mereel Darius Mereel responded.


"Not many Mereel are left. My father had bolstered our forces before, but when he did what he did on Mandalore... Many left the House out of share, or anger. Most still haven't returned. Those that lived on Gardius are largely new to the way of the Mandalorian people, like myself. A few hundred, if that. And... I have respect, but there are many who think my line should lose leadership after what my father did. So I am constantly being challenged to prove myself and my capabilities. It's exhausting, even if I haven't failed yet."

Sighing, Darius took a sip of his drink and smiled kindly as the spiced soup was presented to him. Setting to slowly, he thought for a moment, and eyed his companion. Date was too strong a word, as was friend.

"I deserve only what I can take and earn myself. It's largely why, even though I am A'lor in claim, I have taken up with the Protectors as my father did, and other glory-seeking moves. I have to garner my own reputation in order to truly be worthy. In my estimation anyway."

Noticing her seem to shrink a bit in stature, he cocked his head to the side, smiling again not unkindly.

"Tell me though, you don't walk like someone who doesn't know the harder spots of life. Who are you, my new companion? I am quite curious even from the word go about you..."

Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira

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