Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Scherezade deWinter

    How to stop notifications for a specific status update?

    I've got notifications set to alert me when someone replies to a status update that I've replies to. Usually this is fine, but sometimes it just means my notifications go boom. Is there a way to switch this off for individual statuses?
  2. L


    So I was really interested in joining the site and was just wondering if there was some sort of main communication platform or Discord that I could join up to kind of talk to guys beforehand. Want to see if I can meet some folks and figure out what in the world I want to make.
  3. Jsc

    How to give Feedback and Critiques?

    It’s an old question. How do you give feedback to somebody you’ve never written with? You see their feedback thread. They’ve requested public opinion. They say they’re open to being roasted. Maybe you even want to help them too. Except... You’ve never even seen their stuff. You’ve never written...
  4. Jasper Candos

    Need a post removed please?

    Hey guys I need some help, I had double posted and I was hoping it could be removed, it said to be deleted.
  5. Spiky Elf Lover

    Well aren't I just a bundle of questions?

    Once again, things rise up that leave me with a question While examining settings for my subaccount I noticed there was that "Character biography link" section, how does one go about adding that?
  6. Spiky Elf Lover

    Character limit

    I don’t remember if I read this somewhere or not. But is there a character limit around here?
  7. Spiky Elf Lover

    New guy with lore questions

    So, evidently there’s a lot of Fanon running around here. And as I work out what I want to do I just wanted to know the current state of some of these planets/locations; Thustra Anzat Choah Asteroid Belt Devaron Togoria Also, if I’m allowed to toss in another question: Is there any...
  8. Fatty

    Has Staff utilized the Flashpoint Rules?

    If not, why not? Forget about them? Not having a dedicated staffer for that purpose? Hesitance to release results of an exceptionally bad roll? Just hasn't statistically happened yet because that one staffer can never roll anything other than a 1? :P I have my own suggestions on how the rules...
  9. Prazutis

    image spoiler, help?

    how do i put an image in a spoiler?
  10. Juno Atary

    CSS Injection

    Is CSS enabled (if there is such function,) on this forum? Just wondering.
  11. K

    Question about Sentient and Non Sentient

    Hello staff type people, I was wondering about an idea I had. If I wanted to play a non-sentient being that has been altered and experimented on so it would be sentient would I need to make a foundry application or is it okay to do this even? Basically something like Rocket Racoon from...
  12. I


    Can I be in more than one play at the same time?
  13. M

    How Much Force would a Force Droid use if a Force Droid could use the Force?

    I know that droids are incapable of using the force (most of the time) but how easy would it be to replicate? A few Ideas I had was: Gravity manipulation to simulate object manipulation Ability to shoot bolts of electricity to simulate force lightning Already enhanced physical abilities such...
  14. WolfMortum

    Rank Title Troubles

    Hey guys, So I've been having a few troubles with this latest rank title update (which looks bloody amazing with the new rank titles that have come out). At first, my PC wouldn't register the new ones on older posts but if I posted something it would show the updated images. Naturally I figured...
  15. Ayda Elisantra

    Removing a tag

    How does one remove a tag on one's own thread? I need to remove a WIP tag on a sub of mine.
  16. Ayda Elisantra

    How do I create...

    I can't seem to locate the template or instructions as how to create a Minor Faction. I need to do so in order to build a sizable mobile hospital ship that will be part of 'Doctors Without Borders'. Yes, That may also be the name of the Minor faction. Any link to 'How to' will be appreciated...
  17. Prudii Shysa


    I'm working on my character, a Mandalorian, and had a few gear related questions? For his armor and ship do I just say this is what he's got and as long as it's not unbalanced I'm good, or do I need to work up something for the tech boards? On a related note, weapons. If I plan to use weapons...
  18. She Zriknot

    Show Button

    How do you get the show button when posting in the factory or codex?
  19. Darth Ophidia

    Rebellion Rule Clarification

    As The Sith Empire is being rebelled I thought to myself, "Why, it is time to brush up on those rebellion rules!" However, in reading through I came to this passage: Any other Minor Faction may join the Rebellion by posting their intention in the same thread. This made me question, what are...
  20. Vee Toa(Hutt Rep)

    Codex Judging

    Lately I have been looking through old-factory submissions and noticed that some writer-accounts and character-accounts were judging submissions, can someone explain?
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