Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasions - Reporting a Concluded/Ready to be Judged Invasion


Well-Known Member
Regarding Invasions

I figure since I've been around for a handful of these now, I should really get around to bringing this up. Each invasion I've completed while involved as a faction owner or faction staff has begun, been conducted, and completed, but it seems that there's a severe lack of consistency as far as the end of each of these invasions. OOC wise, it seems each conclusion has been different in the way it was reported and to whom, even as to when it was noted that the invasion was completed by staff.

The Rules are here:


After reaching out to a few others, and speaking it over with my staff, we've realized that the current rules/ process for reporting the completion of Invasions is somewhat ambiguous. I don't know that there needs to be a change in the rules, but perhaps some clarification or a more definite process would not only allow for a more efficient processing of invasions but also provide a clear and defined process for faction owners as they report/ submit the invasion for judging by RPJ. Sometimes it seems RPJ's are assigned an invasion well ahead of the conclusion, other times it seems as if they're chosen last minute and the time frame between when an invasion is concluded and judges is kind of left up in the air. (Note: I'm not speaking towards the recent invasions, those were all clearly noted that the judging would likely occur into the new year due to the time at which they were launched and conducted).

TLDR version - It's kind of ambiguous as to the process for reporting a completed/ready to be judged. Who's to do the private contacting of the SWRP Chaos Staff Team? Is it to be done by PM or Discord? Is it up to the Faction Owners to start a joint message stating whether they would like to concede or not? It doesn't need to be a process overhaul or change on the staff side, but some additional clarity in the conclusion process would be nice.

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