Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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yuuzhan vong

  1. Veli'ae Ashai

    Character  Veli'ae Ashai

    Veli'ae Ashai Music ... Aliases N/A Class(es) Jedi Guardian Assignment N/A Flagship N/A Birthplace Coruscant Age 18 Personality Traits Education Traits Lifestyle Traits Rank(s) Padawan Learner Faction(s) Galactic Alliance Species Yuuzhan Vong Languages Vong &...
  2. Tilon Quill

    Approved Starship  Gadma Station, Companion Cresh

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A station as a waypoint for exploration, first discovered during the Sar'andor expedition to Companion Cresh in the 870s. Located at the edge of Companion Cresh closest to the main galaxy. Image Source: Thargoid ship from Elite: Dangerous Canon Link...
  3. Athsheva Rin

    LFG  Calling all barbarians, heretics and infidels!

    All of you are about to realize that it's Athsheva Rin's galaxy, and you're just living in it. This ethically nebulous, body horror mad scientist is finally tearing through the galaxy far, far away, and she's looking for... well. Let's just call them new experiences, shall we? Maybe you're a...
  4. Athsheva Rin

    Character  Athsheva Rin

    Athsheva Rin Age 29 Species Yuuzhan Vong Gender Female (she/her) Height 1.8 meters Weight 68 kg Force Sensitive Force Dead PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION At 5'10 and 150lbs, Athsheva is tall and slender. Like most of her kind, her tattooed forehead slopes backwards, the high hairline of...
  5. Z

    Character  Zhaael Lah

    NAME: Zhaael Lah CLAN: Domain Lah SPECIES: Yuuzhan Vong AGE: Unknown GENDER: Male HEIGHT: 6'4" (1.95m) WEIGHT: 100kg (220 lbs) HOMEWORLD: Yuuzhan'tar; Intergalactic Void (previously); Netherworld KNOWN RELATIVES: Tsavong Lah (Ancestor) LANGUAGES: Basic (Galactic), Yuuzhan Vong FORCE...
  6. Z

    New Group Created - The Yuuzhan Vong Empire

    Zhaelor Anor has created a new group called The Yuuzhan Vong Empire. The Yuuzhan Vong Empire is the invasion force that has reached this galaxy, having traveled from another over several millennia through the intergalactic void, following civil war that devastated the Vong's homeworld. The...
  7. Khattazz al'Q'aah

    Codex Denied  Grotthu

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a weak slave/horde race to serve the Shaper Lord Image Credit: Anthony Perales - Alien Creature, Destiny Wiki - Hive, Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Khattazz al'Q'aah, Givin, Yorik-kul, Tuk'ata, GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Grotthu Designation...
  8. Darth Carnifex

    Approved Tech  Khatuu-Gul (Tight Pain)

    Intent: Create a new Yuuzhan Vong biot Image Source: Click - Fire In The Sky (1993) Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A Manufacturer: Aris-Shelr Affiliation: Open-Market Model: Khatuu-Gul (Tight Pain) Modularity: Yes Could be engineered for different purposes, from torture...
  9. Darth Carnifex

    Approved Lore  Aris-Shelr, the Skin Shapers

    Intent: Flesh out Shapers loyal to the Sith Image Credit: Click - Wookieepedia Canon: Shaper Caste Permissions: N/A Links: N/A Organization Name: Aris-Shelr, the Skin Shapers Classification: Yuuzhan Vong Shapers Affiliation: The Sith Empire, The Kainate Organization Symbol: The Aris-Shelr...
  10. K

    Public  Infestation

    Life is Suffering, Death is Release Nothing Earned Except Through Pain ~ Kor-Et Vaal ~ - A noble endeavor to sequester the remaining Yuuzhan Vong in the galaxy to the Outer Rim, trapped within the atmosphere of Zonama Sekot. The living planet had sacrificed itself for the good of the galaxy...
  11. Ellie Mors

    Approved Starship  Yorik Oqa (Coral Herd)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a general Yorik-et style Yuuzhan Vong fighter. Image Source: Bio Fighter, Kory Cromie Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: The Sith Empire Affiliation: The Sith Empire | Legion Yun-Ne'Shel...
  12. Ellie Mors

    Approved Starship  Us-hrok Izai (Gesture of Promise)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To submit a Yuuzhan Vong carrier-destroyer analogue. Image Source: Bio Cruiser, Kory Cromie Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: The Sith Empire Affiliation: The Sith Empire | Legion Yun-Ne'Shel Model...
  13. Ellie Mors

    Approved Starship  Yun'o-tu Tchilat (Will of the Gods)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To submit the premier assault battlecruiser analogue of the Yuuzhan Vong within the Sith Empire. Image Source: Coral Cruiser, Kory Cromie Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: The Sith Empire Affiliation...
  14. Alyva Terrix

    Approved NPC  Alyva Terrix' Yammosk

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To add a particular twist to the characters story and interaction with other players. Image Credit: Artstation Role: This Yammosk is both a pet and organizational companion to Alyva due to it's empathic abilities. Permissions: N/A Links: Yammosk | Yuuzhan...
  15. Corpus Hrosha-Gul

    Yun-Amon, The Cannibal [Hrosha-Gul]

    Name: Yun-Amon Type: Major God Religion: True Way Domains: Evolution, Change, Fear YUN-AMON, THE CANNIBAL The Cannibal King, The Beast Of Change, The Maw Of Consumption. Yun-Amon, also known in the Yuuzhan Vong dialect as The Cannibal, is one of the few Gods that do not claim a Domain nor...
  16. Corpus Hrosha-Gul

    Yun-Yammka, the Slayer God [Hrosha-Gul]

    Name: Yun-Yammka Type: Major God Religion: True Way Domains: War, Anger, Vengeance YUN-YAMMKA, THE SLAYER GOD The Slayer God, The Breaker Of Mortals, Colossus Of War. Yun-Yammka, also known in the Yuuzhan Vong dialect as The Slayer, is worshipped primarily by the Warrior Caste of the major...
  17. M

    Character  Mister Sigma

    NAME: Mister Sigma FACTION: Independent For Hire RANK: Bounty Hunter / Mercenary SPECIES: Yuuzhan Vong AGE: 31 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6'7 WEIGHT: 297 lbs. EYES: White HAIR: Bald SKIN: Pale FORCE SENSITIVE: Force Void STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES: +Perseverance: Will persist to get...
  18. Tsavong Kraal

    Approved Location  Grish Pulgo, The Blood Forest

    [ENCADRE width=30 title="Grish Pulgo"] SETTING INFORMATION Landmark Name: Grish Pulgo, "The Blood Forest" Classification: Great Reef Location: Yuuzhan'tar Affiliation: N/A Size: Massive Population: Crowded Demographics: N/A OOC INFORMATION Intent: To expand Yuuzhan Vong lore. Image Credit...
  19. Tsavong Kraal

    Approved Location  Sen'tholl Fha, The Great Deep

    [ENCADRE width=30 title="Sen'Tholl Fa, The Great Deep"] SETTING INFORMATION Landmark Name: Sen'tholl Fha Classification: Ocean Trench Location: Yuuzhan'tar Affiliation: N/A Size: Massive. Population: Sparse Demographics: N/A OOC INFORMATION Intent: To expand Yuuzhan Vong lore. Image Credit...
  20. Khattazz al'Q'aah

    Character  Khattazz al'Q'aah, The Shaper Lord

    NAME: Khattazz al'Q'aah (Avatar of Hate in Yuuzhan Vong) FACTION: The Shaped Horde RANK: Sith Lord The Shaper Lord SPECIES: Yuuzhan Vong AGE: 260 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 5'9" WEIGHT: 130 lbs. EYES: Green (left eye Plaeryin bol), Blue (Right) HAIR: Black SKIN: Fair FORCE...
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