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Codex Denied Grotthu

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  • Name: Grotthu
  • Designation: Sub-sentient - while the Grotthu have no written language and communicate only with shrieks and screams, they understand Khattazz's mental commands an
  • Origins: [ This can be a planet (canon or Chaos canon sub), a company's lab, a region of space, extra-galactic, etc. Provide a link if applicable. ]
  • Average Lifespan: 10 years
  • Estimated Population: [ Unique (Only One Member), Semi-Unique (An extremely small number, first or last of their kind), Rare (A few groups, often limited to a single world), Planetary (A Large Concentration on a single world or system, rarely found off-world), Scattered (Smaller groups or individuals found in many places around the galaxy), Inter-Planetary (Multiple larger populations found within numerous star systems), Common (Can be found in most any space-worthy colony around the galaxy)- Optional: include a population number. ]
  • Description: [ Provide a short paragraph that describes this species at a glance. More in-depth descriptions can be added in distinctions below. ]


  • Breathes: Type I, Type IV
  • Average Height of Adults: 5'4"
  • Average Length of Adults: [ In metric. If not applicable put N/A. ]
  • Skin color: [ Their commons skin colors. ]
  • Hair color: N/A
  • Distinctions: The Grotthu are skeletal in appearance, owing to Khattazz drawing genetic material from the Givin species. They are shorter than the average human, with thin legs and arms, the latter of which end in two clawed fingers and a thumb.
  • Races: None
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Sensitive
  • Strength in Numbers: The greatest strength of the Grotthu is in numbers: alone, even a rookie fresh out of boot camp wouldn't break a sweat fighting one. There are rarely ever alone, however, and live in rather large swarms. When attacking as a pack, the overwhelming number of teeth and claws can prove fatal to the unprepared.
  • Fast: Grotthu are fast creatures, able to sprint at speeds up to 30 miles per hour if necessary.
  • Sensitive Hearing: Grotthu rely on hearing to locate threats as they have no visual organs, and as such have very sensitive hearing. This enables them to hear the shrieks of other Grotthu over long distances and makes loud enemies easy targets for the hordes.
  • Frail: The Grotthu are incredibly frail, to the point that they can easily be killed in unarmed combat, and a shot or two from most conventional weapons, whether slugthrowers or blasters, is typically enough to kill one, to the point where weapons larger than sidearms are typically overkill when fighting a single Grotthu.
  • Feral: The Grotthu have little intelligence, and as such have no knowledge of tactics. They attack in swarms not because it is tactically sound for them, but because it is the only thing they know how to do.
  • Blind: Grotthu cannot see as they have no visual organs, instead relying on their hearing to locate intruders.
  • Sonic Weakness: As the Grotthu have sensitive hearing, sonic weapons are capable of killing large scores of them at once.
  • Diet: Carnivore
  • Communication: Shrieks, screams
  • Technology level: The Grotthu have no technology to speak of.
  • Religion/Beliefs: While they are not fully sentient the Grotthu have obedience to their creator that borders on primitive worship, due to Khattazz's mental control over them.
  • General behavior: [ Describe general behaviors such as: family life, values, how they raise their young, how they find mates, how they interact with the world and other species around them. Do they hunt? Do they build? Are they inventors? Are they explorers? Are they nocturnal or diurnal? Do they attend schools? Etc, etc. ]
The Grotthu are a subservient race of Sithspawn created by the Yuuzhan Vong Sith Lord and Alchemist Khattazz al'Q'aah, the self-styled "Shaper Lord." Khattazz named the Grotthu after the Sith word for slave, and it is an apt descriptor: the Grotthu are little more than drones to be thrown upon the enemy, slashing them to death with a flurry of claws or otherwise drowning them in bodies. Khattazz created the Grotthu using genetic samples from the Givin species, allowing them to survive in exoatmospheric scenarios. They are not born, do not reproduce, and die quickly, and that suits their Lord's desires just fine. Yorik-kul is implanted into the Grotthu during their creation, allowing Khattazz to direct their hordes with his thoughts, and their fingers end in claws, grafted onto them from the paws of Tuk'ata.

They are little more than beast, feral and ferocious, and have nothing in the way of culture besides complete obedience to the Shaper Lord that borders on primitive worship.
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