Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Malok

    Banned List Update: Forcesabers

    Happy New Year, Chaos! I'd like to suggest a single amendment to the standing banned list. As of now, Forcesabers are included in the blanket ban against Rakatan technology. Now, I fully recognize and understand why the overwhelming majority of Rakatan technology was banned - but a Forcesaber...
  2. Itash Mecetti

    New Mandate!

    The idea behind the mandate system is amazing. It adds the ability to give your major faction some kind of niche, some flavor and atmosphere, some tangible benefits/weaknesses to the kind of nation you are roleplaying. I was discussing mandates today and came up with this idea. Seemed really...
  3. L

    Suggestion: Rebellion Overhaul

    [member="Zark"] Here you go buddy. I even included your suggested change. The question was raised in a Faction Chat, and I've heard repeatedly that "Rebellions have lost their teeth" since the change to the map and the restriction on Rebellions that require them only to be done to the 3rd...
  4. Progflaw99

    Invasions - Reporting a Concluded/Ready to be Judged Invasion

    Regarding Invasions I figure since I've been around for a handful of these now, I should really get around to bringing this up. Each invasion I've completed while involved as a faction owner or faction staff has begun, been conducted, and completed, but it seems that there's a severe lack of...
  5. Ignatius

    Not All Are Over Powered

    Over the past years that the site has had a factory, we have had banned and restricted items. Over these years, items have been added, removed, as well as completely removed all together. So, with the mind set of the possibility of change, here is what I propose. We loosen the amount of banned...
  6. Darth Abyss

    Pre Character Creation Forum

    I have thought about this for a while, and I now feel confident that I formulated this into an actually valid idea. Just before anyone gets a wrong impression, I don't suggest to impose a factory/codex like system on Character creation, what we have right now works well and as intended...
  7. Malok

    New Mandates!

    M A N D A T E S I adore the Mandate system. So for the past couple weeks I've been bouncing around a few ideas about expanding & updating the feature. Below are the suggestions that I'd love to see implemented. Some are for balancing, others are for loving on the Lore. If you like a particular...
  8. Kip Ridel

    HTTPS for sign-up/sign-in

    Hello! I did a glance through the topics in here to see if this was suggested prior, but I haven't seen anything on it. I apologize if this has been answered before. This is a fantastic and well put-together forum. However, one of the first things I noticed when I was signing up was a...
  9. Kainan Wolfe

    Warlord Rank Tag / Badge

    Hi everyone. First of all, I'd like to compliment the admin / mod team for the awesome job they're doing with this site and the community for making this place alive. Given the prominence of warlords both within the Expanded Universe / Legends and the new Disney Canon, I'd like to suggest the...
  10. Zef Halo

    Timeline Event Addition: Great Galactic War

    The title says it all. [member="FN-6767"] has started chronicling the events surrounding the 3 invasions which more or less will involve all major factions in some way, dubbing it 'The Great Galactic War'. Considering the influence on a galaxy-wide level of these events similiar to the...
  11. Lui Karns

    Html and CSS Support

    This might be a stupid question and may even have been asked before. But have the site developers ever considered adding support for html and particularly CSS styling functions in the forum section on the website. I've seen it done on other Roleplay Forums and working quite well. In addition to...
  12. Malok

    Salvaging Event Ships/Flagships

    It was brought to my attention that, with the most recent patch to the Factory, utilizing old "Ships of Legend" (i.e. Flagship-sized event ships) is pretty much out of the question. And at face value, I get the logic behind it. With every iteration of the factory, there's a renewed emphasis on...
  13. Malok

    Deregulation of Development Threads

    As of now, Development Threads have been reduced to a platter of finite objectives. It has become clear that, as a community, we will never truly be free of development threads so I suggest that we remove as much regulation as possible. To that end, this is my blanket suggestion for all...
  14. Ellie Mors

    Account Permissions

    As we have recently removed the master rank titles, which had a set of permissions (such as the "Show Edit by" line and the little text box that let us fill in a reason for an edit, or a checkbox to not show the Edit By line at all), I'd like to suggest that these permissions be given to writer...
  15. Malok

    Starting As Master vs. Rank Recycling

    Greetings Chaos, I've come to share with you an idea. But first, a question. Have you ever heard of tag recycling? No? Well, let me bring you up to speed! It's a quiet practice where, once a writer's muse has expired for a particular Master-level character, they simply request a name change for...
  16. Jsc

    Please Ban Beskar Melting Effects

    According to Star Wars Rebels Season 4, there now exists a technology within canon that can one-shot a person inside Beskar. In fact, according to this submission currently undergoing review right here on Chaos, (Which is a great sub btw, +1 swag,) this technology is currently being approached...
  17. Kenth Typho

    Name changes on Sub-Accounts

    I wonder if it is possible to allow character accounts to change their own names, similar to how the writer account works? I am aware that it's currently bugged. I don't exactly know what the problem is, but I assume it has something to do with no email/password being linked to the sub-account...
  18. Ugohr Poof

    Map game tweaks

    Maybe these suggestions are less radical than the last one, but here they are: Limit the number of hexes a major faction can hold to 20. Managing several sectors IC is definitely not getting any easier the more sectors there are to administer, and also allows more major factions to crop up. A...
  19. Josh Dragovalor

    Major Faction "Map-Game" Opt-Out

    This idea was spawned by reactions from a number of writers to invasions from the last couple of months, who have claimed that their faction being forced into invasions is very taxing on their muse. This has been said by members as well as even faction staff, in select factions I am in. As it is...
  20. Kael Rose

    Increase Minor Faction Ship Size Limit

    So I was taking a look the other day at the Ship Fielding limits and such and found this excellent graphic. Which makes a ton of sense in my mind, except for minor factions. 1000m feels too small with the expansion that's happened in ship sizes on the board. In the past people could only...
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