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Junction Eternal Crusade: Calm Before the Storm (SGHW) | EE/AC Junction of Javin+Bavva/Florn




Among the horrors of war, it must not be forgotten that this part of the year symbolises renewal. And the Eternal Empire and Ashlan Crusade will jointly go to the Galactic Alliance to defend Tython, which the Maw was about to attack. In the pre-war period, especially in such an important battle, good morale is very important. Just because GA has lost a lot of fights recently. And now the whole galaxy is in a hurry to help them.

After all, Tython's fate was at stake…

But today it was not about war, but about celebration, about renewal, about hope. About a ball and knightly tournament in Ession, organised by the Eternal Empire as its own embassy, which is also the home of the heir to the throne, which is why the host of the evening is Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir and her husband, Lord Geiseric Geiseric . Inside the palace, a large-scale ball awaits those interested in this kind of entertainment, politics, diplomacy, dance, luxury and splendour.

While in the palace, the participants are engaged in the ball, a different kind of entertainment awaits the participants on the huge estate outside. Knight tournament with various competitions where candidates can compare their knowledge in a friendly way. They can fight each other in individual competition, or just the two Empires competing against each other as teams. Anyone can start in Eternal Imperial or in the Ashlan Imperium's colours.

And if someone can’t find their calculations as a contestant, they can still be here as a spectator and bet on the contestants.



Objective 1: The Ball
The huge and luxurious ball, the theme of which is entirely in the spirit of rebirth, hope and light. After all, nature is renewed every spring, and even today it symbolises this. But this is a good metaphor for the Eternal Future as well. A better and brighter future. This is why anyone, regardless of rank or position, can take part in the ball.

At the ball, the appropriate clothing (preferably evening) is the dress code, however, masks are not mandatory, nor are they prohibited. The evening is a great opportunity for anyone to meet new people, make business, dance, or just deepen diplomatic ties between the two empires.

The proceeds will be donated to charity for the victims of the war.

Objective 2: Tournament
While the ball is taking place in the palace, there is a knightly tournament outside in the park, in the estate. Here, players can be contestants, or just simple spectators who want to have fun or just bet on which empire will win the Easter tournament.

Competitors can compare their knowledge and skills in two numbers. One shooting, sharpshooting, and the other duel with a traditional sword or lightsaber, of course, none of the weapons can cause fatal damage, as this is a friendly tournament.

There is only one question left, who will be the champion of the two empires?

I will post a short description of the challenge for that round, then, using whatever die roller you choose, roll a d12. Your score is how well it goes, the higher the better, the total will be out of 60 for the five events. Screenshot your results or roll with the forum's new feature, but it will be an honour system.

If the end result is a tie, it will go down to a crowd cheer decision, mechanically it will be a comparison between the two tieing characters of number of advantaged and disadvantaged rolls posted. Because everyone knows the Crown loves an underdog story. The least advantaged or most disadvantaged wins the tie.

Bonuses + Handicaps

If your character profile page has a strength that is relevant. Or if you can think of a genuine justification (for example super strong as a species strength) then you can roll with advantage. This means rolling 2 dice and picking the HIGHEST.

If your character has a weakness that is relevant, then you will roll with disadvantage. This means rolling 2 dice and picking the LOWEST.

Don't abuse the strengths and be honest about the weaknesses, if you put that your weedy little Zilkin is a crack shot, roll that bonus for the shooting, but don't forget he might struggle with the test of strength.

Special Thanks: Thank you for the rules to Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana .

Objective 3: BYOO
Bring your own story, there is an entire hex worth of stories to be told. Have fun in any way that you please!


Location and relevant links:

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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Try to having fun.
Location: Ball room, Gullna Höll, Ession
Equipment: Elegant Attire | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Open
[ Waltz ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Ession; perhaps it was one of the places Ingrid fond of the least in the Galaxy. On the one hand, because it was not an ice planet, but average. But mostly because of the Light Side Planetary Nexus created by her daughter, Eina, and her now husband, Geiseric. That Nexus will really kill her one day. Because of this, as always, she had to take appropriate precautions to eliminate the effects of the Nexus. The pain was worth the result, especially when she saw the roster of who might be here.

As always, she would have enjoyed Pietro Demici Pietro Demici 's presence; it had been quite a long time since she had last seen the good old Cardinal. The man is always trying to run away from her. He may not be able to do this on this planet anymore. Not to mention the fact that Lord Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson was also a very pleasant company and it was very good to talk to him. But it will be revealed who will be here today.

Of course, Ingrid arrived at today’s event not only as a mother and mother-in-law, nor just as an Empress of the Eternal Empire. Had she been able to choose between the roles she would be present in the role of mother; but duty is duty. That is why she also represented the HPI Consortium and the Brighter Future Foundation. Both companies and Ingrid were prepared to donate in person during today’s charity day. As she and her companies usually did.

The red-haired woman wore only a simple evening gown, not wanting to outdo her daughter when she was first a host. Though she worried about it, the last ball hadn’t turned out the best years before. True, the couple had been married ever since, but understandably Ingrid didn't want her daughter's heart to break again.

But she wasn't so worried, everything was great with them, they were happy and balanced. However, Ingrid was alone again because of the Eternal Imperial rules. She took a glass of champagne from one of the waiter's trays and sipped it, and she walked slowly through the ballroom. She wondered who was here today.

OOC: If necessary or the partner wants it, I'm more than happy to change the Objective.

Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade, Living Saint of Ashla
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Objective: Try to having fun.
Location: Ball room, Gullna Höll, Ession
Equipment: Elegant Attire | Head decoration || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Tags: Open
[ Hijo de la Luna ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina still didn't particularly like balls. The first one still evoked bad memories in her, especially since they hadn’t really been together at any ball with Geiseric Geiseric since. It seemed to be true on this day too and she has to be here alone as a host. She wasn't happy to have it all arranged right in their home, but the Valkyrja knew it was all about the need to work together and show unity to the rest of the galaxy. Last but not least, they also supported the charity by giving today's proceeds to the victims and victims of the war.

In essence, this was the only reason she allowed others to be allowed into this corner of her and Gei's home as well. Eina was like her mother or even her father in this. Although she lived in public, she was always careful about her private life and it was precisely because of that that anyone knew very little about how she lived and what she was doing above that when she is fighting with members of the Ashlan Crusade.

That’s why it might have been surprising to Heinrich how much the girl enjoyed fighting when the trio - Gei, Hei and Eina - fought together again at Weken. Not even those closest to her knew her completely. Although she was kind and tried to be direct to everyone, it was hard for her to open up to others. Really open. One more thing she inherited from both of her parents.

In any case, the Living Saint of Ashlan was here, trying to welcome everyone to the ball and greet them as one would expect from a good host. Even if it was all very stressful and tiring to her.

Eina has gained a great reputation in recent years since joining Ashlan Crusade, although she has remained modest throughout. Nor did she care much about she becoming Ashla's Living Saint because of her actions, or she was often called as Light of Ashla. What was important to her was to be able to help others, heal the wounded, the wounded souls, or support and protect those in need.

She looked through the ballroom, pulling her wings together to not be in the way of others. Eina finally had a few minutes when she just didn’t have to greet anyone. How much easier was the winter ball at Lur, where Isla was the host…

OOC: If necessary or the partner wants it, I'm more than happy to change the Objective.

Overseer for Imperial Scientific Development

Dr. Trinity Harris
DXenbo MAnthro
Overseer for Scientific Development

Location: The Imeprial Embassy, Ession
Objective: Enjoy Party
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa
Attire: Pretty dress

Riding: Phantom
Accompanied by:
Ship: Luminary class light explorer exchanging crew space for biolabs

This was the first Imperial Function that Dr. Harris had attended since she was made Overseer of the Comittee of Scientific Development and she was excited to be here. She rembered fondly the first ball that she had attended whilst working for the Eternal Empire, not long after joining the Royal Institute of Science, she had been nervous and felt somewhat out of her depth, but how her confidence had grown over the time she had served, culminating in her newest role. She looked at her date for tonight, her now long term girlfriend Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa , she had a lot to thank her for, she had helped Trinity find the confidence to push herself harder, she had always been quite ambitious, but she never realised quite how ambitious she was.

Looking around the room, she saw the host, Princess Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir she looked lovely as all the images as she seen and the absolute image of her mother, she would need to make her introductions later. Bit first she felt it important that she greet The Empress. Their commander was now her direct superior and she would likely be working with her even more frequently than she had been previously. Trinity admired the Empress for her own Scientific merits, being the leader who created the very role that Dr. Harris now filled, but she had to be careful that admiration did not become toadying, there was a balance to be struck, both for the respect of the Empress and that of her significantly more experienced fellow overseers.

She led Eleena through the usual gaggle of well wishers that would likely follow Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim around whereever she went. She seemed currently alone, so Trinity grabbed a glass of champagne and approached.

"Good afternoon, my Lord, its l good to see you, its an honor to be invited to the home of your daughter." she smiled and glanced at Eina again. "This is my partner Warrant Officer Eleena Salwa. Its a shame the law doesn't allow your husband to attend events like this with you."

Outside the tournament was ongoing, Trinity had not had the chance to go and look at the competitors, but MEIPOC had given her a few insights and she had placed a couple of bets on the Imperials, it reminded her a little of her university days.

"Have you had much time to observe the tournement yet? Any thoughts on the competitors? Lord Geiseric Geiseric looks like quite the knight in his public images."


Location: Park, Gullna Holl | Eisson
Objective: Tournament
Equipment: None
Tags: Open

He was like a fleeting memory to the Empire. Occasionally appearing in the public eye for a couple of hours, and then seemingly disappearing for at least a couple of months before anyone heard from him. Then again, Rath knew no one that would want to keep tabs on what he’s doing and where he’s been. The search to quell the black hole within his soul had been somewhat fruitful. Only to learn that the very thing he used on a daily basis was slowly killing him like a cancer.

Visually the young man may not look like that, but deep down it’s like he’s being swallowed up by the Force itself. For the most he could do was to keep it at bay. Recent developments led to Rath discovering a good way to postpone the sentence, even if it meant a few years it was still more than enough for him. As he discovered, time was precious and often taken for granted. With all of the power in the world, and yet with a short period of time. With the upcoming storm with the Maw, it was a matter of time before Rath took to the fight once more.

However, the attack on Panatha left him broken physically, and was in short incapacitated for the longest time. This time, for this particular ball, there happened to be a tournament taking place. Granted that festivities were never his thing, Rath didn’t mind competition every now and then. Competition is vital for growth as it tests both parties and forces them to adapt. In this particular case, given his lack of involvement with the Empire for the last few years in the public eye. Rath decided to be the spectator unless someone goes unchallenged.

For this instance, Rath didn’t bring any fancy clothing. Instead he only wore a long sleeved button up black shirt with slacks. Yet his footwear was perhaps the most odd considering that he’s wearing dark boots that were mostly covered up by the pant legs. His tainted yellow eyes looked out upon the spectacle if there was anything going on. The sleeves were neatly rolled up to his elbows as he basked in the sun’s warmth. Curiosity led him to wonder just what the Force had in store for him this time.



Location: Imperial Embassy, Ession
Objective: Have fun
Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir & OPEN

Wearing: Pretty Dress, Snowflake Necklace

Isla admired her dress in the reflection as she walked up the path to the entrance to the ball, it was a lovely day for the ball and as much as Isla loved Lur, it was winter there at the moment, so very dark and very cold for a lot of the day. In the new Bucephalus shuttles, Ession was barely half an hour from Lur which made events here and parlimentary business very convenient. She had been eagerly looking forward to this party, to see her allies, who in all honesty were also her closest friends in a happy and non-military event was fabulous. She was still sad that Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix was unable to attend with her, but there had been recent news that she was alive and an anonymous group had taken the rescue bounty that the crusade had posted. It all had to be done very hush hush, if the rumours turned out to be true, direct Ashlan involvement could be politically problematic. But if a bounty hunter was to get caught, that was their problem, not hers. She fiddled with her snowflake necklace, a cherished token from Tiresh.

She walked in and was immediately taken back by the flash of colours from thw different outfits, interspersed with the hard military attire of some if the Imeprial command that would wear a full Hersir to the beach if given the chance. The Embassy was a splendid place, fitting well the Princess and Saint, she wondered how her and Geiseric Geiseric felt living in such splender, Jedi were typically fairly humble creatures, and Eina herself was not famously extravagant considering her royal heritage. Isla made a beeline for Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir to give her best wishes.

"Eina, you look fantastic, your outfit is beautiful, and I love your home here." she said, greeting her friend affectionately, "I hope I am not jumping on you in a moment you were hoping to have a breather, being the host can be quite challenging sometimes." she had a wide smile to be able to see her friend in this light, despite having the little feeling in the back of her head that they never completely had closure on the pain that Isla thoughtlessly caused her. But Isla had apologised and explained herself, she only hoped Eina had had the time to forgive her by now. "We will have to have a little dance later, SAINT has been teaching me a few dances from your homeland and I think you will be impressed."


Heinrich Faust: Grand Marshal of the Ashlan Crusade

Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre , Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana


The halls of the palace were alive with the sounds of merriment as people celebrated together. It had been a while since such a gathering had occurred, as many were distracted by the constant perils that plagued the galaxy. Thankfully, they would have this moment of reprieve, if only a moment. As for the Grand Marshal, he was simply looking forward to the occasion. He had been in relatively higher spirits as of late, having found some comfort in his time with Oraada. Her presence had been rather calming for him, allowing him to remember that there was still memories to be made outside of the wars of the galactic powers.

He entered the hall, grabbing a drink as he made his way through the crowd. Greetings were made to those that he recognized as he passed by, which ended up being more than he initially expected. The position of Grand Marshal came with a certain level of recognition from those within Ashlan Space, and Heinrich had never really grown accustomed to it. Nevertheless, for once he actually felt comfortable in his own skin, or at least, more than he had in a long time.

Having finally gotten past most of his initial greetings, Heinrich approached Isla and Eina, taking a sip from his drink as he met them with a smile.

"Eina, Isla, always a pleasure. You both look as elegant as ever."

He motioned around to the crowded masses as he spoke.

"The turnout here is quite astounding, I hope that it means that the charity efforts are doing well."

Charitable work was something that the Crusade had become heavily involved in as of late. As the Tingel Arm became more tamed under Ashlan rule, there had been increased discussion involving exactly what to do with the region once it was fully under their banner. There were many that had suffered from war and tyranny, and the Crusade sought to remedy that unfortunate circumstance.

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Try to having fun.
Location: Ball room, Gullna Höll, Ession
Equipment: Elegant Attire | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Trinity Harris Trinity Harris | Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa | Open
[ Waltz ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Ingrid met several acquaintances as she walked; greeted others, or just spoke a few words with people she knew or had just been introduced to the woman. As she dealt with this, she saw two acquaintances approaching her. It would have been weird if she hadn’t known Harris, especially after the young woman had been named the new Overseer not so long ago. And the red-haired woman knew Eleena, as they had been together countless times in the battlefield where they had worked together. True, mostly in different places.

<"Warrant Officer Harris, Warrant Officer Salwa!"> She welcomed the two women, then nodded and she saluted, clenched fist over her heart, in the manner of the Nelvaanian military.

Since their salutation wasn’t too striking or took up too much space, she always did it. After all, she was a soldier, also the commander-in-chief of the army and fleet. Through her origins and upbringing, the woman was a soldier at almost every moment.

<"To you, Lord Tubrok's address is Overlord, Warrant Officer. You are no longer a civilian but a soldier and Overseer. For now. No one can make a mistake twice."> she said in her usual cold and military voice. <"We both know and know our duty, the interest of the Empire is always first.">

Ingrid said this not only because it was expected of her; the woman always had the Empire and her job first, not her family. It was well known. She nodded to the next, yes, she saw who would be the competitors. Had she had to bet, she would indeed have bet on Lord Geiseric; but she didn't know if the man would be here.

<"Lord Geiseric, if he participates in the tournament, is indeed one of the most likely. He is Lord Grayson's best knight. And I'm not biassed."> she was really not biassed, not least because she was always much more critical of her family members, and Geiseric was already L'lerim and she considered him as a family member.


Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade, Living Saint of Ashla
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Objective: Try to having fun.
Location: Ball room, Gullna Höll, Ession
Equipment: Elegant Attire | Head decoration || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Tags: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Open
[ Hijo de la Luna ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

["Lady Isla, welcome!"] she greeted the Prime Minister in Essionian, she learned this language and now usually she always used this when she spoke with Gei or the Ashlan members. ["You look… fantastic too."]

She wasn't sure if that was the right answer to it or not. She still has serious problems with human habits.

["Sometimes too big and too luxurious, although our actual living space is less luxurious and much more homely."] she explained.

The Valkyrja knew they would actually have been happy in a simple apartment or house. But because of ranks and the like this was necessary. She looked at Isla questioningly and confusedly after the woman's words as she mentioned the dance. Eina never danced with anyone, at most Gei at their wedding, but never another time. And of course, on the battlefield, if anyone considered the war and fighting a dance.

["I'm sorry, but I don't think I'm going to dance tonight."] she told her.

She was glad and happy to see Heinrich, and the man came to them. She smiled kindly at him and, as always, hugged her brother if Hei let that happen. She saw him so rarely. More recently. They had a common mission at Weken, but almost nothing before and after. It has occurred to the woman several times that her brother may have deliberately avoided them. Not to mention he still hadn't told Gei what he wanted.

["I miss you, see you so rarely, lately. It's like you are neglecting everyone. We almost never talk anymore like before. Maybe I... or we offended you with something?"] she asked him, she didn't really understand the reason…

She and Gei didn’t change their habits, and in the same way, they met the same number of others as before. The fact that they were a couple and already married did not exclude the others. Even if they were far apart physically, in spirit, heart, and Force, they were always together, in one place. So it was really unusual for Eina and she didn’t understand if someone neglected her friends a little because she would be with someone else, even though it was natural for others, most of the people… true she didn't know about Oraada.

She looked through the crowd and then back to her two companions.

["I think yes. My mother… that is, her people are very good at organising such events."] she said, her voice now somehow distant and a little sad.




Oraada Laabre, Ashlan Crusader

Jedi Knight​


Objective: 1 - The Ball
Location: Javin
Thread Partners: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana

Bonus - Outfit!



Nothing ever came easy. Peace, life, and love were all the ideal, but as long as the Bogan was around, there would be no tranquility in the Galaxy that was safe. Oraada knew this, just as she was sure everyone else knew it. Nonetheless, she also knew that tomorrow was never gauranteed. With such in mind, she wanted to enjoy every moment possible before the inevitable sting of some loss or even her own death. Spending time with Heinrich Faust was, in and of itself, a gift. The man was incredibly busy in his station as Grand Marshal and was needed quite often... and yet every moment she managed to steal was like the rising of the sun, beautiful and bright.

Preparing for this occasion tonight had been a trial in and of itself. The Jedi was used to living frugally and wearing little to no adornment besides the ornament on her montrals that used to hold a padawan braid. But now? Now she was deciding what would be appropriate, but most certainly impressive. Even if she had Heinrich's companionship, there was always that fear of becoming obsolete. At long last, once she felt confident enough, Oraada entered the hall and wandered about briefly.

When she caught sight of Isla, Eina, and Heinrich, she smiled softly and made her way over. Being just a keeper of the temple, she wasn't as required to greet every living soul in the space.

"Good evening," she began with just enough volume to be heard. "I hope the night has been treating you well."

Allowing a moment for any replies, she took in the atmosphere. Lacking proper ears in favor of sophisticated hearing organs, the sounds of many, many voices danced about Oraada's head. She couldn't make any of them out, of course, but it meant that the attendance was quite high. And with high attendance, that meant a great deal of proceeds for charity. Such was enough to put her more at ease amongst a sea of faces.

"I'm not very... experienced in balls, I'll admit, so I hope it isn't a bother if I hang about?"



Objective: Have fun?
Equipment: Fitted Suit | Tinfoil Hat Band

Asmus slowly strode into the gathering, tall form and black tattoos in alarming contrast from the beautiful surroundings of the people around him. He felt severely out of place from his usual idea of a fun time. Weapons and starship maintenance always held a place in his mind for pleasurable past times. People regardless of race always had a reason for showing up and showing off. Money, reputation, connections. It was never about actually enjoying the moment.

At least that had been his experience.

He'd thought about joining the competition, but had wanted to see the faces of the people directing the military actions before thinking of joining on that event. Some were chubby faced beings that perhaps had seen a bit too much desk time, others were scarred and held themselves with a posture that denoted the pride in their capability without making a show of it. There was always a confidence in their stride that was unmistakable.

Then there were those untested bodies that strutted and preened, begging to be put in their place.

Glorifying the sacrifice that they would make or even the romanticized idea of being a war hopping being. The glory they perceived would be there's for some imagined noble stride into combat with every advantage without the notion of failure. It made him angry beyond reason to see those idiots.

Stopping by the donation table, he slipped a disposable credit stick with something he felt would be generous enough. His time before the Eternal's had not been fruitless, even if he had to slog through the hoops of the level entry within the Eternal Empire's the contract system. Ten-thousand credits seemed decent enough for a private donation, at least without the backing these people had. The most he'd ever dropped from his account besides buying a personal ship.

Most of his contracts had been worked out to include ammunition, transportation, and even food costs. He always enjoyed allowing the contractee to believe themselves the best at supplying their people. Companies liked showing off. Like getting good reviews. Made it easier for them to reach certain groups of contractors. It was too bad they didn't understand that even contractors had their own code.

And made quick use of it to figure out which companies could be squeezed just a little harder to make a job worth doing.

The frugal lifestyle had supplied him deep pockets. Dropping that donation hadn't done more than hurt the surface level of his frugal living. Bare bones and easy meals on the fly. Nothing like sitting in a fancy restaurant sipping triple digit or higher wines. Didn't like fancy, too many rules, too much expectation. His frown showed through as he tried to rest his hand against his hip for the piece that was usually present.

Discomfort painted the tone of his sigh, stopping by the drink stand and selecting something from the collection before spying the Empress herself speaking with those of higher standing with the Ashlan's. He walked close enough to pass them by, keeping his eyes forward instead of making it obvious that he was curious about their conversation.

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre

Objective: Tournament
Equipment: Lightsaber (Non-lethal)
Tags: Open

The fights between men and women amongst the nobility was… well in truth to Rath's perspective it was very much like watching two new bloods playing war with each other. Almost to the point where he found himself cringed from the fights. Of course, the spectators cheered with each victory and gasped as the swords and practice sabers clashed. It was, for the lack of a better term, comical.

Come to find out that a lot of the nobles' young sons and daughters were either freshly trained or were still in the middle of training. Apparently to the eyes of nobility, this tournament was supposed to prove their worth to their family. A concept that Rath personally never grasped since the Eternal Empire and the Shroud Wardens were the only thing he served. Of course, even if he did have a family, the nobility world was a foreign concept to him.

The crowd cheered as one of the more obnoxious sons with short, oiled hair bested one of the less experienced fighters. He turned his attention to the crowd and basked in the small glory of his victory. Rath just blinked as he watched the spectacle before him. Some of the people next to him were cheering alongside the crowd, and frankly his appearance stood out given the lack of excitement. One of them that was seated behind him spoke, a masculine voice that sounded so young.

"Are the fights really that uninteresting to you or are you blind to greatness?" Rath didn't even glance at their direction as he wasn't aware that he would be graced with the privilege of conversing with the nobles. That was until one of the daughters with long curly blonde hair nudged him with her elbow, and motioned with her chin for Rath to look behind. So he did, and it was indeed a young man dressed in fine clothes and oiled brown hair. Rath thinks he could smell hints of lavender in the air too, but it was hard to tell with all of the people around here.

"It's considered to be uncouth to ignore those who speak to you."

"Most people are often absorbed in their own world to converse with others. I am but one man who happens to think that the fights here are missing a spark." Rath answered before looking out to the field. Where the blonde victor began walking around the ring and openly challenged the crowd. Everyone looked amongst themselves to see who would take him up on the offer. Rath was only going to let it slide because he honestly felt like it was a waste of his time. That was until, a loud voice from behind him called out.

"This man here says he can best you with a lightsaber!" Rath didn't like the feeling of whoever the noble behind was referring to. So he turned his head to look at the brunette and saw that he was pointing at Rath. The feeling like he was being set up.

"Is that right?! Well let's see it then!" If anything, the sword-wielding noble knew how to bring the crowd into an uproar at the false acceptance. For one, Rath knew that this was an unfair matchup. Not for him, but for the son prancing around the ring as he exchanged the sword for the familiar cylindrical hilt. Rath sighed before he got up to his feet and climbed over the fence line that divided the audience from the fights that often took place. Fortunately most of the fights take place near the center, but still.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Rath asked out of courtesy, and it came off as a challenge and a insult to the man's pride.

"Of course I'm certain! I already know that there's no way you can defeat me!" Suddenly Rath was reminded of the countless Sith and other fanatics that he had slain due to their pride. Their blind bravado, their sheer arrogance. Rath waltzed over to collect his training saber.

"Really? Did the Force whisper to you of this outcome or is this coming out of your imagination?" Rath contested the young man's words, but with the purpose to anger him. Make him wield his anger blindly, creating countless mistakes in the pursuit of sating their ire. Unfortunately this one was no different as his face turned red as anger swelled within him. The second the bell rung, the nobleman ignited a yellow blade produced by the hilt and charged at Rath. Rath ignites his saber to block the powerful slash. A quick snap of his elbow around the locked sabers clipped the son on the cheek. Leaving the man dazed as his vision momentarily blurred from the impact. There was a strange golden light in front of him, and the man was confused as to why it was there.

That was until he realized that the light was actually Rath's lightsaber as the blade remained to be about 3 inches from touching his neck. Rath's eyes remained fixed on the noble, reading his emotions as well his body language. Yet it was the killing nature behind his eyes, the will to end a life without a spare thought, was clear to the man. And frankly, that scared him. Signaling his defeat, the nobleman switched off his lightsaber, and Rath does the same as he lowers his arm. The crowd was oddly silent, and when they whispered amongst themselves Rath could feel the discontent with his display. Ending the fight as quickly as it began. That was no way to fight in this tournament, or was it?

Truthfully Rath didn't care as he handed the hilt back for the other contestants to use before he started to make his way back to the stands.



Location: Imperial Embassy, Ession
Objective: Have fun
Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre

Wearing: Pretty Dress, Snowflake Necklace

["Sometimes too big and too luxurious, although our actual living space is less luxurious and much more homely."] she explained.
Isla understood that feeling, she herself lived in a beautiful castle, but she had deliberately had it built to make the insides feel as cozy and homely as possible. "There is nothing as lovely as that cold night, cozy in front of the fire reading an old story is there?" everyone knew Isla has a library in her castle that she was very proud of and it was her little sanctuary in the galaxy, and she could often be found in her private time reading old novels and mitary journals written on paper books.

"Its OK, I won't make you dance with me," she laughed, her High Nelvaanian language tutor had taught her a couple of Imperial dances, she was bound to get a chance to show off at some point. It was quite fun learning a language the old fashioned way as the secretive nature of the Empire meant her biochip didn't let her cheat on this occasion.

"Heinrich, Oraada, it is lovely to see you both. Maybe one of you two would humor me for that dance. I have eaten more than my fair share of Cat's Paw in the run up to this festival and feel the need to move a little."

Isla too was pleased by the charitable mature of this event, over the past year or two she had leaned heavily into the more humanitarian aspects of leadership, with many of the Ashlan worlds now living in a post-sith era, it was needed to help rebuild from the awful way that the Bogan tended to manage the populations as no more than a captive audience to their own egos. It was difficult sometimes, but well worth it.

She looked at Oraada with a questioning eye, "Its a party, there is no trick to it, just enjoy relax and enjoy a moment for yourself, i can take you and show you around the Embassy a little and maybe give you some tips for your first ball if you like, we can give these old friends a moment to catch up cant we?" Isla smiled invitingly at Oraada and glanced at Eina, she was aware how close the sibling relationship was between the Eina and Heinrich, and thought it might be nice for the two of them to have a moment away from battle to speak. For her part she was also quite eager to get to know Oraada a little better herself.



Location: Imperial Embassy, Ession
Objective: Enjoy
Tags: Open.


Mith'akis'ormo walked into the ball room in an elegant black suit, still in awe of the venue. It truly was a beautiful place. Glancing around, there were so many unfamiliar faces, I suppose thats what happens when you go on leave. Unfortunately, his wife hadn't been able to make the event, a shame, but it wouldn't stop Thakis from enjoying himself.

The Chiss had learned to grow more comfortable in these types of situations, after all, an Admiral needed connections, connections he could only gain at events like these.. Hopefully he could get to know the crowd a bit better, he could use the break from constant warfare. Where can I find a drink... Pausing as he spied a semi-familiar face, the events host and heiress to the Eternal Empire, Eina L'lerim-Vandiir.

He only knew of her due to her title of course, though this was the closest he had come to meeting her. Maybe later, first, he needed a drink.



Location: Imperial Embassy, Ession
Objective: Enjoy
Tags: Open
Nyrasa Emrick entered the ball room as heads turned, it wasn't often she dressed herself up, especially not this much. She was here to maintain an appearance though, possibly even make a friend or two. Plus, who didn't like to dance. Her dress was elegant, with jewels embedded into the fabric, hopefully it would catch someones attention.

She could use something to lighten her mood, after just returning from the Black Citadel, there was so much work to be done, and not much time. Even if she couldn't get anything out of the ball, she promised herself to at least attempt to enjoy the event. After all, it wasn't every day she had the chance to meet interesting people such as those mingling before her. Making her way in no specific direction, she waited for a dance.



Equipment: Lightsaber Claymore, Ashlan battle armour Shock Gauntlet, Icarus gravpack, Ashlan Rosary, survival kit
Tags: Rath Nihro Rath Nihro
Location: The tournament grounds, Ession

Dressed in her traditional family Tartan, Greer strode proudly out into the tournament grounds. She had signed up the moment she could, the tournament on Florrum had done wonders for her self confidence and been the kick up the backside to get her to request her Jedi trials, she waved to some of the onlookers and kissed her Rosary before sliding it inside her robe. The first round was not going to be her favourite, she was never a good shot, not growing up, not during the last tournament and not today, there was a reason the huge saber was her weapon of choice.

As she walked out she wiggled her toes in her boots. She had been told it was all in her head, that the tech in her ankle and foot was as good as if she had regrown it herself, and from the outside, it looked like her own foot, but she swore to Ashla that she could hear the whirring of servos as she walked. Ashla liked to test her it seemed and Greer was proving herself time and time again to be up to the challenge. She supposed she should be thanking Aria Scavo Aria Scavo too, for her quick actions keeping her on this side of the crossing to the Nether.

She looked over at Rath Nihro Rath Nihro who himself was gearing up, she didnt know who her opponent was for the sword fight yet, but she fancied her chances much more in that round. "Hey Imperial, names Greer" she said with her friendly brogue "Good luck out there yeah! Lets give them a good show."

She stepped forward on her turn and took a Knee with the rifle in her arms. Calming her mind, she focused on the small targets ahead and as she breathed out she pulled the trigger, every other breath another pull and another. She was feeling more natural than she used to, having had a little practice, and she had grown since the last tournament, the odd shots she did miss bothered her less.

As the buzzer went she calmly looked at her score. Greer couldn't help but crack a grin seeing her name up towards the better end of performances. She made a short prayer of thanks to Ashla and stood to walk back past the other competitors.

Result 8 - disadvantage not a shooter

Objective: Tournament
Equipment: None
Tags: Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich

In truth, once someone has gone through the military some say people never truly leave the military. The saying was true for Rath as most of his experience came from being a soldier. This quickly became evident to the others after his short display of putting an arrogant young noble in his place in front of the others. The brunette lad who set Rath up into this tournament was only disappointed that the spectacle came to a sudden end as it began.

”Really? So much for that spark you spoke of.” He mocked, yet he sighed in defeat. Rath glanced over to the noble before answering.

”That’s about how quick fights usually last. Find their weakness, exploit, and take them out of the picture as quickly as possible so you can take out the next target.” The young man wasn’t sure what was worse. Rath explaining the logical reasoning behind it or the fact that Rath had to use that tactic so many times beforehand. Of course, Rath was never the type to draw out fights unless he absolutely had to. In other words, stall whoever he’s engaging so that whatever needs time to get done.

Rath was in the process of gearing himself up, mostly by changing his shoes into wrapping cloth around the arch of his feet. Considering the shoes he wore were dress shoes as he honestly wasn’t going to participate in activities that required him to move around. However in this tournament’s case, it was just more comfortable to take them off and add compression on his feet. As he was doing so, Rath was approached by one of the contestants. A pale face that he wasn’t familiar with, and the large hilt of what he assumed to be a sword protruding past her shoulder. There was a certain strength behind her eyes, but whether that was from the resolve or her force sensitivity Rath wasn’t sure. Possibly both. If there was anything else, she didn’t carry the scent of decay that he often smelled from dark siders.

She addressed him as an Imperial, which was sort of a first in Rath’s experience, before introducing herself. He nodded in acknowledgement before he spoke.

”Rath Nihro, a pleasure to meet you Greer.” Her words of encouragement were heard, and Rath could feel himself being drawn into a spectacle whether he liked it or not. Most of the things he has done in life were always done when nobody was looking, or if there were someone then it would’ve been very few and very rare. Whether it was cutting up Mandalorians, putting his own master to rest and his fellow fanatics, or even the Sith themselves. Was this the Force pulling him into a different direction? Most people don’t even think of it, but to Rath the Force always had a hand in everything. Like some unseen hand guiding events and influencing many individuals like some entity playing god.

Whatever the case was, they went out for the sharpshooting aspect of the tournament. Rath wasn’t going to claim that he was the best sharpshooter in the galaxy, but he knew his way around the rifle. Contestants took their respective turn to hit their targets, some did well, others missed a lot more than they hit their targets. Greer was up next, and she did very well all things considered. Rath was up next, and practiced control of his breathing and precise adjustments to ensure he hit his mark. All and all he scored the same amount of points as Greer did.

The results caused the audience to brew a storm as the decision ultimately came down to them. Rath felt the overwhelming anxiety and awe from the crowd. However, he could tell from the sense of their emotions and what they were speaking of favored Greer. In the end, Greer was declared the winner of this match. Some might expect the result to bother Rath, but in truth it really didn’t.

”Congrats on winning.” Rath spoke to Greer before he went to gear up for the next act of this tournament.

OOC: Roll an 8 with advantage given his past experience as a Soldier.



Heinrich Faust: Grand Marshal of the Ashlan Crusade

Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre , Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana


It felt good to see everyone together off of the field of battle for once. Though Heinrich was often one of the first to dive into the fight, he found that he had missed the more calm times in between. The energy within the ball was quite the welcome change of pace, and though he never really found his footing with people referring to him by his rank, he somehow still felt comfortable in this moment.

He chuckled a bit as Eina mentioned that he hadn't been around.

"No, not at all. I have just found myself rather preoccupied, as of late. A lot of my spare time has been spent at the Temple. I am quite eager to see the completion of its construction. That, and well..."

The Grand Marshal felt another familiar presence, one that he had been spending a considerable amount of time in the company of in recent weeks.

"Lets just say Ashla works in mysterious ways."

He turned toward Oraada as she approached, his smile growing as she drew closer. Every time she walked in the room, it was as if the dawn itself were approaching, radiant and breathtaking. Heinrich almost felt a little silly, at times, when they were in the same room. At first, he wasn't sure how to handle the feeling, having often stumbled over his own words when they spoke. But lately, he came to realize that she brought out a part of him that had long been buried beneath years of turmoil and doubt. In many ways, he started to feel like his old self again.

"Oraada, you look absolutely stunning," he said with a smile and a bow. "I'm glad you could make it."

Turning his attention to the group as a whole, he chuckled once again as Isla proposed the idea of a dance.

"I'm sure one of us will be able to accommodate you. It's been too long since any of us have had a proper dance."

Another quick glance back to Oraada followed.

"Feel free to let the Prime Minister steal you for a while, so long as I can steal a dance before the night is out."

Heinrich wished to catch up with Eina, as it had been too long. Despite this, he would also make sure to keep that promise to Oraada before the ball was over. All in all, he was just happy to be surrounded by those close to him. It was a gentle reminder that, though his blood family was gone, he would always have a home within the Crusade.

Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade, Living Saint of Ashla
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Objective: Try to having fun.
Location: Ball room, Gullna Höll, Ession
Equipment: Elegant Attire | Head decoration || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Tags: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre | Asmus Omaand Asmus Omaand | Mith'akis'ormo Mith'akis'ormo | Nyrasa Emrick Nyrasa Emrick | Open
[ Hijo de la Luna ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

["Dis will surely be happy to know that someone loves their products so much."] Eina really liked that little Shadow.

As they talked, it still hurt the girl that after Weken, the man was still not honest. In fact, it was as if he hadn't been here with Isla and her. He gave Eina a fairly evasive answer to the question, and then turned away very quickly, as if he didn't want to talk to her or was bothered that the Valkyrja was here. Or as if everything else is more interesting than this conversation.

Of course, she couldn't see the smile on the man's face as Heinrich turned around. Last but not least, Eina still didn't recognize if anyone was in love or anything. For her, Gei was still the first and only one, and their relationship was always special and unique, not traditional. So she couldn't use her own experience either.

["Welcome!"] she greeted the togruta.

So for her, it was just painful the way Hei almost ruled her out at the moment and cares about everyone else except her. For Eina, the man's words were as if she had only answered so she could go on and to gain a reason to not want to stay here. Of course, she might have misunderstood it, as mortal habits were still complicated for the Valkyrja.

["I see, I have no intention of getting in the way of Ashla's will. Please forgive me… I don't want to bother you any more!"] she said in a sad voice. ["I have to greet even others. Gei and I won't accompany you on the road to Tython. After the ball we go back to the Netherworld, there are a few things we still have to do there before the war. We're going to go to Tython from there."]

She nodded to the trio once more, then walked on. After a few steps, however, the Valkyrja hesitated, stopped and turned back. Her gaze was distant, care-worn, and sad.

["War, Death and Rebirth shadowy the Force and the future. I don't know what will happen next. Take care of yourself while fighting. May the Ashla's blessing accompanies you and your steps!"] she told them, and it was like a farewell, an eternal one.

Now she was really turning away from the threesome and walking into the room. She wiped a tear from her eyes, Eina still didn't like the balls.


Overseer for Imperial Scientific Development

Dr. Trinity Harris
DXenbo MAnthro
Overseer for Scientific Development

Location: The Imeprial Embassy, Ession
Objective: Enjoy Party
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa
Attire: Pretty dress

Riding: Phantom
Accompanied by:
Ship: Luminary class light explorer exchanging crew space for biolabs
The Dr. Internally cursed herself, a stupid rookie mistake, having spent too long working as a civilian scientist with the empire, she had forgotten the correct formalities. "Apologies, my Lord, I assure you it won't happen again."

It made her think to herself about the last Time she was on Ession, a science expedition into old Sith terriority as a civilian contractor, oh how times have changed, she barely even felt like the same person any more.

"I look forward to seeing how the Ashlan's finest fare against our own. And the charitable ends of ball are a great tribute to the Princess. I am hoping to increase my own humanitarian service too once I have acclimatised to my own new duties."

She had put in a letter of intent to become personally involved with the Brighter Futures Foundation, her elevation to Overseer and the associated salary, along with the profits from.her own discoveries had suddenly made her a woman of quite some means, and she hadn't had chance to fill her life with the expensive trappings associated with wealth yet, so whilst her income far exceeded her outgoings, there were many more people that could benefit from her intervention. She wondered how much personal involvement Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim herself had in the foundation.


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